Dispersal in a declining caribou ‘meta-population’? March 31, 2008 Harry van Oort1, Bruce N. McLellan2, and Robert Serrouya3 1. Columbia Mountain Caribou Project RPO 3, P.O. Box 9158, Revelstoke, B.C., V0E 3K0, Canada email: hvanoort@gmail.com tel: 250-837-0820 2. British Columbia Ministry of Forests RPO 3, P.O. Box 9158, Revelstoke, B.C., V0E 3K0, Canada Email: rserrouya@telus.net Tel: 250-837-7613 3. British Columbia Ministry of Forests RPO 3, P.O. Box 9158, Revelstoke, B.C., V0E 3K0, Canada Email: Bruce.McLellan@gov.bc.ca Tel: 250-837-7613 1. Abstract Dispersal behaviours are known to influence the risk of extinction for local populations and meta-populations. The distribution of mountain caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin 1788) has retracted and is currently fragmented into 18 local populations. Most local populations of mountain caribou are declining. We analyzed a long-term dataset of radiolocation records to determine parameters of mountain caribou dispersal. Among 252 animals followed for 2 or more years, 8.3 % of the animals moved to new mating grounds at a distance greater than one home range from their initial breeding home range that we observed. Annual home ranges differed among age groups, and suggest that 2-year old caribou are more likely to disperse. Analysis of summer home range switching supported this notion, with all natal dispersal occurring among 2-year old caribou, but not 1-year old or 3-year old caribou. The average annual rate of breeding dispersal was 2.9 %, but dispersal rates were found to differ among sub-populations, with Columbia North caribou having the largest annual dispersal rate of 13.5 %. Dispersal distances were generally short relative to this species body size and home range size. There were only 2 documented cases (0.8 % of animals) where dispersal resulted in potential gene flow among local populations. These results suggest that mountain caribou are not prone to dispersing often or far, and are therefore susceptible to negative issues associated with poor dispersal among local populations. 2 2. Introduction The movement of organisms between breeding locations is common in many plant and animal taxa. Animals often disperse as juveniles, and sometimes switch breeding locations later in life (natal and breeding dispersal respectively). Despite potential costs, dispersal behaviours are thought to be adaptive (Johnson and Gains 1990). Within species, the probability of dispersing could be altered by many factors including the animal’s sex (Greenwood 1980), the inheritance of innate exploratory behaviours (Drent et al. 2003), social factors (Hestbeck 1982; Nilsson 1989), body condition (Dufty and Belthoff 2001), and population density (Matthysen 2005). Interspecific differences in dispersal strategies vary greatly, but remain poorly understood; however some interspecific relationships are known. Dispersal behaviours appear to vary with mating system (Greenwood 1980), diet (Sutherland et al. 2000), body size (Sutherland et al. 2000), and home range size (Bowman et al. 2002). Beyond these generalizations, theoretical and empirical knowledge of the evolution of dispersal strategies among species remains poor. Presumably, species adopt a dispersal strategy that best balances the costs and benefits of dispersal given their life history requirements, social organization, and the nature of their environment. The dispersal strategy adopted by a species may partially explain differences among species in their sensitivity to environmental change, especially after populations become fragmented. Variability in dispersal among populations can alter the rate at which populations change size (Hanski 2001) and share genes (Saccheri et al. 1998), and ultimately affect the risk of extinction (Simberloff 1988; Stacey and Taper 1992; Doak and Mills 1994). Dispersal behaviour affects gene flow between populations with consequences for the genetic viability of populations (Saccheri et al. 1998; Perrin and Goudet 2001). In small populations with low immigration rates, genetic drift and consanguineous matings can lead to an increased homozygous inheritance of deleterious alleles; as a result, inbred progeny may have compromised immune systems, higher incidence of parasites, and reduced reproductive potential (Simberloff 1988; Keller and Waller 2002). Inbreeding has been documented to occur within local populations and may threaten the integrity of a meta-population; for example, small local populations 3 were characterized by inbreeding depression in adders, Vipera berus, and toads, Bufo bufo (Madsen et al. 1996; Hitchings and Beebee 1998), and this effect has been shown to have large influence on the local extinctions within a meta-population of butterflies (Saccheri et al. 1998). Dispersal behaviour also plays a role in maintaining metapopulations by buffering unpredictable decline of local populations via source-sink mechanisms, provided that population regulatory factors vary in time and space (Simberloff 1988; Hanski et al. 1995). Hence, species that are prone to dispersal are better equipped to survive the population fragmentation. Because dispersal strategies vary among species, and are related to their risk of extinction, this behaviour has relevance to conservation of species at risk, especially when their distribution has become fragmented into a multiple local populations. The objective of this study was to appraise existing data for evidence of dispersal in mountain caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin 1788). Mountain caribou, an ecotype of woodland caribou (Heard and Vagt 1998), are currently declining (Wittmer et al. 2005a; McLellan et al. 2006). Much of their historic distribution is no longer occupied, and their current distribution is now fragmented into 18 sub-populations (Wittmer et al. 2005a; Apps and McLellan 2006). Between, and within most subpopulation boundaries, there is rugged geographic relief in the form of alpine peaks and large valleys. Additionally, deforestation has altered the habitat available to mountain caribou throughout much of their distribution (Apps and McLellan 2006; Wittmer et al. 2007). Population decline has been greatest in the southern sub-populations to the point where negative densitydependent ‘Allee’ processes are likely taking effect (Chourchamp et al. 1999; Wittmer et al. 2005a; McLellan et al. 2006). These southern populations are more isolated than the central and northern sub-populations, which are generally packed close together. Populations appear to be strongly regulated by predation (Wittmer et al. 2005b), and predator abundance is known to vary among local populations, and appears to have changed over time (Wittmer et al. 2005a; Mowat in prep). Dispersal behaviour, or lackthereof, is likely to play a role in the extinction risks of local populations and of this caribou meta-population as a whole; yet, despite the relevance of dispersal behaviour to conservation, accounts of dispersal in mountain caribou are illusive. In this study, we 4 quantify dispersal behaviour of mountain caribou via analyses of a 24-year dataset of radiolocations. 3. Study area Caribou telemetry data were collected from throughout the entire distribution of mountain caribou. Mountain caribou generally occur in the mountainous interior wet belt of British Columbia (Wittmer et al. 2005a). Their distribution extends from the McGregor range in the Rocky Mountains - approximately 80 km to the northeast of Prince George (55N), south to the international border with the United States near Kootenay lake (49N). In-between these geographic endpoints, mountain caribou are found in the Cariboo, Monashee, Selkirk, Purcell and Rocky Mountains. Throughout their distribution, mountain caribou typically utilize rolling plateau or rugged mountainous terrain characterized by deep winter snow pack. Mountain caribou select areas with intact tracts of old cedar-hemlock forest alongside alpine habitat (Apps and McLellan 2006). Migration between seasonal ranges is typical (Apps et al. 2001). In summer and late winter, mountain caribou generally utilize sub-alpine parkland habitat characterized by patchy stands of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook) Nutt.) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.). In early winter and spring many caribou move to lower elevation old growth forests of cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) and Pacific hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.). 4. Methods Between 1984 and 2008, on-going telemetry research on mountain caribou occurred throughout their geographic range. Data from these studies were used previously to describe the sub-population structure of mountain caribou throughout their distribution (Wittmer et al. 2005a), for modelling the dispersion of caribou populations across their distribution (Apps and McLellan 2006), and to investigate factors that may regulate these populations (Wittmer et al. 2005b; Wittmer et al. 2007). Using a helicopter, caribou were captured with a net-gun in late winter when caribou 5 frequent high-elevation open parkland habitat. Among all successfully collared caribou (n = 518), 60 (12%) were male, but age was not known for all animals. A small proportion of these animals were captured and collared as calves (i.e., when almost 1 year old; n = 26), and all others were either yearlings (when almost 2 years old) or adults. There were 43 animals classified as yearlings, and 137 were classified as adults. The remaining 312 animals were unclassified, but were known to be either adults or yearlings. Captured caribou were fitted with VHF- or GPS-collars. VHF collars operated for up to 6 years and locations were usually determined every 16 days. GPS collars generally lasted up 2 years. Smaller expandable VHF-collars were used for calves; these lasted up to 2 years. Some study animals were re-collared and followed for up to a maximum of 11 years. A proportion of animals (n = 103) were relocated from other areas to the South Selkirk subpopulation. A small dataset was available for examining concurrent locations of calves and their mothers (n = 10); the majority (7) of these cases provided data for less than one year, but were still adequate for examining concurrent mother-yearling summer home ranges. It was unclear from the literature at what age offspring become independent from their mothers, so we examined the concurrent mother-calf location data to make this known. Location data for all days in which both mother and calf locations were collected were compiled, and the distance between these locations was measured in kilometres. These data were averaged for each caribou season (5 seasons per year; Apps et al. 2001; Wittmer et al. 2006) – the average distance between cows and their calves within a caribou season. All cases began in the calf’s 4th season – late winter. These data were examined graphically to provide evidence of when calves move away from their mothers, signifying their independence and the initiation of the natal dispersal phase (Labonté et al. 1998). Telemetry location data were examined for evidence of dispersal by testing several spatial predictions constructed around dispersal behaviour. Dispersal involves unusually large mobility, and should increase the maximum distance that caribou move from capture, and the size of their annual home range. In organisms that have a well-defined 6 natal dispersal period, measures of home range size and distance travelled should differ among age classes. To test for evidence of natal dispersal, we first examined the effects of age at capture and sex on the tendency toward mobility by comparing first annual home range size in the year following capture. Considering all caribou locations, we examined the effects of age at capture, sex, and the number of locations on the maximum distance moved from capture location. For this study, we defined home ranges as minimum convex polygons fitted around all annual or seasonal locations for an animal. We tested for differences among means using general linear models (GLM). Dispersal of organisms should also result in geographically distinct home ranges. Dispersal distance and dispersal rates were calculated from a sub-dataset of caribou locations determined in the summer season. By restricting the dataset to one season, migration to and from seasonal ranges allowed us to define temporally discrete home ranges across years. Summer home ranges were examined because this time period includes their mating period, and therefore bears relevance to the genetic structure of caribou populations; however, other attributes also make the analysis of summer home ranges desirable. Summer is a relatively long mountain caribou season, allowing greater opportunity for accumulating telemetry locations (11 June to 21 October; Wittmer et al. 2006). This means that our determination of a seasonal home range will incur less errors from inadequate numbers of telemetry locations. Mountain caribou also show highest site fidelity during the summer (Wittmer et al. 2006), thereby providing greater analytical power to detect home range switching in this season compared with others. In almost all cases, we lacked knowledge of the true natal summer home range because all animals were captured after their first summer. However, for the calves observed concurrently with their mothers (n = 10), we assumed that the mothers’ concurrent home range approximates the calf’s natal home range. Otherwise, we used the initial summer home range delineated for a study animal after first capture to serve as its place of origin, and examined the data for evidence of summer home range switching (breeding dispersal). Dispersal was defined to occur when animals used summer home ranges that did not overlap with their either their mother’s concurrent summer home range, or their 7 initial summer home range, provided that the minimum intervening distance to the edge of the two summer home range polygons was greater than one average summer home range length. This proviso was included to reduce errors associated with underestimating home range size due to limited numbers of locations to delineate summer home range polygons for each animal. Additionally, the probability of reproducing with a different mate presumably increases when an animal switches to a home range more than one home range away (males and females have similar home range size in mountain caribou – this study). There was an average of 8.6 VHF locations per summer season for all animals monitored for more than one summer (n = 312). The length of an average home range (7.85 km) was estimated from a hypothetical square home range with an area equal to the mean area encompassed by the first summer home ranges from all caribou that were no trans-located (n = 348, x = 6160 ha). Consecutive summer home ranges were classified as a dispersal event, or not, for each observed animal until it was no longer observed, or until the animal was recorded to disperse. Dispersal rate was calculated as the number of dispersal events divided by the total number of dispersal opportunities; for example, an animal followed for 9 years provided 8 opportunities to observe dispersal from the initial summer home range. Dispersal rates were compared among age groups, sex, and sub-populations using Chisquare goodness of fit procedure (1999; 1999). Dispersal distance was calculated as the distance between observed summer home range centres (averaged UTM coordinates). For animals that were followed more than 2 summers, we report the maximum dispersal distance for each animal calculated from the initial summer home range. All spatial computing was performed using geo-referenced mapping software (ESRI ArcView 3.3). SYSTAT 8.0 was used for statistical analyses. In all GLMs we used type III sums of squares. An alpha level of 0.05 was used throughout all statistical tests. 8 5. Results Of the 10 calves concurrently telemetered with their mothers, 3 were male. The true parent-offspring relationship was supported by microsatelite allele sharing for 3 of these cow-calf cases, for which we had genetic data at 10 loci. The concurrent distances measured between the collared calf locations and their mothers’ locations showed that calves leave their mothers in their first spring just prior to entering their ‘yearling’ (2nd) year (Fig. 1). Trans-located animals had larger first annual home ranges than native animals (translocated x = 88 625 ha, native x = 24 695 ha, F1, 366 = 69.5, P < 0.0005). We therefore excluded trans-located animal data from further analyses unless stated otherwise. Among the animals monitored for at least one year, the first annual home range size was compared using a multivariate GLM. The initial model included age at capture, sex, sexage interaction term, and the number of locations used to infer home range size. After running a backward stepwise procedure (with exclusion rule: P > 0.15), only one variable was retained: age at capture (F2, 105 = 4.73, P = 0.011). A post-hoc comparison showed that caribou caught as yearlings used larger post-capture (i.e., 2-year old) annual home ranges than animals caught as calves or adults (Fisher’s LSD test, P = 0.029, and P = 0.003 respectively); but animals caught as calves did not have larger home ranges than adults (P = 0.83). Neither age, sex, or the age-sex interaction were significantly predictive of the maximum distance moved away from capture location (backward stepwise GLM: all terms NS). There were 252 native animals that we observed for more than one summer season for which we constructed minimum convex polygons to delineate summer home ranges. In 75% of the animals (188/252), all summer home range polygons overlapped with their initial summer home range. There were 21 cases (8.3%) where caribou were recorded to disperse to a different home range separated from the initial home range by a distance that was greater than one home range length (maximum intervening distance = 39 km; Fig. 2; Table 1). These data, and data from mother-calf home ranges are examined within age groups below. 9 Among the caribou monitored concurrently with their mothers (3 males, 7 females), none were observed to disperse in their yearling summer. Six animals were occasionally located with their mothers during their yearling summer. Two animals (1 male, 1 female) used summer home ranges that did not overlap their mother’s home range, but only the female calf (#149) used a summer home range that was greater than one average summer home range length from her mothers’ concurrent home range. However, location data from her mother preceding calf capture allowed us to determine the true natal home range of this female, and showed that it was the mother that had moved; hence, this was a case of breeding dispersal for the mother. There were 4 other cases where the mother’s home range was known in the yearling’s calf year, but none of these other cases involved breeding dispersal. Correcting for the one known case of maternal breeding dispersal (by substituting the dispersed mother’s concurrent home range data with her previous year’s home range data), the median dispersal distance between mother and calf home range centres was 5.8 km, and the maximum dispersal distance was 11.0 km (Fig. 3). The first documented dispersal occurred when caribou were two years old and had switched to a new summer home range for their third summer season: 2 cases (1 male, 1 female) out of 9 opportunities (2 male, 7 female). The median and maximum dispersal distance between each juvenile’s 1st and 2nd summer home range centres was 3.6 km and 14.0 km respectively (Fig. 3). There were 12 caribou originally captured as yearlings that were observed for both their 3rd and 4th summers (3 males, 9 females). None of these caribou were found to have dispersed to a new home range when 3 years old. Median and maximum dispersal distance between 3rd and 4th summer home range centres was 2.9 km and 8.1 km respectively (Fig. 3). The annual rate of breeding dispersal among animals classified as adults was estimated to be 5% (n = 73; 11 cases of dispersal in 208 annual opportunities). Breaking proportions of dispersal events and annual opportunities down by sex, there were 2 cases of male 10 dispersal in 27 opportunities; and 9 cases of female dispersal in 181 opportunities (χ2 =0.015, P = 0.90). In the above results, only 2-year old caribou appeared to behave differently. Although the data were few, both male and female yearling data gave the suggestion of an elevated dispersal phase at this age (with rates of 50% and 16% respectively). There was no indication that 3 year olds had increased levels of dispersal compared to adults. Hence, we pooled all data for animals 3 years or older (n = 244 caribou), including data from animals not classified by age, which were definitely not caught earlier than at the late yearling stage (e.g., after 2-year old dispersal has occurred). Recalculating annual dispersal rates with this larger dataset also found no sex differences (df = 1, χ2 = 0.73, P > 0.79) and an average annual dispersal rate of 2.9 % (SE = 0.75). The proportion of dispersal events that occurred were not evenly distributed among the 18 sub-populations (χ2 = 45.8, df = 17, P = 0.0002; Table 2), with the Columbia North sub-population having a notably large incidence of dispersal – a total rate of 13.5 %. Among all locations, 83.5% were located within the sub-population ranges defined by Wittmer et al. (2005a). A small proportion of non-relocated (2.6%) and relocated caribou (3.8%) were located within more than one sub-population range (Table 3). Among the 21 non-relocated caribou that dispersed to a new summer home range, 2 animals dispersed across sub-population boundaries. Caribou 80 was caught in the late winter of 2003 as an adult in the North Columbia sub-population and in 2004 dispersed approximately 19 km north to a new summer home range that was mostly located within the Groundhog subpopulation range, but still partially within the North Columbia range. She adopted the new summer home range for three years in succession. Caribou 139 was captured as a yearling in 2002 and spent 3 consecutive summers on one summer home range in the Columbia North range before dispersing in 2005 approximately 39 km north to a new summer home range overlapping the Columbia North/Groundhog boundary. 11 6. Discussion Dispersal is important with regards to the extinction risk of local populations and metapopulations (Simberloff 1988; Hanski 2001). During the decline of mountain caribou, their distribution has been fragmented into 18 subpopulations (Wittmer et al. 2005a; Apps and McLellan 2006); some of these local populations are relatively isolated and small (Wittmer et al. 2005a; McLellan et al. 2006). In this study, we appraised a large dataset of mountain caribou radio-locations to determine their tendency to disperse within and among sub-population ranges. From the available data, 8.3 % of the animals were witnessed to move to new mating grounds at a distance greater than one home range from their initial breeding home range and the average annual rate of breeding dispersal was 2.9 %. Support for a phase of greater natal dispersal rates suggested that natal dispersal occurs when animals are 2 years old. Dispersal rates were found to differ among subpopulations with Columbia North caribou having the largest annual dispersal rate of 14 %. There were only 2 documented cases (0.8 % of animals) where a dispersal event resulted in potential gene flow among sub-populations. Our results suggest that mountain caribou are generally poor dispersers; this may contribute the risk of extinction for local populations and for the meta-population as a whole. We discuss these results in greater detail below. The dispersal rates of mountain caribou in our study were generally low compared with other ungulates (Table 4). However, our dataset is composed largely of female caribou collared as adults, so we must be cautious about how we interpret our results, especially when looking at dispersal rates. In many ungulates, dispersal occurs primarily via juvenile males; hence, datasets that do not represent young males well, like ours, stand to underestimate the true dispersal rates if care is not taken. We deal with this problem by considering dispersal distances and by considering dispersal rates within sex/age groups. Ungulates typically begin natal dispersal as yearlings, with many yearlings using a different breeding home range then where they were born; this is true for species that are smaller than caribou such as the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and for larger species such as the moose (Alces alces; Table 4). In dispersal studies from other 12 ungulate species, dispersal rates of yearlings is reported to be between 14 % and 58 % for females at this age, and between 21 % and 64 % for males (Table 4). In 10 yearling cases observed in this study (3 male, 7 female), there was no dispersal observed when caribou were 1 year old. Although this is not a large sample, it gives the impression that young mountain caribou yearlings are not strongly driven to disperse after they become independent. Our data suggested that a natal dispersal phase occurred when caribou moved to their third summer home range as 2-year olds. Annual home ranges were larger during this period. Among female 2-year olds, the dispersal rate was estimated at 14 %. One out of 2 monitored males dispersed at this age. The female rate is generally low compared with other female ungulate species during natal dispersal. Given that we did not observe many 2-year old male cases, we cannot comment on dispersal rates with a high degree of certainty; however, unless 2-year old males are extremely prone to dispersing, when considering all other comparisons within the various juvenile age groups, our data give the impression that mountain caribou disperse at low rates (Table 4). The annual rate of breeding dispersal was found to be relatively normal in mountain caribou compared with other studies (Table 4); in short, like other species, breeding dispersal generally does not provide a high among of movement in mountain caribou. However, this generalization may not apply to all populations, which we discuss in greater detail below. Another way to compare the dispersal behaviour mountain caribou with other species is to apply models produced by recent meta-analyses. These models predict median and maximum dispersal distances for species based on body size or home range size. Sutherland et al. (2000) produced models suggesting that body size and diet were predictive of median and maximum natal dispersal distance. Applying the Sutherland model for herbivorous mammals to mountain caribou using a body mass of 129 kg for female mountain caribou (McTaggart-Cowan and Guiguet 1978) predicted a median natal dispersal distance of 19.7 km and a maximum dispersal distance of 77.9 km. The mass of 13 a large bull (272 kg; (McTaggart-Cowan and Guiguet 1978) produced median and maximum natal dispersal distance estimates of 29.5 km and 126.6 km respectively. Bowman et al. (2002), produced a pair of complimentary models for predicting median and maximum natal dispersal distance based on annual home range size for mammals; based on the linear dimension of an average annual home range (15.71 km), median natal dispersal distance was predicted to be 110 km, and maximum natal dispersal distance was predicted to be 628 km. These estimates above predict normal natal dispersal distances of mammals, yet the maximum natal dispersal distance found among young caribou was only 14 km, which is 71 % of the smallest predicted median distance. Breeding dispersal distances (Table 1) were between 4 % and 74 % of the predicted natal dispersal values. Hence, in terms of dispersal distance, our data suggest that mountain caribou have poorly developed dispersal behaviour or abilities compared with other mammal species. Our data provide robust data on breeding dispersal of females, and reasonable data on breeding dispersal of males; however the limited data on juvenile caribou provide a more limited analysis of natal dispersal. From these data, we generally found that mountain caribou do not show strong tendencies to disperse often (in the comparisons that could be made), or far. Interspecific differences in dispersal strategies have not been explored theoretically or empirically in much detail. It is possible that innate dispersal behaviours are lost in migratory herding organisms such as the barren ground caribou. Hence, low dispersal rates could be an ancestral trait for mountain caribou. It is also possible that mountain caribou are poor dispersers because they are constrained by the geography of the landscape. Breeding dispersal rates differed among populations, with the rate for one sub-population – Columbia North – being 14 %, which is unusually large. We have not investigated circumstances that may have contributed towards this finding. Dispersal rates could be higher in this population if densities are unusually high or low compared with other populations (Matthysen 2005). Another possibility is that dispersal rates in the Columbia North are higher because of some landscape attribute; for example, habitat patch size, patchiness, or connectivity (Coulon et al. 2004). In the former hypothesis, dispersal rates 14 may have changed over time with changing density, which would not necessarily be true for the latter hypothesis. It is also possible that some ecological factor (food quality, predation pressure, disturbance by human activity) was more variable in the Columbia North sub-population, causing caribou to switch summer home ranges during the study period. Mountain caribou are in strong decline, and their ever-retracting distribution has been accompanied by increasing population fragmentation. Many of the sub-populations are divided by considerable geographic barriers such as steep glaciated mountains, reservoirs, and busy motor-vehicle highways. The Monashee sub-population – last censused to be only 7 remaining individuals (McLellan et al. 2006) – is isolated by at least 20 km from the closest neighbouring sub-population. In meta-populations such as this, the ability of a species to disperse becomes an important attribute with regards to the meta-population’s extinction risk (Simberloff 1988; Saccheri et al. 1998; Hanski 2001). Our study utilized the available data to address the question: do mountain caribou have well-developed dispersal behaviours. While the data were not altogether ideal for this question, we feel that we have uncovered enough evidence to suggest that mountain caribou are not endowed with a great degree of dispersal behaviour – both in terms of dispersal rates and distances. Furthermore, we uncovered very little evidence of potential gene flow among sub-populations. Hence, we predict that the smaller local populations are likely to have very low genetic variability and could potentially be expressing symptoms of inbreeding. Future research should endeavour to explore genetic variability within local populations. In this study, we considered dispersal at the scale of 1 home range and at the scale of among sub-populations. It is possible that sub-populations are segregated into multiple breeding populations, or segments (Smith and Anderson 2001), that utilize similar early winter or spring habitats but different breeding grounds. We suggest that the analysis reported here is expanded to consider dispersal at an intermediate scale by subdividing caribou into breeding ranges according to their summer locations, so that dispersal among true breeding grounds can be ascertained. Finally, we suggest that a variety of analysis 15 should be performed to understand why the Columbia North sub-population accounts for such a large proportion of the dispersal detected in this study. 7. Acknowledgements Funding for this research was provided by the Okanagan Innovative Forestry Society (project 4776005, telemetry to monitor dispersal events), Federated CooP (project 4772003, collar purchases for continued dispersal monitoring) the Kamloops TSA licensees and SIMPCW Development Corporation, B.C. Species at Risk Coordination Office, B.C. Forest Sciences Program, B.C. Ministry of Environment, and the B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range. We thank K. Furk, T. Kinley, D. Seip, and G. Watts for help compiling and collecting much of the data. 8. Reference List Apps, C.D. and McLellan, B.N. 2006. Factors influencing the dispersion and fragmentation of endangered mountain caribou populations. Biological Conservation 130: 84-97. Apps, C.D., McLellan, B.N., Kinley, T.A., and Flaa, J.P. 2001. Scale-dependent habitat selection by mountain caribou, Columbia Mountains, British Columbia. The Journal of Wildlife Management 65: 65-77. Bowman, J., Jaeger, J.A.G., and Fahrig, L. 2002. 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Dispersal data for animals followed for 2 or more summers partitioned by sex and age at capture. Dispersal was defined to occur when summer home range polygons were separated by at least one average summer home range length (7.85 km) from the initial summer home range. Dispersal distance was calculated as the distance between averaged summer coordinates, and the median was calculated from the maximum dispersal distances recorded for every animal. Proportion that dispersed further than 1 home range (%) Dispersal distance (km) Calves Yearlings Adults Unclassified Total Median Maximum ♀ 1/7 (14) 1/8 (12) 9/63 (14) 6/145 (4) 17/222 (8) 5.6 49.0 ♂ 1/2 (50) 1/3 (33) 2/10 (20) 0/15 (0) 4/30 (13) 7.0 58.0 Total 2/8 (25) 2/11 (18) 11/73 (15) 6/160 (4) 21/252 (8) 5.9 58.0 20 Table 2. The total number of cases where caribou (greater than 2 years of age) dispersed to a new summer home ranges separated by more than one average summer home range length (7.85 km) from their initial summer home range are listed for each sub-population. The total number of opportunities equals the total number of discrete summer home ranges defined following the initial summer home range within each sub-population. Sub-population Hart Ranges North Cariboo Narrow Lake George Mountain Barkerville Allen Creek Wells Gray Groundhog Columbia North Central Rockies Columbia South Frisby-Boulder Duncan Monashee Nakusp Purcells North Purcells South South Selkirks TOTAL No. caribou 17 8 2 2 10 3 83 5 36 5 17 9 3 2 24 5 8 5 Total opportunities 38 19 4 3 29 6 208 13 96 20 63 20 11 6 52 8 15 21 No. dispersed 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 244 632 19 21 Table 3. Proportion of animals located in multiple sub-population ranges. Age at Capture No. moved among ranges Total % Calf 0 26 0.0 Yearling 1 17 5.9 Adult 6 112 5.3 Unclassified 3 276 1.1 Calf 0 1 0.0 Yearling 1 27 3.7 Adult 2 30 6.7 Unclassified 1 46 2.2 Native Trans-located 22 Table 4. Dispersal rates found in this study compared with rates found in other studies. Scale denotes the type of dispersal reported: non-overlapping is the smallest scale for dispersal criteria, where home ranges simply do not overlap; 1 home range is similar methods used by this study, where home ranges need to be separated by a distance of a home range length; inter-segment is the largest scale of dispersal in this table, and denotes studies where animals disperse to new breeding areas within a sub-population. Species age Caribou 1 Elk 1 Pronghorn 1 Moose 1 White-tailed deer 1 Caribou 1 Elk 1 Pronghorn 1 Moose 1 White-tailed deer 1 White-tailed deer 1 White-tailed deer 1 Caribou 1 Caribou 2 Elk 2 White-tailed deer 2 Caribou 2 Elk 2 White-tailed deer 2 Caribou 2 Caribou 3 Elk 3 Caribou 3 Elk 3 Serow 2 to 4 Serow 2 to 4 Sex Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Both Both Female Female Female Male Male Male Both Female Female Male Male Female Male No. Disp 0 6 10 5 7 0 8 9 5 28 38 No. Could have dispersed 7 42 17 17 35 3 39 17 16 44 54 0 1 5 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 14 16 10 7 35 17 2 20 22 9 9 21 3 4 16 17 % 0.0 14.3 58.8 29.4 20.0 0.0 20.5 52.9 31.3 63.6 70.4 14.3 0.0 14.3 14.3 0.0 50.0 5.0 9.1 22.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 87.5 94.1 23 Scale 1 Home Range Inter-segment Non-overlapping 1 Home Range 1 Home Range 1 Home Range Inter-segment Non-overlapping 1 Home Range 1 Home Range 1 Home Range Non-overlapping 1 Home Range 1 Home Range Inter-segment 1 Home Range 1 Home Range Inter-segment 1 Home Range 1 Home Range 1 Home Range Inter-segment 1 Home Range Inter-segment Non-overlapping Non-overlapping Reference This study (Smith and Anderson 2001), Table 1 (Jacques and Jenks 2007), Table 1 (Labonté et al. 1998)1998, p. 231 (Nelson 1993), p. 318 This study Smith and Andersson 2001, Table 1 Jacques and Jenks 2007, Table 1 Labonte et al. 1998, p. 231 Nelson 1993, p. 318 (Rosenberry et al. 1999), p. 8 (Porter et al. 2004), p. 250 This study This study Smith and Andersson 2001, Table 1 Nelson 1993, p. 318 This study Smith and Andersson 2001, Table 1 Nelson 1993, p. 318 This study This study Smith and Andersson 2001, Table 1 This study Smith and Andersson 2001, Table 1 (Ochiai and Susaki 2007), Table 2 Ochiai and Susaki 2007, Table 2 Table 4 Continued. Species Caribou age adults Sex Both No. followed 244 Elk White-tailed deer White-tailed deer adults adults adults Both Both Both 48 59 12 Annual % Scale 2.9 1 Home Range 2.0 8.3 0.0 Inter-segment Non-overlapping 1 Home Range 24 Reference This study (Smith and Robbins 1994) 1994, p.14 Porter et al. 2004, p. 250 Nelson 1993, p. 318 35 Average Distance (km) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Late 4Winter (Capture) 5 Spring 6 Calving 7 Summer Early8 Winter 9 Season Fig. 1. The average distance between calves and their mothers telemetered simultaneously. All 10 calves were collared in their first late winter season. It appears that they generally begin to disperse away from their mother’s side in their first spring, when many mountain caribou move to lower elevation habitats. 25 250 Frequency 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance (km) Fig. 2. The minimum distances between initial and the furthest subsequent summer home range for caribou followed for 2 or more summers are plotted as a stacked histogram (n = 252). Of these, 188 (75%) always used overlapping summer home ranges (in white), and 21 animals (8.3%; in black) were recorded to disperse to a nonoverlapping home range in subsequent years separated by a distance that was greater than one average summer home range length (7.85 km). The remaining caribou were recorded to use non-overlapping summer home ranges separated by less than 7.85 km (in grey). 26 60 Dispersal distance (km) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 9 11 8 6 4 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Age (years) Fig. 3. Dispersal distance, as measured between summer home range centres, plotted for different age groups. At age 1, comparisons are made between concurrent maternal home range and calf home range centres. In all other ages, the first summer home range observed (either as 1 or 2 year old) is used as a place of origin. Sample sizes are noted below each box plot. In these data, there were 4 cases of dispersal: 2 2-year olds, 1 4-year old, and 1 5-year old. 27