LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook DATE DAY PLANS M 8/26 1 Welcome! ~First Day of School~ Introductions Seating Chart Fire & Emergency Weather Drills Class Policy/Rules: “Wanted” Poster & Front/Top Whiteboard Housekeeping Syllabus Calendar is On-Line Teacher Web Page Text distribution Planners 8/27 2 Collect Syllabus Continue from yesterday’s work Discovery Streaming: Basics of Geography II (48min) 8/28 3 Finish Video Qs-Basics of Geography II (48min) Collect Syllabus Intro. Ch1 Studying the Earth L1~What Is Earth Science? Study guide handed out- fill in as we learn the material in class Read pp 3-5/discuss AGS ws Ch1.1 8/29 4 Collect Syllabus Review of Ch1.1 Crossword ws #s 1, 4, 6, 11 Independently L2~What Are The Tools Of Earth Science? Read pp. 6-7 discuss AGS ws Ch1.2 Crossword ws #s 5 Video- Discovery Streaming Earth Science: Mapping the Earth (20 min.) Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES Texts Homework ASSIGNMENT Get a 3ring 1½” binder Ear buds? Cover textbook *Syllabus Signature Tcher Comp. for video *Syllabus Signature *Syllabus Signature *Study guide handed outfill in on your own as we learn the material in class Tcher Comp. for video or st. watch indep. *Syllabus Signature Fill-in study guide *Syllabus Signature Fill-in study guide T 9/3 5 Collect Syllabus Review of Ch1.2 & ws L1.2 Do The Earth and Beyond Wkbk p.18 “Exploring Space” L3~How Can You Use Maps? Read pp 8-13 9/4 6 Collect Syllabus Continue to read pp 9-13 discussing/reviewing carefully AGS Ws Ch1.3 do and review North, South, East, West~ *Using Directions on a Map ws *Royal Castle Floor Plan ws Rulers Fill-in study guide 9/5 7 Ruler Measurements cm, mm~ *The metric sys. notes-2 sheets *Measuring Centimeter p.1 & Backside Measuring mm ws Crossword ws #s 3, 5, 10, 7, 8, 9 If extra time: have students name and measure 3-5 items Rulers Fill-in study guide Test/ Quiz LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook around the room (cm/mm) 9/6 8 Review AGS ws L1.3 Go over some student examples of cm/mm measurements Project cm and mm ruler Do/review~ *Measuring Centimeter p.2 ws *Measuring Millimeter p.2 ws If extra time: have students name and measure 3-5 items around the room (cm/mm) Xtra time: Work on Study Guide M 9/9 9 DATE DAY Check student understanding on cm and mm~ measure 3 obj in room and check one another Using Scale in Maps p.11-12 text ws PLANS 9/10 10 Centimeter Line Segments & Millimeter Line Segments ws (be careful~ b, c, e, f, h, i, k, l) 9/11 11 Figuring Distance on a State Map p.11 text ws Math Connection: Using Map Scales wkbk act. 4 ws 9/12 12 9/13 13 Fire Drill L4~What Are Topographic Maps? Topographic Maps Text Read pp.16-19 AGS ws Ch1.4 Review of cm and mm Quiz on cm and mm L4 Finish Crossword ws #2 Do and hand in for grading Return quizzes Collect Crossword puzzles Review AGS L4 M 9/16 14 Test on cm and mm Review Tests View~ Discovery Education Video “Major U.S Land Areas (2:30) m/player/view/assetGuid/BA58 EABB-C8C2-4081-8CC9A8BE8E8DDB9A 9/17 15 Topographic Maps Video.wmv You Tube~ needs my email access v=SymUFSwEm3c&safe=active (6 minutes) Topography notes Part 1 Topography ppt 9/18 16 9/19 17 Review Topography ppt map Pop Quiz~using Topo ppt map Lab Manual 3 ws- text p.20 Check hwk p20 Resource File 2 ws/p.18 text cm/mm measurements Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES Fill-in study guide Quiz cm/ mm Wed. Work on pp. 22-23 Quiz cm/ mm Wed. Homework ASSIGNMENT Complete pp. 22-23 Test/ Quiz LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook “Topo. Maps” Section 1-4~ tcher ws section summary Application Qs ws (may use as a pop quiz) PLANS 9/20 18 DATE DAY M 9/23 19 9/24 20 9/25 21 9/26 22 9/27 23 ½ day Cont.~ Reading Topographic Maps--Slatedale Quad.- Blown up M 9/30 10/1 24 Using New Tripoli Quad. Map Ch1 Test~ 25 Finish and Review~ ~Using New Tripoli Quad. Map Ch1 Test~ 10/2 26 Review ~Using New Tripoli Quad. Map Ch1 Test~ 10/3 27 Using Kutztown Quad. Map Ch1 Test~ DATE DAY 10/4 28 M 10/7 29 10/8 30 10/9 31 32 SUPPLIES Homework ASSIGNMENT Test/ Quiz Continue~ Application Qs ws (may use as a pop quiz) & Transparency Master ws 1 Continue~ Application Qs ws (may use as a pop quiz) & Transparency Master ws 1 Reading Topographic Maps--Slatedale Quad.- Blown up & Questions “Reading Topographic Maps If time~ Ch 1 Summary p.21 pp. 22-23 Cont. Review~ Reading Topographic Maps--Slatedale Quad.- Blown up PLANS Continue~ Ch 1 Summary p.21 pp. 22-23 Using Slatedale Quad. Map Review~ Ch 1 Summary p.21 pp. 22-23 Catch-up work/Review Qs about test Ch1 Test Ch1 Test~ 5 minutes open book/notes Introduce: Scientific Method & Vocabulary Notes handout *make flash cards, flipchart, poppers *cartoon puzzle 10/10 Class work ACTIVITY Review Sci. Mtd notes The Scientific Method~ *Poster *Flow Chart ”It’s your first big party…” ws “Scientific Method” hwk Fri/Mon Fri/Mon Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES Fri/Mon Homework ASSIGNMENT Test/ Quiz Test LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook 10/11 33 ½ day “Science in Action” ws T 10/15 34 Faith Qs Ch1 “Science in Action” ws “Say what the problem is…” Mouse Observation vs. Inference ws Do a few days later 10/16 35 Continue Review Observation vs. Inference ws Done earlier on back of mouse Identify the Controls & Variables (Bart Simpson) Hwk~ Sci. Method Puzzle 10/17 36 Review~ Observ. Vs. Infer. Sci. Mtd. Vocab Scientific Method ppt DATE DAY PLANS 10/18 37 Review/Grade Hwk: Sci. Mtd Puzzle Scientific Method Quiz Faith Ch1 Test Review~ Ch 1 tests and Sci. Mtd. Quiz Intro. Ch2 Describing The Earth L1~What Shape and Features Does the Earth Have? Hand out Ch2 Study Guide Read pp. 26-29 AGS ws Ch2.1 M 10/21 38 Collect hwk~ AGS 2.1 Cartography Notes 2.1 The Earth & Beyond ws pp 54-55 Quiz Mon ?: continents/ oceans 10/22 39 The Earth & Beyond ws Review: pp 54-55 Do pp 60-61 Review Introduce: Continental Mobile Cut-Out Proj Computers needed for research Quiz Mon ?: continents/ oceans 10/23 40 Quiz Mon ?: continents/ oceans 10/24 41 Review: 7 continents and 4 oceans Continental Mobile Cut-Out Proj Computers needed for research Review: *7 Continents & 5 Major Oceans “Earth’s Cont. & Oceans” ws Quiz on them in two days Continental Mobile Cut-Out Proj Computers needed for research 10/25 42 Continental Mobile Cut-Out Proj Computers needed for research Quiz Mon ?: continents/ oceans M 43 Continental Mobile Cut-Out Proj Computers needed for research Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES Homework ASSIGNMENT Quiz Mon ?: continents/ oceans Test/ Quiz LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook 10/28 10/29 44 Finishing touches on mobile Quiz : continents/océans L2~How is the Earth’s motion connected to time? Read pp. 30-33 AGS ws Ch2.2 10/30 45 DATE DAY End of Marking Pd. 1 The Earth & Beyond ws pp. 20, 21, 22 Students grade Mobile Projects PLANS 10/31 46 11/1 47 M 11/4 48 Review~ AGS ws Ch2.3 Reading a Map Grid (2 pages) *Study Guide L4~What is latitude? Read pp. 40-43 AGS ws Ch2.4 W 11/6 49 11/7 50 Cartography Notes/ppt 2.4-2.6 L5 and L6~What is longitude & How can you use latitude and longitude? Read pp. 44-45 AGS ws Ch2.5 Review AGS 2.5 Read pp.46-48 AGS ws Ch2.6 Ch2 Review p. 50-51 Textbook Hwk: Crossword: Mapping the Earth 11/8 51 Review text Ch6 Qs and Hwk Collect/Review Hwk pp 50-51 M 11/11 52 USA Lat & Long Act. #2 ws Viewpoints ws 11/12 53 Collect Crossword Review front and do Using Lat/Long Lab Man 8 ws 11/13 54 Using the “Classroom Atlas” paperback book Rand McNally: Ch 2-Lat/Long ws Lat/Long Review ws DATE DAY PLANS Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES Homework ASSIGNMENT Test/ Quiz Class work SUPPLIES Homework Test/ Cartography Notes 2.2 Time Zones Handouts (USA & world) Reading a Time Zone Map ws Review: *7 Continents & 5 Major Oceans *Time Zones Study Guide~ fill-ins Review~ Reading a Time Zone Map ws Reading a Time Zone Map ws Quiz Time Zones L3~How can you use a grid to locate points on the Earth? Read pp.36-37 AGS ws Ch2.3 LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook ACTIVITY 11/14 55 Finish and Review~ Lat/Long Review ws Using the “Classroom Atlas” Rand McNally: Work on quietly after Quiz then Review: Lat/Long ws 11/15 56 Cont~Using the “Classroom Atlas” Rand McNally: Work on quietly then Review: Lat/Long ws EXTRA Credit: Long/Lat. Transparency 10 ws M 11/18 57 Pop Quiz: Continents/Oceans Long/Lat Quiz Collect: Long/Lat. Transparency 10 ws Review/Qs for Test Don’t forget the Study Guide 11/19 58 Collect Extra Credit Ch2 test Intro. Ch7 Minerals Study Guide L1~What Are Minerals? Read pp. 133-135 AGS ws Ch7.1 11/20 59 Review~ Ch 2 test Ch 7 The Earth & Beyond ws P110-111 11/21 60 11/22 61 What is a Mineral? 7.1 Notes LSMinerals ppt slides 1-18 L2~What Are Color, Luster, Streak, and Hardness? Read pp. 136-139 AGS ws Ch7.2 Cont. AGS 7.2 Mohs Scale/Transparency 6 ws Definition of a Mineral ws M 11/25 62 11/26 63 DATE DAY 11/27 64 T 12/3 65 Finish Rev~ Definition of a Mineral ws Minerals Ch3 Reinforcement ws L3~How Do You Describe a Mineral’s Shape and Density? Read pp. 142-143 AGS ws Ch7.3 Hwk: Word Wise Grade Hwk: Word Wise Long/Lat Pop Quiz Cont. LS Minerals ppt slide 19 to end What is a Mineral? 7.2-7.3 Notes PLANS Chris~ Assembly Mikela ab Review: Word Wise and Word Search: Minerals ws(hwk) Mineral Concept Map ws Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES ASSIGNMENT Quiz Homework ASSIGNMENT Test/ Quiz LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook 12/4 66 Discovery Streaming video~ How to ID Minerals section (9min.) L4~How Do People Use Minerals? Read pp. 146-148 AGS ws Ch7.4 Review~ AGS ws Ch7.4 Do pp. 149- 151 Text review 12/5 67 Collect/Grade/Review p150-151 Enrich9.2-Everyday Minerals ws 12/6 68 Do and Review: Enrich 9.2 And Everyday Minerals ws Study Guides Due Collect Quiz~ “Study Guide Ch3” Mineral Id. Use Open Notes Lab~ Mineral Id. M 12/9 69 2-hr delay 12/11 70 Lab~ Mineral Id. Discovery Streaming~ Classifying Minerals video (3.5 min.) 12/12 71 2-hr delay Lab~ Mineral Id. Lab~ Mineral Id. Review for Test 12/13 72 Lab~ Mineral Id. Review for Test DATE DAY M 12/16 12/18 73 Finish Lab and Collect 74 2-hr delay PLANS Review for Tomorrow’s Ch 7 12/19 75 Ch 7 Test Study Guide Ch8 Intro. Ch8: Rocks pp.153-171 L1~What Are Rocks? Read pp. 153-155 AGS ws Ch8.1 Review AGS 8.1 ws 12/20 76 Discovery Streaming- Earth Science: Rocks & Minerals (17min) Notes~Rockin & Rollin: From Soft to Heavy Metal section 8.1 From the text 8.1: “Igneous Rocks-Hwk Review” ws do and then review it L2~How Can You Identify Igneous Rocks? Read pp. 156-158 AGS ws Ch8.2 Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES Homework ASSIGNMENT Test/ Quiz LS Earth Space Science~ Mrs. Trexler AGS Earth Science Textbook Th 1/2/14 77 Review: AGS ws Ch8.2 Notes~How can you ident. Igneous rocks? Ws Igneous Rock pp62-63 ws The Earth & Beyond ws P112-113 1/3 78 Review: Igneous Rock pp62-63 ws The Earth & Beyond ws P112-113Notes~Igneous Rocks Rocks Flowchart~Igneous only M 1/6 79 Finish~ Rocks Flowchart~Igneous only Lab~Igneous Rocks The Rock Cycle pkt Students group rx based on sorting info. In pkt. Sheets then move onto the Lab 1/7 1/8 80 81 DATE DAY 1/9 1/10 M 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/17 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 PLANS FINAL EXAM Class work ACTIVITY SUPPLIES Homework ASSIGNMENT Test/ Quiz