List of reports given by Divi.1 member or BES member(Chinese side)

1. Li Jin, BES Results on J/ψ Decay into γK+K- and ωπ+π-,
4th Inter. Symp. on Heavy Flavour Physics,
ORSAY-France,25-29 Jun. 1991,Edited by M. Davier,G. Wormser, p583.
2. Wuguang Yan, Search for G(1590) in J/ψ Radiative Decay,
Hadron 91,Univ. of Maryland, College Park,12-16 Aug. 1991,
Edited by S. Oneda and D.C. Peaslee,p94.
3. Wuguang Yan,Is the Spin-Parity of θ(1720) equal to 2++?ibid. p706.
1. Li Jin,The Status and Plan of Upgrade for BES,
Proc. of the XXVI Inter. Conf. on High Energy Physics,
Aug. 6-12,1992-Dallas,Texas,Editor J.R. Sanford.,p1881.
2. Shengtian Xue, τ Mass Measurement from eμ, eπ and (μπ,μμ,ππ)
Channels at BES/BEPC,
Proc. of the 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Particle
and Field (DPF 92), Nov. 11-14, 1992, Fermilab, Batavia, IL. USA, p321.
1. Shengtian Xue, Tau and Charm Physics at BES/BEPC,
‘93 Electroweak Inter. and Unified Theories,
Proc. of the XXVIII Rencontre de Moriond, Mar.13-20, 1993, Les Arcs, Savoie, France,
Edited by J. Tran Thanh Van, p325.
2. Xiaoling Fan,The Evidence of ξ(2.2),
Hadron’93, Centro di Cultura Scientifica 《A. Volta》,Villa Olmo,Como,
Jun. 21-25,1993, Edited by T. Bressani, A. Feliciello,p1825.
3. Xiaoling Fan,The Recent Status of BES at BEPC,ibid. p1829.
4. Ping Wang,Recent Status and Results from BES,
Proc. of the 5th Inter. Symp. on Heavy Flavour Physics,Montreal,Canada,
Jul. 6-10,1993,Edited by D.I. Britton et. al., p141.
5. Zheng Zhi-Peng,The Report from the BES at BEPC,
Lepton and Photon Interactions, XVI Inter. Symp. , Ithaca,NY Aug. 1993,
Editors: P. Drell,D. Rubin,p530.
1. Li Jin,Recent Results from the BES Experiment at BEPC,
Proc. of 22nd INS Inter. Symp.,Physics with High Energy Colliders,
Tokyo,Mar. 8-10,1994,Editors S. Yamada & T. Ishii, p89.
2. Li Jin,New Results on J/ψand ψ’ Decays from BES,
Proc. of the XXVII Inter. Conf. on High Energy Physics,
20-27 Jul. 1994, Glasgow, Sootland UK, Eited by P.J. Bussey, I.G. Knowles, p463.
3. Changchun Zhang,Direct Measurement of the Pseudoscalar Decay Constant fDs from
BES, ibid. p467.
4. Zhi-Peng Zhen and Nading Qi,Recent Results of BES Group,
The First Arctic Workshop on Future Physics and Accelerators,
Saarriselka,Finland, 21-26 Aug. 1994,Editors M. Chaichian et al.,p67.
5. Nadiang Qi, Tau Lepton Experiment at BES Detector,
Tau94,Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Tau Lepton Phys.,
Montreux,Switzerland,19-22,Sept.,1994,Edited by L. Rolandi,p387.
Nucl. Phys. B(Proc. Suppl.) 40(1995)387.
6. Nading Qi, Final Results on MτThrough Threshold Scan Method Obtained by BES Group.
Proc. of the Workshop on Hadron Physics at e+e- Collider,
14-18 Oct. 1994, IHEP, Beijing 100039,
Edited by Xiaolin Fan, Weiguo Li, Huiling Ni, p65.
7. Yifan Gu, Hadronic Decay Puzzle in Charmonium Physics, ibid. p69.
8. Weiguo Li, Recent Results of Ds Physics at BES,
ibid. p73.
9. Shan Jin,
Study of ξ(2230) in J/ψ Decays,
ibid. p77.
10. Aimin Ma, Structure Analysis of the ι(1440),
ibid. p82.
11. Yongsheng Zhu, A Measurement of J/ψ Decay Width,
ibid. p87.
12. Y.G. Xie, Some Results of Hadron Inclusive Production at BES J/ψRegion, ibid. p100
1. Y.Z. Huang et al., Monte Carlo Simulation of the Tau/Charm Factory at IHEP,
Proc. of the Workshop on Tau-Charm Factory, Jun. 95, ANL, Chicage, US.
2. Shan Jin, Study of ξ(2230) in J/ψRadiative Decays and Glueball Interpretation of
Hadron’95, 6th International Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy,
Jul. 95, Manchester, UK, p113.
3. Yinzhi Huang,
The Future Plan for J/ψ and ψ’ in IHEP, ibid. p298.
4. Yinzhi Huang, Recent Progress on ψ’ and J/ψ Physics from BES Collaboration,
ibid. p518.
5. Yinzhi Huang, The Recent Results on ξ(2230) and ι(1440) Study,
Glunium’95, Jul. 95, Cosica, France.
6. Changchun Zhang, τ-Charm Physics from the BES at the BEPC,
第一届国际华人物理学大会,Aug. 95, 汕头,中国
7. Jin Li,Experimental Progress on Charmonium and Light Hadron Spectroscopy,
17th Inter. Symp. on Lepton-photon Interactions, LP95,
10-15 Aug. 1995 Beijing, China, Editors Zheng Zhi-Peng,Chen He-Sheng,p94.
8. L.Bagby, W. Gu et al., SVX/Silicon Detector Studies,
IEEE 95 Nucl. Sci. Symp., San Fransisco, California, Oct. 21-28, 1995.
1. Li Jin, The Study of ξ(2230) in J/ψ→γπ0π0, γηη’,
28th Inter. Conf. on High Energy Physics, 25-31 Jul. 1996, Warsaw, Poland.
2. Yongsheng Zhu, recent ψ’ and χc Rerults from BES, ibid.
3. Yifan Gu, Results on Hadronic ψ(2S) Decays into VP and VT Findal States,
DPF 96, Amer. Phys. Socie. 1996 Divisional Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
10-15 Aug.,1996.
4. Yifan Gu, Search for a Vector Glueball by a Scan of the J/ψ Resonance, ibid.
5. Xinhua Li, Study of Charmonium χcJ States in e+e- Annihilation,
+ -
6. Yucan Zhu, Experimental Study on J/ψ →γK K and J/ψ →γπ π ,
J/ψ →γηη, J/ψ →γηη’, J/ψ →γη’η’,
7. Lingjun Pan, ψ(2S) Decays to Baryon-Antibaryon Pairs,
1. Zhu Yucan, Recent Results on Meson Production in Radiative J/ψ Decay,
6th Conf. on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 97),
May 27-June 2, 1997, Big Sky, Montana, U.S.
2. Shen Xiaoyan, Recent Results from BES,
The 7th Int. Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron 97) ,
Aug. 25-30, 1997, BNL, U.S.
1. Li Xinhua, Recent BES Results in Charmonium Physics,
3rd Int. Conf. on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons,
June 30-July 3, 1998, Genova, Italy.
2. Zhao Zengguo, Measurement of the Total Cross Section for the Hadron Production
by e+e- Annihilation at the Energies Between 2-5 GeV.
29th Inter. Conf. On High Energy Phys. (ICHEP ‘98),
July 23-29, 1998, Vancouver, Canada.
3. Rong Gang, Recent Preliminary Results on D Meson Decays from the BES, ibid.
*1. Zhu Yucan, Current and Future about (2230),
99’ Workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy, Mar.8-12, 1999, Frascati, Italy.
2. Qi Xiangrong, Measurement of the Total Hadronic Cross section in e+e- Annihilation
at s =2-5 GeV,
XXXIVth Rencontres de Moriond, Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theory,
Mar. 13-20, 1999, Les Ares, Savoie, France.
*3. Zheng Zhipeng, Measurement of R with BES at BEPC,
Mar. 1999, Atlanta, Recent advances and cross-century outlook in physics, p393-402
*4. Liu Feng, Recent BES Results, Workshop on RHIC and New Phenomena,
Apr. 1999, Wuhan.
5. Liu Jing, Rmeasurement at 2-5 Gev at BES,
Lepton Moments International Symposium, Jun. 8-12, 1999, Heidelburg, Germany.
*6. Zhao Zhengguo, Measurement of R with BESII at BEPC,
The Frontier of Matter, Jun. 27-Jul.3, 1999, Blois, France.
*7. Yuan Changzheng, Glunia Search at BES,
QCD99, Jul. 7-13, 1999, Montpellier, France.
8. Zhu Yongsheng, Measurement of the Total Hadronic Cross Section in s =2-5 GeV
Range at the BES,
Intern. Europhys. Conf. on High Energy Physics (EPS HEP ‘99), p512-515,
Jul. 15-21,1999, Tampere, Finland.
#9. Zhao Zhengguo, R-Values from Low Energy e  e  Annihilation,
Lepton-Photon 99, Aug. 9-14, 1999, Stanford, USA.
*10. Zhao Zhengguo, Recent Results from the BES Collaboration,,
8th Int. Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron ‘99),
Aug. 24-28, 1999, Beijing, China.
*11. Zou Bingsong, The Baryon Spectroscopy from J/ψ Decays, ibid.
12. Liu Feng,
Recent ψ’ Results at BES,
13. Chen Guangpei, R Ratio Measurement at BES,
14. Li Haibo,
Recent N* Results from J/ ψ Decay,
15. Xu Guofa,
The Analysis of J/ψ Decay Channels: J/ ψ→γγV, ibid.
16. Rong Gong,
BES Results on Charmed Meson Decays,
*1. Zou Bingsong, N* Resonances in e+e- collision at BEPC
NSTAR2000: The Physics of Excited Nucleons,
Feb.16-19,2000, Newport News, Virginia.
*2. Shen Xiaoyan, Recent Results from BES
IV Intern. Conf. on Hyperons,Charm and Beuty Hadrons.
June 26-30, 2000, Valencia, Spain.
3. Huang Guangshun, Measurement of R in the Energy Region of 2-5 GeV
with BESII
IVth Recontres du Vietnam Physics at Extreme Energies, Physics and Astrophysics,
July 19-25, 2000, Hanoi, Vietnam.
*4. Zhao Zhengguo, Measurement of R at 2-5 GeV,
XXXth Intern. Conf. on High Energy Phys.,
Jul.27-Aug.2, 2000, Osaka, Japan.
5. Zhu Yongsheng, Recent Results of Charmonium Physics from BES, ibid.
#6. Zhao Zhengguo, BES Recent Results and Future Plans,
8th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC2000),
Aug.7-10,2000, Taipei, Taiwan.
*7. Zhu Yucan, N* and Λ* Searches at BES
VII Intern. Conf. On Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics,
Oct.23-27,2000, Torino, Italy
1. Huang Guangshun, New R Values in 2-5 GeV from the Beijing Spectrometer
XXXVIth Recontres de Moriond, Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories,
Mar. 10-17, 2001, Les Arcs, Savoie, France..
2. Wu Ning, BES R Measurement and J/ Decay
XXXVIth Recontres de Moriond, QCD High Energy Hadronic Interactions,
Mar. 17-24, 2001, Les Arcs, Savoie, France..
#3. Zhao Zhengguo, Recent Results and Future Plans from BES
e  e  Physics at Intermediate Energies,
Apr.29-May 3, 2001, SLAC, USA.
4. Hu Haiming,
Hadron Production at Intermediate Energies and Lund Area Law, ibid.
#5. Zhao Zhengguo, BES at BEPC: Status and Prospects
Workshop on Prospects for CLEO/CESR with 3<Ecm<5 GeV,
May 5-7, 2001, Cornell University, USA.
6. Qi Nading, The Experience of m Measurement of the BES and Comments on
Prospective 0.1 MeV Precision Measurement at CLEO-C Detector, ibid.
*7. Rong Gang,
Review, Status and Prospects of BES
Charmonium Spectroscopy Workshop,
Jun.7-8, 2001, Genova, Italy.
*8. Shen Xiaoyan, Charmonium States and the Hadronic Decays, ibid.
#9. Shen Xiaoyan, Hadronic Spectroscopy
XXI Physics in Collision Conference,
Jun.28-30, 2001, Seoul, Korea.
10. Chen Jiangchuan, Measurement of R in 2-5 GeV with BESII at BEPC,
Intern. Europhys. Conf. On High Energy Phys. (EPS HEP2001),
July 12-18, 2001, Budapest, Hungary.
*11. Li Weiguo, The Status of BEPC/BES and the Upgrade Program,
IX Intern. Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy,
Aug.26-Sep. 1, 2001, Protvino, Russia.
*12. Guo Zijin,
Recent Results from BES J/ Physics, ibid.
*13. Zhu Yongsheng, Recent Results of  (2S ) Decay Branching Ratios and Decay
Widths from BES, ibid.
14. Wang Yi Fang, On the Optimum Base Line for the Next Generation Neutrino
Oscillation Experiments
3 Intern. Workshop on Neutrino Factories based on Muon Storage Ring,
May 24-30,2001, Tsukuba, Japan.
15. Wang Yi Fang, A Water Cherenkov Calorimeter as the Next Generation
Neutrino Detector, ibid.
16. Wang Yi Fang, A Water Cherenkov Calorimeter for the Long Baseline Neutrino
Oscillation Experiment
Jul. 1-20, 2001, Snowmass, USA.
*1. Ji Xiaobin, New J /  Physics Results from BES
XVI Recontres de Physique de La Vallee d’Aoste,
Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics,
Mar. 3-9, 2002, Le Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy.
*2. Hu Haiming, R Measurement at BES and Hadronic Production in BEPC Energies
*3. Hu Haiming, R Measurement at BES and Hadronic Production in BEPC Energies
XXXIIth Recontres de Moriond, Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories,
Mar. 9-16, 2002, Les Arcs, Savoie, France.
*4. Peng Haiping, Recent J /  Physics Results from BES
XXXIIth Recontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions,
Mar. 16-23, 2002, Les Arcs, Savoie, France.
*5. Guo Zijin, Partial Wave Analysis of J/ KK and +-”
Meson 2002, 7th Intern. Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction
May 24 -28, 2002, Krakow, Poland.
*6. Bian Jianguo, Preliminary Results on c from BESII
*7. Shen Xiaoyan, J/ radiative decays
XXII Physics in Collision International Conference,
June 20-22, 2002, SLAC, CA, USA.
8. Zhu Yucan, Recent J/ Recents at BESII
5th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons,
June 25-29, 2002, Vancouver, Canada.
9. Li Weiguo, Test of QCD in 2-5 GeV with BESII
ICHEP 2002, July 24-31, 2002, Amsterdam, Netherland,
10. Jin Shan, J/ radiative decays and Glueball Searches, Ibid.
11. Tong Guoliang, Mini-review on Lepton-Flavor Violation at e+e- Colliders
*12. Zhu Yongsheng,  (2S ) Resonance Parameters and Hadronic Decays
Intern. Conf. on Advanced Topics in QCD
Aug. 5-9, 2002, Beijing, China.
*13 Zhu Yucan, Recent Results of J /  Decays at BES, ibid.
*14. Shen Xiaoyan, Recent J/ Recents from BES
2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics,
Aug. 27-30, 2002, Shanghai, China.
15. Zhu Yongsheng, Recent Results on J/ and  (2S) Decays from BES,
5th Intern. Conf. on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum,
Sep. 10-14, 2002, Gargnano, Italy.
*16 Shen Xiaoyan, Study of the Excited Baryon States at BES
N* 2002, Oct. 8-12, 2002, Pittsburgh, USA.
*1. Wu Ning,  and  Observed through J /  Decays in BES
Proc. Intern. Symp. On Hadron Spectroscopy, Chiral Symmetry and Relativistic
Description of Bound Systems,
Feb. 24-26, Nihon Univ., Tokyo, Japan. p.127.
*2. Zheng Zhipeng, Study on Some Candidates of Glueball or Mixed State at BESII,
Ibid. p.171
*3. Zou Bingsong, Problems in Baryon Spectroscopy and Baryon Program at BES,
Ibid. p.277
4. Dong Liaoyuan, Physics Results on BES,
8th Accelerator and Particle Physics Institute (APPI 2003),
Feb. 25-28, 2003, Iwate, Japan.
*5. Wu Ning, PWA of Scalars in BES J /  Decay Data,
Proc. Intern. Workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy and Search for Chiral Particle
in J /  Decay Data at BES,
Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 2003, KEK, Japan. p.20
*6. Zheng Zhipeng, Study on Scalar Mesons above 1 GeV,
Ibid. p.41
*7. Zheng Zhipeng, Status of BEPCII/BESIII,
Ibid. p.1
*8. Zou Bingsong, Baryon Spectroscopy at BES,
Ibid. p.54
9. Wang Wenfeng, New (2S) Results from BES,
XVIIth Recontres de Physique de la Vallee d’Aoste,
Mar. 9-15, 2003, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy.
10. Chen Jiangchuan, Recent BES Charmonium Results,
Intern. Europhysics Conf. on HEP, (EPS HEP2003),
Jul. 17-23, 2003, Aachen, Germany.
*11. Li Weiguo,
Recent BES Results.
X-th Intern. Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy,
Aug. 30- Sep. 6, 2003, Aschaffenburg, Germany.
New Observation in J /  pp at BESII, Ibid.
Some Results on (3770) Production and Decay from BES-II,
Lu Feng,
Recent Results on J/ Decays at BES,
Ji Xiaobin,
Excited States of Baryon at BES,
Mo Xiaohu,
Recent Results on (2S) Decay at BES,
Wang Ping,
The Phase between Three Gluon and on Photon Amplitudes
in Quarkonium Decays,
Yuan Changzheng, Recent Charmonium Results from (2S) Decays at BESII,
2nd Intern. Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium,
Sep. 20-22, 2003, Fermilab, USA.
Shen Xiaoyan,
Recent Results from BES J/ and (3770) Decays, Ibid.
Zhao Zhengguo,
R Measurement from BES,
Guo Zijin,
J/  pp and KK ,
Tong Guoliang,
Status of ATLAS Project in China,
2 NSFC-CERN LHC Workshop,
Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2003, Weihai, China.
12. Jin Shan,
13. Rong Gang,
*1. Li Weiguo,
CLEO-c and BESIII Joint Workshop
Jan. 13-15, 2004, Beijing, China.
*2. Wang Yifang, The BESIII Detector,
*3. He Kanglin,
Charm Physics Potential at BESIII,
*4. Yuan Changzheng, Charmonium Physics at BESIII,
*5. Shen Xiaoyan,
Light Hadron Spectroscopy with J/psi at BESIII,
*6. Hu Haiming,
R Scans and QCD Studies at BESIII,
*7. Fang Shuangshi, Recent Results on J/ψ and ψ(2S) from BESII
9th Accelerator and Particle Physics Institute (APPI2004),
Feb.16-20, 2004, Iwate,Japan.
*8. Yang Hongxun, Observation of an enhancement near 2mp in J /  pp at BESII
*9. Zhu Yongsheng, Recent BES Results on Charmonium Physics
18th Recontres de Physique de La Vallee d’Aoste,
Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics,
Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2004, Le Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy.
*10. Rong Gang ,
Some Results onψ(3770) and D Meson Production and Decays from BES
XXXIV Recontres de Moriond,
Electroweak Interaction and Unified Theories,
Mar. 21-28, 2004, Le Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy.
*11. Yuan Changzheng, Recent BES Results on Charmonium Decays
XXXIV Recontres de Moriond,
QCD and Hadronic Interactions at High Energy,
Mar. 28- Apr. 4, 2004, Le Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy.
*12. Wang Ping, Recent BES Results on Charmonium Physics,
* talk in plenary session