NEWSLETTER APRIL 2014 FROM THE CHAIRMAN – PHILIP OLVER I would like to thank the Members who turned out to support the Club at the East Preston Parish Council meeting on 7 April when our Lease was discussed. I believe all of our Members present were most surprised that there was very little positive support for the Club from the Parish Councillors present (excludes our member who is a Parish Councillor and is not allowed to participate in the discussion) and that no reasons were put forward for not giving us a longer lease - just more hurdles that we need to jump through to even get it considered. No decision was made and the consideration of the length of our lease was deferred to their next full Council meeting to be held at 7pm on Monday 12th May at the East Preston Infant School in Lashmar Road. However, I have recently heard from the Clerk to the Council and it seems as if it will not be considered then as they want more details from us. I will provide more information in due course. Although it was not discussed at the meeting, the Parish Council has now confirmed that we will be receiving a grant of £400 – our thanks to Bill Regan for putting together the successful application. At the last AGM, Lorna Osborne proposed that the Club consider purchasing a defibrillator. In the first week of April, the defibrillator, kindly donated by our President, Peter King, was placed on the wall near the entrance to the Clubhouse. At 12 noon on Saturday, 26th April, Peter will make an official presentation and handover to Lorna who will accept the defibrillator on behalf of the Club. All are invited. The unit, which is recommended by St John’s Ambulance, is easy to use: Clear voice prompts guide the user through the entire process When the ‘rescuer’ applies the pads, it analyses the heart rhythm and “knows” when to deliver (or not to deliver) the shock which it does automatically The text screen provides helpful information A video demonstration showing how to use this fully automatic model is available on YouTube: For those without access to a computer, demonstrations (which should only last about 15 minutes) are being arranged and will be held at the Clubhouse on Saturday, 10th May at 2pm and Tuesday, 27th May at 12 noon. Let’s hope we never have to use it but if we do, are you prepared? We continue to be grateful to our sponsors and hope you will consider them for your property needs. A MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSOR – GLYN-JONES AND COMPANY Capitalise on our London Connections Glyn-Jones and Company is a selected member of the Mayfair Office Group of Independent estate agents providing access to buyers from London and the Home Counties. What is the Mayfair Group? Well, it is just about the best thing to happen to buyers and sellers of property for a very long time – a group of expert independent estate agents really working together in the interests of all home movers. Like so many of our high streets over the past few years, estate agency has become top-heavy with corporate brands. This may be all well and good for fashion and food chains but property is a very personal and local business. People's homes are not commodities to be traded like socks and wares. They are a person's most valuable possession representing a huge investment both in money and emotion. GJ & Co’s East Preston office top, and the Mayfair office in Thayer Street London Glyn-Jones and Company is proud to have been selected as a member of the Mayfair Group which brings together the most knowledgeable and experienced independent estate agents across the UK. Many have worked in their locality for most, if not all, of their working lives. We are people who know and appreciate local property and what it means to buyers and sellers. But it is not just at a local level that we in the Mayfair Group can help home moves. With over 300 offices across the UK we are one of the largest and most effective networks of estate agents in the country. There are also 150 Mayfair Group offices overseas, all linked through the powerful Mayfair Office website, which features some 16,000 properties. But above all we are experts in property where you live. And that makes us the most important property experts of all. Glyn-Jones and Company, 13 Sea Road, East Preston BN161JN Tel: 01903 859440 HEAD COACH – ANDREW COOK CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS It's that very exciting time of year when the Club Championships comes around. You should have received the entry forms by email or if not they are in the clubhouse. Entries close midnight Sunday 27th April. The Championships start on Monday 19th May and finals day is on Sunday 22nd June. If anybody has any questions relating to the event please don't hesitate to contact me on 07940419655 or Good luck to all competitors who enter. PREMISES – TONY CHANDLER Court Maintenance will take place on Monday 28th April 2014. Please refer to booking sheets to see times of individual court closures. May I remind players to drag/sweep courts 6/7 during the summer months. This helps to spread the shale evenly. It should be done after each session in readiness for the next players. Courts need not be dragged when damp or wet weather prevails. Your co-operation in this is much appreciated; it only takes 5 minutes and is a good ‘warm down’! Ball machine: Please see website information and the notice on the ball machine cupboard, for revised timings of usage which now exclude Sundays. Please report any faults or problems with courts, vending machines or clubhouse equipment to the premises manager. TENNIS MANAGER – ELAINE PHILLIPS Court Bookings Members may have noticed some changes to the court bookings recently. With the success of the new box leagues and the lack of bookable courts on most evenings, it was decided to make three courts available for booking on Tuesday evenings and one court on Wednesday and Friday evenings. Please be aware that, depending on the size of entry for the Club Championships, other court booking changes may occur during this time. Hosting The happy problem of too many people turning up for hosting sessions has resulted in another change to arrangements. In order to get the best playing experience for everyone the following changes are now being trialled: If more than 28 people turn up before or at the scheduled start time, the hosts shout ‘first to four’ even if the early arrivals have been on court for 10 minutes already. If we have 28 at the scheduled start time but then players start turning up after this, then we use the 20 minute rule. If 20 minutes after the normal start time, the session is oversubscribed, the host shouts ‘three more games’. TAG members are constantly trying to make your tennis playing experience as pleasurable as possible and any sensible suggestions to this end will be discussed and considered at length. Team Tennis Angmering-on-Sea Lawn Tennis Club Ladies' teams have concluded a successful winter season in the Tennis Sussex Winter Doubles Leagues 2013/2014 with the Ladies 1st team gaining promotion to L3 and the 2nd team, who came top of L6W, gaining promotion to L5W. The Ladies 3rd team will continue in L6W and the Ladies 4th team will continue in L9W and ladies 5th team stay in L10W. The Men's teams also celebrated a successful season with the Men's 1st and 2nd teams sharing the two top positions respectively in M2 and the Men's 3rd team 3rd in M3, Men’s 4th team will be in M6 next year, Men’s 5th team M9W. Don’t forget you can always keep up to date with all our teams’ results by going to our website and clicking on “Teams” on the left hand side. This page has been updated. The Sussex Tennis link will take you straight through to a page showing all the team standings. The Aegon link will take you to a page listing the Club teams taking part in the Aegon leagues. You will then have to click on the team you are interested in to see the standings in that particular league. Junior teams are now included in this link. There is a wealth of information available through the two links so you can keep up-to-date with all but the Veteran's teams. TREASURER – BILL REGAN SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL FORM When we sent out the renewal notice forms, it was expected that there would be some queries even though we had previously tested the form with a handful of non-committee members with no adverse comment. Most of the queries we received appeared to centre round the “gift aid” element (which of course was in itself complicated). It appears that the form did initially confuse some members. However, once they had reviewed the notes on how to fill in the form, many became much more confident. So much so, that we received twice as many membership renewals by 1st April 2014 as compared to the previous year! I realise that the form can be made more user friendly for example by removing the special notes and enhanced colouring - Nigel Dungey has kindly offered his services in amending 2014/2015 form. In view of the complete change of the form from previous years, I was delighted to note that the only significant error was the wrong email address. There were other very minor items to consider but one has to be careful as to how much should go on the form. Some of you may even have appreciated the fact that you did not need a calculator! The other major problem is how we communicate this form to those with computers, who do not use excel. This will be addressed for next year. You will always have the option to complete this form by hand and send in a cheque in the normal way. We will continue to try and improve the administration of the Tennis Club. Doing as much as we can by email saves the Club a lot of money (probably at least £300 on stationery, postage etc for the renewal process alone). However, we will continue to distribute manually or by post to those who are not computerised. MEMBERSHIP & MARKETING - KAREN SELLAR Tennis Clubmark We are proud that our accreditation has been reviewed and renewed for a further 4 years. A certificate was presented to Peter King by Andy Trott, LTA Tennis Development Manager for Sussex and will be on display in the clubhouse. Subsequently Andy Trott has emailed us as follows: “I should say how impressed I was with the Club and you all, from the website to the coaching programme, the flexible membership offer to the use of IT to book courts and track usage, I have visited well over 100 Clubs across the South of England in the past 4 years and I would have to say that Angmering is one of the most professional, forward thinking and efficient I have come across, this is testament to your hard work and creativity, willingness to evolve and adapt which are fundamentals to the future success of British Tennis.” If you are unsure how having Tennis Clubmark is of benefit to our Club, please see the new Tennis Clubmark page on the website. Website On-line booking: Rule 3 has been clarified. The website is proving ever more popular, particularly with new members seeking information about the Club and downloading application forms. Please make it your first port of call for information. If you do not have access to a computer, tablet or smart phone, the web pages are available to view on the touch screen in the games room. BTM Although we now have 80% of adults and 60% of juniors signed up to BTM, we would welcome more members signing up in order to bring our club in line with other clubs of a similar size. British Tennis Membership is free and full details can be found on the club website. HON SECRETARY – SUE JOHNSON Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers – As I write this, we have collected 2900 vouchers so far this year - a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has donated. There is still another month to go, so please carry on collecting them and putting them in the envelope or box in the Clubhouse. I’ll let you know in the next newsletter what equipment Andrew has decided to “buy” with them. ENDS