SWANSEA UCU NEWS Newsletter of the University and College Union, UWS 18 October 2006 On 1 June the Association of University Teachers (AUT) and the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE) merged to become the University and College Union (UCU). With upward of 130,000 members, UCU is the largest trade union of its kind in the world. All former AUT members have automatically become members of UCU, which seeks to enhance the service, benefits and representation available to all its members. We look forward to seeing UCU members, new and old, at the first General Meeting of the academic year at 1.00 on Wednesday 25 October (see below). GENERAL MEETING th Wednesday 25 October, Lecture Room J, Faraday, 1.00-2.00pm AGENDA 1 Minutes of last General Meeting 2 Matters arising 3 Renewal/permanency for fixed-term staff 4 Car parking 5 Progress on job evaluation and implementation of framework agreement 6 Setting up of UCU Wales 7 Election of representatives to UCU Wales and national UCU congress 8 AOB National and Local Representatives staff who can be submitted as researchers. UCU deplores this ‘easy option’ of non-renewal or reduction of contracts of hardworking and often longserving staff. It amounts to attacking those who are most vulnerable and, indeed, often least well paid. This is especially to be condemned as legislation now gives fixed-term staff the right to be regarded as permanent after a set period of continuous employment unless the employer can show objective and transparent reasons for refusing permanency. The force of this legislation is still to be tested in the courts and national UCU is seeking to put test cases forward. Swansea UCU Local Association is representing fixed-term staff in matters of both renewal and permanency and is interested to hear of cases not yet brought to its notice. The issue will also be discussed at next week’s General Meeting (see agenda above). The code of practice for fixed-term staff agreed by UWS and campus unions is on: http://www.swan.ac.uk/media/Media,4920,en.pdf An election will take place at next week’s General Meeting (25 October) for representatives to National UCU Congress (2 members) and UCU Wales (4 members). The Local Association Committee has agreed to nominate Andrew Morgan and Ann Lyon for National UCU Congress and Andrew Morgan, Ann Lyon and Howard Moss for UCU Wales. Further nominations are invited for both bodies and should be forwarded to the Secretary, Ann Lyon (Law Department) with the signatures of nominator and seconder or proposed at the General Meeting. Fixed-term permanency staff: renewal and Many fixed-term staff have found renewal of their contracts more difficult this year than for some time. In gearing up for the RAE, the University is seeking to save money in order to spend it on employing new UCU legal scheme The legal scheme established by AUT allowing all members to seek legal help on any issues associated with their work continues to operate in the new merged union. Members have access to this help either via their Local Association or on a purely personal basis. Typical areas where it has been of help are: contractual problems, personal injury, workplace stress, complaints against members. More information is available from one of your local UCU officers, from UCU regional office (0121-212 2713), or http://www.ucu.org.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1824 UCU victory in Leeds dispute legislation but would like to see employers being compelled to give justification if they turn down applications for working after 65, which currently they do not. Full briefing on: http://www.ucu.org.uk/media/pdf/9/t/ageregs_guidance_1.pdf New parental and adult care rights Under the Work and Families Act 2006, leave and pay for maternity and adoption are improved as well as new rights to flexible working for employees providing care for adults. Statutory Maternity Pay is extended from 26 to 39 weeks after 1 April 2007. Information on: http://www.ucu.org.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1837 Bullying decision UCU members at the University of Leeds have won a dispute with their management over regarding under the Framework Agreement. The university had written to around 100 members of academic-related staff informing them that their jobs had been downgraded (red circled) as a result of job evaluation, implemented without union agreement. Some of these staff were threatened with cuts of up to around £16,000 in their annual salary. However the university has now negotiated a new deal with the UCU local association after two independent experts were brought in and found a number of flaws in the job grading system. Gavin Reid, Leeds UCU president, said: 'The two experts made ten recommendations for further work in order to complete the role matching process satisfactorily. The outcome totally vindicated the UCU's decision to go into dispute. During this dispute well over 1000 UCU members signed the online petition and the university suffered damaging publicity that inevitably impacted the good reputation of the institution.’ The House of Lords recently took a decision that will give extra protection to staff being bullied in the workplace. It confirmed that the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 – introduced to deal with stalking – applies equally to bullying and harassment at work. UCU said: ‘This case is a warning to employers that they have to deal with the widespread bullying that exists in many universities and colleges.’ Campus extremism? UCU has launched an online database to help its members in universities compare and contrast their pay and conditions. The new database will be a key tool for negotiating for improved conditions at work. Members will be able to highlight good practice at other universities. Areas covered on the database include pay, hours, holidays, career breaks, rights for working parents and details on contentious local day-to-day issues such as staff parking. UCU has responded to reports that university staff may be asked to spy on Asian-looking and Muslim students. Commenting on the impact of the proposed measures UCU joint general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'Academic freedom is a key tenet of any democratic society, even if this sometimes means the discussion of ideas that many would find unacceptable. Universities have traditionally encouraged debate, allowed students the opportunity to broaden their horizons and challenge opinion. UCU fought hard to stop academic freedom being eroded in the recent Terrorism Bill. We will not accept further government attempts to restrict academic freedom or free speech on campus. If we want to tackle problems like extremism and terrorism then we need to be safe to explore the issue and get a better understanding of it. The last thing we need is people too frightened to discuss an issue because they fear some quasi secret service will "turn them in".' a Useful information on UCU national website (www.ucu.org.uk) Age Equality Regulations The Employment Equality Regulations on age came into force this month. They cover all discrimination on grounds of age, not just discrimination against older worker. They include: recruitment, terms and conditions of employment, promotions, transfers, dismissals and training. UCU broadly welcomes the http://www.ucu.org.uk/index.cfm?articleid=762) Education journal UCU members can benefit from a special offer of £25 for 4 issues (less than half normal subscription) of the Journal of Further and Higher Education, an international, peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for discussion on management and administration, curriculum, staff and institutional development, teaching, learning, assessment strategies and processes, and the research-teaching interface. http://www.ucu.org.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1840 'Work Conditions Checker' website ******************************************** UCU Committee for 2006-07 President: Andrew Morgan (Staff Development) Vice-President: Chris Whyley (Computer Science) Secretary: Ann Lyon (Law) Treasurer: Howard Moss (Italian) Membership Secretary: Chiara Ariotti (Italian) Kevin Child (Applied Language Studies) Dave Dunbar (Physics) Matt Jones (Computer Science) Sue Jordan (Health Science) Peter Neville (Applied Language Studies) Mike Panayiotopoulos (Sociology and Anthroploogy) Warren Perkins (Physics) Suranjit Saha (CDS) Personal Cases Co-ordinator: Howard Moss Equal Opportunities: Suranjit Saha UCU Local Website (www.swan.ac.uk/aut) : Dave Dunbar