TWINNING LIGHT PROJECT FICHE BASIC INFORMATION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. CRIS and Twinning Number: Title: “Further strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting” Location: Sofia, Bulgaria BACKGROUND Bulgaria has been the beneficiary of accession related PHARE institution building projects since 1998. A number of institution building projects have been or are being completed successfully in the form of full scale twinning with the assistance of Member States experts. However at this stage after the Bulgaria’s accession in the EU there is a clear demand to establish a more flexible institution building instrument to address specific wellcircumscribed self contained subjects of limited scope. The purpose is to provide the possibility to respond to emerging tasks in a more flexible and immediate way. With respect to the extended scope of responsibilities of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting (AEAF) and in order to further increase the Agency’s capability to better perform the duties assigned, it is necessary to undertake measures to further strengthen the institutional capacity of AEAF. To achieve the above stated goal, several types of actions should be undertaken: Further strengthening of the administrative capacity of the AEAF - to perform SWOT analyses of the 5 AEAF Directorates, to elaborate a Report with recommendations for redefinition of directorates’ functions and tasks, elimination of overlapping functions, to draw a Strategic Plan of the AEAF over the period 2008-13 with a redefined mission, vision, strategic objectives, priority areas, and formulated objective criteria and indicators for meeting the strategic objectives and the annual priority goals set Development and implementation of the regional dimension of economic analysis and forecasting - the aim is to implement methodologies for regional decomposition of national-level macroeconomic indicators so as to be able to expand and deepen the Agency’s macroeconomic analyses and forecasting in view of the continuing decentralisation process in Bulgaria. Further development of the AEAF’s Data Warehouse project - the aim is to work out a detailed technical specification for customisation of the software to be delivered under Supply contract EuropeAid/121341/D/SV/BG to build the AEAF’s Data warehouse as a contemporary data warehouse, corresponding to best EU standards. Further implementation of AEAF’s HR Development and Training Plan - the aim is to enhance the AEAF’s staff capacity in performance management , development of implementation criteria, and methods and tools for goal setting, planning, monitoring and assessment of performance/implementation, strategic planning, 1 controlling, organisational development, change management; implementation of the EMU related acquis, including the EU economic policies coordination mechanism. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT 3.1 Beneficiary(ies) 3.1.1. Detailed description of the main beneficiary institution The Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting (AEAF) is a government executive agency under the Administration Act and assists the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria in the exercise of the powers thereof by means of preparation of analyses, forecasts and strategic documents. Currently AEAF employs 65 persons distributed in five directorates: Macroeconomic Analyses, Economic Policy and Forecasting, National Development Plan, EU Economic Policies and International Cooperation, and Administrative, Legal and Financial Affairs (see Annex 1). Principal functions and tasks of the Agency: analyses the economic performance of Bulgaria and the current business environment and elaborates assessments on the country's economic development prospects; prepares short-, medium- and long-term forecasts for Bulgaria's economic development trends under different economic policy scenarios; prepares the macroeconomic budget framework for the current year and the following three years; prepares and/or coordinates the elaboration of the National Development Plan and the National Strategic Reference Framework; participates in the elaboration of the Government's strategic documents and assesses their compliance with the National Development Plan and the National Strategic Reference Framework; elaborates and updates annually the Convergence Programme of the Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with the Stability and Growth Pact; coordinates inter-departmental work on the preparation of the National Reform Programme of the Republic of Bulgaria as well as the monitoring and analysis of its implementation in line with the Relaunched Lisbon Strategy; is responsible for the preparation of regular reports on the macroeconomic impact of the absorption of EU funds, the implementation of the National Strategic Reference Framework and the Operational Programmes; carries out analyses of the implementation of major infrastructure projects focusing on their economic impact; is put in charge of the assessment of the anticipated effects on macroeconomic level of any changes in the legislative and regulatory framework and economic policy. Elaboration of strategic and programme documents for the participation of Bulgaria in the Structural and Cohesion Fund of the EU. Elaboration and submission of strategic documents ensuring the macroeconomic and fiscal stability of Bulgaria in the mid-term as well as smooth transition to full membership of the Economic and Monetary Union of the EU. Ensuring analytical and forecasting support of the achieved macroeconomic stability and keeping the sustainability of the public finances during the first year of the membership of Bulgaria in the EU. 2 3.1.2. The context in the beneficiary country (BC) and linked activities The Agency together with other ministries and institutions elaborates and suggests specific economic programmes and observes and assesses their implementation. The AEAF has participated in the pre-accession negotiations and the preparation of Bulgaria for a fullfledged membership in the EU. It has been the leading institution for Negotiating Chapter 11 ‘Economic and Monetary Union’, and has been actively involved in the work of Negotiating Chapters 21 ‘Regional Policy’ and 29 ‘Financial and Budgetary Provisions’. Specifically, AEAF together with other ministries and institutions elaborates and suggests specific economic programs and observes and assesses their implementation. It has been responsible for the elaboration and annual update of the Pre-accession Economic Programme. Following the country’s accession to the EU, AEAF is entitled with the preparation of the country’s Convergence Programme. The AEAF has been in charge of the preparation of the National Development Plan 2007-2013 and has had a coordination role in the process of Operational Programmes’ development. The Agency is also responsible for the elaboration of the National Reform Program. With a view to the accession of the country to the EU in 2007 and with respect to the broad responsibilities of AEAF, a number of measures were undertaken in order to strengthen the institutional capacity of AEAF. AEAF, together with the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, successfully completed a PHARE Twinning project BG2004/IB/FI/10 “Strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting”, which is component 5 of PHARE BG/2004/016-711.09.04 “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Finance”. The Twinning project consisted of four components: Component 1: Alignment of the existing regulatory framework of the AEAF with best EU practices; Component 2: Optimisation of the organisational structure of the AEAF and further human resources development; Component 3: Improvement of existing tools applied in the AEAF for economic forecasting and policy analysis and development of a new methodological framework; Component 4: Development and implementation of a Data Warehouse System. This project is also linked to the accomplishment of the hardware and software supply under Component 6 of PHARE Project BG2004/016-711.09.04 “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Finance”. Following the results from the project and the recommendations from the Final report for activities linked to the further strengthening of the administrative capacity of the AEAF, development and implementation of the regional dimension of economic analysis and forecasting, further development of the AEAF’s Data Warehouse project and the further implementation of AEAF’s HR Development and Training Plan the present Project Fiche was drawn up. 3.1.3. The proposed methodology for implementing the intended reform The planned action shall be carried out through a follow-up Twinning light project, as a logical continuation of the PHARE Twinning project BG2004/IB/FI/10 “Strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting and will lead to successful implementation of its achievements. The current Twinning light project is considered as the most appropriate means to answer the further needs of the AEAF since it is meant to address specific targets of limited scope. 3 3.1.4. Steering Committee A Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be established for the strategic management of the project. The PSC will include the MS and BC project leaders and the component leaders. Officials and experts the Central Finance and Contracts Unit, Ministry of Finance, will be invited as observers. The following Steering Committee meetings shall be held during the project implementation. Kick-off Meeting at the project’s start. Steering Committee during the 3rd month to discuss and approve the start-up report Final Steering Committee to discuss and approve the final report. 3.1.5 BC Project Leader The assigned BC Project Leader shall be: Mr. Petar Chobanov Executive Director of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting 31, “Aksakov” Str. 1000 Sofia Tel.: (+ 359 2) 9859 56 00 E-mail: 3.2 Global and specific objectives Overall objective Further strengthening the institutional capacity of the AEAF in the first years after the accession of Bulgaria to the EU by provision of MS assistance to meet the challenges in the identified priority areas. Project Purpose To enhance the administrative and operational capacity of the AEAF, to improve the regional dimension of economic analysis and forecasting, further to develop the AEAF’s Data Warehouse project and to update and implement the AEAF’s HR Development and Training plan. 3.3 Requested services / nature of activities Component 1: Further strengthening of the administrative capacity of the AEAF Activities: A1.1. To design and apply on a pilot basis Method for performing organisational analysis of AEAF and its units so as to improve the ability of AEAF to grow and develop: Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 28 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. 4 Type of input: - 3 days mission of 2 STE to Bulgaria for one-day Workshop on methods and techniques for organisational analysis - 5 days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to perform together with the respective head of Directorate SWOT analyses of the 5 AEAF Directorates - 3 days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to analyse the different functions performed of the separate administrative units so as to identify cross-functional or redundant activities and pinpoint any new tasks not included in the current Statute Rules - 3-days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to elaborate, based on the analyses performed, a Report with recommendations for redefinition of directorates’ functions and tasks (where applicable), elimination of overlapping functions, identification of bottlenecks and drawbacks. A1.2. To draw a Strategic Plan of the AEAF over the period 2008-13 with a redefined mission, vision, strategic objectives, priority areas, and formulated objective criteria and indicators for meeting the strategic objectives and the annual priority goals set Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 22 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - 3-day mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to review and analyse AEAF’s mission, vision, strategic objectives, annual goals and operational plans thereof - 3-day mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to elaborate, based on the analysis, a Report with recommendations and proposal for a redefinition of AEAF mission, vision, strategic objectives, annual goals and operational plans to be discussed at a 1 day workshop with AEAF senior management staff; - - 5 day mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to draw up, together with AEAF senior management staff and also based on the results of Activity 1.1., a Strategic Plan of the AEAF over the period 2008-13 with a redefined mission, vision, strategic objectives, priority areas, and formulated objective criteria and indicators for meeting the strategic objectives and the annual priority goals set. Formal approval of the jointly elaborated Strategic Plan by an Order of the Executive Director Component 2: Development and implementation of the regional dimension of economic analysis and forecasting Based on the results and findings of PHARE Twinning project BG2004/IB/FI/10 “Strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting”, the activities under this component aim at implementing the suggested methodologies for regional decomposition of national-level macroeconomic indicators so as to be able to enrich and complement the Agency’s macroeconomic analyses and forecasting in view of the continuing decentralisation process in Bulgaria. Activities: 5 A2.1. To design and construct composite economic development indexes based on data provided by National Statistical Institute, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 20 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - 5 days 2 STEs mission to Bulgaria to coach the AEAF experts on designing and constructing the composite economic development indexes - 5 days 2 STEs mission to Bulgaria to check the results, make corrections and ranking the regions A2.2. To use the results of Activity A2.1. for analysing and forecasting the regional economic development, including regional demographic dynamics. Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 20 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - 5 days 2 STEs mission to Bulgaria to work on the analysis of the regions and on the demographic forecasting exercise - 5 days 2 STEs mission to Bulgaria to work on the regional forecasting exercise A2.3. To elaborate a working paper on regional economic analysis and forecasting, including demographic forecasting. Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 20 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. - 2 days 2 STEs mission to Bulgaria to train AEAF’s experts in usage of specific software tools for publishing the results of regional analysis and forecasting - 8 days 2 STEs mission to Bulgaria to prepare a working paper on regional analysis and forecasting to be published in the AEAF publications series using the specific software tools for publishing the results of regional analysis and forecasting Component 3: Further development of the AEAF’s Data Warehouse project Based on the results and findings of PHARE Twinning project BG2004/IB/FI/10 “Strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting”, the activities under this component aim at implementing the best EU practice in data warehouse design, building, maintenance and use. The goal of the component is to work out a detailed technical specification for customisation of the software to be delivered under Supply contract EuropeAid/121341/D/SV/BG (Phare Project BG 2004/016-711.09.04) to build the AEAF’s Data warehouse as a contemporary data warehouse, corresponding to best EU standards. The elaborated detailed technical specification will be used for a tendering procedure for provision of services at the final stage of AEAF’s Data warehouse 6 construction. This is indispensable for the successful and effective functioning of the Data warehouse, since the Supply contract above aims at only delivering the basic software and hardware to build the system. The contract does not allow for fitting the equipment to the specific informational and data needs of AEAF, particularly with respect to providing full metadata and data description and systematisation. The activities under this final stage are going to be financed either by the Structural funds of the EU or by the State budget of Bulgaria. In this regard, consultations with the OPAC Implementing authority have been already initiated. Activities: A3.1. To work out a concept of AEAF’s Data warehouse The goal of the activity is to work out the part of detailed technical specification relevant to the concepts and main features of the AEAF’s Data warehouse, Data organisation and Metadata Repository. The AEAF’s Data warehouse should provide: • a single access point for statistical data and metadata across the Agency; • a single, common mechanism for rapid data location and extraction; • a centralised system for access rights management; • a single repository with which analytical tools and publication processes can be integrated. The activity should have as a result the design of metadata repository structure and databases models. Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 20 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - 5 days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to work (in collaboration with AEAF experts) on the design of data organisation, concepts and main features of the AEAF’s Data warehouse customisation - 5 days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to work (in collaboration with AEAF experts) on the design of structure and usage of metadata repository A3.2. To work out Input and Output mechanisms of AEAF’s Data warehouse The goal of the activity is to work out the part of a detailed technical specification which specifies the requirements for services to be delivered at the finalisation stage of the process, namely: • the input mechanisms (Input Gate of Data warehouse); • the usage of ETL (Extracting, Transforming and Loading) tools for regular filling the data warehouse; • the usage of ETL tools for initial loading of data into the data warehouse (migration of the AEAF’s archival data); • data providers interface; • Data Warehouse browser; • Interface to and integration of external analytical tools. 7 Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 20 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - 5 days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to work (in collaboration with AEAF experts) on the design of the input and output procedures (incl. ETL, Data Cleaning and OLTR tools). - 5 days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to work (in collaboration with AEAF experts) on the design of the input Excel interface and data migration procedures (for initial loading of AEAF’s Excel-format archival data). A3.3. To work out a detailed technical specification for AEAF’s Data warehouse customisation The goal of the activity is to summarise the result of the Activities A3.1. and A3.2. and elaborate the detailed technical specification for AEAF’s Data warehouse completion. The specification will be used for a tendering procedure in the final stage of AEAF’s Data warehouse construction. Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 10 man-days, allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - 5 days mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria to finalise the draft of the technical specification. Component 4: Further implementation of AEAF’s HR Development and Training Plan Activities: A4.1. To train the AEAF senior staff in administrative and HR management in line with the best EU practices in public administration so as to deepen the understanding between strategic documents and operational performance management Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 8 man-days (2 missions of 2 STEs to Bulgaria, 2 working days each), allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - A two-day practical seminar for heads of departments and directors on performance management prioritising of goals and goal setting, development of implementation criteria, and methods and tools for goal setting, planning, monitoring and assessment of performance/implementation, strategic planning, controlling, organisational development, change management; - A two-day seminar in advanced human resources management skills, motivation of personnel and training on how to improve organizational productivity in public administration body. A4.2. To train the specialised AEAF staff and experts from other institutions, participating in the process, on the mechanism of EU economic policies coordination to ensure better 8 and effective representation of Bulgaria on EU level in view of the forthcoming EMU membership of Bulgaria. Expected MS input The envisaged MS input for this activity is 4 man-days (1 mission of 2 STEs to Bulgaria, 2 working days), allocated as shown in table 2. Type of input: - A two-day workshop on the implementation of the EMU related Acquis, including the EU economic policies coordination mechanism (both on Community and national level), and the role of the Agency and other government institutions in the preparation of Bulgaria for EMU membership. A4.3. Study visit of 8 AEAF staff members for 5 working days in a MS Expected MS input The study visit will complement the other project activities by providing on-the spot acquaintance with and further approximation to best practices of member states, and by sharing experience and comparing different points of MS experts’ view on some of the most critical issues that are targeted by this project. The relevant topics for discussion during the study visit are briefly described here below: Administrative capacity: - Organisational and functional analysis of administrative units – new approaches to the assessment of functions – relevance, efficiency and efficacy; good practices in goalrelevance appraisal of daily activities; defining the optimal structure of administrative units and the schedule of the positions; - Institutional practices in the area of strategic governance, incl. quality management and controlling, definition of mission, vision and strategic objectives, the entire process of putting annual goals for implementation, their synchronisation across departments and the indicators to measure the results thereof; - Formal and informal inter-institutional mechanisms for coordination of the EMU related acquis’ implementation; - Organizational and technical issues related to project cycle management and project implementation. Regional analysis and forecasting: - Applied regional analysis and forecasting (for example to BBR, IAB, etc.) with regard to: GDP and its sectoral structure developments, labour market, price and wage dynamics, interregional trade; - Application of a methodology for designing and using composite indicators. The final aim is to adapt and implement such methodology for ranking the regions in Bulgaria. (related to Activity A2.1); - Detailed studying of the methods used for building and maintenance of Continuing Spatial Monitoring Systems. (related to Activity A2.2); - Studing in detail the models for Regional Demographic Forecasting. To gain experience in the field of cluster analysis usage for increasing the forecasts’ exactitude. (related to Activity A2.2, A2.3); 9 - Usage of specific software tools for publishing the results of regional analysis and forecasting. (related to Activity A2.3). Data Warehouse practical: - Deeper insight into the way how OECD.Stat (or other suitable data warehouse) is organised and works – Design Features and Concepts, Data Organization, Data provision interface, “Entry Gate” and “Exit Gate” concepts, OECD.Stat Web Browser, other outputs, etc. (related to Activity A3.2). - Taking a firs-hand look at the experience and practice in the usage of Excel as a tool for time series forming and filling the time series data bases (e.g. OECD, Deutsche Bundesbank, etc.). Detailed acquaintance with the used algorithms and procedures will be very useful for ensuring the initial loading of the information into the AEAF’s Data warehouse. (related to Activity A3.2). - Discussing the formulation of more precise requirements to the project for AEAF’s data warehouse. (related to Activity A3.3). Type of input: Meetings, presentations, discussions, exchange of documentation, practice. Total budget available The project will be implemented through a Twinning Light Contract estimated at 210 000 Euro. National co-financing up to 10% of the PHARE budget will be provided, in addition to the PHARE amount, by the National Fund Directorate at the Ministry of Finance. 10 3.4 Mandatory result and benchmarks Activities Expected results Benchmarks 1. Further strengthening of the administrative capacity of the AEAF A1.1. To design and apply on a pilot basis Method for performing organisational analysis of AEAF and its units so as to improve the ability of AEAF to grow and develop: R1. Acquired knowledge in organisational analysis R2. Performed SWOT analyses for all five AEAF directorates R3. Identified cross-functional or redundant activities of the administrative units One Workshop on methods and techniques for organisational analysis conducted Report with recommendations and proposal for a redefinition of AEAF mission, vision, strategic objectives, annual goals and operational plans Report with recommendations for redefinition of directorates’ functions and tasks (where applicable), elimination of overlapping functions, identification of bottlenecks and drawbacks. A1.2. To draw a Strategic Plan of the AEAF over the period 2008-13 with a redefined mission, vision, strategic objectives, priority areas, and formulated objective criteria and indicators for meeting the strategic objectives and the annual priority goals set R4. Analysis of the current status and recommendations and proposal for a redefinition of AEAF mission, vision, strategic objectives, annual goals and operational plans Elaborated a Strategic Plan of the AEAF over the period 2008-2013 R5. Re-defined mission, vision and strategic objectives of the AEAF over the period 2008-2013, identified priority areas, formulated objective criteria and indicators for meeting the strategic objectives and the annual priority goals set R6. Formulated objective criteria and indicators for meeting the strategic objectives and the annual priority goals set 11 Activities Expected results Benchmarks 2. Development and implementation of the regional dimension of economic analysis and forecasting A2.1. To design and construct composite economic development indexes based on data provided by National Statistical Institute, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy R7. Composite economic development indexes (CEDIs) constructed and applied. A2.2. To use the results of Activity 2.1. for analysing and forecasting the regional economic development, including regional demographic dynamics. R9. A forecast of the development of the Bulgarian regions performed. A2.3. To elaborate a working paper on regional economic analysis and forecasting, including demographic forecasting. R11. AEAF’s experts trained in usage of specific software tools for publishing the results of regional analysis and forecasting Activities Expected results Report with methodology of CEDIs construction and results of their applying. R8. Ranking of the regions performed Report on the works; Regional forecast; R10. A demographic forecast for Bulgarian regions performed. Demographic forecast; Working paper R12. Working paper on regional economic analysis and forecasting, including demographic forecasting in place Benchmarks 3. Further development of the AEAF’s Data Warehouse project. A3.1. To work out a concept of R13. Elaborated a part of detailed technical Reports of the experts; AEAF’s Data warehouse specification concern the concepts and main features of the AEAF’s Data warehouse, Data organisation and Metadata Repository. 12 A3.2. To work out Input and Output mechanisms of AEAF’s Data warehouse A3.3. To work out a detailed technical specification for AEAF’s Data warehouse customisation R14. Elaborated a part of detailed technical Reports of the experts; specification concern Input/Output mechanisms and Data migration R15. Elaborated detailed technical specification to be Detailed specification for building of the used for a tendering procedure in the final stage of AEAF’s Data Warehouse; AEAF’s Data warehouse construction. Activities Expected results Benchmarks 4. Further implementation of the training program of the AEAF A4.1. To train the AEAF senior staff in administrative and HR management in line with the best EU practices in public administration so as to deepen the understanding between strategic documents and operational performance management R.16. Training in performance management (prioritising of goals and goal setting, development of implementation criteria, and methods and tools for goal setting, planning, monitoring and assessment of performance/implementation), controlling, organisational development, change management A4.2. To train the specialised AEAF staff and experts from other institutions, participating in the process, on the mechanism of EU economic policies coordination to ensure better and effective representation of Bulgaria on EU level in view of the forthcoming EMU membership of Bulgaria. R18. Better understanding of the mechanism of EU economic policies coordination to ensure more effective representation of Bulgaria on EU level in view of the forthcoming EMU membership of Bulgaria. R.17. Training in advanced human resources management skills, motivation of personnel and training on how to improve organizational productivity in public administration body - Practical seminar on performance management p,strategic planning, controlling, organisational development, change management conducted - Seminar in advanced human resources management skills, motivation of personnel and training on how to improve organizational productivity in public administration body conducted Performed a two-day workshop on the implementation of the EMU related Acquis, including the EU economic policies coordination mechanism (both on Community and national level), and the role of the Agency and other government institutions in the preparation of Bulgaria for EMU membership 13 A4.3. Study visit of 8 AEAF staff members for 5 working days in a MS R19. Enhanced capacity of AEAF management for effective and efficient strategic governance, R20. Enhanced capacity in inter-institutional mechanisms for coordination of the EMU related acquis’ implementation Study visit performed. Good European practices identified and examined. First-hand knowledge gained and mutually beneficial contacts established. R21. Strengthened capacities for project management R22. Exchanged experience in regional analyses and forecasting R23. Acquired knowledge on dada warehouse customisation and Excel format data migration 14 EXPERTS PROFILE MS Project Leader Profile Education: business administration, economics/econometrics etc. Years of experience: minimum 5 years Professional qualities: experience in the implementation of EU programmes and projects; fluency in English; Key STE 1 Profile Education: business administration, management. Years of experience: minimum 5 years Professional qualities: administrational and organisational issues, human resources; fluency in English; Key STE 2 Profile Education: business administration, economics, European integration etc Years of experience: minimum 5 years Professional qualities: economic analysis and forecasting; international economics; European economic integration, fluency in English; Key STE 3 Profile Education: business administration, economics/econometrics etc. Years of experience: minimum 5 years Professional qualities: analysis and forecasting of regional developments; regional economics; modelling; statistics; composite indexes, fluency in English; Key STE 4 Profile Education: computer sciences Years of experience: minimum 5 years Professional qualities: database and data warehouse design, construction; customisation, maintenance, fluency in English; Key STE 5 Profile Education: computer sciences Years of experience: minimum 5 years Professional qualities: ETL tools, design of input/output procedures for data warehouse, Excel and Excel-like interfaces, fluency in English; All experts are expected: To demonstrate good organizational skills, to be a good communicator and team work facilitator To have a good command of the English language. The interested Member State institution shall include in its proposal the CVs of the designated Project Leader and the proposed Short-term experts and the specific tasks to which they will be assigned. 15 LOCATION AND DURATION 5.1 5.2 Starting date 1: March 2008 Finishing date of the assignment: August 2008 5.3 Schedule and number of units (man-days) for the Table 2 Activities Type Man-days 1. Further strengthening of the administrative capacity of the AEAF A1.1. To design and apply on a pilot basis Method for performing organisational analysis of AEAF and its units so as to improve the ability of AEAF to grow and develop: STEs mission 1x3 days x 2 experts 28 STEs mission 1x5 days x 2 experts STEs mission 2x3 days x 2 experts A1.2. To draw a Strategic Plan of the AEAF over the period 2008-13 with a redefined mission, vision, strategic objectives, priority areas, and formulated objective criteria and indicators for meeting the strategic objectives and the annual priority goals set STEs mission 1x3 days x 2 experts 22 STEs mission 1x3 days x 2 experts STEs mission 1x5 days x 2 experts 2. Development and implementation of the regional dimension of economic analysis and forecasting A2.1. To design and construct composite economic development indexes based on data provided by National Statistical Institute, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy STEs missions 2x5 days x 2 experts 20 A2.2. To use the results of Activity 2.1. for analysing and forecasting the regional economic development, including regional demographic dynamics. STEs missions 2x5 days x 2 experts 20 A2.3. To elaborate a working paper on regional economic STE mission 1x2 days x 2 analysis and forecasting, including demographic forecasting. experts 20 STE mission 1x8 days x 2 experts 3. Further development of the AEAF’s Data Warehouse project A3.1. To work out a concepts and features of AEAF’s Data warehouse 1 STEs mission 1x5 days x 2 experts 20 Cannot be before the date of signature of the contract 16 STEs mission 1x5 days x 2 experts A3.2. To work out Input and Output mechanisms of AEAF’s Data warehouse STEs mission 1x5 days x 2 experts 20 STEs mission 1x5 days x 2 experts A3.3. To work out a detailed technical specification for AEAF’s Data warehouse completion STEs mission 1x5 days x 2 experts 10 4. Further implementation of the training program of the AEAF A4.1. To train the AEAF senior staff in administrative and HR management in line with the best EU practices in public administration so as to deepen the understanding between strategic documents and operational performance management STEs missions 2x2 days x 2 experts 8 A4.2. To train the specialised AEAF staff and experts from other institutions, participating in the process, on the mechanism of EU economic policies coordination to ensure better and effective representation of Bulgaria on EU level in view of the forthcoming EMU membership of Bulgaria. STEs mission 1x2 days x 2 experts 4 A4.3. Study visit of 8 AEAF staff members for 6 working days in a MS Proposed indicative time schedule (in the case of ‘Twinning Light’ projects emerging between programming exercises and likely to be implemented within a very short timeframe, give specific timing for each activity) Activities Component 1 A1.1. A1.2. Component 2 A2.1. A2.2. A2.3. Component 3 A3.1. A3.2. A3.3. Component 4 A4.1. A4.2. A4.3. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 6 6 6 6 10 10 4 16 10 10 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 x 17 5.4 Location of assignment Sofia, Bulgaria REPORTING 6.1 Content, official language, format and number of reports The twinning partners shall submit following reports: A jointly drafted start-up report covering the first two months of the contract and submitted during the third month. A jointly drafted final report describing the project implementation, including detailed information on the results achieved, follow-up recommendations and any necessary corrective actions. Reports will follow the templates of Annex C4 of the Common Twinning Manual In addition to these formal reporting stages, the twinning partners are obliged to inform in writing the Contracting Authority and the Monitoring bodies, as well as the final beneficiary of the action of any critical aspects or conditions of project implementation, or any amendments/modifications necessary within the budget. All reports must be produced in English in electronic and hard copy. These reports shall be signed by both project leaders. Each report must be presented in electronic format one week prior to the Steering Committee meetings (see below) and in 4 hard copies (2 of the copies for each of the Twinning Partners) to the following address: Mr Lubomir Tushanov CFCU Director Contracting Authority 102, Rakovski Str. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria The final versions should incorporate any comments and discussions during the Steering Committee meetings. The following Steering Committee meetings shall be held during the project implementation. Kick-off Meeting at the project’s start. Steering Committee during the 3rd month to discuss and approve the start-up report Final Steering Committee to discuss and approve the final report. 6.2 Translation & interpretation needs - Translation needs: not exceeding 3000 EUR - Interpretation needs: not exceeding 2250 EUR 6.3 Date of submission The start-up report will be submitted in the third month after the signing of the contract and the final report – within the legal duration of the project. 18