Project Read---Nov. 15-19

Project Read---Nov. 15-19
Unit 13A Lesson 1 Skill: Beginning Consonant l-blends
Monday----/sl/ beginning blend
Teacher will write the following 2 words up on board: lap, slap and state:
“The first word lap starts with one consonant. The second word slap starts
with 2 consonants. In this lesson you will study words that start with 2
consonants. Two consonants starting a word are called consonant blends.
Consonant blends have 2 consonant sounds stirred together. Watch as I
blend these 2 ingredients together.” Pretend to put some sugar in a bowl and
then some cocoa, and then blend or stir the cocoa into the sugar. State: “The
sugar crystals are now coated with cocoa. The ingredients are blended
together. It works the same way with consonant sounds.”
Place a dark plastic bowl with –sl written on an index card in the bowl. Do
not let students know the card is in the bowl. Teacher displays index cards –s
and –l and tells students, “Let’s blend these 2 sounds together.” Teacher
drops the consonant –s into the bowl giving the sound /s/. Teacher drops the
–l card into the bowl saying the sound /l/. Using a wooden spoon, the teacher
stirs or blends the cards in the bowl saying the sound /sl/ out loud and
pulling out the –sl card.
State: “Sl is a consonant blend. It starts the word slap.”
Teacher will model skywriting the blend –sl. (Say /s/ sound while tracing
letter in the air. Say /l/ sound while tracing letter in the air. Stir sounds
together by pulling under the letters and stirring around letters. Stir and say
Teacher passes out bowl on worksheet pg. 13-3 and tells students that this is
their consonant bowl. You will put all the –l blends in it. Teacher
demonstrates using the document camera how to place the consonant blend –
sl on the first line to the left of the bowl. Students place the /sl/ blend in their
bowl while saying each sound as the symbol is written and then blended
together /sl/.
Teacher will model for students how to finger spell with beginning
consonant blends. A consonant blend is considered one sound and is
represented by one finger. With beginning blends the thumb is stirred when
the blend sound is let out from fist. Teacher says the word. Word is used in a
sentence. Word is thrown out like a baseball. Students catch word in fist and
say the word. Word is let out sound by sound. Sounds are blended together
(fingers are pulled together) to say word.
Class tries the above technique with the word sled.
Then teacher writes the word sled on the board and sweeps across spellings
in the word while students give sounds to say the word sled.
Students will read words from –sl blend worksheet 13-13 (teacher places this
worksheet under the document camera). The first time through the students
will finger spell each word to read. The next time through teacher will touch
letters as she sweeps across words and students will give sounds in word
(sweep sounds) to say the word. This worksheet will be sent home for
reading homework.
Students will also practice reading sentences containing –sl words on
worksheet 13-9 (teacher will place this worksheet under the document
camera). Students will blend words in sentences as needed. A copy of this
worksheet will also be sent home for reading homework.
Tuesday---beginning /sl/ blend
Review –sl blend. Teacher will write the words lap and slap up on board and
point out that lap begins with one consonant and slap begins with 2
consonants. In this lesson you will study words that start with 2 consonants.
Two consonants starting a word are called consonant blends. Consonant
blends have 2 consonant sounds stirred together.
Class will practice skywriting –sl: Say /s/ sound while tracing letter in air.
Say /l/ sound while tracing letter in air. Stir sounds together by pulling under
the letters and stirring around letters. “Stir and Say”
Students will practice reading –sl words on worksheet 13-13 which teacher
will place under the document camera. The first time through students will
practice finger blending words (use one finger for beginning –sl blend) and
saying words. The second time through students will say words and if
needed will sweep/blend sounds to read the words.
Students will practice reading sentences containing –sl words on worksheet
13-9 which teacher will place under the document camera. Before reading
sentences, students will practice the –sl words in the sentences. Then
students will practice reading sentences, blending words if needed.
Spell Tabs: Teacher will dictate the following words and students will finger
spell words and then write the dictated words on notebook paper for the
following words: slam, slip, slick, slop, slack. Steps for spell tabs are as
1. Teacher says word. 2. Word is used in sentence by teacher. 3. Word
is thrown out like a baseball to students. 4. Students catch words in
fist and say the word. 5. Word is let out sound by sound (finger
blending Remember: the –sl blend is treated as one sound and only
one finger will be used for the blend) 6. Sounds are blended together
(fingers are pulled together) to say word. Take these up for a
formative. Practice this assignment on board so students will know
what they missed.
Teacher will place the story worksheet, “Ned’s Sled” under the document
camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. A copy
of this story will be sent home for reading homework.
Wednesday---Review beginning /sl/ blend and beginning /bl/ blend
Students will review beginning –sl blend by choral and popcorn reading
–sl words on worksheet 13-13 that the teacher will place under the
document camera. They will also practice choral and popcorn reading
sentences containing –sl words on worksheet 13-9 that the teacher will
place under the document camera.
Students will practice choral and popcorn reading the story, “Ned’s Sled”
worksheet that the teacher will place under the document camera. Class
will discuss the story as they read and then students will complete a short
comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will leave the story under the
document camera while students take the quiz. Teacher will take these up
for a formative assessment grade.
Teacher will write the following 2 words up on board: lap, slap and state:
“The first word lap starts with one consonant. The second word slap starts
with 2 consonants. In this lesson you will study words that start with 2
consonants. Two consonants starting a word are called consonant blends.
Consonant blends have 2 consonant sounds stirred together.
State: “Bl is a consonant blend.”
Teacher will model skywriting the blend –bl. (Say /b/ sound while tracing
letter in the air. Say /l/ sound while tracing letter in the air. Stir sounds
together by pulling under the letters and stirring around letters. Stir and say
Teacher passes out bowl on worksheet pg. 13-3 and tells students that this is
their consonant bowl. You will put all the –l blends in it. Teacher
demonstrates using the document camera how to place the consonant blend –
bl in the bowl. Students place the /bl/ blend in their bowl while saying each
sound as the symbol is written and then blended together /bl/.
Students will read words from –bl blend worksheet 13-15 (teacher places
this worksheet under the document camera). The first time through the
students will finger spell each word to read. The next time through teacher
will touch letters as she sweeps across words and students will give sounds
in word (sweep sounds) to say the word. This worksheet will be sent home
for reading homework.
Thursday---Review –sl and –bl beginning blends
Review -sl and –bl beginning blends. Teacher will write the words lap and
slap up on board and point out that lap begins with one consonant and slap
begins with 2 consonants. In this lesson you will study words that start with
2 consonants. Two consonants starting a word are called consonant blends.
Consonant blends have 2 consonant sounds stirred together.
Class will practice skywriting –sl: Say /s/ sound while tracing letter in air.
Say /l/ sound while tracing letter in air. Stir sounds together by pulling under
the letters and stirring around letters. Students will also practice skywriting –
bl: Say /b/ sound while tracing letter in air. Say /l/ sound while tracing letter
in air. Stir sounds together by pulling under the letters and stirring around
Students will practice reading –sl words on worksheet 13-13 which teacher
will place under the document camera. The first time through students will
practice finger blending words (use one finger for beginning –sl blend) and
saying words. The second time through students will say words and if
needed will sweep/blend sounds to read the words.
Students will practice reading sentences containing –sl words on worksheet
13-9 which teacher will place under the document camera. Before reading
sentences, students will practice the –sl words in the sentences. Then
students will practice reading sentences, blending words if needed.
Students will practice reading –bl words on worksheet 13-15 which teacher
will place under the document camera. The first time through students will
practice finger blending words (use one finger for beginning –bl blend) and
saying words. The second time through students will say words and if
needed will sweep/blend sounds to read the words.
Spell Tabs: Teacher will dictate the following words and students will finger
spell words and then write the dictated words on notebook paper for the
following words: slam, black, bless, blink, block, blank. Steps for spell tabs
are as follows:
1. Teacher says word. 2. Word is used in sentence by teacher. 3. Word
is thrown out like a baseball to students. 4. Students catch words in
fist and say the word. 5. Word is let out sound by sound (finger
blending Remember: the –bl blend is treated as one sound and only
one finger will be used for the blend) 6. Sounds are blended together
(fingers are pulled together) to say word. Take these up for a
formative. Practice this assignment on board so students will know
what they missed.
Teacher will place the story worksheet, “The Black Blob” under the
document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the
story. A copy of this story will be sent home for reading homework.
Friday---Review beginning –sl and –bl blends
Class will practice skywriting –sl and –bl. They will also practice reading
beginning blends –sl and –bl words on worksheets 13-13 and 13-15
placed under the document camera. Students will also practice reading
sentences containing –sl words on worksheet 13-9 placed under the
document camera.
Teacher will place story worksheet, “The Black Blob” under the
document camera and students will practice choral and popcorn reading
the story. The teacher will leave the story under the document camera
while students complete a short comprehension quiz over the story.
Teacher will take these quizzes up for a formative assessment grade.
Students will set up their papers correctly with Spelling Test written on
top line and name and date on the second line and complete a spelling
assessment over the following words: slam, sled, slop, slid, slick, black,
bled, blob, block, blink.