National Allied Health Casemix Committee Report on the Development of Allied Health Indicators for Intervention (IFI) and Performance Indicators (PI) and Revision of Allied Health-sensitive ICD-10-AM codes for inclusion in ICD-10-AM Edition Two CHAPTERS 4 & 5 Ian Woodruff Karen Fitzgerald Catherine Itsiopoulos January 2000 The National Allied Health Casemix Committee Ian Woodruff, Executive Officer School of Management RMIT University GPO Box 2476V Melbourne Victoria 3001 Ph: 03 9925 5961 Fax: 03 9925 5960 A copy of this report can be emailed to you by contacting NAHCC. It is also available at the website: Published 2000 The Commonwealth of Australia 2000 ISBN 0864590601 Printed by The Document Shop CHAPTER 4: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators THIS CHAPTER IN CONTEXT This chapter concerns the development of Performance Indicators. The chapter contents are listed against the contextual diagram below. DIAGRAM 4.1: CHAPTER FOUR IN CONTEXT NATIONAL REFERENCE STANDARDS PROJECT Appendix 6 PREVIOUS RESEARCH A.H. code set ICD-10-AM Recommend IFI devt. ENVIRONMENT CONTEXT Chapter 2 CURRENT RESEARCH IFI DEVELOPMENT Chapter 3 NAHCC IFI MODEL PI FRAMEWORK Chapter 4 NAHCC PI MODEL ACTIVITY CODES REVIEW - ED. 2 Chapter 5 A. H. RELEVANT ICD-10-AM FUTURE RESEARCH IFI REFINEMENT Chapter 3 PI DEVELOPMENT Chapter 4 ACTIVITY CODE REVIEW Chapter 5 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report CONTENTS OF THIS CHAPTER Paucity of Allied Health Performance Measures Segregated nature of Performance Measurement in the three key health professional categories Need for Allied Health to fit within the broader (patient focused) approach to outcomes The CDHAC PI framework The process adopted for PI development The emergent model The application of a threshold Testing the model Case examples The findings from model testing Feedback on the PI model from the Discussion Paper Potential PI applications Recommendations Page 101 Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators 4.1 THE PAUCITY OF ALLIED HEALTH PERFORMANCE MEASURES Allied health professionals are routinely involved in quality activities yet historically their performance measurement tools were largely geared to an examination of patient satisfaction. There is a paucity of research data generally on outcome measures for Allied Health Profession-specific interventions. Much of the AHP quality effort is in process compliance measures. Numerous AHPs commented that it had become increasingly difficult to find the resources to undertake the type of research required for validating and advancing their treatment quality. In a Victorian Hospitals Survey conducted in 1997-8, 60% of allied health managers agreed that there were few available outcome measures against which they could evaluate their treatments. Similarly 66% agreed that it was difficult for them to demonstrate the effectiveness of their interventions. TABLE 4.1: ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS’ PERCEPTIONS OF OUTCOME MEASURES AND ABILITY TO DEMONSTRATE INTERVENTION EFFECTIVENESS (PERCENTAGE RESPONSE TO A STATE-WIDE SURVEY, n=344) ALLIED HEALTH BELIEF STATEMENTS Allied health have few available outcome measures Allied health find it difficult to demonstrate the effectiveness of their interventions DISAGREE NEUTRAL AGREE 21 19 60 20 14 66 THE SEGREGATED NATURE OF PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT THREE KEY HEALTH PROFESSIONAL CATEGORIES IN THE For much of the past two decades there has been a clear line reporting distinction between Medicine (inclusive of Surgery), Nursing and Allied Health in Australia’s hospital system. (Although this is less pronounced in rehabilitation and community care). AHPs typically reported up through their own discipline-specific departments to the executive level within their organisation. Clinical and service delivery decisions were generally made in a consultative but independent manner. This three columned approach to organisational structure worked well when there were relatively few resourcing stresses within the system. However, with the tightening of resources there has been a major move to re-engineer the ways in which hospitals are structured. Clinical Business Units (functional units) have emerged as a way ahead for organisational efficiency. In some ways this has led to the marginalisation of AHPs as they seldom deliver a “health product” in their own right. AHPs are increasingly finding themselves answerable to a (medical) unit head, who is typically be seeking evidence that the AHP (and indeed medical) practice is actually of benefit. This has been a major paradigm shift and has been a primary driver of the demand for “outcomes” measurement. Page 102 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators NEED FOR AH TO FIT WITHIN APPROACH TO OUTCOMES THE BROADER (PATIENT FOCUSSED) In tandem with this move to evidence-based practice, there has been a major shift towards patient-centred care. The health consumer has become more assured and assertive in both the selection and service expectations from the health industry. Many AHPs argue that they have always been patient focussed because of the nature of the work they perform. This could certainly be expected in Allied Health disciplines such as Social Work and Occupational Therapy where the primary concern is assisting the patient to adjust to an altered environment rather than the performance of a procedure. The growing support for concepts such as hospital report cards and published records of “patient satisfaction” and surgical complication rates has accelerated the move to a patient centred paradigm of care. AHPs routinely conduct patient satisfaction surveys and other “soft” measures of outcome but they find it difficult to engage in “clinical outcome” reporting for several reasons: The AHP is often intervening to prevent morbidity so there is no clear health improvement outcome; The intervention is often in relation to a chronic disease in which health improvement may not occur until long after the acute care episode has been completed and the patient is lost to follow-up; The patient is usually categorised according to the DRG classification and health improvement is measured within this context. As the AHP is often treating an unrelated health issue that AHP-specific treatment outcome is frequently not picked up. The challenge for Allied Health is to devise service measures that are patient centred and team orientated in nature yet are able to tease out the AHP contribution. NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 103 Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators 4.2 THE COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND AGED CARE PI FRAMEWORK The CDHAC uses an eight-dimension framework for the conceptualisation of the various facets of performance (listed in the table below). [Readers unfamiliar with this framework should consult the CDHAC webpage or access the following report: Quality and Outcome Indicators for Acute Healthcare Services National Hospital Outcomes Program, Health Service Outcome Branch CDHFS AGPS Canberra 1997] TABLE 4.2: QUALITY PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS FRAMEWORK Access Safety Continuity Appropriateness PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS Efficiency Effectiveness Technical proficiency Acceptability All eight of these dimensions are relevant to Allied Health services although the relatively weighting that AHPs apply to these varies considerably. 4.3 THE PROCESS ADOPTED FOR PI DEVELOPMENT Given this burgeoning need for AHPs to “justify” services, the Performance Indicator model that arose from this project had to satisfy five important criteria of success: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain a patient-centred focus Avoid reliance on medical classifications of health / ill-health (particularly DRGs) Maintain consistency with the general approach adopted by the Commonwealth Minimise collection burden Maximise consistency across all care settings. The IFIs had shown promise of better reflecting AHP activity and by definition were patient-focussed so it seemed appropriate to attempt to base the Performance Indicators on the IFI structure. AHPs were consulted by a variety of mechanisms including: Focus group meetings in selected locations Workshops in fifteen locations across Australia Feed back from the Project Information publications Feedback from a purpose written article in NAHCCs national publication – Talking Casemix Structured responses to the Project Discussion Paper A PI building workshop with senior AHPs in New South Wales Discussions and consultations with individuals involved in Performance Measurement. Page 104 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators 4.4 THE EMERGENT MODEL If Allied Health activity is to be measured successfully both in terms of quantity and quality, it is essential that the “currency” for this measurement be compatible with the nature of AHP work. The IFI set provides this currency so a simple combination of the CDHAC performance dimensions with the IFIs provides a logical framework for PI development. Thus: Performance Indicator (PI) = IFI + dimension factor The performance dimensions were applied to the Level B and C Level IFI sets as follows: B Level At the B (rolled-up) level some of the resultant PIs are be too broad to have clinical significance, but a number may prove relevant at service planning level and for broad quality improvement reporting. TABLE 4.3: LEVEL B IFI –PI MATRIX EXAMPLES B level examples Cognition IFI Postural Control Food Tolerance Nutrient Adequacy Speech Environment Eye issues Dimensions of performance Effectiveness Continuity Technical Proficiency Access Efficiency Safety How accessible is care for patients with a speech issue. Access may be in terms of (eg): waiting list time assessment before discharge from hospital service available within “x” kilometres of patient’s home Appropriate ness Acceptab ility Were appropriate arrangements made for the follow-up of patients with Nutrient Adequacy issues. Continuity may be in terms of (eg): Referral to Community practitioner prior to hospital discharge Suitable arrangements made for followup within the original treating centre C Level At the C level the same cross tabulation of IFI against performance dimension is possible. Clearly some of these are difficult, if not impossible, to test or apply, however there will be a core of clinically meaningful PIs arising from this matrix that could be applied either routinely or as periodic measures. NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 105 Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators Individual AHPs and Allied Health departments are more likely to be interested in PIs arising from IFIs at the C Level. The following table illustrates some of the IFI – PI matrix possibilities. These examples are “drill-down” options from the Level B table above. TABLE 4.4: LEVEL C IFI – PI MATRIX EXAMPLES C level examples Dimensions of performance Effectiveness Continuity Technical Proficiency Access Efficiency Safety Cognition Memory Postural Control Head Control Food Tolerance Enzyme deficiency Nutrient Adequacy Speech @@@ Environment Housing Eye issues Visual function IFI Appropriate ness Acceptab ility vitamin adequacy How efficient is the provision of “housing” intervention services? This might be measured according to (eg): Mean time expended on housing issues (possibly gathered by ICD-10 code time) Bed days occupied while “waiting placement” How satisfied are patients with the Memory issue service provided? This might be measured by (eg): Quality of “procedure” explanation provided by clinician General manner of staff involved in the service The application of a threshold PIs arising from this model clearly need to have a threshold value which distinguishes between acceptable and unacceptable performance. This threshold would utilise a different unit of measurement for the differing dimensions and may well have settingspecific values. Table 4.5 gives several examples of this concept. Page 106 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators TABLE 4.5: APPLYING THRESHOLDS TO PIS Dimension Possible measurement unit Threshold determination Access Hours / days / months since issue detected Mean “waiting time” over 12 months data collection Prior to discharge from acute care Compliance measure Service availability outside “working hours” Average hours of operation Stage of disease / health issue Consensus clinical decision on appropriate stage Health status scale(s) Mean increase in health status over aggregate data set Event recurrence Percentage tolerance of event recurrence Effectiveness In some cases, clinicians could prospectively agree on appropriate thresholds, whereas for others a period of data collection would be required before a mean (or median) value could be calculated. This suggests the need for centralisation of data collection and analysis. 4.5 TESTING THE MODEL The PI Model was conceptually tested with a group of twenty senior AHPs from various health service agencies in Sydney, NSW. The aims of this workshop were to: Examine extent to which meaningful PIs can be generated from the IFI set; Theoretically evaluate PIs against set criteria; Identify strategies for creation / testing of a range of PIs reflecting the Allied Health contribution. Members of the project research team facilitated the workshop which was attended by participants comprising representatives from NSW Allied Health Alliance, NSW Allied Health Casemix Committee and NSW Health. METHODOLOGY: All participants were provided with a pre-workshop reading kit which contained the IFI set and PI model, several “worked up” examples of PIs and a general background document. At the workshop participants were given an explanation of the PI model and its elements and were asked to work up specific PIs in small groups. They then explored the issues that would have to be resolved to make the PIs viable. NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 107 Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators Workshop participants were asked to consider the following criteria from the CDHAC PI model when working up the PIs. TABLE 4.6: CRITERIA FOR PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Definitionally precise There should be no confusion over the issue or client group described Reliable Reproducibility: Test-retest stability Inter-observer reliability Valid Does it really measure what it is supposed to measure? Responsive Is it able to detect change? Meaningful Collection Burden Comparable (ie is it sensitive) Does it have a qualitative meaning for the target audience and the ability to promote enhanced performance? Will the demands of collecting the data (feasibility, cost) be overwhelming? Has the influence of confounding factors been taken into account, allowing for credible comparison? (From Quality and Outcome Indicators for Acute Healthcare Services National Hospital Outcomes Program, Health Service Outcome Branch CDHFS AGPS Canberra 1997) Participants were provided with two case examples as detailed on the following pages: Page 108 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators CASE EXAMPLE ONE S t 73 yo female SAH. H o p e f u l G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l For discharge today cognitive impairment severe mobility problems. ? ability to manage at home Housing placement referral ** Numerous IFIs have been identified. The IFI that has been selected for a PI is 243 HOUSING issue. The PI dimension chosen is ACCESS Possible PI: Patient must be assessed (by an appropriately skilled professional) and plans for alternative accommodation in place within 48 hours (of the IFI being identified). ** In most settings this would mean a Social Work referral. Precise IFI identified: referral made to recognised service provider noting housing issue OR noted in patient record by service provider Reliable Reproducible – requires clear and standardised documentation that the issue is that of housing (indicated by the IFI number or suitable alternative) Time frame is clearly documented. This would probably require a date AND time of day. Valid The PI is actually indicating whether a patient in need of assessment for housing issue is assessed. It is not a measure of the outcome (ie patient successfully placed in appropriate accommodation) Responsive If we are seeking to continually improve this PI we would need an actual time measure (numbers of hours / days) between identification of IFI and assessment. Simply recording whether the service complied with the 48 hour “limit” would not permit measurement of improvement. (See “Reliable”) Meaningful The time based access measure should be meaningful because it is not a highly technical concept, it is readily applicable to a number of issues such as Length of Stay and Patient satisfaction. Collection Burden The collection of this data is relatively simple. It does not require any complex measurements and could be an intermittently audited statistic. It is probably best collected by the service provider. Comparable When comparing the PI across organisations confounding issues are: are: Actual availability of the recognised service provider Severity of need for housing (which is not detected by the IFI itself) Availability of appropriate housing in the region / network / service NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 109 Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators CASE EXAMPLE TWO A Group of Insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes are at risk of hypoglycaemic episodes. Good health outcomes from diabetes care are numerous and include: Minimisation of microvascular complications (premature morbidity eg retinopathy, nephropathy) Minimisation of macrovascular complications (premature mortality eg fatal AMI, stroke) Prevention of severe hypoglycaemic / hyperglycaemic episodes IFI base = 411.1 HYPOGLYCAEMIA The PI dimension chosen is EFFECTIVENESS Possible PIs: Measuring success in arresting progression of macro and micro vascular disease is very problematic and might best be approached by epidemiologic surveillance data on levels of morbidity and premature mortality in defined diabetic populations. Given the long time frame for such data, it is NOT a practical approach for individual health care agencies. Frequency of hypoglycaemic attacks is, however, a more immediate and measurable statistic that closely related to the dietary education interventions provided. The PI proposed here is: frequency of hypoglycaemic attacks in clients newly commenced on insulin therapy. The relevant professionals involved could include physicians, dietitians and nurse educators. Precise IFI identified: The hypoglycaemic attack must be described and documented according to an authoritative source (eg Diabetes Australia). Reliable The episode may be noted by the patient him/herself. It is unlikely that the patient will present to the health care agency each time this occurs, so accuracy of the patient’s recording is vital Valid This PI is directly measuring an event that the health care professional and the patient are working together to avoid. Responsive By measuring actual number of episodes of hypoglycaemic incidents data can be monitored to determine whether there is gradual improvement or simply maintenance of a set standard Meaningful The PI is meaningful because severe hypoglycaemic attacks present clear safety risks to the client Collection Burden Collection is reliant on the client accurately relating the frequency of episodes to the health professional and the recording of this information in a central repository, or in the patient record for later auditing Comparable When comparing the PI across patients issues that could confound the interpretation are: Time since commencement of insulin therapy Other health issues that may influence control Environmental factors such as ready access to food, usual activity level etc Page 110 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators THE FINDINGS OF MODEL TESTING Eight Performance Indicators were “worked-up”. These were based on the following IFI - Performance Dimension combinations: B Level IFI 141 Adjustment 230 Lower Limb Function 230 Lower Limb Function 512 Productivity 380 Hearing issue 420 Food Tolerance 270 Vision issues 370 Speech Fluency TABLE 4.7 C Level IFI 142 Adjustment to health condition 234 Skin issue 231 Musculotendenous issue 512 Education 381 Conductive hearing loss 422 Enzyme deficiency 273 Vision loss 371 Acquired D Level IFI 142.1 Acute Illness 234.4 Hypertrophy 231.1 Weakness ----------422.1 Lactase ----------- Performance dimension EFFECTIVENESS EFFECTIVENESS EFFECTIVENESS CONTINUITY CONTINUITY ACCESS ACCESS EFFECTIVENESS The major findings of this exercise were as follows: PIs could be developed that complied with the criteria. In many cases there are existing health status measures that can be applied to determine effectiveness. Thresholds for time-based access issues were problematic as participants felt that problem acuity should influence the acceptable time delay. Continuity was readily managed when there were appropriate clinicians to whom patients could be referred. Some participants felt that continuity would be considerably distorted by the lack of available clinicians outside of acute care facilities. Some participants felt that the PI model needed an additional element to better differentiate patient groups. The most useful element was felt to be an ICD code. The model seemed to offer up PIs fairly readily in acute hospital settings, but required greater effort in rehabilitation and community settings. Participants noted that suitable data collection systems needed to be in place in order to manage the PI reporting. There was concern that patients would be lost to the care provider before the desired outcome could be measured (this was more an issue in acute hospital settings). NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 111 Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators 4.6 PI MODEL FEEDBACK FROM THE DISCUSSION PAPER Likelihood of using PIs Readers of the Discussion Paper were asked the question: How likely would you be to use the PIs once they are established? Fourteen percent stated that they were unlikely or very unlikely to use the PIs, 44% were unsure and 42% were either likely or very likely to use them. Although this suggests majority acceptance overall, there were additional comments that indicated many respondents did not fully understand the model, or were unsure how this would be implemented in their organisation. This clearly suggests that a comprehensive education program will be required if the PI model is to be successfully implemented. DIAGRAM 4.2: DISCUSSION PAPER RESPONDENTS’ LIKELIHOOD OF USING THE PIS very likely 8% very unlikely 9% unlikely 5% likely 34% neither likely nor unlikely 44% Preferred Dimensions In the Discussion Paper, readers were asked to nominate the dimensions they would most likely use for PI development. The following chart reveals that AHPs are most keen to use Performance Indicators that demonstrate effectiveness. This dimension of PI was almost double the next most valued - access. Page 112 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators DIAGRAM 4.3: PI CATEGORIES SELECTED BY DISCUSSION PAPER RESPONDENTS (COUNT) technical proficiency safety efficiency effectiveness continuity appropriateness access acceptability 0 20 40 60 80 100 Number of responses The various streams of qualitative feedback regarding PIs suggested that effectiveness is not only the most desired dimension, but also widely believed to be the most complicated to demonstrate. In the focus group discussions, AHPs frequently commented that they were increasingly being asked to provide justification of their role. This was usually in the form of questions (from budget holders) around the issue of the appropriate staff to patient ratios in various clinical (DRG- related) areas. This exacerbated two key frustrations that AHP experienced: Their activities and value were invariably evaluated within the DRG framework which (as discussed in Chapter 3) does not reliably capture AHP activity. They had few, if any, effectiveness measures to demonstrate their worth. Many AHP felt that these two issues were instrumental in the “peripheralisation of Allied Health.” NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 113 Chapter 4 – Performance Indicators 4.7 POTENTIAL PI APPLICATIONS NAHCC believes that adoption of this framework will help individuals and groups involved in PI development by ensuring consistency across Australia. With both the PI framework and the agreed definitions for the IFIs, performance measurement will become much easier and more consistent. Some possible applications: 4.8 Allied Health departments could determine benchmarks for PIs to compare their services with like departments in other agencies; PIs could form a component of service agreements between health professionals and hospitals / health centres or other funders; Funding models could build in an “outcome” component by nominating appropriate PIs (complete with expected thresholds) that should be achieved. RECOMMENDATION The Performance Indicator work needs further testing in conjunction with the completion of all Levels of the Indicators for Intervention classification. Page 114 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report CHAPTER 5: REVIEW OF THE AUSTRALIAN ALLIED HEALTH CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM VERSION 1 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System THIS CHAPTER IN CONTEXT This chapter concerns the review of the Allied Health related ICD-10 Edition 1 codes. The contents of this chapter are depicted contextually in the following diagram. DIAGRAM 5.1: CHAPTER FIVE IN CONTEXT NATIONAL REFERENCE STANDARDS PROJECT Appendix 6 PREVIOUS RESEARCH A.H. code set ICD-10-AM Recommend IFI devt. ENVIRONMENT CONTEXT Chapter 2 This chapter contains: CURRENT RESEARCH IFI DEVELOPMENT Chapter 3 NAHCC IFI MODEL PI FRAMEWORK Chapter 4 NAHCC PI MODEL ACTIVITY CODES REVIEW - ED. 2 Chapter 5 A. H. RELEVANT ICD-10-AM FUTURE RESEARCH IFI REFINEMENT Chapter 3 PI DEVELOPMENT Chapter 4 Background to the AAHCSV1 (Australian Allied Health Classification System, Version 1) Integration into the ICD coding system Uptake of the classification Review of the Clinical Care IPA codes for Edition Two of the ICD-10-AM coding manual Future work and recommendations ACTIVITY CODE REVIEW Chapter 5 5.1 BACKGROUND TO THE AAHCS REVIEW The National reference Standards project delivered the AAHCS in mid 1997. This gave Australian Allied Health professionals the ability to describe their activity in a nationally consistent manner for the first time. The AAHCS has become an integral component of most Allied Health benchmarking and is unique in the Western economies in providing a comprehensive framework for describing both the Allied Health input to care and the characteristics of the client base the AHPs treat. NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 117 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System The following diagram illustrates the partitioning of activity within the classification. DIAGRAM 5.2: LOCATION OF THE ICD-10 CODESET WITHIN THE AAHCS Allied Health Activity The IPA codes which were incorporated into the ICD-10-AM system Clinical Care (CC) Clinical Services Management (CSM) Teaching and Training (TT) Research (R) Individual Patient Attribute (IPA) Non-individual Patient Attribute (NIPA) Actual Management Activities (CSM-A) Under Graduate (TT-UG) Research Activities (RA) Discipline Specific Intervention (IPA-A) Discipline Specific Intervention (NIPA-A) Travel Associated With Management (CSM-T) Post Graduate (TT-PG) Travel Specifically Related To Research (RT) Other (IPA-O) Other (NIPA-O) Other - Own Discipline (TT-OD) Travel (IPA-T) Travel (NIPA-T) Other - Other Discipline (TT-AD) Travel Associated With Teaching And Training (TT-T) When the AAHCS was developed it was acknowledged that considerably more work was required in some areas. These included the Non-individual patient attributable component of clinical care activity, the three first level splits of clinical services management, research and teaching and training. As discussed in the IFI chapter (3), the IFI concept arose from the AAHCS and forms part of the minimum data set. 5.2 INTEGRATION INTO THE ICD CODING SYSTEM The AAHCS codes for IPA activity became absorbed into the ICD coding system. Initially only the generalised Allied Health Intervention Codes were incorporated. These simply identified which of the ten allied health professions within the ICD system had been involved in the individual patient’s care. The release of ICD-10 –AM saw the inclusion of all the Allied Health IPA codes for the ten professions represented in the AAHCS. This gave the potential for AHP activity to be tracked up to the National Morbidity Data Set which is maintained at Commonwealth level – leading to the exciting possibility of epidemiological and service management research on the impact of Allied Health. In reality, however, the Allied Health codes were rarely reported because of their low priority in the code collection hierarchy at hospital level. (See Table 3.1 for an explanation of this). Thus the AAHCS codes had been formally incorporated into the ICD system, but were only effectively used by Allied Health services as a benchmarking currency between hospitals (and to a lesser extent) community health services. Page 118 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System The Australian Allied Health Classification System has two components: the activity hierarchy and associated codes and the minimum data set These were introduced in Chapter 1. Only the activity hierarchy will be comprehensively discussed in this chapter. 5.3 UPTAKE OF THE PROFESSIONALS AAHCS BY ALLIED HEALTH NAHCC undertook some research into the uptake of the AAHCS early in 1998 and determined that only approximately fifty percent of hospital Allied Health services were using it routinely. A survey of AHP training courses in Australian Universities in 1998 similarly revealed that only 56% of the 75 course coordinators used the AAHCS publication in their teaching. Anecdotally, this is believed to be due to several factors: An inability by NAHCC to reach all potential users of the AAHCS Lack of IT support for Allied Health to effectively utilise the AAHCS Lack of education opportunities to promote use of the AAHCS Lack of resources from NAHCC to seek state and territory adoption of the AAHCS Encouragingly, all major Allied Health benchmarking efforts use the AAHCS as the basis for their data comparison. The current IFI / PI Project generated considerable exposure to the AAHCS and has led (again anecdotally) to greater uptake. 5.4 REVIEW OF THE CLINICAL CARE IPA CODES FOR EDITION TWO OF THE ICD –10-AM CODING MANUAL The National Centre for Classification in Health has responsibility for maintaining and updating the ICD system in Australia. NAHCC works closely with the NCCH in matters relating to Allied Health related components of the system. NCCH undertook to review ICD-10-AM to create ICD-10-AM 2nd Edition – scheduled for release in January 2000 and implementation across Australia in July 2000. As part of this review the Allied Health codes required considerable revision. The criteria used for this revision process were as follows: The interventions generally should reflect direct care to the client/patient (although some consideration was given to non patient/client attributable interventions such as team conferences and program development). NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 119 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System Where an intervention can be performed by more than one health professional, the concept will appear in ICD-10-AM once only, (i.e. the intervention will be service provider neutral) and common definitions will be developed and applied (e.g. Clinical Nurse Specialist providing nutritional counselling). Allied health interventions can be performed (or included) as part of other allied health interventions (e.g. counselling provided during an assessment, education done as part of another therapeutic intervention). When two or more interventions are performed in conjunction, rules must be included which indicate whether each individual intervention is coded or whether some interventions are excluded. Primarily, consideration should be given to selecting a code that captures the ‘intent’ of the intervention, rather than assigning codes for each individual component of an intervention. NAHCC facilitated the review of the codes through its profession representatives and the NCCH to arrive at the agreed set for ICD-10-AM 2nd Edition. This follows the recommendations. 5.5 FUTURE WORK AND RECOMMENDATIONS Criterion Two of the review process – that of provider neutrality – caused considerable anxiety within the Allied health professions. The key concern was that their input to the care process would be lost if there was no identifying label for them. In reality, however, AHP input rarely achieved coding status in the state and territory hospital morbidity data sets. The recommendations are as follows: The NAHCC Activity classification model be adopted as a nationally consistent means of describing Allied Health activity. The NAHCC activity classification model be used in any software developed to capture Allied Health activity in all care provision settings. The ICD-10-AM Edition Two codes relevant to Allied Health be captured routinely in acute healthcare settings so that a comprehensive data base can be established and made available for benchmarking purposes and health management research. An education program be established to inform AHPs (and others involved with the collection of Allied Health related data) of the changes to the procedure codes. This should be planned in association with the National Centre for Classification in Health (NCCH). NAHCC investigate ways of accessing the state / territory data in order to conduct research into the contribution of Allied Health in acute care settings. Page 120 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 5.6 REVISED ALLIED HEALTH- SENSITIVE ICD-10 CODES FOR INCLUSION IN ICD-10-AM EDITION TWO Proposed merger of Chapters XIX and XXI ICD-10-AM Vol 3 The following section is the proposed activity codeset, which revises the Australian Allied Health Classification System Version One codes. The revised codes were developed by NAHCC member bodies in liaison with the NAHCC Secretariat and the National Centre for Classification In Health. © Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care 1999 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 121 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System CHAPTER XIX MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURES, INCLUDING NON-INVASIVE AND COGNITIVE INTERVENTIONS (BLOCKS 1820-1912) XSD Note: Cognitive interventions Interventions which require cognitive skills such as evaluating, education or counselling (for example, dietary education, nutritional assessment, crisis intervention, bereavement counselling). Non-invasive Interventions: Therapeutic or diagnostic interventions without disruption of an epithelial lining or entry into a body part or cavity (e.g. ithotripsy, hyperbaric oxygenation, manipulation of a fracture, exercise therapy). Note that non-invasive diagnostic imaging interventions (those not requiring an incision or entry into a body part) are classified to Chapter XX Imaging Services. Client: The term ‘client’ when used throughout this chapter, can refer to a patient, family member or significant other. ‘Client’ has generally been used in the singular form but can refer to an individual client or client group. DIAGNOSTIC INTERVENTIONS ASSESSMENT, CONSULTATION, INTERVIEW, EXAMINATION, EVALUATION Note: Assessment: Excludes: 1820 The gathering, evaluation and recording of information relative to the client’s problem, functional status or situation through the use of cognitive skills and simple measurements (for eg: observation, history taking, anthropometry). Assessment is performed for the purpose of diagnosis, screening, monitoring, follow up, review, case management or discharge planning. Also included in assessment is the development of treatment plans or programs, ordering of diagnostic tests, prescription of medications or assistive/adaptive equipment, aids or devices, referral to another service provider, consultation with other service provider. assessment or consultation with electroconvulsive therapy (see block [1907]) dental examination (see blocks [450] [451] [452]) specific diagnostic tests, measures, investigations or imaging classified elsewhere (see Index) Physiological assessment Note: A physiological investigation to assess function using techniques such as history taking, observation, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and other such physical tests. Excludes: that as part of an ageing assessment (96023-00 [1822]) 96008-00 Neurological assessment 92021-00 General eye examination (moved from block 1836} Includes: slit lamp (biomicroscope) Excludes: examination of: eye, by impression cytology of cornea (11235-00 [1835] optic fundi (11212-00 [1835]) that performed under general anaesthesia (42503-00 [160]) 96009-00 Hearing function assessment Excludes: that to determine need for assistive hearing device (96024-00 [1822]) 96010-00 Swallowing function assessment 96011-00 Voice assessment 96012-00 Speech assessment 80005-00 Fluency assessment 80006-00 Language assessment Assessment of language: spoken / non spoken written / non written 96015-00 Respiratory assessment 96016-00 Cardiorespiratory assessment 96017-00 Cardiovascular assessment 96018-00 Vascular assessment Page 122 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 92127-00 Gynaecological examination without anaesthesia {moved from block 1875} Pelvic examination 96019-00 Biomechanical assessment Balance assessment Mobility/gait analysis Musculoskeletal evaluation Posture assessment Range of movement/muscle testing (without devices or equipment) Excludes: assessment of functional mobility in relation to a client’s environment (96021-00[1822]) range of movement/muscle testing with specialised equipment (96159-00 [1905]) 96020-00 Skin integrity assessment Evaluation of: Scar skin lesion ulcer wound 92001-00 Other physiological assessment {moved from block 1822 General physical examination 1821 Includes: basic physical measurements: blood pressure height / length temperature weight Excludes: child health examination (96036-00[1824]) physical examination as part of genetic assessment (96035-00 [1824]) Preoperative anaesthesia assessment 92500-00 Routine preoperative anaesthesia assessment {all codes moved from block 1894} 92500-01 Prolonged preoperative anaesthesia assessment 92500-02 Emergency preoperative anaesthesia assessment 1822 Assessment of personal care and other activities of daily/independent living 96021-00 Self care/self maintenance assessment Activities of daily living skills assessment Assessment of: bathing/showering dressing [clothing] functional communication, handwriting grooming mobility within environment toileting washing hair . Note: Assessment of a client’s ability to execute the activities usually performed in the course of a normal day in the client’s life that relate to self care, such as grooming, eating, toileting or mobility within their environment. Excludes: assessment of: ageing (96023-00 [1822]) food intake (dietary) (nutritional) (96026-00 [1822]) health maintenance or recovery (96022-00 [1822]) home management (96028-00 [1822]) 96022-00 Health maintenance or recovery assessment Assessment of coping/skills with:. adjustment to a disease or condition and its clinical and functional implications. applying bandages or dressings diagnostic testing/monitoring (for conditions such as amputation stumps, asthma, diabetes) foot/leg care or hygiene (bunions) (toenails) (ulcers) (including assessment of existing footwear) oral hygiene self examination (breasts) (genitalia) self injection stoma care Note: Assessment of a client’s ability to perform activities related to the maintenance of their health; preventative measures such as self examination, or maintenance measures such as dressing leg/foot ulcers, monitoring glucose levels in diabetes or vital lung capacity in asthma. Excludes: assessment of medication regime/management (96027-00 [1822]) NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 123 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96023-00 Ageing assessment Includes: physiological, psychosocial and mental status assessment Note: An evaluation of a client’s ability to cope with the characteristics of the ageing process performed particularly to distinguish the effects of ageing from the effects of pathology in order to determine the most suitable care or treatment for the client. 96024-00 Assessment of need for assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Assessment of need for prosthesis/orthosis Measurement for assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Prescription for assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Note: 96025-00 For list of assistive and adaptive devices, aids or equipment see block 1870] Review of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Evaluation of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Note: For list of assistive and adaptive devices, aids or equipment see block [1870] Excludes: that with fitting, adjustment or repair (96092-00 [1870]) 96026-00 Nutritional/dietary assessment Note: 96027-00 An evaluation of the client’s nutritional status to determine if intake meets the metabolic needs of the client or to determine nutritional qualities, composition and effects on health Prescribed medication assessment Adverse drug reaction assessment Medication management assessment Review of medication(s) Therapeutic drug monitoring Includes: history of medication(s) Note: Assessment of a client’s current medication regime to determine appropriateness of regime or the client’s ability to manage medications safely 96028-00 Home management assessment Assessment of coping/skills in: cleaning gardening housekeeping/maintenance laundering meal preparation safety procedures around the home shopping 96029-00 Financial management assessment Assessment of coping/skills in budgeting Money management assessment V96030-00 Situational/occupational/environmental assessment Assessment Assessment of a client’s legal situation Carer Employment Ergonomic Housing/accommodation Transport } } } } } assessment Note: Assessment of a client’s home, school, work, play, leisure or recreational environment to determine productivity, accessibility, suitability or the client’s ability to function within that environment Excludes: assessment of client’s ability to function socially within their environment (96032-00 [1823]) financial management assessment (96029-00 [1822]) home management assessment (96028-00[1822]) 96031-00 Parenting skills assessment Assessment of parenting skills: for parents with a disability or who have children with a disability to determine suitability for adoption or fostering Page 124 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1823 Psychobehavioural or psychosocial assessment Excludes: 93300-00 Psychiatric assessment Includes: 96000-01 interview (diagnostic) and evaluation General psychological assessment {moved from block 2075} Note: 96032-00 General psychological Evaluation of a client’s personality, aptitude, attitude, intellectual abilities and assessment workplace to determine the need to change the client’s behaviour. Psychosocial assessment Note: 96000-03 Psychosocial assessment Evaluation of a client’s mental health in relation to their social status and functional capacity within the community. Includes social interaction, social conduct, social network, interpersonal skills and role performance. Complex psychological assessment {moved from block 2075} Diagnostic formulation and/or psychological functioning Note: Assessment Complex psychological Evaluation of a client’s development, cognitive/behavioural, emotionality, psychopathology or psychophysiology to determine the need to change the client’s behaviour. Excludes: neuropsychological assessment (96000-02 [1829]) 96033-00 Cognitive skills assessment Note: 96034-00 Assessment of a client’s ability to learn and apply new knowledge, recognise, remember and perceive objects/people Alcohol and other drug assessment Note: 1824 neuropsychological assessment (96000-02 [1829]) Assessment of a client’s alcohol and other non prescribed drug use with a focus on developing treatment plan to reduce the harm resulting from alcohol or other drug use disorders Other assessments, consultations, interviews, examinations or evaluations Excludes: 96035-00 assessment of cognitive skills (96033-00 [1823]) Genetic assessment Genetic tracing Includes: general physical examination Note: Assessment of a client’s genetic history by construction of a family tree Child health examination or developmental status assessment 96036-00 Newborn examination Excludes: 96037-00 that as part of a complex psychological assessment (96000-03 [1823]) Other assessment, consultation or evaluation Assessment NOS Consultation NOS Evaluation NOS Interview NOS DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS – NERVOUS SYSTEM 1825 Electroencephalography [EEG] 11000-00 Electroencephalography {All codes in this block moved from 1829} 11003-00 Electroencephalography of 3 hours duration 11006-00 Temporosphenoidal electroencephalography 11009-00 Electrocorticography Electroencephalography of cerebral cortex 92011-00 Video and radio-telemetered electroencephalographic [EEG] monitoring Note: Only to be assigned for monitoring 24 hours NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 125 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1826 Neuromuscular electrodiagnosis EMG [electromyography]: • of 1 muscle(s) • using concentric needle electrodes Study of neuromuscular conduction 11012-00 Electromyography [EMG] {all codes within this block moved from 1830} Excludes: that of pelvic floor and anal sphincter muscles (11833-01 [1859]) Excludes: that of pelvic floor and anal sphincter muscles (11833-01 [1859]) that with repetitive neuromuscular conduction studies (11021-02 [1826]) 11021-00 Electromyography with quantitative computerised analysis 11012-01 Conduction studies on 1 nerve 11012-02 Conduction studies on 1 nerve with electromyography Excludes: 11015-00 repetitive neuromuscular conduction studies (11021-00, 11021-02 [1826]) that of single fibres of nerves and muscles (11018-02 [1826]) Conduction studies on 2 or 3 nerves 11015-01 Conduction studies on 2 or 3 nerves with electromyography Excludes: repetitive neuromuscular conduction studies (11021-00, 11021-02 [1826]) 11018-00 Conduction studies on 4 nerves 11018-01 Conduction studies on 4 nerves with electromyography Excludes: repetitive neuromuscular conduction studies (11021-00, 11021-02 [1826]) 11018-02 Conduction studies with electromyography of single fibres of nerves and muscles 11021-01 Repetitive neuromuscular conduction studies 11021-02 Repetitive neuromuscular conduction studies with quantitative computerised analysis electromyography 1827 Investigation of central nervous system evoked responses Includes: Note: that by computerised averaging techniques One study Refers to 1 stimulus at 1 point Second or subsequent studies Refers to a different stimulus at the same point or another point of stimulation {codes moved to block 1827} 11024-00 Investigation of central nervous system evoked responses, 1 or 2 studies 11027-00 Investigation of central nervous system evoked responses, 3 studies 1828 Sleep study 12203-00 Polysomnography {P131 & codes moved from block 1832} Polysomnography for investigation of sleep apnoea Note: Sleep Involves continuous monitoring of oxygen saturation and breathing using a multi-channel Apnoea polygraph (polysomnogram), and recordings of EEG, EOG, submental EMG, anterior Investigation tibial respiratory movement, airflow, oxygen saturation and ECG 92012-00 1829 Other sleep disorder function tests Multiple sleep latency test [MSLT] Neuropsychological assessment 96000-02 Page 126 Neuropsychological assessment {moved from block 2075} Assessment of cognition for rehabilitation or discharge planning Brief or screening assessment, for example: mental status screening neurobehavioural assessment Formal assessment/diagnostic formulation Mental competency assessment including support for Guardianship and administration applications Neurocognitive monitoring WADA, cognitive activation study and other such interoperative specialised procedures NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1830 Other diagnostic neurological tests, measures or investigations 92013-00 Intracarotid amobarbital test {moved from block 1833} Wada activation test 92014-00 Other neurological or neuromuscular non-invasive diagnostic tests, measures or investigations DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, measures OR INVESTIGATIONS – EYE & ADNEXA 1831 Measurement or study of visual function 96038-00 Measurement of visual acuity 96039-00 Contrast sensitivity test 92018-00 Colour vision study {moved from block 1836} 92019-00 Dark adaptation study {moved from block 1836} 1832 Perimetry Visual field study 96040-00 Manual perimetry, unilateral 96041-00 Manual perimetry, bilateral 11224-00 Full quantitative computerised perimetry, unilateral {Moved from block 1835} 11221-00 Full quantitative computerised perimetry, bilateral {moved from block 1835} 1833 Measurement of accommodation or refraction 96042-00 Measurement of accommodation 96043-00 Measurement of refraction 1834 Orthoptics measurement or investigation 96044-00 1835 Measurement of ocular motility and binocular function Other diagnostic ophthalmic tests, measures or investigations 11200-00 Provocative test for glaucoma {moved from block 1836} Includes: 11203-00 water drinking Tonography for glaucoma {moved from block 1836} Includes: 92016-00 that using an electrical tonography machine producing a directly recorded tracing Tonometry {moved from block 1836} Measurement of intra-ocular pressure 11206-00 Electroretinography [ERG] {moved from block 1836} 11206-01 Electro-oculography [EOG {moved from block 1836} 11209-00 Electroretinography with electro-oculography {moved from block 1836} 92015-00 Visual evoked potential [VEP] {moved from block 1836} 11212-00 Examination of optic fundi {moved from block 1836} Includes: 11235-00 intravenous dye injection ophthalmoscopy Examination of eye by impression cytology of cornea {moved from block 1836} NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 127 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS-EAR, NOSE, MOUTH AND THROAT Excludes: 1836 dental diagnostic tests, measures or investigations (see blocks [451] [452]) Auditory function tests Pure tone audiometry 11309-00 Air conduction audiometry, standard technique {moved from block 1839} 11309-01 Air conduction audiometry using visual reinforcement 11312-00 Air and bone conduction audiometry, standard technique {Moved from block 1839} 11312-02 Air and bone conduction audiometry using visual reinforcement 1837 Speech audiometry Excludes: 11315-01 . that involving central auditory function tests (see block [ ]) Speech discrimination test Speech thresholds: awareness detection most comfortable levels [MCL] reception 11315-02 Speech discrimination test with background noise 96045-00 Speech rollover test 1838 Speech audiometry involving central auditory function tests Excludes: masking level difference test (96057-00 [ ]) 96046-00 Staggered spondaic words [SSW] test 96047-00 96048-00 Filtered speech test Synthetic sentence identification [SSI] test 96049-00 Fusion test 1839 Auditory evoked potentials 11300-00 Brain stem evoked response audiometry {moved from block 1840} 96173-00 Electric auditory brainstem response audiometry 96050-00 Cortical evoked response audiometry 96051-00 Steady state evoked potentials 1840 Electrocochleography 11303-00 Electrocochleography by extratympanic method {all codes in block moved from block 1841} 11304-00 Electrocochleography by transtympanic method Includes: 1841 insertion of electrodes through the tympanic membrane Impedance audiometry 11324-00 Tympanometry using standard probe tone {moved from block 1840} 11324-01 Tympanometry using high frequency probe tone 96052-00 Acoustic reflex threshold 96053-00 Acoustic reflex decay 96054-00 Eustachian tube dysfunction test Page 128 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1842 Psychoacoustic tests 96055-00 Short increment sensitivity index test [SISI] 96056-00 Alternating binaural loudness balance test [ABLB] 96057-00 Masking level difference test 96058-00 Tone decay test 96059-00 Other psychoacoustics tests Psychoacoustics tests: measuring loudness discomfort levels [LDL] using promontory stimulation 1843 Other audiometry 11321-00 Assessment of glycerol induced cochlear function changes {No need to index –same block nu m} Klockoff’s tests 11306-00 Other audiometry {moved from block 1840} 1844 Otoacoustic emissions evaluation 96060-00 Click evoked otoacoustic emissions evaluation 96061-00 Distortion product otoacoustic emissions evaluation 96062-00 Other otoacoustic emissions evaluation Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions evaluation 1845 Vestibular function tests 11333-00 Caloric test of labyrinth {moved from block 1842} Oculovestibular test 11336-00 Simultaneous bithermal caloric test of labyrinths bithermal oculovestibular test 11339-00 Electronystagmography [ENG] {moved from block 1836} 96063-00 Rotating chair evaluation of vestibular function Includes: 96064-00 1846 {moved from block 1842}Simultaneous fixation suppression simple harmonic acceleration spontaneous nystagmus trapezoids Other vestibular function tests Other ear, nose, mouth and throat diagnostic tests, measures or investigations 96065-00 Tinnitus matching or masking 92026-00 Nasal function studies {moved from block 1843} Rhinomanometry DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS - RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1847 Measurement of respiratory muscle strength {Codes in this block moved from block 1844} 11503-00 Measurement of respiratory muscle strength involving transdiaphragmatic or oesophageal pressures 11503-01 Measurement of respiratory muscle strength at multiple lung volumes Includes: that of inspiratory and expiratory muscles 11503-02 Measurement of respiratory muscle endurance or fatigability 11503-03 Measurement of respiratory muscle strength before and after intravenous injection of placebo and anticholinesterase drugs NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 129 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1848 Exercise testing to assess respiratory status 11503-04 Exercise testing to assess respiratory status {all codes moved from block 1846} Exercise testing using incremental workloads with monitoring of ventilatory and cardiac responses at rest, during exercise and recovery 11503-05 Spirometry with exercise testing Note: 1849 Performed for investigation of asthma Other measurement of respiratory function 11503-06 Assessment of phrenic nerve function {moved from block 1847} 11503-07 Assessment of pulmonary distensibility {moved from block 1847} Includes: measurement of: lung volumes oesophageal pressure Excludes: measurement of total lung volume (11503-12 [1849]) 11503-08 Assessment of arterial carbon dioxide tension or cardiac output, rebreathing method {moved from block 1847} 11503-09 Measurement of resistance of anterior nares or pharynx {moved from block 1847} 11503-10 Measurement of gas exchange {moved from block 1847} Measurement of gas exchange involving simultaneous collection of arterial blood and expired air with measurements of partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in gas and blood Excludes: 11503-11 intra-arterial cannulation for blood gas analysis (13842-00 [1858]) Measurement of carbon monoxide diffusing capacity {moved from block 1847} Excludes: intra-arterial cannulation for blood gas analysis (13842-00 [1858]) 11503-12 Measurement of total lung volume {moved from block 1847} Measurement of absolute lung volume 11503-13 Measurement of airway or pulmonary resistance {moved from block 1847} Includes: measurement of compound action potential of diaphragm percutaneous stimulation 11503-14 Measurement of ventilatory and/or occlusion pressure responses to progressive hypercapnia and hypoxia {moved from block 1847} 11503-15 Measurement of ventilation perfusion ratios using multiple inert gas elimination techniques {moved from block 1847} 11512-00 Continuous measurement of relationship between flow and volume during expiration or inspiration Flow volume loops {moved from block 1847} 11503-16 Continuous monitoring of pulmonary function for 6 hours duration {moved from block 1847} Excludes: 11503-17 that for 5 hours – omit code Inhalation provocation testing {moved from block 1847} Includes: 11503-18 construction of a dose response curve pre-provocation spirometry post-bronchodilator spirometry use of: • cholinergic • histamine • non isotonic fluids • sensitising agents Tests of distribution of ventilation {moved from block 1847} Includes: 11503-19 inhalation of inert gases Simulated altitude test {moved from block 1847} Includes: Page 130 exposure to hypoxic gas mixtures measurement of: • heart rate • oxygen saturation • ventilation NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System observation of effect of supplemental oxygen Bronchospirometry {moved from block 1845} 11500-00 Includes: 11506-00 gas analysis Other measurement of respiratory function {moved from block 1847} Respiratory function test NOS Spirometry NOS DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS – CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 1850 Vascular pressure monitoring 11600-00 Cardiac intracavity blood pressure monitoring {No indexing as no change for this block} 11600-01 Pulmonary arterial pressure monitoring Excludes: pulmonary artery wedge pressure monitoring (13818-00 [657]) that by Swan Ganz catheter (13818-00 [657]) 11600-02 Central venous pressure monitoring 11600-03 Systemic arterial pressure monitoring 1851 Examination and recording of wave forms of carotid or vertebral vessels Includes: Doppler recordings: • periorbital {no indexing as no change for this block} • real time fast fourier transform analysis oculoplethysmography phono-angiography 11618-00 Examination and recording of wave forms of carotid or vertebral vessels by 1 technique 11621-00 Examination and recording of wave forms of carotid or vertebral vessels by 2 techniques 11624-00 Examination and recording of wave forms of carotid or vertebral vessels by 3 techniques 1852 Examination and recording of wave forms of peripheral vessels Includes: 11603-00 Doppler recordings: • continuous wave {no indexing as no change to block} • pulsed • real time fast fourier transform analysis • with pulse volume recordings plethysmography: • air • impedance • photo • strain gauge Examination and recording of wave forms of peripheral vessels at rest by 1 technique Excludes: that of artery of penis (55282-00 [1947]) 11606-00 Examination and recording of wave forms of peripheral vessels at rest by 2 techniques 11609-00 Examination and recording of wave forms of peripheral vessels at rest by 3 techniques 11612-00 Examination and recording of wave forms of peripheral vessels before exercise and measurement of pressure after exercise Includes: measured exercise using: • bicycle • treadmill NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 131 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1853 Ambulatory continuous electrocardiography [ECG] Includes: interpretation and report of recordings microprocessor based analysis Excludes: that of < 12 hours – omit code 11708-00 Ambulatory continuous ECG recording {Moved from block 1854} 11709-00 Holter ambulatory continuous ECG recording {moved from block 1854} Includes: 1854 that using a system capable of superimposition and full disclosure printout Patient activated ambulatory electrocardiography [ECG] Includes: single or multiple event recording{Codes moved from block 1855} use of a looping memory recording device 11710-00 Patient activated ambulatory ECG monitoring, recording for at least 20 seconds prior to and 15 seconds after each activation 11711-00 Patient activated ambulatory ECG monitoring, recording for at least 30 seconds after each activation 1855 Other electrocardiography [ECG Excludes: 11706-00 Phonocardiography with electrocardiograph [ECG] lead {codes moved from block 1856} Includes: 11706-01 indirect pulse tracing: • arterial • venous Phonocardiography with electrocardiograph [ECG] lead with apex cardiogram Includes: indirect pulse tracing: • arterial • venous Includes: analysis, interpretation and report of recording that involving not more than 300 beats, using at least 3 leads with data acquisition at not less than 1000Hz of at least 100 QRS complexes 11713-00 Signal averaged ECG recording 11700-00 Other electrocardiography [ECG] Excludes: 1856 ambulatory ECG (11708-00, 11709-00 [1853], 11710-00, 11711-00 [1854]) that for cardiovascular stress test (11712-00 [1857]) that involving less than twelve leads – omit code Testing of implanted cardiac pacemaker {P160} Includes: electrocardiography measurement of stimulus: • amplitude • rate • width reprogramming telemetry testing of pulse generator or electrode {Codes moved from block 1857} 11721-00 Testing of atrioventricular [AV] sequential implanted pacemaker 11721-01 Testing of rate responsive implanted pacemaker 11721-02 Testing of antitachycardia implanted pacemaker 11718-00 Testing of other implanted cardiac pacemaker Testing of implanted cardiac pacemaker NOS Page 132 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1857 Other cardiovascular diagnostic tests, measures or investigations 11615-00 Measurement of digital temperature {moved from block 1853} Includes: measurement, before of temperature and after cold stress testing 11715-00 Blood dye - dilution indicator test {moved from block 1858} 11724-00 Upright tilt table testing {moved from block 1858} Includes: blood pressure monitoring continuous ECG monitoring recording of parameters Note: Performed for investigation of syncope 11712-00 Cardiovascular stress test {moved from block 1858} Masters’ two-step test Multi channel ECG monitoring and recording during exercise or pharmacological stress Thallium stress test Includes: continuous blood pressure monitoring measured exercise using: • bicycle • step climbing • treadmill recording of other parameters resting ECG 92056-00 Monitoring of cardiac output or blood flow, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1858) 92057-00 Telemetry {moved from block 1858} Electrographic monitoring Excludes: that for testing of cardiac pacemaker (see block [1856]) DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS – BLOOD AND BLOOD FORMING ORGANS 1858 Collection of blood for diagnostic purposes 13839-00 Collection of blood for diagnostic purposes {moved from block 1859} Includes: that by arterial puncture Excludes: collection of blood for transfusion (13709-00 [1891]) haemapheresis: • donor (13755-00 [1892]) • therapeutic (13750 [1892]) intra-arterial cannulation for blood gas analysis (13842-00 [1858]) that in neonate (13312 [1858]) 13312-00 Collection of blood for diagnostic purpose in neonate {moved from block 1860} Note: 13842-00 Neonate Live birth < 28 days old Intra-arterial cannulation for blood gas analysis {moved from block 1859} DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS – DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1859 Digestive system diagnostic tests, measures or investigations Excludes: gastrointestinal non-imaging nuclear medicine procedures (12506-00, 12509-00 [1863]) 11800-00 Oesophageal motility test {moved from block 1866} Manometric oesophageal motility test 11810-00 Assessment of gastro-oesophageal reflux involving 24 hour pH monitoring Includes: analysis Interpretation Report Excludes: that with < 24 hour pH monitoring – omit code 11830-00 Anal manometry {moved from block 1866} Note: 11830-01 Performed for diagnosis of abnormality of pelvic floor Measurement of anorectal sensation {moved from block 1866} NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 133 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System Note: Performed for diagnosis of abnormality of pelvic floor Measurement of rectosphincteric reflex {moved from block 1866} Note: Performed for diagnosis of abnormality of pelvic floor Excludes: that with electromyography (11833-00 [1859]) 11830-02 11833-00 Measurement of pudendal and spinal nerve motor latency {moved from block 1866} Note: 11833-01 Performed for diagnosis of abnormality of pelvic floor and sphincter muscles Electromyography of pelvic floor and anal sphincter muscles {moved from block 1866} 92091-00 Gastric analysis test {moved from block 1866} Includes: injection of stimulant of gastric secretion 92092-00 Digital examination of rectum without anaesthesia {moved from block 1866} 30493-00 Biliary manometry {moved from block 1868} DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS – GENITOURINARY SYSTEM 1860 Cystometrography 11903-00 Cystometrography {all codes moved from block 1869} 11912-00 Cystometrography with measurement of rectal pressure Excludes: 11915-00 Cystometrography with urethral sphincter electromyography Excludes: 11918-00 that with any other simultaneous measurement (11918-00 [1860]) Cystometrography with one or more measurements Cystometrography with any other measurements of: • rectal pressure • urethral pressure profilometry • urethral sphincter electromyography • urine flow rate (uroflowmetry) Includes: 1861 that with any other simultaneous measurement (11918-00 [1860]) imaging Urethral pressure profilometry Excludes: that with cystometrography (11918-00 [1860]) 11906-00 Urethral pressure profilometry [UPP] {all codes moved from block 1870} 11909-00 Urethral pressure profilometry [UPP] with urethral sphincter electromyography 1862 Other genitourinary diagnostic tests, measures or investigations 11900-00 Urine flow study {all codes moved from block 1875} Uroflowmetry [UFR] Includes: peak urine flow measurement Excludes: that with cystometrography (11918-00 [1860]) 11921-00 Bladder washout test study Note: Performed for localisation of urinary infection Excludes: endoscopic therapeutic bladder washout (36827-00 [1107]) 92130-00 Papanicolaou smear study Pap smear 92128-00 Urinary manometry study {moved from block 1875} Manometry through: indwelling ureteral catheter • nephrotomy • pyelostomy • ureterostomy Page 134 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System OTHER DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, MEASURES OR INVESTIGATIONS 1863 Nuclear medicine (non-imaging) 12500-00 Blood volume nuclear medicine estimation {all codes moved from block 1884} Includes: erythrocyte screening test, volume 51Cr 2503-00 Erythrocyte radioactive uptake survival time test 12503-01 Iron kinetic test 12506-00 Gastrointestinal nuclear medicine blood loss estimation Includes: examination of stool specimens Excludes: bowel haemorrhage study (61364 [2007]) 12509-00 Gastrointestinal nuclear medicine protein loss test 12512-00 Radioactive B12 absorption test, 1 isotope 12515-00 Radioactive B12 absorption test, 2 isotopes 12518-00 Thyroid uptake study Includes: that using probe Excludes: that with imaging (61473-00 [2014]) 12521-00 Perchlorate discharge study 12524-00 Renal function nuclear medicine test Renal clearance study 12530-00 Nuclear medicine whole body count Excludes: 12533-00 1864 whole body study using: • cells labelled with technetium (61433, 61434 [2012]) • gallium (61429, 61430 [2012]) • iodine (61426 [2012]) Carbon labelled urea breath test Includes: measurement of exhaled 13CO2 or 14CO2 that using oral 13C or 14C urea Note: Performed for: • confirmation of Helicobacter pylori colonisation • monitoring of therapy for Helicobacter pylori Skin sensitivity allergy testing Excludes: epicutaneous patch testing (12012, 12015, 12018 [1865]) 12000-00 Skin sensitivity testing using 20 allergens {all codes moved from 1885} 12003-00 Skin sensitivity testing using 21 allergens 1865 Epicutaneous patch allergy testing Note: 12012-00 Performed for investigation of allergic dermatitis {all codes moved from block 1886} Epicutaneous patch testing using less than the total number of allergens in a standard patch test battery 12015-00 Epicutaneous patch testing using all the allergens in standard patch test battery Excludes: that with additional allergens (12018, 12021 [1865]) Epicutaneous patch testing using 50 allergens 12018-00 Includes: all allergens in standard patch test battery and additional allergens to a total of 50 Epicutaneous patch testing using 51 allergens 12021-00 Includes: all allergens in standard patch test battery and additional allergens to a total of 51 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 135 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1866 Other diagnostic tests, measures or investigations 92204-00 Non-invasive diagnostic tests, measures or investigations, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1893} THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS Excludes: dental therapeutic interventions (see Chapter: VI Dental Services) COUNSELLING, EDUCATION Note: Advice 1867 Counselling: Supportive or educative therapy with the aim of alleviating emotional, physiological, psychological, social and/or occupational consequences of a client’s illness or issue. Education: Structured instruction and guidance with the aim of enhancing the client’s knowledge, awareness or understanding of their illness or issue for the purpose of monitoring, managing, maintaining or improving their health outcomes. Includes the provision of educational material. Excludes: counselling or education for assisted reproductive services [IVF] (13200-00, 13206-00 [1297]) Counselling or education relating to personal care and other activities of daily/independent living 96066-00 Preventative counselling or education Advice on risks regarding: . 96067-00 abuse (domestic) (physical) (sexual) (substance) dietary intake exercise footwear gambling or betting hearing loss (conservation) immunisation/vaccination physical fitness sexual activity substance use Counselling or education about safe performance of daily living activities for example, preventing falls Nutritional/dietary counselling or education Excludes: 96068-00 preventative counselling or education (96066-00 [1867]) Counselling or education for hearing loss or aural disorder Advice relating to management of tinnitus Excludes: 96069-00 preventative counselling or education (96066-00 [1867]) That for hearing device/auditory aid (96071-00 [1867]) Counselling or education for visual loss or ocular disorder Excludes: 96070-00 that for visual aid or prosthesis (96071-00 [1867]) Counselling or education for voice, speech, fluency or language 96071-00 Counselling or education regarding assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Note: For list of assistive and adaptive devices, aids or equipment see block [1870] . Prescribed medication counselling or education Advice or education on: action/effect of drugs and other medications management of medication regimes Excludes: substance addiction counselling or education 96073-00 [1867]) 96072-00 96073-00 Substance addiction counselling or education Excludes: 96074-00 preventative counselling or education (96066-00 [1867]) Gambling or betting addiction counselling or education Excludes: Page 136 preventative counselling or education (96066-00 [1867]) NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96075-00 Self care/self maintenance counselling or education Advice on self care/self maintenance activities such as: bathing/showering dressing [clothing] functional communication, handwriting grooming toileting Excludes: 96076-00 nutritional/dietary counselling, education (96067-00 [1867]) Counselling or education on recovery or health maintenance activities Advice on health maintenance activities such as: diagnostic testing/monitoring (for conditions such as amputation stumps, asthma, diabetes). foot/leg care (including advice on bunions, ulcers or wound care, footwear or basic foot hygiene) oral hygiene management of disease or condition (for example, post acquired brain disorder) self examination (breasts) (genitalia) stoma care Counselling or education for recovery from illness NOS Excludes: counselling, education for: assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment (96071-00 [1867]) gambling/betting addiction (96074-00 [1867]) hearing loss or aural disorder (96068-00 [1867]) medication management (96072-00 [1867]) substance addiction (96073-00 [1867]) visual loss or ocular disorder (96069-00 [1867]) voice, speech, fluency or language (96070-00 [1867]) nutritional/dietary counselling, education (96067-00 [1867]) preventative counselling, education (96066-00 [1867]) 96077-00 Home management counselling or education Advice on: cleaning gardening housekeeping/maintenance laundering meal preparation safety procedures around the home shopping 96078-00 Financial management counselling or education Advice on: dealing with creditors welfare support 96079-00 Situational/occupational/environmental counselling or education Advice on issues relating to education: kindergarten preschool secondary tertiary Advice on adjusting to psychosocial events such as: empty nest syndrome mid life crisis redundancy, retirement significant life event NOS Advice and support on or following: employment/unemployment pre-employment suitability or options retrenchment/redundancy Counselling or education on carer role Education on issues such as: housing/accommodation legal matters transport Leisure/pay counselling or education Vocational counselling 96080-00 Counselling or education on preparing for parenthood, parenting skills or family planning 1868 96081-00 Psychosocial counselling Relationship counselling Family counselling Marriage counselling NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 137 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96082-00 Crisis situation/event counselling Note: Counselling or education aimed at assisting the client to cope in a crisis situation such as terminal illness diagnosis, sudden death, physical assault, violence or abuse, retrenchment from employment, natural disasters such as storm or flood Excludes: ongoing counselling following crisis situation counselling (see Index: Counselling, by specified type) 96083-00 Critical incident stress debriefing [CISD] Excludes: ongoing counselling following CISD (see Index: Counselling, by specified type) . Physical abuse/ violence/assault counselling Counselling regarding: domestic violence physical abuse sexual abuse 96084-00 96085-00 Grief/bereavement counselling 96086-00 Other psychosocial counselling 1869 Other counselling or education 96087-00 Religious/spiritual counselling or education 96088-00 Genetic counselling or education 96089-00 Resource education Note: 96090-00 Educational intervention aimed at providing the client with the information to access available resources, assist or facilitate the client to determine their needs and make resource decisions Other counselling or education Counselling NOS Education NOS INTERVENTIONS INVOLVING ASSISTIVE OR ADAPTIVE DEVICES, AIDS OR EQUIPMENT 1870 Interventions involving assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Includes: Page 138 adhesive padding assistive or adaptive devices, aids or equipment for: play/leisure productivity self care/self maintenance auditory aid [cochlear implant] [hearing aid] artificial [prosthetic] limb(s) bandage brace callipers cast (fibreglass) (plaster) (plastic) communication systems (emergency response, call systems, telephones) corset crutches dressings (Velpeau) elastic stocking(s) electronic gaiter electrotactile/vibrotactile aid footwear manufactured for a specific purpose, such as gait assistance, postural adaptation or to facilitate the use of an orthosis intermittent pressure device neck support [cervical collar] orthosis NOS parallel bars pressure dressing [Gibney bandage] [Robert Jones bandage] [Shanz dressing] pressure trousers [anti-shock trousers] [MAST trousers] [vasopneumatic device] prosthesis NOS rib belt spinal support splint (acrylic) (cap) (cast metal) (felt) (silicone) (thermoplastic) strapping support frame thermoplastic splint (dynamic) (static) visual aid [contact lenses] [glasses] [spectacles] walking stick wheelchair **check indexing for other codes NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System Note: This block classifies external fixation devices that are generally noninvasive in nature. External fixation devices that are invasive (i.e. applied to bone) are classified elsewhere. Refer to the index for guidance. Excludes: application of: immobilisation devices for fracture or dislocation (see Index: Immobilisation, fracture or Immobilisation, dislocation). traction devices classified elsewhere (see Index: Traction) implantation of prosthetic device of limb (see Index: Implantation, prosthesis) insertion of prosthetic device (see Index: Insertion, prosthesis) interventions involving assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment, classified elsewhere: assessment of need for device (96024-00 [1822]) assistance with application of device (96165-00 [1914]) counselling or education regarding device (96071-00 [1867]) measurement of device (96024-00 [1822]) prescription for device (96024-00 [1822]) review only of device (96025-00 [1822]) skills training in use of device (96142-00 [1878]) 96091-00 Manufacture of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Casting of prosthetic or orthotic device Design and fabrication of prosthetic or orthotic device Includes: 47708-00 coding of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment for identification purposes Application of plaster jacket {Moved from block 1550} Excludes: 47711-00 that with: closed reduction of fracture/dislocation of spine (47690-00, 47693-00 [1387]) immobilisation of fracture/dislocation of spine (see block [1381]) Application of halo {Moved from block 1550} Excludes: 47717-00 that with: closed reduction of fracture/dislocation of spine (47690-00, 47693-00 [1387]) immobilisation of fracture/dislocation of spine (see block [1381]) Application of halo and thoracic jacket {Moved from block 1550} Excludes: 47720-00 that with: closed reduction of fracture/dislocation of spine (47690-00, 47693-00 [1387]) immobilisation of fracture/dislocation of spine (see block [1381]) Application of halo femoral traction {moved from block 1550} Excludes: that with: closed reduction of fracture/dislocation of spine (47690-00, 47693-00 [1387]) immobilisation of fracture/dislocation of spine (see block [1381]) 47540-01 Application of shoulder spica {moved from block 1394} 47540-00 Application of hip spica {Moved from block 1477} Note: Performed for congenital dislocation of hip 90531-00 Traction, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1550} Manual or mechanical traction NOS 92139-00 Non-invasive placement of bone growth stimulator {moved from block 1878} Transcutaneous (surface) placement of pads or patches Note: 96092-00 Performed to stimulate bone healing Application, fitting, adjustment or replacement of other assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Issue of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Programming of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Includes: instructions on use of /how to care for assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Excludes: application of dressing to: burn (see block [1600]) wound, other than burn (30055-00 [1601]) 96093-00 Repair of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Excludes: 96094-00 adjustment only (96092-00 [1870]) Removal of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Excludes: removal of ocular or orbital implant (42518-02, 42812-00 [164]) that with replacement (96092-00 [1870]) NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 139 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT INTERVENTIONS 1871 Nutritional support interventions Includes: assessment or review of client’s tolerance/progress to dietary intake Note: Interventions that support the proper dietary intake and assimilation of nutriments for proper body functioning and maintenance of health Excludes: assistance with food intake (96163-00 [1914]) nutritional/dietary: assessment alone (96026-00 [1822]) counselling, education (96067-00 [1867]) skills training in: food intake (96140-00 [1878]) preparation of food (96143-00 [1878]) shopping for food (96143-00 [1878]) 96095-00 Therapeutic diet support Note: 96096-00 Involves making recommendations about diet, identifying client preferences, ordering of items which constitute a therapeutic diet and ensuring meals or menus provided are appropriate. Oral nutritional support Note: 96097-00 Involves supplementation of therapeutic diet, enteral or parenteral nutrition with oral nourishing fluids and/or foods Enteral nutritional support Note: 96098-00 Involves making recommendations on enteral nutrition and ordering of nutrients or necessary equipment Parenteral nutritional support Note: Involves making recommendations on parenteral nutrition, either alone or in combination with enteral or oral nutrition and ordering of nutrients or necessary equipment PSYCHOBEHAVIOURALTHERAPY, PSYCHOSOCIAL THERAPY, SKILLS TRAINING 1872 Alcohol and drug rehabilitation and detoxification 92002-00 Alcohol rehabilitation {all codes in this block moved from block 1828} 92003-00 Alcohol detoxification 92004-00 Alcohol rehabilitation and detoxification 92005-00 Drug rehabilitation 92006-00 Drug detoxification 92007-00 Drug rehabilitation and detoxification 92008-00 Combined alcohol and drug rehabilitation 92009-00 Combined alcohol and drug detoxification 92010-00 Combined alcohol and drug rehabilitation and detoxification 1873 Psychological therapies Includes: evaluation of progression Note: The use of psychological techniques rather than physical means to treat mental and emotional disorders Exclude: biofeedback (96152-00 [1880]) 96099-00 Psychotherapy Interpersonal psychotherapy Supportive psychotherapy 96100-00 Psychodynamic therapy Page 140 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96001-00 Psychological skills training {moved from block 2075} Behaviour therapy Skills training in: anger management assertiveness conflict resolution coping/stress management techniques interpersonal [relationship] skills with colleagues/peers, family [children] [parents], friends, partner [spouse] social skills time management techniques 96101-00 Cognitive behaviour therapy 96102-00 Systems therapy Family therapy Note: Therapy with a focus on social context and the relationships Formed within that context that impact on the individual 96103-00 Clinical hypnosis Hypnotherapy 96174-00 Other psychological therapies 1874 Psychosocial therapies 96104-00 Music therapy Note: 96105-00 Relaxation therapy, not elsewhere classified Relaxation therapy NOS Note: Skills training in techniques aimed at promoting lessening of tension, reduction of anxiety or management of pain Excludes: skills training in coping/stress management techniques (96001-00 [1873]) 96106-00 Resourcing intervention Excludes: 96107-00 resource education (96089-00 [1869]) Service co-ordination Note: 96108-00 Service co-ordination Involves arrangement, facilitation and co-ordination of a range of services necessary to meet identified needs of the client Advocacy Note: 96109-00 1875 Interventions using music designed to enhance and/or maintain the physical , emotional, pyschosocial, behavioural, sensory, cognitive, communication, cultural, spiritual, developmental, musical and/or related needs identified during the assessment/evaluation process. Representation or defence of the client’s interests to facilitate access to and use of health care services Other psychosocial therapies Skills training in relation to learning, knowledge and cognition Includes: evaluation of progression 96110-00 Skills training in activities related to learning Skills training in: arithmetic reading study skills written expression 96111-00 Skills training in activities related to memory 96112-00 Skills training in activities related to sensory/sensorimotor/sensorineural function Fine or gross motor skills training Recognition therapy Sensory integration therapy Tactile stimulation Note: 96113-00 Interventions involving sensory stimulation and adaptive responses to it according to neurologic needs. The aim is to improve the brain’s ability to process and organise sensations Skills training in activities related to orientation, perception or attention NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 141 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96114-00 1876 Skills training in activities related to executive skills Skills training in: creative thinking decision making motivation planning problem solving organisation Skills training in movement Exercise therapy Work hardening/conditioning Includes: evaluation of progression Note: Skills training which involves assisting or supervising the client in performing exercises for the purpose of conditioning the body, improving health or maintaining fitness or as a means for correcting a deformity or restoring the organs and bodily functions to a state of health Active Active assisted Movement initiated by client. Includes isotonic exercise. Movement initiated by client with external assistance Active resisted Aerobic Movement initiated by client and resisted by external force. Physical conditioning exercise that requires additional effort by heart and lungs to meet increased demand by skeletal muscles for oxygen Anaerobic Muscular exertion sufficient to result in metabolic acidosis because of accumulation of lactic acid as a product of muscle metabolism Conditioning Exercises to improve the fitness of a body system, such as the cardiovascular system Muscle setting A method of maintaining muscle strength and tonality by alternately contracting and relaxing a skeletal muscle or any group of muscles without moving the associated part of the body Passive Movement initiated by external force with no active muscle contraction by client Resisted Movement initiated by client and resisted by external force Range of motion Exercise involving muscles, joints and natural directional movements such as abduction, extension, flexion, pronation and rotation Stretches Taking limb or body part to end of available range of movement [extension] and holding this position. Underwater Any exercise activity performed in a pool or large bath or tub where the [aquatic] buoyancy of the water facilitates the movement of weak or injured muscles 96115-00 Exercise therapy, facial muscles/temporomandibular joint 96116-00 Exercise therapy, ocular muscles 96117-00 Exercise therapy, oesophageal muscles Skills training in swallowing functions 96118-00 Exercise therapy, shoulder joint 96119-00 Exercise therapy, chest or abdominal muscles 96120-00 Exercise therapy, back or neck muscles Exercise therapy on muscles supporting spine [cervical] [lumbar] [thoracic] 96121-00 Exercise therapy, arm muscles Upper limb re-education 96122-00 Exercise therapy, elbow joint 96123-00 Exercise therapy, hand muscles, wrist or finger joints 96124-00 Exercise therapy, hip joint 96125-00 Exercise therapy, pelvic floor muscles 96126-00 Exercise therapy, leg muscles 96127-00 Exercise therapy, knee joint 96128-00 Exercise therapy, foot muscles, ankle or toe joints 96129-00 Exercise therapy, total body Exercise therapy NOS General exercise therapy such as exercise classes, swimming Page 142 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96130-00 Skills training in activities related to body position/mobility/movement Ambulation and gait training Mobility or body positioning training such as: bed mobility bending log roll lying to sitting sitting balance sitting out of bed sit to stand squatting standing balance straightening Posture management Skills training in methods to improve integrated movement awareness such as Feldenkrais method, tai chi, yoga Excludes: 96131-00 Skills training in activities related to transfers Skills training in transfers to/from: bath bed chair floor shower toilet vehicle Excludes: 1877 exercise therapy (96115 to 96129 [1876]) that where the primary purpose is to train in the use of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment (96142-00 [1878]) that for entry and exit to hydrotherapy pool (96150-00 [1879]) that where the primary purpose is to instruct in the use of an assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment (96142-00 [1878]) Skills training in body system functions Includes: evaluation of progression 96132-00 Skills training for hearing Auditory training 96133-00 Skills training for binocular vision Exercising the sensory aspect of vision Excludes: exercise therapy for ocular muscles (96116-00 [1876]) skills training in visual ergonomics (96147-00 [1878]) 96134-00 Skills training for voice 96135-00 Skills training for speech Training in speech reading 96136-00 Skills training for fluency 96137-00 Skills training for language Training in language skills: spoken/non spoken written/non written 96138-00 Exercise therapy, respiratory system [breathing] Note: 96139-00 Exercise to increase tidal volume and thoracic excursion and assist in loosening secretions and /or improve breathing pattern Exercise therapy, cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular system Cardiac rehabilitation program Note: Exercise program aimed at achieving maximum cardiac and respiratory function NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 143 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1878 Skills training for personal care and other activities of daily/independent living Includes: 96140-00 evaluation of progression Skills training in activities related to self care/self maintenance Skills training in: bathing/showering dressing [clothing] food intake [dietary] [nutrition] functional communication, handwriting grooming toileting washing hair Excludes: 96141-00 skills training for: health maintenance activities (96141-00 [1878]) home management activities (96143-00 [1878]) mobility (96130-00 [1876]) use of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment (96142-00 [1878]) Skills training in activities related to health maintenance Skills training in: diagnostic testing/monitoring (for conditions such as amputation stumps, asthma, diabetes etc) foot/leg care (bunion) (ulcer) (cutting and filing of nonpathological toenails MB make examples. medication management oral hygiene postural drainage self examination (breasts) (genitalia) self injection stoma care [colostomy] [tracheostomy] Excludes: 96142-00 exercise therapy (see Index: Therapy, exercise) skills training in use of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment (96142-00 [1878]) Skills training in use of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Ambulation and gait training in conjunction with the use of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Habilitative or rehabilitative training in the use of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Mobility training with aids Skills training in application of dressings or bandages Note: For the list of assistive or adaptive devices, aids or equipment see block [1870] 96143-00 Skills training in activities related to home management Skills training in: cleaning gardening housekeeping/maintenance laundering meal preparation safety procedures around the home shopping 96144-00 Skills training in activities related to financial management Skills training in budgeting 96145-00 Skills training in parenting techniques 96146-00 Occupational/vocational skills training Skills training in: job acquisition job or work performance retirement planning vocational exploration volunteer participation Excludes: work hardening/conditioning (see Index: Therapy, exercise) 96147-00 Skills training in ergonomics Skills training in visual ergonomics 96148-00 Play/leisure/recreation therapy Play/leisure/recreation exploration 1879 Other psychobehavioural or psychosocial therapies, skills training Includes: 96149-00 Page 144 evaluation of progression Religious/spiritual therapy NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96150-00 Skills training in water confidence techniques Skills training in: adjustment to water, breathing and rotation control buoyancy factors entry and exit to pool 96151-00 Other skills training Skills training NOS THERAPIES USING ELECTROPHYSICAL AGENTS 1880 Therapies using electrophysical agents, not elsewhere classified 96152-00 Biofeedback Note: 96153-00 Process by which the physiologic activity of a client can be translated into electric signals of a visual or auditory system. Examples of the kinds of biological feedback that can be provide include information about changes in skin temperature, muscle tonicity, cardiovascular activities, blood pressure and brain wave activities. Hydrotherapy Note: The external use of water, hot and/or cold, in the therapeutic treatment of disease or injury. Applications of moist heat and warm water help relieve pain and improve circulation, promote relaxation and reduce muscle tightness and include measures such as warm baths, hot packs or compresses. Applications of cold water help to decrease body temperature, reduce swelling and constrict blood vessels and include measures such as cold packs, ice compresses, cold baths and showers. Special equipment such as the Hubbard tank or whirlpool baths are fitted with devices that mechanically agitate the water, thereby providing gentle massage in addition to the therapeutic effects of heat. Excludes: that to induce: hypothermia (92178-00 [1880]) hypothermia (13606-00 [1880]) 13606-00 Cold therapy {moved from block 1888} Hypothermic therapy Total body hypothermia Note: The application of cold in the therapeutic treatment of disease or injury Hypothermia can be induced by ice packs or compresses, cooling blankets, immersion in cold water (bath or tub) or by extracorporeal cooling of the blood. Hypothermia can also be induced as a protective measure in certain cardiovascular and neurological surgical procedures or as an adjunct to anaesthesia in surgical procedures involving a limb. Excludes: cryotherapeutic destruction of tissue(see Index: Cryotherapy, by site) gastric hypothermia (13500-00 [1899]) hypothermic therapy in conjunction with open heart surgery 38574-00 [642]) 92178-00 Heat therapy {moved from block 1888} Hyperthermic therapy Includes: therapeutic treatment with the use of: heating pad infrared radiation microwaves shortwaves wax Note: The application of heat in the therapeutic treatment of disease or injury. Hypothermia can be induced by hot packs or compresses, electric blankets, immersion in hot water (bath or tub), using humidified air or by extracorporeal warming of the blood. Hypothermia can also be used as an adjunct to radiation therapy or chemotherapy and induced by microwave, ultrasound, low energy radio-frequency conduction or probes. Code also when performed: • chemotherapy (see Index: Chemotherapy) • radiation therapy (see Index: Therapy, radiation) Excludes: 96154-00 thermocauterisation (see Index: Thermocauterisation) thermocoagulation (see Index: Neurotomy, by site, radiofrequency) thermokeratoplasty (42671-00, 42671-01 [173]) thermosclerectomy (42746-03 [191]) thermotherapy to prostate by microwaves (37203-04 [1166]) Therapeutic ultrasound Excludes: diagnostic ultrasound (see blocks [1940] to [1950]) NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 145 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96155-00 Stimulation therapy, not elsewhere classified Therapeutic laser treatment NOS Includes: electrical neuromuscular nerve stimulation [EMS] functional electrical stimulation [FES] transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation [TENS] Note: The therapeutic application of a device (electrical, laser or ultrasound) which excites or induces functional activity in a body part with the aim of promoting healing and reducing pain 92199-00 Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy [ESWL] of sites not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1893} Excludes: extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy [ESWL] of: • biliary tract (90956-00 [962]) • gall bladder (90957-00 [962]) • urinary tract (36546-00 [1125]) IMMUNISATION, INJECTIONS, PERFUSION 1881 Prophylactic vaccination or inoculation against certain bacterial diseases 92143-00 Vaccination against cholera {all codes moved from block 1880} 92144-00 Vaccination against typhoid and paratyphoid fever Administration of TAB vaccine 92145-00 Vaccination against tuberculosis Administration of BCG vaccine 92146-00 Administration of diphtheria toxoid Excludes: 92147-00 Vaccination against pertussis Excludes: 92148-00 administration of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined (92149-00 1881]) Administration of tetanus toxoid Excludes: 92149-00 1882 administration of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined (92149-00 1881]) administration of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined (92149-00 [1881]) Administration of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined Prophylactic vaccination or inoculation against certain viral diseases 92150-00 Administration of poliomyelitis vaccine {all codes moved from block 1881} 92151-00 Vaccination against rabies 92152-00 Vaccination against yellow fever 92153-00 Vaccination against measles Excludes: 92154-00 administration of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (92156-00 [1882]) Vaccination against mumps Excludes: 92155-00 administration of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (92156-00 [1882]) Vaccination against rubella Excludes: administration of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (92156-00 [1882]) 92156-00 Administration of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine 92157-00 Vaccination against viral diseases, not elsewhere classified 1883 Other vaccination or inoculation 92158-00 Prophylactic vaccination against the common cold {all codes in block moved from 1882} 92159-00 Prophylactic vaccination against influenza Excludes: 92160-00 Page 146 Haemophilias influenza type b (92167-00 [1883]) Prophylactic vaccination against arthropod-borne viral encephalitis NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 92161-00 Prophylactic administration of vaccine against other diseases Vaccination against: • anthrax • brucellosis • Rocky Mountain spotted fever • Staphylococcus • Streptococcus • typhus 92162-00 Administration of tetanus antitoxin 92163-00 Administration of botulism antitoxin 92164-00 Administration of other antitoxins Administration of antitoxin: • diphtheria • gas gangrene • scarlet fever 92165-00 Vaccination against Pneumococcus 92166-00 Vaccination against Meningococcus 92167-00 Vaccination against Haemophilias influenza type b *Change in index 92169-00 Vaccination against Hepatitis A 92168-00 Vaccination against Hepatitis B 92170-00 Vaccination against Q fever 92171-00 Other vaccination or inoculation Vaccination NOS 1884 Passive immunisation with immunoglobulin 92172-00 Passive immunisation with normal immunoglobulin {all codes moved to block 1884} 92173-00 Passive immunisation with Rh(D) immunoglobulin Injection of: • Anti-D (Rhesus) globulin • RhoGAM 92174-00 Passive immunisation with Varicella-Zoster immunoglobulin 92175-00 Passive immunisation with Rabies immunoglobulin 92176-00 Passive immunisation with Hepatitis B immunoglobulin 92177-00 Passive immunisation with Cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin 1885 Injection or infusion of therapeutic or prophylactic substance Includes: injection: • intramuscular • intravenous • subcutaneous infusion 92179-00 Immunisation for allergy {all codes moved from block 1892} Desensitisation 92180-00 Immunisation for autoimmune disease 92181-00 Injection of gamma globulin Injection of immune sera 92182-00 Injection of antidote Injection of: • acetylcysteine • antibody fragments • antivenom • dioxin • heavy metal antagonist NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 147 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 92183-00 Injection of insulin 92184-00 Injection or infusion of electrolytes 92185-00 Injection of anticoagulant 92186-00 Injection of antibiotic 92187-00 Injection of other anti-infective 92188-00 Injection of steroid Injection of cortisone Excludes: injection of steroid into: • costotransverse joint (39013-01 [31]) • scar (30207-00, 30210-00 [1602]) • skin lesion (30207-00, 30210-00 [1602]) • zygapophyseal joint (39013-01 [31]) 92189-00 Injection of other hormone 92190-00 Injection of tranquilliser 12200-00 Iontophoresis Note: Performed for collection of specimen of sweat 92191-00 Enteral infusion of nutritional substances 92192-00 Parenteral infusion of nutritional substances Hyperalimentation Peripheral parenteral nutrition [PPN] Total parenteral nutrition [TPN] 92193-00 Injection or infusion of other therapeutic or prophylactic substance 1886 Perfusion 34533-00 Isolated limb perfusion {all codes moved from block 1888} Includes: cannulation of artery and vein regional perfusion for chemotherapy repair of arteriotomy and venotomy Excludes: that for regional anaesthesia (18213 [1909]) 13600-00 Perfusion of organ 13603-00 Whole body perfusion THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS – EYE, EAR, NOSE, MOUTH AND THROAT 1887 Therapeutic interventions on eye, ear, nose, mouth and throat 92025-00 Irrigation of eye {moved from block 1838} Irrigation of cornea Excludes: 96156-00 irrigation of anterior chamber (42743-00 [185]) Eye occlusion therapy Note: Therapeutic occlusion of the eye by a patch or medicinal agents such as eye drops 92027-00 Packing of external auditory canal {moved from block 1843} 92028-00 Dilation of frontonasal duct {moved from block 1843} 92029-00 Irrigation of nasal passages {moved from block 1843} 92030-00 Replacement of nasal packing {moved from block 1843} 92031-00 Removal of nasal packing {moved from block 1843} Excludes: 92032-00 Page 148 that with replacement (92030-00 [1887]) Removal of foreign body from larynx without incision {Moved from block 1843} NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS – RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Excludes: 1888 exercise therapy, respiratory system [breathing] (96138-00 [1877]) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy Hyperbaric oxygenation Includes: that to wound 13020-00 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 3 hours {both codes moved from block 1889} 13025-00 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, > 3 hours 1889 Other therapeutic interventions on respiratory system 96157-00 Non-incisional drainage of respiratory tract Manual clearance of respiratory secretions Postural drainage Sputum clearance/mobilisation Includes: active cycle of breathing technique [ACBT] forced expiration technique [FET] that using techniques/devices such as: percussion shaking vibrator Note: Postural drainage Excludes: that involved with intubation (see block [568]) Positioning allowing gravity to assist drainage of secretions from lungs and to increase ventilation 92042-00 Nonmechanical methods of resuscitation {moved from block 1849} Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 92043-00 Respiratory medication administered by nebuliser {moved from block 1849} Mist therapy 92044-00 Other oxygen enrichment {moved from block 1849} Catalytic oxygen therapy Cytoreductive effect Oxygenators Oxygen therapy Excludes: 92045-00 hyperbaric oxygenation (13020-00, 13025-00 [1888]) Other control of atmospheric pressure and composition {moved from block 1849} Antigen-free air conditioning Helium therapy Humidification therapy *Index Excludes: humidification therapy with medication administered via nebuliser (92043-00 [1889]) that to induce: hypothermia (92178-00 [1880]) hypothermia (13606-00 [1880]) THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS – CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Excludes: 1890 exercise therapy, cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular system (96139-00 [1877]) Therapeutic interventions on cardiovascular system 92052-00 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation {moved from block 1858} 13400-00 Cardioversion {moved from block 1858} Defibrillation Electric countershock of heart Restoration of cardiac rhythm by electrical Stimulation Excludes: that incidental to cardiac surgery – omit code 92053-00 Closed chest cardiac massage {moved from block 1858} Cardiac massage NOS Manual external cardiac massage 92054-00 Carotid sinus stimulation {moved from 1858} NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 149 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 92055-00 Other conversion of cardiac rhythm {moved from 1858} 13851-00 Management of circulatory support device {moved from block 1858} 13939-01 Maintenance (alone) of implantable infusion device or pump Includes: flushing injection of isotope to test pump withdrawing sample of fluid for culture Excludes: loading of device or pump (13939-00 [1780]) 13942-01 Maintenance (alone) of ambulatory drug delivery device Maintenance (alone) of external infusion pump Includes: flushing Excludes: loading of device (13942-00 [1780]) 92058-00 Irrigation of vascular catheter {moved from block 1858} Flushing of central venous catheter [CVC] THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS – BLOOD AND BLOOD FORMING ORGANS 1891 Therapeutic collection and processing of blood/bone marrow 13709-00 Collection of blood for transfusion {moved code from 1859} Donation of blood 13760-00 In vitro processing of bone marrow or peripheral blood for autologous stem cell transplantation Includes: 1892 that as an adjunct to high dose chemotherapy that with cryopreservation Aphaeresis 13755-00 Donor haemapheresis {All codes in this block moved from 1859} Collection of blood products for transfusion following aphaeresis 13750-00 Therapeutic plasmapheresis 13750-01 Therapeutic leukopheresis Therapeutic leukocytapheresis 13750-02 Therapeutic erythropheresis Therapeutic erythrocytapheresis 13750-03 Therapeutic plateletpheresis 13750-04 Aphaeresis of stem cells 13750-05 Aphaeresis of stem cells with cryopreservation 13750-06 Other therapeutic haemapheresis 1893 Transfusion of blood and gamma globulin 13706-01 Transfusion of whole blood Administration of blood NOS 13706-02 Transfusion of packed cells Transfusion of erythrocytes [red blood cells] 13706-03 Transfusion of platelets Transfusion of thrombocytes 13706-04 Transfusion of leucocytes Transfusion of white blood cells 13706-05 Transfusion of gamma globulin Transfusion of immunoglobulin Excludes: intramuscular administration of gamma globulin (92181-00 [1885]) 92060-00 Transfusion of previously collected autologous blood Blood component 92061-00 Transfusion of coagulation factors Transfusion of antihaemophilic factor Page 150 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 92062-00 Transfusion of other serum Transfusion of plasma 92063-00 Transfusion of blood expander Haemodilution Transfusion of: • Dextran • Rheomacrodex 92064-00 Transfusion of other substance Transfusion of: • blood surrogate • granulocytes 92206-00 Exchange transfusion Blood transfusion for complete replacement of blood 13306-00 Exchange transfusion in infant Blood transfusion for complete replacement of blood in neonate Includes: venesection Note: Neonate Live birth < 28 days old THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS – DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Excludes: 1894 exercise therapy, oesophageal muscles 96117-00 [1876]) Non-incisional insertion and dilation interventions on digestive system 92065-00 Rectal packing {moved from block 1862} 92066-00 Insertion of rectal tube {moved from block 1862} Replacement of rectal tube 92067-00 Dilation of enterostomy stoma {moved from block 1862} 32115-00 Dilation of rectum {moved from block 1862} 92069-00 Dilation of anal sphincter {moved from block 1862} 1895 Non-incisional irrigation, cleaning and local instillation, digestive system 92036-00 Insertion of nasogastric tube {moved from block 1848} Intubation for decompression Excludes: 92037-00 Sengstaken tube (13506-00 [1899]) Irrigation of nasogastric tube {moved from block 1848} Excludes: 14200-00 gastric lavage (14200-00 [1895]) Gastric lavage {moved from block 1863} Note: Performed for treatment of ingested poison 92072-00 Gastric gavage {moved from block 1863} 92073-00 Irrigation of gastrostomy or enterostomy {moved from block 1863} 92074-00 Irrigation of pancreatic tube {moved from block 1863} 92096-00 Irrigation of cholecystostomy or other biliary tube {moved from block 1863} 92075-00 Gastrointestinal tract instillation, except gastric gavage {moved from block 1863} 92076-00 Removal of impacted faeces {moved from block 1863} Removal of impaction: • by flushing • manually Excludes: 92077-00 that with: • debridement and lavage of peritoneal cavity (30396-00 [989]) • dilation of anus under general or regional anaesthesia (32153-00 [946]) Other rectal irrigation {moved from block 1863} NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 151 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1896 Non-incisional replacement or removal of therapeutic device, digestive system 92078-00 Replacement of (naso-) gastric or oesophagostomy tube {All codes moved from block 1864} 92079-00 Replacement of tube or enterostomy device of small intestine 92080-00 Replacement of tube or enterostomy device of large intestine 92081-00 Removal of retroperitoneal drainage device 92082-00 Removal of peritoneal drainage device 92083-00 Removal of tube from small intestine 92084-00 removal of tube from large intestine or appendix 92085-00 Removal of pancreatic tube or drain 92098-00 Removal of cholecystostomy tube 92097-00 Removal of T-tube, other bile duct tube or liver tube Excludes: removal of biliary stent (30451-01 [960]) 92141-00 Removal of device from abdomen Removal of sutures from abdominal wall 92086-00 Removal of other device from gastrointestinal tract Removal of rectal packing 1897 Non-incisional removal of foreign body or calculus from gastrointestinal tract 92087-00 Removal of foreign body from mouth without incision {all codes moved from 1865} 92088-00 Removal of foreign body from large intestine without incision 92089-00 Removal of foreign body from artificial stoma without incision 92090-00 Removal of foreign body from rectum or anus without incision 1898 Fluid and gas reduction of intussusception 14212-00 Fluid reduction of intussusception {moved from block 1891} Hydrostatic reduction of intussusception Includes: 14212-01 1899 barium enema Gas reduction of intussusception Other therapeutic interventions on digestive system 13500-00 Gastric hypothermia {moved from block 1867} Gastric cooling Includes: closed circuit circulation of refrigerant Note: Performed for gastrointestinal haemorrhage 13506-00 Gastro-oesophageal balloon tamponade {moved from block 1867} Oesophageal tamponade Includes: that by: • Minnesota balloon • Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (balloon) Note: Performed for control of haemorrhage from gastro-oesophageal varices 92070-00 Manual reduction of enterostomy prolapse {moved from block 1862} 92071-00 Manual reduction of hernia {moved from block 1862} 92094-00 Rectal massage {moved from block 1867} Note: Page 152 Performed for levator spasm NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS – GENITOURINARY SYSTEM 1900 Non-incisional insertion, replacement and removal of therapeutic device, genital tract 92104-00 Vaginal packing {all codes in block moved from block 1872} 92105-00 Insertion of vaginal mould 92106-00 Insertion of vaginal diaphragm 92107-00 Insertion of other vaginal pessary Excludes: that for induction of: abortion (see Index: Induction, abortion) Labour (see Index: Induction, labour, medical) 92108-00 Replacement of vaginal diaphragm Refitting of vaginal diaphragm 92109-00 Replacement of other vaginal pessary 92110-00 Replacement of vaginal or vulvar packing or drain 92111-00 Removal of intrauterine pack 92112-00 Removal of vaginal or vulvar packing Excludes: 92113-00 that with replacement (92110-00 [1900]) Removal of vaginal diaphragm Excludes: 92114-00 that with replacement (92108-00 [1900]) Removal of other vaginal pessary Excludes: that with replacement (92109-00 [1900]) 92115-00 Removal of prostatic stent or coil 92116-00 Removal of other device from genital tract Removal of sutures from genital tract 1901 Non-incisional irrigation, cleaning and local instillation, genitourinary system 92099-00 Irrigation of nephrotomy or pyelostomy {all codes moved from block 1871} 92100-00 Irrigation of ureterostomy or ureteral catheter 92102-00 Irrigation of cystotomy 92103-00 Vaginal douche 92101-00 Irrigation of other indwelling urinary catheter 1902 Non-incisional removal of therapeutic device from urinary tract 92117-00 Removal of pyelostomy or nephrotomy tube {all codes moved from block 1873} Excludes: 92118-00 that with replacement (36649-00 [1041]) Removal of ureterostomy tube or ureteral catheter Excludes: 92121-00 endoscopic: • removal of ureteric stent (36833-01 [1066]) • replacement of ureteric stent (36800-01 [1089]) • replacement of ureterostomy tube (90367-00 [1068]) Removal of cystotomy tube Excludes: 92119-00 that with endoscopic replacement (36800-02 [1091]) Removal of other urinary drainage device Removal of indwelling urinary catheter Excludes: endoscopic: • removal of indwelling urinary catheter (36800-03 [1089]) • replacement of indwelling urinary catheter (36800-01 [1089]) removal of ureteral catheter (92118-00 [1902]) 92120-00 Removal of urethral stent 92122-00 Removal of other device from urinary system NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 153 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1903 Non-incisional removal of foreign body from genitourinary system 92123-00 Removal of foreign body from uterus without incision {all codes moved from block 1874} 92124-00 Removal of foreign body from vagina without incision 92125-00 Removal of foreign body from vulva without incision 92126-00 Removal of foreign body from scrotum or penis without incision 1904 Other therapeutic interventions on genitourinary system 96158-00 Bladder retraining 92131-00 Prostatic massage {moved from block 1876} 92132-00 Stretching of foreskin (moved from block 1876} THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS – MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Excludes : 1905 exercise therapy (see block [1876]) Therapeutic interventions on musculoskeletal system 96159-00 Range of movement/muscle testing with specialised equipment Isokinetic testing 50115-00 Manipulation/mobilisation of joint, not elsewhere classified {Moved from block 1567} Manual rupture of joint NOS Release or stretching of joint NOS Note: Manipulation The forceful passive movement of a joint beyond its active limit of motion Mobilisation Freeing a body part(s) with the aim of increasing movement 96160-00 Phototherapy, joint Ultraviolet therapy to joint 96161-00 Phototherapy, soft tissue Ultraviolet therapy to soft tissue 92138-00 Removal of foreign body from head or neck without incision { moved from block 1878} Removal of sutures from head and neck Excludes: removal of foreign body from eye (see Index: Removal, foreign body, eye) 92140-00 Removal of packing from trunk, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1879} 92142-00 Removal of other device from trunk {moved from block 1879} Removal of sutures from trunk NOS OTHER THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS 1906 Implantation of hormone or living tissue 14203-00 Direct hormone implantation {all codes moved from block 1890} Subdermal implantation: • oestrogen • progesterone Includes: 14203-01 incision suture Direct living tissue implantation Includes: incision suture 14206-00 Hormone implantation by cannula 14206-01 Living tissue implantation by cannula 1907 Electroconvulsive therapy Includes: Page 154 consultation electroencephalographic monitoring stimulus dosing techniques NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 93340-00 Electroconvulsive therapy [ECT] 8 treatments {moved from block 1827} 93340-01 Electroconvulsive therapy [ECT] > 8 treatments {moved from block 1827} 1908 Other therapeutic interventions 93173-00 Acupuncture {moved from block 1893} 92195-00 Irrigation of catheter, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1893} Excludes: indwelling urinary (92101-00 [1901]) ureteral (92100-00 [1901]) vascular (92058-00 [1890]) ventricular (90002-00 [5]) 92049-00 Removal of thoracotomy tube or pleural cavity drain {moved from block 1849} 92050-00 Removal of mediastinal drain {moved from block 1849} 92200-00 Removal of sutures, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1893} Excludes: 92201-00 removal of sutures from sites elsewhere specified (see Index: Removal, sutures) Removal of foreign body without incision, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1893} Excludes: removal of: • foreign body from sites elsewhere specified (see Index: Removal, foreign body) • suture from sites elsewhere specified (see Index: Removal, suture) 92202-00 Removal of therapeutic device, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1893} 92203-00 Extraction of milk from lactating breast {moved from block 1893} 96162-00 Therapeutic massage or manipulation of connective/soft tissue, not elsewhere classified Point stimulation, penetration or sedation therapy Massage of therapeutic gel, cream or lotion into scar tissue or wound Note: Manual therapy involving manipulation of the connective/soft tissues of the body and administered to produce effects on the nervous and muscular systems and the local and general circulation of the blood and lymph. Generally performed with the hands but other mechanical devices, such as a vibrator may also be used. Includes techniques such as acupressure, where pressure is applied to acupuncture sites to relieve pain friction, small accurate localised, penetrating movements performed in circular or transverse direction to soft tissue Excludes: manipulation of joint (50115-00 [1905]) massage: cardiac (closed chest) (92053-00 [1890]) prostate (92131-00 [1904]) rectum (92094-00 [1899]) 92205-00 Non-invasive therapeutic intervention, not elsewhere classified {moved from block 1893} ADMINISTRATIVE/CLINICAL/CLIENT SUPPORT INTERVENTIONS Note: Interventions which are neither diagnostic nor therapeutic in nature ANAESTHESIA Excludes: 1909 preoperative anaesthesia assessment (see block [1821]) that for dental procedure (see blocks [487] [488]) Regional anaesthesia Excludes: anaesthesia: • caudal (see Index: Infusion, spinal, caudal) • epidural (see Index: Infusion, epidural) • spinal (see Index: Infusion, spinal, intrathecal) nerve blocks (see Index: Injection, nerve) 92501-00 Topical anaesthesia {moved from block 1895} 92501-01 Local infiltration anaesthesia 18213-00 Intravenous regional anaesthesia of upper limb by retrograde perfusion 18213-01 Intravenous regional anaesthesia of lower limb by retrograde perfusion NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 155 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 1910 General anaesthesia 92502-00 Intravenous anaesthesia {all codes moved from block 1896} 92502-01 Inhalational anaesthesia 92502-02 Intravenous and inhalational anaesthesia 1911 Sedation 92503-00 Intravenous sedation, anaesthetist controlled {all codes moved from block 1897) 92503-01 Intravenous sedation, patient controlled 92503-02 Inhalation sedation, anaesthetist controlled 92503-03 Inhalation sedation, patient controlled 1912 Protocol based postoperative analgesia Note: Codes within this block are to be used only when a formal protocol based pain scoring system is documented. 92504-00 Opined loading protocol {all codes moved from block 1898} 92504-01 Opined infusion protocol Excludes: protocol based patient controlled analgesia (92504-02 [1912]) 92504-02 Protocol based patient controlled analgesia [PCA] 92504-03 Protocol based intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection 1913 Other anaesthetic administration procedures 92505-00 Application of loose facemask or oxygen via cannula {all codes moved from block 1899} Application of tracheostomy shield 92505-01 Application of fitted facemask 92505-02 Application of laryngeal airway mask ASSISTANCE 1914 Assistance interventions Note: Interventions where the purpose is to provide assistance only to the client or service provider and any therapeutic treatment such as counselling, education, skills training or exercise therapy for example is not involved. 96163-00 Assistance with activities related to self care/self maintenance Assistance provided to client with: bathing/showering dressing [clothing] food intake [drinking] [eating] grooming toileting washing hair 96164-00 Assistance with activities related to health maintenance Assistance provided to client with: diagnostic testing/monitoring (for conditions such as amputation stumps, asthma, diabetes etc.) foot/leg care (such as cutting or filing of non pathological toenails) medication oral hygiene self injection stoma care 96165-00 Assistance with application of assistive or adaptive device, aid or equipment Note: 96166-00 Page 156 For the list of assistive or adaptive devices, aids or equipment see block [1870] Assistance with activities related to body position/mobility/movement Assistance provided to client with ambulation NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System 96167-00 Assistance with activities related to transfers Assistance provided to client with transfers to/from: bath/shower bed chair floor toilet vehicle 80103-00 Assistance with activities related to home management Assistance provided to client with: cleaning gardening housekeeping/maintenance laundering meal preparation safety procedures around the home shopping 96169-00 Assistance with activities related to parenting Assistance provided to client with: infant feeding settling of infant Excludes: 96170-00 extraction of milk from lactating breast (92203-00 [1908]) Procedure/intervention assistance Note: Support provided by one service provider to another during a diagnostic or therapeutic intervention OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE/CLINICAL/CLIENT SUPPORT INTERVENTIONS 1915 Administrative/clinical/client support interventions 96171-00 Accompanying or transportation of client Escort of client to other service provider or agency within or outside health care facility 96172-00 Sterile precautions Instrument preparation and sterilisation 92194-00 Autopsy {moved from block 1893} GENERALISED ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS GENERALISED ALLIED HEALTH INTERVENTIONS 1916 Generalised allied health interventions 95550-00 Allied health intervention, dietetics 95550-01 Allied health intervention, social work 95550-02 Allied health intervention, occupational therapy 95550-03 Allied health intervention, physiotherapy 95550-04 Allied health intervention, podiatry 95550-05 Allied health intervention, speech pathology 95550-06 Allied health intervention, audiology 95550-07 Allied health intervention, orthoptics 95550-08 Allied health intervention, prosthetics and orthotics 95550-09 Allied health intervention, pharmacy 95550-10 Allied health intervention, psychology 95550-11 Allied health intervention, other NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report Page 157 Chapter 5 – Review of the Australian Allied Health Classification System Page 158 NAHCC – IFI/PI Project Report