etexts of anglo-saxon literature

A Pathfinder for Anglo-Saxon
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Image courtesy of : Keller, Gernot. Replica of the Helmet from the Sutton Hoo Ship-burial.
2008. Photograph. The British Museum, London. 17 May 2008. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.
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To open any of these sites, place your mouse over the title and then press “Ctrl” and left click
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ODP list of Anglo-Saxon
LIST OF Beowulf
Articles from Gale
Advanced articles searches
from JSTOR
BULB Web directory for
A Brief History of Anglo-Saxon England - A short survey of Anglo-Saxon history by Ben Levick and Andrew
Nicholson. Includes illustrations.
Alphabetical Index of Old English poetry. - An alphabetized list of links to the complete texts of all Anglo-Saxon
poems. At Georgetown University.
Anglo-Saxon Aloud - Contains sound recordings of all Old English poems and selected prose works. By Michael
Anglo-Saxon Britain - Anglo-Saxon section of the Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Includes modern English
translations of a number of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Latin texts.
Anglo-Saxon Civilization - Anglo-Saxon section of the NetSERF medieval site. Includes subsections on AngloSaxon civlization, art, archaeology, laws, and chronicles.
Anglo-Saxon England: a Guide to Online Resources - Anglo-Saxon section of ORB: the Online Reference Book for
Medieval Studies. Offers resources for Anglo-Saxon studies: essays, bibliographies, images, electronic editions,
and links.
Anglo-Saxon Literature - A history and study of Old English literature by John Earle, Rawlinson Professor of
Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University. Project Gutenberg eBook.
Anglo-Saxon Narrative Poetry Project - Provides modern English translations of Old English narrative poems. By
Aaron Hostetter. Work in progress.
Apocalyptic Ideas in Old English Literature - An introduction to the idea of the apocalypse in Old-English, as part
of an MA thesis. Includes Old English and modern English versions of several works with apocalyptic themes.
Early Britain - A history of Anglo-Saxon England by Grant Allen. Project Gutenberg eBook.
Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: a Register of Written Sources Used by Authors in Anglo-Saxon England - Aims to identify
all written sources which were incorporated, quoted, translated or adapted anywhere in English or Latin texts
written by Anglo-Saxon authors. Database includes search engine.
Glossed Texts at Old English Online - Includes a number of Old English poems and prose excerpts. Each text is
accompanied by a word-for-word glossary and a modern English translation.
In Parentheses Old English Series - Includes modern English translations of several Old English poems and
selected prose works.
Labyrinth Library: Old English - An annotated list of links to electronic texts, bibliographies, and other online
resources for Anglo-Saxon studies. Includes links to the complete texts of all Anglo-Saxon poems.
Lightspill Poetry: from the Old English - Jonathan Glenn's modern English translations of selected Old English
Middangeard - Anthology of Old English poems in modern English translations.
Old English Links - Provides links to electronic texts, dictionaries, and grammars and to books and articles on Old
Old English Literature and Culture Resources - Links to electronic texts and online resources. At the University of
Old English Literature: a Hypertext Course Pack - Provides hypertext editions of selected poems and prose
works. Apparatus includes primary texts with running glossary and notes, reading lists, modern English
translations, contextual information, and electronic resources.
Old English Newsletter Online - Online version of the OEN. Includes news, notices of publications, reports, and
essays from the current issue and back issues. Also provides links to Internet sites for Anglo-Saxon studies.
Old English Poems - James Garnett's modern English translations of selected poems.
Old English Poems Translated Into The Original Meter Together With Short Selections From Old English Prose Modern English renditions by Cosette Faust Newton and Stith Thompson: e-text in various formats at Project
Old English Resources - Carl Berkhout's site at the University of Arizona provides images of Anglo-Saxon
manuscripts, a record of Anglo-Saxon scholars and scholarship past and present, and links to other Old English
Old English Texts and Translations at Brindin Press - Contains several Old English poems and poetic excerpts,
each with a facing modern English translation.
25. Online Corpus of Old English Poetry - Includes texts of all Old English poems. When the project is complete, each
text will include a word-for-word glossary and textual notes.
26. Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (PASE) - A searchable database of all recorded people who lived during
the Anglo-Saxon period. The database supplies personal information about each historical person. In addition to
searching by person, one can search by several other indexes such as sources, events, and relationships.
Readings of Old English Texts - Sound recordings of selected prose and poetry. Includes Old English texts and
modern English translations.
Sound Recordings of Old English Texts - Sound recordings of passages from Old English prose and poetry. Each
recording is accompanied by the Old English text.
Supplemental Texts at - Benjamin Slade's Beowulf site provides texts and translations of several Old
English poems and prose works.
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: from the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance Covers every aspect of Anglo-Saxon literature, including discussions of important poems and prose works and
accounts of individual authors.
The Complete Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Poetry - Contains the complete texts of all Anglo-Saxon poems. At the
Internet Sacred Text Archive.
The Heroic Age: Anglo-Saxon Links - Index to Anglo-Saxon studies. Provides extensive links to Anglo-Saxon
biblical materials, Anglo-Saxon Christianity, archaeology, art, bibliographies, journals, Old English language,
literary texts, translations, and manuscripts. Site also provides links to other early medieval categories and
displays current and back issues of "The Heroic Age" online journal.
Uncovering Old English Texts - Online translations by undergraduates at Baldwin-Wallace College. Each
translation is accompanied by a preface that gives background information about the poem or prose work being
Click on the name of the text to access an online version. Some texts are translated into modern English, others are in
Old English. Not all texts are complete; some are fragments of the original
(aka Junius Codex)
Fight at Finnsburh
Lives of the Saints
Nowell Codex
The Exeter Book
The Vercelli Book
Dream of the Rood
The Battle of
Cynewulf (poetry)
1. Beowulf : a Concise Bibliography - This bibliography of literary criticism of Beowulf includes anthologies, books,
articles, and sources and analogues. At the University of Virginia. (ODP summary)
2. Beowulf Study Guide - Includes questions for discussion, a bibliography of essential readings, and links to
Beowulf sites. By Roy M. Liuzza, a Beowulf translator. (ODP summary)
3. Resources for the Study of Beowulf - Research guide from Greene Hamlet. Provides links, articles, background
material, and other resources. (ODP summary)
Anthropological and Cultural Approaches to Beowulf :Journal issue devoted to the anonymous Old English epic poem
"Beowulf." Features academic articles on topics such as the social centrality of women in "Beowulf," the definition of
"feud" in the work, and "Beowulf's ... (IPL2 summary)
5. Online Gallery, English Literature: Beowulf : Questions and answers about "the epic saga of 'Beowulf', the most important
surviving work of Anglo-Saxon poetry. ... Written in Old English, it tells of a thrilling struggle between the hero, Beowulf,
and a bloodthirsty monster called Grendel. ... (IPL2 summary)
6. The Best of Legends ; A collection of resources--including commentary and criticism--on the net for various legends, such as
Beowulf or Robin Hood. This archive preserves The Best of Legends - links to primary source material, scholarship, essays,
and historical surveys - ... (IPL2 summary)
7. Legends : Information and related links on Robin Hood, King Arthur, Hamlet and Macbeth, Blackbeard, Sir Francis Drake, the
Three Musketeers, Beowulf, Vikings, knights, El Cid, William Morris, and "other swashbuckling characters of balladry,
fiction, and f ... (IPL2 summary)
8. The Literature Collection : This digital collection features a few representative texts "from medieval to modern, scholarly to
satirical," including a translation of Beowulf intended for oral interpretation and with an audio reading of the entire work,
Robert Louis St ... (IPL2 summary)
9. Literature Reimagined : This exhibit "offers multiple editions of popular literary works, focusing on the ways in which they
have been reinterpreted over time." Some of the works examined include "Beowulf," John Milton's "Paradise Lost," Charle
... (IPL2 summary)
10. Norton Anthology of English Literature: the linguistics and literary origins of Beowulf
1. "Beowulf."DISCovering Authors. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
2. "Beowulf."Epics for Students. Marie Lazzari. Detroit: Gale Research, 1997. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
3. "Beowulf."Myths and Legends of the World. John M. Wickersham. New York: Macmillan, 2000. Discovering
Collection. Gale. .
4. "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics."DISCovering Authors. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering
Collection. Gale. .
5. "Critical Essay on Beowulf."Epics for Students. Marie Lazzari. Detroit: Gale Research, 1997. Discovering
Collection. Gale. .
6. "Critical Overview of Grendel."Novels for Students. Diane Telgen and Kevin Hile. Detroit: Gale
Research, 1998. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
7. "Criticism by Friederich Klaeber."DISCovering Authors. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering
Collection. Gale. .
8. "Even Monsters Have Mothers: A Study of `Beowulf and John Gardners `Grendel,."DISCovering
Authors. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
9. "Historical Context: Grendel."Novels for Students. Diane Telgen and Kevin Hile. Detroit: Gale
Research, 1998. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
10. "James Bond As Literary Descendant of Beowulf."DISCovering Authors. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering
Collection. Gale. .
11. "John Gardner's Grendel and the Interpretation of Modern Fables."Novels for Students. Diane
Telgen and Kevin Hile. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
12. "Overview of Grendel."Novels for Students. Diane Telgen and Kevin Hile. Detroit: Gale
Research, 1998. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
13. "Plot Summary: Beowulf."Epics for Students. Mark Milne. 1Detroit: Gale Research, 1997. Discovering
Collection. Gale. .
14. "The Style and Structure of `Beowulf."DISCovering Authors. Online Detroit: Gale, 2003. Discovering
Collection. Gale. .
15. "Themes and Construction: Grendel."Novels for Students. Diane Telgen and Kevin Hile. Detroit: Gale
Research, 1998. Discovering Collection. Gale. .
16. Durant, Jack. "The Function of Joy in Beowulf." Tennessee Studies in Literature. 7.( 1962): 61-69. Rpt. in Poetry
Criticism. Ed. Carol T. Gaffke and Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 22. Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. 61-69. Literature
Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
17. Blomfield, Joan. "The Style and Structure of 'Beowulf'." Review of English Studies. 14.56 396-403. Rpt. inWorld
Literature Criticism Supplement. 1.Rpt. in World Literature Criticism, Supplement 1-2: A Selection of Major
Authors from Gale's Literary Criticism Series. Ed. Polly Vedder. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. 396-403. Literature
Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
18. Brooke, Stopford A. "Beowulf' and 'Beowulf-The Poem." English Literature: From the Beginning to the Norman
Conquest. Rpt. inClassical and Medieval Literature Criticism. 1.Rpt. in Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism.
Ed. Dennis Poupard and Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Research, 1988. Literature Resources from Gale.
Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009 <>.
19. Butts, Richard. "The Analogical Mere: Landscape and Terror in Beowulf." English Studies. 68.2 ( 1987): 113-121.
Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Carol T. Gaffke and Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 22. Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. 113-121.
Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
20. Culbert, Taylor. "Narrative Technique in Beowulf." Neophilologus. 47.1 ( 1963): 50-61. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism.
Ed. Carol T. Gaffke and Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 22. Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. 50-61. Literature Resources from
Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009 <>.
21. Schrader, Richard J. "Succession and Glory in Beowulf." Journal of English and Germanic Philology. 90.4 (Oct.
1991): 491-504. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Carol T. Gaffke and Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 22. Detroit: Gale Research,
1999. 491-504. Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
22. Huisman, Rosemary. "Narrative sociotemporality and complementary gender roles in Anglo-Saxon society: the
relevance of wifmann and woepnedmann to a plot summary of the old English poem Beowulf." Journal of the
Australian Early Medieval Association. (Annual 2008): p125. Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles
Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009 <>.
23. Vaught, Jacqueline. "Beowulf: The Fight at the Center." Allegorica. 5.2 (Winter 1980): 125-137. Rpt. in Poetry
Criticism. Ed. Carol T. Gaffke and Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 22. Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. 125-137. Literature
Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
24. Nitzsche, Jane C. "The Structural Unity of Beowulf: The Problem of Grendel's Mother." Texas Studies in
Literature and Language. 22.3 (Fall 1980): 287-303. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Carol T. Gaffke and Anna J.
Sheets. Vol. 22. Detroit: Gale Research, 1999. 287-303. Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public
Library. 19 Aug. 2009 <>.
25. Tolkien, J. R. R. "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics." Proceedings of the British Academy. 22.( 1936): 245295. Rpt. inWorld Literature Criticism Supplement. 1.Rpt. in World Literature Criticism, Supplement 1-2: A
Selection of Major Authors from Gale's Literary Criticism Series. Ed. Polly Vedder. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997.
245-295. Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
26. Ker, W. P. "A discussion of Beowulf." Epic and Romance: Essays on Medieval Literature. Rpt. inWorld Literature
Criticism Supplement. 1.Rpt. in World Literature Criticism, Supplement 1-2: A Selection of Major Authors from
Gale's Literary Criticism Series. Ed. Polly Vedder. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. Literature Resources from Gale.
Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009 <>.
27. Disraeli, Isaac. "Beowulf: The Hero-Life." Amenities of Literature, Consisting of Sketches and Characters of
English Literature. Frederick Warne and Co., 1881. 51-58. Rpt. inClassical and Medieval Literature Criticism.
1.Rpt. in Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism. Ed. Dennis Poupard and Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 1. Detroit:
Gale Research, 1988. 51-58. Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
28. Parks, Ward. "Prey Tell: How Heroes Perceive Monsters in Beowulf." Journal of English and Germanic Philology.
92.1 (Jan. 1993): 1-16. Rpt. in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Carol T. Gaffke and Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 22. Detroit: Gale
Research, 1999. 1-16. Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
29. Forni, Kathleen. "Graham Baker's Beowulf: intersections between high and low culture." Literature-Film
Quarterly. 35.3 (July 2007): p244. Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Los Angeles Public Library. 19 Aug. 2009
There are literally thousands of articles on ANGLO-SAXON culture and literature, so we created “advanced search “ links
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Anglo-Saxon Literature
Exeter Book
Anglo-Saxon Hagiography
Venerable Bede
Junius Codex
Nowell Codex
Vercelli Book
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Saint Aldhelm
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