Exhibit V5 2327 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5014 • 916.440.1985 • FAX 916.440.1986 • Email info@capta.org • www.capta.org CALIFORNIA STATE PTA BOARD OF MANAGERS STUDENT BOARD MEMBER INTERVIEW DISTRICT PRESIDENT EVALUATION DEADLINE: MARCH 15 STUDENT NAME: __________________________________________ UNIT/COUNCIL/DISTRICT: ___________________________________ DISTRICT PRESIDENTS: Please review the following topics with the student. Use the space provided for taking notes during the interview. Please mail the completed evaluation to the state office by the deadline date of March 15. PLEASE ASK THE STUDENT APPLICANT TO PROVIDE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: PTA/PTSA RESPONSIBILITIES SCHOOL SERVICE-RELATED ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT PTA USE ONLY INTERVIEWED BY: _______________________________________ POSITION: _________________ INTERVIEW DATE: _______________________________________ DISTRICT #: ________________ STUDENT BOARD MEMBER INTERVIEW RUBRIC INSTRUCTIONS Review each application. Use the space provided by each topic to record questions or comments. Assign points according to the rubrics listed for each application. Criteria to consider are listed by item. Add the total number of points to obtain a score for each application. STUDENT BOARD MEMBER INTERVIEW RUBRIC TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE = 15 ITEM SCORE PERSONAL INFORMATION 1 – 3 points CRITERIA TO CONSIDER Is the student verbal and at ease in normal conversation? Will the applicant be willing to share a room with an adult board member, if necessary? Will the applicant’s course of study (work load) at school permit his/her missing several days of school every two or three months? Is the applicant capable of and agreeable to participating in convention workshops, student involvement activities or commission/committee assignments? PTA/PTSA RESPONSIBILITY 1 – 3 points Did student assist with any PTA/PTSA activities? Did student serve as an officer/board member? Does the applicant fully understand the duties and obligations of a member of the California State PTA Board of Managers? SCHOOL SERVICE – RELATED ACTIVITIES 1 – 3 points Has applicant been active in school service-related activities? How did it benefit school/students? COMMUNITY SERVICE 1 – 3 points OVERALL STRENGTH OF APPLICATION & INTERVIEW 1 – 3 points Is applicant involved in community activities or after school programs? How did it benefit community? Has the applicant followed directions in completing application? Is the application completely filled out? Page limit adhered to? Correct letters of recommendation/release time authorization have been provided? Clearly answered questions? Are there other points to consider?