Kitten Information Guide

Kitten Information
Welcome To Highlands Pet Hospital
Page 3
Regular Check Ups
Page 4
Litter Training
Page 8
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Page 9
Spaying And Neutering
Page 10
Helpful Suggestions For Feeding Your Kitten
Page 11
Feeding Your Kitten
Page 13
Vaccinating Your Kitten
Page 14
You have selected a wonderful pet. Cats are playful, easily house trained, naturally clean,
require little training, and adapt beautifully to indoor living. Cats are great fun and make good
companions. However, they are totally dependent on you for affection as well as physical and
medical care.
Upon entering your home, your kitten is going to require some extra special attention in the
first few days. Ongoing care and attention will help your kitten grow into a happy, healthy cat.
We realize that new kitten owners have many concerns. So we have put together a Kitten
Care Kit to get you off to a good start.
Included are basic tips on litter training, health care,
feeding and grooming.
Please note: We have only touched briefly on some subjects so do not hesitate to call us should
you have further concerns. Any one of our knowledgeable staff would be happy to address your
kitten care issues.
Your friends at Highlands Pet Hospital
You should give your kitten regular checkups to make sure all is well. Get your kitten used
to being handled; he should accept stroking and grooming, and a thorough once over as part of its
daily routine. Once every week or so, take a good look at your kitten’s eyes, ears, mouth, paws,
nails, skin and coat. It is important to find problems early, before they become serious. If you
notice anything unusual, be sure to consult us.
Check your kitten’s eyes for
redness or inflammation,
a half closed lid,
excessive watering,
a yellow-green discharge or discoloration.
A kitten with an infected eye will rub it a lot. Should you notice any of the above conditions
please contact us immediately; we do not recommend treating the eye unless it has been examined
by a veterinarian.
Cleaning around the eye with a cotton ball soaked in warm water is
Check ears for
excessive wax build-up dark brown or black wax,
or an unpleasant odor.
Your kitten will scratch at its ears or shake its head frequently if its ears are dirty, infected or
have ear mites. Healthy ears are pale pink, clean looking, and odor free.
A gentle cleaning periodically will help ears remain healthy. Moisten a cotton ball with either
water or a veterinary ear cleaning solution. Clean only the external areas. DO NOT PROBE INTO
At 4 to 6 months your kitten will lose its baby teeth and adult ones will come in. Examine
the mouth for any
broken or loose teeth
and inflamed or receding gums.
Pets, like people, need regular dental care.
Dental disease is one of the most common
health problems in pets, and leads to bad breath, swollen bleeding gums, loose teeth, and difficulty
eating, yet it can easily be prevented.
Dental disease begins as a thin film of protein from saliva, food particles, and dead cells form
on your pets teeth. As this layer thickens it becomes the perfect environment for bacteria allowing
plaque to accumulate. As plaque builds up along the gum line gingivitis can occur which without
treatment leads to periodontitis, an inflammation of the deeper tissues surrounding the teeth. If
periodontal disease progresses far enough, the infection can spread to other areas of the body
causing heart, liver or kidney disease.
Cats require frequent brushing and regular dental check-ups in order to prevent tartar,
cavities, abscessed teeth and bad breath.
It is important to start brushing your kitten’s teeth
early in life, so that it becomes accustomed to the procedure. Start slowly by first introducing the
toothpaste as a treat, this will allow your kitten to view brushing as a fun and rewarding experience.
Special animal toothpaste, toothbrushes and oral rinses are available at our clinic. You may need to
try a few different products and/or flavors in order to determine which will best suit your kitten’s
preference. Do not use human toothpaste as they contain foaming agents, which may upset your
kitten’s stomach.
You can also purchase specially formulated treats and foods that will help to
prevent tarter build up, these products work best if used in conjunction with routine brushing.
A kittens nails can become very sharp.
Therefore, to avoid any unwanted scratches or
climbing, it is recommended that you clip your kittens’ nails frequently.
Hold the paw firmly and clip a little at a time - don’t try to take the whole tip off at once. Be
careful not to cut into the “quick” - the sensitive flesh underneath the nail. Should you accidentally
cut too far and bleeding occurs, use flour and water mixed to a paste to help stop the bleeding (it
can take a while!) Don’t try and clip all the nails at one sitting – clip a few nails when your kitten is
quiet to help accustom them to the procedure.
have us show you how.
If you have never trimmed a kitten’s nails before,
Pet nail clippers or human clippers are better to use than scissors.
Provide your kitten with a scratching post and every time he attempts to claw your
furniture tell him “NO” and encourage him to use his post. This training is the best method of
avoiding de-claw surgery for your cat.
Try toys and catnip spray to entice your kitten to use the
post. A water spray bottle is a great tool to discourage your kitten from destroying your couch or
drapes. A quick squirt when the inappropriate behavior starts and then re-directing the kitten to its
post will quickly teach him where scratching is and is not permitted.
Watch for any changes in your kitten’s skin and hair coat:
increased shedding,
raw areas,
itchy skin,
or anything unusual.
A healthy coat is a sign of a healthy pet. Regularly running your hand over the kitten’s body
is also a good way to determine if there are any lumps, swollen joints or painful areas. Should you
notice any changes please contact us.
Grooming should begin at an early age so that the kitten gets accustomed to the procedure.
Your pet may initially be frightened of the brush, so it is best to introduce the brush slowly allowing
him/her to look at it and sniff it, and give you pet praise and a treat.
Once your kitten is
comfortable with the brush gently run the brush along his/her body, being careful to keep the
experience positive and pain free.
If your kitten gets dirty, wipe its fur with a wet cloth. NEVER
use paint thinners or gasoline to remove paint, grease or tar from the hair of a cat because the
agents will burn the cat’s sensitive skin. To remove these materials, dissolve the grease or tar with
vegetable oil and shampoo.
Cats are by nature very clean animals. House training is generally very easily accomplished if
you follow a few recommendations.
1. For the first few days your kitten should be confined to a small room or the bathroom (where
you plan to keep the litter pan in the future). Its bed, food and water dishes should also be placed
in the room.
This quiet space will be appreciated by the new kitten, and the confinement will
greatly assist house training. After several days, the kitten should be using its litter pan regularly
and can be let out of the room to independently explore its new home.
It is generally recommended that you select a litter, which does not have any deodorant,
particularly during house training.
Once you have found a brand of litter that your kitten is happy
with it is best to stick with it and avoid sudden changes. Place about 1½ to 2 inches of litter in the
pan. Clean the litter box frequently – if it becomes too dirty your kitten may stop using it and soil
elsewhere in the house.
3. Dump or scoop out the soiled litter, wash the pan with water and replace the litter. The pan
should be made of a material, such as plastic, which is easily cleaned but never wash it with soap.
If the pan smells of soap residue or deodorants, your kitten will be discouraged from using it.
4. Place the pan in a quiet private location which is not in a blind alley, like a closet. It seems that
cats like to toilet in a spot they can escape from in many directions.
The litter box should be
placed away from the feeding area, as most cats will not soil in an area where feed and water is
placed. If you have a large multi story house, it is advisable to have litter pans in separate areas of
the house. If you have more than one cat, it is advisable to have one more litter box than the
number of cats in the household, placed at various locations throughout the home.
5. If your kitten soils outside the litter pan be sure not to punish him/her, even if you catch your
kitten in the act. Cats that are punished only become fearful of the owner and besides, discipline
will not correct the problem. If a trained cat has an accident in the house, check to see if the pan
has been cleaned properly and that the bowel movement and urine are normal.
Some of the
causes of house soiling include change in litter brand, scented litter additives, litter box not cleaned
frequently, litter box moved to a noisy area, a frightening experience happened in or near the litter
box, or house soiling could be due to medical problems.
If your kitten is not house trained within a few days or the bowel movements are not normal,
contact us. If at any time after the kitten is trained, it should have an accident outside the litter
pan, please contact us.
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)
Feline lower urinary tract disease involves a variety of symptoms that affect the urinary tract
of both female and male cats. It is important to be aware of this disease and the symptoms as it
can be life threatening in the male. The symptoms of this disease may include:
Increased frequency of urination
Urinating outside the litter box
Blood in the urine
Increased licking of the hind end
In males who may be obstructed, squatting and attempting to urinate
but nothing is passed
Crying while trying to urinate
FLUTD is an area of ongoing research. The disease may be caused by a virus; however the
mode of transmission is unknown. The virus may persist in the bladder wall for long periods of
time, or possibly even permanently. Bacteria may also be involved, either alone or in the company
of a virus. Cats suffering from diabetes, kidney disease, or have had previous surgery to the urinary
tract have an increased risk of acquiring bacterial infections and could therefore be at higher risk of
acquiring FLUTD. Cats that are suffering from FLUTD often have magnesium rich crystals in their
urine. These crystals can accumulate over time and result in magnesium rich bladder stones or
calcium oxalate bladder stones. Idiopathic cystitis is a urinary tract disease in which bacteria and
crystals are absent in the urine. Cats with this disease are able to urinate but the act of urination is
painful. The cause is unknown, however it is believed that stress or bladder wall defects may play a
role in this disease.
Although FLUTD can not be completely prevented there are several things you can do to
reduce your cat’s risk of developing FLUTD.
Feed your cat a diet which is low in magnesium, less than 0.1mg% on a
dry matter basis. We recommend Medi-Cal Development for kittens
and Medi-Cal Preventive for adults.
Meal feeding your cat two to three times daily is important. This feeding
schedule changes the urine pH two to three times daily, greatly reducing
the risk of crystal formation.
Increase your kitten’s water intake. Always have fresh water available.
Feeding canned food is also a great way to increase water intake.
Encourage you kitten to urinate regularly by providing clean regularly
scooped litter.
If you are not planning to breed your cat, we strongly recommend that you have your
female cat spayed/your male cat neutered. Cats become sexually mature around six months of
age, therefore, at this time we recommend spaying or neutering. This will help ensure you get a
good night’s sleep (cats in heat yowl!), and will reduce the incidence of cats spraying urine in and
around your house.
SPAYING (Ovariohysterectomy)
The surgery is performed under sterile operating room conditions, with the animal under a
general anesthetic.
It involves the removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus (womb)
through an abdominal incision. After the operation, the female will not come into heat, and will
have neither the interest nor capacity to breed. There is NO ADVANTAGE in waiting for the female
to have a heat cycle or a litter before being spayed.
Spaying prevents unwanted heat cycles, reproductive diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
Apart from sexual activity, spaying has no effect on the female’s temperament.
This procedure involves the removal of the testicles through a small incision made on the
scrotal sack, with the cat under a general anesthetic. This eliminates the source of sperm and male
Neutered male cats are less likely to roam, fight with other cats, or spray urine in the house.
It does not change the cat’s personality, reduce or prevent unwanted aggressive behavior to
people. Neutering does reduce the offensive odor of “tom cat urine”.
A kitten grows rapidly for the first few months and needs extra, yet balanced, sources of
nutrients during this growth phase.
Excesses, deficiencies and imbalances of certain dietary
nutrients can predispose your kitten to many problems such as diseases of the central nervous
system, heart, kidney and bones. Excess calories consumed by growing kittens will stimulate the
formation of excessive numbers of fat cells and lead to obesity in adulthood. Obesity is becoming
increasingly common and can lead to serious health conditions later in life, such as diabetes and
liver disease. The following tips will get you off to a good start.
1. When to wean?
Kittens should be weaned at 4 to 6 weeks to a diet specifically designed for growing kittens.
Kittens should not be weaned on baby foods, cow’s milk or other human foods.
2. Choose your kitten’s diet carefully.
With so many products on the market, choosing a pet food can be a difficult task. The diets
we recommend are scientifically designed and tested to promote health, vitality and longevity.
Optimal nutrition contributes to the health and well-being of your pet and can help reduce the
likelihood of illness and disease. It is important to avoid semi moist foods, such as Tender Vittles,
as these foods often have a high mineral content, which can contribute to feline lower urinary tract
disease. Some of these semi moist foods contain a preservative known as propylene glycol, which
has been linked to feline liver disease. The sugar content in these foods has been implicated in the
development of dental disease and cavities.
If a dry food is selected, it may be advisable to
moisten the dry food with warm water for a period of time while your kitten is very young. We
recommend feeding some canned food to accustom your kitten to both types of food.
including some canned food in your kittens’ diet it will help to increase his/her water intake, which
will help to flush the bladder and decrease the occurrence of feline lower urinary tract disease.
3. How much? How often?
We recommend feeding your kitten their daily food intake divided into 3-4 meals per day.
You can determine the daily food intake based on your kittens weight and following the
recommendations given on the pet food packaging.
The amount of food recommended in the
manufacturer’s feeding guides should only be used as a guideline. Each individual pet needs to be
monitored and fed appropriately to achieve an optimal body weight. Do not free choice feed your
kitten! If you have more than one kitten or cat, it is best to feed each cat a measured portion in
their own dish, twice per day. Between meals the food should be removed. As your kitten matures
into an adult cat the meals may be reduced to 2-3 times per day. By feeding at least two specific
meals per day enables the body to produce changes in the urine pH and reduces risks of urinary
tract infections and FLUTD.
If you have a multi cat house hold and your kittens or cats are
significantly different in body weight (one heavy, one light), try feeding a specific amount of food to
both, with an “extra” small meal for the thinner kitten or cat. NEVER reduce your cat’s caloric intake
by more than 20%, as this could cause serious health risks.
4. Avoid feeding your kitten “human food”.
Additions of any human food will cause an imbalance of nutrients in your cat’s diet and
could be detrimental. It is particularly important to avoid feeding raw fish, raw eggs, large amounts
of liver or small bones. Table foods not only cause nutritional imbalances but may contribute to
bad eating habits, nutritional deficiencies and obesity.
5. Change diets slowly.
Sudden changes in diet can cause digestive disturbances such as diarrhea.
Even when
changing from one high quality diet to another, gradually increase the proportions of the new diet
and decrease the old one, over a one-week period. Be sure your kitten is eating the new food. Do
not let your kitten go without eating for more than 48 hours.
6. Dogs and cats have different requirements.
The diets formulated for dogs and cats are significantly different. It is dangerous to feed
your cat dog food.
Cats require specific nutrients, which are not included in dog foods.
addition, cats require significantly more protein.
7. Always have fresh water available.
This is particularly important for cats, as most cats tend to drink more if the water is fresh,
clean or moving (i.e. dripping from the tap). If you live in an area where water has a significant
odor or taste (chlorine, iron, sulfur, etc.), you may want to consider giving your cat bottled or Brita
water (cats are more sensitive to odors and tastes than we are!). An excellent way to increase your
kitten’s water intake is to add canned food to their diet. Cats also prefer to have the water bowl
filled to the brim as they have sensitive whiskers and dislike putting their face into the bowl.
Adding a drop or two of tuna juice may also entice your kitten to drink, however if this route is
successful be sure to have a separate bowl of fresh water available. Be sure to keep the water bowl
clean, in order to decrease presence of odors.
Your cat’s nutritional requirements may never be more demanding then when it is a kitten.
Therefore, it is essential that you choose a high quality food that is nutritionally complete and
balanced for optimum nutrition during this critical growth stage.
We, at Highlands Pet Hospital recommend Medi-Cal Feline Development food for optimal
health of your kitten.
We believe the following characteristics of Feline Development will positively impact your
kitten’s development:
Contains appropriate levels of high quality protein and energy for tissue development and
Increased minerals in balanced proportions which supports appropriate growth and bone
Highly digestible; therefore your pet gets the maximum benefits from reasonable feeding
amounts and has low stool volume.
Contains digestive aids to help your pet completely break down and utilize the proteins,
carbohydrates and fats while reducing the incidence of diarrhea.
Supplemented with Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which improve skin quality and promote a shiny,
healthy coat.
Exceptional palatability keeps your pet happy and enthusiastic about meal time.
Developed by a Canadian group of animal health professionals who are accountable and have a
sincere desire to see your pet excel.
Feline Medi®-Treats are an excellent treat choice for cats fed Medi-Cal® Development.
Should you have any questions regarding appropriate diets please feel free to call us or address
your concerns during your next appointment.
When kittens are born, their immune systems are not mature enough to make antibodies until
approximately 8 to 12 weeks of age. Nature provides for temporary immunity in the form of colostrum,
which is very rich in antibodies. Kittens which fail to suckle colostrum from their mother in the first few days
of life, will be extremely susceptible to diseases until their own immune systems mature and they can make
their own antibodies. We assume that a healthy kitten did get its mother’s colostrum. Now at the age of 8
weeks, it is our responsibility to protect your new pet by putting him or her on a vaccination schedule.
Vaccinations are safe and effective injectable agents, which protect your kitten from major viral and bacterial
First Visit
8 weeks
Second Visit
12 weeks
FVRCP + Rabies
The above vaccinations give protection against:
A highly contagious viral disease of cats, which can be fatal. Affected cats have a high
fever, do not eat or drink and are very depressed. They also show signs of vomiting and diarrhea.
This is an extremely contagious viral disease, which strikes the upper respiratory tract
and has symptoms similar to a human cold. The affected cat usually has nose and eye discharge, sneezing,
fever and won’t eat.
This is another viral disease, which affects the upper respiratory tract of cats and causes
similar signs to Rhinotracheitis, but they are not as severe.
This contagious viral disease causes signs like Pneumonitis but may also be accompanied by
multiple ulcerations of the mouth.
FELINE LEUKEMIA: This disease is the number one infectious disease in cats.
The symptoms include
depression, loss of appetite, weight loss and anemia. This virus interferes with the cat’s immune system and
causes various chronic debilitating diseases and cancer. FELV is transmitted from cat to cat through direct
contact of saliva, blood, feces and urine.
Rabies is a fatal viral disease, which affects all warm-blooded animals including man. Because this
disease can be transmitted by saliva from cats to people, vaccinating your cat also protects your family.
On each of your visits, the veterinarian will give your kitten a general physical examination to make
sure it is healthy. She/he will check the teeth, ears, eyes, and listen to the heart and lungs. At this point, it
is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your new kitten.
Your kitten will also be put on a deworming program at the time of the first vaccination.
deworming program is important; it will help protect your kitten against internal parasites.
Best of luck with your new kitten. Please call if you have any questions.
The staff at Highlands Pet Hospital