Analysis Narrative

Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Database
Authors: J.N. Gray, R.A. Lorie, G. R. Putzolu and I. L. Traiger
Presented by: Charles Braxmeier and Stuart Ness
In a multi-user database, it is essential to provide a means for operating
concurrent transactions in order to increase the efficiency of the database. At the time of
publication of this article, very simple policies providing concurrent processing had
already been implemented. These existing policies were not efficient for working in a
massively concurrent system. Systems that had fast concurrent policies did not have a
fine grain approach to the locking policy, while those policies with fine grain had a large
amount of overhead in order to create the locks.
Concurrent processing allows a database to process multiple transactions at a
given time. The research described in this paper was performed in the mid 1970’s and
was not done on current database standards, however this research demonstrated a fast
approach to allow for less overhead without reducing the ability to lock the database at
different levels.
Problem Definition
Databases need an efficient means for providing concurrent transactions. The early
stages of databases did not focus heavily on this issue because of the single-user mode
that most databases originally started with. However, with the move towards large multiuser database systems became normal, it became apparent that concurrent processing was
The problem with many early forms of concurrency programming revolved around either
large grain locks, (requiring either the whole database, file, or table that the transaction
was using, or it would require the individual records which required a large amount of
overhead to check each transaction every time a new request was issued. Therefore,
explicitly locking an entire sub-tree required a great deal of computation time (no
structure to implement an inherited lock).
The article reasons that lock granularity is important to be able to provide efficient
concurrent transactions. In addition, he explains that without the finer grained locking, it
would not be practical to have a large concurrent system. In order to deal with this, he
provides to main mechanisms which would allow for finer-grained resource locking.
The first mechanism which he suggests is using an implicit structure to lock the entire
sub-tree. This recommendation uses the idea that all nodes underneath a particular node
are implicitly locked at the parent’s lock level, or higher.
The second mechanism introduces an ‘intention’ mode which allows a given node to lock
the ancestors without requiring them to have a full lock. This provides a means for
locking a tree above which provides a quick (computationally inexpensive) means for
checking to see if two transactions can exist concurrently.
In addition to these two modes, the paper also suggests ways to deal with preemption and
deadlock with these two new modes. (Deadlock occurs particularly when two
transactions which to change there mode in an incompatible way, when they both are
coexisting with lower compatible permissions.
Concepts – 1
In reference to the main concepts in the paper, there are some key concepts that need to
be understood. First, the granularity of locks. As shown in the figure the database is
structured in a manner much like a tree. The reasoning in this article, there are some
assumptions made as to how the database is setup. The article assumed that the database
had the following levels: a database level, which contained multiple areas (folders) which
contained many files, and each file contained individual records. The assumption mimics
the basic layout of file structure in computer systems.
This structure is important to be able to perform the locking mechanism. For instance, a
lock at the database level would allow for a complete replacing of all existing files and
folders. A lock on an area would allow for a direct replacement of an entire file, and a
lock on a file would allow for a mass upload of records.
In addition to having a tree structure available for locks, there are also different lock
modes. These are five modes: exclusive mode (write mode), share mode (read mode),
which both had been used, but also the intention share, intention exclusive, and share and
intention exclusive modes. These last three modes were used to provide a clear marker
for what type of hold a sub-level had on the particular file. For instance, if a file was
marked in IS mode, it could easily be derived that a record was using an S mode.
Concepts -2
To understand how these modes fit together, there are certain modes which can cooperate
together. The best way to think of this is that if a current session is marked with one of
these modes, then that node cannot be locked in a non-compatible mode. (Explain the
While a node may need to be locked at a certain level, the path is always locked from
root to the desired node. This prevents a need for a large amount of searching to see who
should be able to have access. So, if any node along the path were locked in an
incompatible way, the transaction would be put onto a waiting queue. (Show the
example of how the record would be locked)
The article notes that leaf nodes cannot be locked in ‘intention’ mode, since it really
would make no sense to allow them to do that.
Concepts – 3
The article then goes on to explain how implicit based locking would work. The implicit
based locking uses the idea that if an ancestor is held at a certain level than all of that
ancestor’s descendants must also be held at that level or higher. For instance, if file F
was locked in exclusive write mode, then we could assume that that exclusive lock mode
would also apply to record R that exists within file F. So, rather than specify each record
that is needed within F, explicitly imposing the exclusive lock at one level allows for all
sub-levels to be locked implicitly.
The article then points out that unfortunately, most database file systems do not hold a
true hierarchical format. It goes onto state that most files will look more like a directed
acyclic graph. In the case of the database, this is as simple as stating that a file may have
the ability to access via the file structure, or via an index structure. Therefore, in order to
move a transaction between files for instance, not only would the file have to be locked,
but the index would also have to be locked. The article provides a process which
essentially is to create a hierarchical lock, either explicit or implicit on both the file and
the index. (Go through example of how this is done)
Concepts - 4
The article then goes on to state that the locks can become dynamic by being based on a
particular value. This is simply an extension of the Directed Acyclic Graph by adding
one condition, if moving from one index interval to another, then both intervals must be
locked, along with their required path.
However, offering these new modes would not help unless the database was able to
schedule and grant the new requests. In the basic form of how it operates, it continually
adds requests that are “allowable” modes (see the chart) until the next arriving request no
longer is compatible. For example, The node current state is intentional share access and
a node wants exclusive access. Then a queue is formed with the Exclusive access as the
head node. It then waits until the current processing is compatible or empty, then it takes
the next however many requests are compatible with the first mode.
One problem that can occur is when a process starts with one permission level and
requests a different permission level. Essentially, the way to deal with this is if the
permission level is lower than the current level, it does nothing, but if it is higher, it
checks to see if the current state will support its higher mode. If yes, then it can change
immediately, if not, it must wait with its current access level until the state level will
allow it the correct permissions.
This can cause the problem of deadlock if multiple processes request higher permissions
and sit waiting for the state to clear, because while the transactions wait, they do not
leave the current state. The article then says that at this point one or more of the level
change requests would have to be preempted to alleviate deadlock.
Validation Methodology
This paper is more of an informal theory paper, offering no proofs, but using the article to
share findings that have been implemented on an IBM research lab system. This
essentially amounted to showing that a proof of concept working system had been
provided. The unfortunate part is that it lacks a formal proof or any statistical evidence
of increased performance improvements.
A few assumptions were in the article. The first is that the database can be broken into
some fashion of a hierarchical form, whether that is a straight hierarchy or a Directed
Acyclic Graph, it uses a hierarchical form.
The second assumption is that the current database technology is from 1975. Obviously,
it is impossible to predict the future, but this assumption means that it does not allow for
transcending to all DB types (relational, structured, etc). By removing this assumption,
the techniques may not hold up, however, the basic principles of this locking mechanism
would be possible, as long as a hierarchical structure was imposed. If a structure cannot
be imposed such as in more complex queries, this locking mechanism may lose its
Rewrite Changes
If this paper were rewritten, it would need to be reflective of the current state of
databases. In addition, comparisons between this method and other methods would be
beneficial to show the concurrency vs. overhead tradeoffs, and how this fits into the mix
of the options for concurrency.
Finally, the process and ideas still are fundamentally realizable given the current
hierarchical system that is being used for storage mechanisms. Preserving the notion of
the groups and the scheduling and hierarchical system would be beneficial for that part of
the database system.