RIDs and Comments Submitted Against the Restructured Panel 1 Recommendations with Proposed Dispositions Part 3: Synchronization and Channel Coding T. Yamada, Issue 3, 30 June, 2003 Text in black was generated at the P1A meeting held in Houston in October 2002. Text in blue was added by the editor after the meeting. TC Synchronization and Channel Coding, CCSDS 231.0-R-1 No. 1 Page 2-3 Para 2.3.1 and Figure 2-2 Reviewer J. P. Rocher RID Short Title Sublayer naming (1) Description of Requested Change From : "At the sending end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts Transfer Frames from the Logical Link Sublayer (see figure 2-1), performs functions ...." C Supporting Analysis E "Logical Link Sublayer" is not consistent with the CCSDS Layers terms used in paragraph 2.1 and figure 2-1. Disposition Accept. Done. To : "At the sending end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts Transfer Frames from the Data Link Protocol Sublayer (see figure 2-1), performs functions...." 2 2-3 2.3.2 W. Fong 3 2-4 2.3.2 and figure 2.3 J. P. Rocher Replace "Logical Link Sublayer" by "Data Link Protocol Sublayer" on the top of figure 2.2 From "figures" to "figure" (line 2) Sublayer naming (2) From : "At the receiving end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts streams of channel bits together with information on the state of the physical communications channel from the Physical Layer, performs functions selected for the mission, and delivers Transfer Frames (possibly incomplete or fill bits) to the Logical Link Sublayer." 1 E E "Logical Link Sublayer" is not consistent with the CCSDS Layers terms used in paragraph 2.1 and figure 2-1. Accept. Done. Accept. Done. No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis Disposition To : "At the receiving end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts streams of channel bits together with information on the state of the physical communications channel from the Physical Layer, performs functions selected for the mission, and delivers Transfer Frames (possibly incomplete or fill bits) to the Data Link Protocol Sublayer." 4 5 3-1 3-1 6 7 Table 31 Table 31 4 4-1 4.3 G. P. Calzolari G. P. Calzolari W. Fong G. P. FECF Randomizer Replace "Logical Link Sublayer" by "Data Link Protocol Sublayer" at the top of figure 2.3 First Row in the table in section 3 gives the FECF Optional for case 1 and desirable for case 2. Actually the FECF is mandatory in the ESA Standard. I think we should try to avoid the problem we are experiencing with the TM randomizer; i.e. it may appear we hide the risk and give people the impression that the spirit is "use it if unavoidable" while the correct aim should be "don't use only if you sure 150% it is not needed". It may be we should have stronger sentences in this direction. BTW, I am not debating about the correctness of your statements. Second Row in the table in section 3 gives the Randomizer Optional. Same remark as above. Section 4 (Service Definition) This section strikes me as being more a part of the data link layer description. Service Why the parameter is Frames and not Frame? 2 Discuss. Change "desirable" to "optional", and explain it in the NOTE. Section 3 was deleted. See comments #14 and #15 for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding. Discuss. Put a NOTE. Section 3 was deleted. See comments #14 and #15 for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding. Discuss. Move to an Annex. Done. Discuss. My observation: No. Page Para Reviewer Calzolari RID Short Title parameter Description of Requested Change C I agree that it can contain several frames but.......... In addition you state that Frames at sending end consists of one or more TC Transfer Frames. Conversely Frames at receiving end may consist of incomplete TC Transfer Frames. It looks confusing. Remembering that in the 201 book we have "INPUT DATA at sending end" & "TC DATA at receiving end" it may be we can find something smarter. We may discuss about ANNEX C....... You should state it is generated at sending end (same approach of description as you have in Supporting Analysis Disposition INPUT DATA is always Frames. TC DATA is always Frames (plus fill bits or an incomplete Frame). Reject (see C.1.1) 8 4-2 G. P. Calzolari Primitive generation 9 5-1 5.2 (last para) G. P. Calzolari Filler bit Should we mention why the filler bit shall always be zero? This is (or was) in principle not required, but since we mention SEC and TED, it may be useful. Accept. Change "service provider" to "service provider at the sending end". Done. Discuss. The old book does not say why. This may be a GB issue. 10 5-2 5.4 G. P. Calzolari Fill bits For TM channel coding we agreed of going octet oriented. Should we remark that fill bits are actually added as octets? Reject. Discuss. Should we call them fill octets instead of fill bits? 11 5-3 5.5 G. P. Calzolari Decoding I think that in the green book we have the acronyms SEC and TED. Reuse them? The 201 book only mentions the "A: Triple error detection / B: 1-bit error correction" within performances. 12 6-1 6.2.2 J. P. Rocher Missing Sync pattern After : "The CLTU Start Sequence field shall delimit the start 3 E Reject. Accept. Insert "(Triple Error Detection, or TED)" after "error-detecting mode, and "(Single Error Correction, or SEC)" after "error-correcting mode". (only after the first appearance) Done. Accept. It is not missing in the No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title of Start Sequence! Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis of the encoded data within the CLTU. It consists of a 16-bit synchronization pattern with low autocorrelation side lobes and shall have the following pattern: " Disposition original Word file. Add the 16-bit sync pattern : 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 | | BIT 0 BIT 15 13 6-1 6.2.2 W. Fong 14 6-2 6.2.3 J. P. Rocher Clarification & use of 'random' Reference 16-bit pattern missing. E From : "The Encoded Data field shall consist of a set of BCH Codeblocks which have been encoded in accordance with the BCH Codeblock encoding procedure. In addition to error control bits, these Codeblocks contain the Transfer frame(s), plus any fill bits that were appended to meet codeblock length constraints. The Encoded Data field may have been randomized before encoding, or not randomized, as selected for the mission. (For brevity, 'random' is used in place of 'pseudo-random' throughout this document. See annex A.)" E To : "The Encoded Data field shall consist of a set of BCH Codeblocks which have been encoded in accordance with the BCH Codeblock encoding procedure. In addition to error control bits, these Codeblocks contain the Transfer frame(s), plus any fill bits that were appended to meet codeblock length constraints. The Transfer Frame(s) contained in the Encoded Data field may have been randomized before BCH encoding, or not randomized, as selected for the mission. 4 (1) Just some minor clarification for the second sentence of this paragraph. (2) The general added sentence on using 'random' is more relevant to the Overview section. Accept. It is not missing in the original Word file. Accept. Done. No. 15 16 Page 7-1 7-2 Para 7.1 (second para) 7.3 Reviewer G. P. Calzolari J. P. Rocher RID Short Title Randomizer Bit Transition Generator Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis In addition, the sentence : ("For brevity, 'random' is used in place of 'pseudorandom' throughout this document. See annex A.") should be moved in Paragraph 2.2.4 (page 2-2) To be aligned to the formulation used in TM to be stronger? From : "The randomization shall be applied at the transmitting end, and it shall be applied only to the Transfer Frame(s). The BTG shall be preset to the 'all-ones' state and then shall be exclusively ORed, bit by bit, with the Transfer Frame(s) until the process ends with the last bit of the Transfer Frame(s) to be transmitted in a CLTU." Disposition Discuss. The current sentence is very similar to the new sentence we adopted for TM. E Some additional clarification to mention at which time the initialization to "all ones" of the Pseudorandomizer shall be performed. Use the text by Wai. Done. Accept. Done. To : "The randomization shall be applied at the transmitting end, and it shall be applied only to the Transfer Frame(s). The BTG shall be preset to the 'all-ones' state at the start of Transfer Frame(s) and then shall be exclusively ORed, bit by bit, with the Transfer Frame(s) until the process ends with the last bit of the Transfer Frame(s) to be transmitted in a CLTU." 17 9-1 Table 92 G. P. Calzolari Maximum CLTU Length In addition, on figure 7-1, we could also change : From :"Initialize to an "all ones" state" to : "Initialize to an "all ones" state for each Transfer Frame(s)" Should we go octet oriented? 5 Accept. Change "bits" to "octets" after Maximum CLTU Length No. 18 Page C-1 19 20 Para Reviewer C.1.1 G. P. Calzolari Annex B (old book) G. P. Calzolari Figure B-1 (old book) G. P. Calzolari 21 2-1 2.1 G. P. Calzolari 22 2-1 Figure G. P. RID Short Title only transfers Transfer Frames Description of Requested Change C Suggested Editorial change Correspondi Disposition Done. Accept. Change "transfers" to "accepts" (two places). Done. You address what the layer transfers. I think we should address what the layer accepts (wants to be delivered) by the upper Layer. Same story but may be reworded. That Annex is part of the recommendation. I think we should have preserved more from it. CONTROL DATA Supporting Analysis Discuss. Could you recommend what should be added to what sections? Accept. Explain the relationship between Annex B of the old book and the new Annex of the new book. Done. Section D1.2 was added. Discuss. CONTROL DATA is not specified in the new book because it is not specified in the old book, but it is mentioned at the end of 4.1 in the new book. TC Channel Service Model of the Book 201 had also CONTROL DATA at both ends (though not really defined). Where are they now? Is your section 9 covering it (completely)? Same as comment #3 for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding. E Accept. Explain the relationship between Annex B of the old book and the new Annex of the new book. Done. Section D1.2 was added. Done. Same as comment #4 for TM Synchronization and R Done. 6 No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title 2-1 Calzolari G. P. Calzolari G. P. Calzolari G. P. Calzolari G. P. Calzolari ng Physical Layer in CCSDS Protocols Unclear sentence symbol transition? Change Section 3 Repeated information 23 2-1 2.1 24 2-3 2.2.4 25 26 3 4-2 and 4-3 and Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis Disposition Channel Coding. Same as comment #4 for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding. Same as comment #9 for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding. Same as comments #14 and #15 for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding Same as comments #23 and #24 for TM Synchronization and Channel Coding R Done. R Done. R Section 3 was deleted. Done. TM Synchronization and Channel Coding, CCSDS 131.0-R-1 No. 1 Page 1-1 Para 1.1 Reviewer F. Pollara RID Short Title Purpose Description of Requested Change C From: These schemes are to be used over ground-tospace or space-to-space communications links by space missions. To: These schemes are to be used over space-to-ground communications links by space missions. 2 1-4 1.6.2 G. P. Calzolari Nomenclatu re? The proposed conventions are not usual to CCSDS. Options have always been marked explicitly. Desirable 7 R Supporting Analysis Disposition It seems that the TC book "Purpose" section was inadvertently copied as is into the TM book. By the way, I am surprised that the titles of these books have acronyms in them. A novice reader will have a hard time finfing the explanation of TC and TM. To be discussed at CCSDS Meeting. Accept with a modification. This book should also apply to spaceto-space links when relay satellites are used. Change the sentence to: "These schemes are to be used over space-to-ground or space-to-space communications links by space missions. Done. The same change has been done in Foreword. Accept. Rejected. The conventions No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis options were not identified? Should we go back to old fashion? 3 2-1 2.1 G. P. Calzolari Suggested Editorial change 4 2-1 Figure 2-1 G. P. Calzolari Correspondi ng Physical Layer in CCSDS Protocols 5 2-1 2.1 G. P. Calzolari Unclear sentence 6 2-2 2.2.2 G. P. Calzolari Scheme or technique? From: The TM and AOS Space Data Link Protocols specified in references [1] and [2], respectively, correspond to the Data Link Protocol Sublayer, and provide functions for transferring various data using the protocol data unit called the Transfer Frame. The Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer provides some additional functions necessary for transferring Transfer Frames over a space link. To: The TM and AOS Space Data Link Protocols specified in references [1] and [2], respectively, correspond to the Data Link Protocol Sublayer, and provide functions for transferring data using the protocol data unit called the Transfer Frame. The Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer provides additional functions necessary for transferring Transfer Frames over a space link. [Delete the words various and some.] It is recommended adding in the third column a box for the CCSSD PROTOCOLS corresponding Physical Layer. It corresponds to the books on RF and Modulation by P1E and it is particularly relevant for this book since RF & Modulation techniques have impact on coding and randomisation. The following sentence is not clear: These functions are error-control coding/decoding (optional), Transfer Frame delimiting/synchronizing, and bit transition generation/removal (optional). The first row says: “This draft Recommendation specifies the following three error-control coding schemes:” and then 3 items are listed: convolutional, RS & Turbo. 8 Disposition used here are specified in b) of the CCSDS Publications Manual. Accept. Done. E R Accept. Done. R Which one is the real option? Make sentence clearer. Accept. Done. T See the Description of Requested Change column. Discuss. We need a consistent set of terms to specify codes and combinations of codes, but No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis what terms should be used? Accept. Add a bullet for the concatenated RS and convolutional coding in section 2.2.2. Since the above solution does not match the text of this section, the word "coding schemes" was changed to "codes". It may be better to use here the terms “code” or “technique” or “coding technique” and defining as scheme the complete coding configuration; e.g. concatenated coding scheme. In other words a scheme may include one or more codes. 7 2-2 2.2.2 G. P. Calzolari Ignoring Punctured convolution al Codes 8 2-2 2.2.2 G. P. Calzolari Frame Validation in Coding Schemes Supporting Analysis It is true that the “old” book said: “Several space telemetry channel coding schemes are described in this document.” However it also said “The characteristics of the codes are specified only to the extent necessary to ensure interoperability and cross-support.” The “old” book Annex E also says “None of the coding techniques recommended (except for the rate=1/2 convolutional code with the inverter) can by itself guarantee sufficient transitions to keep receiver symbol synchronizers in lock.” Add in the descriptive part after the list the sentence “For telecommunication channels which are bandwidthconstrained and cannot tolerate the increase in bandwidth required by the basic convolutional code specified in 2.1, the punctured convolutional code specified in 2.2 has the advantage of smaller bandwidth expansion.” From: “Some coding schemes are also used to check whether or not each decoded Transfer Frame can be used as a valid data unit by the upper layers at the receiving end. This function is called Frame Validation. The Reed-Solomon decoder can determine, with a very high probability, whether or not it can correctly decode a Transfer Frame. Therefore, the Reed-Solomon code is also used for Frame Validation. When the ReedSolomon code is not used, the Frame Error Control Field defined in references [1] or [2] shall be used for 9 Disposition T This sentence is present in the old blue book. Accept. Done. T As mentioned, a give coding technique may not be able to perform frame validation while the complete coding scheme will do: either with RS or CRC check. Discuss. Aside from the terminology issue, it should be explained that only the R-S and CRC can provide Frame Validation Reject. [Remark there is also No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Description of Requested Change C Frame Validation.” 9 2-3 2.2.4 G. P. Calzolari symbol transition? 2-3, 2-4 2.3.1 and Figure 2-2 J. P. Rocher Sublayer naming (1) Disposition an editorial change for the “whether or not”.] To: “All the coding schemes here defined are also used to check whether each decoded Transfer Frame can be used as a valid data unit by the upper layers at the receiving end or not.” Presently this sentence is provided: “This draft Recommendation specifies an optional pseudorandomizer to improve bit transition density as an aid to bit synchronization (see section 9).” R Should also symbol transition be mentioned? 10 Supporting Analysis From : "At the sending end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts Transfer Frames of fixed length from the Logical Link Sublayer (see figure 2-1), performs...." E In fact Convolutional Code alone ensure bit transition (sequence of zeros are converted to sequences of 01); however this is not sufficient if QPSK is used since the sequence of 01 becomes a constant sequence of the symbol “01”. The term "Logical Link Sublayer" is not consistent with the CCSDS Layers terms used in paragraph 2.1 and figure 2-1. Accept and discuss the exact wording to be used. Use Wai's text. Done. The term "Logical Link Sublayer" is not consistent with the Accept. Done. Accept. Done. To : "At the sending end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts Transfer Frames of fixed length from the Data Link Protocol Sublayer (see figure 2-1), performs...." 11 2-4, 2-5 2.3.2 and figure J. P. Rocher Sublayer naming (2) Replace "Logical Link Sublayer" by "Data Link Protocol Sublayer" on the top of figure 2.2. From : "At the receiving end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts a continuous and contiguous 10 E No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title 2.3 Description of Requested Change C stream of channel symbols from the Physical Layer, performs functions selected for the mission, and delivers Transfer Frames to the Logical Link Sublayer." Supporting Analysis Disposition CCSDS Layers terms used in paragraph 2.1 and figure 2-1. To : "At the receiving end, the Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer accepts a continuous and contiguous stream of channel symbols from the Physical Layer, performs functions selected for the mission, and delivers Transfer Frames to the Data Link Protocol Sublayer." 12 2-3 and 2-4 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 G. P. Calzolari 13 2-5 2.4 G. P. Calzolari Remove NOTE for recommend combination s Delete section 2.4 RECOMME NDED COMBINA TIONS OF OPTIONS 14 3 G. P. Calzolari Change Section 3 15 3-1 G. P. Randomizer Table 3- Replace "Logical Link Sublayer" by "Data Link Protocol Sublayer" on the top of figure 2.3. Remove the NOTE - For recommended combinations of options, see section 3. R See previous RID. Discuss. Accept. Done. This section is not really adding information. The suitability of a given combination of options to a mission scenario is in principle Green Book material. R This section should present the allowed Schemes and not the allowed/proposed combinations. This is Green Book material. The (future) blue book shall only make sure of warning the user about selection of option and not proposing any combination as preferred=good for all seasons. It is said that in case 2 (convol only), the pseudo R 11 See previous two RIDs. The combination of options shall be selected according to mission characteristics and not necessarily to “augment the performance of each other.” To be discussed at CCSDS Meeting. Accept, but whether to delete 2.4 is independent of whether to delete the table of recommended combinations of options. Accept. Done. Move the table to the Green Book. Section 3 was deleted. Discuss. This section was No. Page Para 1 Reviewer RID Short Title Calzolari Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis Randomiser is optional but needless though we concluded that the conv. encoding does not guarantee enough and 'good' transitions (e.g. if QPSK is used!). Disposition generated based on requests from Agencies. My recommendation is to change the word "needless" to something else and add a note below the table. As I already mentioned to you for the TC book I think we should try to avoid the problem we are experiencing with the TM randomizer; i.e. it may appear we hide the risk and give people the impression that the spirit is "use it if unavoidable" while the correct aim should be "don't use only if you sure150% it is not needed". It may be we should have stronger sentences in this direction and avoid the word needless. Move the table to the Green Book. Section 3 was deleted. It may also be that we should completely remove that section (valid in principle only for BPSK) from your book in favour of the forthcoming Coding Green Book. 16 3-1, etc. Table 3.1, section 9, etc. John O'Donnell Randomizer From this point of view I do invite Pen-Shu team (that was very sensible to the Randomizer problem!) to check the contents of the Green Book for the randomiser and to propose any improvement they consider useful. In Table 3-1 and in Section 9 and in other references to the pseudo-randomizer as "needless" there should be a change such that pseudo-randomization is denoted as being mandatory. Supporting analysis: Randomization is required not only to satisfy needed transition density for clock recovery but also to suppress periodicity in the baseband data so as not to distort the transmitted spectrum and also to ensure baseband transitions for Viterbi decoding when convolutional inner code is used. Pseudo-randomization should be optional only if some other means are enforced to guarantee that repetitive data patterns due to fill packets 12 T See the Description of Requested Change column. Discuss. (The same comment as the previous one). Delete "needless". Explain in the Green Book. Section 3 was deleted. (See comments #14 and #15.) No. 17 Page 3-1 18 19 Para Table 31 4 4-1 4.1.2 Reviewer RID Short Title G. P. Calzolari C or instrument conditions are randomized to avoid spectral lines. Taking this step also prevents the possibility that in a system that uses multiple branch convocoders in the presence of long strings of fixed byte patterns, for example 10101010, that individual branch coders won't be coding a static input. When that happens, and it has happened on EOS-AM (Terra), the Viterbi decoders in the ground segment cannot reliably acquire valid node sync because they have no baseband transitions. Fourth Row from Heading, Columns 3 and 5. From “Optional but needless” to “Optional” W. Fong W. Fong Description of Requested Change Section 4 (Service Definition) Single User? Supporting Analysis Several Missions have reported problems with the telemetry links although CCSDS coding was used and CCSDS “compliance” was observed. These problems could have been avoided through the use of the randomizer. This section strikes me as being more a part of the data link layer description. The sentence “Only one user can use this service on a Physical Channel, and Transfer Frames from different users are not multiplexed together within one Physical Channel.” may be misleading. It should be improved. 13 Disposition Discuss. (The same comment as the previous two comments). Delete "needless". Explain in the Green Book. Section 3 was deleted. (See comments #14 and #15.) Discuss. (See RIDs/comments on Table 3-1). R In principle AOS Frames and Packet TM Frames may share the same physical Link (as long as length & coding are identical). In addition several VCs are multiplexed. Move it to an Annex. Done. Reject. The sentence is not misleading because section 4.2 of the TM (or AOS) Space Data Link Protocol states that the Data Link Protocol shall generate a sequence of Frames to be transmitted on one No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Description of Requested Change C 20 4-1 4.2.1 G. P. Calzolari AOS & Packet TM Frames not together? Reword this section. R 21 4-2 4.2.3 G. P. Calzolari Define what a sequence indicator is The sequence indicator was not defined in the past. Nevertheless this is consistent with SLE & reality. It is recommend stating clearly what this sequence indicator is. R 22 4-2 G. P. Calzolari Synchronou s ChannelAcc ess.request? Make clear that the ChannelAccess.request primitive is passed synchronously to the service provider to request it to process and send the Frame. R 23 4-3 G. P. Calzolari Repeated information Delete this section. E 14 Supporting Analysis Is a VC a user? Make clear what a user is. In principle AOS Frames and Packet TM Frames may share the same physical Link (as long as length & coding are identical). Sequence Indicators are also built by checking the Master Channel Counter and/or VC Counter. In case of coding the sequence indicator is normally built by investigating timing distance, out of lock etc,. In fact, the physical layer needs to generate frames synchronously. It is up to the upper layer to generate e.g. Idle frames. This section adds no real information. Why repeating? All the information could be in the previous Disposition Physical Channel. Reject. The TM (or AOS) Space Data Link Protocol shall of generate all Frames transmitted over a Physical Channel. (Otherwise, Idle Frames cannot be generated.) Therefore, AOS and TM Frames cannot share the same Physical Channel. Reject. It is already defined in this section that it indicates a loss of frame synchronization. Accept. Add the following to "The user shall generate this primitive periodically at the rate specified by the service provider." Done. Accept. Done. No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title G. P. Calzolari Inconsistent sections Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis Disposition section. 24 4-3 25 6-6 26 6-6 27 7-5 28 9-1 and 6.2 W. Fong I+M de Lande Long Missing character in PDF Figure 7-2 Sandi Habinc (Gaisler Research) Incorrect Turbo encoder block diagram 9.1 W. Fong These two sections seem to be inconsistent. It may be worth to delete the latter section and combine the information only in one section. Page 6-6, lines 4, 5, 10. Dual Basis symbol (l) is missing from lines/ equations R On page 6-6, line 4, and again further down the page, there are problems with one of the special characters used in the equations. The character does not appear in the PDF version of the file. (deLL) The block diagram of the Turbo encoder depicts the component encoders as 5 bits wide shift registers, although they only have 16 states i.e. 4 bits wide registers. The corresponding figure in CCSDS 101-0-B5 should be used instead. E E T The corresponding figure in CCSDS 1010-B-5 has been corrected accordingly after some previous discussion in the panel. Accept. Delete because it repeats Done. Accept. Should be handled by the Secretariat. It is not missing in the original Word file. Accept. Should be handled by the Secretariat. It is not missing in the original Word file. Accept. Done. Page 9-1, Section 9.1, First Paragraph: Discuss. From: “The pseudo-randomizer defined in this section is required unless a sufficient bit transition density is ensured for the channel by other methods” Use Wai's text. Done. The same text as that used in Telemetry Channel Coding Blue Book, Issue 6 was used wherever the randomizer is mentioned.. To: “To ensure proper receiver operation the data stream must be sufficiently random. The pseudorandomizer defined in this section is the preferred method to ensure sufficient randomness for all combinations of CCSDS recommended modulation and coding schemes. However, a system can be compliant without this randomizer. It is imperative that the system designer verify proper operation of the system if this randomizer is not used*.” 15 No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis Disposition *[footnote] Unexpected problems with telemetry links have been encountered because this pseudo randomizer was not used and sufficient randomness was not ensured by other means and properly verified. See Reference [D2] for a list of these problems to consider in the system design. 29 10-1 10.1 G. P. Calzolari Minimum Frame Length? 30 10-1 10.2 and 10.3 G. P. Calzolari Why 2048? 31 10-2 10.4 G. P. Calzolari More info for E 32 10-2 10.4 G. P. Calzolari More info for I 33 10-2 10.4 Prof. Garello (through G. P. RS coded Frame lengths [D2] Channel Coding—Summary of Concept and Rationale. Report Concerning Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 100.0-G-2. Green Book. Issue 2. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, [under development]. It looks worth to add some remarks about the minimum frame length allowed. R In principle an uncoded/conv-enecoded frame may be longer that 2048 octets. This limitation should be better explained/clarified though it looks reasonable for data handling (i.e. it is likely that a sw program would put the limit to this number). R From: where E = error correction capability To: where E = error correction capability (i.e. 8 or 16) From: I = interleaving depth, and To: I = interleaving depth (i.e. 1,….or 8), and From: Transfer Frame length (in octet) = (255-2E-q)I and must be a positive integer, where E = error correction capability, R Increases readability. R Increases readability. 16 The First Header Pointer gives the only real limitation. To be discussed at CCSDS Meeting. Reject. This section is about constraints on frame lengths, which include constraints on minimum frame lengths. Reject. The current Packet Telemetry Recommendation specifies that the frame shall not be longer than 2048 octets, but it does not explain why. A GB issue. Reject. It is P1B's decision (in April 2002) to use a parameter instead of numbers. Reject. It is P1B's decision (in April 2002) to use a parameter instead of numbers. Discuss. Use L for Transfer Frame length. No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Calzolari) 34 10-2 10.4 G. P. Calzolari Description of Requested Change q = 0 or a positive integer, I = interleaving depth, and qI corresponds to the number of fill octets per codeblock. RS coded Frame lengths To: Transfer Frame length (in octet) = (255-2E-q)I, where E = error correction capability, q is an integer with 0 <= q <= (255-2E-1), I = interleaving depth, and qI corresponds to the number of fill octets per codeblock. 1) If I remember well the natural integers include positive integers and the zero; than q = 0 or a positive integer, could be replaced by q = natural integer, (If this is not considered too cryptic!) 2) the upper limit (255-2E-1) is mathematically correct but in principle would also allow - when I=1 - to have a frame 1 byte long! Then it is illogical for I=1, but for I=8 would allow a frame 8 bytes long (stupid but not illegal in principle) 3) We do not have a clear lower limit for frame length a therefore we cannot replace the value 1 with another number an it may be that the final formulation could be: Transfer Frame length (in octet) = k k = (255-2E-q)I where E = error correction capability, q = natural integer, I = interleaving depth, 17 C Supporting Analysis Disposition L=(255-2E-q)I such that L is a positive integer, q = number of virtual fill symbols per R-S codeword. delete "qI corresponds …" Done. Discuss. See above. Done. No. Page Para Reviewer RID Short Title Description of Requested Change C Supporting Analysis Disposition such that k > X and qI corresponds to the number of fill octets per codeblock [X could correspond to the length of mandatory fields (e.g. frame header) plus one data octet though this would still be a crazy frame!] 35 10-2 10.4 G. P. Calzolari Avoid use of may 4) Point 3 above could be in favour of simply adding "k > X" in text form; e.g. k shall be a positive value of reasonable length (or something similar) Replace the word “may” with “shall” in the sentence: When 32-bit compatibility is required, the Transfer Frame length must be chosen so that it may be expressed by the above equation and the codeblock length (255-q)I (in octets) may be a multiple of 4. R 36 10-2 10.6 G. P. Calzolari Correspond I values Include the corresponding I values as done in the old blue book. R 37 11-2 11 G. P. Calzolari Units missing R 38 11-3 11.6 G. P. Calzolari Implicit Length Clarify the units (e.g. bits, octets, etc.) for some parameters as (list may be not complete): Virtual Fill Length (Q) Information Block Length (k) Should the value of ASM Length (bits) implicitly be implied by the selected coding scheme? 18 R Discuss. Change "codeblock length (255-q)I" to "R-S codeword length (255-q)" It shows the clear compatibility with RS choices. Add note/clarification as appropriate. Change "may" to "shall" Done. Reject. The corresponding I values are shown in table 7-1. This section is taken from Annex E of the old book, which does not show the corresponding I values. Accept. Change as follows: (Q) => (Q, symbols) (k) => (k, symbols) Done. Accept. Add the following after table 11-5. "NOTE: The ASM length is determined by the selected coding schemes." Done. 19