Academia Sinica E-news No. 91 LECTURES Date Time 14:00 14:30 Thu 11/6 15:30 10:30 Fri 11/7 14:00 15:30 Venue Speaker Title Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Prof. Kousuke Heki On the Biannually Auditorium, 3F, Inst. (Hokkaido Univ., Repeating Slow Slip Events of Earth Sciences Japan) in SW Ryukyu Prof. Masato Furuya Auditorium, 3F, Inst. (Hokkaido Univ., of Earth Sciences Japan) C.T. Chang Memorial Hall (4F), Prof. Meng-Fan Luo Inst. of Atomic and National Central Univ. Molecular Science (NTU Campus) Conference Room Prof. Shih-Yuan Lu A108, Inst. of National Tsing-Hua Chemistry Univ. Thu 11/13 14:00 14:00 Dr. Cheng-Horng Lin Dr. Cheng-Horng Lin Model System Study of Catalysis Dr. Ying-Cheng Chen Control and Applications of CdS Nanostructures Dr. Jiann T’suen Lin New Developments in High-Resolution Time-Dependent Conference Room Prof. Haw Yang Single-Molecule A108, Inst. of Univ. of California at Spectroscopy with Dr. Wei-hau Chang Chemistry Berkeley, USA Applications to Nanomaterials-, Biology-, and Energy-Related Problems Halogen Activation from Auditorium, Sea Salt Aerosol Reacting Prof. Michael Research Center for with Ozone and the Release Hoffmann Environmental of Gaseous Chlorine, Iodine, California Inst. of Changes (11F, S. and Bromine: Impact on Technology, USA HSSB) Tropospheric Ozone Depletion in the Arctic Conference Room Ion Channel Complex of Prof. Michio Murata A108, Inst. of Antibiotics as Viewed by Dr. Wen-Shan Li Osaka Univ., Japan Chemistry NMR Auditorium, 3F, Inst. Dr. Nan-Chin Chu of Earth Sciences IFREMER, France Wed 11/12 Aseismic but Rather Fast Growth of a Fault-related Fold in Niigata, Japan Moderator Auditorium, Research Center for Environmental Changes (11F, S. HSSB) Director Shaw-Chen Liu Distinguished Research Fellow, Research Center for Environmental Changes Non-traditional Stable Isotope Studies in Hydrothermal Vent Systems Dr. Der-Chuen Lee In Search of Aerosol’s Effect on Precipitation Subducting Slab Ultra-slow Dr. Teh-Ru Alex Song Auditorium, 3F, Inst. Velocity Layer Coincident Carnegie Institution of Dr. Shiann-Jong Lee of Earth Sciences with Silent Earthquakes in Washington, USA Southern Mexico 1 Academia Sinica E-news No. 91 Date Time 15:30 Venue Speaker Room 217, Department of Prof. Fu-Hsiang Ko Chemistry, NTU National Chiao Tung (Hosted by Inst. of Univ. Atomic and Molecular Sciences) Conference Room A108, Inst. of Chemistry Fri 11/14 14:00 Thu 11/6 16:00 Mon 11/10 Hybrid Low Dimensional Prof. Li-Chyong Lin Nanostructures for Energy National Taiwan Univ. and Sensing Applications: Center for Condensed Interface Physics and Matter Sciences Chemistry Dr. Hsien Shang Associate Research Fellow, Inst. of TBA Astronomy and Astrophysics (Preparatory Office) Division of Life Sciences Room 106, Inst. of Dr. Shan-ho Chou Microbial Structural Plant and Microbial National Chung Hsing Genomics Studies at NCHU Biology Univ. Translational Control of Cellular Senescence 11:00 Dr. Richard Auditorium, 1F, Inst. Henderson of Molecular MRC Laboratory of Biology Moleuclar Biology, England Realising the Potential of Electron Cryo-Microscopy 14:30 Conference Room 103, Inst. of Biological Chemistry Proteins and Their Structures at the Interface of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology 11:00 B1B Lecture Room Dr.Yi-Chieh Nancy (Basement), Inst. of Du Biomedical Sciences MSKCC, USA Thu 11/6 14:30 10:00 Moderator Dr. Hung-Wen Li Dr. Shu-Hua Chien ASIAA Conference Room (Room 716 of the Physics Dept. Building, NTU) 11:00 14:00 Fri 11/7 The Efforts of Nanofabrication toward Nanowire Field-effect Transistor for Biomolecule Sensing B1C Lecture Room Prof. Joel D. Richter (Basement), Inst. of UMASS, USA Biomedical Sciences Tue 11/11 Fri 11/14 Title Prof. Robert Huber 1988 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Mice as Models for Assessing Tumor Progression Factors and Cellular Origin of Cancer Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Room Dr. Yun-han Chu Political Scientists Living in B, Inst. of Political Distinguished Science (Preparatory Research Fellow, Inst. an Era of Great Office) (5F, N. of Political Science Transformation BHSS) (Preparatory Office) The Origins of the Principles Archives Building, Dr. Chi-Hsiung Chang of Chinese World Order: 1F, Inst. of Modern Research Fellow, Inst. Classical Cultural Values in of Modern History History Modern China’s Diplomatic Issues Dr. Mark Stoneking Conference Room, A Melanocortin 1 Receptor Max Plank Inst. for 5F, Museum of Inst. Allele Suggests Varying Evolutionary of History and Pigmentation among Anthropology, Philology Neanderthals Germany 2 Dr. Yue-Ie Hsing Dr. Yi-Shuian Huang Dr. Yen-Chywan Liaw Dr. Yuh-Shan Jou Academia Sinica E-news No. 91 Date Time 14:30 Mon 11/10 Tue 11/11 10:00 Title A Criticism on the Concept of “Nature” in The Modern Japan Associate Prof. Hsu-hua Chou National Taipei College of Business The EU’s Negotiating Strategy on the WTO Special and Differential Treatment Provisions and its Implications Conference Room B110, 1F, Building B, Inst. of Economics Assistant Prof. Kuo-Chun Yeh National Chung Cheng Univ. ERM Crisis in Retrospect: What if a European Central Bank Had Been in Existence before 1992? 12:00 Conference Room 2319, 3F, New Building, Inst. of Ethnology Prof. Josiane Cauquelin CNRS, France The Words of the Spirits 14:00 Mr. Wei Li Focus Group Room Inst. of Sociology, of CSR, RCHSS Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Introduction to China General Social Survey (CGSS, by CASS) 14:30 Assistant Prof. Room 802, 8F, Inst. Heng-hao Chang of Sociology Nanhua Univ. The Disability Rights Movement and the Development of Disability Studies 14:30 3 Moderator The Fourth Plinth-Sculpture in the City Centre Conference Room, 1F, Inst. of European and American Studies Thu 11/13 Fri 11/14 Venue Speaker Conference Room, Brian Falconbridge 1F, Inst. of European London Metropolitan and American Univ., UK Studies Dr. Wei-fen Chen Conference Room, Associate Research 2F, Inst. of Chinese Fellow, Inst. of Literature and Chinese Literature and Philosophy Philosophy Dr. Ayling Wang Dr. Meng-Li Yang