1 Quality score based identification and correction of pyrosequencing errors 2 Shyamala Iyer, Heather Bouzek, Wenjie Deng, Brendan Larsen, Eleanor Casey, 3 and James I. Mullins 4 5 6 7 Supplementary Data Supplementary Table 1. Effect of varying coverage threshold on sensitivity 8 and specificity of SNP variant calling. AmpliconNoise + CorQ error correction 9 was used on pyrosequences mapping to the env region (~2500nt) from the ten 10 HIV-1 genome control dataset. Different fold coverage values were used as input 11 parameters in CorQ. Sensitivity and specificity of SNP variant detection within 12 this region is calculated for each fold coverage value. 13 14 Supplementary Table 2. Average number of reads and average read length 15 for simulated pyrosequences. Two sets of simulated pyrosequences generated 16 using Flowsim [1] are shown here. The first set (Set 1a, b and c) is comprised of 17 simulated reads generated using a single 1500 nt HIV-1 sequence as the starting 18 template. The second set (Set 2a, b and c) is comprised of simulated reads 19 generated using a 1500nt region located within 28 HIV-1 sequences as starting 20 templates. Simulations were done without additional SNP errors (1a, 2a) and with 21 two different SNP error rates, 0.005 and 0.01 (1b,c and 2b,c). 22 23 Supplementary Table 3. Comparison of insertion, deletion and substitution 24 error rates in homopolymeric regions after error correction on simulated 25 pyrosequences. Simulated reads were generated using Flowsim [1] using a 26 single 1500nt HIV-1 sequence as the starting template (Simulated datasets 1a- 27 c). Average insertion, deletion and substitution error rates within homopolymeric 28 regions are shown after correction with no additional SNP errors, and SNP error 29 rates of 0.005 and 0.01. 30 31 Supplementary Table 4. Comparison of insertion, deletion and substitution 32 error rates in non-homopolymeric regions after error correction on 33 simulated pyrosequences. The simulated reads were generated in Flowsim [1] 34 using a single 1500nt HIV-1 sequence as the starting template (Simulated 35 datasets 1a-c). Average insertion, deletion and substitution error rates within 36 non-homopolymeric regions are shown after correction with no additional SNP 37 errors, and SNP error rates of 0.005 and 0.01. 38 39 Supplementary Table 5. Sensitivity and specificity comparison of error 40 correction and SNP calling algorithms on simulated pyrosequences. 41 Simulated datasets 2a-c was used to compare the sensitivity and specificity of 42 error correction algorithms. Sensitivity measures the proportion of true SNPs 43 present within the HIV-1 templates, and correctly identified as such by the 44 various SNP calling programs. Specificity measures the proportion of true 45 negatives (positions in the gene regions that are invariant) that are correctly 46 identified as such by the compared programs. Note that QuRe failed when used 47 on simulated pyrosequences generated with a SNP error rate of 0.005. * Values 48 from QuRe are shown when the poor coverage regions were excluded from 49 sensitivity analysis and when these regions are included as false negatives 50 during analysis (the latter values are shown in parenthesis). 51 52 Supplementary Figure 1. Average reduction in base quality for indels found 53 in homopolymer and non-hompolymer regions. Reduction in base quality was 54 measured as the average difference in quality between flagged positions with 55 indels and the adjacent columns (See Materials and Methods, Equation 1). Base 56 qualities from uncorrected sequences (raw 454), and sequences corrected with 57 AmpliconNoise and Pyrobayes are shown for indels found in non-homopolymer 58 regions (length of 1) and varying homopolymer lengths. Reduction in base quality 59 is shown for indels within gag (A), env (B), nef (C) and the three genes combined 60 (D). 61 62 Supplementary File 1 63 Sanger sequences used as templates to generate simulated pyrosequencing 64 sets (2a-c) [2]. 65 References 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 1. Balzer S, Malde K, Lanzen A, Sharma A, Jonassen I (2010) Characteristics of 454 pyrosequencing data--enabling realistic simulation with flowsim. Bioinformatics 26: i420-425. 2. Herbeck JT, Rolland M, Liu Y, McLaughlin S, McNevin J, et al. (2011) Demographic processes affect HIV-1 evolution in primary infection before the onset of selective processes. Journal of virology 85: 7523-7534.