Kick-off meeting eSYMBIOSIS Minutes of the Kick-off meeting for eSYMBIOSIS Project November 3rd 2010 Location: Athens, Greece Meeting room: Teleconference Room, Library Building National Technical University of Athens 9, Heroon Polytechniou Street Zographou Campus, 15780 Project Title: Development of knowledge-based web services to promote and advance Industrial Symbiosis in Europe Participants: Coordinating beneficiary 1. Viotia Prefecture (VIOT): Konstantina Kotsifi, Evangelos Kalianiotis, Mirella Skoubla 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Associated beneficiaries National Technical University of Athens (NTUA): Nikolaos Markatos, Maria Loizidou, Antonis Kokossis, Konstantinos Moustakas, Stella Pitsari University of Surrey (UoS): Franjo Cecelja Link 2 Energy ltd (L2E): Malcom Bailey AVCO Systems ltd (AVCO): Raphael Kanza CLMS SA (CLMS): Yannis Zorgios Envireco Consulting (ENVI): Athanasios Vasilakos Welcome and Introduction Professor Markatos welcomed all the participants and officially announced the commencement of the kick-off meeting. At first, the three NTUA Professors presented their three different profiles, especially in relation to their acquired lab experience, research activities as well as the nature and contents of several projects undertaken (Prof. Markatos spoke about the Computational Fluid Dynamics Unit, Prof. Kokossis about decision support technology & Professor Loizidou about the profile and extensive experience of the Unit of Environmental Science & Technology. Next, Professor Loizidou made an overview presentation of the symbiosis project, provided information about the Viotia Region and the relevant industrial activities and thanked the Viotia Prefecture and especially Mr. Pergantas for the decision of the coordinating beneficiary to lead the symbiosis consortium. She also explained that Viotia Prefecture will not exist after 1st January 2011 and the relevant responsibilities will be transferred to the Region of Sterea Ellada, which also Minutes of kick-off meeting, November 3rd 2010 Page 1 Kick-off meeting eSYMBIOSIS includes also Fthiotida, Evritania, Fokida and two islands (Evia and Skiros). That certainly increases the potential impact of the symbiosis project, since the overall industrial activity of the total Region of Sterea Ellada is around 50% more than that of Viotia, according to Ms. K. Kotsifi. Prof. Kokosis also added that the impact could be even larger seeing that the extended area also means higher quantities of agricultural waste, etc. The Representatives of VIOTIA presented the profile of Viotia Prefecture, geographical data, information about industrial activities and currently encountered environmental issues concluding by emphasizing their willingness, strong interest and determination to collaborate in line with eSYMBIOSIS project. The representative of the University of Surrey, Dr (Senior Lecturer) F. Cecelja specialized in Process & Information Systems Engineering presented the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Mr. M. Bailey proceeded with a corporate presentation of Link 2 Energy ltd (L2E) which constitutes the cornerstone company of the NISP cluster. Straight after, the business profile of AVCO Systems ltd was briefly presented by Dr. Cecelja, who has a long cooperation with AVCO for many years, since Dr. Kanza did not manage to attend the meeting. AVCO constitutes the corporate entity being the IT accredited software house providing data services and software solutions to public sector organizations and blue chip/first class companies. Then, Mr. Y. Zorgios presented CLMS SA Hellas, an organization which provides software solutions that enable organizations to integrate adaptable systemic business models with modern software components providing the answers to complex business problems that influence their performance. CLMS will generate software from models (process models will guide CLMS to develop software, not generate by hand). Following Dr. A. Vasilakos presented the profile of the last symbiosis partner, Envireco Consulting SA that will lead the dissemination action. Dr. Vasilakos, a new comer in Envireco, has also extensive experience in cloud computer (distributing computing) that can also contribute to the project success, as Dr. Cecelja noted. Professor Kokkosis set out an elaborated analysis of the project focusing on each individual action and its respective inclusive activities. The responsible beneficiary was identified and nominated for each activity. The Representatives of Minutes of kick-off meeting, November 3rd 2010 Page 2 Kick-off meeting eSYMBIOSIS UoS, L2E and NTUA determined the development plan of the project and the interactions between beneficiaries according to their obligations, namely allocating each corresponding task to each action. Representatives of VIOTIA provided information and pointed out specific industrial sectors within the Prefecture. These are related to crucial environmental issues due to their considerable waste disposals. All partners discussed about the potential industrial sectors involved in the survey of the project and the way to be perfectly matched with each other. This will be achieved through a system approach for analyzing, managing and optimizing the interactions between technological systems and the environment. Mr. M. Bailey stressed the importance of contacts and good relationships with the industries in order to succeed. He made reference to the symbiosis example from UK, where the whole attempt started from 24 initial industries and now around 13,000 companies are participating, some of which have branches in Viotia (Air Liquid for example). He also mentioned that food industries can be an important waste source, while indicatively cement industries (located in Evia) could use certain waste streams. All waste outputs that are considered crucial will be considered, eg. timber, waste from oil facilities, biowaste, metals, etc. Action 2 is the key activity for the success of the project. This was mainly supported by the slide presented by Dr. Cecelja who talked about the role of each partner in it. NTUA will be mainly involved in classification and the actual data sets (eg. xls). AVCO and CLMS will the two developers. They will be involved in the actual webpage and the model processing. Minutes of kick-off meeting, November 3rd 2010 Page 3 Kick-off meeting eSYMBIOSIS eSYMBIOSYS: Development Plan IS Practitioner(s) Techn. & Intermediate classification Waste classification Feature Feature Feature Feature Feature Product Feature Product Product Product Product Product NTUA, NISP AVCO NTUA, NISP Knowledge model update portal Auditing NTUA process User IS model / algorithm AVCO Re Waste Type Ontology NTUA UoS, NTUA (NISP) URI URI Registration portal Waste datasets (databases) qu es Technology & Interm. Ontology NTUA t Technology & Interm. datasets (databases) UoS, NTUA Technology & Interm. Ontology CLMS SWS framework IS Practitioner(s) Service descrip. Service request Knowledge model update portal Regulatory requirements Data storing Ontology matchmaker AVCO Feedback facility Graphics & reporting Auditing NTUA process Service descrip. repository Web service (semanticaly enriched) Metrics Geography map User interface(s) Workflow AVCO AVCO Data acquisition Complex solution (IS chain) algorithm NTUA (UoS) Optimisation process IS IS partners partners IS Practitioner(s) IS partner datasets The need to have rich descriptive tools was noted. The tools have to be automatic, since there are no conventional tools and even waste description is made hardly, as industries are declaring things in a different way. The distribution of roles between UoS, AVCO, CLMS & NTUA will be finalized in the “technology” meeting that will be held in UK probably at Surrey facilities within January 2011. It was decided to develop the main tool in English so that it could also be used to other regions in Europe and not only Viotia, which will constitute the first pilot. It was expressed by Mr. Zorzios that the developed tool should be quite simple in order to be successful, but at the same time some of its aspects could inevitable be more complex, as added by Prof. Kokossis. The Representatives of beneficiaries agreed to organize the launching event in Viotia within December 2010 after the completion of the forthcoming Municipal and Region elections in Greece. Since the active participation of the industries is a necessary precondition for the success of the implementation of the symbiosis project, this extra time will enable Viotia Prefecture and NTUA representatives to get in contact with the industries of the Region, inform them about the ambitious goals of Minutes of kick-off meeting, November 3rd 2010 Page 4 Kick-off meeting eSYMBIOSIS the project and convince them to participate by exhibiting all beneficial aspects attached thereat. The participation of Viotia Prefecture is considered as the key point for getting close to industries. Mr. Bailey noted that based on his experience from UK one month is at least necessary in order to organize a successful launching event and persuade industries to participate. In the unfavorable case, that it is found that more time is needed, the launching event could take place in January, but all attempts will be made in order to have it within December. In that case, the launching event would be combined with the “technology meeting” in January that would take place in Greece instead of UK. It was stated that the steering committee will be formed at the Launching event through which all relevant stakeholders will be informed about the project’s objectives and the ways these are planned to be achieved. Regarding the composition of the Management (Executive) Committee, it was decided that it will be consisted of 9 members (Viotia Prefecture Representative, Prof. Markatos, Prof. Loizidou, Prof. Kokossis, Dr. Cecelja, Mr. Bailely, Dr. Kanza, Mr. Zorzios & Dr. Vasilakos). It was that the Beneficiary Country representative will be named and added after the Steering Committee has been formed. It was discussed about after project’s life constraints and assumptions and it was clarified that all beneficiaries are interested in continuing work and exploiting benefits from the project outcome. Furthermore, it was pointed out that subsequently to the project’s implementation, each and every beneficiary from its own perspective and in compliance with their part of obligations in the project is entitled to take advantage of project results. The symbiosis output will be available to all partners. A presentation of LIFE common provisions was made by Mr. K. Moustakas. Details and clarifications about legal and administrative provisions as well as financial arrangements were given to the representatives of all beneficiaries. Mr. Moustakas draw the attention of partners to timesheet that have to be signed on monthly basis and short reports have to be submitted to the external Monitoring Team (Dr. Georgia Valaoras) on monthly basis, described the expenses foreseen within the symbiosis project and provided information on cooperation agreements, VAT, preconditions for receiving the following installments, etc. Mr. Moustakas referred to the availability of the NTUA team for providing feedback for any relevant issue and question raised. He also committed to send the relevant ppt presentation to all partners within the following days so that the financial services of all partners are informed. Minutes of kick-off meeting, November 3rd 2010 Page 5 Kick-off meeting eSYMBIOSIS Regarding the project leader, Mr. Moustakas proposed Ms. Kotsifi as project leader. The relevant decision will be taken after the elections in Greece. The Hellenic Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and the association of companies dealing with recycling and energy utilization (SEVIAN) were proposed as potential participants in the symbiosis kick-off meeting to be involved in the project. Participants mentioned the risks and limitations that could be faced throughout the project implementation and proposed several actions so as to efficiently deal and overcome them in time. Minutes of kick-off meeting, November 3rd 2010 Page 6