ANNUAL NACNAH CONFERENCE: Strategic Summit on Academic Internationalization for the Health Professions November 9-10, 2006 Wednesday, November 8th 6:00-9:00 (or whenever) NACNAH Board Meeting Thursday, November 9th 8:00-9:00 Registration and Coffee 9:00-9:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks: Ann M. Mitchell, RN, PhD, APHN-BC, President, NACNAH Karen L. Miller, RN, PhD, FAAN, Dean, School of Allied Health and School of Nursing, University of Kansas Medical Center 9:15-10:30 Panel on International Planning and Cooperation: International Cooperation for Doctoral Education Lillie M. Shortridge-Baggett, RN, EdD, FAAN, FNAP, Professor, Lienhard School of Nursing, Pace University; Keville Frederickson, RN, EdD, FAAN, Professor and Director of Research and Scholarship, Lehman College; and Martha Velasco Whetsell, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Lehman College Recruitment and Retention of International PhD Students Lisa Stehno-Bittle, PhD and Riana Smirnova, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, School of Allied Health, University of Kansas Medical Center 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-11:45 Group Discussion on International Planning and Cooperation: Recommendations for NACNAH and COHEHRE 11:45-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:30 Panel on General Educational Strategic Planning: Global Health Roles That Work: Nurses, Allied Health, and Community Health Workers Sherry Kirkpatrick, PhD, Vice President for Graceland, University of Kansas Medical Center’s Independence Campus Educating Faculty Who Can Then Develop Professional Programs in Other Countries Winnie Dunn, PhD, Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Allied Health, University of Kansas Medical Center International Clinical Experiences in Allied Health: A Starting Point Yvonne Searls, PT, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Allied Health, University of Kansas Medical Center Evaluation of a Graduate Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Program: US and Korea Kathryn S. Hegedus, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Connecticut 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-3:45 Group Discussion on General Educational Strategic Planning: Recommendations for NACNAH and COHEHRE [To be included: Formation of dual Academies] 3:45-4:00 Break 4:00-5:00 General NACNAH Membership Meeting NOTE: COHEHRE attendees are invited to attend 5:00-5:15 Official Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement: Networking the Americas Consortium for Nursing and Allied Health (NACNAH) for International Cooperation and the Consortium of Institutes of Higher Education in Health and Rehabilitation in Europe (COHEHRE) Champagne Toast 5:15-6:00 Cocktail Hour School of Nursing Building, University of Kansas Medical Center Friday, November 10th 8:00-9:00 Registration and Coffee 9:00-9:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks: Keville Frederickson, RN, EdD, FAAN, Executive Director, NACNAH Lou Loescher-Junge, PhD, Associate Dean, School of Allied Health and School of Nursing, University of Kansas Medical Center 9:15-10:30 Panel on Academic Internationalization: What can African Traditional Healers Teach us about Early Intervention for HIV Disease: The International Center for Indigenous Phytotherapies Kathy Goggin, PhD, Professor, University of Missouri, Kansas City The Status of Study Abroad Opportunities for Undergraduate Nursing Student in the US Mary Ann Thompson, RN, DrPH, Associate Professor, McKendree College, Louisville Campus Shaping World Views: Responding to the Challenges of Developing a Global Perspective in Baccalaureate Nursing Education Vicki Hicks, RN, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, University of Kansas Medical Center Enhancing English Communication Skills and Promoting Cross-Cultural Exchange at the University of Kansas Medical Center Amber Cordell, MS, Coordinator, ESL and Cultural Programs, Department of International Programs, University of Kansas Medical Center 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-11:45 Group Discussion on Academic Internationalization: Recommendations for NACNAH and COHEHRE [To be included: continuation on formation of Academies] 11:45-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:30 Panel on Professional Health Sciences Projects: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Respite: US and Caribbean Deborah Dysart-Gale, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University and Ann M. Mitchell, PhD, RN, APHN-BC, Assistant Professor of Nursing and Psychiatry, School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh The Development of a Multi-Cultural Family Support Room in an Intensive Care Unit Michelle Harris, RN, BSN, CCRN, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Toward a Culture of Measurement: Simple Methods of Analysis Demonstrate the Impact of Neuroscience Critical Care Nicholas G. Bircher, AB, MD, Physician and Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-3:45 Group Discussion on Professional Health Sciences Projects: Recommendations for NACNAH and COHEHRE 3:45-4:00 Break 4:00-5:00 Summarization of the Strategic Summit on Academic Internationalization for the Health Professions: Implications for the Future of NACNAH and COHEHRE Saturday, November 11th 8:00-12:00 NETWORKING “In the Land of OZ” (on your own) POSTER PRESENTATIONS: Assessments of HIV Infection Risks in Clinical Situations by Medical Students: A Comparison of Surveys from 1994, 1999, and 2004 Klewer, J, MD, PhD, DrPH, Professor, Health Care Management, Department of Public Health and Nursing Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau The Effect of a Central L5 Posterior Anterior Mobilization of the Straight Leg Raise Luleich, T, BcH, Physiotherapist and Barthel, P, VWA, Director of Medizinische Berufsfachschule, Bad Elster, Saxony, Germany Implementation of an Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Model within a Hospital Setting Mitchell, AM, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh; *Beacom, D, MSBI, RN, Coordinator Clinical Care; *Ferdiani, B, MSN, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist:; *DeCicco, D, MSN, RN; Clinical Nurse Manager; *Barrett, T, BSN, RN; Clinical Nurse Manager; *Gaus, T, BSN, RN; *Gordon, J, RN; *Patterson, G, RN; *Witt, M, BSN, RN; Clinical Nurse Manager; *Wood, M, BSN, RN; **Boucek, L; **Franzetta, J; *Nurses at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, **Student Nurses at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, PA