GNGTS – Atti del 17° Convegno Nazionale – 01.02 C. Doglioni (1), F. Innocenti (2) e G. Mariotti (2) (1) (2) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università La Sapienza, Roma, Italy Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, Italy ON THE GEODYNAMIC ORIGIN OF MT ETNA Abstract. The Etna volcano is located in an anomalous position with respect to the Apennines subduction, i.e., on the hinge zone of the slab. Moreover its alkaline geochemistry does not favor a source from the deep slab as for the Eolian magmatism. The reduced volume of erupted magmas are moreover not compatible with those of hot-spots. The different dip of the regional foreland monocline at the front of the Apennines in the Ionian sea and Sicily implies a larger rollback of the subduction hinge in the Ionian sea. The larger subduction rollback of the Ionian lithosphere toward the southeast with respect to the Hyblean plateau in Sicily might explain: i) the Plio-Pleistocene alkaline magmatism of eastern Sicily (e.g. the Etna volcano); ii) the Late Pliocene to present right lateral transtensional tectonics and seismicity of eastern Sicily. The area of transfer of different dip and rollback occurred along the inherited Mesozoic passive continental margin between Sicily and the oceanic Ionian sea, i.e., the Malta escarpment. The active seismicity along the Malta escarpment is an indirect evidence that the subduction process is still active. INTRODUCTION Eastern Sicily in southern Italy is characterized by active destructive seismicity and intense magmatism (e.g., Baratta, 1910; Hirn et al., 1997). The tectonic activity and magmatism is concentrated along the Malta escarpment (Fig. 1), which is an inherited Mesozoic continental margin (Cita et al., 1981; Scandone et al., 1981; Casero et al., 1984). The Mesozoic rifting generated the Ionian oceanic sea, which aborted during the Late Cretaceous or early Tertiary, based on heat flow data and other geologic constraints (Della Vedova and Pellis, 1992). The seismicity and the Etna volcano (Azzaro and Barbano, 1996; Cocina et al., 1998) are at the front or in the foreland of the Apennines accretionary wedge, in an anomalous external position with respect to the classic magmatism of the volcanic arc associated with the Apennines subduction zone (Serri et al., 1993). We propose that its location is controlled by the different degrees of rollback of the subduction hinge due to the different composition of the foreland lithosphere inherited from the Mesozoic Tethyan rifting, i.e., oceanic in the Ionian sea and continental in the Hyblean plateau. . Tyrrhenian sea Bari Palerm o Sicily ETNA 6° 5° 1° A B Hyblean Plateau MALTA escarpm. 2° 18°br ia la Ca 7° 8° D IONIAN sea 21° C Front of the Apennines 100km Fig. 1 - Schematic tectonic map of the area and location of the representative sections where the foreland dip has been measured. MT. ETNA BRIEF HISTORY Mt. Etna is the largest European active volcano; it covers a surface of 30x40 km and has an elevation of about 3350 m. It is constituted by nested strato-volcanoes, often characterized by summit calderas, the more important of which is the Ellittico Caldera formed about 15 Ka ago (Condomine et. Al., 1995). The strato-volcanoes and associated small scattered eruptive centers grew on a plateau lava, produced by fissural flows of tholeiitic/transitional composition, for which an age of about 0.5 Ma has been determined (Gillot et al., 1994; Corsaro & Cristofolini, 1997). The plateau was covered by the recent volcanics; however it is yet morphologically recognizable in the southern part of the volcano (Favalli et al.). The eruptive axis of the largest central volcanoes shifted westward through time; however their morphological continuity has been interrupted as a consequence of the collapse of eastern flank of the volcano system, which formed the Valle del Bove. The volcanic activity has been essentially effusive even if several pyroclastic sequence related to sub-Plinian and Plinian eruptions have been identified in the Holocene sequence (Coltelli et al., 1995; Coltelli et al., 1998). The postplateau volcanic products show a composition ranging from picritic basalt and alkali basalt to trachytes, being hawaiites the dominant rocks (D' Orazio, 1994). The predominance of hawaiitic products in the recent activity is considered resulting mainly of fractionation/mixing processes of a picritic primary magma, occurred in a relatively deep magma chamber (Armienti et al. 1996) whose existence has been suggested on the base of sismological data. According with Sharp et al. (1980) the chamber is relatively large, shows an ellipsoid shape with semi-axis of 22 and 31 km and 4 km of vertical extension and is probably constituted by a complex network of dikes. This configuration may explain the geochemical and isotopic variability observed in the youngest lavas which is consider to reflect mainly the geochemical heterogeneity of the source area (Tonarini et al., 1995; Armienti et al., 1996). GEODYNAMIC SETTING OF MOUNT ETNA The Etna volcano is located in the hangingwall of the Apennines accretionary wedge (Fig. 1), and therefore its deep sources had and have to compete with the advancing basal decollement of the prism. This would favor a coeval compressional, but not unique, tectonic setting for the Etna volcano (Lanzafame et al., 1997). Several authors proposed alternative settings for the development of the volcanic edifice, spanning from an hot spot origin (Tanguy et al., 1996) to the an asymmetric rifting process (Continisio et al. 1997) and the dislocation between the "Malta-Sicilian block" and the Ionian basin (Gillot et al., 1994), or other several tectonic features intersecting in the Etna area (Di Geronimo et al. 1978; Lanzafame et al., 1997; McGuire et al. 1997). Many authors recognize the most important feature being the Malta Escarpment and the Messina-Giardini fault zone (Lo Giudice and Rasà, 1986); McGuire et al. 1997; Hirn et al., 1997; Lanzafame and Bousquet, 1997). Monaco et al. (1997) propose a dilatation strain on the footwall of an east-facing normal fault in the "Siculo-Calabrian rift zone" where WNW-ESE-directed regional extension takes place. DIP OF THE REGIONAL FORELAND MONOCLINE The foreland regional monocline is a typical structure of any front of thrust belt or accretionary wedge (e.g. Bally, 1983; De Celles and Giles, 1996). The dip of the monocline records the subsidence rates associated to the flexure of the foreland and the related foredeep formation. We measured the dip of the monocline on seismic reflection profiles at the front of the Apennines in eastern Sicily and in the Ionian sea (Bello et al., 1998; Cernobori et al., 1996). The dip of the monocline at the front of the Apennines in eastern Sicily is in the order of about 1°-2° in the Hyblean plateau, increasing to about 4° to 6° below the thrust sheets of northeast Sicily (Bello et al., 1998). Moving eastward into the Ionian sea, in the Calabria southern offshore the monocline becomes rapidly steeper, with an inclination of more than 20° (Cernobori et al., 1996). The separation between the two different degrees of foreland flexure occurs along the inherited Mesozoic passive continental margin of the Malta escarpment (Fig. 2). Tears allowing different dips of the subduction zone have been proposed in the Andes by Gutscher et al. (1999) in order to explain lateral variations of the seismicity due to the interaction of the Carnegie ridge with the trench. Front of the Apennines 7° 18° D 8° Ionian sea 21° 5° 6° 2° C Malta escarpment B A 1° 80 Hyblean plateau N 160 km Fig. 2 - Profiles of four (A-B-C-D) foreland monocline dip, two in the Hyblean plateau, and two in the Ionian sea. Note the larger dips in the Ionian area moving along strike with respect to the Hyblean-Sicilian area. Hyblean plateau 0 km 1 2 Abyssal Ionian sea L Pliocene Trubi Messinian 0 km Tertiary s.l. Cretaceous Jurassic pelagic Malta escarpment 3 4 1 2 water 3 Norian Tidal flat Dolomite 4 Plio-Pleistocene Messinian 5 5 M-U Miocene 6 6 7 7 Tertiary s.l. K/U Jurassic 8 continental basement 9 8 LJ/Trias ? 9 oceanic basement Fig. 3 - Representative stratigraphic columns of the Hyblean plateau and the Ionian sea. DIP VARIATIONS VS. SEISMICITY There is a consistent seismicity around the Apennines which is located in the foreland of the belt (Amato et al., 1993). In particular the most seismic zones are the Tremiti and Gargano alignments, the eastern Sicily or western Ionian, and some limited areas of the Po basin. The Tremiti alignment has been interpreted as the right-lateral transfer zone of the larger slab retreat of the central-northern Adriatic lithosphere with respect the Puglia area (Doglioni et al., 1994). This differential retreat was interpreted as generated by the thicker and lighter Puglia lithosphere that penetrated the mantle at lower rates for the higher buoyancy during the Pleistocene, with respect to the northern Adriatic counterpart. There are also earthquakes in the Po Basin, e.g., the Reggio Emilia (October 1996) which developed well below (16 km) the basal decollement of the accretionary wedge (4-5 km). This quake had a strike-slip focal mechanism and it is located along a change in dip of the foreland monocline (7°-9° to the west and 15°-20° to the east, Pieri and Groppi, 1981). We speculate that the differential subsidence rates in both sides of the monocline require a transfer zone which should be active during the general roll-back of the subduction zone. A similar case appear to be the Malta escarpment; the inherited Mesozoic margin between the continental crust in eastern Sicily and the oceanic Ionian basin, respectively west and east of the escarpment clearly rolled and roll-back at different rates, due to the higher density of the oceanic Ionian basin. The larger retreat of the subduction hinge in the Ionian sea and consequently of the foreland monocline implies that the Mesozoic Malta escarpment has been reactivated as a right-lateral transfer zone for the differential flexure of the foreland. This could kinematically explain the eastern Sicily seismicity which is characterized by right-lateral strike-slip and tensional focal mechanisms (Azzaro and Barbano, 1996). Moreover the seismicity is an indication that the differential rollback is still active, in other words it indirectly indicates that the subduction is still alive. The differential rollback should die out toward the foreland where the tip line of the rupture propagated (Fig. 4). This is consistent with seismicity which decreases moving southward into the lower Ionian sea, north of Libya. We expect that the tip line of the differential rollback will continue to migrate southward at a few cm/yr, with accompanying seismicity and magmatism. If we would make a few rheological profiles along the differential motion between the Ionian and Hyblean lithospheres, the northern part would have a smaller and shallower crustal brittle peak with respect to the southern part; this is expected for the asthenosphere wedge which is shallower beneath the belt, and the foreland is rather cooler and crustal brittle peak deeper and larger (Dragoni et al., 1995). Therefore along the Malta escarpment, that is the area of transfer, there likely is a change in the rheological properties due to lateral geodynamic and thermal variations. This could explain the larger historical seismicity not in the northern part of the Malta escarpment where the highest slip rates are expected, but in its central and cooler part. In summary, the lateral variations in dip of the foreland monocline could be a key in the interpretation of some of the enigmatic seismic provinces in full foreland or below the foredeep which do not always follow the outcropping thrust-belt features. CONCLUSIONS The Malta escarpment was the Mesozoic boundary between the inherited Mesozoic Ionian ocean to the east and the continental Sicily to the west. During the Quaternary this alignment was used for differential rollback of the Apennines subduction: the larger retreat of the Ionian lithosphere can account for the right-lateral transfer zone along the Malta escarpment which is seismically active. The transtension also allowed the upraise of the Etna volcano magmas. These kinematics could explain the anomalous external position and alkaline geochemistry of the volcano, which is not soured by the slab, but it is in some way related to it. Similar ruptures due to differential rollback of the subduction hinge in the foreland of other orogens could explain intraplate 'anorogenic' deformation and seismicity. MaltaEscarpment West East tip line of the differential rollback Etna Mesozoicrifting steeper forelandmonocline Quaternary larger roll-back Fig. 4 - Cartoon of the tectonic evolution of eastern Sicily - Ionian sea transition, and related emplacement of the Etna volcano along the active right-lateral transtension due to the differential rollback in the footwall of the accretionary wedge (omitted for sake of simplicity). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many thanks to A. Bally, M. Bello, R. Catalano, S. Merlini, F. Mongelli and our dear lost friend G. Pialli for helpful discussions. The Italian MURST (Cofin 97) and CNR supported this study (grants 97.00246.CT05, and 98.00228.CT05). REFERENCES Amato A., Alessandrini B., Cimini G., Frepoli A. and Selvaggi, G. 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