resolution - OMR.GOV.UA

of International Scientific-Practical Conference
«Preservation of historic buildings in the central part of Odessa
via inscribing in the UNESCO World Heritage List»,
(January 28–29, 2015. Odessa, Ukraine)
January, 29 2015
On January, 28–29 2015 in Odessa there was held International scientificpractical conference «Preservation of historic buildings in the central part of Odessa
via inscribing in the UNESCO World Heritage List» organized by the Department of
cultural heritage protection of Odessa City Council in collaboration with the Odessa
State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture .
Participants to the conference including Ukrainian and foreign researchers,
historians, experts of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
and specialists in the field of construction, architecture and preservation of cultural
heritage presented 34 reports. The main report delivered by experts from the Research
Institute for Monument Preservation of Ministry of Culture of Ukraine discussed the
on-going work in preparing the nomination dossier for inscription of historical center
of Odessa in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The presented reports focused on a wide range of issues in the following general
areas: 1) Methods for preservation of visual perception of historic environment; 2)
Modern trends and methods in renovation of buildings in historic areas; 3) Technical
issues of protecting cultural monuments from influence of climatic and geophysical
factors; 4) Use of modern GIS computer systems for analyzing, organizing and
creating databases of cultural monuments; 5) Legal aspects of cultural heritage
preservation in national and international contexts; 6) Historiography, source studies
and methods of research in regional history; 7) Bibliographic, iconographic and
archival materials as a basis for preparation of the nomination dossier for inscription of
cultural properties in the UNESCO World Heritage List; 8) International experience in
protection of historical and cultural heritage under the aegis of UNESCO and its
impact on social development.
Having discussed of the presented reports and examined current condition
of cultural monuments, historic environment, buildings and planning in the central part
of Odessa, participants to the conference found it necessary to make the following
І. For the Research Institute for Monument Preservation of Ministry of
Culture of Ukraine, the designer of the nomination dossier for inscription of historical
center of Odessa in the UNESCO World Heritage List :
1. To review boundaries of the nominated property in order to reduce its area
to the extent that it encompasses only the area where authenticity of the traditional
architectural environment and planning structure show the highest degree of
preservation and which is visited by tourists the most (nowadays, these qualities
demonstrate, in particular, Primorsky Boulevard and Teatralna Square);
2. To supplement the nomination dossier with the presented at the conference
information and findings concerning some historic artifacts of urban environment
(wells, paving blocks, slabs of lava, decorative pillars, columns, lighting pillars,
Belgian tram-stations, electricity towers and transformer booths, gate pillars, railing,
gates and fences, flag holders, tablets, etc) as phenomenal elements of traditional
character of the historic center of Odessa (the nominated property).
ІІ. For Ministry of Culture of Ukraine:
1. To apply to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for allotment to Odessa
City Council in 2016 funds from the state budget in the amount of 600,000 UAH as
financial support for production of the nomination dossier for inscription of the
historical center of Odessa in the UNESCO World Heritage List and organization of
conferences and workshops accompanying the nomination process to be conducted
within the framework of the Municipal Program for Inscription of the central historical
part of Odessa in the UNESCO World Heritage List in years 2013-2015 (resolution of
Odessa City Council № 3313-VI of April 16, 2013);
2. To initiate submission to the Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council) of Ukraine
amendments to the national Act on Protection of Cultural Heritage which shall provide
for 1) delegation of authorities stated in Article 5 of the above Act to municipal bodies
of cultural heritage protection; 2) possibility for delegating authorities vested to the
Ministry of Culture of Ukraine which concern monitoring and administering cultural
heritage in historic towns inscribed in the List of Historic Settlements of Ukraine to
local authorized bodies of cultural heritage protection.
3. In cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, to raise
an issue of including to the State Budget of Ukraine (starting from 2016) expenses for
excavations and conservation of archaeological monuments in cultural properties
inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List and Tentative List.
III. To State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of the Ministry of
Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of
1. To make amendments to the "Procedure of providing permits for
construction works" which shall provide that permits for works on historic buildings
and monuments fully correspond to types of works defined in Articles 1 and 26 of the
national Act on Protection of Cultural Heritage and State Construction Norms (DBN
A.2.2-6-2008, DBN V.3.2-1-2004).
The resolution is prepared by the Scientific committee of the International
scientific-practical conference «Preservation of historic buildings in the central part
of Odessa via inscribing in the UNESCO World Heritage List» and adopted by open
vote among participants of the conference at the plenary session on January 29, 2015 .
Chair of the Scientific Committee
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor,
Honoured worker in science and technology
of Ukraine
Co-chair of the Scientific Committee,
Candidate of Architecture, Docent
Co-chair of the Scientific Committee,
Doctor of Historical Science, Professor
Chair of the Organizing Committee,
Head of the Department of Cultural
Heritage Protection of Odessa City Council
V. S. Dorofyeyev
V. N. Meshcheryakov
V. M. Khmarskiy
A. I. Shelyugin