COVENANT UNIVERSITY, OTA 2014/2015 Academic Session COURSE COMPACT FOR MAT122 College: Science and Technology School: Natural & Applied Sciences Department: Mathematics Programme: Industrial Mathematics Course Code: MAT122 Course Title: Vector Algebra Units: 2 Course Facilitators: Dr. M.C. Agarana, Mr. O.O. Agboola & Mr. O.S. Edeki Semester: Omega Time: 12:00 Noon – 2:00 pm every Thursday Location: Lecture Theatre I A. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF COURSE MAT122, Vector Algebra is a one-semester 2-Credit foundation level course. The main objective of this course is to give students a good foundation in Vector Analysis, a course they might be taking in depth later on either in mathematics or physics, or engineering. B. COURSE OBJECTIVES/GOALS At the end of the course, students should be able to: i. Define and differentiate between scalar and vectors. ii. Represent vectors correctly. iii. Add vectors correctly in any form it is presented. iv. Apply the algebraic laws of vector to practical problems, like proofs of some basic theorems. v. Calculate the Cartesian (rectangular) components of three-dimensional vectors given two points on the line of action of the vector. 1 vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. Calculate the Cartesian (rectangular) components of a unit vector describing the direction of three-dimensional vectors. Calculate the Cartesian direction angles (direction cosines) of a three-dimensional vector. Calculate products of vectors using scalar multiplication, scalar or dot product, vector or cross products. Determine the angle between two vectors in either two or three dimensions using the scalar product. Calculate scalar (box) triple products and vector triple products, easily. Apply the products of vectors in calculating direction cosines, area of Triangle, area of parallelogram and volume of parallelepiped. Calculate the moment of a force, about a point and torque, using vectors Perform vector operations such as gradient, divergence and curl on given vector functions. Differentiate and integrate vector functions. C. METHOD OF DELIVERY /TEACHING AIDS The course will be taught via Lectures and Tutorial Sessions, the tutorial being designed to complement and enhance both the lectures and the students’ appreciation of the course. Course work assignments will be reviewed with the students. D. COURSE OUTLINE Module 1: Introduction to Vectors 1.1 3-Dimensional Cartesian coordinate systems 1.2 Definition and representation of vectors 1.3 Direction cosines Module 2 - Elementary vector algebra 2.1 Multiplication of a vector by a scalar 2.2 Addition of vectors 2.3 Scalar and vector products of two vectors and applications 2.4 Triple product and applications, Solution of vector equations Module 3 - Calculus of vector functions Differentiation of vector function, Plane curves and space curves Differential definition of gradient, divergence and curl and their simple applications Integration of vector functions F. STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMME/METHOD OF GRADING 1. Attendance at class meetings, In-class work / group work (periodically), quizzes (some quizzes may be unannounced), homework, collected and graded and solutions provided (counting for 10% of the total course marks); 2 2. Two tests, 1-hour duration for each (counting for 20% total of the course marks) and 3. One (1) End-of-semester examination, 2 hours duration counting for 70% of the total course marks. G. GROUND RULES & REGULATIONS Students would be required to maintain high level of discipline (which is the soul of an army) in the following areas: Regularity and punctuality at class meetings – Because regular participation enhances the learning process, students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy set forth by the University. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes to better prepare them for assignments, tests and other course-related activities; Regardless of the cause of absences, a student who is absent six or more days in a semester is excessively absent, and will not receive credit unless there are verified extenuating circumstances Students will be given assignments periodically. Students may work together to understand these assignments, but all work submitted must be the student’s original work. There is a distinct difference between providing guidance and instruction to a fellow student and allowing the direct copying of another’s answers or work. Late homework assignments will NOT be accepted. Modest dressing; and Good composure. H. TOPICS FOR TERM PAPERS/ASSIGNMENTS/STUDENT ACTIVITIES Group projects will be assigned at the discretion of the course tutor/facilitator. I. ALLIGNMENT WITH COVENANT UNIVERSITY VISION/GOALS Prayers are to be offered at the beginning of lectures. Presentation of the learning material will be done in such a way that the knowledge acquired is useful and applicable. Efforts would be made to address students on godliness, integrity and visionary leadership. J. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES/INDUSTRY RELEVANCE The course will lay a solid foundation for the students in applied Mathematics and Engineering. K. RECOMMENDED READING/TEXT K. T. Tang. Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. II, Springer: New York. (2007). R. Wrede & M. R. Spiegel. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Advanced Calculus, 2nd ed., Mc-Graw-Hill: New York. (2002). 3