PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Date File Ref : : APPLICATION INFORMATION: TYPE OF APPLICATION Subdivision Consolidation Development Rezoning Removal, suspension and/or alteration of restrictive conditions Amendment of a General Plan Rural Housing Application Applicant :____________________________________________ Agent/Land Surveyor :____________________________________________ If the applicant is a company, a company resolution or company registration document must accompany the applicant. In the case where an agent or Surveyor is submitting the application on behalf of the registered owner of the land, written consent from the registered owner is required. CADASTRAL INFORMATION Property Description (as it appears on title deed): _________________________________________ Title Deed No :________________________ Are there any servitudes in the title deed registered to or in the benefit of another party or orginisation? YES _________ NO ______ Are there any restrictive conditions registered against the title deed which may affect the processing of the application? YES_______ NO______ SG diagram : Extent of property : The following information MUST be provided when submitting an application: 1. Title Deed & Surveyor-General Diagram; 2. A to scale topographical map depicting the subject property and it’s surrounds; 3. The proposed layout of the property (if it is a subdivision); 4. Building plans (if it is a development application); PLEASE NOTE: COMPLETE SECTION A FOR APPLICATIONS OUTSIDE OF THE SCHEME AREA COMPLETE SECTION B FOR APPLICATIONS WITHIN YOUR SCHEME AREA SECTION A: OTHER SECTOR DEPARTMENT ROLE PLAYERS: APPROVAL IN TERMS OF OTHER LEGISLATION NO QUESTION YES NO 1 Is the subject property on Agricultural Land? If yes, has the applicant obtained approval from the Provincial and National Department of Agriculture? 2 Does the applicant’s proposal trigger an application in terms of the National Environmental Regulations (NEMA). It is advisable to request the applicant to obtain written confirmation from the Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs confirming that an application in terms of NEMA is not required. 3 Does the subject property gain access off a Provincial or District Road? If yes, has the applicant received comment from the KZN Department of Transport? 4 Is the applicant’s proposal 90m from a National Road? If yes, has the applicant received comments from the South African National Roads Agency? 5 Does the proposal include:- The extraction of water from a dam, river or stream on the subject property? - In very close proximity to a river If yes, comment from Department of Water Affairs and Forestry is required? 6 Does the proposal by the applicant include the relocation of farm workers from one area of the farm to another? If yes, Department of Land Affairs needs to be consulted in terms of the Labour Tenants Act. 7 If the subject property is on rural land or outside of the scheme area, The land claims Commissioner must be consulted to verify whether a land claim exists on the property. 8 Does the proposal include the development of an abbitoir? 9 If yes, KZN Department of Health, Meat Hygiene (Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs & Rural Development) & the Veternary Services need to be consulted 10 Does the subject property have any structures of historical significance? If yes, AMAFA needs to be consulted 11 Has the applicant secured commitment, in writing that the Municipality is able to provide services in terms of: - Water - Sewage - Electricity - Roads 12. Does the applicant intend using a VIP/Pit Latrine of soak-away as a form of sewage disposal? If yes, a percolation test from an Engineer is required 13. Judging from the contours or local knowledge, Is the subject property very steep If yes, a slope analysis study must be undertaken SECTION B: SERVICE REQUIREMENTS NO 1 QUESTION Has the applicant approached the Municipality or bulk service provide to secure a connection for services:-Water -Sewage -Electricity -Roads YES NO YES NO SECTION C: SCHEMES NO 1 QUESTION Is the proposal in line with your Municipality’s IDP and SDF? 2. What is the current zoning of the property? _______________________ 3. What is the proposed zoning of the property? _________________________ As a result, would a Scheme amendment or special consent application be required? What is the minimum subdivisional size in terms of the scheme? _____________________ 4. 5. Kindly hand the attached copy to the applicant after the pre-application meeting. Please keep a coy for municipal records. SUGGESTED CIRCULATORY BODIES: Property Description: Applicant: Circulatory Body/Dept/I&A party Amafa (Nat Monuments) Transport South African National Roads Agency Eskom (For servitudes registered in the title deed or where they Municipality is not the bulk service provide for electricity) Telkom Propnet Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department of Health Department of Agriculture (Provincial) Department of Land Affairs Kwanalu (KZN Farmers Association) KZN Nature Conservation Land Claims Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs & Rural Dev. Water Affairs ALL Neighbours within a 100metre radius of the property to be subdivided or developed (MANDATORY) Bergwatch Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Spoornet/Transnet Civil Aviation Authority OTHER: (Please Specify) SERVICE DEPARTMENTS Municipal Roads Section Municipal Water (District or Local) Municipal Electricity (District or Local) Municipal Sanitation (District of Local) Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………