Supreme Court List for 24 November 2015 COURT OF APPEAL TRIAL DIVISION courtrooms are located at: courtrooms are located at: 459 Lonsdale St. Melbourne 210 William St. Melbourne Old High Court Ground Floor 450 Little Bourke St. Melbourne 436 Lonsdale St. Melbourne Court of Appeal Criminal Division Justice Priest, Justice Beach Green Court, Ground Floor 459 Lonsdale Street, Melb. S APCR 2015 0208 DPP 4:00 For Mention v. Tshiswaka Kayembe Mwamba Civil Division The President Red Court, First Floor 459 Lonsdale Street, Melb. S APCI 2004 7300 SHIRLEY IRENE SANDHAM & Ors. 9:00 Directions Hearing v. EQUITY TRUSTEES LTD Trial Division Criminal Division Justice Coghlan Court 2, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. 10:00 S CR 2010 0039 Application Under the Surveillance Devices Act 1999 10:30 S CR 2015 0024 R Application Trial v. Maxwell John PAIN Justice Hollingworth Court 11, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. S CR 2015 0004 R 10:15 Part Heard v. Michael Stuart ROBERTSON Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 1 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Trial Division - Continued Criminal Division - Continued Justice Lasry Court 3, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. 9:30 S CR 2015 0154 In the matter of an application by DPP For Mention 10:30 S CR 2014 0163 R Trial v. Michael David HOGAN S CR 2015 0050 R v. Parminder SINGH 10:30 Further Plea Justice Macaulay Court 4, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. S CR 2015 0011 R 10:30 S CR 2015 0010 R 10:30 Part Heard v. Jake SPITERI Part Heard v. Bekim MUHTARI Justice Croucher Sitting at County Court 6-2 250 William Street, Melb. S CR 2013 0170 R 10:30 Part Heard v. Jovan JOJIC Common Law Division Justice Priest Green Court, Ground Floor 459 Lonsdale Street, Melb. S CI 2011 02639 The Secretary to the Department of Justice 9:30 Application for Review v. Robin Angas Fletcher Justice Beach Blue Court, Second Floor 459 Lonsdale Street, Melb. S CI 2015 05967 Kimberley Louise Duthie 9:30 Application v. Ricky Lee Nixon & Ors. Justice Cavanough Court 15, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. S CI 2014 06731 Rodney Allan Pearce 10:30 Trial v. Dr John Lloyd & Ors. Justice J Forrest Court 7B, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 2 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Trial Division - Continued Common Law Division - Continued S CI 2015 05902 Commonwealth Bank of Australia T/AS Bank of Western Australia (ABN 48 123 123 124) 10:30 Application v. Milojko Gajic & Ors. Justice T Forrest Sitting at Wodonga S CI 2014 05411 Stephen McGowan 10:00 Trial v. Hills Industries Limited & Ors. Justice Emerton Court 5, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. Pre-trial Directions S CI 2014 04601 Secretary to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources 10:00 Pre-Trial Directions v. M.G. Pastoral Company Pty Ltd Valuation Compensation and Planning List S CI 2015 02664 Secretary to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources 10:30 Application v. CRG Nominees Pty Ltd Justice McDonald Court 6, First Floor 210 William Street, Melb. S CI 2011 00490 Arthur Zafiriou 10:30 Trial v. Saint-Gobain Administration Pty Ltd Justice Zammit Court 12, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. 1 10:00 S CI 2015 04116 Victorian Workcover Authority Part Heard v. Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd (ACN 095 250 945) & Ors. Commercial Court Justice Robson Court 6, Third Floor 223 William Street, Melb. S CI 2007 10077 AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES & INVESTMENTS COMMISSION 10:00 Trial v. TREVOR JAMES FLUGGE Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 3 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Trial Division - Continued Commercial Court - Continued Justice Judd Court 3, Ground Floor Old High Court 450 Little Bourke Street, Melb. S CI 2013 00978 Willmott Finance Pty Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) 10:30 Part Heard v. Mahendra Singh Justice Judd Court 3, Ground Floor Old High Court 450 Little Bourke Street, Melb. Commercial List - List B S CI 2015 01841 IDP Education Limited (ACN 117 676 463) & Ors. 10:00 For Judgment v. Lejburg Pty Ltd (ACN 601 032 231) & Ors. Justice Elliott Court 9, First Floor 210 William Street, Melb. Commercial List - List D S CI 2012 06727 Minh Nguyen & Ors. 3:30 For Judgment v. Tu Phan & Ors. Justice Robson Court 6, Third Floor 223 William Street, Melb. Corporations List S CI 2007 10081 AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES & INVESTMENTS COMMISSION 10:00 Trial v. PETER ANTHONY GEARY Justice Digby Court 13, First Floor 210 William Street, Melb. Corporations List S CI 2009 04804 ABL Nominees Pty Ltd (ACN 106 756 521) (in its capacity as trustee of the Lighthouse Warehouse Trust No 8 (Environinvest Finance)) & Ors. 9:30 Application v. Euan Pescott Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 4 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Trial Division - Continued Commercial Court - Continued Associate Justice Efthim Court 2, Ground Floor Old High Court 450 Little Bourke Street, Melb. Corporations List 10:30 1 S CI 2015 01790 Australian Securities and Investments Commission Trial v. Planet Platinum Limited (ACN 101 217 252) Associate Justice Gardiner Court 6, Ground Floor 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. Company Winding Up Applications 10:30 1 S CI 2015 02722 In the matter of Automobiles of Melbourne Pty Ltd (ACN 140 174 509) 10:30 2 S CI 2015 04419 In the matter of Australian Planning Consultants Pty Ltd (ACN 058 823 368) 10:30 3 S CI 2015 04425 In the matter of Dynamic Possibilities Pty Ltd (ACN 145 629 045) 10:30 4 S CI 2015 04626 In the matter of Information Outlook Pty Ltd (ACN 081 877 787) 10:30 5 S CI 2015 04688 In the matter of Nesci Group Pty Ltd (ACN 066 277 183) 10:30 6 S CI 2015 04707 In the matter of Howso Pty Ltd (ACN 072 186 808) 10:30 7 S CI 2015 05143 In the matter of SA Developments (Vic) Pty Ltd (ACN 143 118 003) 10:30 8 S CI 2015 05510 In the matter of Quality Living Kitchens Pty Ltd (ACN 103 952 610) Associate Justice Randall Court 3, Ground Floor 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. Corporations List 2:15 1 S CI 2015 05425 Jing Ma Trial v. Bonadio Wholesale Fruit Distributors (VIC) Pty Ltd atf Bongeorgi Unit Trust (ACN 123 368 810) Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 5 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Trial Division - Continued Commercial Court - Continued Judicial Registrar Ware Mediation Room 3 Level 6 (436 Lonsdale St) 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. Corporations List S ECI 2015 00175 In the matter of an application by Matthew James Donnelly, David Mark Hodgson and Andrew Stewart Reed Hewitt in their Capacities as Joint and Several Administrators of Carpenter International Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) (ACN 165 690 657) 10:00 For Mediation Practice Court Justice Hargrave Court 10, Ground Floor 210 William Street, Melb. 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 1 2 3 4 S CI 2015 01111 Jeffrey Simon Woods (also known as Jeffrey Helfenbaum) S CI 2015 05808 John Kotsifas S ECI 2015 00407 Rabobank Australia Limited (ACN 001 621 129) & Ors. S ECI 2015 00407 Rabobank Australia Limited (ACN 001 621 129) & Ors. Application Helen Lowy Application Caterina Parente & Ors. Application Vincent Littore & Ors. Directions Hearing Vincent Littore & Ors. Contact the Associate to the Practice Court Judge (AFTER HOURS ONLY) on 0412 251 757 or 0419 303 981. During business hours, contact the Practice Court Coordinator on 9603 9288. URGENT APPLICATIONS Associate Judges Associate Justice Wood Room 1, Mediation Centre, Sixth Floor 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. 10:00 1 S CI 2014 05032 Gary John Palise For Mediation Colin Jeffrey Palise (who is sued as the Executor of the Will of Norma Margaret Palise, deceased) Associate Justice Daly Court 4, Ground Floor 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. 10:00 1 S CI 2010 04856 Katrina Jean Anic Directions Hearing Moffat Pty Ltd Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 6 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Associate Judges - Continued 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 2 3 4 5 S CI 2014 02291 Gregory George Evans & Ors. v. Baw Baw Shire Council & Ors. S CI 2014 05793 Andrew Kohn Pty Ltd (ABN 16 881 812 311) v. Mrs Mac's Pty Ltd (ABN 75 009 068 473) S CI 2015 05941 Mohammed Tiba S CI 2013 06538 John Paton Russell Directions Hearing Directions Hearing Directions Hearing v. The Secretary to the Department of Justice For Mention v. State of Victoria & Ors. Associate Justice Derham Court 2, Ground Floor 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S CI 2012 02644 Maxwell James Landt & Ors. S CI 2013 04014 Rosa Maria Morello S CI 2013 04342 Robert Francis De Bono S CI 2013 04994 Giovanni Morello (who brings this proceeding in his capacity as the executor of the Will and Estate of Giovanna Morello, deceased and in his personal capacity) S CI 2014 00958 Maria Cleofe Williams S CI 2014 04075 Trevor Raymond Jolly S CI 2014 04191 Andre Anthony Coffa & Ors. v. David Bruce Izzard (Who is sued as the Executor of the Will of the abovenamed Deceased) v. Giovanni Morello (who is sued as the Executor of the Will and Trustee of the Estate of Giovanna Morello, deceased) v. Paula Valerie Burke (who is sued as the Administrator of the Estate of Irma Irene Miller v. Rosa Maria Morello & Ors. v. Kim Isabella Vassallo (who is sued as the Executor of the Will of Teddy Vassallo, deceased) v. Geoffrey Thomas Jolly (who is sued as Executor of the Estate of Shirley Evelyn Jolly) v. Equity Trustees Limited ACN 004 031 298 (which is sued as Executor of the Will of Luigina Anna Milani, deceased) Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 7 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Associate Judges - Continued 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 S CI 2014 05934 Louis Kirszbaum S CI 2015 00729 Joan Anne Brayshaw S CI 2015 00919 Paul White & Ors. S CI 2015 02748 Dallas Westbrook & Ors. S CI 2015 03097 Helen Margaret Payne S CI 2015 03140 John Raymond Payne S CI 2015 03147 Carolyn Ruth Jinnette & Ors. S CI 2015 04044 Paul Anthony Jackman S CI 2015 04556 Clara Di Battista S CI 2015 04929 Angela Peters v. Lola Volkov (who is sued as Executor of the Estate of Sonia Kirszbaum, deceased) & Ors. v. James John McCarthy (who is sued as Executor of the Will of Michael David Brayshaw, deceased) v. State Trustees Limited (sued as executor of the Will and trustee of the estate of Eileen Agnes Deschamps, deceased) v. Rosemaree Benington (who is sued as one of the Administrators of the Estate of William John O'Keeffe, deceased) & Ors. v. John Raymond Payne (who is sued as the Executor of the Will of Allan Payne, deceased) v. Carolynn Ruth Jinnette (who is sued pursuant to Rule 16.04(2) RSC Chapter 2 as persons having sufficient interest in opposing the Plaintiff's application) & Ors. v. John Raymond Payne (who is sued as the Executors of the Will of Allan Payne) Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Application to Join Part y/s v. State Trustees Limited (ACN 064 593 148) (who are sued in their capacity as the executor of the estate of Joyce Emily Janet Jackman, deceased) v. Grazia Maddalena De Carolis (as Executrix of the Will of Cecilla Anna Maria Di Battista, deceased) v. Nicholas James Van Eeken (as Executor of the Estate of the late Julius Atse Van Eeken, deceased) Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 8 of 10 Supreme Court List for Tuesday, 24 November 2015 Associate Judges - Continued 18 10:30 19 10:30 20 10:30 21 10:30 22 10:30 23 10:30 24 10:30 S CI 2015 05287 Stewart Bruce Park & Ors. S CI 2015 05295 Sandra Gail Fisher S CI 2015 05389 Reginald Seng Hpa (by his Litigation Guardian, Zanda Dinsdale) S CI 2015 05469 Bruce Douglas George Silvester S CI 2015 05505 Heather Maureen Howey S CI 2015 05744 Maureen Joan Nation-Wallbridge S CI 2015 05839 Vicki Baldacchino (who brings this proceeding as one of the daughters of Ivan William Clark, deceased) v. Gregory John Park (who is sued as the Co-executor of the Will of Bruce Alexander Park, deceased) v. Jennifer Ann Simpson (who is sued as one of the Executors of the Estate of Harry Bruce Devere Quinton, deceased) & Ors. v. Reginald Seng Hpa (as the executor of the Will of Lynette Pearl Seng-Hpa, Deceased) & Ors. v. Marilyn Kelly (who is sued as the Executor of the will of Gaye Elizabeth Schade, deceased) v. Alison Maie Howey (who is sued as Executrix of the Estate of Russell Ian Howey, deceased) v. Amanda Jane Campbell (sued as Executor of the Will and Trustee of the Estate of Percival Anthony Wallbridge, deceased) & Ors. v. Linda Jane Clark (who is sued as the Executor of the Estate of Ivan William Clark, deceased) Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Part IV TFM Directions Hearing Costs Court Judicial Registrar Gourlay Court 5, Ground Floor 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. S CI 2015 01787 Tanya Versace & Ors. 9:30 Taxation Callover v. Fanissa Pty Ltd & Ors. Costs Registrar Conidi Hearing Room 1, Fourth Floor 436 Lonsdale Street, Melb. S CI 2015 03188 Emmanuel Panourakis 10:00 Taxation of Costs v. John Raymond Morrow Pre-Trial Conferences Printed: 24/11/2015 08:41:49 Page 9 of 10