Proficiency # Work Sample Field Experience Proficiency 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Written lesson plans with goals and objective taken from the Oregon Content Standards Wrote and implemented numerous lessons that directly draw from the Oregon Standards Proficiency 2 Human Development and Learning Proficiency 4 Assessment, Planning and Instruction Discovering the development levels of students in my class through discussion with my mentor teacher and through observation Pre/Post Assessments Goals and objectives Taught Art lesson that made connections into math by using the concept of perimeter When grouping students I took their emotional, psychological and academic skills in account in order to construct productive heterogeneous groups Gave numerous reading list tests associated with Scott Foresman’s Curriculum Proficiency 5 Classroom Climate Conducive to Learning Creating lessons that are conducive to my class, through similar format of that of my mentor teacher GLAD management techniques Proficiency 7 Technology Internet research on Health/Attitudes Making overhead transparencies Creating Handouts for lessons using Word processing Making copies of documents Operates within the established classroom rules Experience from Courses Met course objectives in HE 415 Child and Adolescent Health, to earn an A ED 442 Research Project on Lev Vygotsky PSY 218 Educational Psychology Miscue Analysis at Independence Elementary Test Packet Assignment Met course objectives in ED 491, to earn an A (ESOL Teaching Strategies) Met course objectives ED 421 to earn an A, Technology Course Proficiency 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Description: The following are descriptions of evidence towards attaining this proficiency: In my work sample I created three lessons that directly aligned with the Oregon Content Standards and Common Curricular Goals in both the Goals and Objectives. This is vital evidence for this proficiency because its subject matter is aligned with the correct authorization level. In my fieldwork I also wrote and/or implemented lessons that had their content taken directly from the standards proving their alignment with standards. In addition, one lesson I taught made direct connections between content areas. The concept of perimeter was taught through Art. The students learned the importance an objects perimeter of an object and the contrasting colors of different objects. In HE 415, I learned about health of children and adolescents and what factors contributed to this. Analysis: I have learned the importance of both connections and the validity of the correct authorization level in multiple ways in my classroom. For example, every activity that has reading and writing in it not only fosters learning of the specific content area but also supports the advancement of language arts skills. One major way that I have grown this term relating to content knowledge and pedagogy is learning how to use and implement the Oregon Standards. I do this on a daily basis with every lesson I teach. I strive to make lessons contents at an appropriate level that aims directly at the standards. In addition, since I have a split class, I have to differentiate my instruction to fit the skill levels of my students. Often for me this includes a modeled activity that is appropriate for my low-level students, with challenging extensions for my higher-skilled students. One important thing I learned about this is that the extensions should not just be more of the same type of work. They should be different ways of looking into or diving deeper at the same content. This has proved to be very important, because I have a second/third grade split. When I started working with extensions I did simply add more work and it proved to be boring and not highly cognitively demanding tasks for my students. Since I have been implementing extensions that are different from the initial activities it has been a great aid to enhancing my students’ learning. Plan: Next term I plan to learn more about the developmental levels of my students and adjust my lessons accordingly. Since the age gap in my class is more than in an average classroom I believe this is a vital thing to learn about my students. For example, when I was teaching a lesson about area, my third graders grabbed onto the concept quickly, while my second graders struggled significantly. My mentor teacher attributed this to the developmental levels of the students. Proficiency 2: Human Development and Learning Description: The following are descriptions of evidence towards attaining this proficiency: Through observation and discussion with my mentor teacher I have learned the development level of many of my students. When grouping students I took their emotional, psychological and academic skills in account in order to construct productive heterogeneous groups. This is something that I have done in several ways within my classroom. One of the major ways I established grouping was when I created the seating chart. Since the students sit at tables, which their tablemates are is very important to the children’s attention and success. When making seating decisions it required weighing numerous factors about where the children are emotionally, psychologically, socially and academically. In addition, I often utilize partnering students in activities. This requires the same considerations. In ED 442 research, I did a project on Lev Vygotsky. Through this learning experience I gain much knowledge on the developmental levels of children and what they need. I also now understand that they learn they best within their Zones of Proximal Development. In PSY 218 Educational Psychology I gained a range of knowledge of different theories on how the brain develops as well as physical and emotional development at varying ages. Analysis: I think I have grown in my own understanding of human development and learning. I have come to comprehend the numerous aspects of development in children that hold strong significance regarding what and how they are able to learn in an optimum fashion. When I created a new seating arrangement for my students. I was able to see their learning affected in social contexts. I have also grown in my understanding and implementation of Vygotsky’s theory of the Zone of Proximal Development. Here I have been able to see how appropriate different lessons are for my specific students. Also, through really knowing my students’ levels academically and developmentally I have been able to learn what is appropriate for them. It has taught what conditions they need to succeed. The Educational Psychology course I took also has been an asset in my growth under this proficiency, as I have been able to see these principles applied in my students. Plan: My plan for text term is to dive farther into the understanding of what is appropriate for my students developmentally and academically. I want to discover different classroom strategies that meet the diversity of needs presented in my class. In addition, I desire to learn more strategies that could be specifically targeted to what is required for different learners’ to succeed. I hope to apply experienced educators theories as well as my own experience to obtain this. Proficiency 4: Assessment, Planning and Instruction Description: The following are descriptions of evidence towards attaining this proficiency: One of the fundamental ways I demonstrated this is through pre/post tests. I learned the importance of similarity in the tests to show where the students began in their learning cycle and what they grew to achieve by the time the post-test was administered. The use of the goals and objectives and their direct correlation with the tests was a vital way to show that the students did in fact learn what was intended. Also, this was a way assure that each lesson covered the exact material that matched up with the lessons goals and objectives. That they were also appropriate which is proven by the goals being taken directly from the Oregon Content Standards. I gave numerous leveled reading tests from the Scott Foresman’s Curriculum to advance students to the next reading level. The Miscue Analysis offered an opportunity for me to analyze a reader and determine an appropriate lesson for a student based on their weaknesses and strengths. The Test Packet completed for ED 418 gave me an opportunity to examine and learn about a variety of test question types and their validities. Analysis: Assessment, Planning and Instruction is an area where that I feel I have grown significantly this term. I learned how to write and effective pre-test and how to relate it directly to the post-test. In addition, I learned that you need to give the assessment under the same conditions. This happens in order to ensure the validity of the tests. Plus, I grew in my understanding of the importance of objectives. They centralize the instruction and hold the teacher accountable to the desired outcomes. Also, when they are taken directly from the standards, it proves that the content is important and required. The Scott Foresman tests did teach me a lot about individual test administration. The Miscue Analysis helped me grow in the knowledge of leveling readers and choosing appropriate texts for them. The test packet helped me grow in the knowledge of how the format of test questions affects the learners. Plan: One thing I hope to grow in next term is examining the information gathered from my pre-test to guide lessons. I wrote my lessons before I gave my pre-test and there were several areas where I made adjustments, but I believe I could have targeted my learners more appropriately if had given the test sooner. When I do this next term I hope to be able to gain learning advancements, because of having information about students’ background. Also, I believe I could and will improve on my instructional strategies to engage all learners. Proficiency 5: Classroom Climate Conducive to Learning Description: The following are descriptions of evidence towards attaining this proficiency: The three lessons I created were conducive for my specific classes learning. My classroom contains numerous students who live a very transitory lifestyle and change is a difficult experience for them. Therefore, my lessons all follow the same basic format in order to establish familiarity. My teacher is GLAD trained and her management techniques align with those strategies. I have adopted the strategies she uses frequently. For example, the statement, “Solve your problems” and a gesture that signals the students to pay attention. These strategies fall directly in line with the classroom rules. There are three basic rules in the classroom. The first is to show respect. The second is solving problems, and the third is to make good decisions. These are directions for the students, but they are also instructions for me. When they see me following rules, it enforced their importance. Analysis: I believe that operating in consistency is one of the most important things I can do for this specific class to create an environment conducive to learning. For me, this has started with beginning each lesson or time I begin teaching, by outlining my expectations. Also, I think it is very important that I view and respond to each student with a positive encouraging attitude, so the student knows I support him or her as a learner. That is what I have been trying to do. I feel like I have a lot to learn in creating an environment conducive to learning. One thing I need to learn is how to bring in creativity without it being something that is confusing for my students because it is unfamiliar. The GLAD management techniques have been very useful to me in my teaching and I do hold some authority with them. However, I do not hold the authority of my mentor teacher. I want to improve in the amount of trust and respect I have with the students. Following the classroom rules is something that I do operate in. I think I need to find a way to keep the students aware of the importance of the rules. Plan: What I have learned so far will impact my future teaching significantly. What I learned deals with the concept of management techniques. I think an important thing is to be consistent. The students understand what is expected and the consequences follow the breaking of rules. Also, consistent patterns of instruction or times of the day that certain content areas are taught, help children know what to do when, as structured routine helps children operate successfully. Proficiency 7: Technology Description: The following are descriptions of evidence towards attaining this proficiency: When I began exploring the Health content for my lesson I did a lot of online research. I looked at the Oregon Content Standards. This gave me explicit knowledge of the Oregon Department of Education’s website. In addition, I searched the Internet sites that offered appropriate language for children in my content area. I did this so I would use kid language. This helped me take my adult language and know how to make it fitting for 2nd and 3rd graders. I used Microsoft Word to create worksheets for two of my lessons as well as for my pre-test and post-test. I feel very confident in my word processing skills in relation with classroom needs. At my school, my teacher has had me make numerous copies and several transparencies. Learning the program of the specific copy machine at my school has been very valuable to me. In ED 421, I learned methods for creating effective overheads as well as effective Power Point Presentations. In addition, I learned how to create Photo Collages with images from a variety of sources and brochures. Plus, I learned how to operate and utilize Google Earth. Analysis: The research I did on the Internet was very helping for me and provided me with explicit knowledge. This was not a time of extreme growth for me. Except I did learn how to find teaching resources online. Technology was a substantial help to me when designing my worksheets and pre/post-tests. The graphic organizers I inserted into Microsoft Word were great assets. I do need to increase my knowledge and ability of creating graphic organizers within a Word document. However, I think the documents I have made will increase students’ learning. In Ed 421, I learned how to create overheads and Power Points; since I was shown good and bad examples of Power Points I have a better understanding of how create Power Points effective slides. Also, since I now know how to blend images in a variety of media, I can produce realistic combinations of images tailored to my students’ needs. Plus, I can use Google Earth to aid and enhance future geography lessons. Plan: I believe technology can be a potent teaching tool to engage students and stimulate the sensory learning styles. Realistically, it is not something that I see myself integrating on daily basis, besides through Word documents. I think this because of the lack of technology-based resources in most elementary schools. However, I do want my students to learn basic computer skills (typing, research, operation of basic programs). In addition, I desire to DVDs to engage and enhance learning opportunities. As a teacher, it is vital that I have a firm understanding of technology, so I can utilize technology and teach it to my students.