Report of the Corporate Director of Housing & Environment to the Portfolio Holder for Tenancy Services and Housing Needs For a DELEGATED DECISION On 13 June 2013 Disposal of Unoccupied dwelling houses 1. SUMMARY 1.1 This report seeks approval to declare surplus to requirements three properties held within the Housing Revenue Account portfolio and for the properties to be disposed of by Property Services, thus generating a Housing Revenue Account capital receipt, which is to be used to help facilitate the Council’s new build programme. 1.2 This is a key decision as it affects more than two wards and may generate capital receipts in excess of £250,000 and first appeared in the Forward Plan for the period March 2013. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS To be resolved by Portfolio Holder for Tenancy Services and Housing Needs (i) That the disposal of the unoccupied dwelling houses situate at properties 1 Rannoch Drive, 12 Coggins Lane (Warsop) and 70 Worcester Avenue (Mansfield Woodhouse) be approved. (ii) That Property Services be instructed to dispose of the properties and that the method of disposal be determined by the Council’s Corporate Asset Manager. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The Council’s Asset Management Plan contains a section on Asset Disposal Policy and sets out how land and property is identified as being surplus to requirements. 3.2 As part of the day to day management of Council owned housing three properties have recently become available which are considered to have a higher than normal asset value, when compared to other more traditional types of council housing. This is due to a combination of the individual property sizes, locations and overall footprints of the properties which may give some potential for the properties to be extended. 3.3 In respect of 70 Worcester Avenue and 12 Coggins Lane the Council does not own any other properties on these two streets. In addition to 1 Rannoch Drive the Council owns one other property on this street (number 7). 3.4 The Council is committed to delivering a programme of building new homes for Council tenants across the district and in September 2012 signed up to the Governments Right to Buy (RTB) replacement programme which enabled the Council to retain the receipts from RTB sales for re-investment in the construction of more affordable homes. The sale of these three individual properties would raise a significant capital receipt and would complement the proceeds from RTB sales and thereby contribute towards helping fund the Council’s new build programme. 3.5 This approach is strategically significant as it will enable the council to not only increase its stock, but it will improve the quality of that stock, create much needed employment opportunities and maximise the assets to their full potential. 3.6 The Council’s Property Services section has carried out a valuation of the properties and an assessment of potential enhancements to the value in the event that the properties are sold with outline planning permission for individual extensions. It is felt that by disposing of the properties with outline planning permission for a suitable extension that this may result in a higher value at the point of sale, thus increasing the capital receipt generated for the Council. 3.7 Alternatively, if these properties were made available for Council tenants to rent, then they would be in high demand due to their location, size and quality and the Council would not have any difficulty in letting them, however, this approach would not maximise the full potential of the assets. 4. OPTIONS AVAILABLE 4.1 There are 2 options available: - 4.2 Option 1 – Do Nothing. The properties could be repaired through the normal voids process and advertised for rent. It is likely the properties would be in high demand and the Council would receive an ongoing rental income from the properties. The Council would however retain costs associated with ongoing repair and maintenance. 4.3 Option 2 – Properties disposed by Tender/Private Treaty/Auction Recommended 4.4 Disposal of properties will generate a significant capital receipt for the Council which can be used to help fund the Council’s new build programme. It is felt the sale of the three properties will generate capital receipts that will enable more new Council owned properties to be built to replace those that have been sold, thus increasing the Council’s overall level of stock in the longer term. The Corporate Asset Manager will determine the method of disposal and this may vary on a property by property basis depending on factors such as location, size, planning and development potential and market conditions. 5. RISK ASSESSMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND OPTIONS Risk Risk Assessment Risk Level Risk Management Retention of the three properties would require ongoing repair and maintenance costs or the properties would fall into disrepair Low The properties could be repaired through normal day to day repair processes supported by ongoing capital programmes of work. Financial risk The sales may not proceed in a timely manner or achieve sale price. Low / Medium Property Services will carry out pre sale investigations prior to disposal including obtaining necessary consents were applicable. Each site will be actively marketed to ensure best consideration is achieved in a timely manner and realistic reserve prices will be listed on each site. Reputational risk Sale of Council housing could be viewed in a negative light by Low / Medium This risk can be mitigated by ensuring that information is made available to the public about funding new build Option 1 Do Nothing Financial Risk Option 2 (Preferred Option) Dispose of the properties the public given the current demand for local authority housing. properties, from sale proceeds, through the media / newsletters etc 6. ALIGNMENT TO COUNCIL PRIORITIES 6.1 In accordance with the Asset Management Plan, the council has to ensure its land and property assets are used effectively for the delivery of services either directly in the case of operational properties or indirectly with non-operational properties (e.g. investment properties). In the case of the above three properties, these will be replaced by a larger number of new build properties, thus increasing the Council’s overall stock in the longer term. 6.2 Ensuring there is an adequate supply of good quality, well managed housing which is accessible and affordable to those who need it is one of the Council’s corporate priorities and links directly with the contents of this report. 7. IMPLICATIONS 7.1 Relevant Legislation a) The General Housing Consents 2013 allows the Council to dispose of land for a consideration equal to its market value. The Consent also allows the Council to dispose of an unoccupied dwelling house to a person who intends to use it as their only or principal home so long as the price is not less than the amount equal to the purchase price as defined in the Housing Act 1985 s(126) (Right to Buy purchase price) to which the minimum discount, as provided by s129 has been applied. The Council also has a duty under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 to obtain best consideration in the disposals of its assets. b) Human Rights It is not considered individual rights will be infringed. c) Equality and Diversity There are no equality and diversity issues d) Climate change and environmental sustainability It is not considered that the decision will have an effect on climate change. e) Crime and Disorder It is not considered the decision will have any effect on crime and disorder. f) Budget/Resource There will be some sales costs associated with disposal of the properties but these and costs associated with obtaining outline planning approvals for property extensions, will be met from existing Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budgets. Under the HRA pooling system local authorities are able to retain all of their non-Right To Buy receipts provided they are used for affordable housing, regeneration schemes or the repayment of housing debt. 8. COMMENT OF STATUTORY OFFICERS Head of Paid Service – No specific comments Section 151 Officer – All budgetary implications are contained within the report Monitoring Officer – No specific comments 9. CONSULTATION 9.1 Internal consultation has taken place between various officers within Housing and Property Services to identify these properties and discuss their respective opportunities for sale. 10. BACKGROUND PAPERS None Report Author Designation Telephone E-mail - Neil Turton Tenancy Services Manager 01623 463741