The template starts on the fourth page.
The first few pages are timesavers for use in Microsoft WORD (2003). If you’d like tips for 2007, email
STYLES - Automatic Generation of Table of Contents (TOC), List of Figures, etc.
From the menu
First each entry must be designated by the appropriate style (style shown in box in upper left corner of
Formatting Toolbar).
Table of Contents are generated from designated styles: Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.
This template has the appropriate tabs for Table of Contents, etc. In the INSERT > INDEX AND
TABLES Formats box: use "from template". [Note: the preliminary pages are at a different heading than
Heading 1 and are at Level 2 in the TOC]
For List of Tables/List of Figures: Use INSERT>CAPTION to automatically number them. Use appropriate style for the text of the Figure or Table.
Use INSERT>CAPTION for automatic generation of Equation numbers, but delete "Equation" and put number in parentheses next to the right margin.
Figure Cross-reference. Once you have the figures inserted you need to link them to the section of the text that refers to the figure. That is done with a cross-reference (INSERT>REFERENCE>Cross-reference. With the cursor in the location that refers to the figure, choose the Reference type (in this case Figure). “Insert reference to:” – Only label and number. Highlight the appropriate figure caption. Now whenever the figure number changes the cross-reference will chance.
Style notes:
Let the style do the numbering automatically. You may have to restart the numbering on subheadings with each chapter. Go to FORMAT>BULLETS AND NUMBERING. Click restart.
If you already have your thesis in another document, copy the styles from this template.
Open Word > Tools > Templates and Add-Ins > Organizer (bottom left button).
Open File on left to be the
Open your file on the right (make sure you’ve saved it under a different name first).
Copy all from templeteMS to your document.
For Mac: Place templateMS in the Microsoft Word templates folder. Open your thesis document.
Go to FORMAT>STYLE GALLERY. Select templateMS in the template box. Click okay. Copy all the
Use the paintbrush icon (on the Standard toolbar) to apply styles quickly. Place the cursor on text with the desired style, click once on the paintbrush, style will appear on next paragraph clicked. Two clicks of the paintbrush keeps the paintbrush active, until clicked again.
If you have trouble with Word placing bullets on more text than desired, use styles. This document has two bullet styles, one for thesis body (List Bullet – 12pt, 11/2 spaces) and one for this section
(PrelimBullets-11pt, single spaced). Another way to avoid problems is to make sure the Normal style is not automatically updated (FORMAT>STYLES>NORMAL>MODIFY>uncheck automatically updated).
Then you can change the Normal style without other parts of the thesis changing.
Page Numbering and Tabs
Use section breaks to divide the thesis for formatting different page numbers. INSERT>Section Break.
Make sure that the "Same as Previous" button (on Header and Footer toolbar) is not active. Section breaks also allow you to setup for printing pages in landscape direction.
To manually tab Table of Contents:
Highlight complete TOC
Clear all previous Tabs
For headings and subheadings using left tabs: Alignment 'Left', Leader 1 'None'
For page numbers: Alignment 'Right', Leader 2 (for dots to page number).
To have page numbers on the vertical bottom of landscape page:
Go to Footer, INSERT>PAGE NUMBER (from main menu, NOT from Header/Footer toolbar), click to see the frame, move cursor over it until cross-lines appear, drag to appropriate spot, go to
Figures may be inserted as pictures (unable to edit) or objects. Use EDIT>PASTE SPECIAL with 'Float over text' checked. If your figure is a .tiff or .jpeg, you may INSERT>PICTURE – select file and check 'Link to
File' and uncheck 'Save with Document' to keep the size of your document down. Then save with document to submit electronic copy to the library.
If you have a landscape figure, you can reorient the one landscape page with a section break before and after the page. With your cursor on the figure page change the Orientation. To move the page number to the vertical bottom, see Page Numbering and Tabs above.
Quick Use of Uncommon Characters
INSERT>SYMBOL - choose and insert
Windows WORD:
INSERT>Symbol>Special characters gives a list of keyboard shortcuts.
Other keyboard shortcuts (PC):
Highlighted section becomes:
Control [
Control ]
Control =
Control + one font size smaller one font size larger subscript superscript
Toggling returns to original state. For Mac use 'Command' (Apple) in place of 'Control'.
Win key (key with the Windows logo) shortcuts:
Win F, Find Files or Folders;
Win M, Minimize All;
Shift Win M, Undo Minimize All;
CTRL Win F, Find Computer;
Win Tab, Cycle through Taskbar buttons;
Win Break, System properties.
Win F1, Windows Help;
Mac shortcuts for selected symbols :
For this: Use Option +
˚(degree) k
For this:
Use Option + x
For this:
Option+ p
Å w shift + a
ø m o
∂ s d
≤ z
+ v b
5 g r
Make Shortcuts PC (Mac)
INSERT>SYMBOLS click on symbol needed and click create shortcut (Shortcut Key). For Windows in this document the degree (°) symbol has the shortcut CONTROL D.
Foreign Letters
For Mac go to APPLE>CONTROL PANELS>KEYBOARD. Ex: The first 'e' in Fréchette is obtained by using the German keyboard; hold down the '=' while pressing the 'e'. To see which key provides the accent mark for a country, go to APPLE>KEY CAPS. Don't forget to change the keyboard back to U.S.
URL’s in a reference should not be underlined. Select the URL and remove the underline the same way you would apply it. If you want to change the hyperlink style for the whole document:
FORMAT>STYLE>Hyperlink Modify >FORMAT>FONT Change underline to “none”.
Nonbreaking space and hypen
To keep a string of words or hyphenated words together (e.g. formula) use a nonbreaking space (will wrap the series of words to the next line to keep them together. Use Control-shift-space or Control _ (nonbreaking hyphen).
Widow and orphans
Widow (last line of paragraph on top of page) and orphan controls (first line of paragraph), default is to prevent one line hanging at the top or bottom of the page. Default is to prevent. To turn off:
Format>Paragraph>Line and Page Breaks>widows..
Using endnotes in Microsoft Word
If you do not use the Endnote software, Microsoft Word does not hyphenate reference superscripts in text.
To have hyphenated superscripts, manually add the hyphenated range, select the endnote superscripts, go to
FORMAT>FONT and check 'hidden'.
Advisory Committee:
IV PRELIMINARY RESULTS (IF APPLICABLE) ................................................ 5
V WORK PLAN AND SCHEDULE ......................................................................... 6
VI SAFETY AND WASTE DISPOSAL ..................................................................... 7
[Table of Contents was automatically generated. When you click on it, the whole area turns grey. Only
Roman numeral headings need to be used in your proposal. Subheadings are present only for displaying format. In your thesis the Table of Contents will be numbered “iv” (Signature and Acknowledgments pages are added). ii
[Summary or abstract of the proposed project (<1 page). Do not add references to the abstract. Leave that for the Literature Review.] iii
[Brief discussion describing why the research is being conducted (< 1 page),
The following text is chopped and present only to show format features.]
In ultrasonic systems, frequency modulation is difficult because resonant frequencies are controlled by the elastic modulus, E, density,
, and sample thickness, t:
[Note: Reference superscripts come after the punctuation and are numbered as they appear in the text, first crediting is number 1, etc.] f
2 t
[Note: When a equation caption is generated (see initial pages), delete the word “Equation and put parentheses around the equation number. Tab the equation away from the left margin, place your equation then right tab to equation number]
[Focused review of the literature that is relevant to the project (< 8 pages)]
[Note: Each Heading 1 starts a new page.]
Background on Ferroelectrics
This causes an electric flux imbalance; to alleviate this imbalance, surface charges appear. The net external charge created by the net internal dipole density defines spontaneous polarization.
[Note: Superscripts follow punctuation and have no spaces before or between them. EndNote will place a hyphen between multiple superscripts in sequence, a comma between if out of sequence.]
Figure 1. The Perovskite structure has the general formula ABO
[Note: After inserting the figure caption, put a period and tab, so titles will line up in generated List of
Figures. Figure descriptions are in sentence form with a capital letter to start and period at the end]
It is important to note in Figure 1. the …
Instrumentation Background
Critical instrumentation used in this thesis which is less commonly used in electronic ceramic characterization is described in this section. These descriptions are confined to the measurement of strain and acoustic velocity.
MTI Fotonic Sensor
The MTI Fotonic Sensor 2000
was used in this experiment to ensure the accuracy of the strain gauge measurements. It utilizes the concept of an optical lever where the power of a light beam striking a vibrational surface is modulated in such a way that the power of the reflected beam is proportional to the displacement of the surface.
Pulse-Echo Instrumentation
The pulse-echo method is one of the most important in ultrasonic imaging. In many areas, including medical applications and nondestructive evaluation, it constitutes one of the fundamental principles for acquiring information about the examined object.
Table I. Comparison of Berlincourt Measured Values
[Note: Insert a tab mark so there is about two spaces between period and Title. If you add spaces instead of a tab, Titles will not line up in List of Tables. Table titles have title capitalization (with some exceptions all but prepositions and articles have a capital letter.]
[Note: Inserted objects (tables and figures) do NOT follow the margins set up in WORD (only text follows the margin rules). Check to make sure objects are within the margins.]
[Describe how each objective be implemented]
[(if applicable) – a presentation of any preliminary results]
Results and Discussion for PZT
Figure 2. Maximum dielectric constant for PZT P8 at various frequencies during heating.
[Description of the proposed work broken down into tasks and subtasks with a proposed schedule for the project (< 3 pages)]
Literature search
Preparation of ____
Measurements of …..
Starting Date
October, 2002
January, 2003
March, 2003
Completion Date
January, 2003
March, 2003
June, 2003
{Brief description of any safety concerns and plans for hazardous waste disposal (<1 page)}
[References are examples and do not match thesis text above. The reference list is not included in the proposal’s 15 page limit.]
Check that:
references are single spaced with 1.5 spacing between
all article titles are in correct title capitalization Formulas should be subscripted where appropriate and correctly capitalized. If using EndNote you have to copy the formula (or acronym and put in the exceptions box (Preferences > Change Case) so that EndNote will leave the capitalization alone. An alternative is to edit the SOE style (Edit > Output styles > Edit SOE > Bibliography
– change Title Capitalization to Leave as entered. Then you can manually add the title capitalization to articles that don’t have it.
journal titles are abbreviated
publishers have their locations, and that state names are consistently written out or in postal abbreviations. If the city is well-known, do not add the state or country.
page ranges are with digits eliminated unless needed (e.g. 2271-82). Add page ranges for a book as well unless the whole book, or substantial number of portions, is being credited.
1. B. Jaffe, W.R. Cook, and H. Jaffe, Piezoelectric Ceramics ; pp. 92-5 .
Press, New York, 1971.
“IEEE Standard on Piezoelectricity,” ANSI/IEEE Std. 176-1987. American
National Standards Institute, New York, 1988.
3. D.W. Richerson, Modern Ceramic Engineering ; Ch. 7. Marcel Dekker, New York,
S. Nomura and K. Uchino, “Electrostrictive Effect in Pb(Mg
Materials,” Ferroelectrics , 41 [1-4] 117-132 (1982).
5. S.A. Brown, C.L. Hom, M. Massuda, J.D. Prodey, K. Bridger, N. Shankar, and
S.R. Winzer, “Electromechanical Testing and Modeling of a Pb(Mg
Relaxor Ferroelectric,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
, 79 [9] 2271-82
W.D. Kingery, “Grain Boundary Phenomena in Electronic Ceramics,” pp. 1-37 in
Grain Boundary Phenomena in Electronic Ceramics . Edited by L.M. Levinson.
American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, 1981.
7. J.T. Dawley, G. Teowee, B.J.J. Zelinski, and D.R. Uhlmann, “Piezoelectric
Characterization of Bulk and Thin Film Ferroelectric Materials Using Fiber
Optics,” (1998) Mechanical Technomics. Accessed on July 1999. Available at
S.P. Leary, “Methods for Quantifying the Nonlinear Electromechanical Response of Pb(Mg
-Based Relaxor Ferroelectrics”; Ph.D. Thesis. Alfred
University, Alfred, NY, 1998.
C. Elissade, J. Ravez, and P. Gaucher, “The Low and High Frequency Dielectric
Relaxations in Lead Magnesium Niobate Ceramics,” Mater. Sci. Eng., B , B20
[3] 318-23 (1993).
10. "Test Methods for Apparent Porosity, Liquid Adsorption, Apparent Specific
Gravity, and Bulk Density of Refractory Shapes by Vacuum Pressure," ASTM
Standard C 830-88. 1998 Annual book of ASTEM Standards, Vol. 15.01.
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1998.
11. W. Schulze, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, January 1998, Private Communication.
12. J.G. Fagan, Jr. and V.R.W. Amarakoon, "Process for Preparing a Bulk Textured
Superconductive Material," U.S. Pat. 5,523,284, June 1996.
13. D.R. Clarke, "Direct Observations of Lattice Planes at Grain Boundaries in Silicon
Nitride," in Nitrogen Ceramics . Edited by F. Riley. Noordhoff Press, Groningen,
The Netherlands, 1998 (in press).
Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization ; pp. 120-121. Edited by C.R. Brundle,
C.A. Evans, Jr., and S. Wilson. Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 1992.
15. W.M. Carty, L. Bergstrom, B.R. Sundlof, and W.A. Schulze, "Ink-Jet Printing
National Science Foundation Proposal," Alfred University, Alfred, NY, 2000