In current years, human action recognition has

Human Action Recognition
Ashish Kumar Sharma
Janakkumar B. Patel
Manoj Pandey
Department of ECE
Amity University Haryana
Professor, ECE Department
Amity University Haryana
Assistant Professor, ECE Department
Amity University Haryana
This paper shows widely the current progress towards videobased human action recognition. The goal of the action
recognition is an automated examination of current actions
from video data. A stable system efficient of recognizing
various human actions has many valuable applications. The
applications include supervision systems, health-care systems,
and human-computer interfaces. In this project, the problem
of human action recognition from video progression is
dispatched. This paper presents solution to find the best
matches requirements of recognizing problem from different
datasets. Aim of this paper is to arrange a broad state-of-theart analysis of field, also addresses certain disputes correlated
with applications. Then propose an action to achieve a scope
of assurance in each pixel of the video being a foreground
region in a three dimensional Markov Random Field based
Human action recognition; 3D MRF; feature extraction;
security surveillance; healthcare monitoring; human computer
In current years, human action recognition has strained plenty
consideration in the field of video investigation technology
due to the developing demands from many applications, such
as, entertainment environments, supervision environments and
healthcare systems. In a supervision environment, the
automated detection of abnormal activities can be used to
active the related authority of potential criminal or threatening
behaviors, such as automatic reporting of a person with a bag
loitering at an airport or station. In an entertainment
environment, the action recognition can improve the human
computer interaction (HCI), such as the automatic recognition
of different player’s actions during a tennis game so as to
create an avatar in the computer to play tennis for the player.
Moreover, in a healthcare system, the activity recognition can
help the improvement of patients, such as the automatic
recognition of patient’s action to facilitate the rehabilitation
processes. There have been countless research efforts reported
for various applications based on human action recognition,
more specifically, home abnormal activity [1], ballet activity
[2], tennis activity [3], soccer activity [4], human gestures
sport activity human interaction [5], pedestrian traffic [6] and
simple actions and healthcare applications [1].
During recent years much research has been done in the field
of object detection and recognition in still images.
Accordingly, very accurate and fast detectors have been
established for faces pedestrians [6], and many other object
classes [7]. Challenging database and competitions are
organized due to the object detection problem in still images.
Early approaches for human action recognition focused on
low-level motion analysis, such as tracking and body posture
analysis. Compared to these early approaches, recent
technique have achieved significant progress by introducing
1) features that are more descriptive and 2) algorithms that
facilitate machine learning. State-of-the-art feature used
include space time pattern templates [14], optical flow pattern
[15], trajectory-based features [14], and local features,
whereas machine learning algorithms used include Support
Vector Machines (SVMs), Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs), and Sparse Representation-based Classification
(SRC) [16].
The representation of an action should be actor basic, so that a
classifier learns the action and not the dataset and hence is
able to recognize actions across completely different
backgrounds. Moreover, although background and contextual
information is useful and should be taken into consideration,
its contribution to the final representation should be less than
the action itself. As mentioned earlier, Human action
recognition has evoked considerable interest in the various
research areas and applications due to its potential use in
proactive computing which is a technology that pro-actively
anticipated people necessity in situation such as health-care or
life-care and takes appropriate actions on their side. A system
or solution capable of recognizing various human actions has
many important applications such as automated surveillance
systems, human computer interaction, smart home health-care
systems and control free gaming systems etc. Thus Human
Action Recognition is a very fertile domain with many
promising applications and it draws attentions of several
institutions, researchers and commercial companies.
Then investigate the problem of human action recognition
when training and testing on distinct datasets. Research in
recognition strives to develop increasingly generalized
methods that are robust to intra-class variability and interclass
ambiguity. Indeed, recent years have seen tremendous strides
in improving recognition accuracy [9,8] on ever larger and
complex benchmark datasets [10,11], comprising actions in
the wild videos. Unfortunately, the all-encompassing, dense,
global representations [13, 12] that bring about such
reformations often benefit from the inherent characteristics,
specific to datasets and classes that do not necessarily reflect
knowledge about the entity to be recognized. This results in
increasingly specific models that perform well within datasets
but generalize poorly.
The need to mitigate this disconnect has given rise to the
application of domain adaptation [17, 18], in recognition of
objects [19] and events [20]. Lixin et al. [20] employed an
adaptive multiple kernel learning approach to minimize the
mismatch between distributions from YouTube and consumer
videos. Several variations of traditional SVM has been
introduced for domain adaptation such as adaptive SVM,
domain adaptation SVM [17], and domain adaptation machine
[18]. However, the major limitation of all these approaches is
that they require availability of video labels from both
domains during training.
There is no question that these techniques improve
performance across datasets, and are significant in their own
right, but it is worth asking whether the same actions in
distinct datasets are truly representative of different domains
or if their specific characteristics are distracting biases that
emanate from data collection criteria and processes. This issue
has been raised recently work by Torralba and Efros [21] for
the problem of image classification and object detection. They
have empirically established that most object recognition
datasets represent close visual world views and have biases
toward specific poses, backgrounds, and locations, etc. In this
study, we show that action recognition datasets too are
prejudiced towards background scenes – a characteristic that
should ideally be inconsequential to human action classes.
Historically, taking a page from image analysis, several video
interest point detectors were introduced, including space time
interest points, Dollar interest points, and spatiotemporal
Hessian detector, etc. The obvious idea was to estimate local
descriptors only at these important locations and ignore the
rest of the video. Representations based on local descriptors
estimated at interest points showed promising results on
simple datasets such as Weizmann and KTH. Even though
these datasets are now considered easier, their generally static,
mostly uniform scene backgrounds, coupled with interest
point detection, ensured a true action representation, largely
devoid of background information. In recent years, the
difficulty in obtaining meaningful locations of interest in
contemporary datasets, coupled with the lack of evaluation of
action localization, has resulted in a shift in research focus
away from interest point detection. Indeed, it has been shown
experimentally, that dense sampling of feature descriptors
generally outperforms interest point [12] and other detectors
(human, foreground, etc.) [22].Several methods have even
been proposed to recognize actions in single images instead of
videos. It is then safe to assume that background scene
information is a key component of the final representation that
allows higher quantitative performance, but in the process
‘learns the dataset’ rather than the action. We maintain that
the goal of action representation schemes and efforts to collect
larger datasets should be to increase intra-class generalization
for which cross-dataset recognition is a reasonable metric.
Aim of this review paper is to analyze problem of
Discrimination between the similar actions such as: Jumping-sitting, Jogging-Walking, Boxing-Stretching etc. and
propose several measures to quantify the effect of scene and
background statistics on action class discriminatively. And
propose methods for obtaining foreground-specific action
representations, using appearance, motion and saliency in a
3D MRF based framework.
This paper shows study the effect of context in the action
recognition problem both in terms of motion features (action)
as well as appearance features (scene). Here by context we
mean anything in the video frames excluding the actor itself.
To classify an action, using basically interested in is the
movements of the body of the actor.
Furthermore, extract different features from the context
(motion/shape) and study effectiveness of each of those
features in scene modeling (while the actor itself is excluded).
This review paper focused on evaluation of the effect of these
background features (scene model). In other words, focused
only assess the amount of gain that we can obtain in action
classification by excluding the background motion features as
well as adding the background static features, such as shape,
as a description of the scene context.
The important characteristics of image frames are extracted
and represented in a systematical way as features. Feature
extraction have crucial influence in the performance of
recognition, so it is essential to select or represent features of
image frames in a proper process. In a video sequence, the
features that capture the space and time relationship are
known as space-time volumes (STV). In addition to spatial
and temporal information, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of
image frames mainly captures the image intensity variation
spatially. The space-time volumes and discrete Fourier
transform are global features which are extracted by globally
considering the whole image. Although, the global features
are sensitive to noise, occlusion and variation of viewpoint.
Preferably using global features, some methods are designed
to consider the local image patches as local features. The local
features are designed to be more robust to noise and
occlusion, and possibly to scale and rotation. Also global and
local features, other methods are also designed to directly or
indirectly model human body, so that the pose estimation and
body part tracking techniques can be applied. Furthermore,
the coordinates of the body modeling can be further converted
into lower-dimensional or more discriminative features, like
polar coordinate representation, Boolean features and
geometric relational features (GRF), for effective recognition
A recognition dataset should be representative of our
surrounding visual world, and therefore diverse as possible.
Besides illumination, clutter, etc., the sample actions should
vary in terms of actor viewpoint, pose, speed, and articulation.
The background should be diverse as well, but not
discriminative, i.e., it should not aid in recognition of the
action class, or it would limit the generalizability of the class
model, and consequently result in worse cross-dataset
recognition than within dataset. In this section, we quantify
the discriminative power of background scenes in a few well
known action datasets using two methods.
First, we computed motion features on only the background
regions to perform recognition within datasets, and second,
we measured class-wise confusion within datasets using
global scene descriptor.
The problems of foreground-background segmentation, and
human or actor detection are very challenging, and all the
more so, in unconstrained videos that make up the more
recent action datasets. Since goal is to recognize actions,
rather than segmentation, or actor detection, framework does
not attempt to label each pixel or region as foreground or
background. Instead, then estimate the confidence in each
pixel being a part of the foreground, and use it directly to
obtain the codebook as well as the video representation.
Action is mainly characterized by the motion of moving parts.
Using this important clue to give high confidence to the
locations undergoing articulated motion in a video.
However, since most of the realistic datasets involve moving
camera, simple optical flow magnitude can be high for
background as well. Hence, we used the Frobenius norm of
optical flow gradients. The motion gradient based foreground
confidence, fm is defined as:
Where, ux, vx, uy, and vy are the horizontal and vertical
gradients of optical flow respectively, and g is a 2D Gaussian
filter with fixed variance.
Another category for segmentation on moving camera is
optical flow, which denotes a displacement of the same scene
in the image sequence at different time instant.
This paper propose to modify the bag-of-words representation
of a video in several important ways. The underlying goal is
to represent the video so that features corresponding to the
actual action that means the foreground, contribute towards
the vocabulary as well as the resulting representation, while
those on the background have minimal effect when training
models or comparing videos. Ideas are described in the
In many videos, the actor has different color and appearance
than the background, while the background (such as sky or
floor) has relatively uniform color distribution.
Hence, the color gradients can be used as a cue towards
estimating the confidence in location of actor and object
boundaries, while resulting in low responses for background
regions with uniform colors.
Specifically, we compute the color gradient based confidence
in observing a foreground pixel, fc, using the Frobenius norm
of LAB color space given as:
Where (Lx, ax, bx) is the horizontal gradient of the color vector
at (x, y).
To use visual saliency as the third cue to estimate the
confidence in observing a foreground pixel.
In sports videos the player receives most of visual attention
and hence represents the most salient part of the video. A
similar observation applies to professional moving camera
videos that follow objects with distinct appearance amid
relatively homogenous backgrounds. Although, our ultimate
goal is to estimate foreground confidences for videos, Due to
large camera motion and noisy optical flow, video or motion
based saliency methods do not always result in reasonable
outputs. Instead, graph based visual saliency used to capture
the salient regions in each frame individually. And chose this
method due its computational efficiency, evident capability in
finding salient regions and natural interpretation as
decomposition of image into neural network.
For computing contrast, luminance, and four orientation maps
corresponding to orientation θ =
{00, 450, 900, 1350} using Gabor filters, all on multiple spatial
scales. In the activation step, a fully connected directed graph
is built where edge weight between two nodes, corresponding
to pixel locations, (i, j) and (p, q) is given as:
Where M (i, j) represents the features at (i, j), and ϕ is a free
parameter. To define a Markov chain used the graph, the
stationary distribution of the chain is computed and treated as
an activation map, A (p, q). A new graph is then defined on all
pixels with the edge weights being:
This paper shows that despite weighing the influence of
features on the histogram, the accumulative effect of
background features on different bins of the histogram can
sum up to be significant. This is because of the fact that a
significant number of pixels in the video, and consequently
densely samples descriptors, can have relatively low
foreground confidence. In other words, the number of high
confidence features contributing to the histogram is far less
than those with low confidence of being foreground. This
would not be a problem if features with high and low
confidences were quantized to different words, but that may
not always be the case, especially due to the weighted
If the foreground and background regions were divided into
two distinct classes (binary labeled), it would be
straightforward to compute two different histograms for each
type of region. However, given that it is desirable to avoid
thresholding and binarization of foreground confidence,
propose a novel alternative solution.
As reported in Table 1, the quantitative results conclusively
demonstrate that the proposed framework for estimation of
foreground confidence is meaningful, and the consistently
higher recognition accuracies serve as an empirical
verification of our conjecture that the dataset specific
background scenes are one of the main causes of deterioration
in recognition accuracy across datasets. Moreover, when
training and testing on distinct datasets, the histogram
decomposition and the newly proposed corresponding
similarity measure perform better than even the foreground
weighted vocabulary and histograms, for all cross-dataset
UCF 50
UCF 50
Table 1.
Although progress in recent video-based human activity
recognition has been encouraging, there are still some
apparent performance issues that make it challenging for realworld deployment. More specifically:
The viewpoint issue remains the main challenge for human
action recognition. In real world activity recognition systems,
the video sequences are usually observed from arbitrary
camera viewpoints; therefore, the performance of systems
needs to be invariant from different camera viewpoints.
However, most recent algorithms are based on constrained
viewpoints, such as the person needs to be in front-view (i.e.,
face a camera) or side-view. Some effective ways to solve this
problem have been proposed, such as using multiple cameras
to capture different view sequences then combining them as
training data or a self-adaptive calibration and viewpoint
determination algorithm can be used in advance. Sophisticated
viewpoint invariant algorithms for monocular videos should
be the ultimate objective to overcome these issues.
Since most moving human segmentation algorithms are still
based on background subtraction, which requires a reliable
background model, a background model is needed that can be
adaptively updated and can handle some moving background
or dynamic cluttered background, as well as inconsistent
lighting conditions. Learning how to effectively deal with the
dynamic cluttered background as well as how to
systematically understand the context (when, what, where,
etc.), should enable better and more reliable segmentation of
human objects. Another important challenge requiring
research is how to handle occlusion, in terms of body–body
part, human–human, human–objects, etc.
Natural human appearance can change due to many factors
such as walking surface conditions (e.g., hard/soft,
level/stairs, etc.), clothing (e.g., long dress, short skirt, coat,
hat, etc.), footgear (e.g., stockings, sandals, slippers, etc.),
object carrying (e.g., handbag, backpack, briefcase, etc.).The
change of human action appearance leads researchers to a new
research direction, i.e., how to describe the activities that are
less sensitive to appearance.
In conclusion, this review provides an extensive survey of
existing research efforts on video-based human action
recognition systems, covering all critical modules of these
systems such as feature extraction object segmentation, and
representation, and activity detection and classification.
Moreover, three application domains of video-based human
activity recognition are reviewed, including surveillance,
entertainment and healthcare. Even if the great progress made
on the subject, many challenges are raised herein together
with the related technical issues that need to be resolved for
real-world practical deployment. Furthermore, generating
descriptive sentences from images or videos is a further
challenge, wherein objects, actions, activities, environment
(scene) and context information are considered and integrated
to generate descriptive sentences conveying key.
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Technical Report RR-7373, INRIAGrenoble - Rh^one-Alpes,