ENGL 102 Quiz 4 “How to Tell a True War Story”

ENGL 101 Quiz “How to Tell a True War Story”
T or F
1. Curt Lemon was killed in a “dustoff”.
2. Rat Kiley was in charge of contacting Lemon’s family.
3. Rat Kiley took out his anger by shooting a baby water buffalo.
Short Answer
4. List five ways you can you tell a true war story according to O’Brien. Include at least
two ways that you can tell something is not a true war story.
6. What does O’Brien mean when he says, “proximity to death brings with it a
corresponding proximity to life”(81).
7. Why doesn’t a true war story depend on truth?
8. In the end, what kind of story is the story of Rat and Curt? How? Why?