C. Chang, E. Anderson, P. Naulleau, D. Attwood



Chang, Chang



EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)


National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY


(if applicable)







Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley,


Ph.D. 2002

Electrical Engineering

& Computer Science



– 2003

Senior Integration Engineer, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA

2003 – 2009 Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems,

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA


Instructor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical Physics Division,

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA


1992 Ministry of Education Scholarship in Physical Science, Taiwan

2003 Intel CTM Technology Development Award, for Rev85 CPU development, Intel Corporation

2011 AAPM Delaware Valley Chapter Young Investigator Symposium Finalist

B. PUBLICATIONS (in chronological order)

Journal articles

1. T. Nakamura and C. Chang*, “Quantitative x-ray differential-interference-contrast microscopy with independently adjustable bias and shear


Physical Review A 83 , 043808 (2011).

2. T. Nakamura and

C. Chang*, “Exact space invariant illumination for partially coherent imaging systems,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 27 , 1953-1961 (2010).

3. J.E. Lin, G.P. Marszalowicz, P. Li, M. Valentino, M. Magee, A.E. Snook, B. Stoecker, C. Chang,

S.A. Waldman

, “Bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins: translation of pathogenic peptides into novel diagnostics and therapeutics ,” Toxins 2 , 2028-2054 (2010).

4. Q. Tu, J. Eisen, C. Chang * , “A surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy study of indolic molecules adsorbed on gold colloids


Journal of Biomedical Optics (Letters) 15 , 020512


5. P. Li, J.E. Lin, G.P. Marszlowicz, M.A. Valentino, C. Chang, S. Schulz, G.M. Pitari, S.A.

Waldm an, “GCC signaling in colorectal cancer: Is colorectal cancer a paracrine deficiency syndrome?” Drug News & Perspectives 22 , 313-318 (2009).

6. Y. G. Chung, Q. Tu, D. Cao, S. Harada, H. Eisen, C. Chang * , “Raman spectroscopy detects cardiac allograft rejection with molecular specificity,”

Clinical & Translational Science 2 , 206-

210 (2009).

7. C. Chang * , G. Marszlowicz, Z. Waldman, P. Li, A. Snook, J. Lin, S. Schulz, S. A. Waldman,

“Guanylyl Cyclase C as a Biomarker for Targeted Imaging and Therapy of Metastatic Colorectal



Biomarkers in Medicine 3 , 33-45 (2009).

8. C. Chang * , A. Sakdinawat, P. Fischer, E. Anderson, and D. Attwood, "A New Single Element

Objective Lens for Soft X-Ray Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy," Optics Letters 31 ,

1564-1566 (2006).


K. Rosfjord, C. Chang, R. Miyakawa, H. Barth, D. Attwood, “Direct index of refraction measurements at extreme ultraviolet and soft Xray wavelengths,” Applied Optics 45 , 1730-

1736 (2006).

10. C. Chang*

, P. Naulleau, D. Attwood, “Analysis of illumination coherence properties in smallsource systems such as synchrotrons ”, Applied Optics 42 , 2506-2512 ( Cover feature, May


11. C. Chang *

, P. Naulleau, E. Anderson, K. Rosfjord, D. Attwood, “Diffractive optical elements based on Fourier optical techniques: A new class of optics for extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray wavelengths,” Applied Optics 41 , 7384-7389 ( Cover feature, December 2002).

12. C. Chang *

, E. Anderson, P. Naulleau, E. Gullikson, K. Goldberg, D. Attwood, “Direct index of refraction measurement a t extreme ultraviolet wavelength region with a novel interferometer,”

Optics Letters 27 , 1028-1030 (2002).

13. C. Chang * , P. Naulleau, E. Anderson, D. Attwood, “Spatial coherence properties of undulator radiation based on Thompson-Wolf two-pinhole measu rement,” Nuclear Instruments and

Methods in Physics Research A 468 , 913-916 (2001).

14. Y. Liu, M. Seminario, F. Tomasel, C. Chang, J.J. Rocca, D. Attwood, "Spatial coherence measurement of a high average power table-top soft X-ray laser," Journal de Physique IV 11 ,

123-126 (2001).

15. C. Chang * , P. Naulleau, E. Anderson, D. Attwood, “Spatial coherence characterization of undulator radiation,”

Optics Communications 182 , 25-34 (2000).


Y. Liu, M. Seminario, F. Tomasel, C. Chang, J. Rocca, D. Attwood, “Achievement of essentially full spatial coherence in a high-average-power soft-xray laser,” Physical Review A 63 , 033802


17. D. Attwood, P. Naulleau, K. Goldberg, E. Tejnil, C. Chang, R. Beguiristain, P. Batson, J. Bokor,

E. Gullikson, M. Koike, H. Medecki, J. Unde rwood, “Tunable coherent radiation in the soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet spectral regions,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35 , 709-720



P. Naulleau, K. Goldberg, S. Lee, C. Chang, D. Attwood, J. Bokor, “Extreme-ultraviolet phaseshifting point-diffraction interferometer: a wave-front metrology tool with sub-angstrom referencewave accuracy,”

Applied Optics 38 , 7252-7263 (1999).

Book chapter

19. C. Chang and T. Nakamura, “Partially coherent image formation theory for x-ray microscopy,” in

Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education 4 , 1897-1904, Ed.

A. Méndez-

Vilas, J. Díaz, (FORMATEX, Spain 2010).

Conference proceedings and abstracts

20. T. C. Zhu, X. Liang, C. Chang, J. Sandell, J. C. Finlay, A. Dimofte, C. Rodriguez, K. Cengel, J.

Friedberg, E. Glatstein, S. M. Hahn

, “An IR navigation system for real-time treatment guidance of pleural PDT ,” Proc. SPIE 7886 , 78860L (2011).

21. C. Chang, B. K. Teo, M. D. Altschuler, A. Lin, T. C. Zhu, “Dosimetric Evaluation of a Volume

Segmentation Algorithm for MRIbased Treatment Planning for Head and Neck Cancer,”


’l J of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics , 78 , S70 (2010).

22. Q. Tu, J. Eisen, C. Chang * , “Band Shifts in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectra of Indolic

Molecules Adsorbed on Gold Colloids ,” International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy XXII,

AIP Conference Proceedings 1267 , 1097-1098 (2010).

23. C. Chang, K.K.-H Wang , T.C. Zhu, “A Fast Heterogeneous Algorithm for Light Fluence Rate for

Prostate Photodynamic Therapy ,” Proc. SPIE 7551 , 75510B (2010).

24. J. Sandell, C. Chang, J .C. Finlay, T.C. Zhu, “A Treatment Planning System for Pleural PDT,”

Proc. SPIE 7551 , 75510C (2010).

25. C. Chang, T.C. Zhu, “Monte-Carlo BEAM Modeling of Off-Axis Headscatter for Megavoltage

Photons with MLC,”

Medical Physics 36 , 2617 (2009).

26. Q. Tu, Y. G. Chung, D. Cao, S. Harada, C. S. Cheng, H. Eisen, C. Chang*,

“Biomarker Enables

Molecular Specific Optical Detection of Transplant Rej ection,” World Congress on Medical

Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2009, IFMBE Proceedings 25 , 740-743 (2010).

27. Y.-H. Cheng, Y. Achiam, C. Chang, and K.M. Rosfjord

, “Nanostructured Substrates for SERS

Detection of Serotonin to Indicate Heart Transplant Rejection ,” ISDRS 2007, College Park, MD.

28. K. Rosfjord, C. Chang and D. Attwood, "Direct index of refraction measurement of silicon and ruthenium at EUV wavelengths," Proc. SPIE 5538 , 92-95 (2004).

29. P. Naulleau, K. Goldberg, S. Lee; C. Chang, D. Attwood, J. Bokor, “The EUV phase-shifting point diffraction interferometer,”

AIP Conference Proceedings 521 , 66-72, (2000).

30. P. Naulleau, K. Goldberg, S. Lee, C. Chang, P. Batson, D. Attwood, J. Bokor, “The PS/PDI: a high accuracy development tool for diffraction limited shortwavelength optics,” AIP Conference

Proceedings 507 , 595-600, (2000).

31. K. A. Goldberg, P. Naulleau, S. H. Lee, C. Chang, C. Bresloff, R. Gaughan, H. N. Chapman, J.

Goldsmith, J. Bokor, “Direct comparison of EUV and visible-light interferometries,” Proc. SPIE

3676 , 635-642 (1999).

32. P. Naulleau, K. Goldberg, S. Lee, C. Chang, P. Batson, D. Attwood, J

. Bokor, “Recent advances in EUV phaseshifting point diffraction interferometry,” Proc. SPIE 3767 , 154-163


33. S. Lee, P. Naulleau, K. Goldberg, E. Tejnil, H. Medecki, C. Bresloff, C. Chang, D. Attwood, J.

Bokor, “At-wavelength interferometry of extreme ultraviolet lithographic optics,” AIP Conference

Proceedings 449 , 553-557 (1998).

34. P. Naulleau, K. Goldberg, S. Lee; C. Chang, C. Bresloff, P. Batson, D. Attwood, J. Bokor,

“Characterization of the accuracy of EUV phase-shifting point diffraction interferometry,” Proc.

SPIE 3331 , 114-123 (1998).


U.S. Permanent Resident (Greencard)


C. Chang, B. K. Teo, M. D. Altschuler, A. Lin, T. C. Zhu,

“Dosimetric Evaluation of a Volume

Segmentation Algorithm for MRI-based T reatment Planning for Head and Neck Cancer,” oral presentation at ASTRO 52nd Annual Meeting, Scientific Session R: Treatment Management of

IMRT/IGRT/ART, October 31 - November 4, 2010, San Diego, CA.

C. Chang, J Sandell, T. C. Zhu, “Real-Time Laser Source Tracking for Pleural PDT Treatment

Planning System

,” oral presentation at

AAPM 52nd Annual Meeting, Joint Physics Session: Image-

Guided Radiation Therapy, July 18-22, 2010, Philadelphia, PA.

C. Chang, E. Anderson, P. Naulleau, D. Attwood, “Direct index of refraction measurement at EUV wavelengths with a novel interferometer,” poster presentation at the 13 th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics (VUV-XIII), July 23-27, 2001, Trieste, Italy .

C. Chang, P. Naulleau, E. Anderson, D.

Attwood, “Spatial coherence properties of undulator radiation based on Thompson-Wolf twopinhole measurement,” oral presentation at the 7 th

International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI2000), August 21-25,

2000, Berlin, Germany.


Available upon request.
