This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. Enterra Therapy Informed Consent Template HDE Number: H990014 Physician: <add site specific information> Phone Number: <add site specific information> Contact Person: <add site specific information> Phone Number: <add site specific information> Introduction Gastroparesis is a condition that involves problems emptying the stomach. Some symptoms are vomiting, nausea, the feeling of being full right away when you start eating, and abdominal pain. Gastroparesis may also lead to malnutrition and weight loss. Current treatment for gastroparesis generally includes drugs. Two frequently used types of drugs are called prokinetics and antiemetics. Prokinetic drugs are used to speed the emptying of your stomach. Antiemetic drugs are used to help decrease your symptoms of vomiting and nausea. This information is provided to you to help you make an informed decision about another treatment option, the Enterra Therapy Gastric Stimulation System. It’s also to help you understand more about this treatment and how it differs from other treatments you may have tried. Enterra Therapy is indicated for the treatment of patients with long term, uncontrolled (not helped by medication) nausea and vomiting from gastroparesis of diabetic or idiopathic (unknown) origin. This form may contain words that you do not understand. Please ask the doctor or his staff to explain any words or information that you do not clearly understand. You may take home an unsigned copy of this consent form to think about or discuss with family or friends before making your decision about this treatment option. Definition of a Humanitarian Use Device In March of 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave approval of a Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) of a Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) for Enterra Therapy to Medtronic, Inc. Humanitarian use devices are medical devices approved by the FDA for the treatment of medical conditions affecting fewer than 4,000 patients per year. In granting HDE approval for a humanitarian use device, the Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 1 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. FDA focuses primarily on the safety of the device, rather than how well it helps. Although there is evidence that suggests the use of the Enterra Therapy probably helps patients’ symptoms, the FDA’s HDE approval indicates that the helpfulness of this therapy has not been proven. You are not being asked to participate in a research study. Because of the type of approval given by the FDA, each hospital’s Institutional Review Board decides if you should receive this written information about this therapy. Description of the Medical Devices The Enterra Therapy system consists of a neurostimulator (device), two leads, and an external programmer. A neurostimulator is an implantable device that produces electrical pulses to stimulate your stomach. The device is about 2 ½” x 2”x 1/2” and is surgically placed under the skin in the abdomen. It contains an electrical circuit that your doctor programs as to how often stimulation is delivered to the stomach and how strong the pulse should be to improve the symptoms of gastroparesis. Both the battery and the electronic circuit are enclosed in a titanium housing. How long the battery lasts depends on the rate and strength of stimulation and how often the settings are changed. At low output settings, the battery may last five years or more. At higher settings, the battery may last about one year or up to five years. When the battery wears out, the device can be replaced in a minor surgical procedure. The leads are implantable thin wires with an electrode at the tip. The leads carry the electrical energy from the device to the stomach muscle. One end of each lead is placed in the muscle wall of the stomach, and the other end connects to the device. Your doctor will use an external programmer to change the settings of the device. Part of the programmer is held outside the body over the implant site and can adjust or change the settings of the device using radio remote control. Evaluating Who Should Receive This Therapy Enterra Therapy is indicated for the treatment of patients with long term, uncontrolled (not helped by medication) nausea and vomiting from gastroparesis of diabetic or idiopathic (unknown) origin. Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 2 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. When the Device Should Not Be Used (Contraindications) Patients Not Candidates for Surgery The Enterra Therapy System is not allowed in patients whom the doctor determines are not candidates for surgical procedures and/or anesthesia due to physical or mental conditions. Diathermy Implantation of an Enterra Therapy System is absolutely not allowed under any circumstances because the risk outweighs the benefits for patients exposed to diathermy. Inform anyone treating you that you CANNOT have any shortwave diathermy, microwave diathermy, or therapeutic ultrasound diathermy (also known as deep heat treatment) anywhere on your body because you have an implanted neurostimulation system. Energy from diathermy can be transferred through your implanted system, can cause tissue damage and can result in severe injury or death. Diathermy can also damage parts of your system. This can result in loss of therapy from your system, and may require additional surgery to remove or replace parts of your implanted system. Injury or damage can occur during diathermy treatment whether your system is turned “ON” or “OFF.” Implant Procedure The implant of the device and leads requires surgery and general anesthesia (you will be asleep and will not feel or hear anything). The surgery takes about one to three hours. One end of each lead will be placed in the muscle of the middle part of your stomach and the other end of each lead will be connected to the device. The device is placed under the skin of the abdomen in a “pocket” made by the surgeon. An exam of the inside of your stomach with an endoscope (flexible tube with a light and camera attached to it) will be done during the implant. This helps the surgeon find the site where the leads should be attached to your stomach. It also helps decrease the risk of the lead making a hole in the stomach. X-rays may be taken after surgery to check the position of the leads and device. Your doctor will decide how long you will stay in the hospital after the implant based on your medical condition. Follow Up Schedule Your doctor will want to see you for follow up visits after surgery. < please insert your specific follow up schedule for your patients and what will happen at the follow up visits> You should be followed by a doctor for as long as you have this system. Potential Risks/Side Effects Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) EMI is a field of energy (electric, magnetic or a combination of both) generated by equipment found in the home, work, medical or public environments that is strong enough to affect the function of your device. Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 3 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. The device has features that protect the device from EMI. Most electrical devices and magnets found in a normal day are not likely to affect the function of the device. Strong sources of EMI can result in: Serious injury or death, resulting from heating of the devices, which can damage tissue around the device or leads. System damage, requiring surgical replacement, or resulting in a loss of or change in symptom control. Device settings changing causing the device to switch on or off, or to reset to default factory settings. This may cause a loss of stimulation and return of symptoms. In that case, you may need to see your doctor to reprogram the device. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Use of MRI may cause system failure, dislodgement, heating, or may cause uncomfortable “jolting” or “shocking” levels of stimulation. If you are asked to have an MRI taken, you must have your doctor contact either Medtronic at 1-800-328-0810 or contact the doctor who placed your Enterra Therapy device. Failure to follow proper precautions concerning MRI could result in serious injury or death. Home, Public, and Occupational Environment Most household appliances and equipment that are in good working order and properly grounded will not interfere with your system. If you think that equipment is interfering with your system, move away from it or if possible, turn the equipment or object off. Tell the equipment owner/operator about what happened. If you think that your therapy is not working after being around some equipment, contact your doctor. Theft Detectors and Screening Devices Be careful when approaching theft detector and security screening devices (such as those found in airports, libraries, and some department stores). It is possible that you may feel a brief increase in the stimulation as you pass through a screening device. Some patients have described this as uncomfortable, “jolting,” or “shocking.” Some patients have even fallen down or been injured by such events. Some devices have not been able to be programmed after the patient walked through a security device. If possible, ask to go around the device. Show the security personnel your patient identification card and ask for a manual search. If you have to go through a theft detector or screening device, try to stay as far from the security device as possible. If the security device has two sides, walk through the center of the device. Walk through the security device normally. Do not linger or lean against the screening device. Please note that some security screening devices are not visible to the public. Patient Activities Patients should avoid activities that may put undue stress on the system. Activities that include sudden, excessive, repetitive bending, twisting, bouncing, or stretching can cause the lead to break or dislodgement of the devices. Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 4 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. Patients should avoid rubbing or twisting the devices on purpose, as this can cause damage to the device, skin erosion, or uncomfortable or painful stimulation at the implant site. Patients should not dive below 33 ft. of water or enter hyperbaric chambers. This could cause damage to the system. Before diving or using a hyperbaric chamber, patients should discuss the effects of high pressure with their doctor. Components The use of non-Medtronic components with this system may result in damage to Medtronic components, loss of therapy, or patient injury. Risks of Surgery Implanting the neurostimulation system carries the same risks associated with any other gastric surgery. Some of the risks of surgery include: infection, allergic response to implanted materials, temporary or permanent neurologic complications, pain at the surgery site, bruising at the neurostimulator site, or bleeding. General Anesthesia There are always risks with general anesthesia. These may include a reaction to the drugs you receive, heart attack, or even death. A tube will be placed through your mouth into your windpipe to help you breathe while you receive general anesthesia. Risks from this tube include infection, or a hole or tear in your windpipe. You may have a sore throat or hoarseness after your surgery. There may be other unknown risks. Endoscopy With any endoscopy there is the risk of making a hole or tear in the esophagus or stomach. You may have a sore throat after your endoscopy. Possible Side Effects Possible side effects from the stimulation include: Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms Undesirable change in stimulation Extra-abdominal, bone, or joint-related pain Feeding tube complications Difficulty swallowing Dehydration Acute diabetic complications Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 5 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. Loss of therapeutic affect Abdominal muscle stimulation Fever Stress incontinence Possible Device Complications The Enterra Therapy system could stop because of mechanical or electrical problems. Either of those would require surgery. There is the possibility of tissue damage resulting from the stimulation settings or a malfunction of one of the parts of the neurostimulation system. Interference with other implanted devices This system may interfere with other implanted devices, such as a defibrillator or pacemaker. External defibrillators, electrocautery devices, radiation therapy, ultrasonic devices, psychotherapeutic procedures, radio frequency (RF), and microwave ablation may interfere with the function of the system and may cause some damage to it. The electrical signal from this system may interfere with the function of an external defibrillator. Make sure to inform your doctor if you currently have any implanted devices. After surgery, make sure you inform any health care providers such as doctors or dentists that you have this implanted system. Pregnancy risks Safety for use during pregnancy or delivery has not been established. The side effects of Enterra Therapy on an unborn child have not been determined. It is important that women of childbearing potential use some type of birth control during this therapy. If you find that you are pregnant, you must inform your doctor as soon as possible to discuss your options. Risks of the System The possible risks of this implanted system include: A broken lead The lead changing position The device not working The device moving and causing pain An infection at the site of the device or leads The leads causing a blockage in the intestines The lead making a hole in the stomach wall Swelling by the pocket or wound from surgery Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 6 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. Failure of the wound from the surgery to heal Allergic or immune system response to the implanted device and leads The neurostimulation system parts may wear through your skin which can cause an infection or scarring If the site of the one or both of the leads becomes infected or does not work, then you will be treated with antibiotics and the leads may have to be removed. This would require general anesthesia and surgery similar to that performed to implant the leads. If one or both of the lead wires cause a blockage of the intestine, it could require surgery to repair. If the site where your device is implanted becomes infected then you may be treated with antibiotics. If the infection does not end or the device becomes defective, then it may have to be removed or replaced in a minor surgical procedure. If you are taking blood-thinners, you may be at greater risk for problems after surgery such as swelling, bleeding, or bruising. There is always a potential risk of human error in programming the device. Stimulation at high rates and strengths might be painful and cause tissue damage. If you feel pain while having the device programmed, you should inform your doctor immediately so he or she can check the device settings. There is a risk that the stimulation might not help you. It could even cause pain or worsen your problem. In the event that any of these problems occur, you can tell your doctor of the problem and he or she can turn the device off. The devices could be removed in a surgical procedure if you choose or if your doctor recommends. Your doctor may decide to leave some devices implanted, such as a portion of the leads, since removing everything would involve a more complex procedure. Your doctor will minimize these risks by careful assessment of your condition, cautious procedures during the implant, and careful follow-up after the system has been implanted. If your device is explanted for any reason, it will be returned to Medtronic for analysis. Other Risks There may be other risks that are unknown with this therapy. Your doctor and/or Medtronic will notify you if any serious new risks become known. For this reason, it is very important to keep both your doctor and Medtronic informed of any address changes. If you have any questions about any of these risks please ask your doctor. Call your doctor if any of the following events occur: You have pain, redness, or swelling at the surgery site longer than 6 weeks after surgery. You have new or unusual abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, or vomiting at any time after surgery. Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 7 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. You are experiencing an increase in your nausea or vomiting. The neurostimulator may simply require readjustment to a different therapy setting, or there could be a problem with the lead or neurostimulator. Potential Benefits Potential benefits of this therapy may include decreased symptoms of your disease. You may be able to eat a more normal diet, including solid foods. If your symptoms greatly improve, you may have a better quality of life. However, this therapy does not work for everyone. Age Limits Safety and effectiveness of this system have not been established for patients under the age of 18 or over the age of 70. Alternative Therapies Current treatment for this disease includes changes in your diet, drugs, and tube feedings. Your doctor can discuss other types of treatment with you. Costs All costs related to this implant are your responsibility. Voluntary Participation/Right to Withdrawal You understand that receiving this therapy is voluntary. If you do decide to stop therapy, you are asked to contact your doctor and inform him or her of your decision, and discuss options for alternative therapy. Confidentiality You understand that any information about you obtained during this therapy will be kept confidential and your name will never be identified in any report or publication unless you sign a release. You also understand that authorized representatives of the Institutional Review Board, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may examine your records, so absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The manufacturer of Enterra Therapy, Medtronic, will not be collecting information on patients who receive Enterra Therapy except that which is needed to provide you with an Implanted Device Identification Card that you should carry with you at all times to confirm that you have an implanted device. If a patient who received Enterra Therapy has an adverse event, information concerning the event will be reported to Medtronic. Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 8 of 9 This informed consent template is an optional tool for your site to use in preparing an informed consent if your IRB requires it. Medtronic and the FDA do not require an informed consent for the HDE. Please do not list Medtronic as the sponsor in this informed consent, and do not send this informed consent to Medtronic for approval. This is not a Medtronic research study. An adverse event includes any problem with the device, and any reaction, side effect, injury, or sensitivity related to the use of the device. If an adverse event should occur, information will be included on the report to Medtronic. Medtronic may also receive information to assist you with your insurance issues. This information may include your name, address, social security number, date of birth, insurance policy number, hospital identification number, and hospital medical record number. This information may also include your medical history and results of physical exams, laboratory tests, and procedures pertinent to the disease process of Enterra Therapy. Questions Your doctor will answer any questions you have. If you have questions in the future, you may call your doctor at <add site specific information>. He or she will be available to answer questions related to the therapy. A physician, nurse or technician involved with this therapy may also be available. [May also include Medtronic Patient Services contact info] If you would like to talk to someone other than your doctor, you may contact <add site specific information>at your doctor’s Institutional Review Board at <add site specific information>with questions. Consent I have read the information above. All procedures have been explained to my satisfaction, and my questions have been answered. I understand that complications may arise or result during the procedures that are performed at my request. I will be given a copy of this consent form after it has been signed to keep. I voluntarily agree to have this therapy. I understand that I may withdraw from the therapy at any time I choose. If I wish to discontinue my therapy, I may do so without penalty. My decision will not affect my routine medical care by my doctor or treatment at this medical center. By signing this consent, I also agree to follow all instructions and recommendations given to me by my doctor for my care. _________________________________________ Patient’s Printed Name _________________________________________ ________________ Patient’s Signature Date _________________ Time _________________________________________ Patient’s Legally Authorized Representative (when applicable) _________________________________________ Person Obtaining Informed Consent’s Signature ________________ Date _________________ Time ________________ Date _________________ Time Version 2.0 18-FEB-2011 Medtronic Neuromodulation HDE Informed Consent Template Medtronic Confidential Form MEDN-3432 version 2.0 Page 9 of 9