Positional Feature: Point, Arc, Circle, Sphere, Slot Line Feature: Line, Slot, Cylinder, Cone Plane Feature: Plane Axis Feature:Cylinder, cone Application Point: MidPoint Anchor Point: Points closest to origin on linear feature, or plane Bounding Points: end of point of a linear feature or distance Pierce Point” where the axis intersects the plane 進行新的 Construction 時:根據選取的 FeatureID(?)與 ConstructionID(?),建立一個識別碼,進行呼叫程式(新的 Construction 的副程式) 。 執行完計算後需做下列兩件資料庫存取的事: MainTB 與 FeatureTB 中也要寫入 MeasType=4(?) ConstructionTB(?)資料庫內必須寫入: ConstructionID(?)->Construction 產生的 IndexAll-1, IndexAll-2->Change_Type 的可能種類(根據 Construction 的種類,若為 N/A 則填 0) ->Change_Type Index(寫 0)->Construction 選取的圖元數 ->選取的圖元編號 Chage_Type 功能: 當完成 Construction 再次選擇並按 ChangeType 時必須-> 根據 gSelectIndex(?)查對是否在 ConstructionTB(?)[或可查 MainTB 中的 MeasType]中(若無則不必有任何反映,若有接續下列的動作) 的 IndexAll-1, IndexAll-2-> 查對目前 ChangeType 的可能種類-> 查對目前 Change_Type Index-> Change_Type Index 加一-> 呼叫選取用來做 Construction 的原始圖元-> 根據選取的原始圖元、ConstructionID(?)與 Change_Type Index-> 建立新圖元-> 寫入 MainTB 與 FeatureTB-> 刪除 MainTB 與 FeatureTB 中舊的圖元-> ->呼叫 PartView Angle 與 Distance 的資料庫要改 Angle 輸入的兩條線共四點(Done) Distance 輸入的擷取距離的兩點(Done) 加一全域變數 dim gZeroVector(3) as double (Done) gZeroVector(0)=0 (Done) gZeroVector(1)=0 (Done) gZeroVector(2)=0 (Done) gTrunPerpendicular (Done) gTrunParallel (Done) gProjPlaneID (Done) gPlaneLength (Done) Superuser 處再查 Datum 輸出不同格式 查輸出單位 查補償 與洪凱查 CNLine_LineAndPlane CNLine_LineOntoPlane Public Sub Coord_TransferArcWorldToDatum(DatumNo As Integer, Org() As Double, Np() As Double) 'Call WorldTranToDatum(DatumNo, Org, Org) 'Call Coord_TransferNPWorldToDatum(DatumNo, Np, Np) 'Add End Sub Public Sub Coord_TransferAngleWorldToDatum(DatumNo As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double) '查 Angle 有沒有 Np Call WorldTranToDatum(DatumNo, x1, x1) Call WorldTranToDatum(DatumNo, x2, x2) Call WorldTranToDatum(DatumNo, x3, x3) Call WorldTranToDatum(DatumNo, x4, x4) End Sub Tolerance Select 中 check Plane 要改 Tolerance Select 中 working_coord 不需要 check F_feature Sub ChooseOneSameCoord() Dim FeatureN As ListItem Set FeatureN = fFt_List1.ListView1.SelectedItem t2 = "Select New_Name from " & FeatureN.SmallIcon & "TB where" _ & " New_Name <> '" & FeatureN.Text & "' AND Working_Coord" _ & " IN(Select Working_Coord from " & FeatureN.SmallIcon & "TB" _ & " where New_Name= '" & FeatureN.Text & "');" Call Read_ADO(t2, TBarray) f_Tolerance_ListView.ListItems.Clear For i = LBound(TBarray, 2) To UBound(TBarray, 2) f_Tolerance_ListView.ListItems.Add , , TBarray(0, i), , FeatureN.SmallIcon Next i End Sub Sub ChooseOneSamePlane() Dim FeatureN As ListItem Set FeatureN = fFt_List1.ListView1.SelectedItem t2 = "Select New_Name from " & FeatureN.SmallIcon & "TB where" _ & " New_Name <> '" & FeatureN.Text & "' AND Working_Plane" _ & " IN(Select Working_Plane from " & FeatureN.SmallIcon & "TB" _ & " where New_Name= '" & FeatureN.Text & "');" Call Read_ADO(t2, TBarray) f_Tolerance_ListView.ListItems.Clear For i = LBound(TBarray, 2) To UBound(TBarray, 2) f_Tolerance_ListView.ListItems.Add , , TBarray(0, i), , FeatureN.SmallIcon Next i End Sub Sub ChooseTwoSamePlane(FeatureN2 As String) Dim FeatureN As ListItem Set FeatureN = fFt_List1.ListView1.SelectedItem t2 = "Select New_Name from " & FeatureN2 & "TB where Working_Plane" _ & " IN(Select Working_Plane from " & FeatureN.SmallIcon & "TB" _ & " where New_Name= '" & FeatureN.Text & "');" Call Read_ADO(t2, TBarray) For i = LBound(TBarray, 2) To UBound(TBarray, 2) f_Tolerance_ListView.ListItems.Add , , TBarray(0, i), , FeatureN2 Next i End Sub 若被用來做 construction 被殺掉了則後續的 changeType 無作用 Compute_feature 中的_compute_cone 輸出的 MinR, MaxR Enter_point 中的 Dist 與 Angle 資料庫要更新更新後要將 PartView 中 BuildModel 的'Wait 去掉 Check cone 的 Enterpoint 與 creat Check Dist& Angle 的 Enterpoint 與 creat 且 WORLD 未改變(Done) Check creat PlaneLength( WORLD 未改變(Done)) check_F_Name()(done) Public Sub CN3DCircle_TwoLines(ID As Integer, X1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As Integer, CirOrg() As Double, CirNp() As Double, CirR As Double)(done) GDistError(done) GRadiusError(done) result 中 twocircle 座標未轉 世人的 result 世人 DATUM 部分程式都不改 Cone 為查 Inner OR Outer Datum 選 LINE 時要多 CYLINDER 和 CONE 查對在 PartView 中 BuildModel 的 Angle 與 Distance 的資料庫讀取 'Waitt2 = "Select IndexALL,Layer,Working_coord,Working_Plane,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,X3,Y3,Z3,X4,Y4,Z4,A From AngleTB " fReport.frm 中的文字要改成 Resource fReport.frm 中讀出的座標值在哪裡要改座標 Datum Secendary Button 為與主程式連 在 FEATURE_LIST 中若殺掉一個東西要殺 MAINTBFeatuteTB,ConstructionTB(中有使用到的圖元(不是 CONSTRUCTION 出來的圖元) Check Public Sub CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, X1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) Public Sub CN3DLine_LineOnPlane(X1() As Double, x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) Try Public Sub CN3DCircle_CylinderAndCone(CylinderOrg1() As Double, CylNp() As Double, CylinderR As Double, ConeApex() As Double, ConeBaseOrg() As Double, ConeNp() As Double, ConeBaseRadius As Double, ConeAngle As Double, OutputID As Integer, CircleOrg() As Double, CircleNp() As Double, CircleRadius As Double) Point Construction (gFeatureID=?): Center Point Positiona Point of a positional l Feature feature, ellipse, rectangle, or slot 點座標 NA 4022 CN3DPoint_CenterPoint(x1() As Double, x0() As Double) Arc 圓心 NA 4024 讀取圓心 CN3DPoint_CenterPoint(x1() As Double, x0() As Double) Circle, 圓心 NA 4025 讀取圓心 CN3DPoint_CenterPoint(x1() As Double, x0() As Double) Sphere 球心 NA 4029 讀取球心 CN3DPoint_CenterPoint(x1() As Double, x0() As Double) Apex of cone Cone or or angle Angle Slot 中心 Cone 頂點 NA 4026 讀取兩心, CN3DPoint_CenterPointSlot(x1() As Double, 並求中點 x2() As Double, x0() As Double) 4020 ID 4 讀取頂點 (Apex) CN3DPoint_ApexofCone(ID As Integer, Apex() As Double, MaxOrg() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) 軸線中點 讀取頂點與 CN3DPoint_ApexofCone(ID As Integer, BaseCircles Apex() As Double, MaxOrg() As Double, 2 的圓心座 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As 標(可能是 Double) x2,y2,z2) Anchor 讀取頂點與 CN3DPoint_ApexofCone(ID As Integer, Point? BaseCircles Apex() As Double, MaxOrg() As Double, 2 的圓心座 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As 標(可能是 Double) x2,y2,z2) ,找出離原 點較近的點 兩端點 讀取頂點與 CN3DPoint_ApexofCone(ID As Integer, BaseCircles Apex() As Double, MaxOrg() As Double, 2 的圓心座 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Angle 頂點 ? ? ? 標(可能是 Double) x2,y2,z2) 讀取交點 CN3DPoint_ApexofAngle(InterPoint() As Double, x0() As Double) Application A Linear Line Feature Point (midpoint of or Plane linear feature, or plane) Applicatio 4023 讀取線的兩 CN3DPoint_MidPointofLine(ID As Integer, n Point ID 3 點找出其中 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID 點 As Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) 讀取線的兩 CN3DPoint_MidPointofLine(ID As Integer, 點,找出離 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID As 原點較近的 Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) Anchor Point 點 讀取線的兩 CN3DPoint_MidPointofLine(ID As Integer, 點並輸出兩 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID As 點 Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) Bounding Points Cylinder Applicatio n Point 4028 ID 3 Anchor Point 讀取軸線的 CN3DPoint_MidPointofLine(ID As Integer, 兩點找出其 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID 中點 As Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) 讀取軸線的 CN3DPoint_MidPointofLine(ID As Integer, 兩點,找出 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID As 離原點較近 Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) 的點 讀取軸線的 CN3DPoint_MidPointofLine(ID As Integer, 兩點並輸出 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID As 兩點 Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) Bounding Points Cone 已定義 Plane Applicatio n Point 4027 ID 2 讀取平面上 CN3DPoint_MidPointofPlane(ID As Integer, 的一點並輸 PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, 出 x0() As Double) 將原點投影 CN3DPoint_MidPointofPlane(ID As Integer, 到面上之點 PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, Anchor Point x0() As Double) Bounding Points Anchor Point A Linear (Points closest Feature to origin on or Plane linear feature, or plane) Done Center Point The of a positional positional feature or slot feature, ellipse, Done ? ????????? rectangle, or slot. BoundPoint A Linear Linear (end of point Feature Feature of a linear or Plane feature or distance) Done Distance 兩端點 4021 ID 3 線中點 讀取 CN3DPoint_BoundPointofDist(ID As Integer, Distance 的 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID As 兩點並輸出 Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) 讀取 CN3DPoint_BoundPointofDist(ID As Distance 的 Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 兩點找出其 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double, x01() 中點 As Double) 讀取 CN3DPoint_BoundPointofDist(ID As Integer, Distance 的 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, OutputID As 兩點找出其 Integer, x0() As Double, x01() As Double) 中點,找出 離原點較近 Anchor Point 的點 Intersection of Two two lines Lines Two lines 有交點時 有交點 顯示交點 40233 ID 2 讀取兩線共 CN3DPoint_IntersectionofTwoLines(ID As 四點找出其 Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() 交點,若無 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As 交點不必顯 Integer, x0() As Double) 示任何東西 若無交點取 最短距離的 CN3DPoint_IntersectionofTwoLines(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() 中點 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double) Closest Point Two Line and Closest of approach linear Cylinder Point between two Features 有交點 linear features 40238 ID 讀取線與圓 CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() 柱軸線共四 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As 點找出其交 Integer, x0() As Double) 點,若無交 點 找出最 近的點 交點? Line and Closest Point Cone ? 40230 ID 讀取線與圓 CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() 錐軸線共四 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As 點找出其交 Integer, x0() As Double) 點,若無交 點 找出最 近的點 交點? Line and Closest Point Slot 40236 ID CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() Slot 軸線共 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As 四點找出其 Integer, x0() As Double) 讀取線與 交點,若無 交點 找出 最近的點 交點? Closest Two Cylinder Point s 40288 ID CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() Cylinder 軸 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As 線共四點找 Integer, x0() As Double) 讀取兩 出其交點, 若無交點 找出最近的 點 交點? Cylinder Closest and Cone Point 40280 ID CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() Cylinder 與 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As Cone 軸線 Integer, x0() As Double) 讀取 共四點找出 其交點,若 無交點 找 出最近的點 交點? Cylinder Closest and Slot Point 40286 ID 讀取 CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() Cylinder 與 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As Slot 軸線共 Integer, x0() As Double) 四點找出其 交點,若無 交點 找出 最近的點 交點? Two Cones Closest Point 40200 ID CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() Cones 軸線 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As 共四點找出 Integer, x0() As Double) 讀取 Two 其交點,若 無交點 找 出最近的點 交點? Two Slots Closest Point 40266 ID 讀取 Two CN3DPoint_ClosestPtofTwoLinear(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() Slots 軸線 As Double, x4() As Double, OutputID As 共四點找出 Integer, x0() As Double) 其交點,若 無交點 找 出最近的點 交點? Intersection of Two Two Circles Circles (Result will be 2 points) Two circles 有交點 兩交點或 一交點 40255 ID 2 讀取兩圓的 CN3DPoint_TwoCircles(ID As Integer, 圓心與法向 org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As 量 Double, org2() As Double, Np2() As Double, r2 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 'test OK 兩交點連線 的中點 讀取兩圓的 CN3DPoint_TwoCircles(ID As Integer, 圓心與法向 org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As 量 Double, org2() As Double, Np2() As Double, r2 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 'test OK 若無焦點 找出兩元 圓心中點 Midpoint of Two Circles (若無交點 Intersection?? Two circles 無 取圓心連 ? ? 交點 線中點) 40255 CN3DPoint_TwoCircles(ID As Integer, org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As Double, org2() As Double, Np2() As Double, r2 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 'test OK Intersections of a line and circle or line and a sphere A line and circle or A line and a A line and 兩交點或 一交點 circle 兩交點或 一交點 40235 ID 2 sphere As Double) 'test OK Perpendicular Point A line and 兩交點或 a sphere 一交點 兩交點或 (若無交 一交點 點取??) CN3DPoint_LineAndCircle(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 'test OK 40239 CN3DPoint_LineAndSphere(ID As Integer, ID 2 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, org1() As Double, r1 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 'test OK Perpendicular Point Midpoint between two positional CN3DPoint_LineAndCircle(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() Two Two Positiona points l Features 中點 CN3DPoint_LineAndSphere(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, org1() As Double, r1 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 'test OK 40222 讀取兩點, CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 並求中點 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As Double) features Point and 中點 Circle 40225 讀取點與圓 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 心,並求中 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 點 Double) Point and 中點 40224 讀取點與弧 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 心,並求中 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 點 Double) Arc Point and 中點 Sphere 40229 讀取點與球 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 心,並求中 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 點 Double) 中點 40255 讀取兩圓 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 心,並求中 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As Two circles 點 Double) Circle ans 中點 Sphere 40259 讀取圓心與 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 球心,並求 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 中點 Double) Circle and 中點 Arc 40254 讀取圓心與 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 弧心,並求 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 中點 Double) Two Arcs 中點 40244 讀取兩弧 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 心,並求中 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 點 Double) Arc and Sphere 中點 40249 讀取弧心與 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 球心,並求 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 中點 Double) Two Spheres 中點 40299 讀取兩球 CN3DPoint_MidpointBetweenTwoPositional(x 心,並求中 1() As Double, x2() As Double, x0() As 點 Perpendicula r point on a plane or line from a positional feature Double) Plane and Plane and 點投影到 面 A Point Positiona l Feature 40227 讀取點與平 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnPlane(pt() 面上一點與 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() 平面法向 As Double, x0() As Double) 量,將點投 影到平面上 Plane and 圓心投影 到面的點 Circle 40275 讀取圓心與 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnPlane(pt() 平面上一點 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() 與平面法向 As Double, x0() As Double) 量,將點投 影到平面上 Plane and 弧心投影 到面的點 Arc 40274 讀取弧心與 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnPlane(pt() 平面上一點 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() 與平面法向 As Double, x0() As Double) 量,將點投 影到平面上 Plane and 球心投影 到面的點 Sphere 40279 讀取球心與 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnPlane(pt() 平面上一點 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() 與平面法向 As Double, x0() As Double) 量,將點投 影到平面上 Line and Line and 點投影到 線 A Point Positiona l Feature Line and 圓心投影 到線的線 Circle 40232 讀取點與線 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnLine(pt() As 的兩點,將 Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 點投影到線 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double) 上 40253 讀取圓心與 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnLine(pt() As 線的兩點, Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 將點投影到 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double) 線上 Line and 弧心投影 到線的線 Arc 40234 讀取弧心與 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnLine(pt() As 線的兩點, Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 將點投影到 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double) 線上 Line and 球心投影 到線的點 Sphere 40239 讀取球心與 CN3DPoint_PerpendicularPointOnLine(pt() As 線的兩點, Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 將點投影到 OutputID As Integer, x0() As Double) 線上 Intersection A linear Line and 線與平面 40237 讀取線的兩 CN3DPoint_LineAndPlane(x1() As Double, feature of linear feature and and a plane (The plane “Pierce Point” where the axis Plane 交點 點與平面上 x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, 一點與平面 Np() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x0() As 法向量,將 Double) 點投影到平 面上 intersects the plane) Cylinder 圓柱軸線 and Plane 與平面交 點 40287 讀取圓柱軸 CN3DPoint_LineAndPlane(x1() As Double, 線的兩點與 x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, 平面上一點 Np() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x0() As 與平面法向 Double) 量,將點投 影到平面上 Intersection of three planes Three planes Cone and 圓錐軸線 與平面交 Plane 點 40207 讀取圓錐軸 CN3DPoint_LineAndPlane(x1() As Double, 線的兩點與 x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, 平面上一點 Np() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x0() As 與平面法向 Double) 量,將點投 影到平面上 三平面交 點 42210 讀取三平面 CN3DPoint_ThreePlanes(PointOnPlane1() As 上的點與平 Double, Np1() As Double, PointOnPlane2() As 面法向量, Double, Np2() As Double, PointOnPlane3() As 將點投影到 Double, Np3() As Double, OutputID As 平面上 Integer, x0() As Double) Positional Feature: Point, Arc, Circle, Sphere, Slot Line Construction Axis of linear A linear feature feature Cylinder 4038 讀取圓柱軸 CN3DLine_AxisofLinear(org1() As Double, 線的兩點,構 org2() As Double, x1() As Double, x2() As 成一線 Double) Cone 4030 讀取圓錐基 CN3DLine_AxisofLinear(org1() As Double, 園圓心與 org2() As Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Apex 座標, Double) 構成一線 4037 讀取平面上 CN3DLine_AxisofPlane(PointOnPlane() As 一點與平面 Double, Np() As Double, x1() As Double, 法向量,求出 x2() As Double) 平面法線 4036 讀取 slot 的兩 CN3DLine_Slot(Org1() As Double, NP() As 圓心,法線方 Double, Org2() As Double, r As Double, Axis of Plane A Plane Slot 兩邊 切線 Lines of a slot The Slot (Results will 向 be 2 lines) Line between Two Two 兩點連線 40322 x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x11() As Double, x12() As Double) CN3DLine_TwoPoints(pt1() As Double, two positional positional Points features features pt2() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double) Point and 點與圓心 點與圓切 連線 線(點在圓 circle 外且與此 40325 ID 圓在同平 面) Point and 點與球心 連線 sphere Two circles 兩點圓心 兩圓切線 連線 CN3DLine_PointAndCircle(ID As Integer, pt() As Double, org() As Double, radius As Double, Np() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x11() As Double, x12() As Double) 40329 CN3DLine_TwoPoints(pt1() As Double, pt2() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double) 40355 CN3DLine_TwoCircles(ID As Integer, org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As Double, org2() As Double, Np2() As Double, r2 As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x11() As Double, x12() As Double) Circle and 圓心與球 心連線 Sphere 40359 CN3DLine_PointAndCircle(ID As Integer, pt() As Double, org() As Double, radius As Double, Np() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x11() As Double, x12() As Double) Two 兩球心連 40399 CN3DLine_TwoPoints(pt1() As Double, spheres 線 Two planes 平面交線 pt2() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double) Tangent lines from point and a radius feature or two radial features 40377 讀取兩平面 CN3DLine_TwoPlanes(PointOnPlane1() As 上的點與平 Double, Np1() As Double, PointOnPlane2() 面法向量,將 As Double, Np2() As Double, OutputID As 點投影到平 Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double) 面上 Two linear Two 40333 讀取兩線共 Call Feature ID 4 四點找出其 CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As Intersection of The two two planes planes Bisector or perpendicular bisector between two linear features or planes The two ??? linear features( or planes ?) Lines 等分線 Double, x6() As Double) s Line and Closest Cylinder Point 有交點 40338 ID 讀取線與圓 柱軸線共四 點找出其交 Call CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As Double, x6() As Double) 點,若無交點 找出最近的 點 Line and Closest Point Cone 40330 ID 讀取線與圓 錐軸線共四 點找出其交 Call CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As Double, x6() As Double) 點,若無交點 找出最近的 點 Line and Closest Point Slot 40336 ID 讀取線與 Slot Call CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex 軸線共四點 As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As Double, x6() As Double) Closest Two Cylinders Point 40388 ID Call CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex Cylinder 軸線 As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 讀取兩 共四點 x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As Double, x6() As Double) Cylinder Closest and Cone Point 40380 ID 讀取 Cylinder Call CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex 與 Cone 軸線 As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As 共四點 Double, x6() As Double) Cylinder Closest and Slot Point 40386 ID 讀取 Cylinder Call CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex 與 Slot 軸線共 As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 四點找出其 x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As Double, x6() As Double) 交點,若無交 點 找出最 近的點 Two Closest 40300 讀取 Two Call Cones Point ID Cones 軸線共 CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 四點找出其 x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As 交點,若無交 Double, x6() As Double) 點 找出最 近的點 Two Slots Closest Point 40366 ID Call CN3DLine_BisectorofTwoLine(ChangeIndex Slots 軸線共 As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 四點找出其 x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x5() As Double, x6() As Double) 交點,若無交 讀取 Two 點 找出最 近的點 Line of closest Two linear ??? features approach between two linear features(Also know as Shortest) Perpendicular Two linear ??? features Bisector between two linear features A Point and 點到綫的 垂直線 positional to a positional Line linear feature feature and (perpendicular) a linear feature Line from a 40332 ID 2 通過一點 平行一線 讀取點與線 的兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 讀取點與線 的兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) Circle and 圓心到綫 的垂直線 Line 40353 ID 2 讀 取 圓 心 與 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, 與線的兩點 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 通過圓心 平行一線 讀取圓心與 與線的兩點 CNLine_PointParallelLine(pt() As Double, X1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double) Sphere and Line 球心到綫 的垂直線 40393 ID 2 球過圓心 平行一線 Point and 點到圓柱 Cylinder 軸線的垂 直線 40328 ID 2 通過一點 平行圓柱 軸線 Circle and 圓心到圓 Cylinder 柱軸線的 垂直線 讀取球心與 與線的兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 讀取球心與 與線的兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 讀取點與圓 柱軸線的兩 點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double)若 gError>0 則找 不到此線 讀取點與圓 柱軸線的兩 點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 40358 讀 取 圓 心 與 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, ID 2 圓 柱 軸 線 的 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 兩點 Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 通過圓心 平行圓柱 軸線 Sphere and Cylinder 讀取圓心與 圓柱軸線的 兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 讀取球心與 圓柱軸線的 兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 通過球心 平行圓柱 讀取球心與 圓柱軸線的 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 軸線 兩點 Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 讀取點與圓 錐軸線的兩 點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 讀取點與圓 錐軸線的兩 點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As 球心到圓 柱軸線的 垂直線 40398 ID 2 Point and 點到圓錐 軸線的垂 Cone 直線 40320 ID 2 通過一點 平行圓錐 軸線 Double, x02() As Double) Circle and 圓心到圓 錐軸線的 Cone 垂直線 40350 ID 2 讀 取 圓 心 與 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, 圓 錐 軸 線 的 x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 兩點 Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 通過圓心 平行圓錐 軸線 球心到圓 Sphere and Cone 錐軸線的 垂直線 40390 ID 2 通過球心 平行圓錐 軸線 Line from a positional feature to a A Point and 點到平面 NA 的垂直線 positional Plane feature and 40327 讀取圓心與 圓錐軸線的 兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 讀取球心與 圓錐軸線的 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 兩點 Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 讀取球心與 圓錐軸線的 兩點 CN3DLine_PointAndLine(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 讀取點與平 面上一點與 平面法向量 CN3DLine_PointAndPlane(pt() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() a plane plane (perpendicular to plane) Rotated line from line and angle A line and the Angle Gage line between two lines ?? Line projected The line to a plane and the plane As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 Circle and 圓心到平 NA 面的垂直 Plane 線 40357 球心到平 NA Sphere and Plane 面的垂直 線 40397 旋轉線到 指定的角 度 41230 線投影到 面上 40373 讀取圓心與 平面上一點 CN3DLine_PointAndPlane(pt() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, 與平面法向 量 OutPutID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 讀取球心與 平面上一點 與平面法向 量 CN3DLine_PointAndPlane(pt() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double) 若 gError>0 則找不到此線 CN3DLine_LineAndAngle( x1() As Double, x2() As Double, rA As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double) 讀取線上兩 點與平面上 一點與平面 CN3DLine_LineOnPlane(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, OutPutID As Integer, x01() 法向量 Three or more Three or more point points to 三點或多 點找線 As Double, x02() As Double) If gerror>0 then 無法構成一線不必出現東東 42310 fined line Circle Constructions Equator of Sphere per projection Sphere First Select, or from, then select XY, projection 4059 CN3DCircle_Sphere(ID As Integer, SphOrg() As Double, SphR As Double, CirOrg() As Double, CirNp() As Double, CirR As Double) 4050 Public Sub CN3DCircle_Cone(Apex() As Double, ConeMaxOrg() As Double, ConeMaxR sphere YZ projection ZX projection Gage Circle of Select the Cone a given cone( you diameter in a cone will be prompted to enter the As Double, ConeNp() As Double, OutputID As Integer, CirOrg() As Double, CirNp() As Double, CirR As Double) circle’s diameter) Intersection of The plane Plane and Plane and and a Cylinder coaxial coaxial cylinder or cone 40578 cylinder or cone Public Sub CN3DCircle_PlaneAndCylinder(PointOnPlane() As Double, PlaneNp() As Double, CylOrg1() As Double, CylNp() As Double, CylR As Double, OutputID As Integer, CirOrg() As Double, CirNp() As Double, CirR As Double) Plane and Cone 40570 Public Sub CN3DCircle_PlaneAndCone(PointOnPlane() As Double, PlaneNp() As Double, Apex() As Double, ConeNp() As Double, ConMaxR As Double, ConeAngle As Double, OutputID As Integer, CirOrg() As Double, CirNp() As Double, CirR As Double) Intersection of Cylinder cylinder and and coaxial coaxial cone cone 40580 CN3DCircle_CylinderAndCone(CylinderOrg1() As Double, CylinderOrg2() As Double, Np1() As Double, CylinderR As Double, ConeApex() As Double, ConeBaseOrg() As Double, Np2() As Double, ConeBaseRadius As Double, OptputID As Integer, CircleOrg() As Double, CircleNp() As Double, CircleRadius As Double) Three or more Three or points to fined more circle points 三點或多 點找圓 42511 Circle tangent Two lines Two lines 找出已知 共有四種 40533 半徑切於 Change_type 可 ID to two lines (you will 兩條線的 供切換 be 圓 prompted CN3DCircle_TwoLines(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, OptputID As Integer, CirOrg() As Double, CirNp() As Double, CirR As Double) to enter the circle’s radius) Three circle to Three fined circle cirlces 三圓找圓 42510 找出通過 N/A 一線中點 的平面 4073 Public Sub CN3DPlane_Line(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) 線為平面 法向量點 為平面上 40723 CN3DPlane_PointAndLine(pt() As Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Plane Construction Plane through The Line the midpoint of a line using the line as an axis Plane using a The axis Line and Line and a point line as axis through a Positional positional feature 之一點 feature Line and Circle 線為平面 法向量圓 心為平面 Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) 40735 上之一點 Line and Sphere 線為平面 法向量球 心為平面 上之一點 CN3DPlane_LineAndCircle(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, CirOrg() As Double, CirR As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) 40739 CN3DPlane_LineAndSphere(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, SphOrg() As Double, SphR As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) Midplane or Two planes perpendicular midplane between two planes 兩平面間 的中間平 面(無論有 無交線) 40777 ID 4 CN3DPlane_TwoPlanes(ID As Integer, PointOnPlane1() As Double, Np1() As Double, rL1 As Double, PointOnPlane2() As Double, Np2() As Double, rL2 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) 垂直於中間平 面的平面 CN3DPlane_TwoPlanes(ID As Integer, PointOnPlane1() As Double, Np1() As Double, rL1 As Double, PointOnPlane2() As Double, Np2() As Double, rL2 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) 兩平面間 垂直於中間平 的中間平 面的平 面(無論有 無交線) 垂直於中 垂直於中間平 間平面的 面的平 平 Plane through A plane Plane and and a point a positional positional feature feature parallel to 經過點與 指定平面 平行之平 面 40772 CN3DPlane_PointAndPlane(pt() As Double, PointOnPlane1() As Double, Np1() As Double, rL1 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) another plane Plane and 經過圓心 40775 CN3DPlane_PointAndPlane(pt() Circle Plane through The line and the a line perpendicular plane to another plane 與指定平 面平行之 平面 As Double, PointOnPlane1() As Double, Np1() As Double, rL1 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) Plane and 經過球心 與指定平 Sphere 面平行之 平面 40779 Plane and 經過一線 與指定平 Line 面垂直之 平面 40737 CN3DPlane_PointAndPlane(pt() As Double, PointOnPlane1() As Double, Np1() As Double, rL1 As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, rL As Double) Arc Construction Arcs of slot The slot (results will be 2 Arcs) Slot2 的兩 NA 段弧 ARC 的 4046 資料 庫? Sphere Construction Cone 裡面 NA 的一顆球 Global ball The Cone given diameter (You will in a cone 4090 be prompted to enter a Diameter) CN3DSphere_Cone(Apex() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double, SphOrg() As Double, SphR As Double) 四點或多 NA 點找球 Four or more points to fined points 42910 Cylinder and Cone Construction Two coaxial Two circle cylinder coaxial or cone circles Two Cone circles with same radius 40055 CN3DCone_TwoCircles(Org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As Double, Org2() As Double, Np2() As Double, r2 As Double, OutputID As Integer, ConeOrg1() As Double, ConeOrg2() As Double, ConeNp() As Double, ConeR1 As Double, ConeR2 As Double, ConeApex() As Double, ConeAngle As Double) Two circles with different radius Cylinder 40855 CN3DCylinder_TwoCircles(Org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As Double, Org2() As Double, Np2() As Double, r2 As Double, OutputID As Integer, CylOrg1() As Double, CylOrg2() As Double, CylNp() As Double, CylR As Double) Angle Construction Angle Two between linear linear feature features, a linear features and a plane, or two planes Line and 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_TwoLines(ID 角 角 Line As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 41033 Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Line and 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_TwoLines(ID 角 Cylinder 角 As Integer, x1() As Double, 41038 x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Line and 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_TwoLines(ID 角 角 Cone As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 41030 Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Cylinder 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 角 角 and Cylinder 41088 CN3DAngle_TwoLines(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Cylinder 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_TwoLines(ID 角 and Cone 角 As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 41080 Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Cone and 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_TwoLines(ID 角 角 Cone As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As 41000 Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) A linear Line and 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_LineAnPlane(ID 角 角 feature Plane As Integer, x1() As Double, and a x2() As Double, plane 41037 PointOnPlane() As Double, PlaneNp() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Cylinder 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_LineAnPlane(ID 角 and Plane 角 As Integer, x1() As Double, 41087 x2() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, PlaneNp() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Cone and 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_LineAnPlane(ID 角 角 Plane As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 41007 PointOnPlane() As Double, PlaneNp() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Two Two 求出銳 360-銳角 180-銳角 180+銳 CN3DAngle_TwoPlanes(ID Planes Planes 角 角 41077 As Integer, PointOnPlane1() As Double, Np1() As Double, PointOnPlane2() As Double, Np2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, x03() As Double, x04() As Double, Np() As Double, rA As Double) Distance Construction (資料庫要存入距離的起點與終點) Length of axis (of linear The linear feature) feature Line 4013 CN3DDistance_TwoPoints(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) Slot 4016 CN3DDistance_TwoPoints(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) Cylinder 4018 CN3DDistance_TwoPoints(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) Cone 4010 CN3DDistance_TwoPoints(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) Duplicate Distance Reverse direction Distance Absolute value of coefficients Add two distance distances Two Two distance distance (Results will be from the 選取第 NA 一個 end of distance to the beginning of the other 個 Center to center Two distance between 2 positional Distance 的終點 與第二 40111 ID 4 CN3DDistance_TwoDistances(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) Distance 的始點 連成的 距離 Two positional points features 兩點距 NA 離 40122 CN3DDistance_TwoPoints(x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) features 40125 Point and Circle 點到圓 點到圓 點到圓 CN3DDistance_PointAndCircle(ID As 心距離 上的最 上的最 Integer, pt() As Double, CirOrg() As 短距離 長距離 Double, Np() As Double, CirR As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) 40129 40155 點到球 點到球 點到球 CN3DDistance_PointAndSphere(ID As Point 心距離 上的最 上的最 Integer, pt() As Double, SphOrg() As and 短距離 長距離 Double, SphR As Double, x01() As Sphere Double, x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) 兩圓心 兩圓的 兩圓的 (注意不在同一平面的兩圓) Two Circles 距離 40159 40199 最短距 最長距 CN3DDistance_TwoCircles(ID As Integer, 離 離 Org1() As Double, Np1() As Double, r1 As Double, Org2() As Double, Np2() As Double, r2 As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) Circles 圓心到 ?圓到 ?圓到 (注意不在同一平面的圓與球) 球心距 球上的 球上的 CN3DDistance_TwoPoints(x1() As and 最短距 最長距 Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, Sphere 離 離 離 x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) Two 兩球心 ?兩球 ?兩球 CN3DDistance_TwoPoints(x1() As Spheres 距離 Distance from a A Point positional positional and feature feature Line perpendicular to and a line a linear feature feature 40153 的最短 的最長 Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, 距離 距離 x02() As Double, rDistant As Double) 點到線 NA 的距離 40123 CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) Circle 圓心到 圓到線 圓到線 (注意不在同一平面的圓與線) and line 線的距 上的最 上的最 CN3DDistant_CircleAndLine(ID As 離 短距離 長距離 Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, org() As Double, Np() As Double, rR As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) 40143 Arc and 弧心到 弧到線 弧到線 CN3DDistant_CircleAndLine(ID As 線的距 上的最 上的最 Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, line 離 短距離 長距離 org() As Double, Np() As Double, rR As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) (注意不在同一平面的弧與線算法上與員 不一樣) 40193 Sphere 球心到 ?球到 ?球到 CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As 線的距 線上的 線上的 Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, and 最短距 最長距 x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist 離 離 As Double) 點到圓 ?點到 ?點到 CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As Point 柱中心 圓柱的 圓柱的 Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, and Cylinder 的距離 最短距 最長距 x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist 離 離 As Double) Line 40128 40158 40198 離 Circle 圓心到 圓柱中 and Cylinder 心的距 離 ?圓心 ?圓心 到圓柱 到圓柱 的最短 的最長 距離 距離 (注意不在同一平面的圓與圓柱) Sphere 球心到 圓柱中 and Cylinder 心的距 離 ?球心 ?球心 CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As 40120 Point and Cone 40150 Circle and Cone CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) 到圓柱 到圓柱 Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 的最短 的最長 x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist 距離 距離 As Double) 點到圓 ?點到 ?點到 CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As 錐中心 圓錐的 圓錐的 Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 的距離 最短距 最長距 x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist 離 離 As Double) 圓心到 ?圓心 ?圓心 (注意不在同一平面的圓與圓錐) 圓錐中 到圓錐 到圓錐 CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As 心的距 的最短 的最長 Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, 離 40190 Distance from a positional feature to a plane 距離 距離 x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) Sphere 球心到 ?球心 ?球心 CN3DDistant_PointAndLine(pt() As 圓錐中 到圓錐 到圓錐 Double, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, and 心的距 的最短 的最長 x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist Cone 離 距離 距離 As Double) A Point positional and feature Plane and a plane 點到平 NA 面的距 離 40127 CN3DDistant_PointAndPlane(pt() As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) Circle 圓心到 NA 平面的 距離 40175 CN3DDistant_PointAndPlane(CirOrg() As and Plane Sphere 球心到 NA 平面的 and 距離 Plane Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) 40179 CN3DDistant_SphereAndPlane(ID As Integer, org() As Double, rR As Double, PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) Nearest/Farthest A sphere Sphere 球心到 球到平 球到平 CN3DDistant_SphereAndPlane(ID As 平面距 面上的 面上的 Integer, org() As Double, rR As Double, distance from a and a and sphere to a plane plane Distant between 40133 two lines Plane 離 最短距 最長距 PointOnPlane() As Double, Np() As 離 離 Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) 3D xy yz zx (QC-5000 None) CNA3DDistant_TwoLines(ID As Integer, x1() As Double, x2() As Double, x3() As Double, x4() As Double, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double) 40133 最靠近 原點所 形成的 距離 最遠離 ??? 原點所 形成的 距離 Bounded distance between lines Two Lines Center line cylinder Line Distance between cylinder and %coaxial linear feature (axis) 柱中心 柱的最 柱的最 and and 短距離 長距離 %coaxial Cylinder 距離 linear feature 線到圓 線到圓 線到圓 (要軸平行)40138 Cylinder 圓柱中 心到圓 and Cylinder 柱中心 距離 Cone 圓柱到 圓柱到 (要軸平行?)40188 圓柱的 圓柱的 最短距 最長距 離 離 圓錐中 圓錐到 圓錐到 (要軸平行?)40180 心到圓 圓柱的 圓柱的 and Cylinder 柱中心 最短距 最長距 距離 離 離 Unbound distance Two linear Two lines 已有 between linear features features 已有 Line and Cylinder Line and Center line Nearest Farthest Bounded?40130 Center line Nearest Farthest Bounded?40100 Cone Cone and Cone Distances between Two Two %coaxial planes %coaxial planes planes 兩平面 NA 的距離 40177 CN3DDistant_TwoPlanes(PointOnPlane1() As Double, Np1() As Double, PointOnPlane2() As Double, Np2() As Double, OutputID As Integer, x01() As Double, x02() As Double, vDist As Double)