REVISED 2/17/16 Carol Draper lesson elements for Week of 3/24/14 Grade 8 Algebra I Check all that apply: Language Arts Algebra I Social Science Science 1. Common Core Learning Standards Addressed: Technology Elective: Factoring Chapter 9 Lesson 9.1, & 9.2 Math Practice: Standard 1: Make sense of problems & persevere on solving them (CCSS domain 1) Standard 3: Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others (CCSS domain 3) 2a. Learning Targets: (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?) Essential Questions: (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this week lessons?) Mon: The learner will solve equations in factored form (lesson 9.2) Mon: The learner will review factoring polynomials and solve equations in factored form Tues: The learner solve equations by factoring (lesson 9.2) Tues.: The learner will write expressions in factored form for to find area of rectangles and solve equations in factored form Weds.: The learner will practice factor polynomials & trinomials with algebra tiles Wed The learner will factor trinomials & polynomials (exploratory activity) Thur.: The learner will factor trinomials Thurs: The learner will factor trinomials of the form X + bx + c and practice factoring polynomials 2a. I can statements: Mon: I can factor polynomials and solve equations in factored form like this… (Demo per EXIT PASS) Tues.: I Can write & solve expressions and equations in factored form like this… DEMO per EXIT PASS Weds.: I can factor polynomials & trinomials using algebra tiles. One thing I am unsure of is… Thurs. I can factor polynomials & trinomials like this… Demo per EXIT PASS New Bloom’s REVISED 2/17/16 Fri.: The learner will solve equations Fri: I can solve equations in Fri The learner will solve factored form like this… DEMO equations in of the form x2 + bx + PER EXIT PASS c 3. Formative Assessment Criteria for Success: (List examples in box below) Summative Assessment for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lesson’s outcomes look like?) Monday-Friday Comments: Formative (Ideas:) Thumbs up/down Exit ticket Zero to five Anecdotal notes Teacher observation Checklist Oral summary Extended Response Other: KWL, CAI, Small white boards checkpoint Monday-Friday Comments: Summative (Suggestions:) End of Unit Test Extended Response End of Unit Project Technology quiz ---classzone Oral/visual presentation Math Discourse QUIZ Written summary DIFFERENTIATION REVISED 2/17/16 4. Gradual Release of Learning: (What learning experiences will students engage in? How will you use these learning experiences or their student products as formative assessment opportunities? How and where will you differentiate?) Focus Lesson, Guided Instruction, Collaborative Instruction, Independent Tasks Components Day 1 Mon Day 2 Tues Day 3 Wed Day 4 Thur. Day 5 Fri. of Gradual Release: JJIP (word parts JJIP (word parts JJIP (word parts JJIP (word parts JJIP (word parts Focus Lesson & context clue) and context clue) and context clue) and context clue) and context clue) (I do) Activity: Activity: Activity: 1. Present the Activity: 1. Present the Activity: Present the lesson goal 1. Present the lesson goal 1. Present lesson goal and and wordlist lesson goal and wordlist the lesson wordlist including and wordlist including JJIP goal and including JJIP, JJIP and including and warm-up wordlist using Cornell warm-up JJIP, Cornell problems including notes for solving problems, notes on using Cornell JJIP using an equation in using factoring notes to Cornell factored form Cornell polynomials factor notes for notes for & trinomials trinomials solving solving an with algebra equations equation by tiles factoring Guided Instruction (We do) .2. Launch lesson 9.2 review of factoring integers & polynomials & solving an equation in factored form Launch lesson 9.2 Study guide worksheet # 1-3 & 9-11 2. Launch algebra activity pg. 481 & 487 factoring using the distributive property # 1-9 & 1-8 2. Launch page 489 and guide learners in completing examples # 13 2. Launch 9.3 example 3 5, solving equations by factoring REVISED 2/17/16 Collaborative (We do together) Independent (You do) 3. Checking for understanding # 28-30 & 48 -50 3. Checking for understanding # 1-3 3. CAI classzone PPT 9.5 example # 1-4 4, CAI Classzone 4. CAI: Classzone PPT 9.4 examples 3PPT 9-4 examples 4 2-4 3. Assign 4. Complete page 485 study guide # 48-59 worksheet 4. Divide into expert groups and compete assigned activities; HOMEWORK: pg. 824 (2-4 # 1-20) Summary & I Can (Student lead) statements with EXIT PASS Summary & I Can (Student lead) statements with EXIT PASS Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 DI /w teacher CAI Algebra tiles activity 3. CAI classzone PPT 9.5 example 3-5 3.Factoring trinomials & solving equations # 29-31 & 37 - 41 4. Page 492 # 1-9 4. Assign page 498 # 40-50 HOMEWORK: pg,824 (2-6 # 1-18) Homework: page 824 Summary & I Can (Student lead) (2-5 # 1-7) statements with EXIT PASS Summary & I Can (Student lead) statements with EXIT PASS 5. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Notebook Notebook Notebook Notebook Textbook Textbook Textbook Textbook Computer Computer Graphing Computer Summary & I Can (Student lead) statements with EXIT PASS Day 5 Notebook Textbook Computer REVISED 2/17/16 Small white boards Graphing calculators EXIT PASS Small white boards Graphing calculators Exit pass calculators Computers Small white board Graphing calculators Small white boards Graphing calculators ALGEBRA TILES ALGEBRA TILES EXIT PASS Family Connection (How will you communicate with and extend into the home?) Parents as Partners newsletter (Chapter 9) Q4 Week 1: this week begins 4th quarter. Learners will begin their study of quadratics. In addition, we will continue to review and practice basic skills of solving equations, working with polynomials, and graphing. Managing the excessive talking is becoming a problem as learners are easily distracted. I will pull back on the team activities and delegate more time to independent task encouraging students to manage their time. Looking Ahead: Q4 assessments