Holy Trinity Academy History Skills Based Curriculum Chronological Understanding Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Describe memories of key events in lives Sequence photographs & objects from different periods of their life Sequence some events from a famous person’s life Place objects/ artefacts in chronological order Use a timeline to sequence events within a period correctly, using dates Use common words & phrases relating to the passing of time. Say what’s the same and what’s different between the Neolithic period and today, and how Calne has changed over the past 200 years. Place the time studied on a time line Divide the past into different periods of time & represent this on a timeline Sequence several events or artefacts from different time periods. Use dates and terms related to the study unit Use dates & vocabulary relating to the passing of time I can say what’s stayed the same and what’s different between the periods I am studying. Place events from the period studied on time line Place events , people & changes into correct periods of time Use terms related to the period and begin to date events Further develop their understanding of the major periods of British history. Understand BC/AD or BCE/CE, and the meaning of e.g. 13th century or C13 as the 1200s. Use dates & vocabulary relating to the passing of time. Learn that civilizations have risen and fallen; describe understanding that was lost. E.g. comparing Romans with AngloSaxons. Know and sequence key events of periods studied. Place events , people & changes into correct periods of time Describe the effects on different peoples and cultures of being brought together by voyages of discovery. How this process has shaped the modern world. Use dates & vocabulary relating to the passing of time including ancient, modern, BC, AD, century and decade. Take and justify a view point on when a period of history should be seen as beginning or ending. Learn from the historical evidence available in the locality of Calne: Avebury, The Green, The Heritage Centre. Recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result Know that some events from the past still affect people’s lives today (eg Remembrance day) Identify differences between ways of life at different times Ancient times: Egyptian civilization contemporary with Avebury. Roman empire Interrelationship of history with geography – Rivers, empires. Find out about every day lives of people in the periods studied Know that the lives of people in a historical period were not all the same Recognise similarities & differences between periods of time Compare with our life today Identify reasons for and results of people's actions Understand why people may have wanted to do something Roman numerals (1-12) The Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans & middle ages. Use evidence to reconstruct life in time studied – experience of archaeological techniques. Identify key features and events of time studied Look for links and effects in time studied Offer a reasonable explanation for some events Roman numerals to 100. Tudors and Stuarts, exploration and discovery of the new world. Study differences between groups of people - men and women, protestant and catholic, cavalier and roundhead. Examine causes and results of great events and the impact on people e.g. economic & social impact of Black Death. Compare life in early and late 'times' studied. Compare an aspect of life with the same aspect in another period Describe characteristic features of past societies & periods, including; ideas, beliefs, attitudes & experiences of men, women & children, social, cultural, religious & ethnic diversity. Identify and give reasons for different ways in which the past is represented. Look at different points of view to find out about different versions of historical events. Distinguish between different sources – compare different versions of the same story. Understand that some evidence gives us limited information and that results in different interpretations. Look at different representations of the period – e.g. sculpture, mosaic, renaissance art, Asterix cartoons. Begin to give reasons for & results of events & changes. Compare accounts of events from different sources – fact or fiction Offer some reasons for different versions of events Examine how and why history is used in propaganda. Identify key changes and events that have had a lasting influence through time. Interpret information about the past given in graphs, tables or pie charts. Give reasons for & results of events & changes, expressing own opinion of the relative importance of each reason. Range and depth of historical knowledge Sequence events in own life put objects in order of how old they are : Sequence 3 or 4 artefacts from distinctly different periods of time Match objects to people of different ages Use timelines to order things that happened in the past: events in my lifetime. Use words like ‘before’ , ‘after’ and ‘between’ to describe when things happened. Use common words & phrases relating to the passing of time. I can say what has stayed the same and what is different in my lifetime. Relate study mostly to own lifetime and that of living relatives. Recognise the difference between past and present in their own and others lives Know and recount episodes from stories about the past Interpretations of history Use stories to encourage children to distinguish between fact and fiction Compare adults talking about the past – how reliable are their memories? Compare 2 versions of a past event Know that events from the past are told in many different ways. Identify different ways in which the past is represented Compare pictures or photographs of people or events in the past Discuss reliability of photos/ accounts/stories Give reasons for some of the actions of a famous person or the reasons for a famous event. Express an opinion – e.g. whose fault was it? Was it right or wrong? Was someone kind or selfish? Look at the evidence available and identify gaps in it. Begin to evaluate the usefulness of different sources Consider interpretations of an event by looking at other information, keeping in mind that some information is more reliable Identify and give reasons for different ways in which the past is represented & interpreted. Give reasons for & results of events & changes, allocating relative importance to each reason. Use relevant dates and terms Identify key discoveries and inventions in the periods being studied and describe how they have shaped the modern world. Understand how the current world order has been established through 2 world wars. Reflect on continuity and change through history: review the sweep of history studied: Neolithic to present day. Use an increasing depth of factual knowledge to describe past societies & periods. Begin to observe patterns in history and use this as a basis to comment on current social issues and speculate about the future. Compare beliefs, behaviour and characteristics of people across cultures and periods, recognising that not everyone shares the same views and feelings Identify & describe reasons for & the results of historical events, situations & changes in the periods & societies studied. Write an alternative explanation of a past event in terms of cause and effect using evidence to support and illustrate the explanation Know key dates, characters and events of time studied Recognize features of periods & societies studied Recognize social, cultural, religious & ethnic diversity of societies Link sources and work out how conclusions were arrived at Choose and justify a viewpoint combining primary and secondary sources. Describe ways in which ideas from ancient civilizations are influential today. Consider ways of checking the accuracy of interpretations – fact or fiction and opinion Confidently use reference books and internet for research Use statistical analysis of historic data to support an argument. (e.g mean age of infant death) Historical Enquiry Find out about how things were similar to or different from the way they are now. – asking older people, investigating artefacts that are not used any more, comparing pictures of the same place over time. Raise and find answers to simple questions about the past from sources of information. Come up with alternative answers / explanations and say which is the best. Ask questions about the past Introduce the term ‘source of evidence’ Observe and/or handle sources, making simple observations to find out about the past Ensure primary and secondary sources are used Answer questions about the past on the basis of evidence. Observe & handle a range of sources of information Practical experience – e.g. investigate how Avebury’s stones could have been moved, use Neolithic pot-boiler stones. Organisation and communication (cross curricular – English) Communicate historical knowledge through: Discussion…. Drawing pictures… Drama/role play.. Making models….. Writing.. Using ICT… Storytelling: Recount episodes from stories about the past Use thinking frames to communicate historical understanding: “Is that because…”, “I notice that…”, "What would happen if...", "What's the same and what's different?", "I wonder if...", "It is similar to..." Use sources of information including ICT to find out about events, people & changes. Use the terms primary and secondary sources of evidence. Observe small details of artefacts, pictures and verbal testimony. Select and record information relevant to the study. Begin to use reference books and the internet for research Use information to ask & answer questions about events in the past- (This investigation goes beyond what I can see – inference & deduction) Know what a reproduction is and why it might be made. Use an ICT simulation to learn about the past. – romansrevealed.com Practical experience – clean and research a Roman coin, investigate the Roman grave in Holy Trinity churchyard. Begin to recall, select and organise historical information National literacy framework units: Myths and Legends, Reports, Instructions, Information texts. understanding the applications and implications of science. Dinosaurs – comparing sizes. Choose relevant material to present a picture of one aspect of life in time past Use reference books and internet for research Identify primary and secondary sources of evidence Give clear & detailed reasons why key events happened or historical people behaved as they did. Compare reproductions with original artefacts Use an ICT simulation to learn about the past – BBC history Viking Quest. Ask & answer questions Record information relevant to the focus of the enquiry Use & evaluate a range of sources Use evidence to build up two different possible interpretations / representations of a past event Use the library and internet for research with increasing confidence Compare and contrast aspects of the past with aspects of today. Know what reenactment is and how it can be a useful source of information about the past. Recall, select and organise historical information NLS units: stories with historical settings, information texts, explanation texts, persuasive texts. Select & combine information from different sources Produce structured work, making appropriate use of dates & terms. Select knowledge of history & communicate in a variety of ways Great fire of London – making houses. NLS units: stories from other cultures, Traditional stories, fables, myths and legends, older literature, recounts, persuasive writing. National literacy framework units on – traditional stories, explanation texts, information texts. Application of mathematical skills Science links: AT1 AF2, Interpret primary and question secondary sources. Bring knowledge gathered from several sources together in a fluent account. Highlight gaps in evidence and suggest means of filling them. Sift evidence, selecting what is relevant and discarding what is not. Sift evidence, judging what is reliable and discarding what is not. Sift evidence, selecting that which supports a chosen view point. Combine primary and secondary sources to support an interpretation of an historical person or event. Attempt to discredit evidence which does not support a chosen viewpoint. Select and organize information from a variety of sources, to produce structured work, making appropriate use of dates and terms. NLS units: Biography & autobiography, Journalistic writing, argument, persuasion, formal/impersonal writing, stories with flashbacks. Diary writing. Progression of recording in line with English curriculum: varied styles and genres of writing. Rivers: using direction vocabulary Invaders: representing dietary information in graphs and charts. Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Identify and link to science in familiar objects or contexts Recognise scientific and technological developments that help us Describe, in familiar contexts, how science helps people do things Identify scientific or technological phenomena and say whether or not they are helpful Explain the purposes of a variety of scientific or technological developments on scientific ideas Civil war – costs of raising armies. Plague – data on fatalities spreadsheet. Level 4: Describe some simple positive and negative consequences of scientific and technological developments Recognise applications of specific scientific ideas Georgian architecture – applying the language of shape. Level 5: Describe different viewpoints a range of people may have about scientific or technological developments Indicate how scientific or technological developments may affect different groups of people in different ways Identify ethical or moral issues linked to scientific or technological developments