Dr S Akroyd - Danderhall Medical Practice

85 Newton Church Road
EH22 1LX
0131 654 1079
Dr H Eggo
Dr H G Philpott
Dr S Sparrow
Dr S Akroyd
Danderhall Medical Practice serves the whole village of Danderhall and surrounding areas.
We manage all chronic diseases such as Asthma and Diabetes.
This leaflet is for both existing patients and those considering registering with us. It tells you
about our services, how to access them, and some general information about how our
practice operates.
If you live in our practice area and would like to register with us, please complete one of our
registration forms that are available from our reception. When you register with the practice
you will be invited to attend a health check with the nurse.
Clinics and services we offer: Respiratory Problems
Heart Problems
Cervical Screening
Blood Pressure checks
Well Woman Clinic
Smoking cessation
Phlebotomist Clinic
Dietary advice
Antenatal Clinic
Travel Advice and Vaccinations
Wart Clinic
Baby Clinic
Friday 9-11.30am
The clinic is run by midwives who can be contacted by ringing Dalkeith Medical Practice.
0131 561 5533. If you become pregnant, you will be given a "booking" appointment at which
the Doctor will ask you a few questions and carry out some general health checks. The
midwives and the Doctor will see you regularly throughout your pregnancy at Danderhall.
Child Health and immunisations
Health Visitor Wednesday 2-4pm
All new babies are invited for regular check-ups.
Wart Clinic
This is managed by the Practice Nurse monthly. You will need to see a Doctor before making
an appointment at this clinic.
Please contact reception for dates.
Please contact the surgery to make a double appointment with either of our nurses.
Smoking Cessation
Run by our Practice Nurse and Health Visitor, this clinic gives advice and support to patients
trying to give up smoking.
Please contact the surgery to make a double appointment with the Practice Nurse Monday to
Tracy Anderson runs this clinic. Please phone 0131 654 1079
Meet the staff:
Dr H Eggo MB ChB. Dobts RCOG , DCCH
Dr S Sparrow MB ChB. Dobts RCOG 1974
Dr H G Philpott MB ChB, MRCGP, BSc Hon Physiology, Ph.D. Physiology
Dr S Akroyd MB ChB, MRCP
Nursing team
Practice Nurse, Krys Thomson, RGN, Dncert., Asthma Management Diploma, Coronary Heart
Treatment Room Nurse, Elaine Robinson
Health Care Assistant, Nicola Devennie, SVQ II
You can arrange to make a nurse appointment by calling the practice on 654 1079.
Health Visitor
Jill Swales, RGN,RM,Dip HV. Jill may be contacted on 654 4312.
District Nurses
Based at Dalkeith Medical Practice. Tel. 561 5500
Administration Staff
Nadia Fernie
Nancy Davidson
Nicola Devennie
Lynn Laing
Margaret Murray
Joyce Fleming
Sylvia Wilson
Practice Manager
Morbidity Coder
Clinical data administrator/Health Care Assistant
Opening times
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 1pm
2.00pm - 6pm
The surgery will be closed every 4th Wednesday of every month from 12.30am for practice
training. Please see reception for dates.
Consultation times - We offer a range of appointment times throughout the week. We do try
and accommodate those patients who are working and offer some later evening
Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions for medicines may be supplied only if your Doctor agrees. You may
request them via reception, by filling in the form or by using your slip from a previous
prescription. We are sorry but we are unable to process repeat prescriptions over the phone.
If you wish us to send your prescription to you, please let us have a stamped addressed
envelope. We are hoping in the future to introduce an email facility for requesting repeat
prescriptions. Due to the volume of prescriptions that are requested please allow 48hrs for us
to process your request.
All consultations are by appointment only. You can make an appointment on the day or in
advance by calling 0131 654 1079. You can help us by:
 being on time for your appointment
 let us know if you need to cancel
 call for a home visit or urgent appointment before 10am
 ring for test results after 11am
 ask for a double appointment if you think you need longer than 10 minutes
We also offer telephone consultations if you feel you don’t need to see the doctor face to face
Extended Hours
The practice runs a late clinic every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening for those patients who
find it difficult to attend during working hours. See posters in the waiting areas for dates or
telephone reception to enquire.
Home visits
Home visits are at the discretion of the doctor and are for patients who are housebound or
genuinely too ill to come to the surgery. If you require a home visit please contact the surgery
before 10.30am. The receptionist will ask you the nature of your illness; this helps the doctor
assess the urgency for planning their calls and allows urgent visits to be dealt with promptly.
Out of hours/emergency medical care
Please always call the surgery number in the first instance and listen to the answering
message. You will be directed to NHS24 who will handle your call. In the first instance
trained nurses will deal with calls to this service. If you need to be seen by a Dr this will be
arranged for you. Please note; this is a service for EMERGENCIES ONLY and not routine
matters. Please note that all telephone calls to this service are confidential and are voice
recorded for medico-legal purposes. In life threatening emergencies please call an ambulance
by dialling 999.
NHS24 TELEPHONE 08454 242424
NHS Website www.nhs24.com
'Carers' are people who look after someone who is frail, ill or disabled. You may be a wife,
husband, partner, son, daughter, relative or friend. If you fall into one of these categories
please ask at reception for our carer's pack.
Other local NHS services
As well as our practice, there are many other local NHS services you can contact for health
advice, information or treatment. Before you do, remember that you can treat many minor
ailments such as colds, coughs and indigestion by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at
home. We suggest you keep the following:
 Paracetamol and aspirin (children under 16 and people with asthma should not take
 Mild laxatives
 Anti-diarrhoea medicines
 Re-hydration mixture
 Indigestion remedy (for example, antacids)
 Travel sickness tablets
 Sunscreen - SPF15 or higher
 Sunburn treatment (for example, calamine)
 Tweezers and sharp scissors
 A thermometer
 A selection of plasters, non-absorbent cotton wool, elastic bandages and dressings.
 Keep the medicine chest in a secure, locked place out of reach of small children.
 Always read the instructions and use the suggested dose.
 Watch expiry dates - don't keep or use medicines past their sell by date.
 Take all unwanted and out-of-date medicines back to the pharmacy.
Your Local pharmacist
Your local pharmacist will be able to give you free health advice during their opening times you don't need an appointment.
Accident and emergency
Whatever the time of day, if you or someone else experience severe chest pain, severe loss
of blood or suspected broken bones, go to your nearest accident and emergency or call 999.
Accident and emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can
assess serious injuries and provide emergency treatment.
Patients with particular needs
Our practice is accessible to patients using a wheelchair. We also have one allocated
disabled parking space. For patients with hearing problems, we have the loop system. Please
see details at reception. We can arrange interpretation and translation services in person or
by phone for patients who do not speak English. Please let us know if you need this service
when booking an appointment.
Data Protection Act
The practice is registered under the Data Protection Act to hold personal information
regarding patients on computer and in medical notes. The practice will not divulge any
information to a third party without the patient's written permission. Patients can view their
information and/or computerised records by request at the practice.
Practice Newsletter
The practice is hoping soon to introduce a newsletter to keep patients up to date with
information about our services and health issues. Please contact reception if you have any
ideas to contribute
Disclosure of Patient Records
There may be circumstances in which your personal medical record, or parts of it, may be
disclosed to other people apart from your GP and those directly involved in your care.
Usually, your notes would be disclosed in an anonymised form. However, there are times
when the record cannot be anonymised, either because it would be impractical to do so or
because the nature of the request is such that it is necessary for your name to be disclosed.
Patients should be reassured that any disclosure of patient information is conducted within
the rules of the Data Protection Act and records will only be disclosed when the following
conditions are met:
The purpose of the request is to improve, manage or promote the provision of healthcare.
Examples of this may be:
 Where the relevant Health Board wishes to ensure that the GP practice is meeting its
obligation to provide certain levels of care to patients or a particular group of patients
under the terms of their contract.
 Where a new treatment is available, and where the Health Board wishes to inform
patients who would benefit from it, the practice would provide name and contact
Any other valid exemption under the Data Protection Act applies.
Disclosure will only be made in response to appropriate requests made by the relevant Health
Board or people acting on their behalf, provided those people are themselves legally bound to
keep the information they receive confidential.
Patients Rights
If you want to obtain further information on the exact nature of any disclosure in respect of
your records, you should apply in writing to Nadia Fernie, Practice Manager.
 You may insist that any disclosures are only to be made with your written consent.
 You may inform the practice that on no account should the doctor disclose any of your
patient information to anybody other than for the purposes of your care.
Please note that, by law, where there are reasonable grounds for suspicion that a serious
crime has been or is being committed, which would include fraud or any threat to national
security, the consent of that individual does not have to be obtained.
Access To Health Records
If you wish to have access to your health records you should put your request in writing to the
Practice Manager. The Practice may charge between £10 and £50 for any photocopies you
require depending on volume.
Emergency Care Summary What is this?
This is a summary of basic information about your health, which might be important if you
need urgent medical attention when your surgery is closed. What information is on your
Date of Birth
Name of GP surgery
CHI number (Your unique hospital number)
Information about any medicines prescribed by your GP surgery (this means all repeat and
acute prescriptions carried out in the last 30 days)
Any bad reaction you've had to medicines that your GP know about
Your emergency care summary is copied from your GP's computer system and stored
electronically. NHS staff can then find it quickly if they need to see it. If however you would
like to opt out of this scheme then please contact the Practice Manager.
If you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. Please contact
the Practice Manager who will happily advise you of the complaints procedure, alternatively
you may ask reception for a copy of our complaints procedure information leaflet.
Rights and responsibilities
We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff
in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour
against any of our staff or patients. If a patient behaves in this manner they will be warned to
stop. If they persist, we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed,
immediately if necessary, from our practice list.
All staff at this practice are committed to working together to provide the best possible care for
our patients.
However we need you to work together to achieve this aim. You have an important role in the
partnership of care that exists between us. If you accept the responsibility as a patient we
can help you get the most from the medical care and facilities available here.
In the same way that you have a right to join the practice of your choice, we have the right to
accept patients or remove patients from our list if we feel that the Doctor/patient relationship
has broken down.
We undertake to: 
Show courtesy to you as an individual and respect your rights to privacy and
To respect and treat all our patients as individuals regardless of race, gender social class,
age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or medical condition.
Ensure you receive most appropriate care by suitable qualified staff
To offer regular health checks
To make referrals to specialist as necessary
Ensure you receive a clear explanation of proposed treatment and an opportunity to ask
To provide information about services available
To see patients who feel their illness is genuinely of an urgent nature on the same day
To involve you in decisions regarding health care, investigations and treatment
To strive to improve the services we offer
We ask you to: 
Treat us with the same courtesy and respect as you expect to receive
Read the information in the practice leaflet
Tell us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend appointments so we can offer them
to someone else
Ask for a home visit only if absolutely necessary.
Home visits are for the
housebound/disabled and the surgery has the best facilities for treating patients
Allow sufficient time for your repeat prescription to be processed. 48hrs
Be understanding if appointments are running late. This is usually due to the patient
before you needing more time with the doctor.
Inform us of any changes of address, name or phone number
Not ask for another family member to be seen at your appointment without prior
Not to call the Doctor out with surgery hours except in emergencies
Not to use an emergency appointment unless it is an emergency
If you have any suggestions to help us improve our service then please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Revised 10/02/2009