Protocol Requirements for Animal Housing and Study Areas

The Laboratory Animal Resource Center (LARC) provides housing and daily care of research animals unless
protocol specific approval has been obtained from the IACUC. All animal use locations must be in accordance
with applicable policies, regulations and guidelines, and are subject to periodic scheduled or unannounced
UCSF categorizes animal study areas based on location, use, and time. Animal use outside of centralized/
LARC-maintained space must be specifically described in the IACUC protocol. Procedures lasting 12 hours or
longer also require special approval by the IACUC.
This document provides guidance to researchers on animal housing and study area locations that must be
specified in the IACUC protocol.
LARC space: All Laboratory Animal Resource Center vivaria at UCSF
Non-LARC space: Any location outside of LARC
Survival surgery: An animal study area used for less than 12 hours where surgery is conducted on animals
that are expected to recover from anesthesia.
Non-survival surgery: An animal study area used for less than 12 hours where surgery is conducted on
animals that are not allowed to regain consciousness; this includes perfusion locations.
Non-surgical procedures: An animal study area used for less than 12 hours where any non-surgical
procedures are conducted involving the use of live animals, i.e. imaging, behavior study, euthanasia, holding
animals until use, etc.
Researcher Care (within LARC space): The continuous study and/or housing of animals for >12 hours in
LARC space but without LARC husbandry services. (e.g. behavior study rooms, neurophysiological testing
under anesthesia, metabolic caging, etc.).
Laboratory Housing (non-LARC space): The housing of conscious animals in a non-LARC space for
greater than 12 hours.
Extended Study of Unconscious Animals (non-LARC space): Any non-LARC location used for greater
than 12 hours where the study of unconscious animals is conducted (i.e. neurophysiological testing under
anesthesia, non-survival surgeries lasting greater than 12 hours, etc.).
LARC Space
The PI must check boxes for each proposed use in LARC space. Specific room numbers are not required
unless Researcher Care is selected.
Researcher Care must be justified in the IACUC protocol
Justification for providing your own animal care within LARC space must be approved in the IACUC protocol
in the ‘Locations’ section*. Select the Researcher Care check box and answer all pertinent fields.
If the request is approved, your lab becomes solely responsible for providing animal care at all times. Signage
is required on the door notifying IACUC and LARC staff when animals are present and if entry is restricted (as
during conduct of behavior studies).
*Note: Researcher care for up to one week may be mandated due to biosafety requirements. These
locations do not need to be listed in the IACUC protocol as ‘Researcher Care’.
Non-LARC space
The PI selects any non-LARC rooms used for animal housing or study in the IACUC protocol under
Survival Surgery Locations must be justified in the IACUC protocol
Justification for conducting survival surgery in non-LARC space must be approved in the IACUC protocol
under “Locations’.
Laboratory Housing must be justified in the IACUC protocol
Justification for housing animals in non-LARC space must be approved in the IACUC protocol under
The following information is required for the IACUC to evaluate a lab housing request:
1. Report of air exchanges per hour provided prior to approval and as requested by the IACUC
(contact Facilities Management). Room air exchange information is not required for aquatic housed
2. Seven consecutive days of temperature and humidity range readings from a calibrated and resettable thermometer/hygrometer device. The device(s) need to remain calibrated. Humidity is to be
between 30-70%; temperature 68-79 degrees F for rodents. Refer to The Guide for other species
3. Square footage of the laboratory housing area.
4. 24-hour room access is required (keys or codes must be provided to IACUC office)
5. Timer regulated room light cycle (typically 12:12). Any windows must be blacked out unless IACUC
6. A disinfection protocol is required describing room sanitization.
7. Confirmation that daily care and maintenance will be performed by trained laboratory staff, and will
be documented daily when animals are housed. Daily check sheets are to be retained for one year.
8. Training is required for all lab members involved in care of these animals, including PI.
If the lab housing request is approved, the lab becomes solely responsible for providing animal care at all
times unless contracting with LARC to provide husbandry services. When LARC services are contracted, the
lab remains responsible for evaluating daily the health and welfare of lab housed animals.
Extended Study of Unconscious Animals must be justified in the IACUC protocol
Justification for the need to conduct >12 hour study of unconscious animals outside of LARC space must be
approved in the IACUC protocol under “Locations’.
If the Extended Study request is approved, the lab becomes solely responsible for providing animal care and
welfare according to the IACUC protocol.