NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Biology Skills of Scientific Experimentation, Investigation and Enquiry [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Biology. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 Contents Introduction 4 Teacher’s guide Planning, designing and carrying out Evaluating Drawing conclusions Making predictions and generalisations 6 7 8 8 Student’s guide Planning, designing and carrying out Evaluating Drawing conclusions Making predictions and generalisations Experimental procedure for investigating respiration rate in germinating peas SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 10 11 12 13 14 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction This resource is intended to develop the skills of scientific experimentation, investigation and enquiry. It is based around a simple experimental procedure (measuring the respiration rate of peas) as this illustrates the principles and ideas that can be applied to all scientific investigations or procedures. There are three parts to this resource: 1. 2. 3. 4 Teacher’s guide to using this resource. Student’s guide to the skills of scientific experimentation , investigation and enquiry. Experimental procedure for investigating respiration rate in germinating peas. SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 TEACHER’S GUIDE Teacher’s guide Please refer to the SQA document Guidance on learning and teaching approaches for this course (Biology.) The example of cell respiration was chosen for two reasons: 1. 2. A high-tech approach places an established experiment in a more modern setting, yet it still allows for the possibility of reverting to simpler technology. A sample set of data has been provided for centres that do not have time to carry out the experimental work but wish to use this as a paper exercise to develop the follow-up skills. Cell respiration provides the framework for students to explore skills of scientific experimentation, investigation and enquiry. Students are most likely to be familiar with the conventional layout of an experiment and this is an opportunity to develop these skills. Following on from Standard Grade investigations, it is likely that small groups will work together to generate aims and hypotheses. Students should be made aware of the basic protocol and use of the carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) probe, if it is going to be used. If probes are not available then a simple respirometer could be used instead. The main object is for students to generate an aim and a hypothesis, and then evaluate their results, draw conclusions, and make predictions and generalisations. For this it is probably best to use one of the suggested extension experiments, which will be at a level more closely related to their current studies. SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 5 TEACHER’S GUIDE Planning, designing and carrying out Suggested experiments The basic protocol described on page 14 of this document could be extended to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. compare the rate of respiration of various types of germinating seeds compare the rate of germination of seeds at different temperatures compare the rate of respiration of yeast suspensions with different sugars compare the rate of respiration of yeast suspensions at different temperatures compare the rate of respiration of various organisms such as plants, bacteria or invertebrates. Some points to consider The original aim related to non-germinating and germinating peas serves as an introduction to the experimental protocol, but is too simplistic for work at this level; the experiment should be extended to reflect one of the above aims. The rate of gas production and thus the rate of respiration vary with mass of peas rather than the number of peas. Use of equal numbers of peas leads to a variation in the mass of peas used in each experiment and thus invalidates the procedure. Does every centre have a CO 2 gas sensor? How many gas sensors would be required for a class of 20 students? In the case of a shortage, this experiment could be included within a ‘stations’ set-up. Alternative methods are much more low tech. (One example is from Higher Biology 2002, winter diet using a simple respirometer.) Students may need to be reminded of the different variables, such as mass of peas, temperature, oxygen availability etc. Students may need reminding of the need to write in the past imperfect tense and passive voice. While students may plan and work in groups their report writing should be as an individual. Note Students could work in small groups to plan and carry out the experiment . 6 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 TEACHER’S GUIDE Any CO 2 probe could be used although the procedure described here u ses a Vernier probe. (A class set of these can be borrowed from SSERC in Dunfermline ( Vernier sells either a specific booklet for each experiment or a complete advanced biology laboratory manual. Purchase at Evaluating A possible way to display data and calculate the average rate of respiration (ppm/min) is as follows. Change in CO 2 concentration (ppm) over 5 minutes Nongerminating peas Germinating peas Average change over 5 minutes Average rate of respiration (ppm/min) Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 5 –4 52 34 21.8 4.4 3662 4389 2811 2713 3393.8 678.8 Students should consider: the effect of variables that are not controlled in t he experiment sources of error how reliable the results are (ie how much variation/deviation from the calculated average is there). It could also be suggested that due to inbuilt flaws/errors within the gas sensor: the accuracy of the average rate of respiration obtained has to be reviewed results within a range of –10 to +10 ppm/min are viewed as being zero, ie no respiration has taken place. How could the experiment be modified to eliminate identified errors, increase accuracy, increase reliability etc? SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 7 TEACHER’S GUIDE Drawing conclusions What conclusions can be drawn? Are conclusions based on the student’s own results? Has the student made reference to the aim, observations and trends? Has comment been made on the use of controls and between the different variables? Making predictions and generalisations Predictions will depend on which experiment has been undertaken. Having worked on one material students might hazard a guess as to what might happen if another were used. Would their predictions be valid? What other factors might they have to consider? Have they given due consideration to safety issues? Have they given due consideration to ethical issues? References Delpech, Rodger, School Science Review, March, 87(320). 8 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 STUDENT’S GUIDE Student’s guide Studying biology involves learning biology facts and concepts. It also involves developing particular skills. There are four skills you should become competent in: 1. 2. 3. 4. planning, designing and carrying out evaluating drawing conclusions making predictions and generalisations. These will all come together when you are being assessed for LO3 or in Biology Investigations (DO34 13) at Advanced Higher. Science advances by raising questions that have usually been prompted by observations. This in turn is usually communicated with others in the particular field, generating discussion and reasoned argument. Report writing therefore becomes very important in the sciences as this is the accepted, standardised method of communication between scientists. Study the instructions in ‘Experimental procedure for investigating respiration rate in germinating peas’ (see page 14). You are given a very simple problem: Do peas respire before germination? Your prior knowledge will tell you that a sign of respiration is the evolution of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). This apparatus described on page 14 is used to allow you to become familiar with more advanced technology and data logging , and also should enable you to work in small groups, pooling results. The apparatus should also give more accurate sampling and readings. However, if this is not available a simple respirometer could be used. SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 9 STUDENT’S GUIDE Every experiment starts with a question – this is turned into the aim. From this a hypothesis is formed (ie what do you expect to happen?) . In the first part of this experiment, the question may be : ‘Are the peas alive’? or ‘Can we show respiration is taking place?’ This is at a level below that which you are stud ying. Can you develop a new and more challenging aim, ie investigate some further aspect of respiration? Planning, designing and carrying out A simple experimental procedure to investigate cell respiration is described on page 6. This uses a CO 2 probe. The experiment described is at a level below that which you are now working. Look at the method that is described and plan an experiment of your own that is an extension of this: Try to form an aim for yourself by discussing with others. Now try to form a hypothesis (what do you expect to happen?) In designing an experiment remember to give due attention to: variables (both dependent and independent) controls accuracy reliability safety. Some points to consider: In the original experiment the number of peas was used as a measurement of biomass. Could this be improved? Respiration is a collection of enzyme -driven reactions. What factors affect enzymes? 10 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 STUDENT’S GUIDE The dependent variable here is the production of CO 2 .What independent variable can you think of? If the apparatus is limited or unavailable how might you overcome this? How are you going to make reliable comparisons? Consider the apparatus and materials under use. Can you see any dangers or the need for any specific safety measures? Capture of results: If you are working in groups, has each member of the group got a clear idea of their responsibility? What has each person got to do? How are results going to be recorded? Who is going to do that? Who cleans up? Who coordinates results? Look at the data provided: This raw data needs to be analysed. If you are using the Vernier datalogger the programme will give a graph and gradient. What do these tell you? Are you happy to accept all raw data? What pitfalls might you find? Evaluating In this section you are effectively being asked if your results are trustworthy. In any experiment many things can go wrong. Have you thought through where errors may occur and what you have done to eliminate them? Was your aim achievable? Did you select the correct variables? Did you select the correct controls? Did you select sufficient replicates? If after discussion and comparison with others you feel confident you should analysis your results. You may wish to discard some results but you must explain why. You may also combine replicates to develop averages. SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 11 STUDENT’S GUIDE If suggesting improvements, think about the design and limitations of equipment or the use of living material. Consider how this experiment could be further developed. In this experiment a lot will depend on how well the hardware performed. Did you set it up correctly? Did you check it was working before the experiment started? How could you improve in this area? Results could be displayed in this form. Change in CO 2 concentration (ppm) over 5 minutes Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average change over 5 minutes (ppm) Average rate of respiration (ppm/min) Nongerminating peas Germinating peas Can you comment on any variations or reliability? Should a range around an average be considered? What graphs have you obtained? If you are plotting data on your own, have you described the axis correctly? Are the scales of each axis appropriate? Are the points plotted accurately? Can you find a trend or make a generalised statement? Drawing conclusions Remember any conclusions must only be based on the results in front of you. Results should be explained in terms of the independent and dependent variables. Have you been selective with any of the data? Can you explain why you may have excluded any materi al? Did the controls act in the way intended? If not exactly can you give reasons? Have you been able to identify any trends or patterns? 12 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 STUDENT’S GUIDE Making predictions and generalisations Always take great care in making predictions, for example never assume that what works for one species, works for another. Have you got sufficient evidence to support your prediction? Several of the experiments around cell respiration involve enzymes. Use your knowledge of enzyme action to predict what might happen if other environmental factors were changed. In what way is the enzyme affected? Explain your answer in terms of enzyme configuration (shape), effect on active site and inhibition. SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 13 STUDENT’S GUIDE Experimental procedure for investigating respiration rate in germinating peas Cell respiration refers to the process of converting the chemical energy of organic molecules into a form immediately usable by organisms. Glucose may be oxidized completely if sufficient oxygen is available by the following equation: C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 (g) 6H 2 O + 6CO 2 (g) + energy All organisms, including plants and animals, oxidi se glucose for energy. Often, this energy is used to convert ADP and inorganic phosphate into ATP. It is known that peas undergo cell respiration during germination. Aim Do peas undergo cell respiration before germination? Method Using the CO 2 gas sensor you will monitor the CO 2 produced by peas during cell respiration. Both germinating and non -germinating peas will be tested. Procedure 1. Set the sensor to the low (0–10,000 ppm) setting. Connect the CO 2 sensor to the Go!Link interface and connect to the computer. 2. Prepare the computer for data collection by opening the 11B Cell Resp file in the Biology with Vernier folder. 3. Obtain 20 germinating peas and blot them dry between two pieces of paper towel. Use the thermometer to measure the room temperature. Record the temperature in Table 1. 4. Place the germinating peas in the respiration chamber. 5. Place the shaft of the CO 2 gas sensor in the opening of the respiration chamber. 14 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 STUDENT’S GUIDE 6. Wait 1 minute, then begin measuring CO 2 concentration by clicking . Data will be collected for 5 minutes. 7. Remove the CO 2 gas sensor from the respiration chamber. Place the peas in a 100-mL beaker filled with cold water and an ice cube. The cold water will prepare the peas for part II of the experiment. 8. Use a notebook or notepad to fan air across the openings in the probe shaft of the CO 2 gas sensor for 1 minute. 9. Fill the respiration chamber with water and then empty it. Thoroughly dry the inside of the respiration chamber with a paper towel. 10. When data collection has finished, determine the rate of respiration . Move the mouse pointer to the point where the data values begin to increase. Hold down the left mouse button. Drag the pointe r to the point where the data cease to rise and release the mouse button. From the Analyze menu select Linear Fit to perform a linear regression. A floating box will appear with the formula for a best -fit line. Record the slope of the line, m, as the rate of respiration in Table 1. 11. Move your data to a stored run. To do this, choose Store Latest Run from the Experiment menu. 12. Obtain 20 non-germinating peas and place them in the respiration chamber 13. Repeat steps 5–11 for the non-germinating peas. Results A sample set of results is shown overleaf. 14. To print a graph showing all three data runs: (a) (b) Label both curves by choosing Text Annotation from the Insert menu, and typing ‘Room Temp Germinated’ (or ‘Room Temp Non-germinated’, as appropriate) in the edit box. Then drag each box to a position near its respective curve. Adjust the position of the arrowhead. Print a copy of the graph, with all three data sets and the regression lines displayed. Enter your name(s) and the number of copies of the graph you want. SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 15 STUDENT’S GUIDE Data Table 1 Condition of peas Rate of respiration (ppm/min) Germinating, room temperature Non-germinating, room temperature Table 1 might represent the data from one student and would need to be expanded to record class results. Table(s) of results may alter depending on which area of investigation has been undertaken. 16 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTATION, INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 STUDENT’S GUIDE DRIED PEAS SOAKED PEAS CO 2 concentration (ppm) CO 2 concentration (ppm) Time(s) RUN1 RUN2 RUN3 RUN4 Time (s) RUN1 RUN2 RUN3 RUN4 0 314 378 420 325 0 405 477 359 397 4 311 377 433 322 4 447 505 367 408 8 311 378 436 327 8 482 527 378 413 12 314 378 443 330 12 511 554 385 423 16 311 377 454 335 16 538 576 389 430 20 311 378 456 337 20 558 595 394 435 24 311 378 457 338 24 583 615 404 440 28 311 378 459 340 28 614 632 414 451 32 312 378 462 337 32 648 655 427 454 36 308 378 463 341 36 686 676 439 466 40 309 378 462 347 40 721 698 452 478 44 312 378 462 350 44 755 721 471 493 48 313 377 466 350 48 795 748 486 505 52 314 378 468 349 52 835 783 511 527 56 312 377 469 350 56 881 813 534 547 60 315 377 465 350 60 926 848 560 567 64 314 378 470 349 64 980 884 591 592 68 316 376 470 349 68 1027 925 620 616 72 315 374 467 349 72 1071 962 648 643 76 315 374 462 349 76 1115 1005 677 664 80 311 378 463 350 80 1162 1054 710 691 84 311 377 465 352 84 1205 1103 746 722 88 314 374 466 350 88 1250 1155 779 750 92 312 374 467 350 92 1305 1211 813 784 96 314 374 470 356 96 1352 1280 848 820 100 313 375 475 359 100 1400 1339 887 850 104 314 374 476 359 104 1451 1395 925 886 108 317 374 469 356 108 1492 1457 966 920 112 316 374 472 359 112 1535 1518 1000 956 116 317 374 475 359 116 1586 1582 1041 989 120 315 373 476 360 120 1633 1645 1081 1028 124 315 375 475 360 124 1685 1719 1124 1074 128 312 373 475 360 128 1738 1786 1170 1117 132 313 375 475 359 132 1795 1858 1216 1158 136 313 374 475 359 136 1846 1926 1264 1207 140 314 373 475 360 140 1896 1995 1309 1247 144 315 372 475 360 144 1943 2065 1355 1293 148 318 372 475 362 148 1989 2138 1403 1334 152 319 374 475 362 152 2037 2214 1451 1385 156 319 375 476 362 156 2087 2285 1492 1427 160 315 375 476 362 160 2147 2360 1530 1466 164 319 374 475 359 164 2217 2430 1567 1514 168 319 374 475 359 168 2282 2503 1616 1553 172 319 374 476 359 172 2336 2589 1660 1594 176 318 374 475 362 176 2393 2662 1705 1638 180 318 374 475 362 180 2447 2739 1760 1678 184 319 371 478 363 184 2503 2824 1810 1728 188 318 370 478 362 188 2559 2903 1857 1772 192 319 374 478 361 192 2629 2987 1900 1823 196 319 373 475 361 196 2689 3071 1954 1865 200 318 374 476 361 200 2752 3142 2002 1906 204 320 374 475 364 204 2825 3224 2046 1954 SKILLS OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION AND ENQUIRY (H, BIOLOGY) 208 318 371 EXPERIMENTATION, 475 359 208 2887 3294 2091 1995 212 315 374 475 361 212 2951 3364 2139 2045 © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 216 319 374 475 360 216 3016 3428 2189 2096 220 320 374 473 359 220 3070 3499 2239 2144 17