OrientationCaseyBio - Department of Animal Science

Animal Cases
Casey Sugarman has been gathering unique experiences as an animal expert for many years. As
a comparative veterinary biologist handling 750 species (11,000 individuals) of captive mammals,
birds, reptiles, fish, sharks, amphibians, and invertebrates, this broad grouping taught me what
ALL animals, including the human animal, have in common. This was an invaluable 'wide view' of
comparative social behavior that I could not have found in any PhD program.
10 years in exotic animal case management as veterinary biologist at Boston's New
England Aquarium
20 years equine behavior work
Currently authoring a large book about this information
Professional behavioral therapist for hire to multi-species casework
Specializing in psychological phobia reversal in domestic and wild species.
Irregular, unusual, or irrational interaction modes can be decoded and resolved.
Human Participants
“Casey teaches people as well as she teaches animals.” After helping the animal normalize,
Casey can teach the owner to communicate with this animal or any other using this same set of
tools. Casey was co-designer of the Aquarium's Public-Interactive Veterinary Hospital Medical
Center Exhibit. Casey regularly taught girl scouts how to perform surgery.
Experiential learning models that apply to all species, from octopus to human, led Sugarman to
develop Partnership Engineering, an applied “choice-modification skillset-curriculum”. Partnership
Engineering has applications in human education and training, medical case management,
physical and psychological rehabilitation, and business learning. In addition to animal case-work,
Sugarman is eager to teach the Partnership Engineering method of communication to trainers,
educators, coaches, associations, and companies.
The human species reacts to primal social triggers in lock step with other social animals, but we
humans just haven't yet harnessed this predictable ability in our nature. Our primal instincts are in
tact but we don’t know how to apply our innate nonverbal behavioral instinct consciously.
“Partnership Engineering” is NOT about body language, it's like nothing
learned before..."
you've ever
“The knowledge set is so primal that it’s hard to describe in human words, but easy to
learn from Casey.”
Sugarman earned her degree in Biology and Philosophy from Boston University and lives in Lyme, CT.
“Split second decisions to transform relationships…”
Partnership Engineering, LC  Lyme, CT  Ph 617.359.7941  Fax: 860.444.8895
www.partnershipengineering.com  info@partnershipengineering.com
Excerpt from Resume:
Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem Veterinary Medicine
 Clinical: Perform triage, treatment, management of all medical cases: plan and
perform examinations, diagnostics, treatments, and necropsies. Perform weekly
medical rounds assessment with problem recognition for large whale, cetacean,
pinniped, avian, reptile, amphibian, fish and elasmobranches, and terrestrial and
marine invertebrate phyla.
 Research: Perform original clinical research and collaborate with outside investigators
on research clinically significant for NEA species. Current projects include
radiographic gender determination in sea turtles and diagnostic ultrasound
applications in seals and sea lions, trans-esophageal diagnostic ultrasound of
penguins, observational learning in cuttlefish (squid), and voluntary restraint in fishes.
 Diagnostic: independently perform all anesthesia, diagnostic ultrasound and
radiographic examinations, assist in surgical plans, preparation, and act as surgical
assistant for all non-mammalian species. Maintain and operate medical diagnostic
and therapeutic equipment (radiology, ultrasonography, endoscopy, hematology,
microscopy, surgical, anesthetic, vitals monitoring).
 Life Support Systems: one million gallon facility, water quality analysis including
federally required microbiological analysis, life support system maintenance,
chemistry trouble-shooting, electronics, and equipment maintenance. Administer
aquatic system pharmaceutical treatments in conjunction with aquarist and
Mechanical Systems Operation staff. Make complex animal health decisions in the
multi-variable chemical setting encountered in an open/closed, inner harbor sourced .
 Library: Produce accurate and complete medical records, create formats, created
vertical library for relevant natural history and medical literature cross-referenced by
technology, animal class, and species. Function as department historian, tracking
changes in goals, design, management, and resources over 10 years of operation.
Some PC and MAC network installation and maintenance.
“Split second decisions to transform relationships…”
Partnership Engineering, LC  Lyme, CT  Ph 617.359.7941  Fax: 860.444.8895
www.partnershipengineering.com  info@partnershipengineering.com