Gianluca Carbone Place and date of birth: Manduria (Ta) Italy 01/31/1974 Residence: Via Pennacchi, 7 31100 Treviso Italy Mobile : + 39/3333257268 E-mail: gianluca.carbone.30 @ Web site: Degree in Physical Education at University Institute of Sport Sciences and Physical Education of Rome IUSM FORO ITALICO on 26/06/1996 with 110/110 cum laude. Specialization: Athletic training for professional tennis players. Thesis: "The planning of physical training in young tennis players belonging to a club." Diploma Head Master awarded by the National School of the Italian Tennis Federation, the 20/12/1997. Diploma of Fitness and Athletic Training for tennis players earned at National School of the Italian Tennis Federation, the 06/09/1997. International “Professional” Qualification issued on 24/04/1999 by PTR (Professional Tennis Registry). Diploma awarded by the National Head Master following the national training course on 18 and 19 June 2001. Global Tennis Legacy Foundation Expert Coach and Physical Trainer Ranking tennis reached: B3 in 1999. (Second national category) Tennis career: Series B1 team for Tc Roseto degli Abruzzi and Tc Garden in Rome. Series B2 Tevere Remo. Professional Experience - Trainer at the Casal del Marmo Prison for youngs in Rome. - Technical Director in the following clubs: Tc Le mimose, Tc of Ardea (Rome) and Tc Vigne Nuove di Roma. He worked at the Tc Lanciani, the Sporting Club of Rome Eur. - Master of tennis at the Club Med Santa Teresa di Gallura. - Master of tennis at the National Tennis Federation Technical Center Tre Fontane in Rome. - Technical Director of the Summer camps FIT L. Orsini Serramazzoni (Mo) at training teachers of students of FIT (Italian Tennis Federation). - He founded the Sports Association Tennis Team Carbone and managed the project "Tennis School" in the Institute and the school district Russolillo L. Da Vinci in Rome with the participation of 500 children for the entire school year. Master of Tennis at the Club Med in Otranto (Le). - From October 2001-Technical Director of the School of Tc Treviso. - From October 1, 2002 - founded A.S. Villa Margherita and manages the structure of the Tennis Club Treviso with 6 tennis courts, a bar, restaurant, gym, 100 members and 70 students of the school tennis for a year. - He has organized the following sporting events: “Together with the Champions” 2002, “One Shot Tour” 2002, Tennis no limits 2003, “Samples Tennis” 2003, 2004 Square Tennis, Tennis in Piazza dei Signori in 2005 and Piazza Aldo Moro 2006, Tennis Day 2007, Tennis Party 2008 which was attended by Paul Canè, Omar Camporese, Claudio Mezzadri, Claudio Panatta, Alessandro De Minicis, Ettore Messina, Matthew Centurions (Treviso football) and Walter Bressan (Treviso football), Nicola Pietrangeli, Adrian Voinea and 300 school children at a time and the province of Treviso. - From June 28 to July 3 held in Treviso Treviso-Malta Twinning between the two tennis schools. (In particular, for one week every year in Malta 30 players are training with 30 players Treviso). - Free-produced the project "Tennis School" at the elementary school A. Gabelli, Rambaldo of Azzoni, Martini and Carmen Frova. - In promotional events involving over 6000 children from 2001 to 2011. - He is currently President of ASD TENNIS TREVISO which manages the Carbone Tennis Team at the Sport City 2001 in Treviso, the TC Visnadello and Quero Vas (TV) of 100 students. - In Italy has organized in 12 to 14 March 2010 the 1st International Symposium “From parent to coach. The mental and physical growth of the young tennis player” with the participation of Luis Bruguera and 8 specialist doctors of sports medicine, psychology and theory and methodology of training. - He has published in the September 2010 edition of the magazine "The Italian Tennis" the first study in Italy on the Spanish method of training. - From September 2010 the magazine writes "The Italian Tennis" in the column on the Spanish and the preparation method applied physics to tennis. - Work with the Academy of Luis and Sergi Bruguera in Barcelona. - Experience in Pro Ab Barcellona Academy, Equelite Ferrero Academy . - It started in Italy in the 1st stage of the Circuit Method Spanish, aimed at the Tennis Club and the Coaches, in conjunction with the Tennis Consulting Fabrizio Caldarone. - Collaboration with Global Tennis Legacy Foundation about Stage in Sandpiper Club Med International Tennis Academy from 19 to 22 March 2011. - Coaching collaboration with Olivier Rochus in Miami Atp 2011. - Coach and Physical Trainer of Elena Bovina (ex n.14 Wta). Refresher Courses. - 2001 Fit. Laterality and Technique tennis. At Vavassori Bergamo Academy. Rapporteur Roberto Lombardi. - 2007 Fit. Biomechanics at Mondadori Verona Sc. Lecturer Bruce Elliot - Ptr-Tennis Forum 2008, 2009, 2010. - 2009 Fit. Psychology of learning. Random System. At Tc Piacenza. Prof. R. Shmidt. Languages. English, French, Spanish. Moderate. Computers Good knowledge of Windows, Internet, audio-visual editing programs. Hobbies Reading of psychology, sociology and philosophy, skiing, video, for travel. Professional goals Projects in international tennis, work with foundations to help young players. Authorize the distribution of my personal data Law 196/2003