
Appendix S1: List of publications used for data extraction.
1. Anderson E.L., Welch E.B., Jacoby J.M., Schimek G.M. & Horner R.R. (1999). Periphyton
removal related to phosphorus and grazer biomass level. Freshwater Biol., 41, 633-651.
2. Armitage A.R. & Fong P. (2004). Upward cascading effects of nutrients: shifts in a benthic
microalgal community and a negative herbivore response. Oecologia, 139, 560-567.
3. Belliveau S.A. & Paul V.J. (2002). Effects of herbivory and nutrients on the early colonization
of crustose coralline and fleshy algae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 232, 105-114.
4. Biggs B.J.F. & Lowe R.L. (1994). Responses of 2 trophic levels to patch enrichment along a
New Zealand stream continuum. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater
Research, 28, 119-134.
5. Buckland S.M. & Grime J.P. (2000). The effects of trophic structure and soil fertility on the
assembly of plant communities: a microcosm experiment. Oikos, 91, 336-352.
6. Bukaveckas P. & Shaw W. (1998). Phytoplankton responses to nutrient and grazer
manipulations among northeastern lakes of varying pH. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 55,
7. Carreiro-Silva M., McClanahan T.R. & Kiene W.E. (2005). The role of inorganic nutrients
and herbivory in controlling microbioerosion of carbonate substratum. Coral Reefs, 24,
8. Chase J.M. & Knight T.M. (2006). Effects of eutrophication and snails on Eurasian
watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) invasion. Biol. Invasions, 8, 1643-1649.
9. Cleland E.E., Peters H.A., Mooney H.A. & Field C.B. (2006). Gastropod herbivory in
response to elevated CO2 and N addition impacts plant community composition. Ecology,
87, 686-694.
10. Cottingham K.L., Knight S.E., Carpenter S.R., Cole J.J., Pace M.L. & Wagner A.E. (1997).
Response of phytoplankton and bacteria to nutrients and zooplankton: a mesocosm
experiment. Journal of Plankton Research, 19, 995-1010.
11. Duffy E.J., Kinlan B.P. & Valiela I. (1997). Influence of grazing and nitrogen loading on
benthic microalgal biomass in estuaries of Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. Biol. Bull., 193,
12. Elser J.J. (1992). Phytoplankton dynamics and the role of grazers in Castle Lake, California.
Ecology, 73, 887-902.
13. Elser J.J. & Goldman C.R. (1991). Zooplankton effects on phytoplankton in lakes of
contrasting trophic status. Limnol. Oceanogr., 36, 64-90.
14. Flecker A.S., Taylor B.W., Bernhardt E.S., Hood J.M., Cornwell W.K., Cassatt S.R., Vanni
M.J. & Altman N.S. (2002). Interactions between herbivorous fishes and limiting
nutrients in a tropical stream ecosystem. Ecology, 83, 1831-1844.
15. Fox L.R. & Morrow P.A. (1992). Eucalypt responses to fertilization and reduced herbivory.
Oecologia, 89, 214-222.
16. Ganade G. & Brown V.K. (1997). Effects of below-ground insects, mycorrhizal fungi and
soil fertility on the establishment of Vicia in grassland communities. Oecologia, 109,
17. Gobler C.J., Thibault D.B., Davis T.W., Curran P.B., Peterson B.J. & Liddle L.B. (2006).
Algal assemblages associated with Stegastes sp territories on Indo-Pacific coral reefs:
characterization of diversity and controls on growth. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 336, 135145.
18. Gonzalez E.J. (2000). Nutrient enrichment and zooplankton effects on the phytoplankton
community in microcosms from El Andino reservoir (Venezuela). Hydrobiol., 434, 8196.
19. Gough L. & Grace J.B. (1998). Herbivore effects on plant species density at varying
productivity levels. Ecology, 79, 1586-1594.
20. Grellmann D. (2002). Plant responses to fertilization and exclusion of grazers on an arctic
tundra heath. Oikos, 98, 190-204.
21. Guildford S.J., Hecky R.E., Taylor W.D., Mugidde R. & Bootsma H.A. (2003). Nutrient
enrichment experiments in tropical Great Lakes Malawi/Nyasa and Victoria. Journal of
Great Lakes Research, 29, 89-106.
22. Hagerthey S.E., Defew E.C. & Paterson D.M. (2002). Influence of Corophium volutator and
Hydrobia ulvae on intertidal benthic diatom assemblages under different nutrient and
temperature regimes. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 245, 47-59.
23. Hartley S.E. & Mitchell R.J. (2005). Manipulation of nutrients and grazing levels on heather
moorland: changes in Calluna dominance and consequences for community composition.
J. Ecol., 93, 990-1004.
24. Hatcher B.G. & Larkum A.W.D. (1983). An experimental analysis of factors controlling the
standing crop of the epilithic algal community on a coral reef. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.,
69, 61-84.
25. Havens K.E., East T.L. & Beaver J.R. (1996). Experimental studies of zooplanktonphytoplankton-nutrient interactions in a large subtropical lake (Lake Okeechobee,
Florida, USA). Freshwater Biol., 36, 579-597.
26. Hill W.R., Boston H.L. & Steinman A.D. (1992). Grazers and nutrients simultaneously limit
lotic primary productivity. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 49, 504-512.
27. Hillebrand H. (2002). Top-down versus bottom-up control of autotrophic biomass: a metaanalysis on experiments with periphyton. J. N. Am. Bentholog. Soc., 21, 349-369.
28. Hillebrand H. & Kahlert M. (2001). Effect of grazing and nutrient supply on periphyton
biomass and nutrient stoichiometry in habitats of different productivity. Limnol.
Oceanogr., 46, 1881-1898.
29. Hillebrand H. & Kahlert M. (2002). Effect of grazing and water column nutrient supply on
biomass and nutrient content of sediment microalgae. Aquatic Botany, 72, 143-159.
30. Hillebrand H., Worm B. & Lotze H.K. (2000). Marine microbenthic community structure
regulated by nitrogen loading and grazing pressure. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 204, 27-38.
31. John E. & Turkington R. (1995). Herbaceous vegetation in the understorey of the boreal
forest: does nutrient supply or snowshoe hare herbivory regulate species composition and
abundance? J. Ecol., 83, 581-590.
32. Jones I.J., Moss B., Eaton J.W. & Young J.O. (2000). Do submerged aquatic plants influence
periphyton community composition for the benefit of invertebrate mutualists?
Freshwater Biol., 43, 591-604.
33. Karjalainen H., Seppala S. & Walls M. (1998). Nitrogen, phosphorus and Daphnia grazing in
controlling phytoplankton biomass and composition - an experimental study. Hydrobiol.,
363, 309-321.
34. Kiffney P.M. & Richardson J.S. (2001). Interactions among nutrients, periphyton, and
invertebrate and vertebrate (Ascaphus truei) grazers in experimental channels. Copeia,
2001, 422-429.
35. Lapointe B.E., Barile P.J., Yentsch C.S., Littler M.M., Littler D.S. & Kakuk B. (2004). The
relative importance of nutrient enrichment and herbivory on macroalgal communities
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Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 298, 275-301.
36. Leibold M.A. & Wilbur H.M. (1992). Interactions between food-web structure and nutrients
on pond organisms. Nature, 360, 341-343.
37. Lever M.A. & Valiela I. (2005). Response of microphytobenthic biomass to experimental
nutrient enrichment and grazer exclusion at different land-derived nitrogen loads. Mar.
Ecol. Prog. Ser., 294, 117-129.
38. Liess A. & Hillebrand H. (2006). Role of nutrient supply in grazer-periphyton interactions:
reciprocal influences of periphyton and grazer nutrient stoichiometry. J. N. Am.
Bentholog. Soc., 25, 632-642.
39. Liess A. & Kahlert M. (2007). Gastropod grazers and nutrients, but not light, interact in
determining periphytic algal diversity. Oecologia, 152, 101-111.
40. Mallory M.A. & Richardson J.S. (2005). Complex interactions of light, nutrients and
consumer density in a stream periphyton-grazer (tailed frog tadpoles) system. J. Anim.
Ecol., 74, 1020-1028.
41. Marks J.C. & Lowe R.L. (1989). The independent and interactive effects of snail grazing and
nutrient enrichment on structuring periphyton communities. Hydrobiol., 185, 9-17.
42. McClanahan T.R., Sala E., Stickels P.A., Cokos B.A., Baker A.C., Starger C.J. & Jones S.H.
(2003). Interaction between nutrients and herbivory in controlling algal communities and
coral condition on Glover's Reef, Belize. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 261, 135-147.
43. McCormick P. & Stevenson R. (1989). Effects of snail grazing on benthic algal community
structure in different nutrient environments. J. N. Am. Bentholog. Soc., 8, 162-172.
44. McCormick P.V. & Stevenson R.J. (1991). Grazer control of nutrient availability in the
periphyton. Oecologia, 86, 287-291.
45. McGlathery K.J. (1995). Nutrient and grazing influences on a subtropical seagrass
community. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 122, 239-252.
46. McIntyre P.B., Michel E. & Olsgard M. (2006). Top-down and bottom-up controls on
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47. Methratta E.T. (2004). Top-down and bottom-up factors in tidepool communities. J. Exp.
Mar. Biol. Ecol., 299, 77-96.
48. Miller M.W. & Hay M.E. (1996). Coral-seaweed-grazer-nutrient interactions on temperate
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49. Miller M.W., Hay M.E., Miller S.L., Malone D., Sotka E.E. & Szmant A.M. (1999). Effects
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50. Mulholland P.J., Steinman A.D., Palumbo A.V., Deangelis D.L. & Flum T.E. (1991a).
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scour disturbance. J. N. Am. Bentholog. Soc., 10, 127-142.
51. Mulholland P.J., Steinman A.D., Palumbo A.V., Elwood J.W. & Kirschtel D.B. (1991b).
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52. Neckles H.A., Wetzel R.L. & Orth R.J. (1993). Relative effects of nutrient enrichment and
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53. Nielsen K.J. (2001). Bottom-up and top-down forces in tide pools: test of a food chain model
in an intertidal community. Ecol. Mono., 71, 187-217.
54. Pace M.L. & Funke E. (1991). Regulation of planktonic microbial communities by nutrients
and herbivores. Ecology, 72, 904-914.
55. Pan Y. & Lowe R.L. (1994). Independent and interactive effects of nutrients and grazers on
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56. Pérez-Martínez C. & Cruz-Pizarro L. (1995). Species-specific phytoplankton responses to
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