1 Mediterranean Sea Level Changes over the Period 1958-2001 INTRODUCTION Sea level has been monitored along the East Mediterranean coast since the twenties of the 20-th century. In a parallel with Survey of Israel (SOI), other organizations such as the Israeli Port and Railways Authority (PRA), Meteorological Service, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) were involved in the sea level monitoring during the different periods (Rosen and Kit, 1981). Main aims of monitoring in SOI are to derive at the mean sea level (MSL) value and to investigate its variations. The MSL is taken as zero of a geodetic heights level and as a base of the geoid construction. A new goal of such monitoring was derived during the last decades. Sea level changes are a subject of many interdisciplinary investigations such as the greenhouse effect and the global temperature changes. A rise in sea level will generate a need for a coastline protection and possible intrusion of seawater into freshwater areas in a future (Woodworth, 1987). All these suggest the necessity of a careful study of mean sea level changes. Sea level is measured in a datum of each tide gauge station that was derived from a local geodetic system leveling. The height system was adjusted over all the period of sea level measurements as well sea level. In this work we analyze all available data during 1958 – 2001 covering two 19 years periods. Presented sea level data gathered from different sources has certainly a different quality. We tried to estimate the reliability of such historic data. The aims of the work are: to compare MSL with a current datum; to describe main tide features observed at our stations; to distinguish tide long time periods. 1.TIDE GAUGE BENCHMARKS AND SEA LEVEL MEASUREMENTS 1.1 Benchmarks Sea level measurements at each gauge station are performed with a reference to a nearby benchmark called a tide gauge benchmark (TGBM). Usually, this is special headed bolt in a substantial structure whose height is derived from a local geodetic leveling. The local leveling is connected to the national leveling network. Below is a short summary of the national benchmarks connected to TGBM at Yafo and Ashdod stations in different periods. Yafo station. The benchmark 223/BN of height 2.350 m was fixed in December 1954. The float operated tide gauge was installed again, about 75 m apart from the BM 223/BN and 70 m from its previous location in June 1962. The repeated leveling between 223/BN and TGBM carried out in August 1965 and in January 1971 and revealed heights 3.172 m and 3.175 m respectively. On June 1985 the new benchmark 55/F was fixed at the height 2.945 m with a reference to the benchmark 223/BN. The distance between BM 55/F was about 75 m from the 223/BN. Yafo tide gauge operated without being removed until 1989. 2 Tel-Aviv station. In 1996, a new digital tide gauge was installed at Tel Aviv marina (5 km north to Yafo site). The TGBM height was derived from the height transfer of the 55/F BM. The local TGBM was fixed at the height 2.003 m. Ashdod station. Benchmark 17/F was fixed in August 1958. Its height 3.538 m was derived on the basis of TGBM in Haifa. BM 17/F was destroyed during the port development in December 1967. A new BM 17/F was fixed at the height 3.000 m. Ashdod benchmark was removed together with tide gauge twice: for the first time in January 1968 and the second - within the port from the inner part to the entrance sector of the port (Goldshmidt and Gilboa, 1985). A new benchmark 718/A inside the port was fixed with a height 2.518 m in 1983 and still exists nowdays. BM stability has been checked each year since 1990. 1.2. Sea level measurements Before 1996 sea level measurements at Yafo and Ashdod stations were performed by means of analog tide gauges of OTT HYDROMETRIE company (Germany). Since 1996 the analog tide gauges were replaced by float type digital instruments of the same company. The location of tide gauge stations at the modern period is shown on the map (Fig.1). SOI tide gauges array includes the next stations: Ashqelon, Ashdod, Tel-Aviv and Haifa. Two other stations at Hadera and Haifa belong to the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research. HAF - Haifa SOI stations IOLR stations HDR - Hedera TLV – Tel-Aviv HAF HDR ASD - Ashdod TLV ASQ - Ashqelon ASD ELT - Eilat ASQ ELT Fig. 1 Tide gauges locations along the Israeli Mediterranean sea coast. 3 An identical tide gauges were installed at the Tel-Aviv and Ashqelon Marinas and at the port of Ashdod. Fig 2a shows the THALES float type tide gauge at the Ashqelon Marina. Sea level record changes have been monitoring in digital form with 5-min sampling and 1 cm resolution. Sea level has been checked relatively to the nearby Bench Marks at each station once a week. Fig.2a Float type tide gauge at the Ashqelon Marina Fig. 2b Radar tide gauge at the Haifa port A new microwave radar tide gauge was installed at Haifa station in 2001 (Fig. 2b). The KALESTO OTT radar sensor uses microwaves of 24,125 GHz frequency and 5 mW power with a minimum measuring interval 5 sec. The characteristic of data used in the sea level analysis is given in the Tab.1. Tab.1 of Sampling Responsible Years Station 1958-1960 1961-1984 Ashdod Ashdod Category data Tables Tables 1962-1989 Yafo Analog records Digitized (max – min) SOI 1990-1995 Ashdod Analog records Digitized (max – min) SOI 1996 –2001 Tel –Aviv Digital records SOI Monthly mean Hourly mean 15 or 5 min sampling 2. TIDE WAVES APPEARING ALONG ISRAELI COAST PRA PRA 4 In order to clarify what is a difference between tide appearance along coast shore, records from different stations were compared. Comparison between Ashqelon, Ashdod and Tel-Aviv records shows that tide waves appear at the same phase and almost the same amplitude in all stations. At the Fig.3 tide records with 5-min sampling from Tel-Aviv and Ashdod station over the period of September- November 1999 are presented. The differences between records are defined as a high frequency noise. A mean value and standard deviations of differences are estimated as about 1 cm. Those comparisons justify arranging the data from all considered stations in one array. à çùåï èå úùøé à ëñì å èå çùåï Tel-Aviv Tide, m 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 Ashdod Tide, m 0.4 0.2 0.0 Differences, m -0.2 0.2 Ashdod - Tel-Aviv 0.0 mean = 1.0 cm st. dev. = 1.1 cm -0.2 260 270 280 290 300 310 Julian days (16 Sep-13 Nov), 1999 Fig.3 Comparison between Tel-Aviv and Ashdod records. An example of 1996 yearly record at Tel-Aviv station is given on Fig. 4. The spectrum of that record is shown in the bottom part of Fig.4. The groups of the semidiurnal, diurnal and low frequencies constituents are revealed. Sea level Tel-Aviv 1996 0.6 a level, m 0.4 0.2 0.0 5 Fig..4 Yearly (1996) record at Tel-Aviv station and spectrum. The comparison between calculated astronomical tides and measured sea level at the Tel-Aviv station are given on Fig.5a and Fig.5b. It is evident that calculated diurnal and semidiurnal spectral groups are similar to the measured ones, but in the case of low frequencies distinctions are seen. Such differences in monthly periods can be explained through meteorological factor influence mainly in the winter period. Astronomical tide 2000 60 Sea level, cm 40 20 0 -20 -40 01 03 04 06 08 10 Spectral amplitude, cm month 30000 semidiurnal 20000 monthly diurnal 10000 0 1.0 2.0 frequency, 1/day Fig.5a Calculated astronomical tide 3.0 4.0 12 6 Sea level Tel-Aviv 2000 80 Sea level, cm 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 01 03 04 06 08 10 12 Spectral amplitude, cm month 30000 semidiurnal 20000 monthly diurnal 10000 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 frequency, 1/day Fig.5b Yearly 2000 record at Tel-Aviv station 3. ACCURACY ESTIMATION OF ANALOG RECORDS For the accuracy estimation of previous analog record, sea levels at Yafo and Ashdod were compared. Comparisons between one-hour data at Ashdod with records at Yafo usually show a good agreement over a monthly period. It means that semidiurnal and low frequency constituents are appeared in the same phases and amplitudes at both stations. Only full complete month records were included in a consideration. Fig.6 shows monthly mean values compiled from the records of Ashdod station and differences between Ashdod and Yafo over the period 1962 – 1984. The missing data at Ashdod station were complemented by the Yafo data. All the data reffered to the Yafo datum. A systematic mistake in noticed differences results from different benchmark height determination. Two periods of systematic errors are evident during 1962 – 1984. During the first period 1962-1967 the TGBM heights were determined more accurately and the average of difference between month’s mean in Ashdod and Yafo was -0.2 cm. During the second period 1968 – 1983 the average of difference assumes value –4.8 cm. As mentioned above, the Ashdod benchmark together with the tide gauge were removed to the other place in January 1968 and a new benchmark was fixed in 1983. Such distinction in the mean differences probably results from a mistake in a TGBM height determination at the Ashdod station in 1968 (Goldsmith and Gilboa, 1985). The main reason of random errors is probably due to mistakes at the sea level adjustment in a time of a recording paper changing. During the first period the standard deviation amounted to as much as 2.8 cm and during the second one it was 4.8 cm. Compiled Ashdod and Yafo records reffered to Yafo datum 30 Sea level, cm 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 7 Fig 6. Comparison between the month mean sea levels of Yafo and Ashdod. 4. SEA LEVEL DATA OVER THE PERIOD 1958 – 2001 4.1 Sea level data over the period 1990 – 2001 The next part of data belongs to the latest period of sea level recordings. It falls into two periods of observations conducted by SOI. The first was performed at the Port Ashdod during 1990 – 1995 and the second – at Marina Tel-Aviv during 1996 – 2001. A figure of monthly mean values at Ashdod & Tel-Aviv stations during 1990 –2001 shows a gradual increase of Mediterranean sea level in the last decade (Fig.7). Ashdod - Tel-Aviv Sea Level 1990 - 2000 40 Monthly mean Sea level (cm) 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1991 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year Ashdod Tel-Aviv Fig.7 Monthly mean values at Ashdod and Tel-Aviv stations during 1990-2000 The red line shows missing data. 2002 8 4.2 Sea level changes over the period 1958-2001 The monthly mean changes over all the period 1958 – 2001 are presented in Fig. 8. The series was compiled from the different sources that are shown below. 1) Ashdod: 1958-1984. The first displacement of the tide gauge and TGBM were in 1968. So, the data of the period 1958-1967 can be considered reliable. The sea level during the period 1968 – 1984 was refered to the Yafo datum. 2) Yafo: 1962-1989. The last tide gauge displacement was in 1962, before the considered period. Sea level measurements were realized with reference to the benchmark 223/BN till 1985. The error in the 55/F height determining (in 1985) did not exceed 2-3 mm. 3) Ashdod: 1990-1995. Based on new leveling and new tide gauge installation. 4) Tel-Aviv: 1996-2001. Based on Yafo-Tel-Aviv high precision (about 1 cm) leveling. Fig.8 shows sea level time series referring to Yafo datum. It is evident that a mean value depends on the period of averaging. The mean value of the all the considered period is estimated at 5.9 cm., whereas averaging over the last 18.6 years period yields value of 3.3 cm. East Mediterranean Sea level changes 40 Sea level, cm 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 Year Spectral amplitude, cm 1500 Spectrum 1000 500 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 frequency, 1/year Fig.8 East Mediterranean Sea level during 1958 – 2001. All the monthly mean values were reffered to the Yafo datum. 6.0 9 Missing data was provided by the maximum entropy method. This method is based on the signal extrapolation using spectrum characteristics in complex plan (Press et al., 1988). Two examples of this method are illustrated in the Appendix. The spectral analysis revealed periods of about 20 years, eight years, one year, half year and about a third year. One year averaged & eight years smoothed East Mediterranean Sea level (1958-2001) 16 12 Sea level, cm 8 4 0 -4 -8 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 Years Fig. 9 Yearly mean sea level changes and their low-pass filtering. 94 97 00 10 5. METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS 5.1 Air pressure and wind influences. Among meteorological factors air pressure and wind have the most effect on sea level changes. In order to estimate contribution to those factors, we used the data of Sde Dov meteorological station, located at the Tel-Aviv coast. The air pressure effect is expressed by the following relation (Pugh, 1987): h=-0.993 Pa where h is sea level change in cm and Pa is atmospheric pressure change at the coast station relative Standard Atmosphere of 1013 mb. The relation between wind parameters and sea level changes is complicated . It involves a space gradient of atmospheric pressure. Good correlation was shown between wind velocity and sea level changes on the Scotian shelf (Sandstrom, 1980). Following are brief discussions of the wind influence on sea level changes. Comparisons were made on the basis of three hours vector velocity measurements at the Sde Dov station. Fig. 10 shows the difference between measured sea level at TelAviv station and astronomical tide (top) (Rosen, 2000) and North and West components of wind velocity and its smoothed values with low-pass filtration (bottom). It is clearly seen the correlation between wind velocity components and sea lavel variation during the period 25 November – 06 December 2000. The graph of sea level changes has a similar form as the North component with about two days delay between them. October-December 2000 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 Differences (Tel-Aviv - calculated) North component of wind 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 West component of wind 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 31 04 08 12 16 November 20 24 28 02 06 10 14 December Fig.10 The residual part of sea level changes and the two components of wind with low-pass smoothing for October – November 2000. 11 Spectral amplitude, cm 10 8 October - December 2000 6 Differences (Tel-Aviv - calculated) 4 2 Spectral amplitude, m/sec Spectral amplitude, m/sec 0 300 200 North component of wind 100 0 300 West component of wind 200 100 0 1.0 2.0 frequency, 1/day Fig.11 Spectral characteristics of time series are shown on Fig. 10. Spectral analysis distinguishes between the constitution of North and West wind velocities. The North component includes changes with a longer period than the West one and thus it is responsible for long period sea level changes. It can be seen from the spectrum presented on the Fig. 11. Similar relations are demonstrated in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13. From these illustrations it follows that wind velocity of periods from some days gives rise to the sea level. 12 August-October 2000 Sea lev diff, m 0.2 Differences(Tel-Aviv-calculated) 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 North component of wind 8 Velocity, m/sec 4 0 -4 -8 -12 West component of wind 8 Velocity, m/sec 4 0 -4 -8 -12 03 07 11 15 19 23 27 31 04 08 12 16 20 24 28 02 06 10 14 18 22 26 August September October Fig.12 The residual part of sea level changes and the two components of wind with low-pass smoothing for August - October 2000. Spectral amplitude, cm 12 10 August-October 2000 8 6 Differences (Tel-Aviv - calculate) 4 2 0 Spectral amplitude, cm 800 600 North component of wind 400 200 Spectral amplitude, cm 0 800 600 West component of wind 400 200 0 1.0 frequency, 1/day Fig.13 Spectral characteristics of time series are shown on Fig. 12. 2.0 13 5.2 Pressure and wind velocity changes over the period 1964-1999. The time series was compiled from available data of two coast stations: Naharia (1964-1970) and Sde Dov (1971-1999). Fig. 14-16 shows monthly mean values of pressure and two components of wind velocity. At the bottom part of each figure associated spectrum is presented. In all the time series, stromg yearly and semiyearly periods were isolated. Besides, a third year period in the pressure is clearly seen as well as North component of wind velocity. A resonable small-amplitude in long periods of North component cannot be a reason for the strong sea level changes of twenty years period sea level. Air pressure 1964 - 1999 pressure, mb 1020 1016 1012 1008 1004 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 Spectral amplitude, mb 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 year 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 count/year 4 5 Fig. 14 Monthly mean changes of air pressure during 1964 – 1999 and spectrum. 6 14 X-component (N->S) of wind velocity 1964 - 1999 3 wind velocity, m/sec 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 120 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 year Spectral amplitude, cm 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 count/year 4 6 5 Y-component (W->E) of wind velocity 1964 - 1999 4 wind velocity, m/sec 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 Spectral amplitude, m/sec 160 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 year 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 count/year 4 5 6 Fig. 16 Monthly mean North and West components of wind during 1964 – 1999 and spectrum. 15 Discussion Sea level changes over forty four years constitute a series of different frequencies fluctuations. Yearly and semiyearly periods are due mainly to the astronomical tide. The period of about 1/3-year is conditioned probably by meteorological factor influence. Comparison between calculated astronomical tide and measured sea level shows significant difference in the winter high winds period. The low frequencies changes are clearly visible from the showed yearly mean sea level changes over all the considered period. The yearly MSL reached the maximum at the beginning of sixties. After that, it falls sharply to the minimum value in the middle seventies. Such lowering MSL (about 10 cm) in the middle seventies was observed also at UK tide gauge stations (Woodworth, 1987). Sea level gradual rise is observed since 1973. The period of about twenty years cannot be explained on the basis of the ‘nodal tide’ (18.6 years – period of the precession of the moon’s nodes). The nodal tide account for about 10% of semidiurnal tide (Pugh, 1987) or 4-5 cm at our stations. In addition to the meteorological influence on sea level a water salinity and temperature, and rainfall effect (Woodworth, 1987). So, long periods sea level variations call for further investigation. Results Tide level changes caused by influences from the Moon and the Sun are in the same phase and amplitude along the coast between Tel-Aviv and Ashqelon. This justifies linking together data from different stations into a continuous time series of forty years. Spectral analyses of the tide level changes revealed semidiurnal and diurnal periods and long periods of about 20 years, eight years, yearly and half-yearly and third of a year. The influence of meteorological factors on the sea level changes (of some days and and clearly defined third of year periods) was pointed out. The average tide level relative to the Yafo datum is about 5.9 cm. Time series averages during a yearly period indicates a gradual rise of about 15 cm of the sea level since 1973. 16 Appendix As mentioned previously, missing data was provided by the maximum entropy method. In order to filling short gaps in data forward and backward, extrapolations across the gaps were performed. The gap in data was filled by linear combination of two extrapolations if both agree tolerably well. Ashdod Sea level Tide, cm Tide, cm 20 0 hypothetical gap 0 40 m=60 Tide, cm 40 Tide, cm 20 -20 -20 20 0 hypothetical gap 20 0 -20 -20 40 bridged gap 20 0 Tide, cm 40 Tide, cm Sea level Tel-Aviv 40 40 bridged gap 20 0 -20 -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 January 2000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 February 2000 Fig.17. Examples show data processing by means of the maximum entropy method. Acknowledgments This work has been carried out at the Research Division of the Survey of Israel (SOI). Klara Shpitalnik carried out the work with the analog data. The field work was carried out by Aaron Nahary and Iliya Perelman. We would like to thank them for their work and devotion. Thanks are also due to Yossi Melzer, Aviel Ron, Joseph Forrai, Gershon Steinberg and Ron Adler for fruitful discussions, critical comments and corrections. 17 REFERENCES Goldshmidt, V. and Gilboa M. 1985. Development of an Israeli tidal atlas and comparison with other Mediterranean tidal data. IOLR rep. H8/85, Haifa, 28 pp. Manual of sea level measurement and interpretation V.1, 1985. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Comission, UNESCO. Pugh D.T., 1987. Tides, surges and mean sea-level. John Wiley & sons, Chichester, 472 p. Rosen, D. and Kit, E., 1981. Evalution of the wave characteristics at the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Israel Journal of Earth Science, 30, 120-134. Rosen, D., 2000. The forecast at the Israeli Mediterranean coastline for year 2000. IOLR REPORT H01/2000. Press W. H., Flannery B. P., Teukolsky S. A., Vetterling W. T.,1988, Numerical recipes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 818 p. Sandstrom, H, 1980. On the wind – induced sea level changes on the Scotian shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research, 85, 461-468. Woodworth P. L., 1987. Trends in U.K. mean sea level. Marine Geodesy, 11, 57-87.