IWK Research Ethics USE OF TISSUE OR BODY FLUID FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES The Tri-Council Policy Statement requires that all research involving human substances follow TriCouncil Policy and have approval from an approved Research Ethics Board. This policy applies to left over biopsy samples, primary cell lines, saliva, organs, excreta, rectal swabs and other tissue or body fluids. The researcher will give evidence that the ethics review has been undertaken in an Aarms-length@ manner, and that there is valid rational for the study. A. Non-anonymous tissue or body fluid The collection and use of human tissue for research purposes shall be undertaken with the free and informed consent of competent donors. an Aarms length@ ethics review of the proposal the free and informed consent of competent donors or free and informed consent shall be by an authorized third party for incompetent donors in the case of deceased donors, free and informed consent which has been expressed in a prior directive or through the exercise of free and informed consent, by an authorized third party, shall be respected These principles generally apply prospectively, that is prior to the recovery of tissue intended for research purposes. The general elements of free and informed consent: [TCPS 1998, Article 2.1]. Article 10.1 also apply when the tissue to be used in research is acquired incidentally from a therapeutic interventions. Individuals who do not wish to contribute tissue to particular research projects must be free to withhold consent without fear of penalty. In prospective studies, for the purpose of obtaining free and informed consent, researchers who seek to collect non anonymous human tissue for research shall, as a minimum, provide potential donors or authorized third parties information about: [TCPS 1998 Article 10.2] the purpose of the research the type and amount of tissue to be taken, as well as the location where the tissue is to be taken the manner in which the tissue will be taken, the safety and invasiveness of acquisition, and the duration and conditions of preservation the potential uses for the tissue including any commercial uses the safeguards to protect the individuals privacy and confidentiality identifying information attached to the specific tissues, and its potential traceability; how the use of tissue could affect privacy and any research on biological tissues which may result in significant benefit to the individual or third parties, need for information, or significant harm, such as molecular genetic studies, requires consent be obtained. D:\533570957.DOC 1 This information may be appended to the surgical consent form and the consent for autopsy form at the time such consent is obtained. B. Anonymous Tissue or Body Fluid Research on anonymous or anonymized tissues also requires review by the REB. A request form is available at Laboratory Services Office or at the Research Services Office. Unless applicable law so requires permission of the donor is not required : $ if collected tissue has been provided by persons who are not individually identifiable, (i.e. anonymous and anonymized tissue) AND $ if there are no potential harms to them Research using stored body fluids tissues or organs also requires review and approval by the IWK REB. Extraordinary cases should be dealt with individually by the researchers to the satisfaction of the REB. Requests for the REB should be submitted to the Research Services Office at any time by providing information as outlined on the AUse of Tissue or Body Fluid for Research@ form. D:\533570957.DOC 2 THE IWK HEALTH CENTRE Application for Ethical Approval of Studies Involving Use of Tissue or Body Fluid for Research 1. Principal Investigator Dept. /Program Signature Co-Investigator(s) Dept. /Program Signature Dept. /Program Signature These signatures confirm that the co-investigators have read the proposal and agree to participate in the research described in this application. 2. Project Title 3. Funding In addition to completing this form, a study budget must be submitted Available: Amount $ IWK Account # Funding Source: 4. Requested For: Amount $ Funding Source: Deadline Funds not required for the conduct of the research. Sponsoring Company (if applicable) (a) Please disclose actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest of the researchers, department, institution etc. e.g. commercial interests, consultative relationships. (b) Has a contract between the researcher(s) and company been reviewed Yes No *The Tri-Council Policy Statement requires that all research involving human substances be conducted with ethical approval. This includes leftover biopsy samples, primary cell lines, saliva, organs, excreta, and rectal swabs D:\533570957.DOC 3 5. Will the subject who provides the material be known to you? No Yes No Yes No Yes Names of subject (if known): 6. Is the person who will collect the material known to you? Name: 7. Is the Physician caring for this subject known to you? Name: 8. Potential harms or benefits to subjects Is the donor identifiable or is the tissue truly anonymized (i.e. no possibility of traceback to the donor)? identifiable anonymized 9. Objectives of Study (Must be written in simple language - grade 6 reading level) 10. Background and Rationale (May refer to appended materials in lieu of completing this section) 11. What methods were used to calculate sample size? 12. How will the data be analysed statistically? 13. Ascertainment of subjects Cases - Number Patient Diagnosis/Diagnoses Controls - Number 14. Check the tissue/human substances that will be obtained for the study leftover biopsy leftover excised tissue excised organ primary cell lines saliva excreta rectal swabs urine other explain: 15. What is the primary purpose for obtaining the tissue? clinical autopsy research research and clinical therapeutic procedure (eg. surgery) other explain: diagnosis 16. Will identifying information (paper or electronic) be retained on the samples? Yes No If yes, what 17. Will linkage to patient records be sought? be possible with Yes D:\533570957.DOC No If yes, how will it be sought? 4 18. Will consent be obtained from these subjects for this Research? Yes No If yes, provide copy of consent form 19. If the answer is ANo@ please justify below. 20. Will the result of the study be provided to the subject? Yes 21. No Could the study results lead to a discovery of: genetic condition If so, is there potential benefit non paternity an unsuspected condition If so, is there potential benefit 22. potential risk no apparent benefit? potential risk no apparent benefit? Is Monitoring proposed? for data integrity for lab integrity for compliance with consent (if required) for compliance with anonymization procedure 23. Does the research have potential for commercial use or profit: Yes (If so the subject=s ownership needs to be disclaimed in the consent form) No 24. May there be leftover tissue on completion of the research? Yes No (If yes, provide your plan for the leftover tissue. Because the left over samples may represent a valuable non-renewable resource, and at the same time a potential threat to the privacy of subjects, justification is required for either discarding or banking the tissue). Research Services Office Use: Reviewed by: Comments: Approved by: Date: D:\533570957.DOC 5 D:\533570957.DOC 6