Request for Proposal Photography Services Coal City Community Unit School District #1 Unit District #1 is receiving Request for Proposals for student and school photography services for the 2009-10 School Year, including an annual optional renewal of services. This RFP is for two separate packages. Vendors are asked to submit RFP’s for General School Photography Services and/or for Sports Photography Services. A summary of services is listed below; however vendors are required to review and abide by all terms of the RFP. Vendors are required to submit their completed Request for Proposal no later than 9:00 am CST Friday, April 24, 2009. RFP are to be submitted in writing with the outside envelope clearly marked School Photography RFP. RFP are to be submitted to: Jason Smith, Director of Business Services & Technology CCCUSD#1 100 South Baima Street Coal City, Illinois 60416 Inquiries are to be directed to Jason Smith in writing via fax (815.634.8775) or email ( Summary of Services School and Student Photography RFP Sports Photography RFP Summary of Summary of Services Services Senior Pictures Team Pictures Freshman, Sophomores, Junior Pictures Individual Pictures Staff Pictures Team Action Shots Electronic Reproduction of all pictures Team Action Shots for Yearbook Group Photos of all Clubs/Organizations Hall of Fame Pictures Candid Photos of Clubs/Organizations All Dances – Candid Shots All Dances – King, Queen, and Court 16” x 20” Photos upon Staff Request All photographs/digital images for use by school district for school purposes including but not limited to: yearbook(s), newspaper, newsletters, website, etc. -1- School and Student Photography RFP Terms 1. The winning bidder, contractor, will be required to take pictures of seniors on several dates prior to start of school but not beyond September 1 of the school year. All dates to be coordinated in cooperation with the yearbook advisor and approved by the High School Administration. The contractor shall provide the School District with a CDRom formatted for the yearbook publisher and the school newspaper/website with color pictures. The contractor is also required to provide the school with a deluxe wall composite of the seniors. The contractor shall provide the above at no charge. 2. The photographer will attempt to provide their own location for senior pictures to be taken or the high school may be used during the summer and after school. Once school begins seniors who still need color pictures for the yearbook will be photographed during non-school hours as arranged with the yearbook advisor. All sittings shall be completed before 30 days prior to the yearbook deadline each year. Proofs will be sent home to the students if requested. If for unusual reasons as determined by the school, the senior has been unable to have his or her picture taken by the deadline, the school reserves the right to ask the photographer to take a picture of him/her at no charge. This picture would be for the yearbook only and would not require proofs. 3. Prior to sitting, price lists are to be furnished to each senior. No high pressure selling is to be used by any agent or representative of the photographer. Students are under no obligation to purchase portraits from the senior photographer. A copy of price lists and all information shall be made available to the school prior to distribution to seniors. A deposit for proofs may be charged, but is to be subtracted from the cost of the package selected. If no package is purchased and proofs are returned, the deposit is to be fully refunded. No charge is to be made for studio resitting if there is no change in hairstyle or change in clothing. Studio resitting will also be made at no charge if the production is faulty as a result of production methods. If a student indicates at the time of the initial sitting that he/she is not going to purchase a package, the photographer will be required to take only two proofs. 4. The school district will provide a list of senior students’ names and addresses to photographer no later than June 1st of each year, so that the photographer may make appointments for individual sittings with the students. The photographer is not permitted to release this list or the information therein to any other person, company, or source for any reason. 5. The photographer, on a date set by the schools, will photograph all staff members with each staff member identified by name and supply at no cost to the school a glossy print of each and a CDRom formatted for the publisher. Faculty will be offered a basic picture package, free of charge, at this time. Each year, all glossy prints and CDRom are to be delivered to yearbook sponsor no later than 30 days after sitting. 6. The photographer will photograph at the school all students K through 8th grade, freshmen, sophomores and juniors individually, as directed by the school district and furnish at no cost to the respective schools three glossy head and shoulder prints and a CDRom formatted for the yearbook publisher. Photographers will be provided for this purpose throughout the week of registration (or alternative dates set forth by the school) before school begins. All glossy prints or digital images on a CD-Rom, compatible with the yearbook publisher, are to be delivered to the yearbook sponsor no later than 30 days after the sitting. The packages are to -2- be alphabetized and available no later than one month from the sitting. The photographer will also provide personnel to take all monies and will be responsible for settling all complaints. A make-up day for retakes and absent students will be scheduled by the school in conjunction with the photographer. 7. The photographer will provide a CDRom of student images to the principal at no charge for all underclass students, faculty and staff who had a picture taken. The CDRom needs to be formatted for the software being used by the school. 8. The photographer will photograph all clubs, groups and activities (candids) as requested by the school district (at no cost to the school). This to include club/group events and all other requested school activities. There is no limit to the number of candid requests the school could make. The photographer will provide the yearbook staff with a good variety of pictures to select from, in that particular group/club/activity. Activities to be covered include nights and weekends. The school reserves the right, under unusual circumstances, to ask the photographer to cover a nonscheduled or rescheduled school event with 24-hour notice, provided that the request fits into the photographer’s schedule. 9. The photographer will provide 16x20 enlargements of any requested club/team/activity and/or candid taken by the photographer at no charge. These photographs will be for school use. 10. The photographer will photograph all dances sponsored by the school, providing pictures of the king and queen and the court and candid shots at no extra cost to the yearbook. Photographer will be responsible for collecting all monies and delivering pictures sold to students within two weeks of the dance. 11. The photographer shall unconditionally guarantee all photographs made as to workmanship and quality of materials used. Only studio type equipment (120mm or 70mm) with a minimum negative size of 2¼x2¾ inches shall be used for senior portraits. The successful bidder shall guarantee his work on underclass pictures. In the event of dissatisfaction on the part of any student, the photographer is responsible for settling all complains and providing such retakes as may be deemed necessary by the school at no cost. The photographer will pay the cost of any yearbook penalties incurred due to lateness by the photographer. 12. The photographer is to organize and submit as part of the RFP, an incentives program to Coal City District Schools. At a minimum, the incentives program is to include a percentage as defined by the photographer of the gross sales. Photographers are to submit a description of the incentives program in writing and said description will become apart of this agreement. 13. The Board of Education will award the RFP based on the total package as determined to be in the best interest of District #1. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the RFP: Photo Package Pricing, Prior Experience, Reference, Company Reputation, Incentives Program, and other information as may be deemed to be relevant. 14. As a means of reference, Photographers are to provide a list of public school districts currently being served by your company. The list is to include contact information included the name of the individual responsible for the program with his/her telephone number. 15. It is expected that the successful bidder will work closely and cooperatively with the yearbook staff, sponsor and Coal City Unit District #1 Principals and that the school personnel and yearbook staff will cooperate on scheduling and notifying the successful bidder of all scheduled activities per specifications. -3- 16. The photographer shall submit with RFP a copy of sales literature indicating prices and products with quantities provided for all sections in the RFP. The brochures/ads must be consistent with the prices and items in the RFP. All items must be clearly indicated in sales literature. Failure to submit sample fliers for all sections of this RFP will result in disqualification of your RFP. Prices and items in sample flyers must match your RFP or it will be disqualified. 17. The terms of this agreement will be in effect upon approval buy the Board of Education, and expiring June 30, 2010. The contract can be renewed annually subject to acceptance by the Board of Education of any package price changes, or incentive changes. District #1 reserves the right to cancel the agreement without cause and subject to a thirty day written notice. 18. The photographer is to submit in writing any deviations to the RFP, or additions services that the photographer will provide. Upon approval by the Board of Education, said deviations and/or additional services will become apart of this agreement. 19. Photographers are subject to all sections of Chapter 38, Public Contracts, of the Illinois Revised Statutes. 20. The photographer shall submit with RFP an itemized estimate of the value of the products and services to be provided to District #1 as described in this RFP. ****************************************************************************** Sports Photography RFP Terms 1. The photographer agrees to be the sole provider of all team photos, individual photos, and action photos for athletic activities at Coal City Community Unit District #1 Middle and High Schools. 2. The photographer shall take group shots of teams and individuals wishing to purchase picture packages. Photographer will be responsible for collecting all monies and delivering pictures sold to students within thirty days. The photographer will provide 8” x 10” copies of team pictures to the coaching staff at no charge. Two 5” x 7” photos of each team will be provided to the yearbook advisor. A copy of all action shots (candids) or a digital alternative (CDRom) will be given to the athletic department. 3. The photographer will photograph all sports activities as requested by the school district. There is no limit to the number of candid request the school can make. The photographer will photograph as least one contest of each varsity athletic team and will provide the yearbook staff with a sufficient number of photos for each particular sport. Activities to be covered include nights and weekends. The school reserves the right, under unusual circumstances, to ask the photographer to cover a nonscheduled or rescheduled school event with 24-hour notice, provided that the request fits into the photographer’s schedule. 4. The photographer will provide 16x20 enlargements of any requested team and/or candid taken by the photographer at no charge. These photographs will be limited to school use only. -4- 5. The photographer will be required to provide 8” x 10” framed photographs for any student selected to the Hall of Fame. The frames are to be consistent with existing frames in the Hall of Fame and are to be embosses with the student name and induction year. 6. The photographer shall unconditionally guarantee all photographs made as to workmanship and quality of materials used. Only studio type equipment (120mm or 70mm) with a minimum negative size of 2¼x2¾ inches shall be used for senior portraits. The successful bidder shall guarantee his work. In the event of dissatisfaction on the part of any student, the photographer is responsible for settling all complains and providing such retakes as may be deemed necessary by the school at no cost. The photographer will pay the cost of any yearbook penalties incurred due to lateness by the photographer. 7. The photographer is to organize and submit as part of the RFP, an incentives program to Unit District #1 Schools. At a minimum, the incentives program is to include a percentage as defined by the photographer of the gross sales. Photographers are to submit a description of the incentives program in writing and said description will become apart of this agreement. 8. The Board of Education will award the RFP based on the total package as determined to be in the best interest of District #1. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the RFP: Photo Package Pricing, Prior Experience, Reference, Company Reputation, Incentives Program, and other information as may be deemed to be relevant. 9. As a means of reference, Photographers are to provide a list of public school districts currently being served by your company. The list is to include contact information included the name of the individual responsible for the program with his/her telephone number. 10. It is expected that the successful bidder will work closely and cooperatively with the Athletic Director, coaches, yearbook staff, newspaper staff, and Coal City Unit #1 Principals and that the school personnel and yearbook staff will cooperate on scheduling and notifying the photographer of all scheduled activities per specifications. 11. The photographer shall submit with the RFP a copy of sales literature indicating prices and products with quantities provided for all sections in the RFP. The brochures/ads must be consistent with the prices and items in the RFP. All items must be clearly indicated in sales literature. Failure to submit sample fliers for all sections of this RFP will result in disqualification of your RFP. Prices and items in sample flyers must match your RFP or it will be disqualified. 12. The terms of this agreement will be in effect upon approval buy the Board of Education, and expiring June 30, 2010. The contract can be renewed annually subject to acceptance by the Board of Education of any package price changes, or incentive changes. District #1 reserves the right to cancel the agreement without cause and subject to a thirty day written notice. 13. The photographer is to submit in writing any deviations to the RFP, or additions services that the photographer will provide. Upon approval by the Board of Education, said deviations and/or additional services will become apart of this agreement 14. Photographers are subject to all sections of Chapter 38, Public Contracts, of the Illinois Revised Statutes. -5- 15. The photographer shall submit with RFP an itemized estimate of the value of the products and services to be provided to District #1 as described in this RFP. ****************************************************************************** Terms and Agreement For Both School and Student Photography RFP and Sports Photography RFP TERMS OF AGREEMENT The initial term of the contract shall be from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. Coal City Community Unit School District #1 (“School District”) and the vendor may renew the original agreement for two (2) additional one-year periods by mutual agreement. One Hundred – Eighty (180) days notice must be given to renew the contract for additional increments. A service agreement, prepared by the School District and signed by the Director of Business Services, shall become the document that authorizes the work to commence. Each section contained herein, any addenda and your response shall also be incorporated by reference into the resulting agreement. No price escalation will be allowed during the initial term of the contract. If it is mutually decided to renew beyond the initial period and the Contractor requests a price increase or decrease, the contractor shall provide sufficient written certification and documentation to substantiate the request. The increase cannot exceed the CPI (Consumer Price Index) at the time. Coal City Community Unit School District #1 reserves the right to accept or reject price increases, to negotiate more favorable terms or to terminate without cost, the future performance of the contract. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF SERVICE The School District reserves the right to add and/or delete services during the term of this agreement. Should a service requirement be deleted, payment to the contractor will be reduced proportionally, in accordance with the proposal price to the amount of service reduced. Should additional services be required from this contract, prices for such additions will be negotiated between the contractor and the School District. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR The contract administrator shall be Jason Smith, Director of Business Services & Technology for Coal City Community Unit District #1. During the term of the agreement, should any specific school personnel request a change of scope or function of the agreement, such request shall be reported to the Director of Business Services, prior -6- to any changes being made. Any additions or deductions must be processed with a formal change order through the Director of Business Services. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY Insurance: The School District shall require evidence of insurance covering the successful vendor in the following limitations: Workman’s Compensation Limit $500,000.00 Comprehensive Auto & General Liability: Personal Injury $1,000,000.00 Property Damage $1,000,000.00 Comprehensive Auto & General Liability: Non-ownership per occurrence $1,000,000.00 The School District, its officers, employees, and agents must be named as an additional insured. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the School District shall be filed with the School District prior to commencement of work, which shall include a 30-day notice of cancellation or reduction in limits. The insurance shall be as specified or as required by law, whichever coverage is greater. Safety: All equipment and supplies furnished shall meet all applicable regulations of the prevailing Codes and applicable safety regulations of the Division of Industrial Safety of the State of Illinois and Health and Safety Code of the State of Illinois. Defense: To the fullest extent permitted by law, the successful vendor shall protect, indemnify, save, defend and hold harmless the School District, its officers, officials, volunteers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, claims, damages, penalties, causes of action, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney and paralegal fees, which the School District and for which its officers, officials, volunteers, employees, and agents may become obligated by reason of any accident, bodily injury, death of a person or loss of or damage to tangible property, arising indirectly or directly in connect with or under, or as a result of this agreement or any negligent or wrongful act or omission by the vendor or its officers, employees, or agents. -7- Assignment: The vendor shall not assign or transfer by operation of law or otherwise any or all of these rights, burdens, duties or obligations without the prior written consent of the School District. MISCELLANEOUS Taxes: The School District is exempt from paying Illinois Use Tax, Illinois Retailer's Occupation Tax, Federal Excise Taxes, and any federal transportation tax. Waivers: A waiver by the School District of any breach or failure to enforce any of the terms, conditions, or specifications of the Proposal Documents shall not in any way affect, limit, or waive the School District’s right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance with every term, condition, and specification thereof. Default: If any vendor fails to fulfill any or all terms and conditions of the RFP Documents, said vendor shall be declared to be in default, and shall be subject to any and all other remedies available to the School District. Compliance with Applicable Law: The vendor shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, regulations, and codes, including, but not limited to, the Illinois Criminal Code’s restriction on the presence of child sex offenders on school property and the Illinois School Code’s restriction on tobacco use on school property. Assignment: The vendor shall not delegate, assign, or subcontract the performance of any obligation hereunder to any third party without the prior written consent of the School District. Surcharges: Surcharges (i.e. fuel surcharges) shall NOT be allowed to be added to invoices as an additional line item. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS A fingerprint-based criminal background check, as stated in Board of Education Policy 5.30, is required for each of the photographer’s employees that will have direct contact with students. The photographer shall require all such employees to authorize such a background check, provide all necessary information, and be responsible for all fees incurred. All criminal background checks must meet the requirements of Section 10-29.1 of the Illinois School Code, including a check of the records of the Illinois Department of State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database, and a check of the Statewide Child Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database. Prior to rendering services, the photographer will either: (i) provide the results of the background checks, (ii) provide a criminal history records information certificate issued by any Regional Superintendent, or (iii) provide the -8- necessary authorizations, information, and payment of fees for District #1 to conduct such background checks. No employee that will have direct contact with students shall have been convicted of the following offenses: Committing or attempting first degree murder or a class X felony; Those defined in the following sections of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/11 et seq.: o § 11-6. Indecent solicitation of a child, o § 11-9. Public indecency, o § 11-14. Prostitution, o § 11-15. Soliciting for a prostitute, o § 11-15.1. Soliciting for a Juvenile Prostitute, o § 11-16. Pandering, o § 11-17. Keeping a Place of Prostitution, o § 11-18. Patronizing a prostitute, o § 11-19. Pimping, o § 11-19.1. Juvenile Pimping and aggravated juvenile pimping, o § 11-19.2. Exploitation of a child, o § 11-20. Obscenity, o § 11-20.1. Child pornography, o § 11-21. Harmful material, o § 12-13. Criminal Sexual Assault, o § 12-14. Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault, o § 12-14.1. Predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, o § 12-15. Criminal sexual abuse, o § 12-16. Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse; Those defined under the Cannabis Control Act, 720 ILCS 550, except for: o § 4a. Possession of no more than 2.5 grams of cannabis; o § 4b. Possession of no more than 10 grams of cannabis; o § 5a. Manufacture, deliver, or intend to deliver no more than 2.5 grams of cannabis; Those defined under the Controlled Substances Act, 720 ILCS 570/100; Those defined under the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, 720 ILCS 646/1; Any offense committed or attempted in another state which, if committed in Illinois, would be punishable as one of these offenses; Or has been found to be a perpetrator of physical or sexual abuse of a minor under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, IL ST CH 705 § 405/1-1, which governs juvenile practice and includes provisions related to juvenile delinquency, abuse and neglect, minors in need of supervision, and addicted minors. -9- This Proposal is submitted for (please check all that apply): ___ School and Student Photography RFP ___ Sports Photography RFP Company Name: Address: City: Telephone: State: Zip: Fax: Email Address: Authorized Signature: SEXUAL HARASSMENT CLAUSE Each bidder must certify that it has complied with the requirement of Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (Public Act 87-1257) effective July 1, 1992 with respect to sexual harassment policies. The terms of that law, as applicable, are hereby incorporated into this contract. The Board of Education states that it is in compliance with said law. Signature CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH ILLINOIS DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE ACT The undersigned bidder or agent, having 25 or more employees, does hereby certify pursuant to Section 3 of the Illinois Drug-Free Workplace Act (Public Act 86-1459) that he/she/it shall provide a drug-free workplace for all employees engaged in the performance of work under the contract by complying with the requirements of the Illinois Drug-Free Workplace Act and further certifies that he/she/it is not ineligible for award of this contract by reason of debarment for a violation of the Illinois Drug-Free Workplace Act. Signature - 10 - Coal City Community Unit School District #1 serves students K through 12th grade in 5 attendance centers: Coal City Early Childhood Center Coal City Elementary School Coal City Intermediate School Coal City Middle School Coal City High School Vendors are required to submit their completed Request for Proposal no later than 9:00 am CST Friday, April 24, 2009. RFP are to be submitted in writing with the outside envelope clearly marked School Photography RFP. RFP are to be submitted to: Jason Smith, Director of Business Services & Technology CCCUSD#1 100 South Baima Street Coal City, Illinois 60416 Inquiries are to be directed to Jason Smith in writing via fax (815.634.8775) or email ( - 11 - Vendor List Jackie Hopper Prestige Portrait 2431 West 75th Street Woodridge, Illinois 60517 630-910-3277 Ext 128 Fax: 630-910-8443 Marlene Polesel Van Gogh School Photographers Inc. 401 East Cornell Barrington, Illinois 60010 847-382-2282 Stevenson Photography and Framing 927 South State Lockport, Illinois 60441 815-838-4264 Daniel McGrath HR Imaging 4105 Progress Drive Ottawa, Illinois 61350 Cell 630-673-9647 800-433-1766 Stephanie Peters Lifetouch 106 John Street North Aurora, Illinois 60542 630-859-2727 - 12 -