OTTAWA-CARLETON INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY Graduate Course Offerings -2013-2014 (updated: July 17, 2013) Campus CU Code UO Code Name Instructor Term Dr. Kerr S Dr. Johnson S Dr. Ekker S Summer 2013 UO BIO8102 K UO BIO8102 G UO BIOL 5502Q (see fall) BIO 8102 E Advances in Macroecology To be confirmed Topics in Plant Molecular Biology To be confirmed Selected Topics in Biology: Molecular Methods August 19-30 2013(2 weeks) Fall / Winter 2013/2014 CU/ UO BIOL 5909F (30438) BIOL 5909W (10440) BIO 7999 M.Sc. Thesis F/W CU/ UO BIOL 6909F (30443) BIOL 6909W (10443) BIO 9999 Ph.D. Thesis F/W UO BIO 9998 Qualifying Exam F/W UO BIO 5900 UO BIO 8900 M.Sc. Seminar Tues 10:00-11:30 Wed 11:30-1:00 Ph.D. Seminar Tues 10:00-11:30 Wed 11:30-1:00 DOR214 BSC140 Dr. Moon DOR214 BSC140 Dr. Moon 1 | O t t a w a / C a r l e t o n I n s t i t u t e o f B i o l o g y – Wednesday, July 17, 2013 F/W F/W Fall 2013 UO BIOL 5514O BIO5314 UO BIOL 55020 BIO 8102 B UO BIOL 5502P BIO 8102 I UO BIOL 5502R BIO 8102 L UO BIOL 54020 CU BIOL 5105F Advances in aquatic sciences Friday: 8:30-11:30 am CAREG 107 Dr. Pick/ Dr. Poulain Fall Dr. Xia Fall Dr. Xia Fall Selected Topics in Biology: Advanced Topics molecular biology Dr. Bonen Fall BIO 8162/ BIO4127 Comparative Endocrinology Tues 1:00-2:30 LMX390 Thurs 11:30-1:00 LPR 154 Vance Trudeau Fall BIO 5302I Methods in Molecular Genetics Tuesday 1435-1725 Dr. A Golshani Fall Dr. T Sherratt Fall Selected Topics in Biology: Applied Biostatistics Tuesday 2:00-5:00 CUBE 202 Selected Topics in Biology: Recent advances in bioinformatics and molecular evolution Monday 2:00-5:00 CUBE 202 CU BIOL 5409F BIO 5306I Modeling for Biologists Mon 1235-1425 Wed 0835-1125 CU/UO BIOL 5501F BIO 8900 Directed Studies in Biology Various Fall UO BIOL 55150 BNF 5106 Bioinformatics Mon 1:00-2:30 pm DMS 10143 Wed 11:30-1:30 pm DMS 10143 Dr. Aris-Brosou Fall CU BIOL 6402F TOX 8156I Principles of Toxicology Tues & Thurs 1805-1925 Dr. D Miller Fall UO BIOL 6405O TOX 9105 Seminar Toxicology Wed 08:30-11:30 CAREG 107 Dr. Blais Dr. M Smith Fall Dr. S Cooke Fall CU BIOL 5106F BIO 5308 Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Genetics Lec: Fri 0935-1125 102 TB Lab: Thurs 1335-1725 102 TB CU BIOL 5520F BIO 5320 Advances in Conservation Biology 2 | O t t a w a / C a r l e t o n I n s t i t u t e o f B i o l o g y – Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Fall Winter 2014 UO BIOL 5502L BIO 8102 A UO BIOL 5502K BIO 8102 C UO BIOL 5502N BIO 8102H /BPS 4104 UO BIOL 6505P BIO 8108 CU/UO BIOL 5501W CU Special Topics in Biology II: Advanced Topics in Genomics Thurs 4:00-7:00 pm VNR4084 Special Topics in Biology II: Advanced Cell Physiology Thurs 1:00-4:00 pm CAREG 107 Special Topics in Biology II: Bioinformatics Lab LAB: Mon 2:30-6:30 pm CBE 202104 LEC: Mon 1:00-2:00 pm MRT256 Dr. Corradi Winter Dr. Jonz Winter Dr. Xia Winter Advanced Topics in Development Thursday 4:00-7:00 CAREG 107 Dr. Ekker Winter BIO 8120 Directed Studies in Biology Various Winter BIOL 5709W TOX 8157I Chemical Toxicology Dr. E Miller Winter CU BIOL 5508W BIO 8306 Advanced Topics in Ecology Mon 0835-1025 Wed 0835-1125 Dr. N Waltho Winter UO BIOL 5517P BNF 6100 MSc Seminar (Bioinformatics) Wed 3:00-8:00 pm CAREG 107 Dr. Aris-Brosou Winter UO BIOL 6403P TOX 9104 Ecotoxicology Monday 4:30-7:30 pm CAREG 107 Dr. L Chan Winter CU BIOL 6404W BIO 8939 Plant: Animal Interactions Dr. N Cappuccino Winter CU BIOL 5516W BNF 5107 Applied Bioinformatics Drs. M Smith & A Wong Winter 3 | O t t a w a / C a r l e t o n I n s t i t u t e o f B i o l o g y – Wednesday, July 17, 2013