Climate Change Adaptation Study Report: St Pauls School, Leicester January 2014 A.J. Wright Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University M.J. Taylor Miller Construction (UK) Ltd Design for Future Climate: Adapting Buildings Project ID: 1105_FS_LIB_DFFC2 Contents: 1.0 Section 1: Building Profile………………………………………………………………..…16 1.1 1.2 1.3 Description…………………………………………………………………………………..18 Design Stage………………………………………………………………………………..21 Adaptation Study……………………………………………………………………………25 2.0 Section 2: Climate Risk Assessment…………………..………………………………….27 2.1 Datasets……………………………………………………………………………………..35 3.0 Section 3: Adaptation Strategy……………………………………………………………..43 3.1 Simulation………………………………………………………………………………...…49 4.0 Section 4: Learning From This Report…………………………………………………….68 5.0 Section 5: Extending Adaptation To Other Buildings…………………………………..78 6.0 Section 6: Appendices…………………………………………………………………………1 Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………………………………...12 Appendix 3………………………………………………………………………………………...…16 Appendix 4…………………………………………………………………………………………...28 1 17/02/2016 Executive Summary This report details the results of the Climate Change Adaptation Study undertaken for St Pauls School, Leicester on behalf of the Technology Strategy Board ‘Design for Future Climate: Adapting Buildings’. It was revised in February 2013 following feedback from the Technology Strategy Board and again in April 2013 and November 2013 when Miller Construction (UK) Limited added additional project detail and technical, procedural, policy and financial content relevant to this and other similarly specified projects. Initially the St Paul’s project was envisaged as being roughly 50% new build works and 50% refurbishment works, however on-going contractual developments have meant that the final design remit was for a primarily new build solution. Although these changes have led to delays in the overall project, they were necessary and unavoidable in order to achieve a mutually agreeable overall solution and it is these new build works that the Climate Change Adaptation Study is based on. Following an initial review of the project specific information, topography and location, it was apparent that the main risk areas would be flooding during prolonged periods of heavy rain and overheating during the warmer summer months and at times of unseasonably hot weather. While the risk of flooding can be dealt with relatively simply through sensible drainage design and installation, and the careful adherence to the recommendations of a well-executed Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), adaptation to deal with overheating is more involved. As the main body of this report will demonstrate, there needs to be a focus on reducing summer overheating, while also minimising the overall reliance on heating, fuel consumption and waste. This is best achieved by considering the problem sufficiently early in the design development process and implementing changes to the building fabric such as; increasing exposed thermal mass, incorporating greater thicknesses and more efficient insulation, and carefully exploring the options available in terms of glazing and shading selection. The results of the simulation have also been assessed in order to demonstrate the effect and influence that each variable might have on these overall problems. Although each building and construction scheme has its own unique project dictates, this report demonstrates that other education schemes could also benefit by utilising similar design and construction drivers, established by the simulation and expanded upon in the textual analysis. Indeed it was Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s intention from the beginning of the process to use the results of this Report to generate a generic ‘Best Practice’ document that could be used to better inform its employees and ensure that all future projects benefited from enhanced sustainability, adaptability and robust design solutions. It must be noted however, that different glazing areas/ ratios and building orientations etc may produce very different simulated results in other schemes and the findings of this report are purely theoretical until applied to a specific scenario with its own unique simulation and report. 2 17/02/2016 Section One focuses on St Pauls School as a specific project and details the technical elements of the scheme including: Existing and new build elements An appraisal of the construction scheme Client Brief Specific project challenges and constraints The design process and the current stage in the overall design development An introduction into the Climate Change Adaptation Study, how it is facilitated and what end results can be expected from the exercise Existing school size and characteristics Relationship with the Krishna Avanti free-school Project challenges New build/ refurbishment split Image of the existing entrance building Description of the existing school/ building(s) Occupancy pattern Climate heat gain factors Existing topographical survey drawing Impact of limited CAPEX Image of proposed new entrance building Project delays and the change from refurbishment to new build works Project milestones Focus of simulation exercises New build proposals Proposed site plan drawing Landscape works proposals Proposed refurbishment works to existing boilers Making good proposals Collection of existing and new school buildings Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s approach to the Climate Change Adaptation Study Managing Client expectations against budget & current/ future climate conditions Design implications of the Thermal Model Analysis Flood Risk Assessment, external levels design, building location, drainage design & SUDS principles ‘Best Practice’ guidelines and the need to constantly adapt in the future Table of materials used in the external façade Page 16 Page 16 Pages 16-17 Page 17 Page 18 Pages 18-19 Page 19 Page 19 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 21 Pages 21-22 Page 22 Pages 22-23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 24 Page 24 Page 25 Page 25 Page 26 Page 26 Page 26 Page 26 When determining a ‘high-level’ approach to this construction project it was necessary to assess all of the existing factors and variables and then select the most appropriate response. A summary of the key project information as determined by the Project Team is noted below: ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Poor’ existing building stock that has been situated and designed as a direct result of the period of construction and site dictates Existing internal and external access issues Numerous existing changes in level 3 17/02/2016 Utilisation of a traditional materials pallet at present A current lack of innovation in terms of the materials and techniques utilised Ineffective existing natural ventilation system resulting in a significant problem with heating/ cooling and ventilation and no less than twenty-nine existing boilers Existing Classrooms that are too small and result in a shortfall in accommodation in line with the DCSF model school accommodation schedule At present the site suffers from flooding in times of heavy rain due to the flat orientation and poor existing drainage provision A limited CAPEX limits the extent of any construction works The budget allocation has been made primarily for the enhancement/ development of the building stock and not the external landscaping Project delays and a change in focus from refurbishment work to new build works has affected progress In response to the factors noted above, the Project Team decided to develop a new standalone building with a similarly sympathetic pallet that would utilise modern technology, highly efficient and sizeable insulation elements to the floors, walls and roof; as well as ambitious U-Value and air leakage rate targets. The new building would be constructed across threestoreys to minimise the building footprint and maximise the amount of usable floor space. In order to address the fact that this would be the first building on site in excess of two-storeys, the second floor would utilise a change of materials and be stepped back to make it less obtrusive. In order to address the inefficiencies of the existing M&E solution, Miller Construction (UK) Limited undertook to develop a solution that utilised natural, mixed-mode and mechanical ventilation principles in the respective areas where they were most suitable and in doing so effectively providing the right solution in the right area instead of an overall blanket ‘dictate’. Despite the limited refurbishment budget and scope, Miller Construction (UK) Limited will also amend the existing heating strategy across the retained estate so that new controls and an overall reduction in the amount of boilers can be realised and in doing so the aim is to improve campus efficiencies as a whole. A large two-storey colonnade will be incorporated in order to add aesthetic interest as well as in response to the specialist’s Thermal Model analysis and will act as an integral part of the overall solar shading design solution. As part of the new design, external levels will be rationalised, level thresholds provided and flat access provided throughout the new ground floor so that there is no need for ramps or internal steps. As well as assisting with improved access for the disabled; the revised external levels will help to reduce the incidences of building flooding in the event of heavy rain, especially due to the fact that this approach will be coupled with improved drainage design and SUDS technology solutions. In response to the requirements of the Climate Change Adaptation Study, Miller Construction (UK) Limited undertook to provide the theoretical aspect itself, while engaging De Montfort University to undertake the technical and analytical element on its behalf. The combined result was envisaged as a way of generating realistic recommendations that could be applied to future construction projects, (although they would not be used to directly influence the St Pauls School project). It is hoped that by doing this; short, medium and longterm design and construction strategies to better address climate change can be developed. 4 17/02/2016 Section Two focuses specifically on the risk factors associated with this and other similarly specified construction projects. Micro and Macro factors are reviewed and applied to the St Paul’s scheme and the authors use this section to introduce some of the technical data streams used during the recording and collation of the data necessary to generate this report. Risk Factors Flooding Flood plain mapping image HSP and the Flood Risk Assessment Image of the existing school entrance/ reception Image of the existing school entrance/ reception Image of the ground slope towards the existing Sports Hall Effect of the existing level differences Discharge rate and the requirement for extensive on-site attenuation Ground conditions & inadequate maintenance (drainage ditches silted up or ‘re-claimed’ by neighbours) Clay substrate - a poor drainage medium 2No images of existing drainage ditches in poor maintenance Existing drainage details Poor below ground drainage Future CCTV survey requirements Heating & ventilation Building Regulations contribution to overheating problems Climactic data approach Overheating due to user concentration, I.T, teaching practices & personal user interface requirements Climate change characteristics The need for more cooling and less heating Cooling/ ventilation strategy Mixed-mode solution Mixed-mode image Summer comfort Heating Overheating Ventilation Datasets & the description of the Prometheus Project Dataset modelling table Weather data Time period Emission scenario Probability IPCC climate projections table Emissions scenario table Box & whisker plots table Box & whisker plots tables Box & whisker plots table Page 27 Pages 27-31 Page 27 Page 28 Page 28 Page 29 Page 29 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 31 Page 31 Page 31 Pages 31-34 Page 31 Page 31 Page 31 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 32 Page 33 Page 33 Page 34 Pages 35-42 Page 35 Pages 35-36 Page 36 Page 36 Pages 37-38 Page 37 Page 39 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Although the detailed determination of the project’s design principles is not detailed until Section 3 of this report, Section 2 went into greater detail with regards to the contributing factors that informed those decisions and these were assessed based on the following aspects: 5 17/02/2016 The greatest risk factors to the project are; flooding, overheating and inadequate ventilation A response to the current flooding issue was urgently required HSP’s Flood Risk Assessment suggests that the flooding is not being caused due to the site being in a high flood risk area, by proximity to other high flood risk areas, due to existing ground water issues, or due to overland flooding issues. Further to this, as the PPS 25 document states that the type of development being proposed is suitable for this type of site, the cause of the flooding must be something else The ground floor level of the existing reception/ main entrance building is significantly lower than that of the neighbouring car park etc. As well as this, the existing strip drain is ineffective and does not act as a barrier to flood water running off the impervious car park medium Clearly the existing level differences have a negative effect on surface water ingress into the main entrance/ reception building There are large areas of existing impervious material and when coupled with a permissible off-site surface water discharge rate of 16l/s this makes adequate management of surface water run-off difficult Poor maintenance of the existing drainage ditches exacerbates this issue Existing ground conditions indicate the presence of a clay substrate which is a poor drainage medium and effectively rule out soakaways and infiltration principles as permissible options Initial investigations/ enquiries suggest that the existing below ground drainage installation is in poor condition and this manifests itself by backing up and flooding the existing school The Building Regulations actually contribute to overheating and inadequate ventilation design in modern buildings In modern building overheating is experienced due to user concentrations, I.T requirements, increasing reliance on technological solutions, developed teaching practices and personal user interface requirements Current climate change characteristics as well as the predicted trend suggest that this will be further exacerbated Having assessed the findings noted above, the Project Team decided to address the issues as two aspects; i) flooding and ii) overheating/ ventilation. Details of the design principles adopted have been included within Section 3 of this report, although it is clear from the Section 2 analysis that external ground levels would need to be addressed and that in order to address the issue of surface water run-off, considerable on-site attenuation provision would be required. It was also decided that in order to fully appreciate the condition of the existing below ground drainage installation, a comprehensive CCTV survey would be required. In order to address the overheating/ ventilation issues fully, the Project Team decided to engage De Montfort University and make use of the datasets and the Prometheus Project information in terms of current and future climate conditions. Again, more detailed design principles have been included in Section 3 of this report, although it was clear that the Team would need to focus its design concept on increased cooling requirements and minimal heating requirements. It was generally agreed that one way of doing this effectively, efficiently and in line with the project cost plan was through the introduction of mixed-mode technology. 6 17/02/2016 Section Three details the parameters considered and utilised within the computer simulations and reflects a summary of the results that were achieved. It also contains preliminary recommendations, an overall analysis of the most effective combination of variables and a realistic assessment of how feasible it is to accommodate these design variables within the current building industry climate. Summary Introduction Flooding Existing external levels Permeable surfaces SUDS Building Regulations Part H and the Flood Risk Assessment SUDS feasibility table Attenuation design provision Improved drainage installation Improved maintenance regimes Diagram showing the principles of an attenuation basin Heating and ventilation SWOT analysis De Montfort University Summer overheating simulation Simulation variables table Simulation screenshot Table of proposed property combinations Project factors affecting feasibility Aspirational glazing properties table Table showing the effect of different glazing types Effect of varying the design parameters Other adaptation variables that can be considered in relation to the heating and ventilation design Timescales for adoption Page 43 Pages 43-46 Page 44 Page 44 Pages 44-45 Pages 44-45 Page 45 Page 45 Page 45 Page 46 Page 46 Page 46 Page 48 Pages 49-54 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Pages 51-52 Page 52 Page 53 Pages 53-54 Page 54 Pages 55-60 Immediately: Drainage Levels Permeable surfaces SUDS Page 55 Page 55 Page 55 Page 55 At any time: Page 55 Pages 55-56 Page 56 Page 56 Pages 56-57 Page 57 Page 57 Page 57 Pages 57-58 Page 58 Page 58 Maintenance Additional shading from trees Change external cladding elements Exposing the internal floor slab Overhangs Ventilation (night) Ventilation (day) Solar control glazing Renewable technologies More efficient hardware Low-heat emitting computers New project design only: Stack effect design principles Cost benefit analysis Details of the Lifecycle Cost Analysis exercise Summary table of adaptation measures, timescales and key triggers Commercial analysis of adaptability measures Recommendations to be adopted at St Pauls School 7 Page 58 Pages 58-60 Pages 59-60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 17/02/2016 Timeline of proposed adaptation measures 2010–2080 Summary table of flooding adaptation measures Summary table of heating and ventilation adaptation measures Page 64 Page 66 Page 67 After undertaking a thorough review of the design variables, the Project Team concluded that it would have to consider the following: Possible flood design options; amending external levels, introducing additional permeable surfaces, incorporating SUDS technology, improving existing drainage installations, improving upon the existing maintenance regimes SUDS options to be considered were; pervious pavements etc, filter drains, silt removal, detention basin, rainwater harvesting, ponds, swales, soakaways, green roofs and bio-retention On-site attenuation would be needed to address the 16l/s discharge rate for a 1:30 year event, 1:30 – 1:100 year events and the 20% additional capacity to account for climate change The poor state of the existing drainage installations could not be fully addressed due to the limitations of the project scope and budget There was a definite need to revise and improve upon the school’s maintenance regime/ procedures going forwards Heating and ventilation design variables to be considered; shading (building), shading (existing trees), solar control glazing, reflective external surfaces, thermal insulation (greater than that required by the Building Regulations), thermal mass (within surfaces), ventilation (day) and ventilation (night) Renewable technologies should be fully considered, including; photovoltaic cells, air source heat pumps, wind turbines and district heating systems, (some of which can generate a return on investment over a set period of time) Theoretical variables and proposals are affected by real life requirements i.e. budget, building practices, Client Requirements/ Brief, Planning Conditions and M&E requirements etc Varying the design parameters will have a noticeable effect on overall performance Miller Construction (UK) Limited could use its experience of previous project risks and opportunities within the design process to complement the theoretical analysis, such as by reviewing the potential for more energy efficient hardware and low-heat emitting computers Not every opportunity is suitable for every project Having spent a great deal of time reviewing the potential design options, the Project Team decided to proceed with several of the highlighted considerations. Existing external levels would be addressed during the cut and fill exercise and by locating the new building carefully, the large expanse of existing impervious surfaces could be reduced and replaced with new permeable landscaping alternatives. In doing this, all water from the new car parking areas will either pass directly into pervious pavements, or where this is not recommended for other design considerations, discharge over impermeable surfaces into areas of pervious paving. Water from the new hard-standing areas and the new roof areas will dissipate to a catch pit upstream of below ground attenuation storage. The water from the attenuation storage will then discharge at a controlled rate through a 140m long filter drain During storm events exceeding a 1 in 30 year return period, water will surcharge from the last manhole on site to an extended attenuation basin. All surface water from events exceeding a 1 in 30 year return event, up to a 1 in 100 year return period, plus 20% allowance for climate change will be contained in the attenuation basin 8 17/02/2016 The use of a wet pond was considered as a form of attenuating water in low return period events however, the additional area that would be required for a wet pond would become considerable and would consume too much of the playing fields to be practical. Instead a 408m3 primary cellular storage (below ground attenuation tank system) would be used to complement the 317m3 extended detention basin. Where existing drainage installations could not be addressed, a detailed CCTV camera survey would be undertaken to identify the problem areas to the Client. In addition to this enhanced and more effective maintenance regimes would be conveyed to the Client through the use of the O&M Manuals, suitable training and a more robust School Management Plan. Additional tree planting would be utilised to ensure a natural and passive screen of protection for the current scheme and in years to come. Shading overhangs in the form of a double-story height colonnade that has been assessed by the M&E engineers as sufficient to act alongside internal blinds in providing the desired level of solar shading and anti-glare provision. Maximised insulation thicknesses would be installed to the entire building envelope in order to adhere to stringent U-Value and air-leakage rates. Enhanced renewable technology provision in the form of a 100m2 photovoltaic array and bio-fuel technology derived main boiler plant would form part of the project Section Four has been used to reflect on the raw data and recommendations of the preceding sections and provides comment on the overall process and potential future applications. Summary of the approach to the adaptation design work Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s corporate mission statement ‘Lessons Learnt’ and ‘Best Practice’ Frequently occurring issues Future ‘Best Practice’ guide Key individuals in the project and their input into proceedings Miller Construction (UK) Limited Institute of Energy & Sustainable Development – De Montfort University, Leicester AEDAS (architect) MBCE (structural & civil engineer) PWP Building Services Limited (M&E contractor) Anderson Green (M&E design consultant) The initial project plan and its development Overall Team structure and functionality Positives taken from Project delays Resources and tools used during the exercise Energy Plus simulation engine and the iEPlus environment Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s brainstorming sessions, co-ordination Meetings and general workshops Industry standard documentation Constructive reflection of overall approach and recommendations Importance of a competent Project and Design Team and a knowledgeable Client and End-User Constraints to theoretical adaptation proposals Project sequencing for future Climate Change Adaptation Studies (drainage & SUDS design implications) Importance of clearly identifying key roles and responsibilities early in the Project 9 Page 68 Page 68 Page 68 Page 68 Pages 68-69 Pages 69-72 Page 69 Page 70 Page 70 Page 71 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 73 Page 73 Pages 73-74 Page 73 Pages 73-74 Page 74 Pages 74-75 Page 74 Pages 74-75 Page 75 Page 75 17/02/2016 Benefits of using the construction Project Team when undertaking additional works for the Climate Change Adaptation Study Key roles and responsibilities Client decision making process Importance of solid Value Engineering and RDD processes Page 75 Page 76 Pages76-77 Page 77 Key considerations taken from this Section have been noted below: Through a comprehensive reflection process, ‘Lessons Learnt’ and ‘Best Practice’ guidelines can be derived for this and future projects Future focus must be aimed at the key, commonly occurring project issues i.e. overheating, heat loss, heat load factors and flooding A Team of specialists are required to undertake a study such as this and not a single individual. The strength of the Climate Change Adaptation Study is very much a sum of its parts and therefore a reflection of the people and resources used to create it In the case of the project delays it is possible to take a string of positives out of a negative situation Don’t take ‘standard practices’ for-granted, reflect on the results of the Study and utilise your findings to develop a more robust methodology Workshops and meetings only deal with the current situation and not the future possibilities. Therefore it is important to review any decisions taken in conjunction with the theoretical data Theoretical proposals must be reviewed against actual dictates such as legislation, Client requirements and project specifics/ variables A Climate Change Adaptation Study should be instigated early enough in a construction project for it to make a real impact on the design development Important to identify key roles and responsibilities early in a project Benefit in using the construction Project Team to undertake the work involved in a Climate Change Adaptation Study as they have the knowledge base Decisions determined via discussion i.e. communication is key After reviewing these key considerations the Project Team determined to use theoretical analysis to complement practical experience instead of viewing it as a separate item and in doing so reap the benefits of combined learning. Although the Climate Change Adaptation Study for St Pauls School wasn’t used to directly affect the specific design development, it was used to generate a ‘Best Practice’ guide that Miller Construction (UK) Limited intend to use in developing a generic pallet of materials and techniques that will form the basis of all future construction schemes. Despite the frustration experienced due to project delays, the Project Team turned this to its advantage and utilised the additional time gained to further structure the study specifics and strategy to be utilised, as well as to fully develop the eventual results achieved. This was achieved through a number of workshops and co-ordination meetings, but was only effective when the key roles and responsibilities were clearly defined and managed. One method used to structure Client interaction and feedback was the RDD (Reviewable Design Data) process and this benefited both parties. Key Roles and Responsibilities: Feasibility Study – Project Lead Defining the Project Description – Project Lead Concept Design – Project Design Team, (most specifically the architect and mechanical engineer. Sub-team lead by the architect as the usual Project Lead Designer) 10 17/02/2016 Climate Risk Assessment – Specialist (i.e. Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development – De Montfort University, Leicester. Lead by the specialist, but reporting directly to the Project Lead) Specialist Design Input – Specialists (i.e. HSP Consulting. Lead by the various specialists, but co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Concept Design Review/ Options Appraisal – Entire Project Team (co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Quantitive Risk Assessment – Entire Project Team (co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Re-Design – Entire Design Team (co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Assessment of the Study’s ramifications in terms of the wider Construction Industry – Project Lead Valuations Pre and Post Adaptation – Project Quantity Surveyor (reporting directly to the Project Lead) Preparation of the Final Report – Project Lead Dissemination of the Main Learning Points – Project Lead Section Five further expands on the precedent set within Section Four and discusses how the overall process and results might be applied to not only projects within the education sector, but also to schemes in more diverse and varied areas of development and construction. Applicability to other buildings and building projects Potential when prioritising GIFA isn’t such a strict project driver External façade possibilities Exposed concrete floor slabs Renewable technologies Public Sector: Education Healthcare Defence Specialist Projects Pages 78-80 Page 78 Page 78 Page 78 Page 78 Page 79 Page 79 Page 79 Page 79 Page 79 Private Sector Importance of maintenance Limiting factors applicable to other buildings Project specific criteria Importance of reviewing specific project drivers and not merely generic Principles Design variables: Drainage design External levels Passive shading Budget Cladding Overhangs Maximised thermal insulation Exposed soffits Renewable technologies and more efficient M&E 11 Page 80 Page 80 Page 80 Page 80 Page 81 Pages 81-82 Page 81 Page 81 Page 81 Page 81 Pages 81-82 Page 82 Page 82 Page 82 Page 82 17/02/2016 UK based buildings that might benefit from similar recommendations Resources, tools and materials developed for providing adaptation services Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s ‘Design Manual’ Knowledge retention of the Climate Change Adaptation Study Team Further needs in order to provide adaptation services Importance of a fluid approach in the future Importance of regarding Climate Change Adaptation Studies as a valuable resource and not something to be merely ‘Value-Engineered’ out to save money Conclusion Pages 82-83 Pages 83-84 Page 83 Page 83 Page 84 Page 84 Page 84 Page 85 Through a further process of reflective discussion the Team determined the following key elements for Section 5: Generic principles/ recommendations from this Study could be further improved upon if applied to a different sector, contract or project Different project drivers could further improve upon the possibilities identified in this Climate Change Adaptation Study Profit needn’t be a restriction to adaptable design principles and can instead be viewed as a positive selling point The importance of a robust maintenance strategy cannot be understated Project specific criteria applicable to this Climate Change Adaptation Study: o o o o o o o o o o o o Secondary school project Entirely new-build Part of an existing building complex, in a live environment Only partly addressing a number of potential existing problems Located in a residential area, on a shared site with a large number of existing mature trees Located in a ‘city centre’ site in Leicester, in the Midlands Involving a challenging budget Part of a specific BSF ‘design and build’ contract structure Part of a wider multi-phase project Utilising a number of supply-chain agreements already in place Using theoretical computer simulations Requiring adherence to a number of key contract documents such as the Authorities Requirements and the Contractors Proposals Important to assess individual project specific criteria and not merely generic principles, however sound they are The generic nature of this Climate Change Adaptation Study makes it universally applicable to almost all other projects, buildings and sectors as long as the specific Project Teams place equal importance on project specific requirements etc Climate Change Adaptation Studies should be seen as a valuable resource and not merely something to be Value Engineered out of a scheme to save on the bottom line Following the conclusion of the Climate Change Adaptation Study, Miller Construction (UK) Limited used the findings included within this report to develop and re-work its existing Design Manual. It also took steps to begin rolling out this information to all of the disciplines within the business in an attempt to better inform all parties as to the importance of climate change principles and design philosophy. 12 17/02/2016 Having been through the process, it was important to retain the key knowledge of the Climate Change Adaptation Study Team within the business and these individuals were utilised as ‘champions’ in order to cascade the information through the business in the most effective method possible. Despite the fact that Miller Construction (UK) Limited have reacted to the report’s findings in order to maintain its position at the forefront of the UK construction industry, it also recognises that fact that it cannot remain static in the development of adaptation principles. This report will be used as a platform to build from and the company’s position will remain fluid and flexible, not set in stone, so that it can investigate, accept and adopt new innovation and ‘Best Practice’ whenever it is revealed in the future. 13 17/02/2016 FLOODING Adaptation Measure Investigated Recommended Implemented Comments Beneficial amendment of existing external levels Yes Yes Yes* *Only the levels within the new project redline boundary were amended Permeable external surfaces Yes Yes Yes* *Only the areas within the new project redline boundary were addressed SUDS: pervious pavements, filter drains, silt removal & detention basin Yes Yes Yes Expansive SUDS technology was introduced to the site wide drainage system SUDS: Rainwater Harvesting Yes Yes No The cost was considered excessive in terms of the benefits offered SUDS: Ponds Yes No No Impossible due to restricted space SUDS: Swales Yes No No Impossible due to restricted space SUDS: Soakaways Yes No No Impossible due to underlying clay SUDS: Green Roofs Yes No No The cost was considered excessive in terms of the benefits offered SUDS: BioRetention Yes No No Impossible due to restricted space Improved drainage runs Yes Yes Yes* *Only areas that required amendment for the new build works were replaced Improved maintenance regimes Yes Yes Yes The Client/ EndUser will be responsible for instigating an improved maintenance regime, although it is understood that this has been agreed and will be reflected in the O&M Manuals (Above) Table ES.1: Summary of Flooding adaptation measures investigated, recommended and implemented for the St Paul’s RC School project (Below) Table ES.2: Summary of Heating & Ventilation adaptation measures investigated, recommended and implemented for the St Paul’s RC School project 14 17/02/2016 HEATING & VENTILATION Adaptation Measure Investigated Recommended Implemented Comments Additional trees to shade the building Yes Yes No Would have been too expensive/ slow to grow Existing trees to shade the building Yes Yes No Responding to the Client’s Brief, areas immediately adjacent to the building were cleared of trees and utilised for access roads/ car parking Solar control glazing Yes Yes No Solar gain has been controlled through building orientation and the use of blinds Reflective external surfaces Yes No No Thermal insulation (greater than Building Control) Yes Yes Yes Thermal mass – internal surfaces Yes Yes No The design requirements of the Client prevented this from being possible Ventilation - Day Yes No No Training, control and limitations on openable areas meant this was not practicable Ventilation - Night Yes No No Control, the cost of automation and reduced security meant this was not practicable Exposed soffit design Yes Yes No This was contrary to the Client’s requirements Building roof overhangs Yes Yes Yes Enhanced glazing Yes Yes No Cost prohibitive Stack-effect design Yes No No Design was too far advanced and the cost too prohibitive Renewable technologies Yes Yes Yes Energy efficient hardware Yes Yes No Cost prohibitive Low heat emitting computer equipment Yes Yes No Cost prohibitive Cost benefit analysis Yes Yes Yes 15 17/02/2016 1.0 Section 1: Building Profile St Paul's Roman Catholic Comprehensive School and Performing Arts College, known locally as St Paul's Catholic School, is a voluntary-aided Roman Catholic secondary school and sixth form. The school is located on Spencefield Lane in Evington, which lies to the east of Leicester city centre and accommodates approximately one thousand and fifty, 11-18 year old students in Years 7-13. Typical of its age; the school campus is large and sprawling, but due to later additions and necessary expansion since it was originally constructed, the built elements are not as well planned, located, or thought out as they might have been if they had been designed and built at the same time. St Pauls also shares the campus with the Krishna-Avanti Primary School, which operates as a Hindu free school on the former site of the grammar school at Evington Hall. Indeed these two school buildings are physically linked and part of the demolition and refurbishment works will be to separate the two schools and make good the resultant building ‘scars’. Despite its generous overall size, the school campus has several aspects that make the construction project more challenging: Firstly, it shares a single access road off Spencefield Lane with the Krishna-Avanti Primary School, who further complicates matters as they operate different school opening hours. This is the primary service route onto site and as such it creates a substantial logistics problem in terms of site traffic, construction operations and the continued access and maintenance of two schools that must remain live throughout the duration of the scheme. Secondly, there are a number of very large, well established trees that presently grow in the footprint of the new building. Planning permission has been given to remove these trees and replace them with new specimens in more suitable locations, but great care must be taken not to affect the water table and negatively influence the levels of shading and screening that are currently enjoyed. 16 17/02/2016 Thirdly, as with most schools, car parking is considered to be at a premium and the new build element of the works further complicates site logistics as it has been designed to sit on the site of the existing main car park. Alternative car park provision has been allowed for and in order to accommodate any risk of future flooding, SUDS design principles have been utilised and adopted. Finally, the demolition and making good of a substantial portion of the existing building means that party wall issues, acoustic treatments, water-proofing, aesthetics, thermal heat loss and shading all need to be factored into the final design solution. Originally, the St Pauls School project was envisaged as being approximately 52% refurbishment works and 48% new-build works, but this has changed due to the on-going design development process and now it incorporates a much larger percentage of new-build works. The final design solution consists of 95% new-build and just 5% refurbishment works*, with a number of the existing buildings being demolished, and minimal refurbishment of the remaining buildings, which is mainly associated with making good the areas where the built elements have been demolished. *It should be noted that these figures relate purely to the actual construction works. In terms of the overall school complex as a whole, New-Build = 52%, Refurbishment Works = 3% and Areas Not Touched At All = 45% 17 17/02/2016 1.1 Description Figure 1.1: View of the existing St Pauls Catholic School from the shared entrance road/ car park Like most schools, St Pauls has changed and expanded since it was originally built in 1945, due to the constantly evolving needs of staff, pupils and government. Indeed elements of the school can be dated between 1945 and 1966, while other areas were built post 1976. Despite a variety of styles and periods of construction, the majority of the existing school has been built over just two-storeys, presumably to maintain its discreet placement within the residential neighbourhood. In addition to the main school building, there are also two temporary accommodation blocks that have been added as a more fiscal means of increasing capacity without complication. The buildings are unexceptional and can be classified as being either ‘satisfactory’ or ‘poor’ in their current state. They are also greatly affected by major internal access and circulation problems caused by a number of stepped level changes on each floor. In the case of modern buildings, these issues would have been addressed through the use of suitable ramps and/ or lifts, however the age of the buildings and the constraints of the existing design mean that this has not been possible at St Pauls. The construction pallet for the existing school buildings is in the main fairly traditional, utilising brick and block façades with flat roof construction above. There is also a distinct lack of innovative construction materials and techniques which further lend the existing buildings to upgrade and overhaul, if not complete replacement. Internally, the school utilises a natural ventilation system, which would be considered desirable if it was subject to today’s modern design standards. Unfortunately, this is not the case and there is a significant problem with heating and ventilation throughout the entire school which leaves the rooms very hot during the summer months and very cold during the winter. 18 17/02/2016 Minimal insulation has been installed within the external walls and the dated glazing offers little in the way of heat retention, or performance comparable to modern construction UValues. This problem is so severe that at present the school utilises no less than twenty-nine boilers on site in order to maintain a tolerable ambient temperature. The majority of the existing classrooms are also too small to facilitate modern classroom sizes and teaching requirements and when compared with the DCSF model school accommodation schedule, the results highlight a shortfall of classroom accommodation in the region of 620m². Overall, the overriding impression is one of a very tired, worn out school, with poor access and circulation for the disabled and a definite need upgrading and modernisation. Although the school is on top of a gentle ridge which lies to the western side of the city, the actual school site is fairly flat and as a consequence it suffers from serious flooding when subjected to heavy rain. A significant part of construction works have therefore been identified for enhanced and improved drainage. St Pauls School has a typical secondary school occupancy pattern, with some out-of-hours use, and even though new facilities will be added as part of the new-build works, the frequency and duration of these extra-curricular activities are not expected to change a great deal. Also, as with most schools; during the period from late July to the end of August, the school will be mainly unoccupied as this constitutes the school’s summer vacation. Although this coincides with when most heat waves are likely to occur, heat waves can also occur at other times of the year, and there is no guarantee that the timing of the summer vacation will stay the same over the lifetime of the building. With this in mind it would not be acceptable to ignore excessive heat and ventilation requirements during the detailed design development period. Figure 1.2: Extract of Planning Drawing SP-L-201 ‘Existing Topographical Survey’ Rev A – showing the existing building mass, overall site layout and extensive tree planting that helps to make the school so unobtrusive in its residential context 19 17/02/2016 Despite the poor state of its existing buildings, The St Pauls School scheme has been subject to a number of constraints due to its limited CAPEX. When the school was originally identified as part of the Leicester BSF scheme, the initial intent for the BSF funding was to provide education transformation, however the funding is not sufficient for a whole new build project and as a result, Leicester City Council and Miller Construction (UK) Limited were forced to re-think their approach. 20 17/02/2016 1.2 Design Stage Figure 1.3: View of the proposed St Pauls Catholic School from the shared entrance road Despite the best intentions of the Client and the Main Contractor, the St Pauls School project has been heavily delayed due to funding problems and the decision to change the direction of the design focus from refurbishment of the existing buildings, to mainly new-build works. The Climate Change Adaption Study began as a feasibility study, (with associated team briefings and surveys) in June 2012 when the design was still at RIBA Stage C/D, (Stage 2/3 in line with the proposals to amend this to reflect the Construction Industry Council’s (CIC) numbering strategy). The study has progressed and developed, following nine distinct project milestones over a period of twelve months until it was completed with the design at RIBA Stage K (CIC Stage 6). Although the work done on the Study has not been used to directly influence the St Paul’s RC School design, it has allowed Miller Construction (UK) Ltd to generate a compendium of information that will inform best practice guidelines within the company and help to benefit future developments and project design ideals. Project Milestones Feasibility study, including team briefing and surveys Jun – Aug 2012 Familiarise team with project concept and scope Jun – Aug 2012 Climate Risk Assessment: computer simulation modelling Sep – Nov 2012 Options appraisal on promising adaptation measures Sep – Nov 2012 21 17/02/2016 Quantitive risk assessment and options appraisal considering design challenges Nov – Feb 2013 Design work & redrafting drawings Mar – Apr 2013 Report preparation for Client & TSB of options appraisal and plan of detailed design work Mar – May 2013 Valuations pre and post implementing adaptation measures Apr – May 2013 Dissemination of the main learning points May – Jun 2013 The building simulations have been organised to run alongside the development of the design, and the modelling parameters that were used for the simulations have been summarised in Table 1.1. As noted earlier in this report, the emphasis has now been put on the new-build works, with far less scope for the refurbishment of the retained estate elements. This new direction has meant that the Design Team have focussed its efforts on the new-build works almost exclusively and this is where the greatest scope for adaptation can be determined. In a similar fashion, we have decided to concentrate our simulation exercises on the new-build areas only. As can be seen with Figure 1.3 above, a substantial new three storey building will be constructed to the south-east of the existing complex on the site of the existing main car park. Although the new building will stand alone from the main school complex, it will be linked to the rest of the school through its sympathetic use of materials and considerate design. It has also been designed as a bold, modern welcome to St Pauls School, incorporating the new main entrance, as well as a dedicated pupil entrance and standing out as the key school building that greets visitors and pupils alike after they have travelling up the shared main entrance drive. As this will be the first major structure that exceeds two-storeys, the architect has specified a change in façade material at higher level. The ground and first floors will be clad in traditional brickwork to better emulate the existing school buildings. However, the second floor has been stepped back and clad in lightweight cladding elements that allow for an understated and slightly subdued overall appearance, which was considered vital in responding to the requirements of the Client, local residents and overall ambiance. Curtain walling elements and comparable punched aluminium windows complete the façade and the roof has been designed primarily as a flat structure, clad in modern single-ply sheeting. In order to maximise the space available and in order to provide the greatest usable floor area for the Client and the End-User, the main plant equipment has been located within a stand-alone ‘satellite’ plant room, with the larger complementary plant such as air handling units and sizeable duct runs being located on the main roof, hidden from onlookers by sympathetic sight lines and small parapet upstands. Each floor has been designed to be flat and the ground floor utilises a level threshold to make it far more suitable for ambulant and non-ambulant disabled visitors and pupils. The shortfall in classroom accommodation has also been addressed, with a full suite of rooms that have been designed in line with modern guidelines, sizes and adjacencies. By working as part of a wider, specialist Design Team, the architect, structural and M&E engineers have also developed a building that incorporates the highest quality of fixtures and finishes, as well as the latest advances in modern technology. The greatest challenge being the need to specify and install mechanical and electrical elements such as wireless internet connection and high performance electrical cabling, while still falling within the remits of the cost plan. 22 17/02/2016 In order to improve upon the very poor heating and ventilation characteristics of the existing buildings, highly efficient and sizeable insulation elements have been included within the floors, cavity walls and roof construction. The overall façade construction has been designed in line with ambitious U-Values and airleakage rates in order to make the new building as energy efficient as possible. The M&E designers have also utilised advanced natural, mechanical and mixed-mode ventilation technology and heating that is provided by a mixture of air-blown sources and efficient radiator panels. Finally, a substantial two-storey canopy has been utilised in conjunction with internal blinds to the southernmost elevations to provide not only a visually impressive, aesthetic feature, but also much needed solar shading and protection from excessive heat gain. Figure 1.4: Proposed Site Plan taken from the early design development stages. The purple area represents the existing retained estate and the green area, the new-build element of the works. Although the site plan has changed slightly as the design has progressed, it remains fundamentally the same Although the Client’s budget has been used to maximise the building elements, considerable work has been undertaken to improve the external landscaping design. Access, coach dropoff, disabled parking provision and visitors parking spaces have been located at the front of the building, close to the new main entrance. Staff car parking has been designed to wrap around the building and make full use of the ‘back-of-house’ area in order to maximise security and the overall space available on site. The landscape architects and civil engineers have also worked hard to design external levels, sympathetic drainage runs and overall SUDS design technology to improve the existing site flood characteristics. Finally, additional planting in the form of shrubs, bushes and trees have been allowed for so that those that had to be removed to facilitate the new building will be reinstated, and the screening and shading that made the original site so elegant have been retained and improved upon. The original design concept allowed for extensive remodelling and refurbishment to the majority of the existing school buildings, with only a small amount of new-build works. Although the focus is now very much on the new building and works to the retained estate will be mainly restricted to aesthetic treatments and upgrades; the antiquated and very ineffective heating will be renovated with new controls and fewer boilers. 23 17/02/2016 Where existing internal walls will now become external due to the demolition works, these will be ‘made good’ and new insulation in line with current standards (Building Regulations Part L2b 2010) will be installed. Although the Client has yet to fully determine any enhancements to the contracted scope of works, there is also still the possibility that some new glazing elements may be installed to further improve the overall performance of the retained estate. The existing St Paul’s RC School shares a site with the Krishna Avanti free school. As with most dated school faculties, both schools utilise a number of main and subsidiary buildings to deliver their curriculum. This is partially by design and partially due to the necessity of providing an expanding classroom requirement, within a limited budget and an inability to add indefinitely to the main buildings. Indeed, the works that comprise the Leicester BSF Scheme are restricted almost entirely to a new building and without a physical connection to the existing structure, can be said to further add to the collection of buildings that make up the overall School development. That being said, the School is very much a sum of its parts and not a collection of standalone, satellite businesses. Without each individual structure, St Paul’s simply couldn’t function as a School and it is due to this that the Climate Change Adaptation Study report will concentrate on St Paul’s as a School in its entirety and not as part of a larger, more diverse development. The layout plans for both the retained estate and the new building have been included within Appendix 1A. 24 17/02/2016 1.3 Adaptation Study This Climate Change Adaptation Study is being run alongside the typical design development and project progression associated with the St Pauls School project, where the contractor has been appointed on a design and build basis to develop the design in line with the Employers Requirements and Contractors Proposal documents to the satisfaction of all parties. Typically in the case of Design & Build contracts the design is progressed to a basic level and the contractor appointed as Preferred Bidder. At this time, the design is developed through negotiation with the Client until it has reached a state conducive with that required in order to enable Financial Close. Any outstanding design items are either progressed to ‘Construction’ status by the contractor using due diligence and professional competence, or included as part of the project RDD (Reviewable Design Data) where it is further developed by both the Client and contractor. The technical, analytical element of the Study has been sub-contracted to De Montfort University (DMU) who are carrying out the building simulation work and reporting the results back to Miller Construction (UK) Limited through meetings and formal reports to the Design Team. Miller Construction (UK) Limited have undertaken to review the theoretical aspect of design adaptation in terms of the variables available for consideration during the design, procurement and construction aspects of this and other similar construction projects. Through the expertise of the Design and wider Project Teams, all aspects of sustainable design will be assessed and analysed, as well as potential adaptation more specifically suited to improving flood risk, overheating and inadequate ventilation. Miller Construction (UK) Limited will also assess the theoretical data generated in terms of real life project constraints such as Client aspirations, restricted budgets, availability, practicality and programme. Although this Study will not be used to directly influence the detailed design development process being undertaken for the St Pauls School scheme, this live project will be used to generate realistic recommendations that can be applied to future education schemes, as well as more broadly to projects in other areas of construction and development. The recommendations and overall conclusion derived from this Study will be assessed by Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s Senior Management Team, who will use it to determine how they might better structure the development of their future projects to achieve a more sustainable and adaptive overall design solution in the short, medium and long term. As with any construction project, managing Client expectations, a challenging budget and the need to adapt to current and future climate conditions is not an easy task. It is widely accepted that in order to adapt to hot summer weather, a design that incorporates substantial thermal mass would be required. However, the current design proposal for lightweight cladding to the facades will not provide this level of thermal mass. Miller Construction (UK) Limited have responded to the Client’s requirement for an aesthetic solution that provides interest and understated high-level construction, but at the same time have restricted the lightweight cladding to just 13.48% of the overall vertical façade in an attempt to find a mutually acceptable balance*. *It should be noted that this figure relates purely to the Trespa cladding that has been utilised on the vertical facades of the new building. When the amount of lightweight cladding is assessed in line with the overall building envelope this figure is as low as 7.04%. A table showing the breakdown of the external envelope elements and their percentages has been included on page 25 as Table 1.1 25 17/02/2016 The use of false, (suspended) ceilings within a large part of the final design solution will reduce the thermal mass characteristics of the new building even further. A great deal of time was spent considering this problem, but eventually the need to provide a discrete void for M&E service runs without a plethora of exposed ductwork, cabling and plant being fixed directly to an exposed concrete soffit or pre-formed metal tray was considered preferable to the Client. The design of a feature canopy will provide an aesthetic aspect to a project that is restricted by a very tight budget and unable to include an excessive amount of purely decorative design elements. In addition the canopy will protect part of the glazing to the south elevation, but there remain large areas of glazing without apparent shading. This was accepted by the various Project Team members, but there was neither the money, nor the building area to provide a more expansive canopy solution. To overcome the solution, the M&E engineers undertook a detailed thermal model analysis of the entire building. They explored the variables that could be applied in order to achieve the comfortable internal temperatures and anti-glare requirements of the building occupants, before demonstrating that a combination of over-shading from the canopy and nearby mature trees, internal blinds and building orientation would satisfy all of the requirements. In order to address the potential flooding issues, the civil engineer and landscape architect developed suitable external levels to prevent water from pooling, or falling towards the building. A detailed FRA was commissioned and the results used to ensure that the new building was located in the most optimum position on site. Extensive additional drainage runs, permeable hard landscaping finishes and SUDS principles were also used in order to produce a design that was as responsive to the site conditions and findings of the Study as possible. These designs were even ratified through independent calculations, separate to the Climate Change Adaptation Study. Theoretical results and analysis can be used to determine ‘Best Practice’ guidelines, but the realities of real life construction projects mean that these policies and procedures constantly need to evolve, adapt and change. Miller Construction (UK) Limited will use the information generated by this Study to better develop its future sustainability and adaptation strategies so that it is better placed to apply the results on subsequent schemes for the benefit of all the involved parties. Material Wall / Roof Percentage Area (m2) Single Ply Roof Hot Melt Roof Rooflights Roof Totals O/A Percentage 1861.54 706.22 17.46 2585.22 72.01% 27.32% 0.68% 100.00% 34.41% 13.06% 0.32% Trespa Brickwork Glazing Walls Totals 380.6 1559.2 884.4 2824.2 13.48% 55.21% 31.32% 100.00% 7.04% 28.82% 16.35% O/A Totals 5409.42 200.00% 100.00% Table 1.1: Table reflecting the materials used in the external façade and their relevant percentages in terms of the wall/ roof construction and also the overall building façade, (walls and roof) 26 17/02/2016 2.0 Section 2: Climate Risk Assessment As noted above, the key issues that affect the building and are considered to be the greatest risk factors associated with climate change are; flooding, overheating and inadequate ventilation. To fully appraise the extent of the issues faced by the development of the St Paul’s School, as well as similar projects in this and other parts of the country, it has been decided to address flooding as one issue and heating and ventilation as another. Risk factors and specific criteria that will need to drive the design and adaptation process will be detailed in Section 2, and the potential means of addressing the issues will be explored and expanded upon in Section 3. Flooding The fact that there have been recorded flooding problems in the past at the existing St Pauls School site has been touched upon in the previous section and in order to propose an adaptation strategy, it is first important to fully understand the cause of the flooding. In recent years unusually severe rainfall events have been recorded across the entire United Kingdom, (with 2012 being regarded as the second wettest year on record, despite having experienced a very dry winter.) This suggests that flooding may increase in future years and will require Design Teams to consider the problem suitably early in the design development process. Rather than merely addressing the immediate problem of flooding at the St Pauls School site, it is therefore equally important to ensure that a robust and adaptive design is developed, so that future climate change can be addressed without the need for extensive re-design and additional construction works in subsequent years. Figure 2.1: Environment Agency Floodplain Mapping, (extract from the Environment Agency website.) Key floodplain areas are shown in blue and this extract ably demonstrates that the St Pauls School site is located well away from any recognised sources of flooding 27 17/02/2016 With a history of flooding having been identified, Miller Construction (UK) Limited commissioned HSP Consulting to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) for the existing St Pauls School site and the proposed new development. The initial FRA indicated that the site sat within an area classified as ‘Flood Zone 1’ – Low Risk. This means that there is an annual probability of fluvial flooding of less than 1 in 1000. Miller Construction (UK) Limited also contacted Severn Trent Water, who checked the Flood Register for the area and they confirmed that there were no recent reports of flooding problems in the vicinity of the St Pauls School site. Further investigation confirmed that there was no known flood risk associated with ground water in this area, and that the site was not considered to be at risk of flooding from overland flow entering the site from the surrounding areas. Based on this data and the fact that PPS 25, (a Flood Risk Report produced by the Department of Local Government) utilises sequential testing to show that a development of this type is appropriate in this area, it is clear that the flooding reported at St Pauls School must be being caused by something other than climatic conditions*. Copies of the HSP Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Risk Addendum have been included within Appendix 2A of this report. Analysis of the topographical survey information, (included in Appendix 2B) and a visual site inspection revealed that the ground floor levels of the existing new reception and the existing sports halls were substantially lower than the neighbouring car park and impermeable playground area. Figure 2.2: Photograph clearly showing that the existing School reception is substantially lower than the neighbouring car park *It should be noted that although PPS 25 demonstrates that the development of a new school building in this area is appropriate, the fact that it is an educational building means that it is classified as being ‘more vulnerable’ It is also worth noting that although still entirely relevant, PPS 25 in in the process of being replaced by the more expansive National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) document 28 17/02/2016 These levels varied from 500mm to 700mm and despite the inclusion of two strip drains at the top and bottom of the main entrance stairs, water ingress continued to be a problem with water merely washing off the impermeable surrounding surfaces and swamping the existing drainage provision. Figure 2.3: Photograph providing a closer view of the recessed main entrance and the strip drain provision currently installed as flood protection Figure 2.4: Photograph demonstrating the slope of the ground towards the existing Sports Hall and the overall level discrepancy allowing rainwater runoff to flow towards and even into the existing building 29 17/02/2016 Existing level differences between the buildings and the external topography clearly have a negative effect on surface water ingress, but the level of impermeable surfacing utilised on the site also has a significant effect. HSP Consulting calculated that the total amount of existing impermeable elements on the site totalled 13,095m2: 6,705m2 6,390m2 Buildings Access Roads, Footpaths and Playgrounds By using a rainfall rate of 50mm/ hour for a storm within a year return period,* the impermeable area on the existing site is calculated to generate 182l/s run-off (2.78 x 50 x 1.3095). This is a significant figure in itself, but when you consider that the Environment Agency has limited the discharge rate for surface water run-off from the St Pauls School site to just 16l/s, based on a 1 in 30 year storm event, future adaptation will need to allow for a substantial amount of on-site attenuation. Other factors that complicate the drainage design and further serve to exacerbate the flood risk potential are ground conditions and inadequate maintenance. Despite best practice guidelines and HSP Consulting’s recommendations in the FRA, it will not be possible to utilise soakaway or infiltration principles at St Pauls as the geological survey reports indicate a proliferation of clay substrate and as such a very poor natural drainage medium. Figure 2.5 (above) and 2.6 (right): Two images that effectively show how the existing drainage ditches have either been filled in and ‘re-claimed’ by local residents, or left to become overgrown and wholly inefficient *This figure is considered to be the industry standard by professional consultants such as HSP Consulting and although its origins are somewhat sketchy, it is thought to have been derived from the Climate Flood Studies Report data 30 17/02/2016 The existing drainage ditches that border a large part of the playing fields perimeter were also explored in case they could be adapted to suit the current project requirements. Unfortunately, since their initial creation, local residents have filled in a large area of these ditches, which along with excessive silting due to insufficient previous maintenance regimes has meant that even where they do function as intended, the capacity is now insufficient to allow them to operate as surface water drainage conduits. Further site investigation revealed that the existing below ground drainage provision was also in poor condition and through a series of meetings with the resident teaching body; it was also possible to ascertain that rainwater actually backed up in the pipes and over-spilled into the building via rodding eyes and other points of potential weakness. A CCTV camera survey of the existing drainage runs would be required to fully determine the extent of the problem, but these findings would suggest that the current system has degraded and failed in places. This will in turn greatly limit the capacity of the overall system and lead to backing up and internal flooding. Following a detailed review of the potential climate risk factors associated with the drainage design and future flooding events, it is clear that there are a number of key areas that must be addressed. The adaptation strategy required to effectively overcome and manage these factors will be further detailed in Section 3. Heating and Ventilation Evidence collated from recently completed school projects that have incorporated the high levels of insulation required by the Building Regulations show that overheating and inadequate ventilation is a major problem with many of the completed buildings that have been assessed1 and2. This is also an issue that has been observed historically in many older post-war schools due to the large areas of un-shaded glazing used in their design and construction. Curiously enough, although the contributing factors are very different, the resultant problem and need for adaptation within design and construction practices is the same for new and existing school buildings. Climatic data has been provided as part of the Section 2.1 Datasets in order to provide a base understanding of the overheating/ ventilation design risks associated with modern construction practices. By utilising this environmental data we can initially assess the contributing macro factors that will inform a building’s design, before we move on to consider the micro factors associated with the building itself. Overheating is exacerbated by having a high concentration of people in classrooms, and in recent years the large amount of IT equipment necessitated by technological advancement, changes in teaching practices and personal user preference have resulted in unwanted and unmanageable heat gains in many key areas. 1 Amrita Dasgupta , Antonis Prodromou & Dejan Mumovic (2012) Operational versus designed performance of low carbon schools in England: Bridging a credibility gap, HVAC&R Research, 18:1-2, 37-50 2 See 31 17/02/2016 When this is coupled with the fact that climate change characteristics are resulting in a warmer climate overall, the widespread expectation is for a dramatic reduction in heating demand as opposed to an increased, or static requirement. The main factor that must be addressed by M&E engineers in modern building design is therefore the provision of suitable ventilation and not heating provision. As explained in the Application, the design priority for modelling theoretical building adaptation is therefore summer comfort. In terms of hours of overheating in classrooms, the St Pauls School design uses a combination of natural, mechanical and mixed-mode ventilation. The majority of the new building is managed by the mixed-mode system, with only a relatively small percentage of rooms being exclusively natural, or mechanically ventilated. Mixed-mode ventilation refers to a hybrid approach to space conditioning that uses a combination of natural ventilation from operable windows, (either manually or automatically controlled) and mechanical systems that include air distribution equipment and refrigeration equipment for cooling. Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s Design Team has worked hard to produce a well-designed mixed-mode building beginning with intelligent facade design in order to minimize cooling loads. The system integrates the use of air conditioning when and where it is necessary, with the use of natural ventilation whenever it is feasible or desirable, to maximize comfort while avoiding the significant energy use and operating costs of year-round air conditioning. Summer comfort is a significant problem in modern schools even in the current climate and this is something that is only expected to get worse. New highly insulated buildings with lightweight walls are particularly susceptible, so require adaptation measures such as solar shading, improved ventilation and more thermal mass. This unfortunately has to be balanced by the realities of the economic climate, the Client’s brief and budget and the directives given within the statutory documentation and guidelines; all of which make the task of producing an adaptive overall solution even more difficult. Figure 2.7: Simple pictorial example of the operating philosophy behind a concurrent mixed-mode ventilation system 32 17/02/2016 Design criteria that must to be adhered to by any building contractor has been detailed below as a further example of the challenges facing the Project Team associated with the St Pauls School project: Heating The heating systems shall be designed and capable of maintaining the minimum internal air temperatures as stated in the Building Bulletin 873. The sizing of the heating system shall be in accordance with CIBSE Guides4. Overheating The following criteria shall be met to prevent overheating in compliance with Approved Document L25: The performance standards for summertime overheating in compliance with Approved Document L25 for teaching and learning areas are: There should be no more than 120 hours when the air temperature in the classroom rises above 28°C The average internal to external temperature difference should not exceed 5°C (i.e. the internal air temperature should be no more than 5°C above the external air temperature on average) The internal air temperature when the space is occupied should not exceed 32°C The following design criteria will be used to assess the thermal comfort in terms of overheating for the non-teaching rooms without cooling for a whole year: An occupied space is deemed to be overheating if the dry resultant temperature exceeds 28°C for more than 1% of the annual occupied times. This assessment uses the Design Summer Year (DSY) weather file for Nottingham as required by CIBSE guidance, as the benchmark criteria stated in CIBSE Guide A, table 1.86. 3 DfES. 2003 Building Bulletin 87 Guidelines for environmental design in schools. London, UK: Department for Education and Skills 4 See (subscription required) 5 See (chargeable download required) 6 See d=82&st=Guide+a (subscription required) 33 17/02/2016 Ventilation The ventilation shall be provided by means of openable windows/ mechanical extract systems in compliance with Building Bulletin 101, (7 and 8) in order to achieve the following CO2 concentrations in all occupied teaching spaces: At any occupied time, the occupants should be able to lower the concentration of carbon dioxide to 1000ppm The average concentration of carbon dioxide should not exceed 1500ppm The maximum carbon dioxide should not exceed 5000ppm during the occupied teaching day Where mixed-mode ventilation shall be provided to all internal occupied areas, the rate of ventilation shall be as stated in the Building Bulletin 1017 and8. 7 DfES. 2006. Building Bulletin 101 Ventilation of school buildings. London, UK: Department for Education and Skills.(updated 2012)d 8 See entilation-and-indoor-air-quality-in-schools-building-bulletin-101 34 17/02/2016 2.1 Datasets As part of the technical simulations being run by De Montfort University, this project will utilise the weather data produced in the Prometheus Project at the University of Exeter. At present there are no standard sets of weather data for current or future climates, as historically different datasets that have been produced by different research groups have proven inconsistent. However, the adaptation analysis for the St Pauls School scheme is not particularly sensitive to the details of the weather years, provided that they reflect hotter summer weather in the future. This is because the measures being discussed and analysed will remain effective under a range of conditions. The Prometheus set is one of the few ‘off the shelf’ sets available, and it is already in the right format for the Energy Plus simulation system that will be used with these simulations. Design/ Modelling Aspect Geometry/ Room Usage Occupancy Patterns Details Defined and set up in the model A standard school day has been used. Actual occupancy will remain unknown until the building is handed over and operational Internal Gains Standard patterns for schools will be utilised Constructions The detail drawings of the main construction elements have been used to define dimensions and typical thermal properties for the materials given Weather Data Existing Climate Data - the CIBSE Test Reference Year (TRY) has been defined as an average year for the nearest site, Nottingham and used for initial testing and design development Existing Climate Data – the Prometheus Project Design Summer Year (DSY) (based on CIBSE DSY definition) has been defined as a ‘hot summer’ for the nearest site, Leicester and used for initial testing and optimisation For statistical analysis, 60 future weather files for Leicester have been sourced from the Prometheus Project. These included 2030, 2050 and 2080 weather files, with both medium and high emission scenarios. Also all available probabilities were included (10, 33, 50, 66 and 90) as were both TRY and DSY weather years. This provides a wide statistical set of outputs for risk analysis at varying probability levels Table 2.1: This table defines the modelling parameters that have been used for the Climate Change Adaptation Study Weather data Two main types of ‘weather year’ are widely used in building design in the UK; these are the Test Reference Year (TRY) and the Design Summer Year (DSY), as provided by CIBSE. The standard TRY is a set of twelve real, ‘average’ months selected from a recent twenty year set of recorded data; these come from several different years. The months are selected as, ‘average’ based on; temperature, solar radiation and wind, with equal weighting applied to each. 35 17/02/2016 The DSY is a single real year, selected on the basis of the average temperature between April and September and reflective of a period that is warmer over a period of 1 in 8 years. The weather outside these months is irrelevant as the year is intended mainly for summer design. The same selection procedure can be applied to artificially generated future years, provided there is a large enough sample to produce the statistics required. For future weather analysis using building simulation, a set of weather years with hourly data, at a known level of probability was required. The UK Climate Projections 2009 (UKCP) website9 provides a large amount of data and statistical summary, but does not provide weather files for hourly data. However, using the future climate results and weather generator provided by the UKCP, various hourly weather files have been produced. One of the most widely used sets is from the Prometheus project10 at the University of Exeter, which provides weather years for a wide range of timescales, probability levels and greenhouse gas emission scenarios: “The PROMETHEUS project has produced a number of future weather files which can be used to 'future-proof' buildings against predicted climate change. The files were created using the UKCP09 weather generator, and are available for download for free from this website, subject to terms and conditions. The weather files are currently available for 45 locations as indicated by the map on the right, 3 time periods and 2 emissions scenarios.” The weather files shown in Table 2.2 were used in the building simulations for this project. There are four factors which differentiate these files; Time Period, Emission Scenario, Probability, and Type of Weather (average or design summer year, as described above). Time Period Four time periods were used in order to generate the climate scenario model; Present Climate, 2030s, 2050s and 2080s. The Prometheus file was used to compile actual climate data for the present day in order to create consistency with the way the other (future) weather years were produced. Emission Scenario The three future scenarios for greenhouse gas emission levels that were selected were those used in the UK Climate Projections published in 2009; Low (known as SRES B1), Medium (known as A1B) and High (known as A1F1). In this context a scenario is described as: “A plausible representation of the future development of emissions of substances (e.g. greenhouse gases and aerosols that can influence global climate. These representations are based on a coherent and internally consistent set of assumptions about determining factors (such as demographic and socio-economic development, technological change) and their key relationships.” It should be noted that, no probability is associated with the scenarios, but that they are not considered equally likely; in fact it is very unlikely that any will be realised. 9 See 10 See 36 17/02/2016 The emissions are shown in Figure 2.1 as solid lines; the dashed lines are scenarios used in the earlier (2002) set of predictions. Figure 2.1: IPCC climate projections used in defining weather years. Source: UK Climate Projections11 Probability While emission scenarios are not associated with any probability, within each scenario it is possible to define probabilistic weather years fairly precisely. Such weather years have been produced by the Prometheus project, corresponding to the present day TRY and DSY weather years. The process is somewhat complex and explained in a journal paper12, but in essence the procedure is as follows: i) 11 Run the UKCP09 weather generator in order to generate one hundred samples of 30 years of hourly future weather data for a given decade. Choose a location, (the 25 km grid square for Leicester in this case) and an emission scenario. Each of the one hundred samples is randomly selected from a distribution of 10,000 sets of climate realisations produced from UKCP09, and each sample of 30 years is equally likely See 12 Eames M, T Kershaw and Coley D, On the creation of future probabilistic design weather years from UKCP09, Building Serv. Eng. Res. Technol. 32,2 (2011) pp. 127–142 37 17/02/2016 ii) Use pre-determined variables that are already available and have been provided in order to calculate any missing variables within the model i.e. wind speed, wind direction, air pressure and cloud cover etc iii) Generate TRY and DSY files, one of each 30 year sample, using the same method as for current weather years (i.e. one hundred TRYs and one hundred DSYs) iv) Order the one hundred TRY and DSY data according to ascending monthly mean temperature, in separate months v) Use point-wise intervals to choose the relevant percentiles required vi) Convert the weather files into the format required by building thermal simulation packages (in this instance, EnergyPlus) In step four, for every month, the mean monthly temperature is ordered and complete months, (with their other weather variables) at the required percentile are selected. It should be noted that; 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles are used in this instance. The months with the corresponding hourly time series are then joined together to form the future weather year for each percentile. For example, to create the ten percentile TRY, select the 10th coldest January, February etc. from the one hundred Januarys, Februarys etc. and join then together to make a complete year. Similarly, the median (50th percentile) year is formed by selecting the 50th January, February etc. in the rankings. While these years are physically unrealistic, (in the sense that no real year is ever consistently cold, warm or average at a fixed level every month) it does enable designs to be evaluated at a known level of risk. This is also the same approach used for current TRYs and DSYs, except that these are at just single probability levels – average for TRY (corresponding to 50th percentile) and 1 year in 8 exceedence for DSYs. The percentile values can be interpreted as follows for a given decade and emission scenario, (with the caveat that in real years there would be much more variation between months) for TRY and DSY respectively: 10th percentile – 9 out of 10 TRY/ DSY years would be warmer, 1 in 10 colder 33rd percentile – 2 out of 3 TRY/ DSY years would be warmer, 1 in 3 colder 50thpercentile (median) – 5 out of 10 TRY/ DSY years would be warmer, 5 in 10 colder 66th percentile – 1 out of 3 TRY/ DSY years would be warmer, 2 in 3 colder 90th percentile – 1 out of 10 TRY/ DSY years would be warmer, 9 in 10 colder It should be noted though, that the DSY is already a ‘1 year in 8’ warmer, so only 1 in 80 (10 x 8) of all years for that decade would be warmer than the 90 percent DSY. In terms of risk, the 10th percentile level could be defined as the ‘nearly smallest change’ future climate, in that there is a 90% chance that it will be warmer. The median, or ‘middle’ level defined as the level that corresponds to current design practice, with historic TRY and DSY years, and the 90th percentile level seen as carrying only a conservative amount of risk, as designing to these figures would be akin to designing for the near-worst future climate i.e. there would be only a 10% chance of a higher level of warming. 38 17/02/2016 Emission Scenario Period Probability % Type of year Historic Present day 50 TRY, DSY Low, Medium, High 2030’s 10, 33, 50, 66, 90 TRY, DSY 2050’s 2080’s Table 2.2: This table reflects the combinations of factors that were utilised in order to generate the weather years used in our simulations. N.B. For present day, no emission scenario and only median probability was utilised The following figures show summaries of the monthly statistics for different sets of weather years. These are ‘box and whisker’ plots. The middle line shows the median value for the month, and the blocks extend down to the lower quartile value, (75% of values exceed this) and up to the upper quartile value, (25% of values exceed this) while the ‘whiskers’ extend down and up the minimum and maximum values in the month respectively. All the plots show dry bulb temperature only. Figure 2.2: Box and whisker plots for current weather Prometheus TRY (light grey) and DSY (dark grey) years 39 17/02/2016 Figure 2.3: Box and whisker plots for Prometheus TRY for high emissions scenario, and various probabilities (percentiles) 40 17/02/2016 Figure 2.4: Box and whisker plots for Prometheus DSY for medium emissions scenario, and various probabilities (percentiles) 41 17/02/2016 It is interesting to note that for the near-worst case 90th percentile, the July TRY temperatures are fairly similar in terms of the high emissions TRY (average year) and the medium emissions DSY (hot summer year), averaging over 20°C, (comparable with the 2003 heat wave in the UK) and well above the current weather values. These graphs also illustrate the many different choices available for evaluating risk with the climate change data now available, compared to the current design data. 42 17/02/2016 3.0 Section 3: Adaptation Strategy A description of the Climate Change Adaptation Study premise has been included within Section 1.3 of this Report, (page 25), so a further detailed introduction to the process is unnecessary. However, in order to lead succinctly into the main Section of this report, the key aspects from that Sub-Section have been listed below: This Study is being run alongside the main construction project and will be used to inform future schemes as opposed to directly affect the St Pauls School scheme The technical, analytical and building simulation element of the Study has been subcontracted to De Montfort University Miller Construction (UK) Limited have undertaken to review the theoretical aspect of adaptation in terms of design, procurement and construction The adaptation review will concentrate mainly on the key factors identified in Section 2 of this report, namely; flood risk, overheating and inadequate ventilation Miller Construction (UK) Limited will also review theoretical proposals and simulation data against ‘real-life’ constraints to create a realistic and achievable proposals document for informing future projects in the short, medium and long-term As the St Pauls School Project was on-site and substantially developed before this Study was finalised, the Employers Requirements and Contractors Proposals documents were already in place and the Client’s specific requirements well documented. As such only minimal amendments to the design as a direct result of the Study could be made and instead the Client’s aspirations had to be managed accordingly As a lot of the changes recommended in the Study Report were incorporated into the final design solution despite the progressed state of the design and the limitations of a lump-sum budget, it stands as elegant proof that sound adaptation design innovations needn’t be cost prohibitive This Section of the Report concentrates on the factual information generated during the course of the Study and with the conclusions drawn by the Project Team in terms of how best to process them in a useful and practical manner. As the majority of De Montfort University’s simulation exercise has been focused on the adaption of the heating and ventilation variables, Miller Construction (UK) Limited have taken the lead on the assessment of flooding adaptation possibilities. In the same way that they were addressed in Section 2, these two climate risk factors will be dealt with separately in Section 3. Flooding Possible design solutions that could be employed to address the actual risk factors highlighted in Section 2 have been detailed and expanded upon below: 43 17/02/2016 Levels The existing site levels clearly cause a considerable problem by encouraging storm water that cannot drain into the impermeable clay substrate or hard landscaping to flow towards and into the existing school buildings. As a great deal of the area surrounding the existing retained estate will need to be re-planned, re-graded and replaced as part of the final solution, there is an opportunity to provide a more passively efficient system of storm water re-direction without the need to resort to a large number of channel drains. This could be achieved at no extra cost during the contractor’s typical ‘cut-and-fill’ balancing exercise and even if levels cannot be dropped across the entire site, re-grading to ensure that surface water flows away from the existing buildings should be possible. Permeable Surfaces One of the key factors causing flooding on the existing St Pauls School site and highlighted within HSP Consulting’s FRA was the proliferation of impermeable surfaces within the external landscaping. This was most specifically noted where the existing main car park and play area caused rain water run-off to flow towards and into the existing Reception Area and Sports Halls. The area allocated for the new St Pauls School building is the current site of the existing car park and play area. By locating the new building here, demolishing the elements seen as causing the biggest problem with unwanted surface water run-off and by providing permeable surfacing as part of the new landscape design, a number of issues could be addressed at the same time. Natural areas to locate permeable hard-landscaping would be pavements and parking bays etc, but when proposing features of this type, it must be accepted that they come with an increased maintenance aspect. Over time, if not regularly maintained, they will silt-up and become inoperable, which would leave the Client and End-User in the same position as they find themselves now. It should also be carefully considered as more frequent and specialist maintenance will increase the overall maintenance budget and even if correctly maintained, permeable hard landscaping elements do not have the same expected lifespan as their solid equivalents Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) Section 3.1 of the Building Regulations Part H utilises a hierarchical approach to determine which means of drainage should be considered by the Design Team during the detailed design development period. Firstly, consideration must be given to the use of soakaways and infiltration techniques, then to providing a connection with a nearby waterway, and finally a connection to an existing public sewer system if the previous two options are not possible. HSP Consulting’s FRA report confirms that in line with Table 3.3 of the Ciria SUDS Manual, sufficient permissible treatment trains have been identified to enable SUDS to be considered on the St Pauls School project. These treatment trains can be defined as: All water from the new car parking areas will either pass directly into pervious pavements, or where this is not recommended for other design considerations, discharge over impermeable surfaces into areas of pervious paving Water from the new hard-standing areas and the new roof areas will dissipate to a catch pit upstream of below ground attenuation storage The water from the attenuation storage will then discharge at a controlled rate through a 140m long filter drain 44 17/02/2016 During storm events exceeding a 1 in 30 year return period, water will surcharge from the last manhole on site to an extended attenuation basin. All surface water from events exceeding a 1 in 30 year return event, up to a 1 in 100 year return period, plus 20% allowance for climate change will be contained in the attenuation basin The use of a wet pond has been considered as a form of attenuating water in low return period events however, the additional area that would be required for a wet pond would become considerable and would consume too much of the playing fields to be practical SUDS System Feasibility Outcome Restrictions Pervious Pavements Recommended Filter Drains Recommended Silt Removal Recommended Detention Basin Recommended Rainwater Harvesting To be considered at the detailed design stage* Ponds Not recommended Restricted Space Swales Not recommended Restricted Space Soakaways Not recommended Underlying Clay Green Roofs Not recommended Cost/ Benefit Bio Retention Not recommended Restricted Space Table 3.1: This table reflects the proposed SUDS systems listed in HSP Consulting’s FRA In light of the above, HSP Consulting have also stated that for on-site attenuation with a maximum off-site discharge rate of 16l/s for a 1 in 30 year event, and a need to address 1 in 30 – 1 in 100 year events, plus 20% for climate change there would be a requirement for: 408m3 Primary Cellular Storage on site, (below ground attenuation tanks) 317m3 Extended Detention Basin (dry pond that fills up only in wet weather conditions)* Improved Drainage Runs HSP Consulting’s FRA stated that the existing drainage runs at St Pauls School were in poor overall condition and even though a substantial amount will be replaced due to the demolition works and general disturbance caused by the construction of the new building, not all areas will be replaced. These existing pipes are not operating at the intended capacity and actually back-up and flood back into the building. To ensure future adaptability within the design, CCTV camera surveys could be used to identify any damaged or blocked pipework and funding identified by the Client to overhaul the entire drainage system. *It should be noted that Rainwater Harvesting was discussed in detail during the detailed design development stage, but that the capital cost was deemed too excessive to offset the overall benefit and as such it didn’t offer best value to the Client 45 17/02/2016 Improved Maintenance Regimes Irrespective of the innovations chosen for the St Pauls School scheme, it will be imperative that future maintenance regimes are established and adhered to in order for newly constructed and installed technology not to fail ahead of its expected lifespan. This can be achieved through the production of a detailed and robust Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Manual, suitably detailed and expansive training prior to Practical Handover and the development of a School Management Plan. Proposed below ground drainage plans have been included within Appendix 3A. Figure 3.1: Simple diagram showing the principles associated with an attenuation basin/ pond Heating and Ventilation The team at De Montfort University have a great deal of experience in building physics and thermal simulation. Given the nature of the design and through on-going discussions with Miller Construction (UK) Limited, they developed a set of possible adaption measures in relation to thermal behaviour which could be varied within the constraints of the design and would be expected to have an effect on thermal performance. The following SWOT analysis, (included on Page 48 of this report) is a critical assessment of these adaptation measures. As we can simulate a wide range of variable parameters, all of these elements were included within the simulation exercise except for the reflective external surfaces, as these are expected to have little effect in a modern, well-insulated building. *It should be noted that the Extended Detention Basin is also something that the Environment Agency has requested be added to the scheme in order to satisfy their own criteria, (and in order to remove their objection to the St Paul’s School project Planning Application 46 17/02/2016 Some notable constraints to the simulation were the lightweight cladding which could not be altered to more heavyweight construction, (such as masonry) and as a result the team at De Montfort University varied the densities of the internal plasterboard that was being used due to the fact that the most ‘useful’ thermal mass is to be found within the inner layers of a building. Also, Miller Construction (UK) Limited confirmed that triple glazing would not be within the Client’s budget, so a range of high performance, double-glazing solutions with varying solar control, thermal and light transmission properties were used.* *It should be noted that the alternative technology used by the team at De Montfort University as part of its simulation exercise was also not affordable as part of the Client’s overall budget, but in order to generate the most useful set of results data, it was agreed to be the most acceptable alternative 47 17/02/2016 Measure Strengths Shading – Building Can be very effective in reducing solar gain. Can be fairly cheap. Can reduce glare. Changes building aesthetics. Increases heating demand. May reduce view. Reduces daylight. Can enhance aesthetics. May be damaged in storms. Shading – Existing Trees Already in place. Deciduous trees mainly provide shade in summer. Not designed in. Does not provide shade in the spring before the leaves grow - can be strong solar gain. New trees take years to grow. Hard to model. Retain in order to enhance the ecology and external environment. May be destroyed by disease (e.g. ash die-back). Solar Control Glazing Reduces heat gain but not light. Increases heating demand. Expensive. Reflective External Surfaces In some cases it can be designed in at no extra cost. Little overall effect if highly insulated. Can increase overheating in some cases. Can be used for aesthetics – e.g. white finish. Coatings may weather and lose effectiveness, or peel off. Thermal Insulation (Greater Than Building Regulations) Relatively cheap. Reduces heat loss. Small effect on summer temperatures. Improves daylight design without overheating. Thermal Mass – Internal Surfaces Reduces daytime temperatures. Works with night ventilation. Inconsistent with lightweight cladding – increased cost. May increase the cost of the structure – higher building mass. Can use block work internal partitions more durable than plasterboard. Expose concrete floors and ceilings to expose the existing mass. Ventilation – Day Effective in reducing temperatures, while outside temperatures are lower than those inside. Not effective at high external temperatures. Control can be problematic – staff need training. Safety issues may limit openable areas. Ventilation – Night Effective in reducing temperatures if there is enough thermal mass. Control can be problematic – needs to be automated. Over cooling can result in a need for extra heating in order to prevent discomfort. Weakness 48 Opportunities Install ventilation louvres with automatic control. Threats (external) High night temperatures render this ineffective. Rain ingress. Security could be compromised. 17/02/2016 3.1 Simulation In order to develop the adaptation strategy, various parameters that relate to summer overheating were varied in the simulation exercise to establish an optimal set of solutions, (these parameters are shown in Table 3.2 below). It is important to note that there is no single solution due to the fact that there is a constant trade-off between overheating and the need to reduce overall heating energy consumption. Default Value Alternative Values External wall insulation layer thickness 0.15m 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3m External wall plasterboard density 900kg/m3 700, 1100, 1300, 1500kg/m3 Flat roof insulation layer thickness 0.36m 0.12, 0.18, 0.24, 0.3, 0.42, 0.48m Ground floor insulation layer thickness 0.12m 0.16, 0.2, 0.24, 0.28, 0.32, 0.36m Suspended ceiling Yes No Glazing type Double_4-12_low emissivity air Various glazing, including solar control - all double South overhangs depth 0m 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0m East overhangs depth 0m 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0m West overhangs depth 0m 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0m Table 3.2: Table reflecting the building parameters that were varied during the simulation exercises in order to find the most optimal solution (see also Table 3.3) Optimisation was run using the Leicester Design Summer Year DSY, (hot summer, current climate) weather file, and 80 generations and 4000 cases were evaluated. The results of these simulated generations can be seen in the screenshot included on Page 50 of this report (Figure 3.2). Each dot shown on the simulation screenshot represents one annual simulation, plotted in terms of CO2 emissions (x) and overheating hours (y). Overheating hours are defined as the sum of hours when any classroom temperature is greater than 25°C and when people are present in any one or more of the classrooms. If for example three classrooms were all in excess of 25°C, for one hour this would count as one hour. The white dots represent any simulation, the blue dots represent the final set of simulations derived as the system ‘evolves’ towards an improved solution, and the red dots are referred to as a ‘pareto front’ as they are closest to the x and y axes. The red dots of the ‘pareto front’ represent the ‘best’ solutions in as much as there are no other solutions which improve on both overheating and on CO2. 49 17/02/2016 Figure 3.2: This image represents an actual screenshot of the simulation results and clearly shows CO2 emissions (x) and overheating hours (y) that have been plotted. From the results that were achieved, further analysis was carried out to establish which combination of the variables indicated in Table 3.2 gave the most favourable results. A recommended set of design options has been reflected in Table 3.3, (included on Page 51 of this report), with the properties of the various glazing types derived from the information included in Table 3.4, (included on Page 52 of this report). 50 17/02/2016 Glazing Type Ext Wall Ground South East West Plaster- Floor Ins Overhangs Overhangs Overhangs board Thickness depth depth depth 900 .32 0 0.5 0 1100 .12 0.5 1 1 700 .12 0.5 0.5 0 1100 .20 0.5 0.5 1 Density Double_613_LoE_ElecAbs_Bleach_Ar Double_613_LoE_ElecRef_Bleach_Air Double_613_LoE_ElecRef_Bleach_Ar Double_6-13_LoE_SpecSel_Clr_Ar Table 3.3: Table proposing property combinations that give the most optimal results, (all without suspended ceilings, and with external wall insulation thicknesses of 0.3m. The selected values that have been noted above have also been shown in bold in Table 3.2* Although these have been included as the most optimum results, it should be noted that other project factors will affect the feasibility of their actual inclusion: The glazing used is high performance, high-specification and as such high cost. This is likely to mean that it cannot be specified if the overall project is to remain within the Client’s budget, especially in today’s economic marketplace Increasing the density of the external wall plaster is not an unrealistic proposal, however a large percentage of modern buildings avoid wet plaster applications in favour of pre-formed plasterboard sheets and dry-lining systems. A comparable simulation analysis would have to be undertaken for this material build-up to determine how similar the results were Ground floor insulation thicknesses are usually derived from a variety of different contributing factors. These include challenging U-Values, the need to conceal floorboxes, under-floor heating pipes, or conduits and trunking, maintenance plant that will need to traffic the floor in its finished state and compression rates of the insulation sheets to be installed. The Client’s brief is more usually geared towards maximising the insulation thicknesses, (more typically between 80-100mm thick) and in doing so reducing the overall heating costs and making the buildings as energy efficient as possible. To counter this, the greatest focus for the M&E engineers is usually the design of a suitably robust and effective ventilation system There is definite scope for utilising these optimal overhang dimensions, but design proposals are always at the mercy of the Client and Planning Officer The amount of space required by the M&E services in most modern buildings mean that it is a constant battle to find unobtrusive ways of hiding them from the view of the Client/ End-Users. A key means of providing ‘service voids’ is to utilise ‘false’ or suspended ceilings, either as light-weight removable tile and grid systems or in the form of fixed M/F ceiling installations. 51 17/02/2016 This cavity formed by a suspended ceiling provides an essential transit route for electrical cabling, mechanical pipework and duct runs, as well as all manner of essential elements that are more functional than aesthetic. While the need to utilise the thermal mass of a concrete floor slab shouldn’t be understated, there are very few instances where a Client will agree to a plethora of exposed services, or actually finds the look of exposed concrete appealing. There are equally few occasions when the time and money can be invested in designing and providing alternative vertical service risers and horizontal transfer routes purely in order to utilise the buildings inherent thermal mass to benefit the overall heating and ventilation solution, now or in the future. Glazing Type U-Value* Solar Heat Gain Factor Light Transmission Double_6-13_LoE_ElecAbs_Bleach_Ar 1.32 0.47 0.66 Double_6-13_LoE_ElecRef_Bleach_Air 1.62 0.42 0.63 Double_6-13_LoE_ElecRef_Bleach_Ar 1.32 0.42 0.63 Double_6-13_LoE_SpecSel_Clr_Ar 1.33 0.42 0.68 Table 3.4: This table demonstrates the glazing properties used in Table 3.3 on the preceding page of this report *As noted earlier, it should be understood that these U-Values are extremely difficult to achieve without very high specifications and similarly high price tags. While they should indeed be striven for wherever possible, the financial implications involved with their use usually makes their inclusion prohibitive in most instances 52 17/02/2016 Figure 3.3: Effect of different glazing types (Table 3.4) on performance Figure 3.3 shows how lower solar heat gain factors lead to less overheating but higher CO2 emissions, which are also affected by U-values. The results shown on the preceding four pages indicate that varying the design parameters will have the following effect on overall performance: Suspended ceilings should be avoided wherever possible as they tend to increase overheating Maximising wall insulation is desirable as it will act not only to reduce the overall heating demand, but also the potential for summer overheating** Ground floor insulation has little effect The optimal amount of solar shading varies with building orientation and the overall quantity utilised as it has opposite effects on heat demand and overheating. It should also be noted however that its effect is reduced anyway due to the potential for shading by nearby tree. **Although increasing the wall insulation might be considered optimal, it results in much deeper window reveals. Where natural or mixed-mode ventilation has been specified, it will result in the opening lights still needing to project a minimum of 100mm from the face of the façade in order to achieve the airflow needed. This increased window opening dimension can create serious problems in terms of H&S and ‘Secure By Design Principles’ and as such a design compromise is often required 53 17/02/2016 Using the four combinations of design parameters defined in Table 3.3, simulations were run for the sets of future weather years defined in Table 2.1, i.e. DSY and TRY years for low, medium and high emission scenarios at 10%, 50% and 90% probability levels and for 2030s, 2050s and 2080s. Results of these simulations have been added to Appendix 3B, reflecting medium and high emission scenarios, but not low emissions as the results for these scenarios were somewhat less extreme. Present weather results are given as stars on the plots, labelled ‘reference’. Additional data relating to rainfall has also been added to Appendix 3B for reference: Appendix 3B: Weather year simulations and additional rainfall data Pages 18-27 Weather year simulations Additional rainfall data Summary Pages 18-22 Pages 22-26 Pages 26-27 Other Adaptation Variables That Can Be Considered In Relation To The Heating And Ventilation Design By considering the design implications early enough in the design development process, it is possible to use the ‘stack effect’ generated with multiple-storey buildings to maximise a natural ventilation system. In doing so, a more efficient and cost effect answer to overheating and ventilation can be achieved Although addressing the physical elements that make up the building structure and fabric should always be the designer’s first port of call, the use of additional renewable technologies can also help to reduce costs, limit dependency on statutory services and improve the overheating and ventilation requirements of a building Photovoltaic panels, air-source heat pumps and wind turbines can be incorporated on the roof of buildings and used to generate a return on the initial capital cost investment If the Client is looking for a less invasive, or involved solution there is also the possibility of connecting the building to the district heating system and benefiting from the economies of scale that this affords, as well as from the fact that a large element of the infrastructure required is already in place More energy efficient hardware could be specified, (if the budget allows for it) Similarly, if there is scope within the budget, lower heat emitting computer equipment can be specified and installed Depending on the complexity of the M&E solution required and the budget that is available; night/ evening purge cooling could be specified and installed. This could even be achieved by cooling the building prior to the start of the school day if so desired 54 17/02/2016 Timescales For Adoption Immediately: Drainage Whether the intention is to repair and replace the ineffective existing drainage runs, or to install drainage runs for an entirely new building, if they are not designed and included as part of the initial works, the cost and disruption associated with undertaking the works at a later date can be prohibitive, especially in the case of a live school environment Levels Similarly, changing the external site levels at any time other than during the initial project works is seldom worth it in the overall scheme of things Permeable Surfaces The installation of permeable surfaces should only be considered in conjunction with any complementary drainage amendments and level changes. While it is feasible to change impermeable surfaces for permeable ones at any time, unless a pre-existing drainage network exists to connect into, there will be nothing to carry away the additional surface water that is collected. As noted earlier, laying a brand new series of drains is best left for the initial construction period and not as a supplementary item of work SUDS Essentially, whatever the specific SUDS element being targeted, it is a drainage solution and needs to be considered with the same reasoning as noted above At Any Time: Maintenance Although it is sensible to instigate a thorough and robust maintenance regime at the same time that a building has been newly constructed and handed over, it is not essential. Even if a maintenance policy is well established and adhered to, it is also not a bad thing to undertake regular reviews and to update it accordingly. Modern buildings are designed for in excess of 30, 40, or even 50 years and in that time materials need replacing, technology advances, environmental constraints change and the regulations that we have to adhere to develop to suit. This is especially true of education facilities, where in addition to the changes noted above, buildings often need to adapt and expand with extensions and upgrades. As such a Client should look to review and revise his maintenance regime whenever a key contributing factor changes to the detriment of the existing policy or practice. In this way he can maximise his assets with the minimum of additional cost or disruption Additional Shading From Trees Soft and hard landscaping can be changed relatively easily and is not constrained in the same way that the building design is. 55 17/02/2016 With that in mind, if a Client wishes to benefit from the additional shading that can be afforded by neighbouring trees they have two options; a) to utilise the most cost effective option of buying young trees and planning in advance for them to grow and mature into the cover that is desired. b) to purchase mature trees and install the ‘ready-made’ article. The former is usually impractical due to the sheer length of time that a tree requires to reach sufficient size even to shade a single storey building, (this includes even the fastest growing species of tree). The latter is also usually impractical as the cost of purchasing, transferring and installing a mature tree is usually hugely prohibitive. The most cost efficient and effective way of achieving the natural screening desired by the Client is usually therefore to ensure that it is installed during the initial construction programme. By thorough review and diligent discussion it is often possible to achieve not only an affordable solution, but one that is aesthetic and beneficial in terms of passive solar shading Changing External Cladding Elements As most multi-storey buildings are now built using a structural frame and not load bearing walls, the cladding that wraps the building is arguably decorative, or functional only in terms of the acoustic and thermal performance that is desired by the Client. With this in mind it is theoretically possible to change it whenever this is deemed necessary, without excessive relative cost or complexity. Cladding elements are typically designed to last for twenty or more years, so the need to change them is often surpassed by the Client’s desire. It should also be noted that although cladding can be considered in terms of a ‘skin’ it is often intrinsically linked to the layers that lie beneath it and any changes to the external façade might necessitate changes to the internal insulation, sub-framing system, (such as SFS) or even the internal wall lining. This type of adaptation should perhaps therefore only be considered where a building is to be stripped back to its constituent structural elements as opposed to a live building where only notional or desirable adaptation is required Exposing The Internal Floor Slabs As noted above, the potential use of concrete floor slabs as a means of maximising a building’s thermal mass is highly desirable. In the same manner as external cladding, false ceilings are not a structural requirement and can be removed at any time if so desired. Unfortunately if the decision to develop a building with exposed concrete soffits is not taken during the development of the initial project design, it can be extremely difficult to adapt at a later date. The void created between slab and ceiling is typically filled with a plethora of essential, but less than aesthetic mechanical and electrical installations. Even if the decision is taken to accept the sizable mechanical elements, re-routing the miles of electrical cabling and basketry can be expensive, difficult and costly. The ceilings themselves are also used as an integral part of the M&E design solution and support a number of key items. These include recessed light fittings, sprinkler heads, intake and extract covers, alarms, sounders and even signage. Unless the building is to be stripped back to its basic structure it is again advisable to restrict this kind of adaptation to the initial design phase Overhangs Substantial overhangs such as colonnades are often part of the buildings inherent structural design and as such cannot easily be amended after the initial build period. 56 17/02/2016 Where supplementary shading is required in the form of brise soleil or canopies however, this can be undertaken at any time during a building’s lifespan. This kind of installation can greatly enhance the reduction in glare and solar gain for a relatively modest outlaw, (depending on the orientation and overall location of the building). While cost is perhaps the biggest driver in determining this adaptation, regardless of what stage it is sought to be implemented, a potential Client should ensure that the existing building’s structure is sufficiently robust enough to support the extra weight, stresses and strains of the projecting item, (especially those caused by massing snow and the uplift wind load). Ventilation – Night or Day Natural ventilation and mixed-mode ventilation relies on intrinsic design of the façade and floor plans in order to be effective and as such, amendments later in the life of a building are highly unlikely to be effective or efficient. Where mechanical ventilation is utilised however, there is scope for later amendments, although the potential effectiveness would need to be carefully assessed by an M&E engineer Solar Control Glazing The glazing within the external façade of a building is an item that can be changed at any time during its lifespan to not only improve the aesthetic appeal, but also to greatly benefit the overall thermal performance. Where the original design might have been deficient in terms of heat gain and glare, the addition of external projections such as canopies might not be possible due to structural limitations. In these instances a Client’s options are usually limited to internal blinds, or solar control glazing. Blinds are typically cheaper, but can cause H&S issues in school buildings where they are incorrectly specified in sensitive areas such as Science classrooms. In these instances, solar control glazing can be an unobtrusive and highly efficient solution that fully addresses maintenance, cost, environmental and regulatory issues Renewable Technologies Certain renewable technologies such as ground source heat pumps require a great deal of ground work and unless they have been designed and installed as part of the initial construction programme they can prove difficult to utilise as a subsequent adaptation. Other innovations such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines etc are arguably ‘bolt-on’ devices that can be installed at any time during a buildings lifespan. An option that isn’t strictly a renewable technology, but still provides a highly economical and sustainable solution is ‘Dual Fuel Technology.’ Simply put, this is the utilisation of a power plant that can operate equally as efficiently through the combustion of two different fuel sources. It is also possible with today’s advanced technology for the power plant to switch between those fuel sources at any time to ensure that the most efficient fuel source is being used at any one time. Dual Fuel power plants have been utilised in many different applications from cars, lorries and other vehicles, to domestic boilers and even gigantic power stations. Similarly, the fuel combinations available vary greatly, ranging from oil and gas, to electricity and diesel and even solid wood and biomass pellets. In every case the use of Dual Fuel technology enables an increased adaptability and flexibility that provides further benefits in the fuel commodity market, effectively ensuring that the user is never ‘held to ransom’ by individual fuel providers at any one time. 57 17/02/2016 As long as the basic infrastructure is present, (or easily installed) and the existing structure can support the additional load placed upon it, these technologies can not only reduce the overall heat and electricity load of a building, they can also generate a modest return on investment and over a period of time repay the capital cost of their installation in full. Renewable technologies can reduce life-cycle costs, respond favourably to changes in statutory regulations and provide a sustainable, environmental solution that allows a new or existing building to adapt positively to predicted changes in the climate. Where amendments to the physical make-up of a building cannot be accommodated, the addition of renewable technologies should be considered wherever the budget will allow More Efficient Hardware Technology advancements mean that well before the physical elements of a building have reached the end of their practical lifespans, the items that lie at their hearts and ensure that they continue to function and operate as intended have become obsolete, or in need of replacement. As part of a Client’s typical maintenance regime, they should identify when certain items will require appraisal with a view to replacing and upgrading them. All manner of items can be assessed, depending on the budget and timescales involved. Typically this might coincide with guarantees or warranties coming to an end, new and improved models being released to the market, new stipulatory regulations making the current items far less desirable, or even the fact that the latest models are far more efficient making them not only cost effective, but more environmentally friendly. The hardware that runs a building will almost always require replacement first and in this knowledge it is advisable to plan accordingly and budget as necessary to realise the ambitions of the individual or organisation. Low-Heat Emitting Computers Clients should treat the adaptation of their existing hardware to that of low-heat emitting and efficient technology such as computers in the same manner as described above for ‘More Efficient Hardware’ New Project Design Stage Only: Stack Effect Design Principles As this design principle is associated with natural ventilation and internal ventilation routes that pass through a building in a specific manner from intakes/ windows at low level and exit through similar openings at high level, it is fundamentally impossible to adapt an existing building without wholesale amendments that would negate any benefit that might be achieved through undertaking the works in the first place. As such it should be considered during the initial design development stage of a scheme only, and if not captured at this time, focus should be shifted to other adaptation variables that might better suit the individual scenario. Cost Benefit Analysis A Life-Cycle Cost Analysis was undertaken by Leicester City Council, although there are limitations to this document as at present no FM element is included within the project parameters. 58 17/02/2016 As noted earlier in this report, the Lifecycle Cost Analysis has been included to demonstrate cost benefit and risk mitigation strategies for the St Paul’s Project and can be crossreferenced with the elements specifically highlighted in Section 3. This Analysis contains spreadsheets that are too large to fit easily within this document, but a summary of its contents has been included below: The Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) includes detailed cost information relating to the new build element and the retained estate so that a comprehensive analysis can be reviewed The period of assessment runs from 2013 - 2042 (25+5 years) Appropriate allowances have been made in the Assessment for; risk, profit & overheads, BCIS material cost increases, annual maintenance, occupancy costs, fuel & power costs, replacement costs, renewal costs and an allowance for FF&E (Fixed Furniture & Equipment) No VAT or capital build costs are included within the Assessment All replacement/ renewal costs are based on the capital cost plan Over a thirty year period, based on an overall GIFA (Gross Internal Floor Area) of 16,684m2 and a total cost of £12,680,830, (including the external landscape areas) this equates to £25.34/ m2/ annum. Over a comparable twenty-five year period this equates to just £24.01/ m2/ annum. The associated graphs charting cost against time for twenty-five and thirty years also reflect a steady rise with few undulations which demonstrate a robust design and maintenance philosophy throughout the entire duration of the Assessment It is difficult to provide comparative data in relation to these figures and this has been backed-up by a number of Government reports. One such report13 stated the following: “The inquiry found that a lack of reliable benchmark data on whole-life costing was inhibiting the implementation of whole-life costing in public sector procurement, and negatively impacting on the accuracy of the results it produced. The inquiry identified problems of standardisation within whole-life costing and a lack of rigorous post-occupancy reviews as the prime causes of deficiencies in benchmark data.” Despite this, it is worth considering the following; St Pauls School is part of the Government’s national BSF (Building Schools for the Future) Programme and already this has been superseded by revised aspirational thinking. The new baseline design intent14 for Secondary Schools requires the following: 30% cost reduction in comparison with BSF Schools A saving to the tax payer of up to £6m per Secondary School A design cost of £1113m2 (based on a 1200 pupil Secondary School) 13 See 14 See 59 17/02/2016 Using this cost/ m2 rate on a pro-rata basis, the figures for St Pauls School demonstrate that maintaining the entire School campus for a thirty-year period is only 2/3 the cost of building a new School building. Although this appraisal obviously doesn’t reflect all of the factors, it is impressive none-the-less. 60 17/02/2016 Measure Timeframe Trigger to Investment Drainage Immediately Duration of the ground works. If not added to the Project works, or undertaken by the Client at the same time, replacement in the future could be unnecessarily costly Levels Immediately If not included as part of the enabling works, extensive landscaping in the future could be costly and disruptive Permeable surfaces Immediately The design of the below ground drainage installation. Unless the substrate is a good drainage medium, retrospectively changing to permeable surfaces will also require additional drainage runs to be installed SUDS Immediately As with permeable surfaces Maintenance At any time The earlier the better, (to maximise efficiencies) although a robust maintenance regime can be introduced at any time Additional shading from trees At any time Dependent on the medium – long term strategy (i.e. growth time etc), but the most cost effective solution is to include suitable trees with the initial soft landscaping works package Changing external cladding elements At any time The most cost effective means of achieving this is at the end of the previous cladding’s lifespan, when it would require replacement anyway Exposing the internal floor slabs At any time At the initial design stage. Although it can be undertaken at any time, if a building is not designed to accommodate exposed soffits etc, services will either be exposed and ‘face-fixed’, or will need costly/ time-consuming diversion Overhangs At any time Bolt-on elements such as brise soleil and canopies can be added at any time, (as long as the main structure is sufficiently robust). Integral colonnades can only really be added during the initial design stage Ventilation – Night or Day At any time As long as the majority of a building is mechanically ventilated, a design proposal can be put together at any time. Other forms of ventilation are more complex and wholesale, costly amendments would result Solar control glazing At any time At anytime, although to reduce costs and maximise efficiencies this should be treated in the same way as the main cladding elements Renewable technologies At any time As most existing systems can be easily amended to incorporate renewable technologies they can be installed at any convenient time. If not included in the initial works, it would be worth undertaking remedial works when appropriate Government grants/ incentives were in place More efficient hardware At any time At any time that the budget allows, although replacement when scheduled is obviously the most economic solution Low-heat emitting computers At any time As with more efficient hardware Stack effect design principles New project design stage only As this involves the entire building as a facilitator, it can only really be done during the initial design period Cost benefit analysis New project design stage only Analysis can be undertaken at any time, (especially when several element s are due for renewal) but for a comprehensive ‘cradle-to-grave’ assessment of all building elements for comparative purposes this should be done with the initial design Table 3.5: Summary of adaptation measures in terms of the proposed timescale for adoption and key ‘triggers to investment’ 61 17/02/2016 Below is a table indicating the Commercial analysis undertaken by the Project Quantity Surveyor and a breakdown of the various adaptability measures included within the scheme following an appraisal of the financial impact on the overall scheme. Flooding Heating & Ventilation Adaptation Measure Recommended Investigation of Measure Cost Implementation of Measure Additional trees to shade the building (in excess of Planning Condition requirements) 25nr mature trees@ £2000 each £50,000 Unaffordable Solar glazing control Budget allowance £30,000 Unaffordable Reflective external surfaces E/O cost £35/m2 (2000m2) £70,000 Unaffordable Thermal insulation (greater than Building Regulations) E/O cost £10/m2 (3000m2 inc roof) £30,000 Implemented into Scheme Ventilation – Day BMS, controls, window actuators etc £150,000 Unaffordable Ventilation – Night Inc above Inc above Unaffordable Brise soleil To South elevation only £35,000 Unaffordable SUDS: Rainwater harvesting Budget allowance £75,000 Unaffordable SUDS: Ponds Budget allowance £22,500 Unaffordable SUDS: Filter drains Budget allowance £40,000 Implemented into Scheme SUDS: Permeable surfaces Budget allowance £50,000 Implemented into Scheme Table 3.6: Commercial analysis of the various adaptability measures included within the St Paul scheme as a result of the Climate Change Adaptation Study Although it was never the intention to use the Climate Change Adaptation Study to lead the detailed design development process, some of the aspects that were highlighted in the Report, where in fact incorporated into the final design. Certain measures that were seen to be desirable also provided a practical response to other Project drivers and as such could be utilised without a major change to the design strategy. A good example of this is the recommendations made in HSP’s Flood Risk Assessment, where SUDS technology and onsite attenuation were deemed necessary and this also reflected a recommendation from the Study Report. Once the options were fully investigated, certain SUDS innovations were included. Due to the specific St Pauls School Project parameters and programme position, it was obvious that a number of the measures reviewed in the Report were untenable and as such these were discounted without further review. However, the Project Team determined that other measures wouldn’t unduly affect the process, or fundamentally alter the current design concept, so they were investigated further. An indication of the high-level costing exercise that was undertaken when reviewing these items has been included as Table 3.6 above and indicated how budget was often the key factor in determining a measure’s acceptability. Despite the fact that it was always the intention to utilise the Report to inform future construction projects, it is satisfying that certain adaptation measures could still be included to further enhance the scheme. 62 17/02/2016 Recommendations To Be Implemented At St Pauls School CCTV camera survey of existing drainage runs and replacement/ repair where they negatively influence the new build project-works Beneficial amendments to the external levels as part of the cut-and-fill exercise Inclusion of permeable surfaces in key hard-landscaping areas such as car-parking bays and pavements etc Incorporation of several SUDS technology principles, namely the substantial underground attenuation tank and the detention basin located at the far corner of the existing playing fields Additional tree planting to ensure a natural and passive screen of protection for the current scheme and in years to come Shading overhangs in the form of a double-story height colonnade that has been assessed by the M&E engineers as sufficient to act alongside internal blinds in providing the desired level of solar shading and anti-glare provision Maximised insulation thicknesses to the entire building envelope in order to adhere to stringent U-Value and air-leakage rates Enhanced renewable technology provision in the form of a 100m2 photovoltaic array and bio-fuel technology derived main boiler plant A commitment to develop an expansive, user-friendly O&M Manual and associated training programme in order to allow the Client and End-User to better manage and maintain their new facility 63 17/02/2016 Figure 3.4: Timeline of proposed adaptation measures, maintenance regimes, reviews and building alterations, 2010 - 2080 This timeline includes the nine recommended adaptation measures noted earlier in the Section, as well as an indication of when the Client will need to consider/ action some additional measures. If the Client does not undertake the repair of existing, damaged drainage runs, or appoint Miller Construction (UK) Limited to undertake the works in 2013 when the main ground works are taking place it will be much more expensive and complicated to undertake the works in the future. As noted earlier in this Report, the existing maintenance regimes are not robust enough going forwards. The timeline proposes that the Client review the existing protocols and instigate a new yearly maintenance regime at the same time that the new O&M Manual and training is to be delivered by Miller Construction (UK) Limited. Although yearly maintenance should be ongoing, to avoid sixty-six identical listings as the timeline progresses, it is assumed that this is self-evident. As maintenance requirements, technology and hardware are constantly changing and evolving, the timeline also reflects a need to review compliance every five years to ensure that the Client remains as efficient and effective as possible 64 17/02/2016 The other two measures listed on the timeline reflect the potential for changing the façade materials at the end of their estimated lifespan, (glazing and cladding). Cladding elements can be reasonably expected to last for at least twenty years, and although the glazing elements should easily outlast the ten years indicated by the timeline, this is a reasonable timescale for the Client to instigate a wholesale change in the thermal strategy of the building. As noted earlier in the Section, none of the adaptation measures discussed, (with the exception of those under the ‘New Project Design Stage Only’ sub-heading) should be considered unachievable at St Pauls School. All of these measures could be progressed, but for the purposes of this timeline, Miller Construction (UK) Limited have sought to propose the most cost efficient and easily achievable strategy possible at the time of writing. 65 17/02/2016 FLOODING Adaptation Measure Investigated Recommended Implemented Comments Beneficial amendment of existing external levels Yes Yes Yes* *Only the levels within the new project redline boundary were amended Permeable external surfaces Yes Yes Yes* *Only the areas within the new project redline boundary were addressed SUDS: pervious pavements, filter drains, silt removal & detention basin Yes Yes Yes Expansive SUDS technology was introduced to the site wide drainage system SUDS: Rainwater Harvesting Yes Yes No The cost was considered excessive in terms of the benefits offered SUDS: Ponds Yes No No Impossible due to restricted space SUDS: Swales Yes No No Impossible due to restricted space SUDS: Soakaways Yes No No Impossible due to underlying clay SUDS: Green Roofs Yes No No The cost was considered excessive in terms of the benefits offered SUDS: BioRetention Yes No No Impossible due to restricted space Improved drainage runs Yes Yes Yes* *Only areas that required amendment for the new build works were replaced Improved maintenance regimes Yes Yes Yes The Client/ EndUser will be responsible for instigating an improved maintenance regime, although it is understood that this has been agreed and will be reflected in the O&M Manuals (Above) Table 3.7: Summary of Flooding adaptation measures investigated, recommended and implemented for the St Paul’s RC School project (Below) Table 3.8: Summary of Heating & Ventilation adaptation measures investigated, recommended and implemented for the St Paul’s RC School project 66 17/02/2016 HEATING & VENTILATION Adaptation Measure Investigated Recommended Implemented Comments Additional trees to shade the building Yes Yes No Would have been too expensive/ slow to grow Existing trees to shade the building Yes Yes No Responding to the Client’s Brief, areas immediately adjacent to the building were cleared of trees and utilised for access roads/ car parking Solar control glazing Yes Yes No Solar gain has been controlled through building orientation and the use of blinds Reflective external surfaces Yes No No Noted previously as ‘Changing External Cladding Elements’ Thermal insulation (greater than Building Control) Yes Yes Yes Noted previously as ‘Changing External Cladding Elements’ Thermal mass – internal surfaces Yes Yes No The design requirements of the Client prevented this from being possible Ventilation - Day Yes No No Training, control and limitations on openable areas meant this was not practicable Ventilation - Night Yes No No Control, the cost of automation and reduced security meant this was not practicable Exposed soffit design Yes Yes No This was contrary to the Client’s requirements Building roof overhangs Yes Yes Yes Stack-effect design Yes No No Renewable technologies Yes Yes Yes Energy efficient hardware Yes Yes No Cost prohibitive Low heat emitting computer equipment Yes Yes No Cost prohibitive Cost benefit analysis Yes Yes Yes 67 Design was too far advanced and the cost too prohibitive 17/02/2016 4.0 Section 4: Learning From This Project Summary Of The Approach To The Adaptation Design Work Miller Construction (UK) Limited is one of the UK’s largest construction companies and proudly boasts the following mission statement: Deliver world class standards to our customers Deliver outstanding levels of performance for our shareholders and Be the sector’s best partner, employer and innovator In order to operate at the very highest levels and deliver the quality, performance, values and innovation that such a position demands; Miller Construction (UK) Limited are committed to not only providing the optimum deliverables in today’s competitive market place, but also to developing efficiencies, processes and technologies that will allow it to remain at the cutting edge of future business practice. Through ‘lessons learnt’ exercises and the reflective analysis of previous projects; the Senior Management Team determined to improve the way it operated, so that as a business it maximised profits, improved its environmental and sustainable characteristics and remained at the forefront of technological development. This was considered key for any business that sought to function as an industry leader and construction pioneer. These exercises consisted of a number of workshops, (one per recently completed project) where the key Project Team members could brainstorm all of the good and bad points of note that had occurred during the course of the construction period. These were the ‘lessons learnt’ that could be taken from the Projects and so as not to lose this critical insight, the Senior Management Team met separately to reflect on this information and determine how best to promote the good practices and mitigate the less desirable ones. Theoretical analysis and reflection meant that key areas of ‘best practice’ could be identified, as could the elements that had the potential to influence projects in both a positive and a negative manner. By commissioning the services of the team at De Montfort University in Leicester, the intention was to supplement the theory bourn from practical project review, with computer derived simulation data taken from a live project; the St Pauls School scheme. It was hoped that this approach would allow Miller Construction (UK) Limited to identify the key adaptation factors required in order to make a building more responsive to frequently occurring issues such as; overheating, heat loss, heat load factors and flooding. Through an analysis of the data; the intention was to identify the optimum design solutions based on a purely clinical approach and then to assess them against the other key project factors such as cost, Client aspirations, statutory regulations and regulatory bodies. Once this exercise was complete, the intention was to generate a revised ‘best practice’ guide, indicating an optimum pallet of materials and techniques to be utilised when designing and construction a similar school project. It was also hoped that the principles derived for this education scheme would prove largely generic and as such be applicable to a wide variety of construction schemes and sectors, (even if they required minor amendments and variations). 68 17/02/2016 The reflective approach to business progression is not a new one and it is something that has been employed by Miller Construction (UK) Limited for a number of years, but the incorporation of cutting edge technology to enhance and maximise this process was seen as a key factor in maintaining a twenty-first century business approach in a highly competitive marketplace. Key Individuals In the Project And Their Input Into Proceedings* Miller Construction (UK) Limited) Richard Bamford Project Manager (Appendix 4 – Page 28) Michael Taylor Design Manager (Appendix 4 – Page 31) Paul Andrews Commercial Manager (Appendix 4 – Page 35) The core project team at Miller Construction (UK) Limited bring with it many decades of practical construction experience in a number of different sectors, most specifically within the education sector, where they have helped to design, build and deliver a number of prestigious primary, secondary and higher education facilities for a number of different highprofile Clients. Richard Bamford is a well-respected Project Manager, who has spent nearly two-decades working for Miller Construction (UK) Limited and won several industry awards for his diligence and devotion to quality, sustainability and accountability within his projects. While managing the particular construction responsibilities of the St Pauls School project, Richard also undertook to drive and develop the works required for the Climate Change Adaptation Study and to oversee the wider Miller Construction (UK) Limited project team. Michael Taylor is an experienced design manager with an architectural background and a passion for sustainable design and construction. Although his initial remit was purely to develop and deliver the design function for the St Pauls School scheme, he also undertook to write a significant portion of the more analytical data contained within the Climate Change Adaptation Study report. Furthermore he co-ordinated the raw data from all of the contributing parties into a concise and well-structured document that could be used by the Miller Construction (UK) Limited Senior Management team to better inform its future works, objectives and best practice. Paul Andrews expanded his role as the St Pauls School project Commercial Manager to include a valuable insight into the financial constraints and realities of modern construction practice. With Paul’s input it was possible to consider theoretical recommendations and conclusions in a far more realistic manner and as a result a balanced argument and workable set of best practice recommendations were developed. *Further details in the form of individual Curriculum Vitaes have been included as Appendix 4 and these have been further sign-posted within the main body of text. 69 17/02/2016 Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development – De Montfort University, Leicester Dr Andrew Wright Project Leader (Appendix 4 – Page 36) Dr Yi Zhang Software Developer (Appendix 4 – Page 39) Dr Ivan Korolija Software Developer (Appendix 4 – Page 41) The team at De Montfort University were invaluable in generating theoretical computer simulation data that was used to effectively map the most effective material elements and combinations in order to reduce heating costs, minimise overheating and maximise ventilation efficiencies. The University team was led by Dr Andrew Wright who utilised his wealth of experience in computer simulation and the complicated energy aspects of school design to produce the theoretical data that was critical in determining Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s own conclusion and recommendations. Dr Yi Zhang and his colleague Dr Ivan Korolija were instrumental in developing the optimisation software, jEPlus and along with Dr Wright were vital components in the overall Climate Change Adaptation Study exercise. AEDAS (Architect) Clive Breese Director (Appendix 4 – Page 47) Jonathan Cowper Project Architect (early design phase) (Appendix 4 – Page 48) Rob Beaman Project Architect (delivery design phase) (Appendix 4 – Page 49) Rob Cutler Architectural Technician (Appendix 4 – Page 50) AEDAS were brought into the Leicester BSF scheme with an enviable portfolio of successful education projects and a track record for quality, effectiveness and efficiency. They were asked to function as the architect and lead consultant on seven of the fifteen school projects, including St Paul School. Jonathan Cowper was the key individual in progressing the overall design from concept stage to financial close, before making way for Rob Beaman to finalise the detailed design and manage the site co-ordination element. As the design progressed and feedback from the Climate Change Adaptation Study was received, Jonathan had to assess the adaptability of the overall design, not only in terms of the desired aspiration, but also the affordable reality. Rob Beaman has proven himself to be a more than capable understudy for Jonathan Cowper and has continued to progress the detailed design at St Pauls so that all aspects are considered and the very best overall design solution is generated. He is ably supported by Rob Cutler, who brings a practical knowledge to the team and by Clive Breese who oversees the architectural team and helps to direct high-level decisions with the benefit of his considerable industry experience. 70 17/02/2016 MBCE (Structural & Civil Engineers) Mark Brock Director Nick Hibberd Project Engineer (early design phase) Mike Martin Project Engineer (delivery design phase) As with AEDAS, MBCE were appointed because of its previous track record and experience within the education sector. Nick Hibberd worked tirelessly during the initial design development stages in order to ensure that the steel frame design co-ordinated with a complicated G.A layout, challenging adjacency aspirations and increasingly important M&E design solutions. He also led his own internal team and worked closely with AEDAS’ landscape architect, Chris Price to ensure that the development of the external hard and soft landscaping design satisfied a number of different project drivers. These included addressing the existing site’s flooding issues, satisfying the requirements of the Environment Agency, assessing a balanced ‘cut-and-fill’ exercise with improved external levels, and determining where best SUDS technology could be introduced within the hardlandscaping. Mark Brock helped to support Nick from a position of authority and experience and when Mike Martin eventually took over the role of Project Lead from Nick, Mark helped him to continue the development and adaptation work that had been so effectively begun by his predecessor. PWP Building Services Limited (M&E Contractor) Bob Sowter Director Dave England Electrical Contracts Director (Appendix 4 – Page 52) (Appendix 4 – Page 51) During the early concept design development stages, Miller Construction (UK) Limited appointed Capita Symonds to prepare the M&E design in conjunction with its own in-house M&E Manager, Dave Beckwith. Following the BSF Design Stage 2 submission, PWP Building Services Limited was appointed as the M&E Contractor to develop the design to ‘Construction’ status and to install it on site. Bob and Dave have worked hard to advance the design and rationalise the initial concept work into a financially viable, realistic and achievable solution. Along with Anderson Green they were critical in assessing the potential adaptability options generated by the Climate Change Adaptation Study and the determination of what could be progressed as ‘best practice’ in the future and what might have to remain purely aspirational. 71 17/02/2016 Anderson Green (M&E Design Consultants) Carl Blake Mechanical Engineer (Appendix 4 – Page 53) Steve Cragg Electrical Engineer (Appendix 4 – Page 54) Anderson Green was appointed by PWP Building Services Limited as its specialist design consultants on the St Paul School project. Carl and Steve have brought a practical element to the assessment of potential adaptability proposals, as well as helping the rest of the design team to appreciate the practicalities of ensuring that a building operates as intended instead of merely looking aesthetically pleasing. Without their help, a great deal of the conclusions associated with heating, overheating and ventilation would not have been possible. It should be noted that the consultants listed above were appointed exclusively as the Design Team for the Leicester BSF St Paul’s School project, (with the exception of Dr Wright and his team at the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development – De Montfort University, Leicester, who were appointed specifically for their expertise in generating the modelling data required for the Climate Change Adaptation Study.) Despite this, each consultant has utilised its various specialisms to add value to the Study in addition to their contracted roles and responsibilities. There has been no sub-division of project teams or individuals and each consultant has continued to function via the Miller Construction (UK) Limited, Project Manager and Design Manager in line with the main construction contract. Any work undertaken for the Climate Change Adaptation Study has been in addition to the main consultant responsibilities, but delivered via the same reporting and operating structure instigated for the BSF Project. As a lot of the detailed design work had already been completed by the time the findings of the Climate Change Adaptation Study were finalised, they did not directly affect the design decision making process for the St Paul’s School project. However, Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s main intention for the exercise was not to inform project design development, but to supplement and reinforce its existing Design Guide. In doing so, the Study served to support a lot of the best practice guidelines and design ethos already being applied to the St Paul’s School project and indeed Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s projects in general throughout the country. Following the finalisation of the Study data, a ‘Best Practice Workshop’ was included as part of the regular Design Team Meeting in June. At this meeting the design principles being applied to the St Paul’s RC School project were assessed alongside the findings of the Climate Change Adaptation Study Interim Report. Matching design principles were highlighted, as were areas where the design differed from the recommendations made within the Report. Reasons for the differences were assessed and the findings of the workshop were used to compile the final data that has been included within Section 3 of the Final Report. 72 17/02/2016 The Initial Project Plan And Its Development The original plan was to concentrate the team’s efforts on the climate change aspects associated with the refurbishment of the existing buildings. However, with the decision to minimise the overall works to the retained estate and the fact that the new-build element of the project would be far larger than originally planned, it was decided that the focus of the Climate Change Adaptation Study would be the new school building. Unavoidable delays in the decision making process have required project extensions which were not ideal in maintaining the overall project flow and data development. These delays have however been used to positively influence the overall scheme. A more robust, efficient and financially secure design concept has been developed that far better reflects the requirements of the Client and End-User A broader selection of adaptability principles have been explored due to the additional time that was afforded to the team The budget constraints that dictated the delays have allowed conclusions and ‘best practice’ principles to be developed for a number of scenarios, including future schemes with extremely challenging budgetary constraints A better concept of transferable ‘best practice’ conclusions between the education and any other comparable construction sectors has been possible due to the additional time available for review and consideration As with most aspects of the construction industry, it is often necessary to adapt to changes in the predicted programme. By utilising Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s previous experience of the industry, it has been possible to turn a potentially frustrating delay into a positive learning experience that has made for a more fully developed exercise overall. Resources And Tools Used During The Exercise In terms of the resources and tools used during the exercise, the team working on the Climate Change Adaptation Study used a variety of different methods and mediums to ensure that the full gamut of potential data streams were explored. Providing data through the use of a theoretical, simulation; the team at De Montfort University used the Energy Plus simulation engine running on a high powered computer cluster within the jEPlus environment. This was found to be a very suitable tool for the problem and reacted well to the material data and variables that were programmed into it. There were however, some issues with the weather data, and it is considered that future projections will not be very good at predicting extreme events such as heat waves, as there is very little practical control over this. That being said, the results should be reliable for the current climate, and in relative terms for future climate consideration. Miller Construction (UK) Limited and the wider Design Team sought to complement the computer simulation data with conclusions drawn from collective practical experience and industry published data. Brainstorming sessions, co-ordination meetings and general workshops were organised in small, medium and large groups so that ‘lessons learnt’ could be considered and recorded, (as noted previously on Page 68 of this Report) 73 17/02/2016 Through these exercises, it was possible to draw on the considerable experience of a collected group of industry specialists and to generate a robust ‘do’s and don’ts’ list. These sessions were generally considered to be highly effective and beneficial as they considered all aspects of a project from a number of different perspectives and didn’t merely concentrate on the issues of specific importance to the architect, or the contractor etc. The only potential problem that was identified was the fact that they were entirely reflective in nature, being based on past project reviews and as such only concentrated on the current climate and not future developments. In order to maximise the potential of this data it is therefore crucial to review it in conjunction with the University’s simulation information and adapt it accordingly for future prediction. Miller Construction (UK) Limited also utilised industry standard documentation to provide accepted data sources that were used in generating its balanced ‘best practice’ principles. These documents included Building Bulletins, Building Regulations, guidance documents and a variety of sustainability reports and publications. As a source of base information they were highly beneficial, but as with anything they were only deemed truly relevant when they were applied in conjunction with project specific information. Where practicable, (and where not included within the main body of the text) full references and links to the resources and tools used during this process and the development of the Climate Change Adaptation Study Report have been included as footnotes. These footnotes can be found at the bottom of pages; thirty-one, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-six, thirty-seven and twenty-seven, as well as Appendices page twenty-two. It is important when undertaking a similar Climate Change Adaptation Study to assess as wide a range of technical expertise and data sources as possible. The theoretical computer simulation is a very effective means of providing clinical data, as well as providing future prediction capabilities. This should be coupled with first hand, practical experience from industry specialists. By sourcing this information from as wide a spectrum as possible it is possible to generate a compendium of information that covers all aspects of a project; aspirational and based on real-life constraints. Constructive Reflection Of Overall Approach And Recommendations With regards to the computer modelling aspect of the study, we would recommend the optimisation process as it is straightforward to set up and provides a very comprehensive output. This was the team’s considered opinion when compared to the typical results generated from a single or a limited number of designs with ‘manual’ changes that frequently results in a non-optimal solution. However, it should be noted that the selection of weather data remains an open question depending on the location and the project specific criteria to be considered. In addition to the simulation element of the study, a number of key observations can be made. Firstly, the importance of an experienced and competent Project and Design Team cannot be underestimated, especially if complemented by a knowledgeable Client and EndUser, well educated in the specific nature of the construction process. By choosing your team well, it is possible to provide decades of practical experience on a variety of projects that cover many difference disciplines and industry sectors. Secondly, it is important to note the constraints to theoretical adaptation proposals that are enforced by the contract documentation hierarchy. 74 17/02/2016 Documents such as the Authorities Requirements, Contractors Proposals, NBS Specifications and the budget; can be coupled with industry requirements such as Building Bulletins and Building Regulations to create a number of competing requirements that need to be assessed. In an ideal world, a mutually acceptable middle-ground will be reached, but in certain instances, the contractual hierarchy of this documentation will need to be observed. Thirdly, by determining how the Climate Change Adaptation Study fits within the main project development process and indeed the overall contract sequence of works, far more productive and co-ordinated outputs can be derived from it. Although the exercise has been extremely beneficial at St Pauls, certain elements could have been improved. One example of this is the fact that the drainage design was practically complete before HSP Consulting became involved in the scheme. Due to this it was hard for them to influence and affect the overall design without negatively affecting the cost and programme and their experience and advice was perhaps not used to its fullest advantage. SUDS design is also typically considered far too late in a construction project i.e. after the initial external landscaping design layout has been substantially progressed, meaning that specialist SUDS consultants have to try and squeeze these sustainability principles into the constraints of an existing design. It would be far more effective and efficient to consider SUDS earlier in the overall process instead of trying to add features later in the development process, which can be extremely difficult to accommodate i.e. ponds etc. If this was also programmed with a fully interactive Climate Change Adaptation Study the overall benefit could be doubled. Finally, when running a similar Climate Change Adaptation Study it is crucial to identify the key roles and responsibilities as early in the process as possible. It is also important to identify an overall Project Lead to own, manage and co-ordinate the delivery of the final report. Each specialist organisation will manage and deliver its own element of works, but without an overall lead to direct the co-ordination of these elements, they will merely resemble an un-jointed collection of random data instead of the cohesive and structured report that is desired. Having completed the exercise, it is considered that the best placed person to act as overall Project Lead is the Project Manager or Design Manager for the participating construction company. As it is most likely that the main Project and Design Team members will be utilised for the Climate Change Adaptation Study, (as was the case with the St Paul’s Project) these individuals will already have the project hierarchy established and the relationships and reporting structure set-out and running efficiently. This will provide the most efficient and economical method of management and avoid unnecessary duplication of the associated tasks. 75 17/02/2016 Although there are obviously a large number of tasks associated with running a Climate Change Adaptation Study and in compiling the final report, several key roles and responsibilities can be identified and these should be delegated to the various specialisms, but overseen by the Project Lead who will retain overall control of the project: Feasibility Study – Project Lead Defining the Project Description – Project Lead Concept Design – Project Design Team, (most specifically the architect and mechanical engineer. Sub-team lead by the architect as the usual Project Lead Designer) Climate Risk Assessment – Specialist (i.e. Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development – De Montfort University, Leicester. Lead by the specialist, but reporting directly to the Project Lead) Specialist Design Input – Specialists (i.e. HSP Consulting. Lead by the various specialists, but co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Concept Design Review/ Options Appraisal – Entire Project Team (co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Quantitive Risk Assessment – Entire Project Team (co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Re-Design – Entire Design Team (co-ordinated by and reporting directly to the Project Lead) Assessment of the Study’s ramifications in terms of the wider Construction Industry – Project Lead Valuations Pre and Post Adaptation – Project Quantity Surveyor (reporting directly to the Project Lead) Preparation of the Final Report – Project Lead Dissemination of the Main Learning Points – Project Lead Client’s Decision Making Process The best method of assisting the Client in making project decisions, influencing the decision making process and facilitating the implementation of recommendations is through relevant and on-going discussion. These discussions can take place either at specific meetings, or as an agenda item on the regular Client Review meetings that are required on a monthly basis within most Construction Projects. It is vital that no one party is considered to be an entity in its own right, but that all members of the Project Team are seen to be key constituent parts in its overall success or failure. The main attendees for any review meeting should be the Client and the Project Lead and depending on the discussion topic and agenda for each session, key individuals and specialists should be invited to attend and contribute with the benefit of their various specialisms By establishing a mutual trust from the outset it is possible to provide technical feedback in Client meetings in the form of well-reasoned, sensibly presented proposals. 76 17/02/2016 It is also possible to recommend ‘best-value’ through a well-structured value engineering process that doesn’t merely result in stripping cost from the scheme, but instead concentrates on maximising the various project elements, dependant on the key individual drivers; such as cost, quality, sustainability, future adaptability etc. Prior to Financial Close, this can take the form of on-going design development as a reaction to Client requests and overall Project Team development. Following Financial Close, the best method of reviewing and adapting the design is via the Reviewable Design Data (RDD) process, where the Client comments on the developing design and helps to structure the most desirable final outcome. The items contained on the RDD list are agreed at the formal signing of the contract and help to streamline the areas of detailed design discussion. It is also possible at any time during the project for the Client to issue an instruction to amend the design, although there will be resultant design costs in addition to material costs if this is pursued. In relation to the Climate Change Adaptation Study, the Client, (Leicester City Council) was always seen as a key part of the Project Team. Adaptation measures are clearly advantageous, but specific project factors such as budget, programme, End-User requirements etc, not to mention the intention to only use the St Pauls School Study as guidance for future schemes, meant that where there was the possibility of including adaptation measures within the final design they needed to be discussed in detail first. Certain items were addressed during regular Client meetings and others through the RDD process described above. Where a measure was deemed to be affordable and desirable without unduly effecting the essential design concept it was agreed and instructed by the Client and adopted by Miller Construction (UK) Limited and this was managed via the Change Control Process. Through a collaborative and open approach the Climate Change Adaptation Study specifics were assessed by the entire Project Team and this in turn helped to structure the resultant ‘lessons learnt’ workshops that would follow. Although Leicester City Council had no practical input in generating the report or developing the Study as a whole, they were an intrinsic part in determining how best to action the results that the Study generated. 77 17/02/2016 5.0 Section 5: Extending Adaptation To Other Buildings Applicability To Other Buildings And Building Projects In order to generate the raw data, conclusions and recommendations contained within this report, it was necessary to focus on a single live project instead of a more diverse selection of likely schemes. It was also considered beneficial to focus on an education project instead of a scheme from another sector due to the nature of the Client and End-User meaning that it frequently required the design to address, ‘more vulnerable’ classifications. By selecting a technically demanding scheme, it was felt that the most diverse selection of adaptation variables could be assessed and a wider number of potentially constraining project dictates examined. Although the variables considered were derived directly from a live secondary school scheme, they are not exclusive to the education sector and everyone can be applied to similar schemes in other construction sectors. Externally; sound drainage design, sensible levels and passive shading from neighbouring trees are applicable design dictates for any scheme. The St Paul’s School scheme was constrained by a very challenging budget and although permeable surfaces and SUDS technologies were explored and included within the final design, they were not maximised. With privately financed projects, or schemes were the majority of the budget has not been allocated to maximising the internal return on GIFA, it would be possible to really push the potential of these beneficial innovations. With the external building façade; the choice of cladding, building overhangs and the benefits to be gained from maximising the thickness of the vertical insulation are universal. Solar glazing was identified by both the University team and Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s review sessions as being highly beneficial in terms of anti-glare provision and the reduction of passive heat gain. Rather than being constrained to the education sector, this functional and aesthetic approach should be applied to all construction sectors. Indeed, where there are fewer guideline documents, statutory regulations and Building Bulletins to address in other sectors, the freedom to use solar glazing as a truly flexible design tool should be considered as a key project driver. The problems associated with exposed concrete floor slabs was discussed in earlier Sections and it is still the author’s opinion that as an effective adaptation option it has a number of key problems that prevent it from being a definite recommendation. This also does not improve by applying the same precedent to other construction sectors as comparatively speaking; education facilities do not require a huge amount of M&E equipment. If you consider the increased requirement for medical gases, dedicated electrical runs and robust back-up systems within healthcare projects, the possibility of omitting an above ceiling service zone and exposing the slab becomes even more unrealistic. With the recommendations given in terms of renewable technologies, more efficient hardware and low-heat emitting computers; the challenging constraints of the typical education project limits their potential as an adaptability variable. In other sectors where a more generous budget might be available, these options could be explored and their potential effectiveness maximised. As noted above, we would consider this approach to design as universally applicable, but for completeness we have detailed below some specific examples of how this ethos might be specifically applied to both public and private sector projects. 78 17/02/2016 Public Sector EDUCATION The Climate Change Adaptation Study undertaken for the St Paul’s School project was chosen specifically in order to demonstrate, assess and address the requirements of a typical education scheme. We went into some detail with regards to GIFA and budgetary constraints, the complexities of an existing ‘live’ site and building, and the need to deliver an individual ‘wow’ factor, whilst adhering to a wider batch similarity in terms of design. None of these factors are unique to St Pauls School as all of them are commonly experienced with ever primary and secondary school design project, which makes the study undertaken by Miller Construction (UK) Limited particularly applicable in informing future school designs. Although not as similar in terms of the specific project variables, University projects might be even more suitable for assessment in terms of this study, due to the greater funding, flexibility and freedom afforded to them by the Client. A greater budget and propensity to consider more expensive materials and technology would result in an increased ability to action some of the conclusions drawn from the study itself. HEALTHCARE Although typically far larger and more complicated than the design required for Education projects, Healthcare schemes are equally suited to the type of design concept championed by this report. The massive volume of complicated M&E requirements mirrors the dismissal of exposed soffits noted in this report. In addition to this, there is far more scope to investigate the use of thermal mass in the structure and façade, which was a concept strongly pushed by the De Montfort University team. The need for cutting edge technology as well as modern and reliable M&E solutions within Healthcare buildings also mean that renewable technologies, more efficient hardware and low heating emitting devices such as personal computers are more likely to be considered essential as opposed to ‘nice to have’s’ and the full scope of this report and its findings could be considered in a lot more depth and detail. DEFENCE With the far more stringent and unique project drivers necessary for Defence projects such as police stations, prisons and MOD buildings, the core lessons to be learnt from this report remain applicable, but a more in depth and specific review would be advisable. While some constraints to sustainable innovation have been covered in this study, very little is mentioned about safety and security directives such as ‘Secure By Design’ and national security initiatives and these must be fully addressed in order to determine a sensible set of conclusions and recommendations. SPECIALIST PROJECTS Schemes involving a great degree of specialism such as naval architecture, where the specifics of salt corrosion and greater climatic variables must be fully understood can use the findings of this study as a solid start to any Climate Change Adaptation Study, but as with Defence projects, should ideally undertake a full, specific and much more detailed assessment in order to maximise the potential benefits of any such assessment. 79 17/02/2016 Private Sector Offices, retail projects and residential schemes are more geared towards providing the maximum profit to the private developers who invest in them as opposed to the schemes considered as a necessity by the Government. Nonetheless, the findings of this report can easily be applied to almost every private section project. Furthermore, the findings of this report are far more likely to be adopted by private developers who are constantly looking for a unique selling point in response to the demands of their market. In today’s modern society there is an increasing awareness of sustainable principles and a desire for them to be addressed in our homes, workplaces and places of leisure. Any developer that invested heavily in reducing a building’s carbon footprint, maximising the SUDS and renewable technology potential and increasing the efficiency of its M&E solution as recommended in this study report would undoubtedly benefit as a result. Regardless of the sector, the budget or the nature of the design being progressed, one universal variable that should be carefully considered in every instance is the maintenance programme. Even the most high-tech, high-end product will soon deteriorate if it is not maintained properly and conversely a far greater return on investment can be achieved from even a relatively modest item, if it is properly looked after. Limiting Factors Applicable To Other Buildings Even though a lot of the recommendations taken from this study can be said to have truly universal application potential, it must be noted that they were derived from a set of project specific criteria. Secondary school project Entirely new-build Part of an existing building complex, in a live environment Only partly addressing a number of potential existing problems Located in a residential area, on a shared site with a large number of existing mature trees Located in a ‘city centre’ site in Leicester, in the Midlands Involving a challenging budget Part of a specific BSF ‘design and build’ contract structure Part of a wider multi-phase project Utilising a number of supply-chain agreements already in place Using theoretical computer simulations Requiring adherence to a number of key contract documents such as the Authorities Requirements and the Contractors Proposals Listed above are only twelve of the numerous project specific criteria that make up the St Pauls School scheme. 80 17/02/2016 Each item can be regarded as un-extraordinary in isolation, but as with any project, it is only a culmination of its contributing parts and the greater the number of challenging elements that you include within a project, the more unique you will make it. Although the principles explored can be considered as generic, to utilise them without fully accepting this would be foolish. This is especially true of the computer simulations that can only produce data once a carefully selected set of design variables have been inputted. Weather patterns vary, material selection and availability vary, future predictions vary, technological advancements vary etc. This study and its recommendations should be used to broadly define a design intent, but detailed design specifics should only be developed following a review of project specific drivers and constraints. Design Variables By assessing the key project variables contained earlier in this report, we can further define how they may, or may not benefit the design development procedure for other buildings. DRAINAGE DESIGN A sound, economical and efficient drainage design should be a definitive requirement on any project, however new drainage runs are massively limited by the quality of the existing installation, especially with extension projects and live sites. If there is not the funding or desire to undertake a significant amount of remedial work, then advanced SUDS technologies can be largely pointless in the grand scheme of things. EXTERNAL LEVELS As with drainage design and the St Pauls Project, if the intention is to maximise the GIFA and the building design and the expense of the external landscaping strategy, it will not be possible to maximise the benefits in terms of flood avoidance and climatic adaptation strategy. PASSIVE SHADDING As might be expected, for this to be utilised as part of the overall design solution; substantial, nearby and mature trees need to be present. This tends to preclude an inner city, urban site and anywhere where the cost, programme or intent revolve around substantial site clearance and not maximum tree preservation BUDGET Budget constraints are a fact of life for any project, but the practical application of the findings in this report are only truly effective, if the ethos on what project drivers to value remain the same. Cost was considered the main driving force for the St Pauls Project, as is the case in the majority of projects, but where programme, quality or sustainability are considered more of a leading factor, this would in all likelihood have a different effect on the recommendations made in this report. CLADDING The team at De Montfort University championed the use of reflective cladding solutions, but due to the stage of the current design, planning restrictions and the tight budget, it was not possible to pursue them. 81 17/02/2016 Where planning constraints are less traditional and the expanses of façade are more substantial; such as shopping centres, hospitals and office blocks etc, the potential benefits afforded by this type of cladding solution could be much more in keeping with a different project’s design ethos. OVERHANGS Extensive roof overhangs are a cost effective and highly popular solution to excessive heat gain and glare. However, there will inevitably be projects where the desired solution revolves more around solar glazing and other technology based design solutions. In these instances, this report doesn’t address the potential positive and negative aspects of the alternative solutions and as such it would be irresponsible to suggest that the solution utilised at St Pauls should be championed as ‘best practice’ for all other projects. MAXIMISED THERMAL INSULATION While the team at De Montfort University championed a reduction in the insulation of the vertical façade, the move towards ‘Zero Carbon’ buildings means that whatever the building, or the sector, insulation will be maximised and the designs used to retain heat, prevent leaks and offer as efficiently as possible. To this extent, our findings in this report can be applied across the board by any future project team EXPOSED SOFFITS Ceiling voids continue to be utilised as the main service route in a large number of buildings and are invaluable in hospital and school design solutions. However, for projects with a greater budget and desire for distinctive, enhanced quality exposed soffits are still very popular. One example of this seems to be in University buildings. In these instances, additional service risers and a need to more carefully consider the M&E runs within the design become paramount. This is a very different set of design criteria than that used at St Pauls and as such, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations made in this report would not be considered applicable without further assessment and review. RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES AND MORE EFFICIENT M&E Although the specific solutions applicable for each project should be considered on an individual basis, the general ethos championed in this report and its findings should be seen as universal. By valuing and including the most advanced and efficient systems as possible, every building project is enhanced and the only variable that should be considered is the type and the extent of its inclusion. UK Based Buildings That Might Benefit From Similar Recommendations This report was intended to support and complement BB101 in terms of its practical application to the works undertaken by Miller Construction (UK) Limited and the way that both documents will be used going forward by the relevant Project/ Site Teams. It could even be said to better the recommendations made in the Building Bulletin as a lot of the measures proposed are in excess of the BB101 recommendations. Although the building source used is a typical secondary school and the main focus clearly that of the education sector, a great many of the principles discussed are generic in nature and therefore applicable to all manner of buildings and building sectors. 82 17/02/2016 Due to this universal approach, the report, its findings and its recommendations can be deemed suitable for application to almost any building within the United Kingdom. In addition to this, we have gone into more detail with regards to the public and private sector application of this report’s findings in Section 5a - Applicability To Other Buildings And Building Projects. Resources, Tools and Materials Developed For Providing Adaptation Services In 2000, Miller Construction (UK) Limited developed a Design Manual following lessons learnt from its Glasgow School project. The Design Manual was seen as the definitive tool in defining the design function within the business and something to provide its internal design team with a document that would provide definitive guidance on the materials, procedures and processes necessary to create efficient, economical and adaptable component lead design solutions. Items such as a minimum 3m floor to ceiling height in order to meet the BB101 requirements for ventilation, over-heating and natural light ingress and the use of mixed-mode ventilation solutions were included and as a result, were incorporated as the standard Miller Construction (UK) Limited design solutions for all of its projects. In 2011, Andrew McGarva, the Area Director for the Midlands and South West developed the initial Design Manual with a key team of Miller Construction (UK) Limited professionals, so that it remained current and at the cutting edge of design development, innovation and adaptability. This Climate Change Adaptation Study will be used to support and further develop the Design Manual so that it can continue to provide direction in terms of ‘best practice’ and future adaptation services for all of the projects within the Miller Construction (UK) portfolio. Further to the development and advancement of the Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s Design Manual, there has also been an ongoing strategy for personal knowledge enhancement within the company as a direct result of this study. The core details from this report and the process that went into developing it have been captured in a PowerPoint presentation and senior management within Miller Construction (UK) Limited are considering how best to role this out to the wider workforce. Initial thoughts are to introduce the concept to the design personnel, assess the impact and then look at delivering the information to the wider disciplines such as Project Managers and Commercial Managers. N.B. A copy of this PowerPoint presentation has been included within the overall report package, but not as a specific appendix item The people who have worked on the Climate Change Adaptation Study have found the process to be informative, useful and highly beneficial in changing the way that they consider project design. To this end, Miller Construction (UK) Limited have decided to retain these personnel as a live resource for future projects. Through a process of consultation and advice, information can easily be disseminated by company ‘champions’ and the valuable ‘lessons learnt’ not lost as the official process comes to an end. The team at De Montfort University have proved a valuable resource and a unique source of technical information that was critical in steering the conclusions made in this report. Due to this Miller Construction (UK) Limited are keen to maintain an ongoing professional relationship that will allow them to quickly assess similar issues in the future. This relationship seems to be mutually beneficial as the team at the University can expand its knowledge database with actual project information instead of the more theoretical information that it has on its current database. 83 17/02/2016 Finally, it is hoped that this exercise will not prove to be a ‘one-off’ but more a start of a process that will develop the company’s future direction and the mindset of its employees. Although the resources, tools and materials that were immediately developed might appear to be relatively modest, the expectation is that these will be added to, enhanced and developed by future projects and continuous betterment and development, where climate change is a key project driver and not merely a secondary concern. Further Needs In Order To Provide Adaptation Services The Miller Construction (UK) Limited Design Manual is a fluid, constantly evolving document that stands as elegant proof of the need to adapt and develop, instead of merely accepting currently accepted ideals. While the means of identifying possible betterment of this document may change, (the Climate Change Adaption Study being a prime example of this) the Manual itself will remain the core document for Miller Construction (UK) Limited design guidance. The Design Manual is the Miller Construction (UK) Limited template for all of its design approaches and will be further revised following the recommendations of this report, so that it continues to incorporate the refinements necessary to realise the company’s mission statement, most specifically the desire to; “Be the sector’s best partner, employer and innovator.” It is hoped that through forward thinking approaches such as this that Miller Construction (UK) Limited might also help to refine and develop BB101 for the betterment of building design and development in the future. In addition to the Design Manual, the company will need to invest in its people and it’s processes as noted previously in Section 5d - Resources, Tools and Materials Developed For Providing Adaptation Services. A greater focus on the requirements necessary to address climate change will be required throughout all areas of the business and this will be facilitated through a system of formal presentations and informal mentoring. Also, as part of each new project, the budget will need to include for potential Climate Change assessments and the need to involve specialist such as the team at De Montfort University. Rather than merely seeing environmental and sustainable issues as easy options to be ‘Value Engineered’ out of a scheme due to cost saving initiatives, they will need to be used as positive selling points during competitive tenders and critical design drivers during the detailed design development stage. With a more unified approach to the changing needs of the industry and the planet as a whole, Miller Construction (UK) Limited will seek to re-invent itself in order to remain at the forefront of construction and deliver on its core directives: Deliver world class standards to our customers Deliver outstanding levels of performance for our shareholders and Be the sector’s best partner, employer and innovator 84 17/02/2016 Conclusion This report goes into some detail about the surveys and reviews that were undertaken in order to analyse and determine the quality of the existing building stock at St Paul’s School. This approach quickly revealed that the renovation and refurbishment of the existing building stock was simply not economical and did not offer the client value for money. It was also clear that the carbon footprint of the existing building stock was far too great and was considered too poor to maintain, even with refurbishment and enhancement. Due to this, Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s project strategy was to remove as much of the poor existing building stock as possible and replace it with new and improved facilities. In doing so a number of the long-standing functionality issues were addressed, a more economical, efficient and adaptable solution offered and the optimisation of life-cycle benefits realised. When coupled with the work undertaken by the Team at De Montfort University, it was possible for Miller Construction (UK) Limited to not only identify key adaptability issues to benefit the St Pauls RC School project, but also design elements that could be amended for future schemes in a number of different sectors. Ultimately it is clear that the Climate Change Adaptability Study undertaken at St Pauls RC School has proven highly informative and beneficial for the company in identifying areas for change and supporting and enhancing areas of ‘Best Practice’ that had already been identified in Miller Construction (UK) Limited’s existing Design Manual. 85 17/02/2016