Report Prepared For:
Joe Hill
First Look Home Inspect
August 19, 2013
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TABLE of CONTENTS................................. 2
Gutters Downspouts ................................ 15
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................. 4
PLUMBING SYSTEM ............................... 17
EXTERIOR ...................................................4
Supply and Piping ..................................... 17
ROOF SYSTEM ............................................5
Water Heater ........................................... 17
PLUMBING SYSTEM ....................................5
Water Controls and Drains........................ 18
HEATING SYSTEM .......................................5
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ............................... 19
INTERIOR ...................................................5
APPLIANCES ...............................................6
GENERAL INFORMATION ......................... 7
Inspection Address .....................................7
Inspection Details.......................................7
Building Details ..........................................7
Client Information ......................................7
Inspected By ..............................................7
Company Information ................................8
PURPOSE AND SCOPE .............................. 9
EXTERIOR ...............................................11
Building Exterior....................................... 11
Foundation .............................................. 11
Slope and Drainage .................................. 11
Drives Walks and Patios ........................... 11
ROOF SYSTEM ........................................15
Roof Covering .......................................... 15
Flashing ................................................... 15
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
Service Entry ............................................ 19
Main Disconnect ...................................... 19
Main Panel ............................................... 19
Distribution Wiring ................................... 20
Smoke Alarm Detectors ............................ 20
HEATING SYSTEM .................................. 21
Heating Systems ....................................... 21
Furnace .................................................... 21
Exhaust .................................................... 21
Ducting Ventilation .................................. 21
Air Filter ................................................... 22
Other Air Filter ......................................... 22
AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS ................. 23
System Description................................... 23
Thermostat .............................................. 23
Coil Condenser ......................................... 23
Air Ducting ............................................... 23
Air Filter ................................................... 23
Other Air Filter ......................................... 24
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APPLIANCES ...........................................25
Main Fireplace (family room) .................... 25
Roof Assembly ......................................... 29
Attic Floor ................................................ 29
Room Interior .......................................... 26
Attic Insulation......................................... 30
Cabinets and Counters.............................. 26
Attic Ventilation ....................................... 30
Windows and Doors ................................. 26
Garage Door............................................. 27
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
Attic Locations and Access ........................ 29
August 19, 2013
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Note: This analysis is not meant to be technically exhaustive but rather to highlight areas where repairs are needed or areas of longterm future concern relating to maintenance and operation.
This summary lists items taken from the main report that we feel need immediate attention or consideration. It is entirely the
customer's decision whether or not to include additional items from the main report that they may have concerns about.
Further, the Summary is not a substitute for reading and understanding the complete report.
Note: This summary is not meant to be technically exhaustive but rather to highlight areas where
defects exist. The fact that items are listed here does not necessarily mean that repairs have to be made
by the seller. Repair of any of the listed items is subject to negotiation and agreement between the
buying and selling parties. Further, the condition of some of the items may already be factored into the
selling price asked.
This summary lists items taken from the main report that we feel need immediate attention or
consideration. It is entirely the customer's decision whether or not to include additional items from
the main report about which they may have concerns.
Further, the Summary is not a substitute for reading and understanding the complete report.
1. REPAIR NEEDED: The vinyl siding needs adjustment at right side. Besides being unsightly this can
allow unwanted moisture penetration into the exterior envelope and wall cavity. Repair requires
adjustment of the affected panels by a professional siding installer. Recommendation: Repair as
appropriate by a licensed siding contractor.
2. REPAIR NEEDED: Gaps exist at one or more openings around the exterior, such as those where
outside faucets, refrigerant lines, and/or gas supply pipes penetrate the exterior. Gaps should be sealed
as necessary to prevent moisture intrusion and entry by vermin.
3. REPAIR NEEDED: Some of the wood trim on the home exhibits damage from exposure at framing at
front door, side garage door, garage door trim over front bat window and right gable rake . It is
important to keep all trim sealed and covered with a good quality paint or stain. Recommend
replacement/repair of damaged wood and painting affected areas to prevent further damage. See
photo(s) for detail.
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 5 of 30
4. REPAIR NEEDED: Gaps exist at one or more openings around the exterior, such as those where
outside faucets, refrigerant lines, and/or gas supply pipes penetrate the exterior. Gaps should be sealed
as necessary to prevent moisture intrusion and entry by vermin.
1. REPAIR NEEDED: Some of the shingles on the roof are damaged or missing. Recommendation:
Immediate repair by a licensed roofing contractor.
1. FURTHER INSPECTION: The water was off to master bath shower and the piping was covered with
foam insulation. Recommend further evaluation by plumber and repair as necessary.
2. FURTHER INSPECTION: At the time of the inspection there was no hot water as there was no gas
service present. For this reason the water heater is excluded from the scope of the inspection. The same
is true for testing for cross-connection on all faucets within the home.
1. FURTHER INSPECTION: The heating unit did not function at the time of the inspection by using normal
operating controls because gas was off. Recommendation: Evaluation after gas is cut on by HVAC
1. FURTHER INSPECTION: There are water-stained walls and/or ceilings that appear to be the result of
water intrusion, possibly from flashing or roof leaks or interior plumbing fixtures or water lines at
upstairs hallway, rear right bedroom closet, front right bedroom closet, living room and first floor entry
hall. It is unknown how these have affected unseen areas, and whether or not there could be structural
damage caused by rot. Recommendation: Confirm from seller if the stains are related to a previously
repaired problem or obtain evaluation for the source of the moisture by licensed roofing, siding or
plumbing contractor and repair as appropriate.
2. FURTHER INSPECTION: There is baseboard wood trim in family and dining room that appears to have
termite damage. Recommend further evaluation by pest controller contractor to determine type of
infestation and extent of damage and repair and as necessary.
3. REPAIR NEEDED: The rear bay window and upstairs hall bathroom window has condensation between
double panes. Foggy and cloudy windows are the result of condensation between the panes of glass.
When moisture from the window is on the inside of the glass, the cause is a broken seal on the window
unit. There is no way to repair this problem - the seal, once broken, has already introduced moisture
which cannot be effectively removed, the sash must be replaced. Recommend the replacement of
damaged sash by window contractor.
4. FURTHER INSPECTION: One or more gas burners on the cook top did not work because the gas is off.
Recommendation: Evaluation and repair by an appliance repair technician.
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August 19, 2013
Page 6 of 30
1. FURTHER INSPECTION: The fireplace was not inspected because the gas was off. Recommend cut gas
on and further evaluation as necessary.
This concludes the Executive Summary. The full report begins on the following
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 7 of 30
Inspection Address
Inspection Details
Inspection Date: August 19, 2013
Report Date: August 20, 2013
Report Delivered: during the inspection
Weather Conditions: overcast
Temperature: 60 degrees
Present During Inspection: buyer and buyer's agent
Building Occupied: vacant empty
Building Details
Date Built: 1998
Approximate Age: 15 years
Approximate Area: 2267 Sq. Ft.
Nearest Fire Hydrant: Within 500 feet
Client Information
Name: Somebody
Inspected By
Name: Joe Hill
Building Analyst: State Certified Home Inspector
State Certified Asbestos Inspector
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 8 of 30
Company Information
Company: First Look Home Inspect
Address: 147 Wilderness Rd
City: Hampton
State: VA
Zip: 23609
Phone: 757 236-0076
Web Site:
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 9 of 30
It should be noted that a standard pre-purchase inspection is a visual assessment of the condition of the residence at the time of
inspection. The inspection and inspection report are offered as an opinion only. Although every reasonable effort is made to
discover and correctly interpret indications of previous or ongoing defects that may be present, it must be understood that no
guarantee is implied nor responsibility assumed by the inspector or inspection company, for the actual condition of the building or
property being examined. Additional information as to inspection standards is included at the end of the report.
This firm endeavors to perform all inspections in substantial compliance with the standards of practice of the American Society of
Home Inspectors (ASHI). As such, inspectors inspect the readily accessible and installed components and systems of a home as
outlined below:
This report contains observations of those systems and components that are, in the professional opinion of the inspector authoring
this report, significantly deficient or are near the end of their expected service life. If the cause for the deficiency is not readily
apparent, the suspected cause or reason why the system or component is at or near end of expected service life is reported, and
recommendations for correction or monitoring are made as appropriate. When systems or components designated for inspection in
the ASHI standards are present but are not inspected, the reason the item was not inspected is reported as well.
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The ASHI Standards of Practice are applicable to buildings with four or fewer dwelling units and their garages or carports. They are
the bare minimum standard for a home inspection, are not technically exhaustive and do not identify concealed conditions or latent
defects. Inspectors are NOT required to determine the condition of any system or component that is not readily accessible; the
remaining service life of any system or component; the strength, adequacy, effectiveness or efficiency of any system or component;
causes of any condition or deficiency; methods materials or cost of corrections; future conditions including but not limited to failure of
systems and components; the suitability of the property for any specialized use; compliance with regulatory codes, regulations, laws
or ordinances; the market value of the property or its marketability; the advisability of the purchase of the property; the presence of
potentially hazardous plants or animals including but not limited to wood destroying organisms or diseases harmful to humans; the
presence of any environmental hazards including, but not limited to toxins, carcinogens, noise, and contaminants in soil, water or
air; the effectiveness of any system installed or methods utilized to control or remove suspected hazardous substances; the
operating costs of any systems or components and the acoustical properties of any systems or components.
Inspectors are NOT required to operate any system or component that is shut down or otherwise inoperable; any system or
component which does not respond to normal operating controls or any shut off valves.
Inspectors are NOT required to offer or perform any act or service contrary to law; offer or perform engineering services or work in
any trade or professional service other than home inspection.
Inspectors DO NOT offer or provide warranties or guarantees of any kind unless clearly explained and agreed to by both parties in a
formal pre-inspection agreement.
Inspectors are NOT required to inspect underground items including, but not limited to underground storage tanks or other
underground indications of their presence, whether abandoned or active; systems or components that are not installed; decorative
items; systems or components that are in areas not entered in accordance with the ASHI Standards of Practice; detached structures
other than carports or garages; common elements or common areas in multi-unit housing, such as condominium properties or
cooperative housing.
Inspectors are NOT required to perform any procedure or operation which will, in the opinion of the inspector, likely be dangerous to
the inspector or others or damage the property, its systems or components; move suspended ceiling tiles, personal property,
furniture, equipment, plants, soil, snow, ice or debris or dismantle any system or component, except as explicitly required by the
ASHI Standards of Practice.
Inspectors are NOT required to enter under-floor crawlspaces or attics that are not readily accessible nor any area which will, in the
opinion of the inspector, likely be dangerous to the inspector or others persons or damage the property or its systems or
Inspectors are not limited from examining other systems and components or including other inspection services. Likewise, if the
inspector is qualified and willing to do so, an inspector may specify the type of repairs to be made. The inspector may also exclude
those systems or components that a client specifically requests not be included within the scope of the inspection. If systems or
components are excluded at the request of the client they are listed herein.
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USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
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In accordance with the ASHI© standard of practice pertaining to Exteriors, this report describes the exterior wall coverings and trim.
Inspectors are required to inspect the exterior wall coverings, flashing, trim, all exterior doors, the stoops, steps porches and their
associated railings, any attached decks and balconies and eaves, soffits and fascias accessible from ground level.
Landscaping and lot topography is examined during a residential house inspection as they can have a
significant impact on the building structure. It is important that surface runoff water is adequately
diverted away from the building, especially in areas that have expansive soil characteristics. Low spots or
depressions in the topography can result in ponding water that may exert hydrostatic pressure against
the foundation. This pressure can cause a variety of effects on the building. A high water table or
excessive ground saturation can also impact septic systems. Even over watering of gardens and
shrubbery can have significant effects. A similar impact can result from tree roots growing against the
foundation and causing cracking or movement of the structure. It is a standard recommendation that
the lot grading slopes away from the building. Grading should fall a minimum of one inch every foot for
a distance of six feet around the perimeter of the building. It is also important that tree branches are not
permitted to overhang the roof and that all landscaping is kept well pruned and not permitted to grow
up against any part of the building. This will help prevent the development of pest and insect problems.
Building Exterior
Wall Surface Material: Vinyl siding
Wall Trim: wood
Entry Door Types: metal clad insulated and metal-clad with glass panel inserts
Garage Door: metal, sectional rollup (X2)
Foundation Type: Floating slab
Foundation Material: Poured concrete
Slope and Drainage
Direction of Lot Slope: relatively flat
Gutters Downspouts Drain: onto grade
Drives Walks and Patios
Driveway Types: concrete
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August 19, 2013
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Walkway Type: concrete
Fence and Gate: wood with wood gate
Condition: good condition-no issues
1. The vinyl siding needs adjustment at right side.
Besides being unsightly this can allow unwanted
moisture penetration into the exterior envelope and
wall cavity. Repair requires adjustment of the affected
panels by a professional siding installer.
Recommendation: Repair as appropriate by a licensed
siding contractor.
2. Gaps exist at one or more openings around the exterior, such as those where outside faucets,
refrigerant lines, and/or gas supply pipes penetrate the exterior. Gaps should be sealed as necessary to
prevent moisture intrusion and entry by vermin.
3. There are various plants and or bushes next to the exterior wall(s). Recommendation: Trim or prune
all vegetation in such a way as to allow a minimum of six inches of clearance between the plant and the
exterior wall. This is necessary in order to prevent damage to the exterior and to inhibit the ability of
insects to migrate into the building structure.
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 13 of 30
4. Some of the wood trim on the home exhibits damage from exposure at framing at front door, side
garage door, garage door trim over front bat window and right gable rake. It is important to keep all trim
sealed and covered with a good quality paint or stain. Recommend replacement/repair of damaged
wood and painting affected areas to prevent further damage. See photo(s) for detail.
Report Prepared For: Somebody
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First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 14 of 30
5. The fascia boards all around the home are not adequately sealed or painted. Recommendation:
Scrape and paint as appropriate.
Inspectors are NOT required to inspect or report on the presence or condition of recreational facilities, outbuildings, seawalls, breakwalls and docks, window and door screening, shutters, awnings or similar seasonal accessories.
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 15 of 30
In accordance with the ASHI© standard of practice pertaining to Roof Systems, this report describes the roof coverings and the
method used to inspect the roof. Inspectors are required to inspect the roof covering, roof drainage systems, flashings, skylights,
chimneys and roof penetrations.
Roof Covering
Roof Inspected: observation from the ground
Roof Style: gable
Roofing Materials: asphalt shingles1
Material Condition: satisfactory-minor repairs needed
Flashing Type: metal
Flashing Locations: base of chimney chase(s)
Gutters Downspouts
Gutter Downspout Type: aluminum
Gutters Downspouts Drain: spill out onto grade
1. Please note: The condition of roof felt paper or membrane below the roof outer covering is unknown
and cannot be inspected without possible damage to the covering. Inspectors do not access roof if roof
is too high or steep or could be damaged by accessing it. Antennas, solar systems, and other
attachments are not inspected in the scope of this report. No guarantee or warranty is made by this
inspection as to whether the roof leaks at the time of the inspection or is subject to future leaking.
2. Some of the shingles on the roof are damaged or missing. Recommendation: Immediate repair by a
licensed roofing contractor.
Two types of asphalt shingles are used: organic and fiberglass. Organic shingles are generally paper (waste paper)
saturated with asphalt to make it waterproof, then a top coating of adhesive asphalt is applied and ceramic
granules are then embedded. In the case of algae-resistant shingles, a portion of the granules contain leachable
paint ceramically coated, designed to protect against discoloration from algae on the roof. This does not protect
from moss growth but does slow the growth. Moss feeds on algae and any other debris on the roof. Most
manufactures offer a 5- to 10-year warranty against algae growth[citation needed].
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Inspectors are NOT required to inspect antennae, interiors of chimneys or flues that are not readily accessible or other installed
accessory items.
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First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
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In accordance with the ASHI © standard of practice pertaining to Plumbing Systems, this report describes the water supply, drain,
waste and vent piping materials and the water heating equipment, energy source and location of the main water and main fuel shutoff valves, when readily viewable or known. Inspectors are required to inspect the interior water supply and distribution systems, all
fixtures and faucets, the drain waste and vent systems (including all fixtures for conveying waste), the water heating equipment
(vent systems, flues and chimneys of water heaters or boiler equipment), fuel storage and distributions systems for water heaters
and/or boiler equipment and drainage sumps, sump pumps and associated piping.
The inspection of the plumbing system includes checking all faucets and fixtures for cross-connection
and leaks. Cross-contamination issues are also included as well as pressure, functional flow and
functional drainage.
Supply and Piping
Supply and Waste System: municipal supply and waste system
Service Piping Size: 3/4-inch
Service Piping Type: CPVC plastic
Branch Piping Size: 1/2-inch
Branch Piping Type: CPVC plastic
Supports/Insulation Condition: no access - not inspected
Functional Flow: unable to test-no water service
Function Drainage: satisfactory
Condition: no access-not inspected1
Vent Piping: schedule 40 ABS plastic
Condition: No access-not inspected
Water Heater
Water Heater Type: one conventional storage tank
Water Heater Energy Source: natural gas
Only visible DWV piping is inspected. The inspection is primarily for leaks and flow. For a more intensive
inspection a consultation with a licensed plumbing contractor is recommended.
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Date of Manufacture: 1999
Water Heater Location: garage
Water Controls and Drains
Main Water Shut Off Location: garage
When reference is made to the type of plumbing, the comment relies on a visual observation, seller
statements, the presence or absence of a water bond, and what may be present in the way of
notification in the electrical service panel. There is no non-invasive way to determine what is behind a
closed wall. For example, when copper plumbing is identified, copper piping protrudes from the walls
behind plumbing fixtures. If client requires absolute knowledge as to the type of plumbing throughout
the home, then a consultation with a licensed plumbing contractor is recommended. Please note:
Inspectors are not required to determine the source of the water supply or operate any valve except
water closet flush valves, fixture faucets, and hose bibs. Solar systems, septic systems, wells, filters,
conditioners, yard watering systems and fire sprinkler systems are not part of this inspection and are
further not required of the home inspector by State of Virginia regulations. Please note: Water stop
valves and overflows are not checked for function in the course of a home inspection. Fixtures and trim
are observed for function only and not for cosmetic value.
1. The water was off to master bath shower and the piping was covered with foam insulation.
Recommend further evaluation by plumber and repair as necessary.
2. At the time of the inspection there was no hot water as there was no gas service present. For this
reason the water heater is excluded from the scope of the inspection. The same is true for testing for
cross-connection on all faucets within the home.
Inspectors are NOT required to inspect the connections for clothes washing machines, interiors of flues or chimneys when not
readily accessible, wells or well pumps, equipment associated with water storage, water conditioning equipment, solar water heating
components or systems, fire sprinkler or irrigation systems or private waste disposal (septic) systems. Additionally, inspectors are
not required to operate safety valves or shut-off valves of any kind. We DO NOT determine the quantity or quality of water supplies
or whether water supply and waste disposal systems are public or private.
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 19 of 30
In accordance with the ASHI© standard of practice pertaining to Electrical Systems, this report describes the amperage and voltage
rating of the service, the location of the main disconnect and any sub panel(s), the presence of solid conductor aluminum branch
circuit wiring and the absence of smoke detectors. Inspectors are required to inspect the viewable portions of the service drop from
the utility to the house, the service entrance conductors, cables and raceways, the service equipment and main disconnects, the
service grounding, the interior components of the service panels and sub panels, the conductors, the over-current protection devices
(fuses or breakers), ground fault circuit interrupters and a representative number of installed lighting fixtures, switches and
Service Entry
Service Drop Type: underground service lateral
Condition: good condition-no issues
Service Entry Conductor: aluminum
Condition: satisfactory-for what could be seen
Service Ground Conductor: single-conductor copper
Service Ground Location: driven ground rod at exterior of building
Condition: satisfactory condition-for what could be seen
Meter Location: exterior of home
Main Disconnect
Main Disconnect Type: breaker
Main Disconnect Rating: 150 amps
Main Disconnect Location: inside the service entrance panel
Main Panel
Service Entrance Panel Location: garage
Panel Type: Square D
Panel Style: breaker system
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Amperage Rating: 150 amps
Voltage Rating: 120/240 volts
Condition: good condition-no issues
Final Service Rating: 150 amps
Distribution Wiring
Wiring Type: non-metallic sheathed cable (Romex)
Wiring Conductors: copper
Condition: no view-not inspected
GFCI Locations: Kitchen, Bathroom(s) and Garage
Smoke Alarm Detectors
Smoke Alarms: Alarms Found
The main service panel appears to have some room for future upgrades or additions to the system.
The smoke alarms were tested and found to be working in the manner intended at the time of the
1. A representative number of switches and receptacles that are readily accessible are tested for
function. Determination of adequacy of electrical panels and current capacity are not within the scope
of this report. Low voltage systems, stereos, intercoms, vacuum systems, security systems or other low
voltage systems are not inspected and are not within the scope of a home inspection.
2. Smoke alarms have a useful life of about ten years. At that age they should be replaced, even if they
seem to be working. This will assure that the alarm will be working when you need it.
Inspectors are NOT required to inspect any remote control devices (unless such device is the only means of control), alarm systems
and associated components and controls, low-voltage wiring systems or components or any ancillary wiring, systems or
components that are not part of the primary power distribution system. We are also NOT required to measure amperage draw, line
voltage or ground impedance.
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USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.
August 19, 2013
Page 21 of 30
In accordance with the ASHI© standard of practice pertaining to Heating Systems, this report describes the energy source and the
distinguishing characteristics of the heating system(s). Inspectors are required to inspect the installed heating equipment and
associated vent systems, flues and chimneys.
Heating units are tested using normal operating controls. Readily accessible inspection doors are
opened for interior viewing unless the doors are taped shut or otherwise sealed. Inspector will not break
seals as a new seal is required upon completion of the inspection.
Heating Systems
Type of Heating System: natural gas forced air furnace
Heating System Access: in the attic
Location Electric Safety Switch: at the unit
Type of Thermostats: programmable
Location of Thermostats: entry hall
Condition: not inspected-no gas
Make: Janitrol
Model: GMP075-4
BTU: 75,000
Serial: 9810622448
Exhaust Vent Type: double-wall metal
Exhausts Through: vents up through the roof
Condition: good condition-no issues
Ducting Ventilation
Type of Ducting: flexible polyethylene
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Condition: good condition-no issues
Type of Return Ducting: flexible polyethylene
Condition: good condition-no issues
Air Filter
Location: return before furnace
Type: disposable electrostatic
Width: 20"
Height: 20"
Depth: 1"
Other Air Filter
Location: return before furnace
Type: disposable electrostatic
1. The heating system meets the rough heating requirement calculation for this home.
2. The heating unit did not function at the time of the inspection by using normal operating controls
because gas was off. Recommendation: Evaluation after gas is cut on by HVAC technician.
Inspectors are NOT required to inspect the interiors of flues or chimneys when not readily accessible, the heat exchanger(s) of
boilers or furnaces, humidifiers or dehumidifiers, electronic air cleaners or any solar space heating system(s). We are also NOT
required to determine the adequacy of the heating system or distribution/balance of heat throughout the home.
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In accordance with the ASHI© standards of practice pertaining to Air Conditioning Systems. Inspectors are required to inspect only
installed central or through-wall air conditioning units and to describe their distinguishing characteristics and energy source.
System Description
Type of system: central air conditioner
Energy source: electricity
Exchange Method: air source1
Type: non-programmable
Locations: same as heating system
Location of Cutoff: within sight of the unit
Coil Condenser
Outside Unit Location: rear of home
Make: Goodman
Model: CK42-1C
Serial: 9812423712
Air Ducting
Type of Ducting: flexible polyethylene
Condition: Good-no issues
Type of Return Ducting: Flexible polyethylene
Condition: Good-no issues
Air Filter
Location: Same as heating system
The heat pump is an air source type that gathers latent heat from the exterior air and transfers it to the interior
coil in order to heat the home in winter. When used to cool a home the latent heat from the interior is gathered
through the interior coil and transferred to the outside air.
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Type: Disposable electrostatic
Other Air Filter
Location: Same as heating system
1. Heating and air conditioning system(s) last longer and perform more efficiently when serviced
2. At the time of the inspection the exterior temperature was 60°F or above, this system was tested
using normal controls.
3. The average life expectancy of the condenser is 8 - 15 years. This unit is 15 years old (1998).
4. All rooms were checked for a cooling source (delivery register) and no defects were observed.
5. The ductwork for the air conditioning is the same as for the heating function of the home.
Inspectors are NOT required to inspect electronic air cleaner filters or determine the adequacy of the air conditioning system or
whether it is properly balanced. We DO NOT operate any cooling system equipment, including the cooling cycle of heat pumps,
when the exterior temperature is less than 60°F.
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In accordance with the ASHI© Standards of Practice pertaining to Fireplaces and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances, this report
describes the fireplaces and solid fuel burning appliances as well as the chimneys. Those portions of the chimney(s) that extend
above the roof are described under Roof System previously in this report. Inspectors are required to inspect system components,
vent systems, flues and chimneys of fireplaces and solid fuel burning appliances.
Main Fireplace (family room)
Fireplace Type: zero-clearance gas
Fireplace Location: family room
Supply Air: from interior of chimney chase via air induction fan fitted to firebox
Fireplace Liner: metal
Hearth Style: floor
1. All solid fuel burning appliances (woodstoves and fireplaces, etc.) should be inspected annually by a
qualified chimney service contractor, cleaned and repaired as necessary.
Inspectors are NOT required to ignite or extinguish any fires in any device, determine the draft characteristics of vents or chimney
flues, move fireplace inserts, stoves or firebox contents, inspect the interior of flues or chimneys, fire screens or doors, seals and
gaskets, automatic fuel feed devices, combustion make-up air devices, mantels and fireplace surrounds or any heat distribution
accessory devices, whether gravity controlled or fan assisted.
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In accordance with the ASHI© standard of practice pertaining to Interiors, there is NO requirement for the report to describe any
interior components or finishes. Inspectors are required to inspect walls, ceilings and floors, steps, stairways and railings,
countertops and a representative number of cabinets, a representative number of doors and windows and the garage doors and
automatic garage operators.
Room Interior
Wall Surface Type: drywall
Ceiling Surface Type: drywall
Flooring Type: wall to wall carpet, hardwood and sheet vinyl
Kitchen Flooring Material: hardwood
Condition: satisfactory
Kitchen Counter Top Type: laminate
Condition: good-no issues
Cabinets and Counters
Kitchen Cabinet Type: face frame
Condition: good-no issues
Bathroom Flooring Material: sheet vinyl
Bathroom Counter Top Type: solid surface resin
Condition: good-no issues
Bathroom Cabinet Type: face frame
Inside Door Type: hollow core wood panel
Windows and Doors
Window Frame Type: aluminum
Window Pane Type: double glazed
Stair Locations: front of residence
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Garage Door
Garage Door Opener: Automatic
1. There are water-stained walls and/or ceilings that appear to be the result of water intrusion, possibly
from flashing or roof leaks or interior plumbing fixtures or water lines at upstairs hallway, rear right
bedroom closet, front right bedroom closet, living room and first floor entry hall. It is unknown how
these have affected unseen areas, and whether or not there could be structural damage caused by rot.
Recommendation: Confirm from seller if the stains are related to a previously repaired problem or
obtain evaluation for the source of the moisture by licensed roofing, siding or plumbing contractor and
repair as appropriate.
2. There is baseboard wood trim in family and dining room that appears to have termite damage.
Recommend further evaluation by pest controller contractor to determine type of infestation and extent
of damage and repair and as necessary.
3. The rear bay window and upstairs hall bathroom window has condensation between double panes.
Foggy and cloudy windows are the result of condensation between the panes of glass. When moisture
from the window is on the inside of the glass, the cause is a broken seal on the window unit.
Condensation may appear and disappear on the windows in the early stages, but over time, the fogged
windows become difficult to see through. At its worse, the real issue is not the vapor itself (although it
will eventually block your view in or out of the window), but the introduction of mold spores or other
microorganisms which will grow in the nice, moist environment. There is no way to repair this problem the seal, once broken, has already introduced moisture which cannot be effectively removed, the sash
must be replaced. Recommend the replacement of damaged sash by window contractor.
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4. One or more gas burners on the cook top did not work because the gas is off. Recommendation:
Evaluation and repair by an appliance repair technician.
Inspectors are NOT required to inspect paint, wallpaper or other finish treatments, carpeting, window treatments, central vacuum
systems, household appliances and recreational facilities or gymnastic equipment.
Report Prepared For: Somebody
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August 19, 2013
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The inspection of the insulation, vapor retarders and ventilation systems of this home was limited to
only unfinished, accessible areas that are exposed to view. No invasive inspection methods were used,
therefore the presence of required vapor retarders or the type and density of insulation installed behind
finished surfaces could not be verified. Even if the type of materials used could be determined, no
declarations have been made here as to the installed density or adequacy of concealed materials.
Should the client(s) wish detailed information concerning the existence/condition of any vapor retarders
and insulation concealed in the walls, ceiling cavities or other inaccessible and/or unviewable areas, I
suggest consulting an insulation contractor or certified energy auditor. Many have thermal imaging
equipment that can aid in determining the overall effectiveness of installed insulation systems and
identify areas needing improvement.
Attic Locations and Access
Attic Spaces: one
Attic Access Locations: hallway
Inspection Method: illumination on site and flashlight
Roof Assembly
Roof Assembly Type: manufactured truss assembly
Rafter: 2 by 4
Rafter On-Center: 24-inch
Roof Sheathing: oriented strand board (OSB)
Ceiling Joist: 2 by 4
Ceiling Joist On-Center: 24-inch
Condition: good condition
Attic Floor
Attic Flooring: none
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Attic Insulation
Floor Insulation Type: blown-in cellulose
Floor Measure: 8 inches
Floor R-Value: 25
Attic Ventilation
Attic Ventilation Type: passive ventilation
Intake Location: under eave vents
Exhaust Location: roof vents
Yours truly,
Joe Hill
First Look Home Inspection
757 236- 0076
Report Prepared For: Somebody
USA 1st street
First Look Home Inspection. All Rights Reserved.