Labelling for household appliances Household appliances marketed in the European Union (EU) must comply with the general labelling requirements laid down by Directive 1992/75/EEC (OJ L-297 13/10/1992) and with the specific label models set out by the products Directives for each group of appliances. Product scope The labelling scheme covers refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, ovens, water heaters and hot-water storage, lighting sources and air-conditioning, although further types of domestic appliances may be added. The Directive requires that household appliances offered for sale, hire or hire-purchase be accompanied by a fiche and a label. Besides, appliances must bear the CE conformity marking and comply with the marking requirements laid down in the Directives regulating the technical standards ( low voltage, hosehold refrigeration applainces, gas household appliances, airconditioning etc) A. Label The label conveys information on the energy efficiency of a particular model through colours, arrows and the alphabet. The A-G scale ranks appliances from the best (A) to the worst (G); while a corresponding colour code, uses green to denote "more efficient" and red for "less efficient". For domestic refrigeration appliances, the existing energy efficiency-rating category of A is divided into 3 new categories (A, A+ and A++) where A++ indicates "more efficient". The standard model of label is divided into four zones, which respectively include: The data, which refers to the manufacturer and the model of appliance. The appliance's energy efficiency class, according to the above alphabet grade; the corresponding colour code with arrows of different colours and the average consumption in kWh/year. If the appliance has obtained the European ecological label, the symbol, which indicates this, may be in this area. The specific data according to each type of appliance (e.g. size, capacity , air cooled or water cooled, water consumption). The noise level that the appliance emits while working, (airborne noise) measured in decibels when this information is mandatory pursuant to Directive 1986/594/EEC. B. Fiche The energy label has to be supported by an information fiche providing basic data relating to the particular model of appliance. This fiche has to be contained in all product brochures and if these are not provided, in all other product literature supplied with the appliance. C. Sales by catalogue, Internet or other electronic media Where appliances are offered for sale, hire or hire-purchase by catalogue or by other means whereby the potential customer is unable to see the appliance displayed, the essential information contained in the standard label and fiche must be provided to the potential customer before purchase. D. Implementation of the labelling scheme The responsibility for implementing the labelling scheme falls mainly on the suppliers. Either the manufacturer, his authorised representative in the EU or the person who places the product on the market shall: Supply the label to the dealer free of charge to be attached to the appliance in the appropriate position Supply the product fiche to the dealer. Assume responsibility for the accuracy of the label and fiche. Establish technical information sufficient to enable the accuracy of the information contained in the label and the fiche to be assessed. Make the technical information available for inspection purposes. Legislation Council Directive 92/75/EEC of 22 September 1992 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by household appliances (OJ L-297 13/10/1992) Commission Directive 2003/66/EC of 3 July 2003 amending Directive 94/2/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/ECC with regard to energy labelling of household electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations (OJ L-170 09/07/2003) Commission Directive 2002/40/EC of 8 May 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens (OJ L-33 08/02/2003) Commission Directive 2002/31/EC of 22 March 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/ECC with regard to energy labelling of household air-conditioners (OJ L-86 03/04/2002) Commission Directive 1999/9/EC amending Directive 97/17/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household dishwashers (OJ L-56 04/03/1999) Commission Directive 98/11/EC of 27 January 1998 implementing Council Directive 92/75/ECC with regard to energy labelling of household lamps (OJ L-71 10/03/1998) Commission Directive 96/60/EC of 19 September 1996 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household combined washer-dryers (OJ L266 18/10/1996) Commission Directive 95/13/EC of 23 May 1995 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric tumble dryers (OJ L-136 21/06/1995) Commission Directive 95/12/EC of 23 May 1995 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household washing machines (OJ L-136 21/06/1995) Additional information for Austria The contents of the label must be at least in German. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in German) (Model in English) Ovens (Model in German) (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in German) (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in German) (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in German) (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in German) (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in German) (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authorities / competent bodies Österreichische Energieagentur (Austrian Energy Agency) Otto-Bauer-Gasse 6 1060 Wien Österreich Tel: +43/1/586 15 24 - 0 Fax: +43/1/586 15 24 - 40 E-Mail: Website: O.Ö. Energiesparverband (Regional Energy Agency of Upper Austria) Landstraße 45, AT-4020 Linz, Austria Tel: (+43) 732 7720 14380 Fax: (+43) 732 7720 14383 E-Mail: Website: Legislation Haushaltsgeräte-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl. Nr. 568/1994, (1994-07-26) Order on Energy Labelling and Standard Product Information of Household Appliances) Kühlgeräte-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl. Nr. 569/1994 (1994-07-26) - Order on Energy Labelling of Refrigerating Appliances Wäschetrockner-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl.Nr. 579/1996 ,(1996-10-24) Order on Energy Labelling of Single Unit Washers/Dryers Waschmaschinen-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl. Nr. 580/1996, (1996-10-24) Order on Energy Labelling of Washing Machines Wasch-Trockner-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl. II Nr. 62/1998, (1998-02-27) Order on Energy labelling of Single Unit Washers/Dryers Geschirrspüler-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl. II Nr. 182/1999, (1999-06-22) Order on Energy labelling of Dishwashers Lampen-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl. II Nr. 311/1999, (1999-09-09) - Order on Energy labelling of Lamps Elektrobacköfen-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung, BGBl. II Nr. 475/2003, (2003-10-14) Order on Energy labelling of Electrical Ovens Raumklimageräte-Verbrauchsangabenverordnung,- BGBl. II Nr. 421/2004, (2004-11-09) Order on Energy labelling of Household Air Conditioners Additional information for Belgium The contents of the label must be at least in the official language of the region where the product is commercialised. (i.e. French for the Walloon region, Dutch for the Flemish region, French and Dutch for the Brussels region and German for the d’Eupen-Malmedy area). Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English / Model in French / Model in Dutch / Model in German) Ovens (Model in English / Model in French / Model in Dutch / Model in German) Air-conditioners (Model in English / Model in French / Model in Dutch / Model in German) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in French and Dutch / Model in German) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in French and Dutch / Model in German) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in French and Dutch / Model in German) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in French and Dutch / Model in German) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Service Public Fédéral Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et Energie (The Federal Public Service of Economy, Small and Medium Enterprises, Self-employed and Energy) Protection du consommateur (Consumer Protection) 17A, Rue de la Senne B- 1000 Bruxelles Tel: (+32) 2 548 15 11 Fax: (+32) 2 514 47 56 E-mail: Website: Service Public Fédéral Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et Energie (The Federal Public Service Economy, Small and Medium Enterprises, Self-employed and Energy) Administration de l'Energie (Energy Administration) North Gate III, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 16, B-1000 Bruxelles Tel: (+32) 2 206 41 11 Fax: (+32) 2 206 57 32 E-mail: Website: Legislation Arrêté royal of 10/11/1996 on the indication by labelling of the consumption of energy by household appliances (Moniteur Belge of 25/01/1997) Arrêté ministériel of 20/11/1996 implementing l'arrêté royal of 10/11/1996 with regard to energy labelling of household appliances (Moniteur Belge of 25/01/1997) Arrêté ministériel of 12/02/2003 on the energy labelling of household electric ovens (Moniteur Belge of 21/02/2003) Arrêté ministériel of 07/02/2003 on the energy labelling of household air-conditioners (Moniteur Belge of 14/02/2003) Arrêté ministériel of 01/12/1998 on the energy labelling of household tumble driers (Moniteur Belge of 13/01/1999) Loi of 14/07/1991 on commercial practices and the information and protection of consumers (Moniteur Belge of 29/08/1991 Additional information for Cyprus The contents of the label must be at least in Greek. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ypourgeio Emporiou Viomichanias kai Tourismou (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism) Ypiresia Energeias (Energy Section) Araouzos Street 5 CY-1421 Nicosia Tel: (+357) 22 409 395 / 22 409 397 Fax: (+357) 22 304 759 E-mail:, Website: Additional information for the Czech Republic The contents of the label must be at least in Czech. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu (Ministry of Industry and Trade) Energetika a suroviny - Úspory energie (Energy and raw materials - Energy efficiency) Na Františku 32 CZ-110 15 Praha Tel: (+420) 224 851 111 Fax: (+420) 224 811 089 E-mail: Website: Legislation Zákon o hospodaření energií (č. 406/2000 Sb.), 25. 10. 2000 (Law Energy Management) Vyhláška o označování energetických spotřebičů energetickými štítky (č. 442/2004 Sb.), 8. 7. 2004 (Edict on the Energy Labelling of Electric Appliances) Additional information for Denmark The contents of the label must be at least in Danish. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets....). Competent authority / competent bodies Energistyrelsen (Danish Energy Authority) Energy Labelling Denmark Byleddet 7 DK-4000 Roskilde Tel: (+45) 4630 4500 Fax: (+45) 4630 4525 E-mail: Website: Legislation LOV 450 of 31/05/2000, Act on the promotion of energy-saving BEK 318 of 07/05/2002, on the energy labelling of household washing machines BEK 319 of 07/05/2002, on the energy labelling of household tumble dryers BEK 320 of 07/05/2002, on the energy labelling of household combined washer-dryers BEK 1096 of 09/12/2002 on the energy labelling of household electric ovens BEK 1097 of 09/12/2002, on the energy labelling of household air-conditioners BEK 693 of 17/06/2004, on the energy labelling of household electric refrigerators and freezers BEK 811 of 22/08/2005, on the energy labelling of household electric lamps BEK 812 of 22/08/2005, on the energy labelling of household dishwashers Additional information for Estonia The contents of the label must be at least in Estonian. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Eesti Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications) Energeetika osakond (Energy Department) Harju tn. 11 EE-15072 Tallinn Tel: (+372) 6256 482 Fax: (+372) 6313 660 E-mail: Website: Legislation Seadmete energiatõhususe seadus (Energy Efficiency of Equipment Act) of 19 November 2003 (RT I 2003, 78, 525) Tarbijakaitseseadus (Consumer Protection Act) of 11 February 2004 (RT I 2004, 13, 86) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 1 of 5 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household lamps, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 98/11/EC (RTL 2004, 5, 54) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 2 of 5 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household washing machines, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 95/12/EC (RTL 2004, 5, 55) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 3 of 5 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household dishwashers, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 97/17/EC (RTL 2004, 5, 56) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 4 of 5 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household air-conditioners, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 2002/31/EC (RTL 2004, 5, 57) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 5 of 5 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household electric tumble driers, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 95/13/EC (RTL 2004, 5, 58) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 6 of 5 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household electric ovens, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 2002/40/EC (RTL 2004, 5, 59) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 15 of 15 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household combined washer-driers, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 96/60/EC (RTL 2004, 10, 143) Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri määrus nr 24 of 27 January 2004, on requirements for the energy labelling of household electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations, the technical documentation and the period of preservation thereof, implementing Directive 2003/66/EC (RTL 2004, 14, 193 Additional information for Finland The contents of the label must be at least in Finnish and Swedish. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö (Ministry of Trade and Industry) Energiasasto (Energy Deparment) P.O.Box 32 FI-Government 00023 Tel: (+358) 9 1606 01 Fax: (+358) 9 1606 3666 E-mail: Website: Kaluttajavirasto (Consumer Agency) P.O.Box 5 FI-00531 Helsinki Tel: (+358) 9 7726 1 Fax: (+358) 9 7726 7557 E-mail: Website: Legislation Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön asetus astianpesukoneiden energiamerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Trade and industry on the information given in the energy markings of dishwashers of 30 November 2000, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 1009/2000) Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön asetus kotitalouslamppujen energiamerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Trade and industry on the information given in the energy markings of household lamps of 12 October 2000, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 859/2000) Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön päätös kotitalouksien sähkökäyttöisten pyykinpesukoneiden energiamerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Trade and industry on the information given in the energy markings of electric washing machines of 27 march 1996, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 202/96) Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön päätös kotitalouksien sähkökäyttöisten kuivausrumpujen energiamerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Trade and industry on the information given in the energy markings of electric tumbler driers of 27 March 1996, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 203/96) Ympäristöministeriön asetus kotitalouksien ilmastointilaitteiden energiamerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Environment on the information given in the energy markings of air conditioners of 20 December 2002, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 1271/2002) Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön asetus kotitalouksien sähköuunien energiamerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Trade and industry on the information given in the energy markings of electric ovens of 12/ December 2002, (Suomen Säädöskokoelma 1052/2002) Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön päätös kotitalouksien kuivaavien pyykinpesukoneiden energiakulutusmerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Trade and industry on the information given in the energy markings of tumble drying washing machines of 9 September 1997, (Suomen säädöskokoelma 895/97) Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön asetus kotitalouksien sähkökäyttöisten jääkaappien, pakastimien ja näiden yhdistelmien energiamerkinnässä annettavista tiedoista. Decree of the Ministry of Trade and industry on the information given in the energy markings of electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations of 21 June 2004, (Suomen Säädöskokoelma 541/2004) Additional information for France The contents of the label must be in French. Labels must convey to specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English / Model in French) Ovens (Model in English / Model in French) Air-conditioners (Model in English / Model in French) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in French) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in French) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in French) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in French) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry) Direction générale de l’énergie et des matières premières – DGEMP (The General Directorate for Energy and Raw Materials) 61 Bld Vincent Auriol F-75703 Paris Cedex 13 Tel: (+33) 1 44 87 17 17 Website: Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable (Ministry of Ecology and sustainable development) Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie - ADEME (Environment and Energy Management Agency) 27 rue Louis Vicat F-75737 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (+33) 1 47 65 20 00 Fax: (+33) 1 46 45 52 36 E-mail: Website: Legislation Décret 94-566 of 07/07/1994 on the labelling of household appliances (Journal Officiel of 09/07/1994) Arrêté ministériel of 03/06/1998 implementing décret n. 94-566 du 7 juillet 1994 on the labelling of hosehold dishwashers (Journal Officiel of 28/06/1998) Arrêté of 17/01/2003 on the labelling of household electric ovens (Journal Officiel of 06/02/2003) Arrêté of 17/01/2003 on the labelling of household air-conditioners (Journal Officiel of 06/02/2003) Arrêté ministériel of 03/06/1998 on the labelling of household combined washer-dryers (Journal Officiel of 28/06/1998) Arrêté ministériel of 06/03/1996 on the labelling of household electric tumble dryers (Journal Officiel of 02/04/1996) Loi no 94-665 of 04/08/1994 on the use of the French language (Journal Officiel of 05/08/1994 Additional information for Germany The contents of the label must be at least in German. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in German) (Model in English) Ovens (Model in German) (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in German) (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in German) (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in German) (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in German) (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in German) (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie - BMWI (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) Abteilung III Energiepolitik (Energy Policy – Department III) Scharnhorststr. 34-37 DE-10115 Berlin Tel: (+49) 30 2014 9 Fax: (+49) 30 2014 7010 E-mail: Website: Legislation Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungsgesetz – EnVKG - BGBl I 1997, 1632, 1. 7. 1997 (Law on Labelling Energy Consumption ) Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungsverordnung - EnVKV - BGBl I 1997, 2616, 30. 10. 1997 (Order on Labelling Energy Consumption ) Additional information for Greece The contents of the label must be at least in Greek. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authorities / competent bodies Ypourgeio Anaptyxis (Ministry of Development) Diefthynsi Energeias (Deparment of Energy and Natural Resources) Mesogenion Av. 199 GR-11528 Athens Tel: (+30) 210 696 9836 E-mail: Website: Ypourgeio Anaptyxis (Ministry of Development) Geniki Grammateia Katanaloti (General Secretariat for Consumers) Pl. Kaniggos GR-10181 Athens Tel: (+30) 210 389 3000 Fax: (+30) 201 382 9640 E-mail: Website: Additional information for Hungary The contents of the label must be at least in Hungarian. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium - GKM (Ministry of Economy and Transport) Energetikai Főosztály (Department of Energy) Kálmán Imre u. 2. HU-1054 Budapest Tel: (+36) 1 347 2700 E-mail: Website: Legislation A gazdasági miniszter 7/2002. (II. 15.) GM rendelete a háztartási mosogatógépek energia felhasználásának ismérveirõl való tájékoztatásról Az ipari, kereskedelmi és idegenforgalmi miniszter 1/1998. (I. 12.) IKIM rendeletea háztartási hutoszekrények, fagyasztók és ezek kombinációja villamos energia hatékonyságának jelölésérol A gazdasági miniszter 77/1999. (XII. 22.) GM rendelete a háztartási mosógépek energiafelhasználásának ismérveirol való tájékoztatásról A gazdasági miniszter 78/1999. (XII. 22.) GM rendelete a háztartási elektromos szárítógépekenergiafelhasználásának ismérveirol való tájékoztatásról A gazdasági miniszter 6/2002. (II. 15.) GM rendelete a háztartási kombinált mosószárítógépek energiafelhasználásának ismérveirõl való tájékoztatásról A gazdasági miniszter 4/2002. (II. 15.) GM rendelete a háztartási fényforrások energiafelhasználásának ismérveirõl való tájékoztatásról A gazdasági és közlekedési miniszter 55/2003. (IX. 4.) GKM rendelete a fénycsõelõtétekre vonatkozó energiahatékonysági követelményekrõl A gazdasági és közlekedési miniszter 88/2003. (XII. 16.) GKM rendelete a háztartási légkondicionáló berendezések energiafelhasználásának ismérveirõl való tájékoztatásról A gazdasági és közlekedési miniszter 87/2003. (XII. 16.) GKM rendelete a háztartási villamos sütõk energiafelhasználásának ismérveirõl való tájékoztatásról A közlekedési és vízügyi miniszter 49/2001. (XII. 22.) KöViM rendelete az autóbusszal végzett belföldi és nemzetközi személyszállítás szakmai feltételeirol és engedélyezésieljárásáról A gazdasági miniszter 4/2002. (II. 15.) GM rendelete a háztartási fényforrások energiafelhasználásának ismérveirõl való tájékoztatásról Additional information for Ireland The contents of the label must be in English. Labels must convey to specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble driers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Irish Energy Centre Sustainable Energy Ireland Glasnevin Dublin 9 Ireland Tel: (+353) 1 8369080 Fax: (+353) 1 8372848 E-mail: Website: Legislation European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Electric Refrigerators and Freezers) Regulations, 1995 (SI 122 of 1995) European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Electric Washing Machines) Regulations, 1996 (SI 109 of 1996) European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Electric Tumble Driers) Regulations, 1996 (SI 110 of 1996) European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Combined Washer-Driers) Regulations, 1997 (SI 319 of 1997) European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Dishwashers) Regulations, 1998 (SI 210 of 1998) European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Lamps) Regulations, 1999 (SI 170 of 1999) European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Electric Ovens) Regulations, 2002 (SI 579 of 2002) European Communities (Energy Labelling of Household Air-Conditioners) Regulations, 2002 (SI 578 of 2002 Additional information for Italy The contents of the label must be in Italian. Labels must convey to specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English / Model in Italian) Ovens (Model in English / Model in Italian) Air-conditioners (Model in English / Model in Italian) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in Italian) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in Italian) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in Italian) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in Italian) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministry of Economic Development) Direzione generale per l'energia e le risorse minerarie – DGERM (Directorate General of Energy and Mineral Resources) Via Molise, 2 I-00187 Roma Tel: (+39) 06 47 05 25 31 Fax: (+39) 06 47 05 28 47 E-mail: Website: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministry of Economic Development) Direzione generale per lo Sviluppo produttivo e la Competitività (Directorate General of Development and Competence) Via Molise, 2 I-00187 Roma Tel: (+39) 06 47 88 78 60 Fax: (+39) 06 47 88 79 65 E-mail: Website: Legislation Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica No. 107 of 09/03/1998 implementing Directive 92/75/EEC on the labelling of household appliances (G.U. 89 of 17/04/1998) Decreto of 02/01/2003 implementing Directive 2002/40/EC on energy labelling of household electric ovens (G.U. 23 of 29/01/2003) Decreto of 02/01/2003 implementing Directive 2002/31/EC on energy labelling of household air-conditioners (G.U. 23 of 29/01/2003) Decreto of 10/11/1999 implementing Directives 92/75 and 97/17 on energy labelling of household dishwashers Decreto of 10/07/2001 implementing Directive 1998/11/EC energy labelling of household lamps Additional information for Latvia The contents of the label must be at least in Latvian. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers ) (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija (Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia) Brīvības iela 55 LV-1519 Riga Tel: (+371) 701 3105 / 701 3193 Fax: (+371) 728 0882 E-mail: Website: Additional information for Lithuania The contents of the label must be at least in Lithuanian. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Energetikos agentūra (Energy Agency) Gedimino pr. 38/2 LT-01104 Vilnius Tel: (+370) 5 262 97 31 Fax: (+370) 5 262 68 45 E-mail: Website: Additional information for Luxembourg The contents of the label must be in French or German. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English / Model in French / Model in German) Ovens (Model in English / Model in French / Model in German) Air-conditioners (Model in English / Model in French / Model in German) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in French / Model in German) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in French / Model in German) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in French / Model in German) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in French / Model in German) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Service de l’ Energie de l’Etat (National Energy Administration) 34, avenue de la Porte Neuve L-2010 Luxembourg Tel: (+352) 46 97 46 - 1 Fax: (+352) 22 25 24 E-mail: Website: Ministére de l’Economie (Ministry of Economic Affairs) DG du marché intérieur, de la consommation, de la politique régionale et des affaires générales - DG 2 (Directorate General for Internal Market, Consumer Affairs, Regional Policy and General Affairs) 6, Boulevard Royal L - 2449 LUXEMBOURG Tel: (+352) 478-1 Fax: (+352) 460448 Website: Legislation Règlement grand-ducal of 17/08/1998 on energy labelling of household combined washer dryers Règlement grand-ducal of 19/06/1996 on energy labelling of household electric tumble dryers (Mémorial A No. 47 of 17/07/1996) Règlement grand-ducal of 19/06/1996 on energy labelling of household washing machines (Mémorial A No. 47 of 17/07/1996) Règlement grand-ducal of 17/08/1998 on energy labelling of household dishwashers Additional information for Malta The contents of the label must be at least in Maltese or in English. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministry for Competitiveness and Communications Consumer and Competion Division Cannon Road MT-St Venera CMR 02 Tel: (+356) 21 496 885 Fax: (+356) 21 482 564 E-mail: Website: Legislation Indication by Labelling and Standard Product Information of the Consumption of Energy and other Resources by Household Appliances Regulations, L.N. No. 99 of 2002 Product Safety Act (Act No. V of 2001 Additional information for the Netherlands The contents of the label must be at least in Dutch. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministerie van Economische Zaken - EZ (Ministry of Economic Affairs) P.O.Box 20101 NL-2500 EC The Hague Tel: (+31) 70 379 89 11 E-mail: Website: Legislation Wet energiebesparing toestellen. Act on Energy-Saving of Appliances of 5 February 1986 (Stb. 1986, 59) Kaderbesluit etikettering energiegebruik huishoudelijke apparatuur. Framework Decree on Labelling Concerning the Energy Consumption of Household Appliances of 13 September 1995 (Stb. 1995, 471) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik afwasmachines. Order on Labelling Concerning the Energy Consumption of Dish Washing Machines of 13 June 1997 (Stcrt. 1997, 122) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik airconditioners. Order on Labelling Concerning the Energy Consumption of Air Conditioners of 11 November 2002 (Stcrt. 2002, 222) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik droogtrommels. Order on Labelling Concerning Energy Consumption of Tumble-Driers of 26 February 1996 (Stcrt. 1996, 41) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik koel- en vriesapparatuur. Order on Labelling Concerning Energy Consumption of Refrigerators and Freezers of 7 December 1995 (Stcrt. 1995, 240) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik lampen. Order on Labelling Concerning Energy Consumption of Lamps of 7 June 1999 (Stcrt. 1999, 107) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik ovens. Order on Labelling Concerning Energy Consumption of Ovens of 11 November 2002 (Stcrt. 2002, 222) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik was-droogcombinaties. Order on Labelling Concerning Energy Consumption of Combined Wash-Dryers of 9 December 1996 (Stcrt. 1996, 240) Regeling etikettering energiegebruik wasmachines. Order on Labelling Concerning Energy Consumption of Washing Machines of 26 February 1996 (Stcrt. 1996, 41) Additional information for Poland The contents of the label must be in Polish. Labels must convey to specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in Polish) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in Polish) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in Polish) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in Polish) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministerstwo Gospodarki (Ministry of Economy) ul. Zurawia 4A PL-00-503 Warszawa Tel: (+48) 22 693 58 17 Fax: (+48) 22 693 40 18 Website: Urzad Regulacji Energetyki (The Energy Regulatory Office) ul. Chlodna 64 PL-00-872 Warszawa Tel: (+48) 22 661 61 07 Fax: (+48) 22 661 61 52 E-mail: Website: Legislation Energy Act (Ustawa - Prawo energetyczne), of 10 April 1997 (Dz.U. No 54, item 348) Regulation of the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy on Requirements in Range of Energy Efficiency (Rozporzadzenie Ministra Gospodarki, Pracy i Polityki Spolecznej w sprawie wymagan w zakresie efektywnosci energetycznej), of 2 April 2003 (Dz.U. No 79, item 714) Correcting Notice (Obwieszczenie o sprostowaniu bledów), of 17 June 2003 (Dz. U. No 108, item 1028 Additional information for Portugal The contents of the label must be in Portuguese. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English / Model in Portuguese) Ovens (Model in English / Model in Portuguese) Air-conditioners (Model in English / Model in Portuguese) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in Portuguese) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in Portuguese) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in Portuguese) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in Portuguese) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministério da Economia e da Inovaçao (Ministry of Economy and Innovation) Direcçao-Geral de Geologia e Energia (Directorate-General of Geology and Energy) Av. Duque d'Ávila, 139 P-1069-041 Lisboa Tel: (+351) 21 791 91 00 Fax: (+351) 21 791 51 58 E-mail Website: Inspection authority Ministério da Economia, e da Innovação (Ministry of Economy and Innovation) Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Economica (Food and Economic Safety Authority) Av. Conde Valbom, 98 P-1050-070 Lisboa Tel: (+351) 21 798 36 00 Fax: (+351) 21 798 36 54 E-mail: Website: Legislation Decreto-Lei 41/94 of 11/02/1994 (DR 35 I-A, 11/02/1994) implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to the labelling and standard product information of household appliances Decreto-Lei 27/2003 of 12/02/2003 (DR 36 I-A, 12/02/2003) implementing Commission Directive 2002/40/EC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens Decreto-Lei 18/2000 of 29/02/2000 (DR 50 I-A, 29/02/2000) implementing Commission Directive 98/11/EC with regard to energy labelling of household lamps Decreto-Lei 1/2006 of 02/01/2006 (DR 1 I-A, 02/01/2006) implementing Commission Directive 2003/66/EC with regard to energy labelling of household electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations Portaria 1139/94 of 22/12/1994 (DR 294 I-A, 22/12/1994), implementing Commission Directive 94/02/EC with regard to energy labelling of household electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations Decreto-Lei 28/2003 of 12/02/2003 (DR 36 I-A, 12/02/2003), implementing Commission Directive 2002/31/EC with regard to energy labelling of household air-conditioners Decreto-Lei 309/99 of 10/08/1999 (DR 185 I-A, 10/08/1999), implementing Commission Directive 1999/9/EC with regard to energy labelling of household dishwashers Portaria 1095/97 of 03/11/1997 (DR 254 I-B, 03/11/1997), implementing Commission Directive 96/60/EC, with regard to energy labelling of household combined washer-dryers Portaria 116/96 of 13/04/1996 (DR 88 I-B, 13/04/1996), implementing Commission Directive 95/12/EC with regard to energy labelling of household washing machines Portaria 117/96 of 15/04/1996 (DR 89 I-A, 15/04/1996), implementing Commission Directive 95/13/EC with regard to energy labelling of household electric tumble dryers Additional information for Slovakia The contents of the label must be at least in Czech. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky (Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic) Sekcia energetiky (Energy Department) Mierová 19 SK-82715 Bratislava Tel: (+421) 2 4333 2049 Fax: (+421) 2 4333 9287 E-mail: Website: Legislation Zákon o technických požiadavkách na výrobky a o posudzovaní zhody a o zmene a o doplnení niektorých zákonov (č. 264/1999 Z.z.), 01.01.2000 (Law on Technical Requierments of Products) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania prácok pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 178/2002 Z.z.), 01.05.2002 (Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Washing Machines) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania svietidiel pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 188/2002 Z.z.), 01.05.2002 (Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Lamps) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania elektrických bubnových sušiciek pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 193/2002 Z.z.), 01.05.2002 (Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Electric Tumble Dryers) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania elektrických chladniciek a elektrických mrazniciek a ich kombinácií pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 199/2002 Z.z.), (Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Electric Refrigerators, Freezers and their Combinations) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania kombinovaných prácok so sušickou pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 210/2002 Z.z.), 01.05.2002 (Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Single Unit Washer-dryers) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania umývaciek riadu pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 211/2002 Z.z.), 01.05. (Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Dishwashers) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania elektrických rúr na pecenie pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 229/2003 Z.z.), 01.07. (Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Electric Ovens) Nariadenie Vlády SR ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti oznacovania klimatizacných jednotiek pre domácnost energetickým štítkom (č. 231/2003 Z.z.), 01.07.2003 Order on the Energy Labelling of Household Air-conditioners Additional information for Slovenia The contents of the label must be at least in Slovenian. Labels must convey the specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Model in English) Combined washer-dryers Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) Washing machines (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Agencija za učinkovito rabo in obnovljive vire energije (Agency for Efficient Use of Energy) Dimičeva 12 SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel: (+386) 1 300 6990 Fax: (+386) 1 300 6991 E-mail: Website: Legislation Energetski zakon - Energy Law of 30/09/1999 (Uradni list 79/1999) Pravilnik o energijskih nalepkah za določene vrste gospodinjskih aparatov (Regulation on energy labels for certain types of household appliances of 19/12/2001, Uradni list 104/2001) Pravilnik o energijskem označevanju gospodinjskih klimatskih naprav - Regulation on energy labelling of household air-conditioners of 22/01/2004 (Uradni list 5/2004) Odredba za energijsko označevanje gospodinjskih pralnih strojev - Order on energy labelling of household washing machines of 19/12/2001 (Uradni list 104/2001) Odredba za energijsko označevanje gospodinjskih električnih sušilnih strojev - Order on energy labelling of household electric dryers of 19/12/2001 (Uradni list 104/2001) Odredba za energijsko označevanje gospodinjskih pralno-sušilnih strojev - Order on energy labelling of household combined washer-driers of 19 December 2001 (Uradni list 104/2001) Odredba za energijsko označevanje gospodinjskih pomivalnih strojev - Order on energy labelling of household dishwashers of 19/12/2001 (Uradni list 104/2001) Odredba za energijsko označevanje žarnic in sijalk za uporabo v gospodinjstvu - Order on energy labelling of household lamps of 19/12/2001 (Uradni list 104/2001) Pravilnik o energijskem oznacevanju gospodinjskih elektricnih pecic - Regulation on energy marking of household electric ovens of 12/09/2003 (Uradni list 89/2003) Additional information for Spain The contents of the label must be in Spanish. Labels must convey to specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English / Model in Spanish) Ovens (Model in English / Model in Spanish) Air-conditioners (Model in English / Model in Spanish) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in Spanish) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in Spanish) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in Spanish) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in Spanish) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade) Secretaría General de Energía (Secretariat-General for Energy) Paseo de la Castellana, 160 E-28046 Madrid Tel: (+34) 913 494 000 Fax: (+34) 914 578 066 E-mail: Website: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs) Instituto Nacional de Consumo (National Institute for Consumer Affairs) Príncipe de Vergara, 54 E-28006 Madrid Tel: (+34) 918 224 440 Fax: (+34) 918 224 463 E-mail: Website: Legislation Real Decreto 124/1994 of 28 January, implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to the labelling and standard product information of household appliances (BOE 45 22/02/1994) Real Decreto 213/1992 of 6 March, implementing Commission Directive 98/11/EC on airborne noise emitted by household appliances (BOE 64 14/03/1992) Real Decreto 219/2004 of 6 February, implementing Commission Directive 2003/66/EC with regard to energy labelling of household electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations (BOE 38 13/02/2004) Real Decreto 210/2003 of 21 February, implementing Commission Directive 2002/40/EC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens (BOE 51 28/02/2003) Real Decreto 142/2003 of 7 February, implementing Commission Directive 2002/31/EC with regard to energy labelling of household air-conditioners (BOE 39 14/02/2003) Real Decreto 284/1999 of 22 February, implementing Commission Directive 98/11/EC with regard to energy labelling of household lamps (BOE 53 03/03/1999) Real Decreto 864/1998 of 8 May, implementing Commission Directive 1999/9/EC with regard to energy labelling of household dishwashers (BOE 119 19/05/1998) Real Decreto 701/1998 of 24 April, implementing Commission Directive 96/60/EC, with regard to energy labelling of household combined washer-dryers (BOE 110 08/05/1998) Real Decreto 1626/1997 of 24 October, implementing Commission Directive 95/12/EC with regard to energy labelling of household washing machines (BOE 260 30/10/1997) Real Decreto 574/1996 of 28 March, implementing Commission Directive 95/13/EC with regard to energy labelling of household electric tumble dryers (BOE 88 11/04/1996 Additional information for Sweden The contents of the label must be in Swedish. Labels must convey to specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English / Model in Swedish) Air-conditioners (Model in English / Model in Swedish) Dishwashers (Model in English / Model in Swedish) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English / Model in Swedish) Tumble dryers (Model in English / Model in Swedish) Washing machines (Model in English / Model in Swedish) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) SE-118 87 Stockholm Tel: (+46) 8 429 05 00 Fax: (+46) 8 429 89 00 E-mail: Website: Legislation Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 2 June 2004 on labelling of household appliances, implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC of 22 September 1992, 2003/66/EC of 3 July 2003, and 94/2/EC of 21 January 1994 (KOFS 2004:3). Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 22 December 2002 on labelling of household air-conditioners implementing Commission Directive 2002/31/EC of 22 March 2002 (KOFS 2002:4) Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 23 December 2002 on energy labelling of household electric ovens implementing Commission Directive 2002/40/EC of 8 May 2002 (KOFS 2002:3) Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 28 April 1999 on energy labelling of household dishwashers, implementing Commission Directive 1999/9/EC (KOFS 1999:1) Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 31 August on energy labelling of household lamps implementing Commission Directive 98/11/EC of 27 January 1998 (KOFS 1999:2) Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 11 July 1997 on energy labelling of household combined washer-dryers implementing Commission Directive 96/60/EC of 19 September 1996 (KOFS 1997:1) Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 29 March on energy labelling of household electric tumble dryers implementing Commission Directive 95/13/EC of 23 May 1995 (KOFS 1996:3) Konsumentverket (Consumer Agency) Regulation of 29 March 1996 on energy labelling of household washing machines Commission Directive 95/12/EC of 23 May 1995 (KOFS 1996:2 Additional information for the United Kingdom The contents of the label must be in English. Labels must convey to specific models established for each group of appliances: Refrigerators and freezers (Model in English) Ovens (Model in English) Air-conditioners (Model in English) Dishwashers (Model in English) Lamps (Common single model for the European Union) Combined washer-dryers (Model in English) Tumble dryers (Model in English) The surveillance and inspection on whether the labels and fiches are in conformity with the applicable legislation and reflect accurately the characteristics of the product may take place at any stage of the distribution chain (e.g. customs clearance, distributors warehouses, wholesalers or retailers outlets …). Competent authority / competent bodies Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Environment, Business and Consumers Division Zone 6/D10 Ashdown House 123 Victoria Street London SW1E 6DE United Kingdom Tel: (+44) 20 7082 8675 Fax: (+44) 20 7082 8698 E-mail: Website: Legislation The Energy information (Dishwashers) Regulations 1999 (SI 1676 of 1999) The Energy Information (Household Refrigerators and Freezers) Regulations 2004 (SI 1468 of 2004) The Energy Information (Household Electric Ovens) Regulations 2003 (SI 751 of 2003) The Energy Information (Household Air Conditioners) Regulations 2003 (SI 750 of 2003) The Energy Information (Household Air Conditioners) (No. 2) Regulations 2005 (SI 1726 of 2005) The Energy Information (Lamps) Regulations 1999 (SI 1517 of 1999) The Energy Information (Combined Washer-driers) Regulations 1997 (SI 1624 of 1995) The Energy Information (Washing Machines) Regulations 1996 (SI 600 of 1996) The Energy Information (Tumble Driers) Regulations 1996 (SI 601 of 1996) Other information sources Guidance notes on the implementation of the various energy information regulations relating to the energy labelling of household products, elaborated by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: