The CIPS Diploma Programme

The CIPS Diploma Programme
This applies to taught courses and supported/distance learning only.
There are four levels in the programme
5 subjects
5 subjects
all mandatory
all mandatory
5 subjects
5 subjects
3 Mandatory + 2 Options
3 Mandatory + 2 Options
The four levels provide a progressive path of development leading to MCIPS. They are modular therefore
allowing choice and each level is certificated with its own membership grade. Therefore you can do the
level appropriate to your needs and stop and start at any time
First step is to register with CIPS (this can be done online) and they will define your entry level based on
your experience and your academic achievements. In some cases exemptions can be given and these can
impact on your entry level. Please check all exemptions with CIPS in writing before booking your course.
Exams are set by CIPS and they are in the process of changing these at present from twice yearly to five
times a year in 2010. Your exams are managed directly with CIPS and you can book with them online.
Taught Courses
The subjects available will vary according to your time of entry and subject choice: therefore confirm with
your chosen college what courses and exams are available to you. Available from Level 2 through to Level
6 at various locations.
Supported/Distance Learning
All subjects and all levels are available. Suitable for those who are unable to attend taught classes for
various reasons.
This learning mode can provide (depending on the training provider)
 Study Guide
 A learning programme
 Learning Material
 Assignments which are marked and feedback given.
 Revision Material
 Exam Guide
Support is by Email and phone throughout the course. This is a very flexible way of working which can
match your lifestyle and personal goals. Work in the comfort of your own home; but this does need a
degree of self discipline.
Vocational Qualifications
Supply Chain Management Level 3 & 4
As this is a vocational qualification it is judged by continual assessment using an online system therefore
keyboard skills are essential.
This qualification is work based therefore all of the work is derived from your work and your role. Entry
level will be based on experience and previous learning; also the suitability of your role and how operational
this is.
9 Units
3 mandatory + 6 options
10 Units
4 mandatory + 6 options
CIPS Award
Level 2 - Introductory
Certificate in Purchasing &
Study Units
Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
The Role and Scope of Purchasing
Systems and Procedures in Purchasing
Working with Suppliers
The Importance of Purchasing Contracts
Level 3 - Certificate in
Purchasing & Supply
Understanding the Purchasing Environment
Purchasing Operations
Client and Supplier Relationships
Securing Supply
Purchasing in Action
Level 4 - Foundation
Diploma in Purchasing &
Effective Negotiation in Purchasing & Supply
Developing Contracts in Purchasing & Supply
Measuring Purchasing Performance
Managing Purchasing & Supply Relationships
Purchasing Contexts
Level 5 - Advanced Diploma
in Purchasing & Supply
Must have achieved Level 4
or be exempt
Level 6 - Graduate Diploma
in Purchasing & Supply
Must have achieved Level 5
or be exempt
Level 7 - Executive Diploma
in Purchasing & Supply
Must have achieved MCIPS,
no exemptions
CIPS Membership
Grade on
Certificate Member
Certificate Member
Diploma Member
L5-01 Management in the Purchasing Function
L5-02 Risk Management & Supply Chain Vulnerability
L5-03 Improving Supply Chain Performance
Plus any two units from the following options:
L5-10 Marketing for Purchasers
L5-11 Storage and Distribution
L5-12 Operations Management in the Supply Chain
L5-13 The Machinery of Government
L5-14 Contracting in the Public Sector
L5-15 Sustainable Procurement
Associate Member
L6-01 Leading and Influencing in Purchasing
L6-02 Strategic Supply Chain Management
L6-03 Supply Chain Management in Practice*
*This can be done by a case study exam or a work based
project. Ask for details
Plus any two units from the following options:
L6-10 Legal Aspects in Purchasing & Supply
L6-11 Advanced Project Management
L6-12 Finance for Purchasers
L6-13 Strategic Public Sector Programme Management
L6-14 Public Sector Stakeholders and Governance
A self managed learning programme, currently only
available from selected university providers, therefore not
offered by any of the CAPS providers.
Full Member (MCIPS)
providing 3 years
experience in a position
of responsibility in
purchasing and supply
can be evidenced.
Study Units
CIPS Award
CIPS Membership
Grade on
3 Mandatory Units
Operational Relationships
Analyse Information
Improve Supplies
Level 3 N/SVQ in Supply
Chain Management
Plus any 6 from the following options:
Administrate Contracts
Analyse Supplies Data
Supplies Capability
Supplier Performance
Monitor Supplies Storage & Locations
Returned Goods
Monitor Deliveries
Control Supplies
Certificate Member
5 Mandatory Units
Operational Relationships
Evaluate Information
Purpose Improvements
Level 4 N/SVQ in Supply
Chain Management
Must have Level 3, a degree,
CIPS foundation or similar
and some years of supplies
Implement Improvements
Plus any 5 from the following options:
Supplier Selection
Supplier Capability
Supplier Performance
Contract Improvements
Scheduling Supplies
Planning Requirements
Evaluate Information
Returning Supplies
Material Flows
Full Member (MCIPS)
providing 3 years
experience in a position
of responsibility in
purchasing and supply
can be evidenced.