Two-dimensional Slope Stability Analysis by limit equilibrium and strength reduction methods Wei Wenbing 05900931r Department of Civil and Structural Engineering ABSTRACT: The factors of safety and the locations of critical failure surfaces obtained by limit equilibrium method and strength reduction method are compared for various slopes. For simple homogenous soil slopes, it is found that the results from these two methods are generally in good agreement. There are however cases where great differences between the two methods may occur in some special circumstances which should be considered in analysis. 1 INTRODUCTION Limit equilibrium method (LEM) is well known to be a statically indeterminate problem and assumptions on the internal forces distribution are required for the solution of the factor of safety. Morgenstern (1992) among others has however pointed that for normal problems, the factors of safety from different methods of analyses are similar so that the assumptions on the internal force distribution f(x) are not major problems except for some particular cases. LEM requires trial failure surfaces and optimization analysis to locate the critical failure surface which is a difficult N-P type global optimization problem. Many different proposals have been suggested in the past and detailed discussions on various methods in locating critical failure surface have been provided by Cheng (2003). While most of these methods can work for normal problems, they may be trapped by the presence of local minimum in the solution and Cheng (2003) has encountered several interesting problems which are trapped by the presence of local minima with the use of classical gradient type optimization methods. The use of modified simulated annealing method by Cheng (2003) is one of the few successful methods which can escape from local minimum and the method has been used for many major problems in several countries. Many researchers have compared the results between strength reduction method (SRM) in finite element analysis and limit equilibrium method and it is found that generally the two methods will give similar factors of safety. Most of the studies are however limited to homogenous soil slopes and the geometry of the problems is relatively regular with no special feature (presence of thin layer of soft material or special geometry). Furthermore, there are only limited studies in the comparisons of critical failure surface from LEM and SRM as factors of safety appear to be the primary goal of studies. In this paper, the two methods are compared under different conditions and both the factors of safety as well as the locations of the critical failure surfaces are considered in the analyses. In the present study, non-associated flow rule (SRM1 and dilation angle=0) and associated flow rule (SRM2 and dilation angle=friction angle) which are the upper and lower limit of the flow rule are applied in the SRM analyses. 2 STABILITY ANALYSIS FOR A SIMPLE AND HOMOGENEOUS SOIL SLOPE Firstly, a homogeneous soil slope with a slope height equal to 6m and slope angle equal to 45 degree is considered, Figure 1. 4m 6m 10m 6m 10m 4m 20m Figure 1 Discretization of a simple slope model. In the parametric study, different shear strength properties are used and LEM, SRM1 and SRM2 analyses are carried out. The cohesion of the soil varies from 2, 5, 10 to 20 kPa while the friction angle varies from 5, 15, 25, 35 to 45 degree respectively, but the density, elastic modulus and Poisson ratio of the soil are kept to be 20 kN/m3, 14MPa and 0.3 respectively in all the analysis. Actually, the authors have found that the results are not sensitive to the density of soil and this parameter is hence kept constant in the study. The results of analyses are shown in Table 1. As shown in Figure 1, the size of the domain for SRM analyses is 20m in width and 10m in height and there are 3520 zones and 7302 grid points in the mesh for analysis. Morgenstern-Price’s method which satisfies both moment and force equilibrium is adopted and the critical failure surface is evaluated by the modified simulated annealing technique as proposed by Cheng (2003). a) 9 ground profile limit equilibrium SRM1 SRM2 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 6 factor of safety (SRM2, associated) 0.26 0.52 0.78 1.07 1.44 0.43 0.73 1.03 1.35 1.74 0.69 1.04 1.37 1.71 2.15 1.20 1.59 1.96 2.35 2.83 y(m) case Factors of safety by LEM and SRM factor of factor safety Cohesion Phi of safe(SRM1, (kPa) (degree) ty non(LEM) associated) 2 5 0.25 0.25 2 15 0.50 0.51 2 25 0.74 0.77 2 35 1.01 1.07 2 45 1.35 1.42 5 5 0.41 0.43 5 15 0.70 0.73 5 25 0.98 1.03 5 35 1.28 1.34 5 45 1.65 1.68 10 5 0.65 0.69 10 15 0.98 1.04 10 25 1.30 1.36 10 35 1.63 1.69 10 45 2.04 2.05 20 5 1.06 1.20 20 15 1.48 1.59 20 25 1.85 1.95 20 35 2.24 2.28 20 45 2.69 2.67 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x(m) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 7 8 9 x(m) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 7 8 9 x(m) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 7 8 9 x(m) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 7 8 9 x(m) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 b) 9 ground profile limit equilibrium SRM1 SRM2 8 7 6 y(m) Table 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 c) 9 ground profile limit equilibrium SRM1 SRM2 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 d) 9 ground profile limit equilibrium SRM1 SRM2 8 7 y(m) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 e) 9 ground profile limit equilibrium SRM1 SRM2 8 7 6 y(m) From Table 1 and Figure 2 it is found that the factors of safety and critical failure surfaces as determined by SRM and LEM are very similar under different combinations of soil parameters. Most of the factor of safety values obtained by SRM differ by less than 7 % with respect to LEM solutions except for case 16 (c=20kPa, phi=5degree) where the difference is up to 12.8 %. The differences between LEM and SRM by Saeterbo Glamen et al. (2004) are more than those in the present study and the authors suspect that it is due to the use of manual location of critical failure surfaces by Saeterbo Glamen et al. (2004) while the authors adopted global optimization method with a very fine control in obtaining the minimum factors of safety. Based on Table 1 and Figure 2, some conclusions can be made as follows : 1. Most of the FOS values obtained from SRM are slightly larger than those obtained by LEM with only few exceptions. 2. When the SRM is implemented, the FOS values with the use of associated flow rule (SRM2) are slightly above those with the use of non-associated flow (SRM1), and the differences in the factors of safety increases with increasing friction angle. These results are reasonable and are expected. 3. When the cohesion of the soil is small, the differences of FOS between LEM and SRM (SRM1 and SRM2) are greatest for higher friction angles. When the cohesion of the soil is large, the differences of FOS are greatest for lower friction angles. This result is somewhat different from that by Dawson y(m) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 2. Slip surface comparison with increasing friction angle, c=2kPa, = 15 (a), 25 (b) and 45 (c) and increasing cohesion (phi=5degree), c = 2 (a) , c= 10 (d) and c = 20 (e). (1999) who pointed out that the differences are greatest for higher friction angles. 4. The failure surfaces from LEM, SRM1 and SRM2 are similar in most cases. In particular, the critical failure surfaces obtained by SRM2 appear to be closer to those by LEM than those based on SRM1. 5. The right end of the failure surface gets closer and closer to the crest of the slope when the friction angle of the soil is increasing which is also a well known result. This behavior is more obvious for those failure surfaces obtained from SRM1. 6. For SRM analyses, when the friction angle of soil is small, the differences of slip surfaces between SRM1 and SRM2 are greatest for smaller cohesion. When the friction angle is large, the differences of slip surface between SRM1 and SRM2 are greatest for higher cohesion (Figure 2). 7. It can also be deduced from the results that the potential failure volume of the slope gets smaller with increasing friction angle but gets greater with increasing cohesion which is also a well known behavior that when the cohesive strength is high, the critical failure surface will be a deeper failure surface. Although there are some minor differences in the results between SRM and LEM in this example, in general the results by these two methods are in good agreement and the results suggest that the use of LEM or SRM is satisfactory in general. 3 STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A SLOPE WITH A SOFT BAND A special problem with a soft band is constructed by the authors. The geometry of the slope is shown in Figure 3 and the soil properties are shown in Table 2. It is noticed that the soil parameters are particularly low for soil layer 2 which has a thickness of 0.5m only and slope failures in similar conditions have actually occurred in Hong Kong (Fei Tsui Road slope failure in Hong Kong). 28,15 20,15 Soil1 28,10 8,8 28,9.5 8,7.5 Soil2 0,5 y 5,5 8,7.1 5,4.5 0,0 x Figure 3 A slope with a thin soft band Soil3 28,0 Table 2 Soil name Soil1 Soil2 Soil3 Soil properties for Fig.3 Friction Cohesion Density angle (kPa) (kN/m3) (degree) 20 35 19 0 25 19 10 35 19 Elastic modulus (MPa) 14 14 14 Poisson ratio 0.3 0.3 0.3 In order to consider the size effect (boundary effect) in SRM, three different numerical models are developed to perform SRM using Mohr-Coulomb analysis and the lengths of the domains are 28m, 20m and 12m respectively. In these three SRM models, various maximum element sizes have been tried until the results are not sensitive to the number of elements used for analysis. Since the factors of safety from this special problem have great differences with those from LEM, the authors have tried several well known commercial programs and obtained very surprising results from them. For the locations of the critical failure surfaces, the results from the three SRM models (using different programs) and LEM are generally in good agreement with minor differences. Majority of the critical failure surfaces lie within layer 2 which has very small shear strength parameters and this result is as expected. From Table 3, it is surprising to find that different programs produce drastic different results for the factors of safety even though the locations of the critical failure surface from these programs are very close. For the cases as shown in Figure1 and other cases analyzed by the authors, the results are practically insensitive to the domain size (from parametric study by the authors) while the case as shown in Figure 3 are very sensitive to the size of domain for programs A (SRM1 and SRM2) and B (SRM2). Results from program C appear not to be sensitive to the domain size but is relatively sensitive to the dilation angle which is different from the previous results. SRM1 results from program B is also not sensitive to the domain size but SRM2 results behave differently. Results from program A appear to be over-estimated as the soil parameters for the soft band are low, but the results from this program are not sensitive to the dilation angle which are similar to all the other examples in the present study. For SRM1, the results from program B and C appear to be reasonable as the results are not sensitive to the domain sizes while for SRM2, the authors view that results from program C may be better as the results are less sensitive to the dilation angle. It is also surprising to find that program D cannot give any result to this problem after many different trials but the program work properly for all the other examples in this study. Tables 3 : FOS by SRM from different programs. The values in each cell are based on SRM1 and SRM2 respectively. (min. FOS=0.927 from Morgenstern-Price’s analysis) Program/FOS 12m domain 20m domain 28m domain A 1.03/1.03 1.30/1.28 1.64/1.61 B 0.77/0.85 0.84/1.06 0.87/1.37 C 0.82/0.94 0.85/0.97 0.86/0.97 D No solution No solution No solution Figure 4 Locations of critical failure surfaces from LEM and SRM for soft band problem Besides the special results as shown above, the factors of safety from 28m domain analysis appear to be large for programs A and B as the soil parameters for soil layer 2 are very small. In fact, it is not easy to define an appropriate factor of safety for this problem. If the cohesive strength of the top soil is reduced to zero, the factor of safety can be roughly estimated as 0.57 from tan/tan, where is the slope angle. It can be viewed that for LEM, the cohesive strength 20 kPa for soil 1 help to bring the factor of safety to 0.927 and a high factor of safety for this problem is not reasonable. Allowing for tension crack would reduce the factor of safety close to 0.57. Obviously it would be dangerous to adopt factor of safety values of the order 1.3 to 1.64 given by some of the analysis using SRM. When the soil properties of soil layer 2 are changed to the soil properties of soil layer 3, the results are practically independent of the domain size and all programs can give similar results. The results from LEM and the results from programs B and C using unassociated flow rule are basically consistent and can be considered as the estimations of the factors of safety. This interesting case has illustrated the limitation of using both SRM and LEM method when there is a thin layer of soft material and great care and judgment are required for acceptance of the results of analysis. The problems as shown in Table 3 may be purely the limitations of some of the commercial programs instead of the limitation of SRM, but it also illustrate that it is not easy to compute a good value for this special type of problem for SRM. The results are highly sensitive to different nonlinear solution algorithms (which are however not always clearly explained in the commercial programs). In this respect, LEM appears to be a better solution for this special type of problem. Great care, effort and time are required to achieve a reasonable result from SRM for this special problem and the result should also be compared with LEM before the final acceptance. If the soil properties of soil 2 and 3 are interchanged so that the third layer soil is the weak soil, the factors of safety from SRM2 are 1.33 (with all programs) for all the three different domain sizes while the factor of safety from LEM is 1.29 from Morgenstern-Price’s analysis. The locations of the critical failure surface from SRM and LEM for this case are very similar. It appears that the presence of a soft band instead of major differences in soil parameters will create the difficulties in SRM analysis. 4 LOCAL MINIMUM IN LEM AND SRM For LEM, it is well known that many local minima may exist besides the global minimum and this is also the difficulty in locating critical failure surface by classical optimization method. The comparisons of LEM and SRM with respect to local minimum has not been considered in the past but is actually a very important issue which is illustrated by the following example. In SRM, there is no local minimum as the formation of shear band will attract strain localization in the solution process. To investigate this problem, a relatively simple slope with a total height of 17 m and one soil layer is discussed. The soil parameters are c’=5 kPa and ’=30° while unit weight is 20 kN/m3. Using LEM, the global minimum factor of safety is obtained as 1.33 (Figure 5) but several local minima are found with factors of safety ranging 1.38 to 1.42. It can be viewed that there are several failure surfaces which are potential failure mechanisms with virtually the same probability of failure with the concept of LEM. From SRM, only 1 factor of safety is found to be 1.33 which is equal to the global minimum from LEM. Other possible failure mechanism cannot be determined from SRM easily. It may thus well be, that the SRM analysis yields a local failure surface of less importance, while a more severe global surface remains undetected. If slope stabilization is carried out only for this failure surface, failure surfaces as shown by Figure 5 will not be considered in SRM and no stabilization measures will be carried out for these locations. In this respect, LEM is a better tool to the engineers in slope stability analysis. 30 FOS = 1,40 FOS = 1,41 FOS = 1,38 FOS = 1,38 25 FOS = 1,33 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Figure 5. Global and local minima by LEM/SRM analysis. 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS While most of the researchers concentrate on the factors of safety between LEM and SRM, the authors have also compared the locations of critical failure surfaces from these two methods. In simple and homogenous soil slope, the differences of the FOS and locations of critical failure surfaces from SRM and LEM are small and both methods are satisfactory for engineering use. It is found for the analyzed example that when the cohesion of the soil is small, the difference of FOS is greatest for higher friction angles. When the cohesion of the soil is large, the difference of FOS is greatest for lower friction angles. For the effects of flow rule, the FOS and locations of critical failure surface are not greatly affected by the choice of the dilation angle which is important for the adoption of SRM in slope stability analysis. The critical slip surfaces from finite element analyses appeared to be closer to those by limit equilibrium method when associated flow rule was applied. For SRM, the authors have studied the effects of dilation angle and found it to be small but still noticeable. Drastic different results are determined from different computer programs for the problem with soft band which illustrates that SRM is highly sensitive to the method of modeling and nonlinear equation solution process (may not be the fault of SRM). For this special case, the authors have also found that the factor of safety determined by some of the programs was very sensitive to the size of elements, tolerance of analysis and number of iteration allowed and a parametric study on the effects of these factors is strongly suggested as a routine process. For soft band problems limit equilibrium method calculations with a reliable global optimization tool is also strongly suggested to be carried out as a check of the results from the strength reduction method. Although the problems for SRM in this special problem may not be the fault of SRM, the authors view that SRM has to be used with great care for a problem with soft band. Through the present study, the two limitations of SRM are established : sensitive to nonlinear solution algorithms/flow rule for some special cases and the inability to determine other critical failure surfaces. For general problem, it is possible that the use of SRM may miss the location of the next critical failure surface (with a very small difference in the FOS but a major difference in the location of critical failure surface) so that the slope stabilization measures may not be adequate. If SRM is used for routine analysis and design of slope stabilization measures, these two major limitations have to be overcome and the authors suggest that LEM should be carried out as a reference. If there are great differences between the results from SRM and LEM, great care and engineering judgment should be exercised in assessing the proper solutions. There is one practical problem in applying SRM to slope with soft band. When the soft band is very thin, the number of elements required to achieve a good solution is extremely large so that very significant computer memory and time are required. Cheng (2003) has tried a slope with 1mm soft band and has effectively obtained the global minimum factor of safety by simulated annealing method. If SRM is used for a problem with 1mm thick soft band, it is extremely difficult to define a mesh with good aspect ratio unless the number of element is tremendous. For SRM, the authors have used about 1 hour for a small problem (several thousand elements) and several hours for a large problem (over ten thousand elements) for program B while program A requires 1-3 days (small to large mesh). If a problem with 1mm thick soft band is to be modeled with SRM, the computer time and memory required will based on the experience from the present study be extremely high and SRM is practically inapplicable. The authors are also not aware of any successful application of SRM to slope with very thin soft band. In this respect, LEM is more efficient than SRM for this special type of problem as it can be solved very quickly by the limit equilibrium method (Cheng 2003) . It can be concluded that both LEM and SRM have their own merits and limitations and the use of SRM is not really superior to the use of LEM in routine analysis and design. Both methods should be viewed as providing an estimation of the factor of safety and the probable failure mechanism but engineers should also appreciate the limitations of each method and solution routines in the programs they are using in the assessment of the results of analysis. REFERENCES Cheng Y.M., Locations of Critical Failure Surface and some Further Studies on Slope Stability Analysis, Computers and Geotechnics, vol.30, p.255-267, 2003. Dawson, E. M., Roth, W. H. & Drescher, A.. (1999). Slope stability analysis by strength reduction. Geotechnique 49, No. 6, 835-840. Morgenstern N.R., The Evaluation of Slope Stability – A 25 Year Perspective, Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments –II, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 31, ASCE, 1992. Saeterbo Glamen M.G., Nordal S. and Emdal A (2004). Slope stability evaluations using the finite element method. NGM 2004, XIV Nordic Geotechnical Meeting. Volume 1. p. A49-A61.