SWANSEA UNIVERSITY – Document Ref: H&S/P02 Issue 002 Health and Safety Policy Arrangements Risk Assessment Relevant Legislation Health and Safety at Work etc. Act Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order Manual Handling Operations Regulations Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations Noise at Work Regulations Personal Protective Equipment Regulations Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations Control of Vibration at Work Regulations Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations Ionising Radiation Regulations Policy Swansea University recognises that some of its work activities may, unless properly controlled, create a risk to employees, students and others and will take all reasonably practicable measures to reduce these risks to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable. Suitable and sufficient assessments of all risks will be undertaken to identify all the hazards with a potential to cause harm to our employees, students and others who may be affected. Consideration will be given to every foreseeable situation in which exposure might occur. The potential consequences of foreseeable emergencies will also be assessed. Arrangements Competency Risk assessments will be carried out by persons who are competent to do so. ‘SAFETY IS NO ACCIDENT AT SWANSEA UNIVERSITY’ 1 SWANSEA UNIVERSITY – Document Ref: H&S/P02 Issue 002 This means that they will have practical knowledge of the work activity and will have access to information about any legal requirements that apply. Swansea University will delegate responsibility for carrying out risk assessments, but where possible they will involve individuals who carry out the activity being assessed and/or their representatives, if appropriate. In some cases (i.e. where the competence does not exist within the organisation) it may be necessary to involve external specialists. Workplace Precautions Risk assessments will evaluate the adequacy of precautions (ventilation, personal protective equipment and management systems such as training, monitoring etc.) that exist to reduce the risk to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable. Additional precautions will be identified and implemented, where appropriate. Swansea University will review accident; near miss and ill-health reports to identify risks that are not as well controlled as was first thought and which may also highlight the need for an assessment to be reviewed. Monitoring All individuals with responsibility for the management and supervision of work activities also have a general responsibility to implement appropriate monitoring to ensure that adequate precautions (as determined by risk assessment) are in place, properly applied and effective. Records of monitoring will be maintained for at least 5 years. Health Surveillance Health surveillance (including, where necessary, biological monitoring) will be provided, where appropriate, to protect the health of employees and students. Records of health surveillance in respect of each employee or student will be kept for at least 40 years after the last date of entry. Information, Instruction and Training All employees and students will be given sufficient information, instruction and training about the risks associated with the work activity undertaken. This will include information about the risks and the results of any monitoring and collective (not individual) health surveillance. Employees and students will be informed of the risks to which they might be exposed and the precautions that should be taken to avoid risk, including any precautions or actions to be taken in an emergency. Training will be provided to include the correct use of precautions, protective clothing, equipment, hygiene measures, etc. as required. Regular refresher training will also be provided. Use of Workplace Precautions, Reporting of Defects and Shortcomings ‘SAFETY IS NO ACCIDENT AT SWANSEA UNIVERSITY’ 2 SWANSEA UNIVERSITY – Document Ref: H&S/P02 Issue 002 Employees at all levels have a duty to take all reasonable steps to ensure that workplace precautions are properly used. Employees and students will be trained in how to recognise defects in workplace precautions and to understand their health and safety implications. Employees will rectify any such defects themselves if they are competent to do so. Employees or students must report defects in workplace precautions to their line manager or supervisor at once. Line managers or supervisors will take prompt precautionary and remedial action when such defects are reported to them. Remedial Action Plans The need to develop or amend workplace precautions will be highlighted as a result of employee or student feedback, risk assessments, accident or incident investigations, workplace inspections or audits. In such cases, the Head of School / Department responsible for the area/activity will initiate a Remedial Action Plan. Maintenance, Examination and Test of Plant/Equipment Designated individuals will ensure that any respiratory equipment is examined and tested (if appropriate) at suitable intervals. All plant and work equipment that contributes to workplace precautions will be maintained in efficient state, efficient working order and good repair. The responsibility for this depends on the nature of the plant/equipment. Where appropriate, suitable thorough examinations and tests will be carried out. Assessment Review Risk assessments will be reviewed periodically to ensure that they remain valid and in the case of COSHH assessments, the period between reviews will be no longer than every five years. Swansea University will undertake automatic re assessment if there is: a change in legislation a change in workplace precautions any significant change in the work carried out transfer to new technology any other reason to suspect that the original assessment is no longer valid or could be improved. Records Records will be kept of: ‘SAFETY IS NO ACCIDENT AT SWANSEA UNIVERSITY’ 3 SWANSEA UNIVERSITY – Document Ref: H&S/P02 Issue 002 risk assessments undertaken information, instruction and training provided provision and maintenance of workplace precautions. Further Information For further information please refer to: Swansea University Safety Intranet Site http://www.swansea.ac.uk/safety Safe Working Guidelines Quality Control Data: Document H&S/P02 Issue Author Date 001 Draft A GJ 12/02/2008 001 GJ 17/07/2008 002 GJ 01/11/2014 ‘SAFETY IS NO ACCIDENT AT SWANSEA UNIVERSITY’ 4