Editable Submission Form

Argentum 2016 Submission Form
Deadline: March 11, 2016 by 5 p.m.
A special award will be given for the entry that best fits the 2016 theme:
“Design for the Human Spirit!”
Form may be filled out, saved to your computer, and then uploaded as an attachment in an email
to argentum@gbcnv.edu. You may also print the document for submission.
Submit works of art, photography, or creative writing and form at the Academic Success Center,
located in the DCIT Building, 1050 Chilton Circle, Room 114 on the Elko Great Basin College
I. Artist/Author Information - Under 18 must have parent/guardian signature at end of
Mailing Address:
(Middle) (Last)
Zip Code:
Contact Phone Number:
Artist Information (check all that apply):
Served in Armed Forces? Branch: (select)
(If writing in, please print legibly)
GBC Student
GBC Alumni
(year graduated)
GBC Faculty
GBC Staff
Community Member within Great Basin College Service Area - GBC Location: (select)
High School Student __________________________________ (School, Location)
For current students: Provide the name the art/writing class/classes you are taking:
II. Artist Medium Categories Accepted for Argentum
 Art * – This includes drawings, paintings, sculptures, ceramics, jewelry, fabric art,
glasswork, graphic design, architectural design, or any other medium that can be
photographed and printed for publication.
 Photography – Includes any image saved as a .jpg or .tiff file, no less than 300 dpi (or
1.40 MB file size) for publishing considerations.
Argentum 2016 Submission Form
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 Creative Writing – Includes poetry, short story, and/or prose; Word limit: 750. Submit
as an RTF or Word (rich text file (.rtf) or .doc or .docx file extension) for publishing
* For those needing work photographed or any other assistance, please contact Toni Milano
(argentum@gbcnv.edu) for further information.
Please note: submissions in other formats than those stipulated above (such as PDF) cannot be
used for publication.
III: Entry Information (May submit up to three works)
If any part of your submission was not your own creation or originated from a published or wellknown work, give details in “Other”.
Work #1
Computer File Name (use your last name as part of the file i.e. “Smith_img_012.jpg” or
Medium (see list on previous page):
Dimensions (visual work only) – provide information on file size and/or gallery display size:
Work #2
Computer File Name (use your last name as part of the file i.e. “Smith_img_012.jpg” or
Medium (see list on previous page):
Dimensions (visual work only) – provide information on file size and/or gallery display size:
Work #3
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Computer File Name (use your last name as part of the file i.e. “Smith_img_012.jpg” or
Medium (see list on previous page):
Dimensions (visual work only) – provide information on file size and/or gallery display size:
Write a personal quote that summarizes your thoughts and feelings about the creative process in
your work. Consider what has inspired you or how you view the importance of art or writing in
your life. This quote may be included in Argentum if your work is selected.
For further information on Argentum and past issues go to
Contact Argentum for questions regarding submissions
Toni Milano – 775-753-2149
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IV: Release and Signature
To submit your work/works formally, please read the terms and conditions below, then sign and
date. (Note: Parent or guardian must sign for student under 18.)
I permit the Arts and Cultural Enrichment Committee (ACE) at Great Basin College (GBC) to
publish the work submitted by me in the Argentum publication or in promotional materials. I
agree to the following:
 All work submitted by me is my original work and does not illegally infringe upon any
other individual or entity. If any part of my submission is not my own, I have noted so on
the submission form.
 All source material from other work(s) has been acknowledged within the body or text of
work or in footnotes or credits.
 I indemnify and hold harmless Argentum and ACE from any intellectual property claims
by any third party.
 If the work submitted by me is accepted, I am entitled to a copy of the edition in which
my work appears.
 PERMISSION TO PHOTOGRAPH & FILM: By signing this release I agree to allow my
likeness and recorded performance to become part of the permanent collections of the
Great Basin College where they may be made available to the public for scholarly and
educational purposes. I understand that the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of
Higher Education and Great Basin College and all of their agents and employees may
edit, distribute, reproduce, publish, present, display, and broadcast my contribution, or
any portion thereof, in exhibits, all media, print, and on the Internet, as well as any
successor technologies, whether now existing or hereafter developed. I agree that Great
Basin College may use my name, voice, and photographic likeness in connection with
these activities. I authorize the duplication, presentation, and broadcast of these materials
for nonprofit, educational purposes. In doing so, I give my permission and perpetual,
non-exclusive, worldwide license to Great Basin College. I understand that Great Basin
College may assign, license, and sublicense these rights to other entities for scholarly and
educational uses without further approval on my part.
 By giving my permission and this license to Great Basin College I do not give up any
copyright, literary, or performance rights that I may hold, or the rights inherent in
creative works such as songs, poems, and other compositions.
I acknowledge that I have read and understood the rules and regulations provided on the
Argentum website:
Typed Name:
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
(If you submit electronically, your typed name serves as your signature)
Parent/Guardian if under 18: _______________________________________________________
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