Course Contents







TDS103 Medical Documentation I (3 0 3 3)

Introduction to Medical Documentation, History of Medical Records and Documents, Basic

Concepts and Descriptions Concerning Medical Documentation, Benefits and Importance of

Mecical Documents, Answering for Medical Documents, Legal Status of Medical Documents,

Types of Medical Documents, Indices and Other Data Tools Using in Hospitals, Application and Importance of Patient Documents, Arrangement of Patient Documents, Forms About

Patient Documents, Using Patient Files Forms as Data Tools

TDS135 Information Systems and Hospital Automation I (2 0 2 3)

Classificational and Codificational Concepts, Intented Uses of Encoded Data, Historical

Development of ICD, General Overview of ICD, Importance of Documentation in terms of

Codification, Codification Rules, Codification Examples, ICD Applications in Turkey,

Coding by using ICD from Medical Records and Explaining fundamental structure of ICD,

International Statistics Classifying of Diseases and Health Problems, Classifying Diseases accordance with various axes; for example, classifying accordance with affected body parts

(topography), classifying accordance with causes (etiology), classifying accordance with types of pathological variances in tissues (morphology), classifying accordance with resulting functional abnormalities.

TUR181 Turkish Language I ( 2 0 2 2 )

What is language? What is importance and the station in national life of language as a social institution? Language- Culture Relationship

The station of Turkish Language in world languages

Development and Historical Periods of Turkish Language

Current Situation and Expansion Areas of Turkish Language

Phonetics in Turkish and Their Classification

Turkish Audio Features and Rules About Phonology

Syllable Information, Orthographic Rules and Their Applications

Punctuations and Their Applications

YDL185 Foreign Language I (2 0 2 2)

This lesson aims for the students to identify grammatically and linguistically correct structures of Basic English, use and identify actively English words, read and understand

English texts and express themselves in writing and verbally.

TDS107 Medical Terminology (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Introduction, Basic Descriptions and Concepts, Basic Descriptions and Terms Concerning

Manmade, General Information About Diseases and Classification of Diseases, Elements made up Medical Terms, Stems, Prefixes, Suffixes, Terms Regarding Motion System, Terms

Regarding Respiratory System, Terms Regarding Cardiovasculer System, Terms Regarding

Digestive System, Terms Regarding Blood and Blood-Forming Organs, Terms Regarding

Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Terms Regarding Urogenital System, Terms Regarding

Birth and Women’s Health, Terms Regarding Skin and Breast Disorders, Terms Regarding

Eyes and Ears.

TDS117 Communication Skills (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Verbal Communication, Written Communication, Non-Verbal Communication, Formal

Communication, Non-Formal Communication, Disorganizational Communication.

TDS125 Knowledge of Illness (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Overall Structure of the Human Body, Cell and Its Functions, Metabolism, Body Fluids,

Electrolytes, Tissues and Their Types, Organs and Systems, The Functions of Respiratory,

Circulation, Digestion, Excretion, Reproduction, Health and Disease Concepts, Symptoms,

Findings, Etiology, Inspection Forms of Patients and Diagnostic Procedures, Injection

Methods, Congenital Anomalies, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Cancer, Endocrin System

Diseases, Blood Diseases, Mental Health and Disorders, Nervous System and Sensory Organs

Diseases, Heart and Circulatory System Diseases, Respiratory System Diseases, Urinary

System Diseases, Male and Female Genital System Diseases, Pregnancy and Birth, Skeletal

System Diseases, Connective Tissue Disorders, Skin Disorders.

TDS141 Basic Health (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

General Descriptions, Protection from Diseases, Protection from Infections (Asepsis,

Antisepsis, Sterilization, Disinfection), Common Infectious Diseases in Society (Tbc,

Hepatitis, AIDS, Acute Infections), Common Cronic Diseases in Society (Diabetes, Asthma,

Cancer, Hypertension, Chronic Heart Diseases), Women’s Health, Family Planning,

Children’s Health, General Nutrition, Mental Health and Anti-stress, Youth and Drugs,

Alcohol Addiction, Protection from Accidents, Evaluation of The Course.

TDS143 Health Management (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Description of Management and Its General Features, The Historical Development of

Management, Management Functions, Definition of Health and Health Services,

Characteristics of Health Services and Their Classification, Development of Health Services in Turkey, Organization of Health Services in Turkey, Hospital Organization, Definition of

Hospitals and Their Features, Information Systems in Health Services Management,

Evaluation of Private and Public Hospitals, Medical Services Organization.

TDS145 Business Management I (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Introduction to Business Management, Management and Strategy, Definition and Types of

Business Management, Types of Business from a Legal Point; Mission, Vision,

Principles,Aims and Objectives of Business Management, Business Management Functions,

Human Resources Management, Establishment Studies of Business Management, Production and Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Chaos Management in Enterprises, Branding Process in

Enterprises, Size of Enterprises.

TDS147 Information and Communication Technology (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Internet and Internet Browser, E-Mail Management, Newsgroups and Forums, Web-based

Learning, Personal Web-Site Preparation, Electronic Commerce, Word Processing Program

Resumes, Internet and Career, Job Interview Preparation, Spreadsheet, Formulas and

Functions, Graphics, Presentation Preparation, Preparation of Promotional Material.

TDS151 Research Methods and Techniques (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Choosing a Research Agenda, Searching for Sources, Evaluation of Research Results,

Presentation Preparation, Making A Presentation.



TDS134 Medical Documentation II (2 8 6 5)

The Definition, Importance and Functions of Archive, Location and Architectural Features of

The Archive, Regulation of Archive’s Location and Its Physical Properties, Archive Types,

The Information used in Archival Documents, Extracting Archives and Destruction of

Documents, Patient Files, The Importance of Archive in terms of Health Care Organizations,

The Organization of Patient Files Archive, Its Parts and Functions, The Procedures of

Transfering Archives into Magnetic Media, Medical Archive Case in State and University

Hospitals, Numbering of Medical Documents and Their Preservation Period in Archives,

Microfilm in Medical Archive, The Functional Relations of Patient Files with Other Units.

TDS136 Information Systems and Hospital Auotomation II (2 0 2 3)

Arrangement of Diseases in Systematic and Meaningful Way I; Arrangement of Diseases in

Systematic and Meaningful Way II; Using A Disease-Specific Code For Each Diseases I;

Using A Disease-Specific Code For Each Diseases II; Providing Ease of Use in Health

Services Management as well as Epidemiological Studies; Patient Follow-up; Keeping Patient

Records and Archives and Accessing to Them; Giving a Chance for Management-based

Using it such as Resource Management as well as Making Comprasions among Countries on

Health thanks to Statistical Studies Related to Diseases and Its International Nature; Enabling to Write Diagnosis of The Disease in Morbidity and Mortality Coding or to keep records as

accurately as possible in Stating The Cause of Death I; Enabling to Write Diagnosis of The

Disease in Morbidity and Mortality Coding or to keep records as accurately as possible in

Stating The Cause of Death II; Following The Instructions for Budget Implementation applied by Social Security Institution and Reflecting them in Automation I; Following The

Instructions for Budget Implementation applied by Social Security Institution and Reflecting them in Automation II; Logical Using Medula Web Services entered on The Agenda by

Social Security Institution I; Logical Using Medula Web Services entered on The Agenda by

Social Security Institution II.

TUR182 Turkish Language II ( 2 0 2 2)

Turkish Derivational Affixes and Their Applications

GenerAL Information Concerning Composition

Word Types

Sentence Elements and Application of Sentence Analysis

Disorders of Expression and Sentence and Their Correction

Petition, Record, Letter and Their Types

The principles to be followed in the Preparation of Scientific Papers

YDL186 Foreign Language II (2 0 2 2 )

This course which is as a continuation of YDL185 aims for students to implement educational activities in order to reinforce basic English knowledge gained from YDL185, learn and keep in mind words and improve skills and strategies when needed, read texts by using reading strategies they have learned, provide them with English writing skills accordance with their needs and levels.

TDS124 Biostatistics (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Health Services and Statistics, Frequency Distributions and Descriptive Dimensions,

Classification of Data, Averages, Sizes of Distrubution Prevalence, The Table and Graph

Construction Methods, Theoretical Distributions, Significance Tests, Correlation and

Regression Analysis, Time Series Analysis.

TDS132 Health Management and Law (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Definition and General Features of Management; The Functions of Management; Definitions of The Basic Law such as Constitution, Law, Regulations and Statutes; Definitions of Health and Health Services; Classification of Health Services’ Features; Legislation on Health Care

Services; The Development of Health Services in Turkey; The Organisation of Health

Services in Turkey; Hospital Organisation; Definition and Features of Hospitals; Medical

Services Organisation; Evaluation of Private and Public Hospitals; Law, Regulations, Statutes and Their Contents on Health Services in Turkey.

TDS138 Business Management II (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Business Economics; Objectives of Business Enterprises; The Importance of Businesses for

Economy; SMEs; Small and Medium-Size Enterprises; Merging of Businesses; Resource

Planning in Business; Task Design in Business; Business Analysis; Motion Study; Time

Study; Work Study; Strategic Management in Enterprises; Performance Management in

Enterprises; Financial Management in Enterprises; Cost Management in Enterprises; Basic

Concepts of Production Management.

TDS140 Professional Ethics (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

The Conceptual Framework of Professional Ethics; Professional Ethics; Violations of

Professional Ethics’ Principles and Professional Liabiliy.

TDS142 Environmental Protection (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Environmental Information Regulations; Risk Analysis; Wasre Storage; Personal Protection

Measures; International Helath and Security Alerts; Occupational Health and Safety


TDS 144 First Aid (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Introduction to First Aid and Properties of Firs Aid; Assessment of Basic Life Functions;

Respiratory and Circulatory System; First Aid in Injuries; First Aid in Bleeding; Shock and

First Aid; Burns and First Aid; Poisonings and First Aid; First Aid in Fractures and Sprains;

Basic Life Support.

TDS146 Labour and Social Security Law (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

Introduction to Labour Law, Application Areas of Business Law, The Concept of Individual

Labour Law and Its Content, Service Contract, Rights and Obligations arised from Service

Contract, The End of The Service Contract and Its Results, Claims, Working

(Business=Occupation) Times, Resting Time and Holidays, The Concept of Trade Union, Its

Organization, Its Membership and Bodies, Collective Bargaining Agreement and Labour

Disputes, Social Security Law, Its Definition, Tasks and Tools, Social Risks and Their Types,

The Responsibilities of The Institution, Employer and Insured Person, Labor Accidents,

Occupational-Vocational Diseases, Physical Infirmity, Public Health and Health Insurance,

Maternity Insurance, Old-Age Insurance, Burial Insurance, Unemployment Insurance,

Individual Retirement.

TDS148 Public Relations (V/E) (2 0 2 3)

The History of Public Relations; The Definition of Public Relations; Public Relations in

Turkey and World; Emergence Process of Public Relations’ Studies; The Aims and Social

Responsibilities of Public Relations; The Organizational Structure of Public Relations;

Qualifications of Public Relations Specialist; Audience in Public Relations; Public Relations

Communication; Sector Functioning in Public Relations Programs; Public Relations and




TDS227 Information Systems and Hospital Auotomation III (2 24 14 26)

Course Application in ZKU Medical School Research and Application Hospital Polyclinics

TDS229 Writing Techniques (2 0 2 2)

The Concept of Organizational Communication; The Process of Organizational

Communication and The Factors Preventing Effective Communication; Effective

Communication Channels; Written and Printed Communication Tools; Organizational

Communication Systems; Business Letters; Cautions in writing Business Letter; Business

Letters’ Sections in terms of Expression; Writing Stages of Business Letters; Writing Forms of Business Letters; Essential Parts of Business Letters; Second-order Sections of Business


AİT281 Principles of Atatürk and Revolution History I (2 0 2 2 )

The Meaning of Revolution History

The Importance of Turkish Revolution

Overview of Causes led to Turkish Revolution

The First World War

Starting to Cramble of Ottoman Empire

The Country’s Status During Invasions

 Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s Attitude

The First Step to Salvation

Organization through Congresses

Societies, National Forces, National Pact, Opening of The Grand National Assembly of


The Establishment of National Army

Two Major Events: Sevres and Gümrü Peace

The Liberation Struggle Until The Battle of Sakarya

The Battle of Sakarya

The Great Offensive, The Two Major Political Revolution from Mudanya to Lausanne

 Transition of “Maintenance of Order” Period


TDS228 Information Systems and Hospital Auotomation IV (2 24 14 26)

Course Application in ZKU Medical School Research and Application Hospital Polyclinics

TDS230 Office Techniques and Management (2 0 2 2)

Definition of Management and Office Management; Office Types; The Functions of Office

Management; Ergonomic Design of Offices; Preparation of Organization Diagrams in

Offices; Business Analysis; Business Valuation and Performance Analysis; Orientation

(Adaptation of Labour) Training in Offices; Flexible Working in Offices; The Division of

Labour in Offices; Productivity Management in Offices; Office Automation Systems and

Tools; Design and Preparation of Common-used Documents in Offices

AİT 282 Principles of Atatürk and Revolution History II ( 2 0 2 2 )

Conduction Features of Turkish Revolution

The Establishment of Legal System

The Establishment of Education System

Efforts in the field of Economy and Finance

Other Innovations in Organizing Social Life

The Internal Politics (Domestic Policy) of the Republic of Turkey in the Period of


The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Turkey in the Period of Ataturk

Attachment Unit: The Death of Ataturk, Domestic and Foreign Policy of The Republic of Turkey After The Period of Ataturk

 Ataturk’s Principles: Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism, Etatism, Secularism

(Laicism), Revolutionism

 Ataturk’s Reforms

General Assesment

Lessons For The Program Showıng Other Units

TDS 901 Office and Secretary Knowledge of Medical Services (2 0 2 3)

Definition of Health and Office Management, Office Types of Medical Services, Functions of

Office Management, Ergonomic Desing of Offices, Preparation of Organizational Schemas in

Offices, Business Analyses of Health Services, Business Valuation and Performance

Analysis, Orientation Training in Offices (Working Practice), Flexible Working in Offices,

Labor Department Offices, Productivity Management in Offices, Office Automation Systems and Tools in Medical Services.

TDS 902 Medical Documentation (2 0 2 3)

The definition, importance and functions of archive, Place and Architectural Features of

Archive, Preparation of archive’s place and its physical properties, Types of Archives,

Information used in Archive Documents, Extracting Archives and Disposal of Documents,

Patient Documents, The Importance of Archive in terms of Health Institutions and

Organizations, Organization of Patient Documents Archive and their parts and functions,

Transfering Operations of Archives to Magnetic Media, Medical Archive Case in State and

University Hospitals, Numbering of Medical Documents and Retention periods of them in archives, Microfilm of Medical Archives, Functional Relations patient documents with the other units.
